vtt Tirff vnrfi'n" IT-' - I 1 4. L , X b- .- y- t . & CAV . i1 ypnriwif jja!t!!i"iiJiiAh'M";; Mjfemfc MamuftaHMaMMftAif "'-'-iiMfiiiigiinr iTBagaawaBa Daily Capital Journa HY HOKttR DROTHBK8, Hiii'. una. .liir,JS4t 1 1 ' liTnii i"i T iiiTiTn f fi CHi tiflS-- g "-- PERSONAL. TUESDAY, JAN. 14, 1890. STEAMERS Altona and Ramona LEAVE DAILY. SUNDAY. Portland, 6:45 a m. 9:00 a. m. oaicm, Hi Mt ln .W..J -! Independence, 0130 a. m. GTFrclght received up to Cot m. to p. m.ul and cheap Click time, regular lervlce .., rates ... M. P. BALDWIN. Agent, Salem 2f O MILITARY ENCAMPMENT.-AbOUt a . k.it... i ! .tnln tnllttftrv I LWO IUI11W1S UKU lW OMllv """'; I .board had concluded to order a general encampment of tUo entlro brigade of the state, and directed that the proper offlccru should muko nn estimate or tlm nxncn.se. and the cstininte. which wns completed about three weeks ago, I M.nu.n.1 Mint Mm nrruiriut unillfl llfi greatly In excess of what the board ' McKlnloy Mitchell returned to Clcr nr. flror. niiMc.limfnd. Mill 111 COI1B (lcm-i n,s "KM. It. J. llchdrlcks is In the city. Lydell Baker Is up from Portland. George firucc Is In the city from 1 Turner. 0. E. Adams left today for The Dalles. COLLEGE I K C A SOCIETY CHRONICLE. Lical News of Social and Fraternal Evcnto. Miss M. E. Sperry Is in Portland. Mrs. P. E. Hodgkln went to Oregon city today to visit relative. Mm M. A.Cavanaugh left today for Dayton, "Washington, to visit friends and relatives. Mrs. Warren Trultt accompanied the Judgo down from Alaska, and Is thegucHt of Mrs. E. V. Smiillof this city. Miss Nellie Stevens, superinten dent of the public schools of Union county, is In the city, the guest of Miss Alice Hayes. ' Miss Pearl Aldrlch is In the city, and will spend the winter with her mother, Mrs. T. IJ. Walt. For a few years past she has lived with grand parents In California and Michigan. Tho following Is the program to bo given at tho Y. M. C. A. tomorrow evening by tho young peoplo of tho Christian church, who have In charge tho regular monthly social for thin menth: Instrumental duet Misses Itlggs and Koyt Vocal duct Miss Hunt and Calkin Kecltatloii Nellie Clark Instrumental solo Mr. Calwcll Hecitatlon(fromHlley)...I.M.Woodruir Instrumental solo Miss Hubbard Tableau, "When the cats arc away tho mice will play." Piano solo . 'Imitation or clog dance) IMIhh Hunt llecltntlon Grace Mcllague Vocal solo I. M. Woodrnir Itecltntlon Clara Kent t Instrumental solo Mr. Calwell Vocal duct Mrs. Davis and Rose (Woodrult Tableau, "Uefore and After." All members and their friends aro Invited to attend tho entertainment and social. tlon of the stringency of the times, they concluded in n private conference week before last to abandon the scheme of an encampment, and last evening at their regular quarterly ses sion they formally adopted n resolu tion rcsclndlag their former nctlon and abandoning the proposed brigade encampment. The board realizes that the militia of the state would have been greatly bcnellttcd by such an en campment, and that to abandon it; will be a great disappointment to the soldiers, The board hopes that un der the circumstances the tnllltlii will acquiesce to the Inevitable, and con tinue their exertions, in maintaining the organization and discipline ns heretofore, and also that upon the re vival of business and Improved condi tions 11 general encampment will be called some years lator. Fletcher Wins. Monday at 2 o'cltck was the time set by Judge Edcs for the hearing