HjiMiHljlmintiHiiWf -"i - 4rf,MrjrSr MJ --- , 'ia m "it in t j -nM" wiMMXMyinrtrt bJe,f, chert, Porous Plaster BHAR IN MlND-Not one of th hast sf connttrfilU and feBlU- tlons is as good as the genuine. If you want a Hire rftkf Mfftim i limbs, ue an Allcock's THE iM'KINLEY BOOM. a1" u ' trade friend, that next .iKepubllcan tariff tlie lUHHinueauroin orai, paB.j ,n flrml. ..mtyirt tlm Amhrlrvm bo" who live at Home v-.,..... ':. ... ..uii fc icysfbf the law tfliribo y anduron home product?, go ontlrely Ki1":' Bf,rrmiii. ami n """i w- ""-" "".'.;...: ,i "'By can this escape. dlrcct-tax system, none However strictly the Daily Capital Journal BY HOKBR I3ROTHBRS, FRIDAY, FBI!. 1-i, IBM. ANNOUNCEMENT. J hereby announce wybclf as a candidate for the olllcc of COUNTY A8SESSOK subject (o (lie will of the I'ounty Republican convention. cl-w J. A. VAN EATON. RECOGNITION OF CUDA. A Subscriber asks what will be the effect If Our government recognized the belligerents In Cuba? It would lake a treatise on International law to answer There Is a growing demand in th Is country for tho recognition of the belligerency of the Cuban Insurgents, It Is now admitted that they have greatly Improved their position since New Year's day, and have hemmed the Spaniards Into tho seaports and tliclr ucignboruood. They nave a regularly organized government, and an army fairly well drilled and armed. They hold positions In the interior, which an army of twlco thclrslrcngth cannot carry, and tliclr raids Into tho roast districts have put an end to sugar-making on every plantation, ex cept one which lies close to Havana. In a word, thoy linuo given tho world such reason to expect their lliml suc cess, iih Justifies them as entitled to all tho rights secured by the Interna tional laws of war. Thcro is tho nioro reason for this action, as Spain's movo In sending aon.Woylerto replace- don. Campos, Is one which threatens all cIiusch of Cubans with the harshest of treat ment. In tho suppression of a previous Insurrection In Cuba, Gen. Wcylcr showed himself rather a butcher than a soldier. Ho provoked our peoplo to such Indignation by his harsh acts, that only his success prevented our Interference. Spain should bo given to understand that we will tolorato no Arinonlan at rocltles on this conti nent. Congress has passed friendly resolu tions, but refused to recognize tho Insurgent forces. This was probably t Ixo wisest course to pursue. The re sult of recognition of Cuba would lw far-reaching and might involve our country In a war with Spain. Imme diately upon recognition tho Insur gents would have a right to tit out vessels, or buy and equip men-of-war In American ports. American cap ital and American volunteers would seek to go to tho help of Cuba. There would 1m blockade-running and pri vateering between Spain and tho United States, and Moreno days wero over Cuba would lw free, or wo would lw Involved In a general war with Spain. While Spain and Nngland reeoguled the belligerents of tho Southern Confederacy, II was done after tho seceding states bad formed a federal go eminent and asked recog nition of the powois. In the case of Cuba, tho recognition or belligerents would lw mi affront to a friendly IMi.ver, a recognition of unorganized revolutionist, who do not pretend to perforin any governmental functions. It toiild I hi u ';nnnlns.i hsmIiicj iin.i ".'