Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, March 02, 1896, Image 1

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    tflfjIimr'X'rn ,jr -,
VOL. 8.
ASSOCIATED pJlESS '&JM&. v 5K " V . fr . -,
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some fine bargains in shoes at all times
Call in and, get special prices now offered at
275 Commercial street
C No Trouble to Show You
Hardware, Tinware, Barbed Wire
Blacksmith Supplies, Stoves and Machincryat
Examine our large and complete
of ibe Willamette University.
MolernTmethod$. Up to date. Same as In the eastern and European Conservatories
None butlthe best is good enough for beginners as woll as for more advanced pupils,
W. C. HAWLEY. President
R. A. HERITAGE. Vocal Director
EMIL L. WINKLER, Instrumental Director.
Goodale UiERbqr Company
fYar&fci on. Twelfth
Keep tliO'inost complete, stock of common, dimension nnd,flnlshedlumber
I In the city, and sell.onjthe most favorable terms. Lath and Shingles,
Ourxstock Is made at our own mills,
The Willamette Hotel.
Reduced rates. Manajjement liberal. Electric cars leave hotel for all public buildings
and points of interest. Special rates will be given to permanent patrons.
' MM M 1
Stable at South Commercial St. Bridge?
Best eoulpmenffor all kinds ofiheavy d raying and express hauling. IiTtMiMfound r Red
Front Dreg Store at all times. L. P. RYAN & iu.
And we are going to
keep abreast of all
competition in quality.
quantity and styles.
In our odd pair de
partment you can get
Through and Give Prices,
stock, Always prompt and
and, Trade jStreets
of thobestlumbcrSIn the state.
Truck Co,
Stabl.Iback of State Insurance block
President and Cabinet Are in
Spain Asks Our Government
to Disavow ""
An American Navy Being Massed
and Recruit Bill Passed.
r a
"Washington, Mar. 2. The Span
ish American situation, growing out
of the reports of riots at Barcelona
and other cities in Spain, was re
garded so seriously by the president,
that a special mcetcng of the cabinet
was held last night, though the call
was issued under the guise of a din
ner by Secretary Olney. Secretary
Olncy read a letter from the Spanish
minister Senor Dc Lome enclosing a
cable messago received from his gov
ernment directing tho Spanish minis
ter to Inform tho United States gov
ernment that Spain was exerting all
her power to amply protect tho Uni
ted States legation and consuls and
he could give nssuranco they would bo
protected from any harm. Also
Americans visiting and residing In
Spain would bo safe from attacks of
mobs and other riotous assemblies.
Another communication created pro
found surprise. It was a messago
from tho Spanish minister of foreign
affairs at Madrid insisting that the
United States government disavow
tho action of the senate as a condition
precedent to contlnucdfrlcndly re
lations between the two governments.
Tho president and cabinet ministers
present wero Inclined to excuse tho
messago to somo extent upon basis of
ignorance of tho United States and
our form of government.
Tho only result of the conference
was a practical agreement that tho
secretary of stato should promptly
respond In kindly terms to tho com
munlcatlon.of Minster Do Lome' and
thank his government for Its readi
ness to protect Americans and Ameri
can Interests. Spain's demand for a
disclaimer of tho senate's resolution
will bo Ignored. Tho secretary of tho
navy, purely as a measure of precau
tion, will bring an cftlclent lleet of
American war vessels near enough
together to mass them promptly at
any point that may bo threatened.
Washinoton, March 2. A cable
gram reached tho state department
early this morning from Hannls Tay
lor, United States minister at Madrid,
saying tho Spanish minister of stato
expressed deep regret over the Barce
lona affair, and offered completo
reparation. The dispatch added that
measures had been taken to accord
the United States legation protection.
Tho cablegram from Minister Tay
lor Is as follews:
'Tho -minister of state has Just
called to express deep regret that tho
mob Insulted the Bartcelona consul
ate by breaking windows and offered
a complete reparation. Ho Informed
me that the government on Its own
motion has taken every precaution to
guard the legation and my residence.
