MT v V!1 ,-'rwlfi'OlliPJSSIIH4PlpiJ,W' p' M hfc- i m? K ct- If you limlM.UM a wast re rtfirf ; is Hftfc Mfcjtt1' 1 J5T"' a1 I Allcock rous Plaster Bear IN MWD-Net m tea he ef cevattrfoita aa4 toiU- tieni ia e good a tb pMi- Daily Capital Journal BY HOKBR BROTHBHS, WEDNESDAY. FEB. 10,1390. ANNOUNCEMENT. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for Hie olllcc of COUNTY ASSESSOR subject to the will of the comity Kcpufollcan convention. d-w J. A. YAN' EATON. THE ASYLUM 'APPROPRIATION. J LOO-ROLUNO APPROPRIATIONS. I ' The people understand what Is I meant by log-rolling for appropria ! tlons. It Is the easiest and most un lucrupulons way to get public money I for Improper purposes. ! The people well understand that ;' the Portland ring politicians got con j trol of the lat general appropriation bill; and that, owing to the deadlock killing a great many bills carrying annronrlatloiH, they loaded some of tlmlr schemes and Jobs to reward their not and favorites upon the general appropriation bill. The lower house i knocked out a good many of these, but Editor .Statesman: I notice a col! the w?natc, entirely controlled by .imnlnTHBCAPiTALJouiWALoflastj,,,,, snion and ,,, crcw evening denouncing the supreme court I , , . f ,r Its decision In the Duster,. Oregon ' I''"1 rc,torPtl U,em' narin... ..n.. i thn Piin.r of The' In Oregon the . governor has no .founs'AL the same man who voted in1 power fo veto Items in the general the legislature for the 8140,000 for that appropriation bill. ajy,1,n,? IJfQCIKBK. ! T, bn, . k, d and all appropriations stopped for two years or a special session held, or the governor must approve the bill. In California the governor, under Salem, Feb. I8th. The above is printed in the Salem Statesman, .'Hid the only reply neces-. snry is the fact that when (lie last hfrl.i1nt urn ivnc In fiitcafnri flip Vn.forn , .,.,., .the new constitution, bus the right to Oregon asylum case was still before the supreme court and the original bill passed by the previous legislature was simply re-enacted, and no one "pposcd lt,as It was considered merely n matter of form. The (senate bill to re-enact the appropriation was read three times and passed the house un der suspension of the rules on Febru ary 14th, with but one opposing vote, Mr. TJgard, of Washington county. It was a matter of courtesy to the Eastern Oregon people nnd of decency to the supreme court to re-enact a bill that was still before the court. Not to have done so would have been to take the case out of the hands of the supreme court, and tho fact that Governor Lord signed the bill ought to convince anyone that there could be no Impropriety about a Marlon county member voting for It. Besides His admitted that, more accommo dations for insano arc required In Oregon and bad to bo provided by an appropriation for a new building or wing to the present asylum at Salem, or elsewhere. Tho umall-borc States man who seeks to make capital at the capital city by opposing necessary appropriations or opposing men who voted for them is in very small busl new. Tiik Jouunal Is not fighting tho location of a branch asylum in Eastern Oregon. If the supremo court hnd declared in Its first decision that a branch Institution could bo located anywhere In Oregon and that It would hi constitutional It would have cut the whole controversy off short. Hut it has three times refused to con strue the constitution, and the people aregottlng tired of legal technicali ties and want a square decision. Tub JouuN'Ar. prcdluts that Eastern Oregon asylum will never bo built in mis yeorv state tax levy, but ..o contntoilms yot been made. It is much to bo doubted If a contract can owr bo made or enforced, or If money la collated from the taxpayer If It onn aver 1 oxiwnilwl under a law so cbarly unconstitutional us that Croat Ing the Eastern Oregon