Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, January 06, 1896, Image 1

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ri ATT V
(.. ;
A . