Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, January 08, 1896, Image 4

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WHit liTfi iTIV -Ufatf lfl
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Daily Capital Journal
WEDNESDAY, JAN. 8, 1890.
Altona and Ramona,
9:00 a.m.
10115 a.m.
6:00 a.m.
lu First
Portland, 6:45 ft m-
?aiem, 7145 a. m.
Indepemlcnce, 6130 a
EyFrelght received up to 10 p. m.uEl
Quick time, .regular service and cheap
. . .rate ...
Agent, Salem.
(Ico. C. Cllnc returned to Wontllnirn
W. C. KulKliton retttrnld from Al
bany todny.
E. P. MbCornack wont to I'ortlnnd
todny mid will .ro to Ciillfornlii to
night. J. A. Van Eaton lias been quite 111
Ulic past few days, being still routined
to his room.
Mrs. T. A. Edwiirds returned to her
home in Portland today after n visit
with friends here.
8. T. Ilobart of Oarflold precinct,
n wny-back 1870 John II, Mitchell
Republican, Is In town today.
Mrs. E. 8. Eller, of Portland, who
lias been visiting Mrs. Charles Evans,
of South Salem, returned home today.
John II. Porter of Ale was In town
today, lie Is going to enter the race
for county treasurer on tho llenubll
cm ticket.
E. II. Stock returned yesterday eve
ning from an extended visit in San
Francisco, and his brother, K. M,
Stock, leaves this evening for a sim
ilar visit. Ho will lie nbjout until
until Home time In February. On
February 2 ho will lie united In mar
ringo with MissMnrgucrlto Jacob, and
after a short time will return with his
brldo to Snlcm.
the Council Did at
Session In i8o9.
The city council met last evening
in the first regular session of the year,
all members being present, Including
the newly elected aldermen. Mayor
Gatch was hi tho chair.
Ex-Mayor D'Arcy and ex-Aldcrinnn
Albert and Chas. Claggctt were ac
corded seats within the bar. Many
citizens were present In the lobby.
A. Olllnirer $ 1
by Kcv. Geo. W. Grnnnls, and referred
to the committee on licenses.
The petition for the creation of a
new ward out of that portion of the
fourth ward south of Oak street was
referred to a special committee com
posed of Lamport, Holman, Simpson
nnd Lcgg.
A petition to repeal the license on'
billiard and jkxiI tables was referred. J
A communication from Hutchlns & j
Southwlck was read, asking an ad-,
I vanceof JO per cent In order to be able
. , to continue the city hall work. Re-1
03 formrl
A communication from County Clerk
Condemns the Condition of
Streets and Alleys,
r.... ci.'iii.. in rji
uuuuri iuujvinuji.. -"""1
.1 itri.ii. i no
J P Vcatcii ! '.'.'.'.'. '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. '. 18 00 , Ehlcn naked that the percent tax levy
Salem Produce Co 12 27 of the city be made known to the
February 1st.
authorized to
A. C. Dlllcv 2 CO ,.. (.irk before
Capital Lumber o. .......... 32 90 Tho dty rccoMcr WS
nv. 'fi niv "!!!!!"!!!!!!!!!'.! 40 m look after tho mat ter.
v . , . . , .
"Good. Honest, Effective, Sensible
and Businesslike,"
company, which will apiH-ar at the
Itccd tonight, Is tho only minstrel
show that Is bonked In tho West this
this season. Their business has liccn
very large, and proves that a capable
company can do Just as well, if not
better, In tho West as In any other
part of the country. Tho show Is ic
ported by all dramatic correspondents
to be tun best of tho kind that has
been seen in tho West for a number of
years. They give a new, bright and
clean entertainment full of novel and
entertaining features which arc bound
to pleum all.
Ml'.llUIIANT 01' Vhnick.-TIiom who
fall to hoar President Chapman's
lectures on Shakespeare miss tho most
suggestive and meaty nddruxscs given
this winter in Salem. Ills subject
on Thursday nlght,"The Merchant of
Venice," will give him an opportunity
which ho will bo sure to Improve to
tho pleasure and Iwuellt of those who
may bo present.
riteiiATj: C'ouiiT'-Tho bond of S.
T. Ilobart, administrator oftho estate
of Henry Otjeu, was approved by
Jiulgo Hubbard yesterday. Tho
amount Is 2,8O0 and J. P. Warwick
"-mid II. S. Van Valkonburgh are tho
Hiiretlew, ...Tho Inventory or tho
Catlmrlno Helling estate places tho
value of tho property at W,12.3S. Tho
uppralsoiiiont wtiHuuidoby ll.A.TIioru
burg, L. II. Ilmjmlo audS. Laynan.
A Mihtakk.- Tho roHirt that Con
(nil Lodgo No. 18, K. of p. imd en
dowed tho now hospital with the fur.
. msiiing necessary to pmiwrly lit up
one room, was a mlMako. Thoyuos
tlon cntiio Iwforo the hnlgo last night
for tho llrsttlme, and has not yet
been decided upon.
PitoMi-r SmivicR-The Lookwooil
niosMingor system Is giving bettor wr
vlco than ever Ivfoiv. Itlug up the
blue lioxw).
Mkn' $10 niacklnto-ihes now 7.
Ladled' 4 iiiiioklnuwlioti now .
Men' 8.W Mncklntmlios now 7.fto.
Cheaper onos. from 2.fio up.
Lad os 12 union suits nowfl.ttt.
rv . If 1,n W,H)1 hMrU l,IU, 'niwew,
Men's all wool tan color shirts and
drawers, "!k each.
42 licit a wool'.lxiuolos Mo W yd.
Wlncli nil wool heavy plaids. 'o71e
per pu
Fine French tliuinoNMo yd.
I- lne (iermnn ilanuels 36o.
32 Inch all wool tricots tfto yl.
jM Inch Imported ladlos cloth Wo yd.
CLOTHING Moil's Sio Mili n'ow
Men's 17 suits now ti.
-!. ,l'.w 'i"' b,ll,s ,,u iwlitwd
l.t5toltti.ult. Willis mi os. . w
Court mid Liberty strvet.
The usual salary warrants wcro also
ordered drawn.
The committee on streets reported
in favor of tho ordinance for the
opening of Court street. Adopted.
The same committee also reported In
favor of ncceptlng the projiosltlon of
Mr-. L. It. OslKirn In regard to ex
change of property on 18th and Che
mekela streets. Adopted.
The committee on Hro and water
reported In favor of the petition for a
hydrant on Mission and l.'ltli street.
adopted. The petition for a hydrant
at Nth and Cheinekcta also received a
favorable rcjMirt. Adopted.
Tho sjieclal committee reported In
favor of removing the arc light from
17th and Hellevuu to 18th and Mill
streets. Adopted. It was found that
this light hud Im'Oii ordered discon
tinued at a previous meeting, but by
uunnl'imtis consent the recommenda
tion of the special committee was
adopted, and the light re-established,
1 1 bu in the new locution.
The mesxage of Mayor Gatch and
the rejiort-s of the city olllcers wen?
now read by Hecorder Edes, and wore
listened to with great Interest by all
present. The mayor's message was
referred to a special committee, com
jwed of Murphy, Holman and litug
The following new committees were
iinnoun'U'd by Mayor Gatch for the
ensuing year:
Ways and means Murphy, Legg,
Ordinance Legg, Murphy, King-
Accounlsof current expenses Illng
ham, Smith, Simpson,
Street and public property Itlgdon,
Holman, Murphy.
Licenses Smith, lllngham, Legg.
Fire and water Simpson, Lamport,
Health and Police Lamport, Simp
son, Smith.
Printing Holman, Itlgdnn, Lam-
City hall Holman, lilngliiiin,Siuitli,
Tho reports of tho city olllcers wero
now read, and tho pertinent facts
therein not already made public will
bo printed later.
City Engineer Culver retried on
survey of south line on tho Wilson
laud claim and submitted Held notes.
When this point In the business of
tho evening was reached, Alderman
Ulgdon aroso and explained that tli
counellmeii had held a caucus and
agreed upon a slate, and then pro
ceededtonamo tho lucky men whose
names are given below, and who wero
unanimously elected:
City engineer and street, cominU
sloner, W. J.Cluver.
Chief of the tiro department O. D.
Knglneer tiro department, W. I).
