Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, January 16, 1896, Image 1

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    ' I
rilMfc 1l HI Mill dm
V 3- 9.
All Ladies' and Gentlemen's
Winter Weight Woolen Underwear
Reduced to close out these lines at
Come and buy now while you can get
them at extremely low prices,
2 No Trouble to Show You Through and Give Prices. 2C
Hardware, Tinware, Barbed Wire
Blacksmith Supplies Stoves and Machinery at
Exrminc our large and complete stock. Always prompt and
courteous treatment, .
. Can save you money on Underwear, ,
5 hosiery, boys' " clothing, table linen, f
overalls, gloves, tinware, Keep your
eve on THE FAIR,
of the Willamette university.
Modern method. "Up to date. Same as in the eaitern and European Conservatories
None but the best is cood enough for beolnnj-rs an w II as for more advanced pupils,
W. C. IIAWLEY President
R. A HHUTACIE Vocal Director
EMIL L. WINKLER, InUrumental Director.
- fl SHAME ! -
Really it will, to let such a chance pass you for buying
Clothing, Furnishing Goods,
as we will offer for the next fifteen days at our
as we will after Feb, 1st occupy
a sale of afew lots or things, but
A!l the Clothing X AJ
All the Furnishing Goods. X
All the Hats and Caps, X
All the Trunks and Valises.
Must go if it costs us a fortune in losses,
f " "
257 Commercial Street.
M t
the room at 115 State st,
It isn't
" N"
They Wanted a Special Ses
sion Very Bad.
Unless .Given a Chan'ce'to Make a
New Record,
Front all the evidence ul homo m
far the tjltl Portlnrid machine crowd
want n special session and want it
bad. They have absolutely no politi
cal future unless tltoy can act a
chance to make some tinnonranuo of
favoring retrenchment and reforms.
They wrote a reform platform and
pretended to give the people a new
deal. They never kept a single pledge
of the platform and prevented a now
dealasfaras possible. That (a their
record and they cannot escape from
It. The fight between tho pcoplo in
he Republican party who were sin
cere In their pledges of reform and
the gang who were false to their
pledges of a now deal Is on just as hot
as It was last winter.
Portland wants a charter bill that
will bo worth a million dollars to the
gang. They will spend a hundred
thousand dollars to Ret It. They also
vant to rc-apportlon the state. They
would promise all the otllcca for the
next ten years to members who will
stand in'. They arc bringing all sorts
of influences to bear to get an extra
session. All their howling of economy
in the only paper at Portland is to
this end. The gang that want to steal
and rob tho state want It, but
tho peoplo do not want It. The
people want nothing but a chance to
get at these fellows in tho next cam
paign. They will make short work of
every one who comes before them.
They are bringing all the pressure
possible to bear on the governor to
force him to call a session. They are
lost without It. They have tho mer
cenary element with them. It is a
life and death struggle of the old
machine that has held up tho pcoplo
of Oregon with a highly organized ex
travagant olllclallsm since twenty
Walter Lyon of the Oregonlan Is
working up sentiment for the special
session and is In close touch with
Willis Dunnlway, nephew of Harvey
Scott, who Is the governor's private
ccretary. Lyon's Item today reads:
Governor Lord has not yet Inti
mated whether ho will or will not
call an extra session of tho legisla
ture. With tho assurance that his
recommendations to the last legisla
ture would be carried out, It Is quite
probablo ho would acquiesce in tho
demand for a relief session. State
officials, generally are non-committal
on the question of an extra session.
Ono olllclal's Jocular reply when asked
If he deemed It wise to convene tho
legislature In extra session was: "Do
you suppose we would favor having
our salaries and fees paraded before
the public?"
Tho Oregonlan says editorially.
No man was more responsible for
tho failure of measures In the last
legislature to relievo the peoplo than
Governor Lord. He, out of enmity or
resentment against Senator Dolph,
because, as he supposed, Dolph had
! not pressed him for a placo on the
federal bench, assisted tho combine
I that "held up" the legislature. The
fialemorean of tho gang 6ald, not
long since: "Lord was turned down
ri -
nnil filllvort was annolnted. Lord uot
oven by standing out against Dolph
wlien he wanted to be returned to the
senate." Tho defeat of Dolph, how-
The U. S. Gov't Report
ever, was K rstnail matter compared
with tho liljurj inflicted on the state
through thfe delinquency of tho legis
lature In the matter of reforming
stato and local abuses. For contlnua-
tldti durlngnt least two years more of
the abuses and excesses or wmcu the
people.complaln, no man, therefore,
was more responsible than tho gov
ernor of the state. It was not tltat
;Govcrrior Lord really wished to per
petuutb thOi burdensome conditiens:
but his overwhelming dcslro to beat
Dolph made, him indifferent to all
(Other consequences.