I havea sked no protection"
It Is concluded from official advices
that the excitement In Spain Js over
the action of the United States sen
ate leading up to the Insult to tho
United States consulate at Bartcelona
nnd there Is tho corresponding reflex
Children Cryfoi
Pitcher's Cattorla.
In WJwtilnirton nt least in onicial cir
cles. Almost every whero the feeling
Is thirfT,he, affair Is not ono whlch,of,
necessity must lead to hostilities,
Chahiiwit, Illtt of house committee.
on foreign airairs, niter a conrcrenqc
With PWkor Reed, decided to call tip"
the CuT&n resolutions In the house
today. ,
LoNDdtfL&Inrch 1. Tho newspapers
of Mndridjynro getting very wratliy at
tho actlo
if tho United States sen
l evening papers,.' of that
ntc; and
cltyj cxpr
themselves In oven mere
violent hint
ago than their 'morning
contcnipornncs. They say that, apart
fromi tho solution, the lan'guugo
usedrdurlngwic debate In thechato
has made- a pAlnful Impression:' It Is
averred thatvlho allegations of tho
senators aro wwolly false, and the In
surgents havH-no organization, aro
not masters of slnglo town, and, as
for their conduct, It Is asserted thoy
have massacredvtho helpless and pil
laged plantations ntul railways. On
the other handlt Is maintained that
tho Spaniards yhnvo respected all
prisoners, and toxall them barbalans
Is regarded as anfnnprovokcd and un
justifiable Insult.?,
Madrid, Marcim. Imparclal refer
ring to thoactlQnbf the United States
regarding Cuba, Bays tho International
situation Is vorygravc, and tho recog
nition of the Cubans as belligerents
by tho United States Involves tho
danger of n conflict Imparclal also
accuses the Spanish premier, Senor
Canovas del CastllloSof an excess of
patlenco beforo Yankee pride.
"Spain," continues Imparclal,
"must prepare for every eventuality.
Our marltlmo resounarojmt.grcat,.
but we have not beforo us n gigantic
naval power. Our humility has been
badly construed, and our enemy, in
stead of being appeased, thinks sho
could treat Spain assho could Turkey.
A firm and resolute attitudo would
have gained us moro consideration, for
we aro not so weak as to render our
hostility Indifferent to a trading peo
ple which have no warlike qualities.
Moreover, Spain Is not Isolated In
WASHiNOTON,March 2. It Is under
stood that the probablo action of con
gress In respect to tho Cuban resolu
tions the'n pending in both houses,
absorbed tho attention of yesterday's
cabinet meeting. In vlowjof tho posi
tion taken heretofore by tho president
and secretary of state, and which
there Is no reason to suppose thoy
have abandoned, toward all proposi
tions to rccognlzo tho belligerency of
the insurgents, the dccUlgu of tho
senate committee on foreign relations
to express the sentiment and wishes
of congress in the form of a concur
rent resolution Instead of shaping It
as a Joint resolution has given much
gratification to tho administration.
If tho president were to bo con
fronted with a Joint resolution at thin
time recognizing tho bolllgerency of
the insurgents, and oven tho inde
pendence of tho rebels, ho would bo
would be placed In a very dlsagrecablo
position. If he approved tho resolu
tion, it would bo a confession that
tho course pursued by our government
toward Cuba and Spain up to this
tlmo liad been wrong, for It is insisted
there has been no chango In tho re
lations of tho parties to tho warfare
In Cuba that would warrant any
chango In our attitude. It would also
amount to a roversal of tho position
by our stato department, In defiance
of wmeof tho great European powers,
during tho Brazilian Insurrection,
when we Insisted that as a precedent
to recognition the Insurgents must
have a seat of government, must Issue
money and must have a navy, for at
least two or three requisites aro lack
ing in the case of the present in
surrectlon, On tho other hand, If ho veteod a
Joint resolution of this character, tho
president would bo obliged, probably,
to faco a storm of popular disapproval
und to make an issue with congress
that might be fraught with tho
r ..