Driver, John Duncan.
Policemen, J. W. Gamble and I). L.
An assistant engineer and tho ten
hoMiiuen will bo eleoted at tho next
meeting, after Fire Chief Huttoii will
have had time to mako his recom
mendations. A soolal coinmltteo headed by
Hiram Smith offered a resolution
looking to tho cutting down tho sal-
nrliw of city onicors. Tho following
schedule was preKivd:
City marshal m
City recorder . soo
't,jy?,,,of :., ...::::. $8
Street commkslouor wx)
(It! llllL.l lli.l!.,,.. . .
fter aiiieiidlng by dropping from
list tho marshal and ivmimW
whoso salaries can only bo ehnnpoii i.v
ortllunnce.tho resolution was adopted
A petition from 11. licokumn and
others asked for crossing between
Sixteenth and Seventeenth streets, on
Mr. Ulngham moved that tlm n......
ordluanco bo wmodeled so as to pro
duce more license to the oltv.
On iietltloii of tho Capital Lumber.
Ing company, Chief DIlW n,...
mended tho appointment of Klclmttl
Carlson nsspwlal Kllcenian without
imy. Adoptwl.
A petition was inusunt..,! ..vi......
thocQunolltorcfuwa Halnm, 11 ?.
to Ed. Andorwn on account of print-
The ordinance for the opening of
Court street was read the third time
and duly passed. It was ordered duly
published when signed by the mayor.
At this Juncture the resignation of
Fire Engineer W. D. King was re-
nnt'it ntil rnml Ifn if n vn fin It In rnfi.
ttl ilu nun iviiiit iivKiiiv ua iii.i . i
son the proposed reduction of salary, city.
The resignation was laid over for one "Almost the last act of the precccd-
mcctlug, and tho resolution asking mg council was to give attention to
reduction of salary was reconsidered tl Hro department; the need of tills
Mayor Catch's annual message to
the first meeting of the council of the
nt,. i.f Cntni.1 ..tnrl( Olmt'fl.
"I welcome you to your work and
trust we will have a pleasant year of
labor together In the Interest of the
and tabled. Adjourned.
was demonstrated at the woolen mill
lire. When the country papers say
that the Salem paid fire department
takes enough coal only to last It to a
lire I fear their statement N not far
from the truth.
The Ladies of Unity church llave
arranged an unusually line program ' 'Among proposed
Frldnv nlilit. Tin lenoi- sulci of Mr. that of a lire alarm
Akers and the bnsisoloof Mr. Luu
dell will furnish a treat for tho;e who
attend this p.uty.
Last evening at the close of this
council meeting, the nicmljcrs of the
new council and the press were In
vited to an oyster supper at Strong's
restaurant, by the newly elected
city olllclals. W. J. Culver acted as
master of ceremonies in behalf of the
"boys." A pleasant hour was spent.
It is not often that one, can witness
a triple Installation of ouiccrs of
lodges, but such will take place to
night at tho A. O. U. W. hall. Grand
Master Win. Colvlg Is tho otllcer who
will Install olllcers-clcct of Valley and
Protection nnd D. of II. lodges. Pre
vious to tho ceremony a flue program
will be prelentcd, and n basket social
will be given.
Tho W. C. T. U. held their regular
meeting yesterday afternoon at their
reading room on Court street.
Tho president, Mrs. Holman, being
absent, Mrs. Serlbcr presided in her
usual dignified and womanly manner.
A letter wns read from our absent
president full of love mid wise sug
gestions and was heartily appreciated
oy an, un motion mo secretnry was
Instructed to answer. Letter read
from Corvallln union relative to sup
piyuigHuuo penitentiary ana orphan's
asylum with literature. On motion
decided that temperance and reform
literature would lc of more vulue dis
tributed to the voters. Many bright
thoughts were brought out In this
discussion. Tho secretary was In
structed to inform tho Corvallis
union tho views of Salem V.C. t. V.
Finances discussed and several
nuiun uiBjiuseu 01. .MOYCO tliat WO
pay three quarters of our state dues,
It was so ordered, All members re
quested to jwiy their dues.
