Pure Blood la tho aecreiof the restoration Jo health which Hood'a BarMparilla gires. "It give-a m pleasure to recom mend Hood'a Sana parllla. It has oared mo of many com plaints, and puri fied ray blood. I was troublod vrltb my liver, had hip discaio and other "S trouble,wlth swell- s ... -.t U (Wl IUJ HUJL1CB For a lontr time I had to milk with a cano. For several '$ years I rras gradual- brcaVinc down. I had the crip In a severe form. I proourcd six bottles of Hood's Bnrsanarllla and It built mo up. My recovery Iowa to Hood's Sarsaparllla. All my Ills 1 vo (rone and I fcol llko a rew porson. 1 1' 'pji well and eat heartily." MK4. CitARLorru JCklly, Haywards, Cal. Hood's Sarsaparilla U the only true blood purifier prominent ly in tho public eyo today. Try it. r.f .". tiJHb cur habitual eonstlpa. ttCOU 3 .alUS tlon. l'rloe 8gCPsrbo. VAl.i.EY LOCAL NEWS. AUMWIL.I.1J. Tlio Demvrnts mot at Aumsville Saturdny to oUvr iUloi;;itG4 to the con- zip P 2 si lfZ -a-w m r fc volition, S3ven In number. Consider- V able attention was paid to them, as a v Democrat is quite n curiosity in-Auuis- vllle. The Republicans and Populists h resolved to help them out, even lo vot- t inif for them, If they were too modest to vote for themselves, and as they f adjourned from the store to the hall, K we followed them, but behold, when b the sacreu seven nad entered tho hall, ft they locked tho door and kept their friends out. We think that they did right, for IT tho remnant of the great Di'inocratlc party should be allowed t 1 rniiit tit In frrrt W'lioii lintr nimin ti Wf I lI'Mllt, Ul Il4t,k II III, I UlllJ iUlllV IU town, th'v tuiunt gum KfinwicugoLmiL w vwiiill n iln iirrnwtiiu tt Minlr nnmnbn. I lion. All 1 1 en ted f lietn with grout. 1 iiiwlilni'iif Inn. 7Ci nun U'llil ( 'livitiiiwl t ' ' ......-. .... ....w ..,, W-. .(, bonds or revenue. Mr. James Mover has been very slvk V -i. i ii in n uuiv Geo. IJaynurd is fast recovering from his sickness. Mrs. Mary Walt died last Thursday, L after :i very painful and short Illness, leaving a husband and three small children. !L Chus. Colo went to lied sick ono day, ibutthat wasenougliforlilm, hedldn't E llko tho business, and next day was lout again. It was decided by tho Judges at, our debate Tuesday night that hanging is fn good thing. A grand reception was arranged for K the prodigal sou last Saturday, but unlike the Bible's prodigal son, ho did c not appear. Ho preferred jtho husks for a season yet, or perhaps had h "bought six yoke of oxen and wanted ? to try them." Aumsylllc can now be considered a city. She has all tho elements ncccs- sary. Wo havo always had all the good elements, but last week the bad element that isalwaysprcsent In cit ies came to the surface. While Chas. ' Louden was going homo, when be tween tho Aumsvlllo and tho Grand -Fuel tic hotels, he was attacked by two . persons who struck him a heavy blow lv on tho back of tho head. In sclf-de- E fence, Cliarloy soon did them up, nnd fe" while ho went to get n gun they left. Tho wound was not dangerous, and , Charley was ready for business again K. last Friday. Several days this week Jnmes woyer b'.hasbeen travelling over tho-country I; looking for fat cattlo. It is always g James' luck to lie, away from home Uvhcn it storms tho worst. I Mr. Win. Gilbert is .going to build i a new side-walk from tho store to tho tbarn. This will bo a good Improve .mentnnd Mr. Gilbert's promptness is appreciated. Rev. Cano, of Scio, preached morn- King and evening at tho Christian 'church Sundav. This is nrobably II Rev. Cane's last sermon at this place, and all feci very 6orry, -for' they think - well of him, both as a man and a min ister of tho gospel. Ills future field will bo Albany, It will bo their gain, nnd our loss. The travelling publlo aro sure of good accommodations at tho Southern Pacific hotel. Livery attached. Bucklen'o Arnica Salva The best Salve in the world for Cut., Sore, Bores, Ulcer, Salt Kheum, Fever and all TetterCharmed hand. Chilblains, I Hruises, Skin Eruptions, and positively cures rues or no pay requtrea. it is guaramccu. io CWe (er fee satisfaction money refunded, nice 25 cents a bo For sale by Fied A. Lege. WEAK MEN CURED AS IF DY MAGIC. .. ui uut "T"r,- wv UUtl? W. ..w tbatoxplalu how full wanly vigor ia easily, quickly and permanently restored. Korean ouffurlnir from weakness can af ford to Ignore this timely advice. Book tells borr full etrerutb, de- veiopment and tono aro imparwa io v7 portion of ths body. Bent with 1V,t,,v ERlEttMCALe,,tUmLO,N.Y. l.'1-Jl.J'tt '..i.l.l." CALL FOR CONVENTION. .J -A (Republican convention for tho state of Oregon Is called to meet In tho city of Portland, on Thursday, ' ru . r j t lL April IM8D0, at 11 o'clock a. m., ror;PhcnomcnaI Demand for Q tlio purpose of nominating candidate Wccldy Newspaper, for the presldental electors andsUu' and dlslrh't olllccs, except congress- i S toho iiMiiihucaii Ltiumiiram.: If ADVOCATES I'OPIiIjMI JIKASUHr.S vcntlon, and to transact such other business as may properly come before the convention. The convention will consist of 237 delegates chosen by the several counties as follows Baker f Lane 10 Linn 10 llenton........ C Clackamas.... 12 Clatsop 7 Columbia 0 Coos 4 Crook 3 Curry 2 Douglas ! Gilliam 3 Grant o Harney 2 Jackson 7 Josephine 4 Klamath 2 Lake 3 Lincoln it Malheur Marion..... Morrow Multnomah Polk Sherman... Tillamook . Umnttlla... Union 8 Wallowa 3 Wasco 7 Washington ....11 Yamhill !) Tlio sjimo being one dclcgate-at-largo from each county and one dele gate for every 200 votes and for every fraction over one-half thereof cast for tlio Republican candidate for governor at the election held In this state on June 4, 1804. All voters In favor of tho Republi can principle or protection to Ameri can industries and American labor tlio upbuilding of a homo market, a sound financial policy and a patriotic enforcement of the Monroe doctrine aro cordially Invited to unite with us. Ukouqu A. Steel William Kavub, Chairman. Secretary. Portland, Or., 1'eb. G, 1890 DISTRICT CONVENTION. A Republican convention for tlio llrst cntigrcssloual district, of the state of Oregon, Is hereby called to meet In the city of Albany on Tues day, April 7, 1800, at 3 p. m. for the purpose of nominating a candidate for congress and two delegates to tho national Republican convention. The convention will consist of 122 dclej gates to bo chosen by the several counties, as follews: Hon ton f Lake 3 Lincoln 3 Linn 10 Coos 4 Curry 2 Clackamas ....12 Josephine .... I Jackson 7 Douglas 0 Klamath 2 T..niin 11 Marlon 10 Polk 8 Tillamook 3 Washington ....11 YamhlU 0 The same being ono delegate at largo for each county,and ono for each 200 votes, or fraction over one-half thereof, cast for the Republican gov ernor at the