of the cases of C. It. Savage against J. II. Fletcher, proprietor of the Inde pendent. Tho first was for a debt of 8171.20, and the second for 8100.40, In curred by L. II. McMnhan when man ager of tlie IudcjKmdcnt, and claimed to have been bought up by C. II. Sav age. When the court convened, Mr. Rigger, attorney for the plaint liT, after agreeing to pay all tho costs of both stilts, moved that tho cases be dismissed, wlileli ua.s accordingly done. Tlieso suits were Instigated to annoy Mr. Fletcher, and lie seems to Iw downing these unjust attacks as fast us they como up. Senator Jefferson Myers went to Albany tills morning. Adjutant-general B. D. Tuttlc re turned to Portland today. J. W Cuslck, the Albany banker, returned home this morning. Thomas Rrandon, of Hnlsey, re turned home this morning after a short stay In Salem. lion. Warion Trultt, Judge of Alaska, who Is spending a short time in the vnllcy, went to Albany this morning. Miss Marguerite Aldtfrson, Prof. Parvln, A. W. Lundell and M. L. Akors returned to Albany this morn ing. The Fifth Annual Conference at Eugene, THE SATURDAY SESSION, Proceedings Sunday and Notes On the "Gathering. The Sealskin Cloak Thief. In Recorder Edcs' court yesterday Tin: Chask Company. Hcttle Ber nard Chase and her troupe appeared at the Reed last night In "Little Coquette," and were met by a largo and appreciative house. Tho play was good, and tho actors supported their roles with great merit. The songs, Jokes and dunces were new nutl pleas ing, and the stnr in her character of "Little Coquette" appeared to per fection (ho Ingenuous maid she repre sented. It Is not often that so good a company comes to Salem, and at such low prices, and this one Is cer tainly deserving of liberal patronage. Robert Harrild received tho cash gift of 5 hist night. "Hunted Down" will be played tonight, and the com pany will remain heie 11 week. OKDKIt OK KASTKKN 8TAK. Evergreen chapter, No. 41, Ordor of lfllit ltllt CiliH at.... I....1I1..1 .1 II 1... mioiviii nun, vmrt II1SI IllllCd .MUllUliy night at Woodbum In tho Masonic hall by Grand Patron J. 11. Bridge ford, of Bay City, assisted by the of Itcers of Chadwlck chapter, No. .Ti, Or der of Eastern Star, of Salem. The now chapter starts out with a mem bor of II. Thero were . membcra pioseut from this city. Tho olllcers elected and Installed for tho ensuing term aro as follews: Mrs. B. A. Cathey, worthy matren: J. M. Poornmn, patron; Mrs. Dora Ray, assoclato matron; I. H. Leonard, treasurer; Mrs. W. II. Johnson, seen tary;MUs Ida Mills, conductress; Miss Lyda Boynton, assoclato conductress; Miss Edith Wheeler, Adah; Mrs. .1 M. Poorman, Ruth; Mrs. O. I). Hen derson, Esther; Mrs. W. E. Flnzer. Mortha; Mrs. J. A. Knight, Electa; Mrs. G. V. Boles, warden; Mrs. Spen- cur jierry, bciitincl. SoMKCANimATKH.-Tho outlook is that theie will bo miililtiidu of candidates for county oillces bcfoio tho next convention. For example, uicro nrc already a doon who want to bo county assessor, and thero aro Kovcial months to go on. The follow ing gentlemen are named: S. T. llolmrt, Gnrlleld; Phil Frotz, Salem; T. B. Pulton, Clymer; Hen (iesucr, Maeleay;Ves Smith, Turner; W. T. Rlgdon, Salem; W. M. imieury, Turner; (M. strain ami II. F. Hall, wnotliMirii; M. .1. Connor, East Salem; Moitson, Stayton. L DOKHN'T MAltUY FOH MONKY.-A Salem minister was called upon a few days ago by a young man who wished toengngo him to perform a marriage ceremony, but frankly told him that ho had no money. Tho gentleman of tho cloth remarked: "I never marry for money," and (00k tho Job. .m:w ouk Kackkt.