Mrs. Ilamp stated her Intention of
giving fc0 to tho Temple, Chicago,
ami sain ir tno union would raise
anoiuer smi sno would let tho union
nave me uonor or giving tho whole
$100, tint union thereby having the
right to have Its name engraved on a
inarblo slab In Wllllard hall. The
president appointed Mrs. Heed, Ilussc
and Mrs. Ilamp a coinmltteo to see If
tills is feasible.
On motion adjourned after slngjng
with good spirit "Havo Faith in
Mns. J. Rhodes,
Driver ho.se wagon.,
r.iiKiueur uru iiepi.
Policemen teach). . .
Hosomoii (ten)
Wu IUby u lk, w wo her CatorU.
mu the wu a CWU, lie crlxl for CutorU.
When ) becuuo Ula, sba clvinj; to CMtorU.
in ilit hJ OUUren, tbe jto then Crtrt.
sfflonl1.' Gw,,, tiling nudiB obscene Insinuations on the back
,ll,,0,,st 'ofhlsbuslimssnml. it WM
ns signed
(Ugliest Honors World's Fair
Medal, Midwinter I'alr.
lUott Fwfcct Made.
improvements Is
system, which I
understand would co.st nearly $1,000.
I deem this more than we can now
afford, but I find uMn Investigation
that some now hoe is needed, and
that the old steamer should be re
paired, or, if this is Impracticable, a
new one of lighter weight than that
now In service and ea.iler to haul and
handle lm purchased. I would aNo
recommend an entire separation of
the police and the lire department.0.
While power of nrreM In the chief
engineer might be un-ful at times, I
think the city would get better ser
vice If ho could give the department
his whole time.
"I would also m-k the council to
give earnest attention to the entire
department Its apparatus, men. hy
drants, and the water pressure so
that Its eljlclcncy may not bo Impaired
for want of better equipment. You
will tlnd that you will not be found
fault with for judicious expenditures
In this direction,
"Salem's sidewalks are a disgrace
and a shame to our fair city. That
we have not had costs to pay Is owing
to the good nature of the far too
many of our citizens who have been
Injured by the breaking of rotten
planks, loose Ixiards and protruding
nails. Our street commissioner should
bo encouraged to force improvements
uiwn neglected walks. If ho Is not
Invested with sufficient authority now
it should 1m) extended by ordinance
until our city again takes on tho look
of thrift that good walks give. I havo
ueani mo stranger upon our streets
condemn our carelessness in tills re
spect. I would also ask that care bo
given to the improved streets; tho
cleaning of them should be dono by
the city, not by the abutting property
owners, and repairs Immediately, made
as needed.
"Tho rciwrts of tho recorder and
treasurer are before yon mul llre of
pertinency. Our Ixmdeil Indebtedness
ls$H!,000, of which $89,000 draws
Interest at five percent and $00,000
tho bonds last Issued at six per cent,
making $3,a'0 Interest per annum sent
abroad, besides tho Interest on our
school lKnds-a heavy drain indeed.
"I estimate the warrants In tho
general fund outstanding against the
city at $17,500, and city hall warrants
outstanding less amount yet due tho
city on note for the old city hall at
9i.,iuu; ami nil ilrawlnc ntcrost. 1
that our citizens will expect
economy In all departments.
"In November last, a resolution
was adopted in the council, directing
the committee on streets and public
property to ask the county court on
behalf of the city to levy the county
road tax for the ensuing year In cash.
I think the court could bo made to see
the advantage of a compliance with
this request not only to the city but
to the county at large. I hope the
new committee will give this their
earliest and best attention; and in
this connection would It not be wise
for the coinmltteo to also confer with
the court about painting the brldgo
across the Willamette; Its rusting iron
work should bo protected, and the
bridge given the consideration that
Its Importance deserves.
"At a period when municipal qucsj
tions are the great topic of political
discussion we must be in line; good,
honest, effective, sensible and business
like management of our city affairs Is
expected nnd must be given, not by
rant-like professional reformers, but
by good work In our various commit
tees and departments. You are tlic
aldermen of the city of Salem, not the
aldermen for the 'tiger' nor the alder
men for the 'goo goos.' e nrc to
have the laws enforced, and still arc
not to make our city the counterpart
of that temperance hotel, that the
guide book said possessed no other
quality to recommend It. Some of
you arc of long and honorable service
In city nffiilrs, some of you new to Its
performance but old in citizenship,
and can have but good wishes foryour
city. While It Is not expected that
you should neglect your own business
you must not say as n former member
of our body said when trying to ex
plain his cemplicity: 'I did not give
up my ow u business when I undertook
that of the city.' The public expects
th.it wo will not allow ourselves to lie
put In that situation, and that we
will Ir- vigilant In its defense."