election held Junc4, 1801. Tho commltto recommends that tho primaries and county conventions be held in accordance with tlio recom mendation of the state central Com mittor Thos. II. Tongue, President. J. A. Wilson, Secretary. The Common People. AsAbrahain Lincoln callod them, do not care to argue about their nllmonts. What they wan Is a medicine that will jure them. Tho slmplo, houcst state ment, "I know that Howl's Sarsapa rllla cured me," Is tho best argument in favor of this medicine, and thl Is what many thousands voluntarily say. Hood's Pills are tho best after-dinner pills, assslst digestion, euro head ache. 25 cents. ....... --. . . . HARD TIMES FACTS. GOOD READING FOR "THE FAMILY CHICLE. Everv reader of The Journal should look up tho list of premiums given absolutely free with tills paper. Tho Weekly Journal at $1 a year Is tho cheapest paper on tho Pacific coast, yet with It wo glvo yearly sub scriptions to any of tlio following valuable publications, citcli known to tho world as a standard in its field: Tho Toledo Blade, The Queen of Fashions, Womankind, Tho Farm News, Tlio Child Garden. These valuable publications .are each worth a $1 a year, yet we give you your choice, ono year frco, for a $1.60 subscription to The Journal, either tlio Daily for six months or tho Weekly for eighteen months. Sco tho list, nnd don't neglect to profit Don't Iw deceived Into paying for so-called premiums oifered with high priced papers at a slight advance. Remember The Journal is tho rheapest newspaper on tho Pacific coast, and It gives you high, grade premiums without additional charge Deafness Cannot be Cured, by local applications, ns they cannot reacli tlio diseased portions of the car. There Is only one way to cure deaf ness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an Inflamed condition of tho mucous lining of tho Eustachian tube, when this tubo gets inllanied you have a rumbling sound or Imperfect hear! tig, and when it is entirely closed deaf ness is the result, nnd unless the In flammation can bo taken out and tills tubo restored to Its normal condition, hearing will bo destroyed forever; nino cases out or ten arc caused by catarrh, which Is nothing but an in- lUrniCd COnUIllOn OI IIIO muuuua oiu- fface. ,,. Wo will glvo Ono Jiunureu i-wiium for any case of deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for cir culars, free. F.J. Chenney &Co., Toledo. O. OTSold by Druggists, 7f cents. Children Cry fc; Pitcher's Castoria ;1WHY IT CH Characteristic Letters From All Kinds of People. The phenomenal circulation of the Weekly Capital Journal in all tho postblliccs of Western Oregon causes n great deal of comment, and needs some explanation. Orders keep pour ing in by every mall, and while names are struck oil tho list as soon as a sub scription expires the additions sur pass the expirations. IT 18 THE CHEAPEST Weekly In the state. One year $1.00, six months ("0 cents, three months 2o cents. At this low price allcanalford to take an Oregon Weekly, and these hard times they naturally take the cheapest. It Is too cheap to do with out It, and conducted on the cash In advance basis, they know they will not have a bill run on them. THE PEOPLE WANT IT. The people will not pay cash In ad vance for a paper unless they wnut It and appreciate It. The Weekly is as popular as The One Cent Daily which Is conceded to bo tho most pop ular dally in Western Oregon. A man brought in a silver hair dollar the other day and ordered It for two months. Ho said: "1 can't get work this winter. 