1b a dlMculibnc. He Is still cogitat
ing tho matter and while lit his heart
.he' seems tojppposo a session, ho had
( to the hour of going to press not
Vjnde up hl$ mind. He feels that he
vvll be cl-r-jd if ho don't and d d
If he docs. Jills closest advisers are
The people so far as they
express themselves
f'i . .
cry out in the
travail of Flielr seuls: "The Lord
'. 1
.Owing to tjic War With tho Cuban
ailrlshmorican Bank of Min
neapolis rails,
. 3
New York, Jan. ID. Perkins and
Welch, sugar Importers and exporters,
have assigned to llenj. Perkins. The
the total liabilities arc put at half a
million dollars. Mr. Arnold of the
counsel for tho assignee, said the
cause of tho failure was the Cuban
war. The , firm has been making
large advances on tfio strength of
the consignments to be received.
The conditions in Cuba have (prevent
c:l the shipments of sugar.
Bank Failure.
Minneapolis, .Tan. 10.
Amcrican bank, a state
closed today.
-The Irish
Institution, Cuban Recognition.
Cleveland, .Inn. 15. Mr. Herbert
W. Wolcott, chairman of the execut
ive committee of tho Cuban-American
League, has received tho following
solf-cxplanatory dctter from Senator
Sherman at Washingten:
"Your note of tho Oth Inst., Inclos
ing clippings showing action of tho
Ohio legislature, Is received. Tho
subject of the recognition of tho
insurgent Cubans as belligerents is
now under careful consideration by
tho committee, of which I am chair
man. You may bo sure that when
ever tho conditions will Justify It,
such recognition will bo made by con
gress or tho president."
Gov. Drake Inaugurated.
Des Moins, Iowa, Jan. 10. Tho
inauguration of Governor Drake took
place at 2:30 today In tho presence of
soveral thousand people. Tho gover
nor In his Inaugural address said tho
stand taken by tho president in favor
of tho Inforcemcnt of tho Monroe
doctrine has received tho .most tin-'
hesitating and cordial approval of tho
patriotic peoplo of all parties.
W. C. T. U. National Convention.
Chicacjo, Jan. 10. A decision has
Just been reached to hold the next
national convention of tho W. O. T.
U. at San Francisco in October 1890.
Filed Akticles.-G. Giles, Chas.
J. Wcllman, and It. W. Wilbur of
Portland, havo Incorporated the
"Giles Mercantile Agency."
Free Pills.
Kend your address to II. E. Ihicklen
!nnMiatIon and Sick Headache. For
t irniBln nml T.W'ni tfSkiittlnu tlmi tinin
n'ved invaluabio. They are
& Co.. Chicago, and get a free sample Jewar0 0f Ointments for Catarrh
box of Dr. King's Now Life Pills., A onuin Mercury.
",u'v,.,,.v"u',1""""'"r," icutvmw tu iuov tii
1 Awpii ; "'" u . - ... and'comt,iete,y drail ,i, w
minranteed to bo perfectly free :
XSetable? 00 no'taken
by their action, but by giving tone to
stomach and dowcis greany tnvograio
tho system. Regular size 2.rc. per
box. Sold by Fred A. Legg, druggist.
ftvcv fsm fVtr
.' '. 3
fltohr's Ctoir1a.
Communication By Sea Her
Only Outlot,
Fresh Supply of Munitions for tho
Madhiu, Jan. 10. Dispatches from
Havana say tho Insurgents havo cut
off all means of land communication
between that city and Interior, ex
cept by a short railroad from Havana
to Marlanao, province of Havana, and
over a still shorter railroad between
Pagla and Gunalcacla, suburbs of that
city. Consequently steamships arc
the only means of communication be
tween the capital and the piovluccs,
which remain at tuo disposal of tho
teace negotiations.