-Down km u iini'unn lauies.getitHiuulchlldrons winter underwear, of all kinds, also on heavy wool mittens and gloves. Ihoy aro offered nt very low prices to urn out 1 no Hues. Call and money. save rxrr- Bargains 1 Bargains J 42-lnoh all-wool jpiiota, Wo per yard. 10 men's stilts now W M . " it fn w Boy's suit nil rt.ducwi-ii.75 to U LadloV 10 mackintoshes now i; Clioaiwr oiu. all reduced. ' ' Men' and boy' mackintosh Hint ovcrcoatsat bargain $$?, .SHOhh-All solid shoos, fluo and i'oar .so a jiair and up for ladl "s and gentlemen. Children', nil M , fhws, ! a pair and nn. Elegant vnluw for ts.60 and w a Jviir. WILLIS BROS. St CO. fili!aiSiu,),yKCIoil,i,,lram HitoiCKN Coi.i.au Bonk.-Dr. .1. N. Smith was called to Shaw .tatlon yes terday to attend Mrs. Cuuimlngs, wife or tho the merchant at that place, who sustained, among other injuries, a fracture of tho collar Ikiiio, by means of a runaway. A small boy nun driving too team wiien tho neck yoke caniu down, frightening tho horses so that they ran away and throw tho occupants out of tho wagon, resulting In Mrs. Cummlngs' Injuries. Juiiok Bkan Dkci.inhh. -Monday's Oregoulan had an article brlnglngout iitiKu jhniii in i ue supremo court for congress, niler Justice Moan's at tention Iwlug called to tho artlel.t In the Oivgonlan, roferrlng to tho probability of his nomination for congros from the llrM district, ho said: "While I nppivoliite tho friendly interest taken In im, am not a can dldate for that oilleo, ano could not accept tho nomination, if toudoivd." 'rnci:is Patiknth. -Gwi. Dlmler, of North Salem, was admitted to tho Salem Hospital hist nlgbt. Thero aro thivo iatlents there at prosut. Waul lmtlents are charged $l a day and private rooms cost from 2 to 3 a day according to room accommodations, thero Is a matron and two muses em ployed, lmsldfts a Janitor. H'NIIUAl. AT lNl)lll'HNl)HNOK.-Slin. lay h largo numborof friends attended tho funeral of IUmiIiiIi (illmoiv. Ilttlo daiiKhter ,.f L. C.tJlh,,,. r l.ule iwndence. who died earl. tvttunlav Morning from the effects of burns re celyed tho day boforolu a cti.il oil w. A ttlolxy- InJiuvdatthoNimoUmo Will SKMllKt well. Belle Flestcr was fined $2.) and costs upon a conviction of larceny and in default she was sent to tho county Jail to servo It out. Followl ng Is from the Corvnllls Times: Chief of Police Dllly, of Salem, ar rived in town yesterday morning and took away with him Mrs. Belle Fics ter, a notorious woman, charged with tho larceny of a cloak. Mrs. Flcster was not a part of the population of Corvnllls, but arrived here Sunday morning in company with Mrs. Clark, the woman who deserted her chlldron In Corvnllls last summer, and both ap plied for lodging nt a house on front street. Tho Clnrk woman was not admitted, but her faro was paid by the woman of the house and she was sent to Albany. Along with Mrs. Flcster was her macqiic, who Is said to bo a relative of the Flester who drowned his wife lu a pool of water near Grant's Pass last summer. Tho woman was arrested by Chief Wells. She denies tho larceny of the cloak The New Hospital. The hoard or control of the Salem hospital met yesterday, all members being present except Messrs. Hodgkln and Bush. Two patients aro in charge audeerythlng Is carefully attended to by the siiiie'rlntcndent, Miss Bow innn, The Iward received and ordered acknowledged a letter from the committee