-, MVUIW.1.1 Mini our government should offer to relieve tho Spanish government of the Island of Cuba, by purchase, cession or other wise, except force. Peaceful acquisi tion or Cuba Is possible; forcible pos session Is not qxped lent. Our country needs the West Indies, or some of the Islands at least, as wo need Hawaii for sugar plantations and to supply our luxuries. Seven-eighths of our sugar and nine-tenths of our bananas, pine apples, and n great deal of our citrus fruits, tobacco and molasses comes rrom mesa islands, in mo next one hundred years the American people will tax themselves billions of dollars and pay the trusts hundreds of millions more for the privilege of Im porting these articles which can be produced only on tropical Islands of the seas, and which would come In free and untaxed If Cuba and Hawaii were ours. There Is no sense In seventy to one hundred mlllons or people, whonrc the greatest consum ers of these luxuries and necessities I of lire, taxing themselves for nil future I time !ccuusc these territories arc foreign. Their products should prop- oily be ours. Our shipping would lw stimulated by Interchange with these Islands If we owned them, and the American people would take a popu lar loan to buy Cuba at a fair prlco quicker than for any othor purpose, audit would bo a more valuable ac quisition than nny other territory we could acquire. Wo would like to hear from our readers on this question, ft N a subject worth discussing. .!!.!" -rrrr Tin: Daily Capital Jouunal Is on our table. It Is a live Republican citizen may exclude from his premises nil foreign luxuries fine cloths, fine silks, rich wines, golden chains and diamond rings still for tho possession of his house, his barn and his home spun, ho Is to be perpetually haunted and harassed by the tax-gatherer. With these views we leave It to be determined whether wo or our oppon ents arc the more truly Democratic on the subject. ' " "Perhaps It was not entirely acci dental that these views of Mr.Llncoln found almost literal expression In the Republican national platform of 18C0. Nor Is It strange that this year, as In 1800, no chart Is needed to mark the Republican position upon this great economic question, The whole world knew a year In advance of Its utter ance what the Republican platform of 1800 would be, and the whole world knows now, nnd has known ror u year past, what the Republican platform or 1800 will be. "Then tho battle was to arrest the spread of slave labor in America! now It Is to prevent the Increase or Ill paid and degraded rrec labor In Amer ica. Tho platform of 18IHI, I say, Is already written written In the hearts paper and Is edited by Hofer Brothers. They expect to make It one of the leading organs of the party dining t lie campaign. Amity Times. Tub Jouunai. Is only an organ of the people tobecure good economical government, and down all rotten ring politics. Tho 150 children living In and about Highland aro entitled to public school facilities. Tim Jouknai. believes ovory American child Is entitled to a good common school education, be ginning with the kindergarten, and ovcry American family Is entitled to a chance to make a living. and at the homes of the masses or our countrymen. It has been thought out nround hundreds or thousands or American firesides literally wrought out by the new conditions and harsh experiences or tho past three years "On the great questions still unset tled, or in dispute, bctnocu the domi nant parties, we stand now Just as we did In 18G0, for Republican principles are unalterable. On the subject or protection