1 can get along without ono meal a day. But 1 can't got along without The One Cent Daily. These long, cloudy, rainy, wlntcrdays It comes a welcome messenger tocheer tho whole family." Tho people feel tlio same way about the Weekly. FROM NETART8 RAY. comes n chccrlngletter frnmn subscri ber nt Kctarts, Oregon who encloses a dollar and writes: "Dear Editers: The Journal has the true Republican rlngaboutlt. 1 wish that every paper In tho coun try would advocate the peoples cause as The Journal docs. I will dn all L can for The Journal W. C. O'HARA, A Republican of -the school or Abra- lmm Lincoln." Mr. O'llara Is not afraid to sign himself nn Abraham Lincoln Republi can nnd The Journal feels proud to lie considered a champion or Abraham Lincoln Republicanism. FROM MAINE TO TEXAS. Como orders for The $1 Weekly Journal. Silver dollars aro sent. John Holm, Lullng, Texas, sends us a big dollar of tlio daddy In a com mon envelope. It Is one of those "In God WoTrust," dollars, coined In 1803. good enough for any American, and good enough for any newspaper. The Journal is tho only silver Dally and .Wcokly In Oregon. The Journal Is tho only Dally and Weekly In Oregon that fights the wholo cold bond hum bug and stands for tho right or tho Atnorlcnnpeoplo to buy their bonds. It demands Republican legislation for tlio American pconlo Instead or for tho corporation, tho trusts,' tho bond holders nnd syndicates. . order the journal. Clrculato tho Daily and Weekly. Stand by tho catiso of good govcrment for the masses and sound American principles. Wo will pay extra postage on silver. Don't send stamps. A Valuable Prescription. Editor Morrison, of Worthlngtori, I ml., "Sun," writes: "You havo a valuablo prescription in Electric Bit ters, and lean cheerfully recommend it for Constlpntlon and Sick Headache, and as a general system tonic It lias no equal." Mrs. Annie Stelile, 202T. Cot tago Grove, Ave., Chicago, was all run down, could not cat nor digest food, had a backacho which never left her and felt tired and weary, but six bot tles of Electric Bitters restored her health and renewed her strength. Prices 60 cents and $1.00. Get n Bottle at Fred A. Lcgg's Drug Store. "DR.M1LES, Through HIa Nervine la a Ben efactor to Thousands." JTV WIDELY Known Wlacoaaln publUber, h who rotldea at Qroen Day, writes A March Cth.lKKS, as follows "Flvo years ago I bocamo wo nervous that mental wonc was a burden. I could not rest at nlcht on account of sleeplesaneas. My attention was called to Dr. Mllos' Restora tive Nervine, and I commenced to use It with tho very best effect. Since then I havo kept a bottlo in my housa and uso it whenever my nervea become unstrung, with always tho same good results. My son also Tt MilPc' takes it for norvousneas Ur. lilMC wth i,k0 noTer failing NCrVlllS success, I havj recom mended It to many and ReStOl'eS It cures them. All who TTonUVi au3er from nervo liallll..t. troubles should try it. It is free from narcotics, perfectly harm less, and yet soothes and strengthens. Dr. Miles, Uiroujrh hla Nervino la a benefactor to thousands." ' A. O. LEnMAN. Editor and proprietor pf Pwi Lakdsiuk. Dt. Miles' "errne is sold on guaranteo first bottle wilt benefit or money refunded. hS& III fAf J