of Insurance men, It.' P, Boise, Jr., N. J, Jtidah and C. 1). Gabrlelson, presenting the complete rurnisning or ono room, to bo known as the underwriter's room. Tho com mittee was authorized to make ar rangements with Miss Savage of Stay- ton, and .miss Evans, of Salem, to act as nurses. The proportions of some or tho fraternal orders or this city to furnish rooms were considered, and becrotary Greay instructed to confer with them further. Several patients aro expected mioii. lUh! Uth! Baths! Vi,o.0.J!?Malntlis, Mx baths viiiiurcu'sim ircuttlnu. titular Jmn or iige.15 cents. K' u,ulor J. 0. Mius, prop, forl 12 M-lm Salem Republican Club. About forty of Salem'K staunch Re pupllcans leaders met at La Fore's hall as per call published. A motion prevailed that a commit tee of live bo appointed to make out usi ot lorty-ono names to lo voted for as delegates at a meeting to Iw held next Monday evening. President Gatch named Dr. .1. N. Kmitii. r i. Patteioii, 1). D. Matthews, George P. Hughes and II. A. Johnson, Jr., as such committee and they will meet nt Squire Johnson's otlleo Monday fore noon at 10 o'clock to foriutilato their report. There was n general good feeling and all expressions were to the effect that a good ticket undiiuood nnnni. wit Ion wore ossein Inl to success. Tho New York Racket has a line iiiio or lwys and youths suits, at low prices; iiImi lino lot of all kinds of Stnr f Star Ixxitsaud shoos or all sizes and kinds. Call and gota Jmrgaln. A Widow Pensioned. WAHiiiNdTON, Jan. H.-Tho bill HMiuiuiKii pension or ,r monthly to tho widow of tho Into Brigadier-general Coggsw ell pa.v,ed the senate today. Awnrded Highest Honors World's Fair Medal, iMItlwiiitcr Pair. DRLr CHEAM BAKING POWDER uSk tfA.t Tt.- . m . i tcricci olaue, 4o Years tha Standard, We glean from the Albany and Eugene evening dallies tho follewing: On last Friday the students went up to Eugene to attend the fifth annual conference or the college Y. M. C. A or Oregon. The delegates from tho different colleges spent the remainder of the afternoon nfter they arrived In looking over the university buildings and finding their places of entertainment. In the evening a largo audience assembled lit Vlllard hall to hear the opening exercises. Pres. Chapman, of the State univer sity, gave a very earnest address of welcome, stating tho main object or the Y. M. C. A. in a very clear man ner. Its8peclal nim is to hold up Christ ns our Savior of men. Prof. Dunn, of Willamette, gave in response a very pleasant and well worded eulogy of the U. of O. his alma mater. Tho address of welcome by Rev. W. S. Gilbert on behalf of the churches was earnest and entertaining. Prof. Howland noted especially the signif icance or the tact that the pastors or Eugene realize so fully the good work that tho Y. M. C. A. Is doing In the colleges of Oregon. Pro's. McClurc, of tho university Y. M. C. A., gave a pointed address to which Mr. Washburn, of Portland, responded. On Saturday morning the session was opened with a "quiet hour" of prayer for the conference. Some very pointed questions were asked by Mr. Mlchener bearing upon the work of the christian student. An excellent address was delivered by Mr. Brown, of Salem, on tho "Equipment of the College Association". He urged that the association should have full con trol of the athletics In the college. To tills end he urged that the associa tion lit up a gjmnnsluni where there is none in tho college. In the afternoon Prof. Howland gavo a