to American labor and American interests, we can reafllrni, and will reaffirm, the Lincoln platrorm or 1800. It needs neither amendment nor clulxmitlon. Indeed, we could be gin the platrorm or 1890 In the exact words with which tho rathers or the Republican party 1egau the platrorm or 1800. Its plunk, you will remem ber, reads as follews: "Now, let me read the Lincoln plat form on the tariff, adopted May 17. ' lift up our national credit; nnd up held the dignity nnd Independence or American labor, and the enterprises and occupation of the American people. "No one need be.in.nny doubt about what tho Itcpubllcah party stands for. Its own history mnkes that too palpable and clear to admit or doubt. It stands ror n reunited nnd recreated nation based upon tree and honest selections In every township, county and city district and state In this great American union. It stands ror the American fireside, nnd the flag or the nation. It stands ror the American farm, the American factory, and tho prosperity or nil the Ameri can people. It stands for a recipro city that reciprocates and which docs not yield up to another country a single day's labor that belongs to the American worklngnian. It stands ror international agreements which get as much as they give, upon terms or niiital advantage. It stands ror an exchange or our surplus home products ror such forcl&n products as consume, but do not produce It stands for the reciprocity or Rlalnc; tho reciprocity or Harrison; lor the restoration and extension or the prin ciple embodied in the reciprocity 'pro vision or the Republican tarlffor 1800. It stands rora rorelgn policy dictated BiiMlMMMBKsaWWW111111118 If i 'i s&gk- 1 4& yy a i zkz&xk ttmi "MMt- rffiara il MT V Jdm fflSfl () r mSmm, " lifer -sNrnmt 6u are dischagedTnave Gapitil Transf KVN v r harry - 4-a,,is. onggane and dene piompilJMf Moit'. ft DEP0 r I'Rnt. "IHhl 'Hijji IT ! t"XPR I ffflB (.11 ...t i "i ( iiiiiii rili.l - - l!ieanl mi,,,,. , ' .V'V' In,,., i. ...... ... r "" p ..r." ...,...,,, leUphoiie 'i . 11.7.1" r- J'II.S wmi -ilm fn nil inii'Mo ...! i . . aln Washer and .S.ca'n" "! "Re. It saves Ii.n ... . k?r' hM saves Its own II Itlinuri iCm' Kft by and Imbued with n spirit that Is genuinely American; ror a policy that , will revive the national tradltlons.and restore tlio natlolinl spirit which car ried us proudly through the earlier years or the century. It stands ror such a policy with all rorelgn nations as will insure both to us and them Justice, Impartiality, fairness, good faith, dignity and honor. It stands for the Monroe doctrine as Monroe himself proclaimed it, about which there Is no division whatever among the American people. It stands now as ever for honest money and a chance to cam It by honest toll. It stands ror a currency or gold, silver and paper with which to measure our exchanges, thnt shall bens sound as tho government, nnd as untarnished ou are aiscnarai no use for anv one that has not sense' enough to chew clothes In C, than ,w J l c '" ihj. .byexpreSi,propal.forj'. ''. in copper. Knr nartlciil,.,, ?? ' h i .... , iiuuKi, 156 Statu street. 