Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, February 19, 1896, Image 1

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-- t - -. MM)Wt.vMR J
tt ,i
Wrf 1bmSS1tsT.
" svw. -.
, jgmzrcZ. T o
ome fine bargains in
"all in and get special
Kraussb Bros.
275 Commercial street.
No Trouble to Show You
Hardware, Tinware, Barbed Wire
Blacksmith Supplies. Stoves and Machinery
ftcaminc our large and complete
Little's satin finish and cobweb carbon papei,
in black, blue and purple.
Little's and Underwood's typewriting ribbon,
all colors and sixes. -
Typewriting oil nnd craters.
Stenographer' pencils and note books.
Also btar automatic paper fasteneis.
F. S, Dearborn,
of the Willamette Dpiuersily.
lern methods, r Up to date. .Same as in
but the best Is good enouclil.foi'ibeainnrrs an wwas 'or vl '". advanced pupils.
W. C. HAVLEV President
ft A HtRITAGE Vocal Director
EMIL L WINKLER, Inuromcntal Director.
ioodale Uimb?r Company
"ards on Twelfth,
Keep the most complete stock of common, dimension unci finlshedllumber
the city, and sellon the most 'favorable terms. Lath and Shingles,
Our stock Is made at our own mills,
' Manager.
Stable at South Commercial St. Bridge
t equipment for all kluds of, heavy drayiogand express hauling:
at ung btote atall times.
HOBBY.i" m m'
And we are going to
keep abreast of all
competition in quality
quantity and styles
In our odd pair de
partment you can get
shoes at all times,
prices now offered at
Through and Give Prices, C
stock. Always prompt and
. it. i
e w
a rliA is.
the eaitesol ibpean Conservatories
and Trade Streets
of the best lumber In the state.
Teams found ar Red
L; P. RYAN & CO.
Fifty-Six Miners Suffocated
in the Vulcan Mine,
Thirty-Four Lives Lost at a
queradc Ball.
"Denver, Colo., Feb. lU.-Spe.cinl to
Times from Kcw Castle Colo., says at
11:30 today when the rcscuo was tem
porarily slopped for tho purpose of
Hooding the slope nnd tho chambers
of the mine with nlr, the Vulcan
mine had yielded up four of Its dead.
ITow many more bodies remain with
in Is still a matter for conjecture, but
the most reliable estimate Is forty
seven. Olllclalsof the Vulcan Fuel
company have checked up llfty-ono
lamps given out yesterday morning.
It will probably bo found that four or
tlvc more were given out, but tho
number of victims in any event Is not
likely to exceed fifty-six.
John French Is today the center of
tho curious throng. He is tho mine
carpenter who came out of tho
Vulcan mine yesterday twenty min
utes before the explosion. He says
the gases became so thick that his
eyes gave out, and he was obliged to
quit work. Mine Inspector Gilfllth,
Who is now on tho ground ,,syB this Is
the worst colliery disaster that over
occurred in fcorlca.
Onlclal3 offtho Vulcan company
and others in authority are conferring
ns to how to how to proceed with
the work of clearing tho mine.
Newcastle, Col., Feb. 10. As
Boon as tho news of the terrible ex
plosion reached New castlo yesterday
Superintendent Paul Blount closed
the mines of tho Colorado Fuel & Iron
Company, and, taking all his 'miners,
left for tho Vulcan mlno,whoro active
work was begun aiding in tho at
tempt at rescue.
Thore aro two shafts in addition to
the one in which tho explosion took
placo. In tho upper of these two tho
rescuers aro well in and it Is through
this that tho air can be forced Into
one of tho rooms, but nono of those In
the mine have como out and it in
feared that this is conclusive ovldcnce
that all are dead. In this main
tunnel men nre at work building a
division of boards and can va6s through
which air can be forced on tho one
sldo and the foul gas driven from tho
other, but this 1b slow work and
there is no possibility of getting far
enough in the mine to recover any
bodies while life lasts.