Havana, Jan. 10. Tho air Is full of
rumors regarding negotiations going
on between tho captain-general and
the Insurgent leaders, but the general
opinion Is that oven If they nro taking
place, there will be no result from
It Is reported that while Macco was
moving along the northern coast of
Plnardcl Itlo, ho received considera
ble additions to his supply of arms
and ammunition. A schooner loaded
with arms, etc., Is said to havo
awaited tho insurgents at La Mulata,
and other such consignments arc said
to havo been received at various
points along tho coast. This Is denied
by tho Spanish authorities, who say
the coast Is thoroughly patrolled by
the Spanish navy.
Madhid, Jan. 10. Captain- General
Campos has asked for cavalry rein
forcements, to be sent to Cuba, and
It Is otllclally reported that tho situa
tion there Is regarded as being of tho
most critical sort.
New Youic, Jan 10. A local par or
Intelligence has been received by a
prominent member of tho Cuban
party In Now York of tho arrival of
an Important auxiliary to tho Insur
gent forces. Hoports havo already
been published stating that a filibus
tering expedition under Garcia has
been landed near Havana.
A party consisting of 40 men undor
the leadership of Alfred Labordo has
lauded at llatabano, on the west coast
of the Island, within a short dlstanco
of Havana. Tho party Is well
equipped. Gomez and Maccoaro hover
ing In tho vicinity with upward of
1000 troops. Ever since tho revolu
tion broke out last Februrary tho rebel
leader Del Gardo, with 4000 men, has
ecn turner arms at uamuuiiu, xuis
Dirty will lw Joined by tho now aril
vals, and the combined force will Join
the main army. Tho Intelligence Is
consldcrd ol tho greatest Importance
by nil the Cubans to whom it has been
N. P. Bonds Deposited.
New York, Jan. 10. It Is an
nounced that n largo majority of tho
Union Pacific first mortgago bonds
havo decn deposited with tho reorgan
ization committee under an agree
ment. that
tents of
hole sv.
(cm when entering it inroucn inc tnucou
surface Such articles should never be used
except on prescription reputable phvlcln,
Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney
U ia , loleuo, U , contains no mercury, ana
s taken internally, acting directly upon the
bhxxl and mucous surface of the syitcni. In
buying Hall's Catarrh Cure hew you get
tli genuine It is taken internally, and made
in Toledo Ohio, by V, J. Uieny U. le.
timnniat frer.
.RrSolli by Drutfuhts, price 75 cents a bot-
lfctr3M,itiig HuL,4. ftflk.u.
Lnngtry's Stolen Jewels.
London, Jan. 10. Governor Schus
ter, of tho Union bank, of Loudon,
said It was true that Mrs. Langtry
had brought act Ion for tho loss of her
Jewels, which were entrusted to tho
care of the bank, and which were ob
tained from It by a forged order. Mr.
Schuster added, however, that' tho
bank was resisting Mrs. Langtry's
claims. Thojowcls have been vari
ously estimated In value from $T0,000
to ?200,000.
' Lloyd Montgomery.
Aluany, Or., Jan. 10. Lloyd Mont
gomery's attorneys visited hint In Jail
today and conversed with him about
appealing his case to the Oregon
supremo court. In splto of Montgom
ery's former statements that ho
wanted to die, he told his attorneys
ho wished them to do nil thoy could
for him, and secure a now trial, If
possible. Ills lawyers say thoy will
file a bill of exceptions on or before
January 20, and appeal tho caso to tho
supreme court.
The Ebnor Quartz Mill Wipod Out
of Existence
John T. Pearl in tho Dobris and
Can't Ba Rescuod.
Port Townsend, Jan. 10. Tito
steamer City ofTopeku brings nows
from Alaska that a big snow slide In
the Silver How basin, swept away tho
Ebncr quartz mill and killed John
T. Pearl, tho watchman. It wlU'bo
Impossible to sccuro Pearl's body be
fore the thaw sots In next spi lug.
The damage Is estimated at $30,000.
American Qold.
London, Jan. 10. At tho half
yearly meeting yestcrdny of the Union
bank of Loudon, tho now governor of
that Institution, F. O. Schuster, said
the prevailing Impression that (ho
largo Incrcaso In tho stock of gold was
duo to Increased production was only
partly truo. It was from the United
States, he added, chiefly that tho
Incrcaso was obtained.
Tho Imports from tho United States
continued Mr. Scustcr, were duo to
tho currency troubles and tho want
of conlldcnco arising therefrom. Hut,
In his opinion, tho troubles would not
contluuo much longer, and when
these dlillcultlcs were overcome, as he
could not but hope thoy would bo,
sooner, or later, tho tide might turn
tho current In tho opposite direction
Miners Strike.