On or about February 1st wc will move into the room now
occupied by G, W. Johnson & Son, 257 Commercial street. In
To Close Out All Stock
possible before moving, wc will make
2C2C AlGreat X ReductionsX
in all lines, Come early and secure bargains.
5. M. & E. H. STOCK
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castoria.
Like Hot Cakes.
I have Just received a line line of
Imported worsted that I will make
up at hard time prices. They are the
first grade goods nnd you will do well
to inspect them as they will go
like hot cakes.
Chas. II. Lane,
1-7 fit The Tailor.
Baths! Baths! Bathsl
Go to the porcelain baths, six baths
for 31. Children's hair cutting, -under
12 years of nge,If cents.
1-l-lin J. C Muxs, Trop.
COne Night Only.
$1,20 Fresh Arrivals, $1,20
The Union Bargain Store has just opened some great bargains
in Shoes,
Shoes, Worth $1,50 for $1,20,
Tiiis is a fine dress shoe, and is sold by some dealers as high
a iiign as 31,00, i ou cannot aitord to buy
shoes without seeing us,
Wednesday, Jan, 8
The greatest Minstrel Organic
auuuii in unenca, vrana
Shakspcrean First Part,
30 Minstrel Kings 30
Look Out for
Reserved seats
at Patton's,
Rtrcct Parade.
75c. On sale
M, J, Matson,
give you these figures that you may
hovoaij idea of our debts, and to say
ROAD CART WANTED -A seeoml-hind
lEht rod can it wnted if it can be had at a
low fiCure. Apply at 206 Commercial itreei.
fSld "MEfrOUTCiAlANb"BUs'.
IneM house can obtain all newspaper infor
mation from the press of tlm ! L,.t .i
county fro,,, tlc pr, ciippine IWa.,
trtiiei) union Block, I'ortlaiul. 12 sotf
KJASf'0"-.' Wng for
v.,vM-iyuc ur limifnr dint nn .. ..-- .L-
typewriter. Inquire at 2SS "commercial
ii. 1 1 " .r
Chicago, Jan. 8. Wheat, cash S7V.c:
May Cojf .
Newlork, Jan. 8- Silver, 66c; lead,
San Francisco, Jan 8. Wheat, i.o2V
Wool.. Oregon, cl.otce, 7ioo; inferior, 7
8c, valley, 9nc.
Hops Quotable nt 57C
Potatoes 25 4c per sack.
-ais .Miuinc, 05f;72i.
Portland, Jan.
7. Wheat valley, 56
CARPET PAPER-Large lot of heavy
o?olWUfPplnci?'rfor e cll"l. Ju
ouma'l 8officePU"in8 "" CCtl' C
Papers iv.i.n.i v .. rr ..."
.4 .J:,c .VeB' S.lven ,hal 'ed Plans
tnd specifications w?U be received until 'Feb-
SKfV'ifn' l 'e,ock- m fo
Phal building at the Soldiers' Home. Ro.
ig, Oregon, jjald building to be of wood
00. stonr Kieh, with basement; separated.
Walla Walla, ec
FlourPortland, 2.6o; Denton county,
2.60J graham, $2.20; superfine, $2 per bbl.
Oats-White, 222.jc; grey, 20&2! -.rolled
nbags, M2S5.25. barrch, 4.50 7.00;
cases, 3.75. J '
Potatoes New Oregon, 25.oc per sack.
Hay Good, 5(3)850 per ton.
in. .' nVal ly' l IC! Ea,tern eon, 7oc.
Mlhstufls Uran. $11.5012; shorts, jti
ntchop feed, 13QJI5 per ton; rye. 75c perc.
Hides, .preen, salted 60 lbs 4aK'q; under
60 bi36c; sheep pelts, io76o.
Hops. .Oregon, 4 to 7c, according to qual.