very Interesting talk on "Tho Statistics of tho Colleges". It was remarked that but a smnll portion of t no members or our association are engaged in any kind or systematic Bible study. The duties or tho col lege association president were thoioughly discussed. Mr. Dummett gave a very Interest ing account or his visit to the summer seiiool ntNorthliold. Aftcra thorough discussion of the work, Mr. Mlchener announced that such a school would bo held In California this hummer for the lxmcllt or the college men or tho Pacific coast. This announcement met with a hearty cheer from tho delegates. In the evening Mr. Mlchener deliv ered an interesting address on the Inter-collegiate movement. There are nuno ineiulx:rsof the college Y. M. C. A. than or any other Inter-collegiate organization. During hist year, for the first time in tho history or American colleges more than hair tho men In our col leges were Christians. The men who are leading In all col lego movements aro lanrelv member or the Y. M. C. A. After the sorvlco a collection for tho work in tho Northwest was taken amounting to nearly thirty dollars. SOMB STATISTICS. Prof. Howland submitted n black board review or tho work for tho past year. This review was a table or statistics giving all kinds or Infor mation concerning college Y. M. C. A. work In OrcKon. The rennrt nfiim eleven colleges which imv. ,e...i.. nous in tiicm shows that thero 1.0S0 young men In these colleges or which s- "r professed Christians! 2t0ro active niembcraof the Y. M. C. A.,tho total membership being U5L There nrc 413 new students among them and members have been added this . aigniy are engaged in Bible study, o have beon converted through v uui-uhiu iiiocouego v. M. C. A. men and tho average attendance upon kik-i ineeuns navo been 30 rnlrty-nlno committees are In the field mid $121.50 have been raised by contributions. ' f Mr. Mlchener urged upon the dole- VwT , ""iKiriunco or prov ding inselveswIthY.M.C.A.lltcratura for t ho proper and Intelligent perusal or their work, and announced that he necessary funds had been raised to - . training vciiool, on the same Plan as the Xorthfleldconferonronext cpring at -Cascade nonr e.... Vz? ile,. !... .... ' -mm. .vxv iii. ill n Jas. A. Dummltt, secretary of the Pacific Northwest. sundaV's SESSIONa. At 9 o'clock tho convention assem bled In the Bouth rforlor of tile dormi tory to hear the subject of "Bible Study for Personal Growth" discussed by Mr. Mlchener. At 11 o'clock the delegated attended various churches of tho city to hear special sermons prepared by the pas tors for the Y. M. C. A. The evening services opened at the M. E. church at 7:30 o'clock, with song nnd prayer service. At Its close a collection was taken for the benefit of the collgec Y. M. 0. A. of the Pacific Northwest. About 30 was secured. As the work of the state college Y. M. C. A. is yet in the hands of a com mittee there were no officers to elect. Tho time and place of tho hcxtannual conference has not yet been decided upon, but it will probably Iw held nt Portland. OUR MOST rri -it- i ii iifiatniTrr. -..t-. GCTSflLT Horseman Convicied. " Bekli.v, Jan. 14. Tho trial of R. F. Knecbcs, the American horseman, charged with fraudulently entering the mnre Bethel In n race as Nellie Knecbes, resulted today in a verdict of guilty. Knecbes wns sentenced to nine months Imprisonment and to pay a line of 1,000 marks and three years loss or civil rights. In addition to this the marc was confiscated. sel