asylum. Tiik Jouunal Is not condemning the su prjinooourt, or the location In East ern Oregon. It Is Minply Insisting on the constitutional limitations being appllstl In nil cases for the protection of tUa wind people. Tiik Jouhnwu has Imoh willing at all tluiM to ac cord the people of Eastern Oregon fair pi .y and a. chaiuw to develop their resourtw. Wo fored tho Histirn l)ro asylum unpro. prlatlon ami tho appropriations for the portage railway becaums wo believe It Is fairness mid Justice to the producers and taxpayers of thow woilons. Hut If tho constitution stauds in tho way It Is not our fault, and we do not therefore or tlu'Miy consent ton violation of the const . tutlou, not even if the supreme court says so. veto any Item In the general appro priation bill. The constitution should be amended to this effect In Oregon. It will be remembered that Governor Hudd, of California, vetoed nearly a quarter of a million of the Items in the bill there. lie was warmly np- plauded fordoing It. Not only should he have that power but the consti tution 6houid prohibit the legislature rrora inserting any items in the ap propriation bill but I hose providing for the current expenses of the state government and Its departments. Then spurious legislative propositions carrying appropriations would have to stand on their merits. Following from the San Frauclsco Call is of Interest, as bearing on this sublcct: Stockton, Feb. 15. Governor Uudd was present today at a meeting of the directors and members of the San tWISeAI AMERICAN. I Yesterday marked the birth of the ' $nlversarj,nofcs Abraham Lincoln. Wltb true appreciation aud respect the representative American men as sembled in banquet halls and public places and offered up their most elo quent tributes to the honored and be loved name of XIocoJo-J A .period of. -elgUtyc.ven. years has, elapsed since the birth of that great American nnd a period of thirty-one yeara since be was ruthlessly cut down in all the glory of his sterling manhood still fresh, and its commemoration will ever keep ablaze In this republic the spirit of free government and true hu manity. 2o character In all Ameri can history has been a safer or truer guide In the maintenance and love of Republican principles than that of Lincoln; in the world's history there is recorded no better friend of human ity, nor one who$c unselfish life has left such a deep Imprint upon the human race. The anniversary of this great and good man's birth calls the men of this nation out of themselves; It causes them to forego, for a while, their petty propensities and mark the example of a genuine man. The name of Lincoln, at all times, appeals to the American nation with feelings born of admiration, love and pity. Our great and successful men of affairs have come out of their counting houses and other places of self ag grandizement, and have poured out their sincere tributes to the honor of his name. When all their eloquence in his praises have been spent, and all their fervid tributes paid, his name adamantinc-llkc will endure through the coming ages and will be forever the corner stone of the American re public. Lincoln's character will never die, save when the nations of the earth have been consumed and perish. Astoria Jfcws. r VALLEYtfLraAirEWlf ATJMSY1IAE. Tb spiritualist Held a -meeting in , "Hldir'oSll this we&. Mis- Cooley " delivered a very interesting lecture on spiritualism. Several spirits visited their friends through the Inlluenceof Miss Cooler, gave good advice to their frJends,-.nud some good Information. s But there was one poor, lone, fprsaken ( cr.trOfli.if n,',l1 nnt find tt4 frlfillds: and Ms friends could not of would riot. recognize me spirit. e "uj ." poor thing has found rest. At the church Tuesday night we were favored with a musical feast, by Professors Darby and Yanburn, who performed