Tho cause of tho explosion, is not
yet known. Tho coal field In which
the Vulcan mine is located has been
troubled with subterranean llres for
years. In many places over a distance
of 80 to 100 miles smoke has issued
from crevices in the rocks since tho
country was first known to white mon
and In latter years moro than one val
uable coal mine has been destroyed by
flro breaking into tho workings. A
little over a year ago tho mines of tho
Vulcan company had to be flooded on
this account, and tho old workings
have never been reopened, thp drift
where today's accident occurred being
a new one. It is thought tho disaster
may havo been caused by breaking1 In
to an Immenso pocket of gas gener
ated by these everlasting fires. Feb
ruary 8 Stato Coal Mine Inspector
Griffith Inspected tho mino and pro
nounced It in splendid condition, and
tho work is said to have been done at
all times In the most careful manner.
The number of victims cannot be
accurately stated, and estimates are
running from 50 to 75. Thoso best in
formed think tho number is likely be
tween 55 or GO.The excitement at pres
ent is so intense that efforts to secure
a complete list are useless.
Liahon, Feb. 10. A great loss of
life attended a flro In a building In
Santarcn last nlght.whllo the Artists
club masked ball was In progress.
Thirty-four bodies have already been
recovered. Many moro were injured
by Jumping from tho windows.
Four Loggers Killed.
Seney, Mich., Feb. 10. Four wen
were killed and seven seriously injured
today by a steam log hauler at Mc
Kay's lumber camp. The engine bo-
came uncontrollable, and ran down
Virt mnil nt. full aniosl Antnlilnr t .
iiiu .uuv. uw 1'M.oin.v.u. uikvuiui wiu
men before their escape was rlbte.
School House
Tuesday evening u ver.v, successful
Itep'ubllcnn meeting was tibld at tho
Frultland school houv, fotir miles
cast of Salem.
There was a largo attendant''1 of tho
best people In the community, a lntgo
number of ladles also being present.
Singing of patriotic songs by a
ladles quartet, under the leadership of
MlssLUa Gould, was the Slrst thing
on tho program, hoartlly jdlncd In by
the audience on tho chorlK
"When the chairman, Mr. Gould,
Introduced tho speaker or the evening,
every seat was taken, and pno bright
boy was perched on top orthe stove.
As tho PopullMfi havo held great
many n.cctlugs hero this vpter, there
was a lnrge attendance of that denom
ination, who under tho leadership of
Mr. Lntond, have formoyi quite an
organization. They are oMduoting
"school" at tho varlout sdfioollmuses,
meeting every Thursday c,
veiling, mid
really doing some good wo
by fore-
ing all classes of people to
Biudy pub-
lie questions artd tnku
Interest In politics.
Mr. ltoferof Tin: .10
vikal, and
his father Mr. A. F. Hofer of Iowa,
who was with him, both1' spoke, the
former about nn hour nndtbegnn with
an eloquent eulogy of tho. two most.
precious inheritances of 'the Anglo
Saxon race, which he dollned as tho
sacred Christian family Institution
and the representative principle In
government. The man who violated
cither of these among our ancient
forefathers was punished with death.
Mr. ITofor said that tho campaign,
was not yet begnn,no tickets or plat
forms were put forth,and so ho was
obliged to speak of political issues as
they had been presented it tho past.
He gave n thorough exposition of tho
tariff and flimnco questions from tho
Republican standpoint.
This was doMtsv the satisfaction
and nmuwiiHMHjkf tha 'large, mixed
audicuco nnd.aywey ctijrtblo evening
was spent. Mr. HofcFj Senior also
spoko nnd his remnrkann what ho
had seen of the coniltleiji of tho peo
ple In Europe four ycatv ago were well
received. Tho speaker? woro enter
tained most hospitably by tho good
people of Frultland. --
Frultland is a progressiva neighbor
hood, has a well conducted school, n
flno church, good roads and is settl
ing up with a good class of people.
All denominations uro represented
and a tolerant spirit prevails. Tho
Republicans are very much encour
aged nt the prospect and will sub
mit a good report at the Juno election.
The Statu Sewer. Tho governor,
secretary of state, and treasurer, com
prising the j board to superintend tho
construction of tho sewer from the
penitentiary nnd nRylum, were in con
sultation Tuesday. It is expected
that an engineer will bo appointed
soon nnd that, tho work will begin.
Brick for the walls havo been manu
factured In tho penitentiary, and It is
probable convict labor will bo used In
constructing tho sower through tho
penitentiary lands. Tho legislature
appropriated $15,000 for this sewer.
From the East. Governor Lord
expects to All tho vacancies caused on
the board of regents of tho university
of Oregon and tho stato agricultural
college In a few days. Ho says both
appointments will bo made from
Eastern Oregon, as that part of tho
stato Is without representation on
either board slnco the death of Mr.