i.M Jsl mm. M I I Im I for Infants T HIRTY yaarV obncrvixtloa intllioai of persons, permit It la unquestionably that best remedy for Infanta and Children tlio trorld has cvor hnown. It In harmless. Chlldran lUto It. It gives thcrt health. It will aovo thrd? llvoa. In it Mothers linVo something Tvhloh Is nhsolntoly nafo and practically porroot na rt ohlld'a medlolno. Coatorln, destroy "Wiarma. Castorlo. allays IVgorlalmess. Catorlfi proTcnta vomitlnn Sonr Curd. CmtoTla cnrosJDlrtrrheaa nnd Wind Collq. Cftitorla rollovos Toothing Tronhlos. Costorln, euros Conatlpatlon nnd riixtnlonoy. Cwstorla nontrallrct tho offoota of onrbonlo.nold Raa or.polsoncna nie, Cftstorla flooa not contain xnorphlno, oplonu, or other narooUn property, Caatorla naslmllatos tho food, regnlatos tho atomaoli nnd Tiowola, giving healthy end Tinturol sleep. OaatorlB Is pat np In ona-fclao hottlca only. It In not sold ia hulk. Don't qllo-a, csay onn to aaU yon anything olso on tho plea, or promise that it is "Jnt an Reed" nnd "irlll ansvror ovary parpase." So.o that yon p-t C-A-S"T-Q-R-I-A. Tho fao-shnll i &y$f aljTHatnra of Children Cry for TICKETS TO ALL POINTS EAST -VIA- n?S Till BUT CAR ROUTE. Service andScencry Vncqxtallcd Tvvovyh Palaco and Tourlut Gars ntninu'ind Jtufl'et I thrnvy, Cars Trains leave Portland and Seattle dally for the East. Tickets, reservations and bapgajre checked lo all olnta, For comfort in travel take'ihe Great Northern. BOZORTH BROS.Agents, R. fc. STEVENS. G. V. 1. A.. Seattle, Wash. A. 11. C. DENNISTON, C. 1'. & T. A., Portland.-Oi. Through Tickets TO THE BAST ! VIA THE Union Pacific System. Through Pullman Palace Sleepers. Touris Sleepero and Ereo Reclining Chairs daily between POllTLANJy to CHICAGO Our trains are heated by steam and .ar lighted by Pintsch light. Time to Chicago, 3 1.3 days Time to New York, 4 1-2 days. Which is many hours quicker than com petitors. For rates, time tables and full Inform ion apply to H0I8IS s0 BARKER, Agents, Salem, Oi, R. W. UAXTER, C. U. WINN, General Acent, Dlsl.Pau. Agent 13S Third Street, Portland. OREGON CENTRAL AND- Eastern R. H. Company XYAQU1NA RAY ROUTE. Connecting at Yanuina Ray with the h'sn FranclKo & Yaquins Uay Steamship Co. STEAMER "FARALLON," a I and first-clns In every respect. Sails from Yanuina for San Francisco about tvery 8 days. Psueneer accommodations unsurpassed. Shortest route between the Willamette valley and California. Fare from Albany or polntt west to San FrancUcoi Cabin, $12; steerage, 8j cabi round trip, cood 60 days, (18. For sailing dates apply to H. L.WALDEN. Agent, Albany, Or, CHAS. CLARK. Corvallls, Or. EDWIN STONE, Msnaprr, Ccrvallls, Or. A. J. CHURCHILL, Local Agent. Salem. Pen8yroyal pills Ifj srfAML4 fcsl " -iawMt "tUU. in. ts-xjfttzszr'tznsiz ltkmlt alsU (iZttstHsf!!V Ut - SfSSSBSS ss A 9 Tl. li lMi and Children. of Cwstorta trtth tha patronage, of nn to apeak of It without guesting. laoaavory wrapper. Pitcher's Castorla. RUNS Pullman Sleeping Cars, Elegant Dlnln" Cars. Tourist Sleeping Cart To(,St. Paul, Minneapolis, Duluth, Fargo, Grand Forks, Crookston, Winnipeg, Helena and Ilulte. THROUGH TICKETS To Chicago, Washington, Philadelphia, New York, Iloslon, and all Points East and South For information, time cards, maps and tickets, call on or writn THOMAS, WATT &U CO, AGENTS, " 3C5 Commercial street, Salem, Or. A. D. Charlton, Asst. Gen'l. Pass. Act,, ' Morrison