on the organ. The congre gation were greatly entertained. The church now has two organs. Thcj professors can now both play nt the same time. The nrotractcd meetincs .continue. , Rev. Cain gives us Mime very instruct- J1 Ive sermons. The Interest Is good, ' and a number have decided to become Christians. James W. Moyer lias built himself a windmill on his lot. He now wants to buy or borrow a well. We are sorry to record the death of Mrs. Geo. Baynard. The funeral took : place on Monday. Her death was I very sudden and unexpected. She leaves a husband and four small ' children, who have the sincere sym pathy of the entire coinmunty. ' """ - " ' - - -n sir W ..fcl h..i " JlllBte- ' ' T ZZ. -52rTL S A 1 r Sx IK;'1! WBm Jl Cill Capit;i ' ra" T H. I CiM, IL- HARRY TimtK nn H -v v i ii t. vriaiiuini ii im i - Tr.... ,. .. ---., i mif. Wl la 111 l nmirvi(L7l'KZJJ iS. I done nrnmntl.. vaW 5 J v i v r- " What Docs It Mean. (Sautliern Ongon Monitor. State Senator C. A. Cogswell, the well known polltlcan of Lakeview, who recently changed his party front by leavlui the Democratic party and declaring allegiance to the principles of Republicanism, had a $50 write-up and double column portrait in Fri day's Oregonian. It Is stated that doughty senator was once a Repub lican but came to this section when the district was overwhelmingly Dem ocratic, nnd from that time ou nfllll atcd with tho Democratic party. Mr. Cogswell's promtnenco increased until, after his election at Jolntsenator to represent Klamath and Lake counties In the state legislature, he came to be recognized as the political pooh dab of Did You Ever. I Try Electric Bitters as a remedy for your trouble? II not, get a bottle now and get relief. This medicine has been found to be peemiarly adapted to the relief ana cure ol all Female Compla'nts. exert a wonderful direct influence in giving strcncih and tone to the organs. If )ou have loss of Appetite, Conttipation, Headache, Fainting Spells, or are Nervous. Sleepless, Excitable, Melan choly or troubled with Diny Spell. Electric Bitters is the medicineyou need. Health and Strength are guarcnteed by its me. Fifty i cents ana SI.oo at J-red A, Lecg, Drug Store foftteAxv, When Baby waa tick, wo gave her Castorla. When the wm a Child, he cried for Castor!. "When aha becarn Alias, ahe clung to Castorla. Vrheoiioh4Ctndrm,horaTitlieiaCJWrU, tllflt. lvirflnn nf tlin linnnli unci Joaquin Valley Fair association, and region. He Is an attorney of rccog In the course of his Indirect comments .nizedablllt as his career In the legls on President Shlppec's statement, al-. iature Indicates. With the aid of the leged to be derogatory to his oOlclal treatment of the district associations. bo made some interesting statements Portland ring he secured a fee of $2000 In the last general appropriation bill, for legal services In reclaiming from HARD TIMES FACTS. OOOD READING- FOR TIIK FAMILY CIRCLE. Every reader of The Journal should look up the list of premiums given absolutely free with this paper. The Weekly Journal at n a year Is the cheapest paper on the Pacific coast, yet with it we give yearly sub scriptions to any of tho following valuable publications, each known to the world as a standard In Its field: The Toledo Blade, PLUG The largest piece of Good tobacco ever sold for io cents "1"" ""BCJge and all V. . Ixave orJ... ? Hi -IH V I j ri P rt i L.Arnr.V! Df RO I Meets all mail and pasenEM t gage,and express to' all $ rrompt service, Telephone N J -JiH5J W. At CUSICK I It , President " Kl UjHtal. NaU OF SALIVA Transact a general banting Lun, MONEY TO 101 On farm land security. Spew! rates on large loA,. considcied withiut del n.hi i...!iji.o -" atmii Hush mm mm T AND SOUTH The Queep of Fashions, Womankind. In regard to his veto of economy. In tho cptinrnt .nriin The Farm News. regard to the vote of tho fair appro ror the tatc of Oregon, although it is T,ie c,,,11 Garden. prlatlon bill, the governor said that a 'admitted that his interest In tho re These valuable publications are S Zt u"T WhS S ?? 