Sturgls and the resignation of Mr.
Primary Election Law. Tho law
of Oregon on this subject applies only
to cities nnd has never been used ex
cept at city elections, for tho reason
that somo of tho precincts of Mnr Ion
county embrace both city and country
territory and as tho law was enacted
specifically for cities it cannot bo ap
plied to territory not In cities. Tho
primaries In Oregon will be hold ns
A Game Bird. A largo Mongolian
pheasant flew over the city today nnd
alighted on tho Stelncr fish and gumo
market. Soon a large crowd was
gathered on tho street and woro
"rubber-necking" tho fair gnmo bird
from tho Orient. As It was In tho
city, and tho police were about, tho
bird was perfectly safe froRvbcing
shot. "
Did You Ever.
Try Eltctrlc.Bittf r m remedy for your
trouble? It not, get a bottle now an( get
relief. Tbls medicine bas been found tolxs
peculiarly adapted to the relief and cure ol
all Female Compla'nts, exert a wonderful
direct influence In elvidg strength and tone to
tbe organs. If you bavc lots of Appetite,
Constipation, Headache, Fainting Hpclli, r
are Nervous, Sleepleii, Excitable, Melan
choly or troubled with DiziV &neil VArrlwlr
J ut..... I- -. M..lt.fM.A.. -...' Vf-l..
-iiw. wv .im jvn nvu, iu ih4
.UMMh ..- puarf.n I tetl I tfa ..
Icta and i.o at Fred A, UUlVfHH t
Carl Albrecht Shoots Down
His Own Wife,
Fivo Shots Fired Into His Victim'
Marshfielu, Or., Feb. 10. Tills
community was thrown Into n fever
of excitement yesterday afternoon
when It was learned that Carl Al
bright had'Bhot down his wife In cold
Albright had been very cruol to his
wlfo for a number of years, nnd his
trentment became so bitter a week
ngo that sho left htm and Instituted
divorce proceedings. Albright did his
utmost to get her to return, and said
that he talk no longer, but would
kill her. Ycstordny, after Mrs. Al
bright returned from doing a dny's
washing for tho family of John
rreussc, in South Mnrshllcld, ho made
good his threat.
Mrs. Albright had been nt l'rouss'
home nnd was taking n basket of
clothes to her daughor, when Al
bright met her. Ho sooko to hor
about leaving him nnd sho replied by
asking him to go away and lcavo hor
nlono; but this ho would not do. Mrs,
Albright first sought protection nt
Judgo Watson's residence from her
pursuing husband, and a llttlo later
started on hor joruuey but was Inter
cepted by Albright, Mrs. Cox ap
peared then and began fo Intercede for
Mrs. Albright, but ho placed his hnnd
in his hip pocket as If to shoot Mrs.
Cox and tho latter hurriedly got
out of tho way. A few moments
later Albright walked up to his wife
and placed a rcvolvor to hor back,
firing live shots. Aftor tho
first shot, Mrs. Albright fell to the
ground, nnd tho other four'Bhdfs wore"
fired after sho was down. She was
dend when picked up.
When his dastardly deed was com
mitted, Albright turned nnd pointed
his revolver nt himself, as If ho were
going to take his own life, and then
took to hs heels, to get out of reach
of tho oniccre. "William Wcbstor
shadowed him in hlrfllght. Albright
keeping him nt n respectable distance
by threatening to shoot. Webster
pointed out Albright's hiding placo to
Marshal El rod, who wont up to him
nnd ordered hint to hold up his hrfnds;
but Albright only held upouonnd was
In tho uct of shooting at Elrod when
tho latter fired. Tho third shot
brought tho wife-murderer- to the
ground! At first it wns thought that
Albright would die, but on examina
tion it was found ho had received only
flesh wounds. Twobullctsstruckhlm,
ono In tho right shoulder nnd one In
tho right hip.
Albright is now In tho hospltnl.
Tho feeling Is very bitter against
him, nnd n "necktie party" Is talked
of. Mrs. Albright was a woman who
boro a good reputation in this com
munity, and mndo a living for both
herself and husband ut the wash-tub
nnd by nny work sho could get. Al
bright Is u worthless wretch, given to
the drink habit, nnd was drunk when
ho killed his wife.