St.. corner Third Portland, Or. 0. R. k N. CO. E. M'NEILL, RECEIVER.; TO THE EAST GIVES THE CHOICE OF Two Transcontinental Routes.f Via Spokane Minneapolis St Paul and Den ver Omaha and Kansas Ciiy. Iow rates to eastern cities. OCEAN CITIES. Portland San Fiancisco, Steamers leave Aiusworth dock. Portland, Feb. 7ih, 12th, 17th, azd 27th, and March 29th at 8p m. Fare Cabin, $55 steerage, 2.50. WJLLAMFTTE RIVER DIVISION. Portland Eugene. Steamers Elmore and Kulh leave Salem for Eugene and Corvallls Saturdays, Sundays Tuesdays and Thursdays at about 5 p. in, I.eave for Portland Mondays, Tuesday, Thursdays and Saturdays at 6 a. ro, Lowest freight and passenger rates, Round-trip tickets vero cheap. Tickets sold and baggage checked through (o all points without extra transfer charges. For full details call on llolso ft UarKer, agents, Salem, Oregon, or address. W. II. HURLHURT. Gen'l Pas. Agt. Portland, Or. For full details call on or address G. M. POWERS, Foot of Tradest. I .oca I Agent Havo You Soon tha nrtr Poszomi Post Bayl U is given lta with each box of Powder. Ask (or It. gffHEBBI EAST AND SOUTH -.-VIA- Shasta Route. OF '1HE Southern1' Pacific Co California Express I'mln UutnUi., between Poriland and San Francisco. homh f Not ill .S150 p. m. .U :00 p.m. i 0145 a. ni. Toruanu n, r Salem I v. I S.m Fran, lv, I Above trains stup nt Ivnt Portland, Oregon City, Wo dhuru, Salem, Turner, Matton, JclTcrson, Albany, Albany Junction, Irving, Eugene, Crcswell, Drain, and all stations from Roscburg to Ashland, Inclusive HOSKIIUKH MAIL DAILY. South J, , , 8:;i0 11.111. 11:00 a.m. 5:20 p.m. iv.rortluiHlnr. lv. Salem lv. ar. Ilosob'g lv. "4":40 p.ni. 2:20 iJ.in. 8:;i0 n.ni. BALKM PABSUNOKK. South Kortli '4:oo ij.ni. I Iv.l'oitluiHlar. 10:05 ;i.hi. (l:15p.m1 nr. ulcm lv. 8:00 tyn, DINING CARS ON OUDEN ROUTE PULIifA7llTui'FET SLEEPERS and second -class sleeping enra attached lo all trains. WEST SIDE DIVISION, Between Portland nnd Corvallls, dally (ex cept Sunday.) 7130 a.m. 12:15 pin. TvT Ar. Portland, Corvallls. Ar. Lv 6s2o p, m. i35 !' m. At Albany and Corvallls connect with trains of Oregon Central & Eastern Railroad. Express train dally except Sunday. 4145 ! mi 7125 p. m. Lv. Portland Ar. I 8125 a, in. Ar. McMInvtlle Lv , 6:50 a. m THROUGH TICKETS to all points in the Eastern States, Canada and Europe can be obtained at lowest rate! from W.W. SINNER, Agent, Salem. E. P, ROGERS, Asat. G. F. & P. A., Portland Or, R. KOEIILER, Manager. UWllVVa k Si. Paul lly. GLANCE AT THIS MAP. Of the "Chicaco. Milwaukee !and St. Paul Railway and note its connection with all transcontinental lines at St. Paul and Omasa, and remember when trolnc east that its trains are lighted with electricity and heated by steam. Us equipment is superb. Elegant liullet, library, smowne ami siccpim; cars, with free rccllnlnir chairs. Each sleeping car tci th has an eleclrlo reading lamp, and Its diuinir cars aro the best in the woild. Other lines are longer than this, but none are snorter, anu no oincr oucri we nuovo lux urious accommodations, These aro sufficient reasons for the nonularlty of "Tha Milwau kee." Coupon ticket agents in every rail. road ollice will give yon lurtner iniormauon, or address C. J. EDDV, General Agent, J, W. CASEY, Trav. Pass. Agent. Portland k OAVEATS TMAD2 MARKS. DE8IOH PATKHT3. COIYRIOHTa. otO. Yor Inrorniatlnn and f ra Handbook wrlu to MtlNN A 00., Ml IlsouwtV, Ksw YoK. OMeit liortsu ror sectirlnapiKnUlu Ainriirs. KTrrrUnt UkrnouSbru.lt bronxlit bo(')ri) U publlo ij a uotlea circa ttf orclwrjo la Un SftitdtiBt m&m .