2 Cr-mmercialStj'cct, Corner Sul ti,, c..iWi;ra,,j co.,, J nOVCll lO lh.1t or.ltinr. f-.ll ' "'B : ,.w. iali 01 at . W. A. Cosick hi ir , 1 President CJ-n-AtoJ l1 4 M 1 M 1 i 1 til Tfl I 1111(11 National OP- SA.I.F.M. Tiansacta general bankma 1um.. tiQ largest piece of GOOD Tobacco ever sold for 10 cents. as Its honor. Tho Republican party would as soon think of lowering tho Hair or our count rv nn in nnntmnnlntn ICftl In. Ili....nnn...l l)n....K1!n.. ...! . - WW..J......W w, Uj w.um.i.u.u. jiujHiuuum iiuLiuii- with patience or without protest and al convention, and! submit whether ' opposition nny attempt to degrade or It does not express the sentiment of mmil.t i.u ...,mi..... ,. ....i great majority of the peoplo of niiionir tlm t.nnnlo. n on,, i, ,iin,i and or the wiiolc country, unnn in tim fnriim nc 1,, nln ,,., , . ,..... ... ....w tvivi k) LIIU IfilOL. LI supply the country with the best money ever known, gold, sliver and A McMlnnvlllo paper asks: Why Is It the name of J.C. Cooper has been scratched from tho list of possible delegates from South Mc Mlnnvlllo? Is It because ho Is a sil ver man nnd a friend or Senator Mitchell ? needless violation of our general policy of non.lntervoutlou In tho nluilrs of Europe, or tho donmstlo relations or luonnrohlw with their subjects. It would hucntliely unwarranted On the other bund Cuba naturally iKilaigsto the continent Columbus discovered and Is dostiuotl to become n put tin iMr. At the proper moment mm vigor Tho Sheridan Sun Is making an elfort to mnrshal the A. P. A. forces for Mltchell.McIlnnvlllo Tel.-Reg-Ister. The alwvo Is a Democratic way or hitting Editor Guild or the Sun. The North Yamhill Record says only bankers will be nominated for the legislative ticket In old Yamhill this year. the Illinois even better today than It did then. Hero iswhnt It said: 11 111 1 1 tn . it ... u,v.-u, xnui, imu providing paper, good the world over. It stands icmio loruiu support 01 ine general for a commercial policy that will government by duties on Imports, ' whiten o.vorv son witi. n, na , sound policy requires such an adjust- American vessels, ilvlntr thr A1i11.pi. nient or these Imports as to encourage ilnir. niid thnr. win ,,mtn,.f ti.,.t ,. the development or tho industrial In- wherever It, iloats. it. tmiu r, ,, terests or tho wholo country; and we system which will give to tho United commend thnt policy or national States the balance of trade with exchanges which secures to the work- every competing nation in tho world Ingmcnllbcral wages, to agriculture re- It Is for a fiscal policy opposed to muncratlvo prices, to mechnnlcs and debts nnddoilclencies in tlmoorneace. manuracturcrsnnndequato reward ror and ravors the return or the govorn- their skill, labor and enterprise, and montton iinhr..nnvinr ..n,i .,., in tlin ii.it In.. ......... nM..1 1... .. .. -i"rf"-t)l "' "iniuato ...v ...,.. Wu,..Vi.ii imKipciuy me continuance of a debt-making, nnd Independence. policy." ""ti "Rettcr protection no Rcnubllcan ' "finiitlomnn nt tim M.t. nu.u could ask or desire; and jworer none and my rellow citizens, let us chcrisli should advocato or accept! Wo are tno 1'nnclples or our party and conse faithfully wedded to tho great prlncl- i1,0, Sm nncVw t0 H,clr Jrl.umPn Pleof protection by of tfiSBtfflA MONEY TSUI Hush On faim land securuy. "smL" rate, on larqc loan,. consideied without deliv ..-.. . ,."AM,W0Nftai ...inn iiuiiiiinn. MONEYJO On city or farm property. Oycrjllusli's Bank, T.K.Fr, INSURANCE. J. N. l-ergion, agent for Western Assurance of Towiio, Phoenix of Ijndon, New Zealand Insurance company nnd the Ktna Life and Accident, has movod his office in with the Globa Real l-.state olhcc, up stairs in pot ofbec build. 1-3 ini" EAST AND SOUTH inc. wn mw ,VIA- W0LZ U MIESCKE, Props. Dealars in all kinds of fresh nnd salt meats, iyFreMi sausapo a specialty. 