Before going to our new quarters, 2Ki y t A l A. 1 J ' 1 -t . ' commercial street, we nave aeciaea to cle: oui every uavi yau ui oijlvj&o cum an geu.' turnishing goods, it prices win do so, Therefore, on January 13 we will commoncc qui- ,... sale, and will offer for one week any hat in the storrv ini..J r n. i i .i i- t J e .. , "". wni ), a, atctson ana au omer popuidr uruuus ui ji cacn, Shoes an iurmsning gooas in ic sunic jjiujjuhiuh, Call early and while the assortment is complcte.j Wi wl nlso rontiniie our removal sale of rlMr . i .ZC. Al. fc -.11 L m.aV iinIlAAMn Il unci" uiciii oil ay gj cm ituin-uuna. 5. M. & E. ri. STOCK 115 STATE STREET. Savings Bank Fails. junneai'ulis, jan. h. j ne Ainer- nr i tit -i , lean Savings and Loan Association ucauay iixviii went Into tho hands of a receiver to day. Major IV. D. Halo was named receiver. Amusement for Everybody at OPERA - HOUSE Bucklon's Arnica Salve. The bett Silve In the world foi Cuts, hrulses Sores Ulcers. Sail Rheum, Fevtfi Sores, Tetter. Chapped hands, Chilblain and all Skin I'ruptiom, and positively curr Piles or no pay nqulrrd. It is L'uaianel ., give erfect kattsfaction or money re undo i rice 25 cents a uox Legg. For kale b Fied A Every night this week. f ' Hi i -noA Yr AWAVW wwii: Or the Golden Giant. The Famous Chase 2 Stock 3 CompanyJ livn orgiiuiKuiiou oi recognized artists.) Change of play nightly, rices to suit the times! Prices to please the people! Prices at which all cannl iuc zuc JOc Itcsor'cd s -ats nt Patton's Bros.' lwokstoie without extra charge. Vs 20 Ounces of Soapf Canned Com, 10c? j " 5c 3 for 25c. Tea, per pound, 12 12, 25c and 50c, P, O, Grocery, HARRITT LAWRENCE X 2C 2C X X NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, LOST.-jA $10 gold piece between the pj finder In- litilnn ...Si, ir n it.n i . 'M ; . .... ,, n.M.nuiinnu. ijjt P-O'NEWS STAND. . Headquarters for leading daily newspapers ol die coast. S:l acriptionjt.tenfor the Weekly Cubbr I. . " . K ' CICB" anu conicctionery, R Miller, Prop. , ,'4 ,. ' FOUND-A Yale lock key. ollico for same Call atjoartil 33t. iw KAUb-Wanted to trade coodinjii' -" fK'fi.iiv mau resiuence, coiiik i , ...... ...uw ... j. journal oince. I ll.j THE MARKETS. Chicago, Jan. i.j.-Wheat, cash 56jc; may 59ji , New ork, Jan. I a Silver. 66VCe; ImcI 3 3. SAN FRANCISCO MARKET. San Francisco, Jan 14 Wheat, 1.05 Wool Orccon. choice, 7ioo; inferior, 7 Sc, valley, 9 uc Hops Quotahle at 5(57c. Potatoej 2$ to 40c tier sack. Oau Milling. 6s72y.. . POIUI.ANU MARKF;r. w 1?" v,;' Jan ' -..-Wheat valley, 56 Walla Walla, 55. "9 Flour-Portland. $2.60; Benton counly, z.Co; Eraham $2 20: superfine. $2 per bhl. Oau- hite. 2224cj grey, 202t;rolled n bag, 54 2j5 25, barrel, 450 7.00: JW;-0,?. 58Soperto. Jo.d.. Valley, nc; Kastern Oregon, 79c. Mllpiun Dran. $ii.Soia; shorts, Jii 13 chop feel, i2ais per ,on; rye ?sc pcr fe 11 .,aVSee?' "'' 6o ,h 44cj under 60 b36c; sheep pelts. io7ou. Hops. .Oregon, 4 to 7c, according to qual. The Salem Woolen Mills Store, WE DO NO r WANT-Roys or loar.r. k men or ability. $300 to Jcoo n month u hiisilers. State and penrr.il n-m. c.i.. and commission. Rucine Fire Engine Co R.icinc, Wis. ccs4t I'vUri r. 1 .l. 1 ' s M r: wT"uSrj?,y cn1ul . , ... W...HW, jo tuarion street. Butter.. Oregon fancy creamery, 25(27: ancy dairy, 222; fair to good, I5I7 common, 10c. JW ' l-herse. Oregon full cream, oVJOioc. l8f?Sd2fi0n, ,S2Per tei&"' . Iouliry..Chkkcns -i.cor7ti.ion' n., .i. . ducks, $. oo4 50; geese, J6.oo7.0o; tur' ,' yJ;"c: orcsseti, io12q. Beef. .Topsteers, 2'(h)2 3.5c per lh- fair mutton.. Ilc.i beef, 2.oe2.2: and,e;.3 0c3Voi light wfl! s";t. "t:vr"u.? i er ,D peril.. 