. ...... . :l . . .. . .
.uuu. inc resolution in mat. case wouiu
be passed over Ills veto. Hut', by
making' tlie resolution a simple con
current one, tho president will be rc-
lleved of the necessity of announcing
n decision at hlnjijhlc. .
oilo regards the resolution aiHi sliii
ploxprossloil of tho sentiment of
coiigress.'nnd as not binding upon tho
executtvo branch, as wouldvb6tho case
with ajolutacsolutlou, which has all
the force 0.11,0,0 It would bo, In
effect, bnt u repetition of tho history
of the Armenian resolution. In that
casc.the senate passed a concurrent1
rcsollttrorilhitfgcsllng that ourgovorn
merit, through the executive branch,,
take actlottjn Europe, which action,
in thooplnlbn 6f the president, was
totally inconsistent with tfta sound
Amorlcbn policy of .noninterference,
In tlnsa'ffalrs of thatcontlncTit. As It
was a'cijricurrent rcsolutlontho presi
dent (Vas hot required tbcifhcr ap
prove or disapprove It, and as It had
not force of law, ho was notfobllgcd to
act in accordance with tho suggestion,
of congress. As a matter of fact, he
did not so act, and the resolution
remains ,lrt the department bf'Stato
absolutely ..Ineffective. The r poii-
dc'ncy of tlic, Cuban resolutions
has caused somo members of tho ad
mlnisUatlon . to take a long look
ahcad-T-as far ahead, indeed, as that
point whero there may bo a deliberate
proposition from congress todcclnro
war, which Senator Morgan has said
must follow tho enaotmont of tho
ponding resolutions nnd they arc
now. discussing tho question as to the
rolativo powers of congress and tho
president In the matter.
Jiappcars. that much' may turn'orf
tho construction placed by tho senate
Judiciary commlttco on the question
now beforo It, as to the proper scopo
of Joint nnd concurrent resolutions,
Ono express provision of tho consti
tution says only congress shall have
power "to declare war." Tills would
seem to carry tho Idea that this may
bo done by n concurrent resolution, ns
It is a power entirely reserved to con
gress, but on tho other hand, another
paragrapli of tho constitution scorns
to require tho president's approval to
any Joint action of congress savo ad
journment. Tho apparent constitu
tional conflict on this point 1b engag
ing tho nttention of tho administra
Washinoton, Marcli 2. Tho Cuban
resolutions may not bo brought before
the house until Tuesday or perhaps
Wednesday. Tho members in chargo
of tho legislative appropriation bill,
which has th floor, predict that one
or two days of next week will be re
quired to finish that bill, and until it
is out of tho way, Chairman Illtt, of
tho foreign affairs committee, cannot
movo tho consideration of tho Cuban
BILL FOR 100,000 MEN.
Washington, Marcli 2. Tho Sen
ato passed a bill for tho Increase of
tho navy by 100,000 enlisted moii, for
calling out and enlistment of naval
military force in case of emergency,
and for charter of troops to transport
ships In caHo of emergency.
WASHiNOTON.March 2. Tho Cuban
house concurrent resolution was
passed by tho house today by a vote
of 203 to 10. Tho resolution simply
recognizes tho Cubans ns bollgeronts,
without directing tho president of
tho United States to uso his good
otllceH with Spain for tho recognition
of Cuba's independence as tho senate
resolution dlrcctrd.
Floral Society. Tho Salem Florl
cultural Society will hold Its annual
meeting Tuesday (March .1) afternoon
at 2 p. m. at the resldcnco of Mrs. J.
D. Sutherland. As-this, is tho time
for tho election of ofilccru for tho en
suing year, a lino attendance of Its
members is desired.