171 COMMERCIAL ST. Shasta Route. 01- HIE GEO. FENJDRlCira MEAT MARKET. loucn wiiu (no people; wo hayo but iw iiv.uKuii 10 liiu voice 01 1110 people, ns It comes to us from every quarter: wo nave but to paint on our banners fealty nnd affection, nnd Is denrer to us now than over before Not only Is It dearer to us as Republicans, but It has more devoted sunnorturs moon n.V." ?."":. .1"" " L"","ur..u:i"c" the great masses of the American pco- where expressed nt every election dnr- ple, Irrespective of party, than at any '"K the last three years: 'Patriotism, previous period In our history. It Is 1o,tf1cnV0n,J,,,uLJ1i0Sper,tJV ,to1ln everywhere recognized and Indorsed Klml " ci?101" nnd (,00,8,V0 flQ till. r.AA, a.ltn.n..l . 1 1. . . ig K--i'i iiiuaiviiiii, iniimniiuni, A man In Amity claims to believe In conclave astronomy, and llgures It out that wellvoonthe Inside of the earth. Salem k'IiooN aro growing so nuotli or Instructor may bo needed In tho North school. 'It . . V .uujt lui'Pir inu fw - t!l4- ' til " tW '"l " JA jSJ . Aftv "lll wleire, Aft 1 -... rv-Kiv ituK.iuniririhi..t juf ;-SVmiJ &sSKJ&r rul tlii-r, , i rrencra ua rrw Will U)KUt to I , yyn inttnlf vl ailura lutiausll EIEWCBjMLOO.,IUFFIlQ,.Y. All loyal Americans will next lw nuked to salute the spring bonnet and pay tho bill. Salem has the latest fad hard-rtha bowling alley. How's Thls.1 ,J)'?1Ier0no lwl Drtllam lie- A ) Lr "' L " : M ' . 7iirrh that Cure y rrh J pi . i1' ui,,U,ft,K,iw, 'e knownl' J.llieiev for thii nst 1.1 ...i... .....; I...H..... ..S. "V" ': :,,r, ' Jt'urn. hTX. " " Ar"y.lv iioiioniMo In all and Olljlltlv InilwnnHniu ,ii..i i .i.i. ' Ntei:iX"'AX'w"le Druggists. ", ' tMvnecs ud prw.fr, ptiuaiuMJtLr rwtoiTftiUuM imiiJifflf "$S&Kl&&',n naii) . act lug direct Uvuium ';i im hi.u. 1 lia iHlirfur-rta f it. . ..?.." UVstlmonlais frw. 1 - iffiaffiSSfft '3&W. druuL-ists. .;,i,sft,s..s,' htoin. all morlcan nrinclnlo tlio k-nv tn mn.1 prosnorlty In business, tho sarest prop to tho treasury or the United States, and the bulwark or our national Inde pendence and financial honor. "Tho Republican party only Is com-' potent to carry this policy Into effect, Whenever there Is anything to bo dono for the country, It Is to tho Re publican party we must look to to have It done. Wo aro not contending for nny particular tariff law, or laws, or for any special schedules or rates, but ror the great prlnclple-tho American protective policy - - the temporary overthrow or which has brought dis tress and ruin to every part or our lc loved country. "It may be nsked what the next Re publican tariff law will provide. I cannot tell you. 1 cannot toll vnu what tho rates will be, but they will measure the difference between Amer ican and European conditions, nn.i will bo fllllv adcaimta to imii,.i .. nd those soon to be selves from tho Invasion of our mar- ShouWkn?w0ttat"r: kotsby Oriental products to tbn In. Pierce's Favorite Jlirv Ot American lnluir n.1,1 ...m 1.. l.r.ePFPUon robs : " , " , '" ," c"uat)irth ofits tor no case be too low to protect and ex- s, terror and nit American labor, and promote and feVandcbiW iuercnw) American production. Sdinr wun la , 5 "I cannot lietter answer this umvo Parinff thc ?' quMtlon than by Illustration of T0berPcbytu.1lllth,0or,,", Jlr, Lincoln. Somo one nsked him ,nd the period of how lomr a man'a W nni. ... confinement arc Ho kiI.1- Tin ia x"b"Miu , "" BTeaiiv horteued. It also promote the 0 h.U(. 