Republican Caucus.
Washington, A call has been Is
sued for n Joint caucus of tho Repub
licans of tho house and senato to mor
row night, to select members of tho
now congressional committee Tho
question of agreeing on a legislation
progrummo may bo broached with a
view to concerted action. Tho homo
1 leaders are very anxious that the tar-
Iff bill bo taken up by the senato nnd
It Is probable that there will bo an In
teresting time nt tho caucus.
8hot a Durglar.
Portland, Feb. 10, David Hous
ton early this morning took n shot at
a burglar who attempted to enter his
house on tho cast sldo of tho river.
The burglar ran away, leaving blood
stains upon the sidewalk. This fore
noon u man called on Or. Mackay to
havoji pistol wound In his shoulder
dressed. Ho was arrested on suspicion
of being tho mun whom Houston hnd
shot. IIU name Is Joseph Harrifcon.
Work in Congress.
WABHiNaTON, Feb. 10. The senate
has pawed tho diplomatic and con
sular appropriation bill. Tho senato
had!llfidllureri''tri tnUn nn Mm f'nli'in i
resolutions tomorrow at 2 o'clock p. m.
The Troy Fire.
Troy, N. Y.. Fob. 10. It is defi
nitely learned that only thrco pcoplo
lost their lives. Tho escape of tho C47
pcoplo from tho building Is regarded
as n miracle.
According to Deputy Stato Factory
Inspector Dovlnc, avenues of escape
from tho building were plenty. Tho
fifth floor, where tho flames broko out,
Is divided by a partition In two parts,
with a door in tho center, known as
tho fire door, to bo oponcd only In such
emergencies. Tho south part where
tho flro started, was occupied by
Stcttholmcr& Co.. and tho north part
by Van Knnt, Jacobs & Co.
From ono of theso two departments
there was a stairway leading directly
to tho street, If tho door In tho par
tition scpnratlngthc two departments
had been opened, then the employes
of Stetthclmcr & Co., would havo es
caped through Van Znnt & Jacobs'
department and down the north stair
way. Nono of tho employes of Vnn
Znnt, Jacobs & Co. were Injured, ns
farns learned. Tito presumption Is
tho strong door between tho depart
ments was never opened.
Insurance men cstlmato tho loss on
tho Burnett building nt 810,000, two
thirds covorcd by Insurance On the
McCarthy building tho damage wlh
not oxeced $3000.
Following is tho list of tho dead:
Mrs. Catherlno Knno, Mrs. Margaret
Carroll, Mrs. John Doyle.
Tho Injured, In addition to whose
names woro previously given, arc:
Mrs. Lena Jnrvls, arms burned; Mis--Mattlo
Redden, head ournod; Qeorgt
Nixon, head and hundslnirncd.
Morgan & Co. Oct More Donds.
Washington, Feb. 10. Tho follow
ing announcement was mndo by tin
treasury department today i J. P.
Morgan & Co. and their associates
undor their bid for $100,000,000 Unltco
States four per cent bonds 1025, mndo
In accordance with tho recent circu
lars of tho secretary of tho treasury,
are entitled to recolro bords of the
faco vuluo of about four million, seven
liundorcd thousand dollars, Inaddl
Hon to thoso of which they have
I already been notified. Exact figure!
cannot bo stated until tho returns
from tho various sub-treasuries nn
fully verified.
National League Convention.
CmcACio, Fob. 10. Tho noxt con
vention of tho Republican national
Lcaguowlll bo held ut Mllwnukce,
August 25, 20 and 27. Today tho ex
ecutive commltteo formally ratlfico
the selection.
Seal Killing.
Washington, Feb. 10. Tho Houst
on wnys and means commltteo voted
to report a bill for killing till seals In
Bohrlng sat unless an offcctlvi
agreemont for tholr protection can bi
reached. '
r -
The grocery firm of4 Molntlro &
Davis hnK dissolved partnc hlp, nnd
tho undersigned wl con! V, the
business under the flrni ' 1
Clms. T. Molntlro & Co. Tf
of tho establishment nro extend tV
all patrons for past favors, n'ud It
will Ixj tho ambition of tho now limn
agemont to merit u contlnunnco u
tho same.
Chah. T. MoIntike.
ythea Eby tm sick, ire gars ber Castorla.