Hood's Is Wonderful.
No less wonderful aro tho cures ac
complished by Hood's Sarsaparllla,
even after oilier preparations and
physicians' prescriptions have failed.
The reason, however, Is simple.
When the blood Is enriched and puri
fied, disease disappears and good
health returns, und Hood's Karsapa
rilla Is the one true blood purltler.
Hood's pills aro prompt andetllclont
and do not purge, pain or gripe,
2.5 cents,
gravest consequences, for it is rehllrAariRHTI Mft"
i "- r-
i " '"
FivVHQhdrcd Rebels aro- Roported
'."" -' Killed. ;
Tne.GovernmontiWins aSplendld
w Victory, v;'-
MANAQUA,,ylaGnlxcstpn,March 2.
Aftcslxjunirsof, lighting at Mntea?
. WMJiVKi illlK"n,U5 KovoninioiHi
forVcsismncr Generals Sputa and
Kstrndo have completely routed the
rebels under Gcnoral Otlst,' and
capturod a portion of the rebel
artillery". Materia nnd Nngarote were
rccontly captured by tho government
fc-rccs, and .occupied pending" tho ad
vance of the main body of (ho presi
dent's army. Tho enemy's foreo con;
suited of. 1,000 men.
Tho two towns mentioned were hold
by nbmit an, cqunl number of govern
ment troops, Two hundred rebels,
were killed or, wounded, while tho loss
on thcjgovornment side was consider
ably les!. Ti) rebels were completely
dofontcd and driven to La Paz on tho
In addition tho government troops
captured portion ptvtho rebel artil
lery consjHtlngjf 6omoinoclern vKrupp
Runs- ur '. ...
Froozlng Point Is Roachod
Along tho Coast. :
Chilling Broozes From Washlng-
xaffttorfto the Pacific,
Salem, March 2. Light snow Sun
day, and freezing Sunday night nnd
todny. There nro no reports of Injury
to fruit.
San Francisco, March 2. There
wan a fall of snow In this city this
morning tho first tlmo In ten years.
Tho fall was quite heavy whllo It
lasted, but It molted fast as It foil,
and at tho ond of ten minutes turned
to cold rain.
With tho exception of a narrow
strip off tho coast of California and
southern portions of California and
Arizona the entire country is at a
freezing temperature or below. Thcro
Is a well-marked storm coutral olf tho
coast of Southern Oregon and North
California that will causo rain or
light snow to fall along tho entire
Pacific slope this afternoon, tonight
and Tuesday
New York, Marcli 1. A dispatch
from Washington says a member of
tho cabinet says that Carlisle Is tho
ilrst cliolco of Prcsldont Cleveland for
tho presidential nomination,
Snow tonight andTucsdny. Warmer
Tuesday night.
Portland, Or., March 2. It was
colder this morning in Portland and
over Northwestern Oregon nnd West
ern Washington than it evorhns been
in Mnrcli since tho records havo been
made at Fort Canny. Tho temperature
was 22 degrees, which is 1) degrees
colder than any rormer .March rc
Mr. Wade Resigns. Manager
Wado or tho westorn union Toic
nranh Co, at Salem has resigned nnd
F. I)o Parcq, for five years at Port
land, has lx'cn teuiporarly placed In
charge. All the accounts wore mado
good and a permanent manager
will soon bo sent hero to
take Mr. Wado's place. The
accounts were found In bad shapo
and Mr. Wndo's bondsmen wero called
upon to make good tho deficiency,
which they did.
in i
Improving;. The examination of
Mrs, Estcllo Hel(lellcck, nco Owens,
has again been postponed and It Is
understood her mental condition is
Improving. Mrs. Hcldelbeclc was a
graduate of Willamette university.
. an urn
Probate Court. In tho cstnto of
of Samuel Burkholdor of Aurora, de
ceased, final settlement was made be
fore Judge Hubbard at 1 o'clock today.
Governor Win. P. Lord has been con
fined to tho house tho past week with
a cold.
HightJt of all in Leavening Power.
- " i
' f '
'Handed Down in the Circuit
1W CoUrt
Tho Docket Entries in Both Court
' Departments.
1 . c
'Judgos Burnett, mntl,--Hewitt occu
pied thcberStodjy.mrlokcoMnty
wins nn Important tax cult against
Willamette university but H, will be
uppcalcd to the supreme' court and
maybe reversed.''' r-f .
.1.0. Bozdrth and -Stjett Bozorth,
partners, plaintiffs, yjTPaul J-. G.
Klepplnand J. M. Wallace, defend
ants, suit on fi'Olo'of $200 obtained by
plaintiffs of Mary Paylon, on sixty
days tlmo, $10 commission, secured by
aBccond note by-Kleppln and wife.
Second note was dated Octobor 22,
180J,by error, Instead of Octobor 22,
1803, as hod been agreed. Mre. Klop
liu signed It ns a mistake and Is In
solvent. Decrco against Klonnln.
Mrs. Kloppln Is released and J. M.
Wallace enjoined from paying over
jny money to Kloppln until this noto,
costs anu niiornoyaico oi eou are paid.
Opinion by Hewitt.
.vs. John Knight, sheriff of Marlon
county. Assessor in 1803 nsscssed to
plaintiff partof laud of college campus
and property of college at SaUm for
$10,000. This wasreduced te 90,000 by
board of eqtwllKtlo amd taxed at
$288, which becamo a lien on all of
plaintiff's property. Warrant for samo
was Issued to sheriff. Plaintiff went
beforo county court and represented
that thoy were nbout to erect a chapel
and library on lands assessed, and
asked to be relieved of tho taxes un
der tho law exempting literary and
sulontlflo institutions from taxes.
County court refused to do, although
plaintiff was greatly Indebted nnd not
self-supporting, and has leased land
to lloraco Leach and Capital City
Nursery Co., otitof which results thoy
proposed to Improvo and beautify tho
grounds. As conclusions oMaw court
1st. "That tho said premises here
tofore described as having been
assessed In tho year 1803 were legally
liable to said assessment for said year,
and thattho plaintiff Is not entitled to
tho relief demanded In tho complaint.
2nd. "That the plaintiff's com
plaint should bo dismissed und that
defendant recover his costs and tils
burscntfl herein."
Judgo Hewitt stated that ho based
his decision on tho opinion In tho
Hlbcrnla bank case at Portland by tho
supremo court.
Judgo Burnett called court at 0 a.
m., and following docket entries were
Khun Simmons vs T. L. Golden,
ejectment, Judgmont for defondout on
K. L. Sabln und Macondry & Co. vs
Keller & Sons, plulntlff's motion to
niuko answer of gnrnlsheo moro cer
tain denied. Plaintiff declines to
plead further. Judgment for garnishee
on pleadings.
J. Wolford & Co., vs H. Wolf et al.,
action for money, Dofuuit and Judg
ment ns to Elizabeth Wotf, with order
to sell her attached property. Con
tinued as to II. Wolf for service.
Adjourned to 1 p. m.
Judgo Hewitt called the docket and
mado following entries:
Schuyler Hue, Insolvent, J. F. T. B.
Broiitano, assignee, continued.
T. G. Coleman, Insolvent, vs McKln
ley Mitchell, usslgnco, continued.
H. A, Salisbury, Insolvent, vs A. N.
Hush, assignee, report approved, 2.1
percent dividend ordered paid.
Geo, W. Watt vs. A. L. Grlnstcad,
foreclosure, continued for service,
Mary E. Cooper vs. Alexander
Cooper, divorce, default as to defend
ant. Continued on fourth l'C0
Latest U. S. Gov't Report
4 J