'That Is n very serious Jec"on of an abuudance of nourishment question; and I have given much for the cbua umament thought to U many times. Some :"i'Mr' Mmuld bo longer and somo sherter: 22E!. 'awrri,elnnot.6eDtro but 1 want to tell you that any man's" S nrf egs ought always to bo long enough &W,S&K&J to tvaoh from his body to tho ground.' &' &pSS u&ZS& Atulsouellyou my InqulrlSg mZZSZJgVti 1 A SURGEON'S KNIFE jrtvts jpu a feelluir of horror and dread. Time is uo longer necessity for Itiuse ju many diseases formerly regarded as Incurable without cutting. The Triumph of Conservative Surgery Is well llluktrated by the fact that RUPTURF or, Breach, Is uowrurfA i ,r 7 . 7 ca" F"'"1 w'riout the knife aud without raln. Cluraty, chaf. Inc truues can bo thrown away f They never cure but often induce iuflamrua' tlou, strangulation and death. TUMORS vrin. I'lbrold (uterine) ""yJ aud many others, ore uow remoTeii without tlie perils of cuttioe operations, PILE TUMORS, ftOT.'Wa other diseases or the lower bowel, are perinaneully cured without pala or re sort to the knife. STONE !n "F 'ier. uo matter o tun Li j,ow urge, js crushed, pul. veriied, washed out aud werfectiy re moved without cuttiug. STRICTURE fUriuryrassaii ... . 1 also removed wltRout cutlluff Its hundreds of cases. For pam phlel, references and all particulars seud 10 cent (in stamps) to World's Dls' E.eu".ry, "! AModttton, j Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y. MOTHERS 32I Commercial st. Cottle biock Louccesor to t.. Al Ueck Co. Best meals in tho city, Prompt dellvei miTcat jinccs. cry at SALEM WATER CO. Office: Willamette Hotel Buildla-. For water service apply at oOicc. Dills payable monthly in advance. Make all complaints at thc office. Open spickct to prevent freczinc. posi. tiveiy prohibited. Care Bhould bo taken it in danger of freezing to have stop and waste gate closed seo section 3 rules and ree ulation. No deduction in bills will be ai. lowed for absence or for any causs whatever unless water is cut of from preaiises. I HE WAR IS OVER The undcrsicneil have ,D On Stnte Ctrpi nnil m opened a wagon and carriago shop at 320 Commercial st., in connection with Sprague &(.rounk's blacksmith shop, opposite the ni. niaurance ouuuing. where 1 will carry a complete line of carriage and wagon wood inJiinV m,1 reaay build or repair any kind of vehicles on thort notice, from the heavtcft to the lightest, and will give prices which have never been heard of befoFe. I guarantee all work to give perfect satisfaction. llvc me a call. R. J. HERSCHUACII, Salem, Oregon. Southern Pacific Co, MONEYJO LW 1 nave 5ooo to loan iiioneinmul fractional part not less than $300 Tolas! iialcni during the next 30 days, A&I wmi particulars, J. H. IIAWI.F.V, 200; Sstarl; street, Ponbi' California Express Train Run ilau between Portland and San Francisco. South I 1 North"" 8:50 p. m. 11:00 p.m. t 0:45 a. m. lv. lv ar. l'ortiand Salem San Fran. lv. Iv. Above trains stop at East Portland, Oregon xurner, Marion, .... -.ij. tlei wo uuurn. aiem icnersoti, Albany, Albany Junction. Irvine. liugene, Lrcswell, Drain, and all stations from Roseburg to Ashland, Inclusive. ROSEDURO MAIL DAILY. Miss Ballon Si; Ol'ENKU (IN CHANNING HALL, win receive cinmren irom 3 yewtrnJ Special attention to beginners. All Ja?fi branches for theolder pupils tancht, feoj ingurawing, modeling, music puuuin tistic needle work All work done ootkil dividual plan in which each child a ' vanced according to its own capwrr, l terms and particulars apply to Mio i