-. e'reulst'' r onr unllCnrrrtn t" ( t in.i.i' 1 ". ( ' N ' !" . I U t" Ult ' I. f nun plnoa rm.lr. fur (Inuurrbus lllftMl. HiiurlAilarr hat,. Wlilira, uurikluriti llli rir.J. or s&r lodimoi ton, irrn.iiuii ur uicr- SlbD II LllltfAHl iiivin IHtt:mCmvi!CitC. " ' " MirlD.u. keiHCUiP.O 1KB """ "T '"rw. or l t 11 riaiu vtTmBPvr, lr ti rt j, ' Pl'l fur ('I' - -id oil IrMUtxt. MEN IfMiMAsT toaiLmUUmkmU. JarfMHlMUtU4k fMla rittrsAt sHrtfckMkJM ctsaM i tfCsUA lA sUAsBM tat W " FREE AIL l-Ml.Il lIIrtmrllo.tflrwiriji.wo,i hhiu nlllil, HmUIU4 "llMllk Ucli. HimJm" II KM.yaawMk I IrMffMitdlML Vfi mi irttt Im 14 J w r,)L Xf.M-flUu.wUO.Uril Xiirw nJ Sa .u!tMr !4ltMal mhiM nlllil, US MM Mft urML riiiiicuta'isaTirwfa.isis iMtUT,ijiU.rsutju Tal;o Your Wlfo oneoftuoaoliandsoiuaPouoxiPtrvyltosM, i Tbsjr ar given frea with each bo of powdar. filiirciirn MiwfliirfiA umvugv, iu.u. vi d w a ;8Nr yrnH -4f. lSf-fc jOaJCTrjai SssV SsL wK I ISA lBBBBk WM BBBB APSSy (Vaiuui4 y k Uri.imi, otiuUs. el? WdVK IT. H. 1. BBM 'Ommk asiBlBBWsa x v . . .. ... ... ii-FfiSftTur -"iV" TI-TB CAPTAL JOURNAL doea not do a lottery business to swell its circulation; but In nddltlon to Riving value received, it rjlvei It sub scrllKiM valuablo premiums. 0'w.lfftlic time to order your read ing matter, 'nnd It will pay you to no tice tlio following special offers. Any ono of the following five peri odicals free, ono year, to any sub scriber of TIIE JOUKNAL who pays $1.50 In advance for the dally, by car rier, three months, (50 cents a month) or by mall six months, (25o a mouth) or the weekly 18 months, ($1 a year. tho best 10 page illustrated fashion magazine of Ifow York frco for ono year. The nbovo prices are net cash, and tho cheapest combination over of fered. The "Queen" Is a hlgh-clMS practical, homo magazine. uTho delightful Chicago 'Children's magazine. Just the thing to read to tho littlo ones of the homo circle. It brings tho kindergarten Into tho homo. Song, games and story, Beau tifully Illustrated, $1 a year, Pub lished by tho Kindorgartcn Literature Co. A practical farm paper, edited by a staff of "experienced agricultural writers, contributed to by th best known agriculturists of the country. It contains what tho farmer wants. J ft A handsome, attractive, homo pa per, to which every woman will give a hearty welcome That great national newspaper, which Is known to oYerybody. Of any of these publications can be had by calling at THE JOURNAL olllco or dropping us u postnl card. Any two of tho above SiHjrlodlcals can bo secured by paying $.'l and tak ing THE JOUKNAL twlco as long an required to secure one. When tho extremely low prlco of THE JOURNAL Is considered, this will Ijo found tho most liberal offer made by any paper on tho coast. 1 BROTHERS .EDITORS, Salem, - Oregon lo all towns and localities throughout lh United States anditawltorles to sell the rouat alii Waiher and Steam Cooler, ill licit hi uc. . It saves Its own price in tho wear oi clothes in leu than six months. Sent C. O, D, by express, prepaid, for 3-S. ' dn; S in copper. For particulars, address " j. lmowN. 156 Sisto street. Salem, OrcgH, II f MSH1S, ' h . i m: th nm m n mm BLADE. MI S. II MOTTI J jtfj&fr"- " MtiaAL aaTiiMsssi.saal