When she was a Cblld, aha cried for CastorU.
When sho bocarao MUs, aha clung; to Castorla.
Wheo aba had Cbudren, she rave thm CastorU.
Opens the aoth. ,
Tho box sheet for the two festival
concerts given tinder tho auspices of
tho Salem Choral society will bo open
at Dearborn's Thursday, tho 20th, nt
0 a. m, to members.lncluding honor
ary members only, and to tho gonerul
public tho 21st.
Honorary membership tickets may
bo had nt Dearborn's for $1 for the
four concerts. Reserved tlckots for
March 2 and 3, for 75 cents, or for
either night, CO cents.
uencrai admission ;u cents or
cents In tho gallery.
Higtat of all in .Leavening Fpwcr.
AAMHLvmv Kim
Fitzsimmons and Maher May
Fight on the Gulf,
And Will Be Roady to Enter tht
Ring by Friday,
Galveston, Feb. 10. A rumor Is'
current hero this morning thatMalier
and Fitzsimmons will leave El Paso
tonight and arrive nt Galveston on
Friday afternoon, thenco takonsteam
tug with a barge attached, go three
or four miles Into tho Gulf of Mexico
and tight for tho championship bc
.'orea Klnctoscopo and a few wit
nesses. It Is said thnt tho Klneto
tcopo people nre willing to pay tlt
purso and nil tho cxpenso, nnd thnt
Stuart will do anything thnt will let
ilmoutoftho deal.
Maher in Training.
ElPa80, Fob. 10. Mnhor's eyes are
reported Improved this morning, nnd
to will today go through tho regular
routine training. Ho will bo com
piled to wear goggles a day or two,
jut will bo In condition to enter the
t-lng Frldny,
Uucklen'a Arnica Salvo.
The best Sulve In the world foi Cuts,
Irulses, Bores, Ulcers, Salt Uheuui, Tever
ores, Teller. Chapped handi. ChllWalns,
nd all Skin Kmptloni, and positively ewe.
lies or no pay required. It U guaranteed of
;lve i crfect satisfaction or money refund!,
'rice 2 j cents a box For sale by Fred A.
Evory render of The Journal
ilibUIcriook Up tho list orpTcmlums
riven absolutely frco with this paper.
Tho Weekly Journal at $1 n year Is
tho cheapest paper on tho Pacific
oast, yet with It wo glvo yearly sub
crlptlons to any of tho following
wluablo publications, euch known to
mIio world as n standard In Its field:
Tho Toledo Rlade,
Tho Queen of Fashions,
Tho Farm Nows,
Tho Child Garden.
t'j. iuu viiiuuuiu pnuiiuauuus are
'IiU'll wnrlll II HI ll vnti. vat. urn otva
ou your choice, ono yenr free, for A
Jfl.HO subscription to Tub Journal,
Jltlte- the daily for six months or
tho Virmut for eighteen months.
3oo tho list, and don't neglect to profit
.if It.
'Don't to deceived Into paying for
o-called premiums offered with high
priced papers at a slight advance.
Remember The Journal is tho
;ncapcst newspaper on tho Puclllo
coast, and It gives you high grade
remlums without additional charge
How's This!
"Wo offer Ono Hundred Dollars Re
ward for any case of Catarrh thnt
"nnuot bo cured by Hall's Catarrh
e .i. Cheney fi Co., Props. ,Toledo,0,
Wo the undersigned, havo known F.
f. Cheney for tho last 15 years, nnd
ocllovo him perfectly honorablo In all
onslness transactions nnd financially
tblo to carry out any obligation mndo
by their firm.
Wkht & Truax, Wholesale Druggist?,
Toledo, O.
salo Druggists, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Inter
nally, acting directly upon tho blood
and mucous surfaces of tho system.
Price 70o. per bottle. Sold by nil
druggists. Testimonials free.
Tho partnership tlrpi of Smith A
Schlndier, blacksmiths, having been
dissolved on January 1, IBOO, all tier
sous Indebted to said Smith - Schiud
lor aro hereby notified to call at the
blacksmith shop, No. 60 State street,
Salem, Oregon, and settle their ac
counts ntoncOjOthervvlso said accounts
will be placed In tho hands of an at
, torney for collection. 2-lH12v
' Salem, Or., Fob. 1 1, Ibm
Lateit U.S. Gov't JUfort
u fl