1 -ter each wortha Si a year.yet unnn hiq iinrr fVr,w.V i iT .1 uian luat --e state. lie repaid for you your choice, one year free, for a dhtrlc 2 ! fatb.totadlnSt"e. the assistance necessary to get this M.60 subscription to The Journal, district raira out of the state treas- annronrlaMnn thmiifh hv,unni.. Ritlmrthn hatta tn d . . ' t5TFREE DELIVERV. WOLZ & MIESCKE, IV ps. Dealars in alt,ktnds of fresh and salt meats t3PFresh sausatj a soecialty. 171 COMMERCIAL ST GEO. FENDllICH'8 MEAT MARKET, 3al Commercial st Cottle Block Successor to C. M Beck & Co. Best meats in tho city, Prompt delivery lowest prices. .VIA- MONEY TO LOAI On city or farm propet'y. OvcnHtish's Bank. T.K.R81 Shasta Route. OF IHE Southern Pacific Co, at nnnmnr nr nil mmitnii n imi.iin i. niriinrtiiA 11. rr. am niw .1.. iipv lnuninl. u l. - -"-I" "" uh.. ut uvmiii8 me " '' JHUI1HIS Of 16 000 w thniCr irZZZJT Ucmocrata " ' legislature bound to the Weekly for eighteen months. ISinn (,lrectors of th0 I a party nominee when otherwise they See the list, and don't neglect to profit UQn 1 would have assisted the cause of silver by it. He said that tho brae had lioon bv votlntr for a bIIvop 1iAnni.11,..,.. f- Don't be deceived renilums without additional charge bracr had been by votlntr for a sllvor itfnniiin:,n rn uon't be deceived Into navim? for matic inui tney could bring un In- United States senator. , so-called premiums offered with high fluence to bear upon him which weuld: The decline of Democratic power In -irlced PaPcrs at a slight advance, force him to sign the bill. j this Judicial district has brtuightwlfh -member The Journal is tho "When I heard that," said the gov it the Impossibility of success of the c,ieaPcst nowspapcr on the Pacific cr""r'"1 cussed." j doughty senator's ambition through coast and lt Blvc8 you high grade aiio governor oeueved that the jieo that party, and besides his short aso rs, ere taxed to death last vearand clutlon with tli i-in .. v. -.i A) nintis determined to stnml h iiis im. Kn few ...., 1.. ... ... hJlbvutmlscs of an economical admlnls llslied In liis homo naDer tlmt. i.. iratlou. If it had not been that hn would liArnffor ..nnin,- ,..m. .,. Some money has leon le vied lHeved that it would entail consider Republican party. Of course In his wit iMniuiin upon some or the in eminent position, his following nt mates, ho said he would have vetoed home would Increase rather than de the appropriation for two of the crease, and then, whatever ho wants ..-.v,v,ii.jiuuijl us wie present uis meiroDolItan friend SALEM WATER CO. Office: W.llamelte Holt? Building For water service apply at office. Bills payable monthly in advance. Make all complaints at the office. t Open spicket to prevent freciing, posi. lively prohibited. Care should bo taken ifindanaer of freetinc to have smn .,! waste gate closed see section 3 rules and rec ulation No deduction in bills will be al. ueu torausenceor torany cause whatever unless water U cut of from premises. California Express Train Run dai.7 between Portland and San Fiancisco. South j 8:50 p. m. ii:oop. m. i 0:45 a. m. TvT lv ar. l'ort.ana Salem S.111 Fran. J North ai. lv. iv. Alxve trains stop at East Portland, Oregon City, Wo tlburu, Salem, Turner, Maiton. jetterson, Albany. Albany lunction. Irvine. Call It a Craze. AN Children Cry ft Uf-r'g Ctorl. system Is entirely unnecessary. him to. can help f "The habit of lucrcatiug to an hurther, the governor -said that he ut what Is It. Some papers Intl would be In favor of consolidating San luoto t,l' would be n presidential guoniln with Folxipj, cjp,ilng tho elector, others a delegate to the SMilSu Mo former Inst tut on. an nmlor n,, ....... nat onal IfennMiLnn n,,v.i-. , thir niS?KSii,i5??i,,Z- ,I!V.Ktnu .derful remedy ever known :;r.. .