Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, February 26, 1896, Image 1

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    - i
rOL. 8.
Le fine bargains in
in and get special
275 Commercial street,
No Trouble to Show You
dware, Tinware, Barbed Wife
Blacksmith Supplies, Stoves and Machinery
line our large and complete
m-JMaH M
of the Willamette University.
'M4em"mcthods. Up to date. Same as In
it Wwe'batithc best Is good enough for benlnnors
V K W. C.
It A. HERITAGE. Vocal Director
.. EMIL L. WINKLER, Instrumental Director.
1 i rof" -
llodale Ltoitjber Company
Srda on Twelfth
IKeop tho-most complete stock of common, dimension nnd flnishcdlumbor
nV.lt,v. nnd sell on the most favorable
KT "'
Our stock Is made at our own mills,
She Willamette Hotel.
Reduced rates. Management liberal. Electric cars leave hovel lor all public buildings
L points of Interest. Special rates will be given to permanent patrons.
Stable at South Commercial St. Bridge.
t equipment for all Muds ol heary draylog
at Drug Store at all times.
Eoodhonesiuied. Satisfaction guaranteed.
And we are going to
keep abreast of al
competition in quality
quantity and styles
In our odd pair de
partment you can get
shoes at all times,
prices now offered at
Through and Give Prices, A)
stock. Always prompt and
the eastern and European Conservatories
as well as Tor more advanced pupils,
HAWLEY. President
and Trade Streets
terms. Lath nnd Shinnies.
Of the best lumber In tho state.
Truck Co,
ana express naming:
Teams found ar Red
L. P. RYAN & CO.
Stablebiek of State -Insurance Hock
IF ,
Remarkable Colloquy In the
Involving the Futuro of the Silver
Washington, Feb. 20. After the
senate had disposed of much routine
business, Merrill, chairman of the
finance committee, Immediately fol
lowed with u distinct surprise In the
form of a resolution to take tip tho
tariff bill. Merrill began with n brief
statement us to tho complications In
tho tariff bill. lie said it had been
apparent for many mouths that thero
was a deficiency In the revenues.
During every month slnco tho present
tariff bill went Into effect, there had
been a deficiency.
Tho announcement that the motion
was defeated, 2223 was nt unex
pected in view of the vote somo days
ago. Tho detailed voto was as fol fel fol
eows: Yeas Republicans Aldrlch, Alli
son, Baker, Brown, Burrows, Cameron
Clark, Cullom, Davis, Gear, Halo,
Ilansbrough, HawlcjyLodgc, Mitchell
(Or.), Merrill, Nelson, Perkins, Proc
tor, Quay, Sherman, Shoup.
Nays Republicans Canon, Carter,
Dubois, Mantle, Teller. Democrats.
Bacon, Bate, Berry, Caffory. Call,
Chilton, Cockrcll, George, Gray, Gor
don, Harris, Hill, Lindsay, Martin
Morgan, Palmer, Pasco, Roach, Tur
pie, Vest, Walthall, White, Popu
lists Allen, Butler, Jones (Nov.),
Kyle, Pcfferr and Stowart.
Tho pairs wero as follows, thoso
who would lmvo voted nyo being given
Chaudler with Murphy, MoBrldo
with Smith, noar with Pugh, Warren
with Jones of Arkansas, Wilson with
Irby, McMillan with Blackburn,
Prltchnrd with Blanchard, Wetmore
with Vorhees, Pettlgrew with Gib
eon, Pryo with Gorman, Squlro with
Daniels, Wolcott with Brlce, Piatt
with Vilas, Elklns with Faulkner,
Sewell with Mitchell of Wisconsin,
Thurston with Tllman.
Tho announcement of the voto was
tho signal for a remarkablo colloquy
between Merrill and Teller. As soou
as tho voto was announced, Merrill
again addressed tho senate. It was
now evident, ho said, that the Repub
lican party was In the minority In
tho senate. A course of derlslvo
laughter camo from tho Democratic,
sldoof the chamber at this statement.
Merrill, not noticing tho Interruption,
proceeded to state that In his judg
ment tho tariff bill was defeated by a
voto Including live silver Republicans
and six Populists,
Teller secured recognition. Ho said:
"Tho senator from Vermont (Mer
rill) states what everybody has known
to bo a fact, that thero Is not a Re
publican majority in this senate, If
thoso who have voted against tho mo
tion to take up this measure, made
out of time and unseemly, who sit on
this side of the chamber, are in tho
party, whom the senator seems to
think are not. Thero Is a motion
here, made by tho senator from Mon
tana (Carter), who I bellovo has as
much claim to bo called u Republican
as the senator from Vermont, to re
commit tliis bill for defects In tho
bill patent and apparent defects
defects which everybody who has read
and examined it concedes. Mr.
President, I charge here (and I shall
undertake to make the charge good
before this debate is over), that this
bill was never Introduced In either
body, or has it been supported in this
body with any reference to its becom
ing a law. Of that I shall 6peak at
another time. If the senator -from
Vermont' thinks that ho can embar
ass us -who have stood by tho Re
publlcanparty ns long as he has, and
us zealously as he has, liecauso we do
not agree with him unon every sub
ject, he Is entirely mistaken.
"The suggestion Is that wo who
uavo liotjrotcd to tnko up this bill arc
not Republicans. For 110 days the
great Republican metropolitan press
has readfout of that party enough
mombersjo make It In the minority,
If It had jjicrctoforo a majority here.
Every hum who voted for the frce
coimigo tuuendmciit to tho bond bill,
no matter what was his motive for
voting for; it, whether he was a free
coinage man and anxious to promote
the purpose nnd'that end, or whether
he was against the bill, has been read
out of tlib Republican parly by the
Republleah press. At tho proper time,
I am prepared to show that the groat
metropolitan Republican press has
declared that 18 members of tills body
are not worthy to be called Republi
cans, and s we have been untitled that
unless we change our views upon
financial questions and submit to the
Cleveland Democracy and Merrill
Republicanism of this country on tho
llnanclal question, wo must go out of
tho party.
"Mr. President, wo can get along
without tho party as well as tho party
can get along without us, but wo deny
the right of either the newspapers or
members of tho committee on linance
to read us out of tho party. Wo will
stay In tho party until wo get ready to
go out, and wo shall discuss theso
questions that nro now 60 important,
not from a partisan standpoint, but
from tho standpoint of tho American
senator charged with great Interests,
charged with doing that which tho
senate has shown itself incompetent
to do, and nobody Is more incompe
tent than'the man who voted for tho
gold proposition of this adminis
tration; charged to bring to this
country prosperity, which has been
denied to It under our legislation now
for 20 years; charged to dcvlso somo
system that shall satisfy tho pcoplo
that we can enter upon that degrco of
prosperity to which wo nro entitled by
reason of advantages which exist in
this country. I wish to enter my
protest and to say that I am not to bo
frightened by tho sneers of the chair
man of the committee, nor by tho at
tacks of the press. I shall do what I
think is my duty to do here, regard
less of consequences, and It seems to
mo that it would bo in better tasto
and more In accordance with tho dig
nity of tho senate, if wo should hear
less hero and elsewhere about our par
tisan duty."
Washington, Feb. 20. Quay re
ported the army appropriation bill to
the senate and gave notice that ho
would call it up tomorrow.
Allen of Nebraska returned to tho
tariff question by referring to tho
statements of Merrill, Sherman and
Piatt, during an exciting dobato yes
terday. Allen said ho had lcllovcd It
was tho honest purpose of tho Repub
lican party tocnactalawpluclnggold
and silver on equal terms:
But the debato yesterday developed
that Republican leaders under somo
circumstances would enact a free
coinage act. Allen ussurcd tho senate
that thero were sulllclent Populist
votes to give a majority in tho senate
if tho passage of a tariff bill was
accompanied by adoption of a free
silver amendment. Cartcr.of Montana,
took tho floor for a speech defining his
attitude on tariff bill.
Ho spoke with great earnestness
and deliberation. Ills statement at
outset that ho had "no apology to of
fer was given with explosive force.
He objected to being read ont of tho
Republican party.
Land Laws.
Washington, Feb. 20. Tho house
today concurred In the senate amend
ment to tho house bill to extend the
time under the act of 1801, within
which the government might bring
suits to annual patents to public
lands under railroad or wagon grants.
Good People to Favor "Prac
tical Christian Work."
The Address Delivered Before the
Alliance by Bishop Mills.
Euoi2NE, Feb. 20. The following Is
an outline of the address of Bishop .1.
S. Mills, which was delivered before
the Eugene Christian Alllanco at the
First Presbyterian church. 1 1 Is putv
llshcd by request of a voto of the
Has the time came for an alliance of
all the good people of this place for
practical Christian work? This city
Is beautiful for situation, in the heart
of this great valley surrounded by the
glories and grandeurs of nature. Its
pcoplo tiro noted for their Intelligence,
morality nnd thrift. v The pastors of
Its churches nro noted as men of rare
culture, piety and progressive spirit.
Tho great university located hero has
brought tho city a largo body of edu
cators, nnd a larger body of educated
people. Education means intellectual
and ethical progress. Surely all these
distinguished elements of society can
unite with every other good person for
the social welfare of tho city. Fur
ther, this Is an ago of social move
ments. Tho now philanthropy, social
settlements, social science, and social
Christian work, all indicate that
social wcl fare, tho welfaro of tho
masses Is tho great problem of this
ago. Reform or destroy tho causes of
social degradation nnd decay, Is tho
watchword of tho people. Surely this
city Is ready to unlto its best elements
to savo society from tho evils of tho
present llfo, that each may have tho
best opportunity in his struggle for
Tito movemout stands fer:
1. United work for humanity. It
seeks co-operation of overy good citi
zen, whether ho is a member of u
church or not. Wo can all stand to
gether In tho struggle for tho common
2. Unselfish work for mankind. It
means clear up tho malarial swamps,
that wo may all lmvo pure air to
breathe. Destroy tho alluring temp
tations In tho social environments. It
is better to prevent than to punish
3. Patriotism and good citizenship
Make our own city, moro and mora a
plnco of unison, of peace, prosperity
and safety. A placo to which parents
will delight to send their sous and
daughters forcducatloii.
I. This movement stands for every
thing that tends to purify, to beautify,
to exult tho standard of social llfo. It
Is the friend of nnd promises to aid
every movement that promises to
develop noble, ethical character.
Its methods are:
1. To give light. Turn the blazing
light of day upon public ovlls and
they will wlthor before tho enlight
ened public opinion.
2. To aid the enforcement or law.
Good laws exist, but tho otllcers must
bo encouraged to enforce them. Tills
aid will le given.
3. Keep good men in otllcc. In
every city, u small majority, composed
of corrupt political bosses, gamblers
and saloon keepers try to control tho
elections for their own evil purposes.
They too often succeed, because the
better clement do not co-operate for
good government. This ovll element
has small power when citizens nro
once wakened up.
4. Utilize latent ethical energy
Why should tho evil elements of
society bo alone vigilant and active?
Why will not tho better classes learn
that eternal vlgilanco nnd zealous
effort are tho conditions of social pro
gress and human welfare.
Diniculticstobo expected. I
1. The political bo-m, gamblers and (
' saloon keepers will seek to divide your
forces. They follow tho rule "Divide
and Conquer." Surely tho best ele-
ments of society can act togethor for j
. home, church, education and every .
clvio good. The evil elements already
prophesyyour division, but--1 -know
I you will co-opcrato for tho common
good of nil.
2. Friends of the end lilmcd at,
may misunderstand the movement. A
hoard of directors, composed of some
of the best men in tho city, Is at the
head of tho movement. You can
safely trust them. Seek full Informa
tion before opposing the Alliance.
Enforcing the Game Laws.
IIillsuouo, Or., Feb. 20. That a
deputy gnmo warden has been ap
pointed in this county has become
apparent In tho past few days. Yes
terday J. Schlofllln was before .lust Ice
Knight, charged with breaking tho
game law, In that he had caught and
had in his possession last Sunday
mountain trout. Ho pleaded guilty
and was tlued $2" and costs. S. Green
was also charged Jointly with Schlef
llln, buthasnntyct been apprehended.
Yesterday afternoon Deputy Game
Warden George It. Baggorly received
word that several persons wero break
ing the law, on tho Tualatin river,
near town. As a result of his trip
there, a cnmplulnt was lodged this
morning against Wesley Garrison, but
ns yot ho has not been arraigned.
A Double Murder.
Chicago, Fob. 20. In it lit of rage
today, Jacob Dlotzol, who Is 08 years
old, shot his daughtor, Mrs. Henry
Ohucr, then himself, Inflicting fntal
wounds. Ho was once in prosperous
circumstances, but of Into has been
dependent upon his children for sup
port, and their frcquontcomplalnts, it
is said, wero tho causo of his crime.
War Ship for CorlnuA "
Washington, Fob. 20. Tho stato
department hns been ndvlscd by
United States Minister Baker of tho
thrcntoncd revolution In Nicaragua,
and tho minister also asks to have a
United States warship stationed at
Corinto. Tho United States stenmor
Alert will rccolvo ordors to go to
Important Consuls.
Washington, Feb. 20. Tho presi
dent today sent the following nomi
nations to tho sennto. Consuls Sam
Comfort, New York, at Bombay,
India; Sam S. Ready, Now York, at
Grenoble, Franco; James II. Mulligan,
Kentucky, nt Capo Town, South
A Famous Trial.
Camhridgi:, Mass., Feb. 20. The
jury In tho famous Bartlett-Blgelow
breach of promiso caso today returned
a Ycrdlct for defendant. Tho provloim
trial resulted In a similar vordlct.
Mrs "Mary L. Bartlett, plaintiff,
brought a suit to recover $300,000
from tho estate of tho late Professor
Henry J. Blgclow, of Harvard.
Dank Robbers Captured,
FoutWouth, Tex., Feb. 20,
tcr Crawford and "Tho Kid,"
who raided tho City Natloiinl bunk of
Wichita Falls, Tex., yesterday after
noon, killing Frank Dorsey, wound
ing BookkeeporP. B. Langford nnd
securing $100, were captured last
night, nine miles from town. Thero
Is some talk of lynching.
The Kentucky Senatorshlp,
Frankfort, Ky. Feb. 20. Tho
Warren-Tompkins contested caso was
reported to tho general assembly to
day. If Tompkins succccds,Huuter'u
election is assured. There is much
excitement. Threats to keep repub
licans from taking n scat by forco are
Steamer Ashore.
uNkw York, Feb. 20. The steamer
Lamlugtoii, which wont ashore oil tho
Lone Hill life saving station on tho
night of February -1th, was floated
ashore by high tldo today. Tho ex
tent of damage has not yot been
Hfglwit of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
jm&uurMX vvnx
The Salem Statesman this morning
has an Intolerant article, probably
written by some office holder or office
seeker who now wants to divide tlw
Republican party on the silver ques
tion, nnd It Is headed "Mongrels not
The article Is not signed, but It
breathes an Intolerant, prescriptive
spirit fatal tonny party harmony. In
telligent Republicans nro not reading
one another out of the party on any
cconomloorllnnnclal question. Mon
who honestly differ can yet respect
each other's views and opinions so
long as they nro held unsclllshlv.
IT tho author of tho prescriptive
article In the Statesman would sign
his namo ho would command moro re
spect. As It is he will be taken,
whethor rightly or not, for one or
thoso who hccrctly are fighting to re
turn Mr. Dolph to Mr. Mitchell's seat
In tho United States Senate nnd dare
not .do It ojwnly.
Tho best way and tho only way for
Republicans who aro Republicans as a
matter of principle is to quit calling
one another "goldbugs" or "silver
lunatics," or any otlur pet names on
tho motioy question, but all seek to
unlto tho party in tho causo of good
government In stato nnd nation. The
best way Is to lot each member of tho
Republican party Interpret tho
national plank of 1802 on the money
question ns ho thinks It ought to bo
Interpreted, nnd then not fall out and
quarrel with another follow because
ho interprets it In a different way.
When wo havo another platform we
sholl reserve tho right to Interpret
that also as wo think It ought to be
Interpreted. That Is n right overy
Republican has. Tho Republican
party Is a party of Intelligence and
Independence. Every member of
It carries his Individual
sovereignity under his hat,
and yq aro going to keep It there.
Thero aro plenty of questions tho Re
publican party Is agreed upon, besides
tho mouoy question, namely n pro
tective tariff, proper Immigration
laws, exclusion of Clilueso and Japa
nese laborors,pcnslons for Union sold
iers and veterans of tho Indian wars,
Internal improvements, and many
other questions.
Tho man who signs himself "Repub
lican" bettor come out over his signa
ture. Tho truo way Is to urrlvo at
tho consensus of a majority of the peo
ple on any great question. When it
Is fully expressed and lias tweu Intel
ligently arrived at, the truo Republi
can Is manly enough to be willing to
nblde by tho wish of tho mnjorlty,
whatever It is.
Lost Child Found.
Tacoma, Fob. 20. Tho lost live
year old girl, Laura. Bind, was found
In tho woods unconscious this morn
ing, two miles from home. Sho had
l)eou exposed to tho storm for -18 hours
and her recovery Is doubtful.
How s Thisl
Wo offer Ono Hundred Dollars Re
ward for any caso of Catarrh that
cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh
F. .1. Chunky & Co., Props.,Tolcdo.O.
Wo tho undersigned, have known F.
J. Cheney for tho lust IB years, and
believe him perfectly honorable In all
business transactions and financially
ablo to carry out any obligation made
uy tuoir iirm.
Wkht & Trimx, Wholesale Druggists,
Toledo, O.
Waldinu, Kinnan & MAumN,WlK)le-
salo DrugglHts, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Curo Is taken Inter
nally, acting directly upon tho blood
and mucous surfaces of the system.
Price 7Cc. per bottlo. Sold by all
druggists. Testimonials free.
UackldB's Arete 8lv
The best Salve In the world for C ul.,
Urulkcs, Bores, Ulcers, Kli Rheum, Kmr
Sores, Tetter. Chapped lands, Chilblain
and all Skin liruptlom, and positively cur
Piles or no pay required. It la guaranteed f
elver eticct sausiaciion or money re mi n
. " -. n
rrlco 3( cents a Uk for tale by I'rcii a, i