Columiiuh, O., Jan. 10. A thou
sand miners obeyed by tho Morris
company, struck today on account of
trouulo said to bo local.
Excellent Work. Salem's street
car companies aro entitled to tho
highest credit for their energy and
enterprise in keeping tho lines open
and cars moving during tho presence
of tho snow and sleet.
Challenged. At a meeting of tho
Ilcds last nlghta challenge was lasucd
to tho Yellows, to play a gamo of In
door baseball at tho Y. M. C A.
gymnasium, Saturday evening, Jan
nary I8th.
Hood's Is Wonderful.
No less wonderful are the cures ac
complished by Hood's Sarsaparllla,
oven after other preparations and
physicians' prescriptions have fulled.
Tho reason, however, Is simple.
When tho blood Is enriched and purl
tied, disease disappears and good
health returns, and Hood's Sarsapa
rllla Is the one true blood purifier.
Hood's pills nio prompt and ctllclent
and do not purge, pain or grlpo,
23 cents,
Brcklen'a Ant ca 8a vo
The bed Sd in lh world fat Cuts,
IlruUes, Hore , U'crt. Salt Uheum. Fryer
Sore, Tun- r Cna pei hand. Chilblains,
and all Skin Cru (I mi, ami potitivrly cures
Piles, or no 1 ay r (pi'ml. It U gun an eed o
cive'icrfsct satisfaction or money reuimlcdr
Price 25 cents a box. For sale b Fred A
Highest of all in Leavening Power.
9k ' liS&OSiM
t M &V , -4
Afraid Mr, Cleveland Is Too
Democratic National Convontlon
Sot for July 7th.
. Washington, .Inn. 10. Sowcl (rep.)
of New Jersey, Introduced a resolution
on the Monroe doctrine In the senate
today. Tho resolution declares that
tho president has pressed the Monroe
doctrine beyond what was intended,
nnd that his Interpretation will in
volve tho United States In foreign
complications, and virtually extended
tho protectorate over Mexico and
South American states.
Senator Call gave notlco today that
ho would soon move to dlschnrgo tho
foreign relations committee from tho
consideration of the resolution for tho
recognition of tho Cubans as belliger
ents, In order to havo tho senate voto
directly on tho question with no
further delay.
Wauhinoton, Jan. 10. There was
an Interesting opluodo In tho house
to lay, Inspired by Grow, a representa
tive of Pennsylvania, who declared"
that tho Now York chamber of com
merce in a pamphlet widely circu
lated, had cast reflections upan the
good faith of tho house. Tho pa uph
let criticised tho house for not paj ing
tho Canadian scalors $100,003 which It
was assorted had boon arbitrated and
awarded to tho owners of tho seized
WASHiNctTON.Jnn. 10. Mllls'speech
on llnnuce, with frequent direct criti
cisms of tho president and tho secre
tary of tho treasury, was the main
feature of yesterday's session of tho
senate. Tliero was added interest In
tho speech from tho fact that Mills
had lK'cn prominent In the senate as
the champion of tho presidential
Hlsoritisms today were temperate
and dignified, tho senator giving ex
pression to his high personal regard
for the cxccutlxo, although dl ring
from him radically on tho question of
financial policy. Pofferfollowcd.wlth
a speech against bonds and In favor
of silver coinage During the day
Pugh gavo notlco that, Monday next,
would press to a vote, without debate,
a resolution that all government obli
gations should be paid In elthor silver
or gold.
Democratic National Convention,
Washington, Jan. 10. Tito Demo
cratic national convention will bo
lull July 7. The national commlttco
decided today upon this date. Tho
opposition motion favored Juno 2,
Tho vote was 32 to 18 In favor cf
July 7. A resolution of Patrick: Col
lins, of Massachusetts, offered In th
convention of 1802, that tho mxt
national convention s'louU bo held
behlld closed doors, was reported ad
versely by tho rUib-coniu.lttce to
which It was roforrcd, and tho report
was adopted unanimously. It wis
decided to glvo each city thirty min
utes to present their claims this after
noon. New Notahv. II. II. Snow, Of
vlllo, Oregon, was appointed today,
- Lateit U.S. Gqv, Rtpert
Agent Mortgagee. JS'&T
jmMOMxaax kjkk