3' choice "gc. 34C SAI.EM MARKET. Wheat. 44c per bu., market firmer. uats 17c. j6IIay .Baled, cheat, $4.ScS.ooj timothy, Hour In wholewle lots, 350; retail 280: bran, hull- o . '...? i,' re,a"' shorts. 1. oYm' "; ?; 1300. ""'' '""l' cea, VtI..Dred, 4W Hogs. .Dressed. 3;. l.ive Cattle.. 1 ;&., Sheer...Uve, 2.00. Jl-.let, I2jc. Hops.. Bt. $5c. 12.00 I2i2cj fancy CXIVlli nt ...1.1. 1 hvotikl bo coiuivmuivelv light. 1 iiv uuusnnn hnv Fucs..Cash ife Dutter. tVst d'alry. creamery, is2()C uuve..hi2Uc, rotatocs..25cpcrbu. Onions,. 2c, APP'M- .3SSMoc. andSnSffi'Pcrdoz turlv. II ' '.-v-vj"" trnM., , ...w ,,., egg, ,2.j cem$ ca$Jl " aar Children Cry for condtactctil pjtqjr'. Catorii. The clothing busi ness in Salem during the past year has, in a general way, had its rough sailing, But the Woolen Mills Store has stood like Gibrak ter and sold the most 4"4 1.4- 1 Til ucm gooas, its homemade and alk wool goods, coupled with square dealing, nap s3.-n. xl. x 1 ness, and the intention or the managers is to put in a large stock the coming season at prices that will corresy pond with small in comes, and at the same time the standi a d of these oooular goods will be fnllV ItfA -A - 44. ept up, and its many friends and patrons can rely in the future On oretfino- 11 goods, the same as in the past I?Af T-1 nriTi. .... ij Ivni.nnHiv frmi MAi.i V. "vJ we" ol ,neNortli Salem chi I n. it. irayton. 1 ,0 gt '? SLE 9R TRADEA new cottip with all modern Improvements, heaiirj plumb!nK. etc. A small payment ion, " vii iiiuiiiiiiv mvmrnie rv itM i ..-. .1 I (--.tiv.uw, tlU IV I f T VC., ,u ?V. renl wnen yol "n Ect a sou hke this. Address "H B tliN ,.ffirf ' 10 10 dtf PUBLIC MfclfJ, I'OLlTClANS AND DU? iness houses canobiainall newspiper infa maiion from the press of th state, coast 1 AUi?,rfMmth?., ,'.re" Clipping Dureu (Allen's) Union Block, PoriUnd. 1: jod CARPET PAPER -Urge lot o, her, brown wrappmg paper for sale cheap, lu the thing for putting under carpets. Call U Jiiutnal office .. c.o.-1-ortiand, Sacramento. Seattle, Ucoma und San lanclsco papm on sl .'liner s i-osioiticf block INSURAN'ukl . ....: London. New Zea anrl in.,.,, .- ... ml JhCiEl2- L,ife and AccWent. In md ',Is office In with the Globe Real, ic omcc, up stairs in poit office buiU Jn" t 2 ira MC01UAAIUN OIL CUKE CO.. to cancer and all mahenant dlseat. vv. cancer, old ulcers, piles, rumor., fiiinli iatic rheumatism.catarrh and minor diseist c iiavc a combination oil which is irorLioe "ox 169. Traveling Agent. Eugene. Or. JOHN HUGHES, Dealer in groceries, oalnts. oik window glass, varnishes, and the most complete stoce of brushes of all kinds in the State. Artists' materials, lime. hair, cement and shingles, and finest quality of grass seeds, H. F. R. SMITH &0), (Successors to Smith & Schlndler.) Send Blacfafiiifc j. H. HA4S. AND IE WATCHMAKER Avn ir,,. Main. ,,., ::;"" jwik. tHorseshoeing a specialty. Newiaoefc lull set. iicn nn ,U KJt ,,.rL- rljCC Job work a specialty. Rricet the lowest. VETERINARY Condition powders, liniments, t" Ing lotions and ointments, blisteilng oint ments, purgative pills and colic medicines ways on hand as ehtan a ehiftbfrt CONSULTATION FREE. W. C. MITCHELL. Graduate of Ont. Vet. College, Toroe! Canada. Office and Despensary at Red Front U&1 e'e, a,5 Commercial Sttet;. nucf .-iem, uregon. &u. itJb...i.J-.