-- vv.ii ., .-.-." -v..ui.iuii, auu f.rt7rruW':"r""S"?,ne.niuu. Thehalfh n-v k ..u. For could we witi ink the oce ALARMING STATEMENT CONCERNING -WOMEN. HOW BAD HABITS ARE FORMED. The A'rM Yoti Ttibunt tn Ukln? headache powders' 1 THE WAR IS OVER and no one is hurt. The undersigned have dissolved partnership on State street, and has op.ned a waon and carriage shop at o Commercial st., in connection with Spracue SUounk't blackMnith shop, oppo.ite the Slate Insurance building where 1 will carry a complete line of carriage and wagon wood raateiUI. and I am ready to build or repair any kind of vehicles on short notice, from the heaviwt to the lightest, and will give prices which have never been heaid of befo. I guarantee all oik to give perfect satufactlon. Give rue a call. K. J. IIERSCHBACU, Salem, Oregon. I IS agomentthe crluilnals would Reared "! others Intimate he Is after num 5r,nci!?'liranyt0 tor at n fur less expense mthe state, crotis ather ottlces. It Is usually the SSteS'T ,0or- When asked why ho approved the case that when a staunch partisan f? Mt&Z S iSn"lt!,,,B.n,f tulhostl fa'M'o ; w to tho enemy he Is hailed tfaXlf,,', Mid hat that Institution seemed to w" flight und nccortled a hearty vW&&& stand in gnmt need of temnomrv,, i.i welcome. Uenubllmn i xv.Z.i w&nuS$rLW?.Jttau?lr and that, as a state fair, It was a tati fegon havo failed to do tills in iw Fte-'SKSi'.BS JESllPStaWtof uwdV Institution. well's case. Is it on account of his ,r,he'PPomfi.thcV?et.Ydo7e:."paU' Ho a.tld that he ooiislil.r.,i 1 1,, i... record, or do tlm wi,n . .... . . -1- nne cases out of ten. Hip tm,,w i. bad saved the state 11011,000 by his cn faithful In the ranks fear that Sntf1MJ!2d.n? a sin,P,e rccortl, and he would contlnn in J ' his only deslr l. i i 111 . ' ?ffl"nlte t0. fe,"d. retve the n t.i... .... - '. - tv.uv mi, iiiu "...., uuiiiu which (lernncrM i. uiioiiiswnien ho considered a t.Mh Wiling of tho fattd oiif Into the public treasury. The most Interesting feature of the After some dlcusslon among the dl Interview referred to above Is Cones rectors and members of tit ni.. well's liicliu..tiii, ,u Hon a committee of tWwitw wa a)u I-Icy for his new love. Tt nol. y r '-"I- - - -ww W MJ t4 otienuinc matter uhtrli .lm., .,.. KtnmiMi hm.1 .. .. . . . luc .. ul4 umica iUe ueauactie. Dr. S?tS2 P1rCnt rcUcts nre composed ?.of tl-e purest, concentred, egeUble extracts. One Pellet is 1 dose; sugar-coated, easiiv swun. 1UM :.mJ - i - -;-vni,ul v4 MWf aiways in qivr. FREE TO AIL LADIES! I have a very simple home treatment which I 7" 'T LiT? V! ,u"ln5 women. Cure, icioi every nature, Moit won- ijr ever Known (I -ity, eflei cugene, t.reswll, Drain, and all stations from Koeburg to Ashland, inclusive ROSEBURO MAIL nALV. SOUtll 8:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 5:20 p.m. lv. Portland ar. lv. Salem lv. nr. Roseb'g lv. i North 1:40 p.m. 2:20 p.m. 8:30 a.m. South SALEM PASSEN'OEK. 4:00 p.m. 0:15 p.m. lv. Portland nr. ar. Salem lv. I North 10.-03 a.m. 8:00 a.m. MONEY JO LOAN 1 nave 95000 to loan inoneu-n iracuon.ii part i:ot less ihin ii T.u naicm (luring tne next 3jdjvi. ,Ui wnn particulars, ... . J. II. HAWLEY, aoOJ hiUrk street, : PortUti,! Miss Bata's Sc OPENKU IN CflANNIKQ UALU Will receive children from 3 yeiricnl Special attention to beginners. All iJ branches for theolder pupiU tanghl, ml ing urawing. modeling, mnsic pliuwj tistic l.eeflle work All work djnc o4i dividual plan in which each chiUlil vanced according to its own cipactr,! terms and particulars apply to Mui Uli lou. Twentieth and Chemekeusti. German Lessoi Given by a qualified teacher, a nou 01 ucimuny. Classes lot cniiaitasi Sat lrday ut Channinc Hill. I t : Mrs. Kapsev. 