lou. Twentieth and Chcmeketa ti German Lesson! and no one is hurt. dissolved partnershi FREE TO AIL LADIES! I have a very simple home treatment which I rlW'te.1 "W"B women, ell .uVfni "uu" ol c.vcry nature. Moit detful remedy ever known The half lias never been teld: l'fir rmtl1 ...il ri. .1. ' iJOlltll ti:'M a.m. 11:00 a.m. f:20 p.m. lv.Portliinclnr. lv. Salem lv. nr. Kosob'g lv. Kortb 4:40 p.m. 2:20 p.m. 8:30 a.m. South 4:00 p.m. 0:15 p.m. SALKM PAS8ENQEU. lv. Portland ar. nr. Salem lv. North 10:05 a.m. 8:00 a.m. DINING CARS ON OGDEN ROUTE PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS and secondrclass sleeping cars attached to all trains. WEST SIDE DIVISION, Between Portland and Corvallls, daily (ex cept Sunday.) Given by a qualified teacher, a cot l 01 uermany. uiasses lorcunartaa Saturday nt Channinc Hall. I Mrs. Rapsey. 454 Muw'J BANJO LESSONS Given on reasonable terms by an expos teacher. W. A. RaKET 4UMim 7130 a.m. I Lv. 12: IS p.m. f Ar. Portland. Corvallis. Ar. j 6120 p. m Lv 1 1.-35 P.m. At Albany and Corvallis connect with trains of Oregon Contral & Eastern Railroad. Express train daily except Sunday. 445 P. m 7125 P. m. I Lv. Portland Ar. 8;2 a. in! Ar. McMlnvUlcLv l Oisoa.m. won. For could we with Ink the ocean fill, fiw .lVCry. b adc f era.ss a qnill. VV ere the whole world of nireWnf n..L And every woman a scribe b 1 V lssssm MOwi lLssssa 'IV ..11 .1' ",. " . ZT".m "Jf uc TV I J "1C"JS01 1Ia'w of Figs, iiwould drain th(n-an .1,.. b ' Nor would the scroll contain the whole. Thoueh Slrelrhi.,1 frn .1... . -i... " K Address" Mn,. J. W. B. boVgCTallman Linn countv. Or. ' ' 1 ."'. 0 THROUGH TICKETS to all points In the fcitti. Ci,... r .i- and Europe can be obtained at lowest ratel E. P, ROGERS, Asst. G. V, & P, A.. R.KOEHLER, Manager. Vonhn0r' C. H. LANE, IU1 st.. Salem 0( Pants $ upw MERCHANTTA 2i t Commercial Ui7Sults $15 upwards. (to JO, Mill! k Si. Paul R'y. 2.12.1m HARD TIMES PRICES! tl.ebi!cnhUaesaFargIpr0PSet0C,Ve fer.ndShca1k',Phin - Hand.made stel ,w. 5 p Scion'.ino Amorlcan fcffi, Agenoy for v r K UJlVCArowa , rVUfc. ttow ...HO f MTTircmrvTANA -"' 2 ,. i " rp 1 1 t-.-. .iw., i.k snoein. 00 250 100 ChemeketaSf " " I- H. HAAS, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, lTiomdXUe!cy0,funVepair Wk' e,c' x5 Commercial Street Tako Your Wif ona of thoo handsomii Po . rgiTttitiii:rzv",7uox.'a' 01rvar. Tm,7:::i. 5!'QH iATHT3. ro,!nform.un.y':,'HT, t.l P snumm smnm i5KlaS,f.S.'i,i.! Ml o ClT- Jt . c"- O Zs&S eTf H ..uiiuKIIl Pllfcw 1 w M I 6 W A W. .Jiii-rT;T Wlhnnt l 11.. TiZ "" - ' h. it w h iv. mr'm -- j. Ik.- rt.f ??.' It. 0t Ala a Jr-vvMOXlTA Oft V"l- urUitr. firHtEw Catuituitv HAC!!taiHUTL0.m '. wVortCitr. JUiLf1 - aon.poUoio ff"f. or any UflaoSi. ffi rritatlon or oloen oa or iuucoui mem. 1 iiraaM, Kdn4li.i., oaia or urascbta. glancehat this map. S'Jf chic,a. i Si . i.i ..1 1:.. .. 5, Paolaaau1 and romember when going east '"j" are ngntca wttn ". 7b & BufTet, Jibrary, smoking and dPr wuh lire iciumufi v..-. . ,-Li car beithhas an electric reading IW, IU dining cars aro the best io u n.L.. is-.- !.. ilisn this. t ' wuicr ii"c arc iuuk.. - -,,,,, tarts are shorter, and no oilier offers m : IINnDB ilfMlIMAr14lmrl( 1 Ili3w v .t. n..Ur!tv nf "Tb icawiis lur 111 pupu...v - 1 V, l rnnrwn lirl-et SPtntS IB "'. road office will give yon further ml oraddress ,.... C.J. EDUY. """C A J. r.CASEY.Trar.Pw-J i or al lu puin wrpwr. rm,pri;'l fr?PHJ, "for l.(W, or 3 bottle, siTiT OtrcoUr Mat en nMti, m W 0t P0""'