Butter.. Oregon fancy creamery, 2527Vi;
ancy dairy, 2o22; fair to Rooll, iSnQi
common, toe. v'"
Cheese. .Oregon full cream, fVioc
M&. . Oregon, i83oper dor; Eastern,
ioc perdoz.
Ppuhry..CliitkensI-i.5o3.oo- perdoz;
ducks $4.oo4.5o; geese, 6.oo7.oo; tur'
keys, o lie; dressed, ioi2c.
Beef. Topsteers. 2AfZt -j.ee .., 11.. r.i.
to good jteers. 2i2 3.5c; cows, zi'faj V.c
Urehsed beer. -l5c. -SaaC,
Mutton.. Best beef, a.oo2.2c; choice
ew, 1. 502.00; dressed, 4 5
Ilogt.. Choice, heavy, $3 oo3.40; liEht
and eeders; $2 75; dressed. cpirlV C
peJ lb! ' ' iCC' 5&J UrBe- 34C
Wheat, .axc nerbu.. mtl. fi,-.
Oats .I7c. ' "
$6"oBaled,Cheat, 5S'00i toothy,
Hour In wholesale lots, 3.50; retail
2 8e: bran. I.nll- n .. ' .J? 37 Iclal'i
.i.... ..'-:i y.i Kea
, i.wi3i2.oo chop
13.00. r
Veal..Dressed 4.
Hogs.. Dressed. 3Ji.
Uve Cattle.. U'GhiXi.
The Salem
Woolen Mills Store,
V.I..&... T I
30 Deiion. ,l ,K. ...,.":::. "u"t"
1 re.i r7w. T-k "u,eu cusi uot to ex
ceed ,$5000. These plans and soeeifir.,!,.
must include etery thing Becessary for a Z
u iitc unucniDnni
w- r
served, and addrruni
State House, balero, Oregon.
p 1? 1..-..
Chairman Executive Comm'iKee
CCS.. Cash. iSc
Butter Rest dairv.
creamery, i52(.
v-neose. . ioi2c
2J2c; fancy
.SS-lJSg iI""-. 6c; hams,
Onions. .
25c per bu.
rv. . n.
and not .nted; aKffi:
Apple.. 3S4oc.
i not wanted; ducks,
lurkeyg, live 7c; eE t2i cent, oa.l.
Children Crvfnr
Pitcher's Caitoria.
The clothing busir'
ness in Salem during
the past year has, in
a general way, had its
rough sailing. But the
Woolen Mills Store
has stood like Gibrak
ter and sold the most
and best goods, It's
home-made and all'
wool goods, coupled
with square dealing,
has done that busix
ness, and the intention
or tiie managers is to
put in a large stock the
coming season at
prices that will corresy
pond with small in
comes, and at the
same iime the standi
ard of these popular
goods will be fttliV
li 44.
Up, and Its mamr
p 0
enos and patrons
can rely in the future
on getting reliafel
goods, the same as i'
tne past
Dealer in groceries, paints, otts;
window glass, varnishes, and
the most complete stoce of
brushes of all kinds in the
state. Artists' materials, lime,
hair, cement and shingles, and
finest quality of grass seeds,
To Arms to (Arms,
Another War,
50.000 men, women and chlldem wanted to
buy the stock of furmturr, carpets, mattings,
etc-., or J. A. Rotan for the next 60 days at
cost or less, to make room for spring- gh.
I mean what I say, am also going to add
B imc 01 mil paper and mouldinc to my
2U Commercial st., Salem Or
Er-buimtc upwards. Pa'n.,1 uowand,
m mm
Vocal anents
lories to sell
h all towns and lvallti
States nnd terri-
no tnrounhout the irni.4
r. - 'ikDA
i tne best washer in use consider.
ioc its price from $3tole.
ddress, 3
56 State street.
For particulars
Salem, Oregon.
Che-ekell st" n8,
ESSE. ??' linlraen,a. t"1-
mi rZ.ftad ntme2". blUtering oint
wlv, 'Pn ,ivf P1" nd collc medicines al-
coKtaSoTfrSI!p " eIlewhere-
Graduate of Ont.
Vet. College, Toronto,
Makesa SDflsl,rc . "
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