454 Marirl BANJO LESSONS' Given on reasonable terms vv an cxpec teacher. A. W$l 4M DINING CAKS ON OGDEN ROUTE PULLMrfs BUFFET SLEEPERS and second -class sleeping cars attached to all train. WEST SIDE DIVISION, uetween Portland and Corvallis, daily (ex- iEfi ouimay, 1 7:3am.l I.v. Portland. isiSpm.f Ar. Corvallis. Ar (6:20 p. Lv At I? '3SP. Mbany and Corvallit miuim ...;.. tra.ns of Oregon Central & Eastern Railroad. Weiceverv blade of crate n,.;n e e thi; whole world of parchment made Ana every woman a scribe by trade To tell ihc merits of Balm of Fics l.woo d drain ihin.un ... " ' Nor would iheKcroll contain 'the whole, Though stretched from sky to skv. UrvMo"-MV-BJ6ralln,,n, Express train dally except Sunday. 4:45 p. I L,v. I'oriland Ar.' I Ar. . JtfcMinville Lv 8:25 a.m. 6:50 a.m. THROUGH TICKETS to all points in the Eastern States, Canada and turope can be obtained at lowest rate! E. P, ROGERS, Asst. G. f. & p. A R.KOEHLER, Manager. PortU 0r' 1 county, Or They posl. pointed to devise ways and means for "Trc Is a considerable number of Wi f.,s! wJcUe and feuiove iiiK iiwuebiaiul continuing the -tepublicans now arrayed with tim r; ""i"0' " fair Without Mat .1.1 1, ..,"!? fn.i.ll.1. ....U Ml" U,e Mr-K-VAaoasw., or OtUr UU, LxHtr a.. ... -. . ...1.. j if,,,..,,. -.ww v.biv. viLuirni. 11:11 in ,nw... .. ... jr.w ..i. u . -r "i. mn: i not iurrcqueiillyliareauat. Uck of the headache. II usually cornea ou la the forenoou,- At my .. u ia.c ou or two of Doctor rieice'i raising the debt, and contlnuliu; tho iaie am. President Jree -ver clement that the party will Slilptieodldiiot Ol l lie trovernnr W,KKr" from BucWen'i Arnlc& i The brtt Salve uruises,, V uinuu iuiiv cfuvi 1... -.. , the Democratic nartv." If IHh dltuni Is correct the -tlma honored principles" of both nartiea iJn 'c',0! fo Co,. fPuut for uauSt and the dlvidlm? Tni.rcirft.vl,"' "" nwdoou new issues and l?S.3S Taiered a! Children Cry for of rzzi HARD TIMES PRICES! New factory shoes.piain , With toes and calks ! Handmade steel shoe, .;;;:;; I Track shoeing .... " Chemeketa street." "'"t tool I- H HAAS, VATCHMAKER AND YELER, Makcsasrwialivnr;n. , . ' ' asr-sisigg -n"-. r sss.ssr lT ir ."" nour my headache U cured an! no Ud effect. I feti bltr ewry way for .wf taKcu in iw wane, ai l a c:cr.i;.'a A...crican f$L Agency for K H .MP OlVfIT YllAflR A.m OI8IQH PATUmS. For Inrorm-tinn . y.7.1"-HT, tJ sWWiaJSffS:. rJ TVm Ukcn out hT t hiS'r?f uvue or a naru tH. r". Ti-r--T--"' C. H. 11 LANE n l r rv r.TT 1 rm rn wmm 2U Com-n-rcitl st . SilemO( rSuiti $15 upwards. Pants opwa Chicago, Milffiii ft Si. Paul Rj ISSMEftf , PAUL 7 M.lNEBOTAtlPS''4jV j 1 XHI tWAM,l ,Wl o W A X GLANCE ATI HIS MAfJ tte MtuTbV rsasA5'i" ?? J . o t. n. .. U.I.....1.U ina ' ui me tnicaco, fliii"- -- -.u Railway and note its connrtiio" -n ihatif-T-l transcontinental lines at Su --''" em- usual after UUae other kind. TO THE FARMERS! S3J'?5S.',,'.!"'"?.M.j .1..1 - mublou. rn inuiiir ".- r,'.,??ai.,.Hwe?kir,.3.,i wita mV'B to u nrttwn. -"ZI Tttu cUrlao ... i. t.n ic cuD; jkicain. m cuuipuj- -z ... tk ButTet. lihrarv. wnokinc and WJTL -.t . 1- - Fiffl J' free cna..., . lj9, car eith as an eiecinc i . -a or piu. Tit,,,, p,,. Jh'.M ?.", wot', wok b5:k.i,W"V""I'u new f-t,l v.m i i Is a Don.BolMBaaa .rT'i chr "??.' ". tloo. Jr.". or aor lnflimmi- 'i?i?' '"luilon or tniS.l CVI..V -.,, .it .K ht IV ' '" un.nB car, -.;-,,,.. W utner ucs are longer .. -.,111 re shorter, and no other offers UJ unous accommooanon. - - a 1 ii r ftt, amnts 19 fr'j road office will Bive yon farther iw itoher' Catto'rla'.11- MH iiiw WCIShl If. -" -.., uiocir r 11 InKEfusbuiuiCo. bru,. 1iSac-5,ut, JLVa?J; -L. &"L"t& PleueelwuiZTi .i.C0J oe. rain-juTt,o.MHS neMbrUmnbta. C.J.EDDV.benealAptrtJ rt--n,f-c.tpWC" V nu. . .. . , rZT ' -WSbARD & SIMPKINS. or . in Min nr P7 !. KncaJJ ' tai iijn n ...i." x r -- - r bAi.V ".r?l" -. - - m uu im. U.S.X. BT 'vlWdJRl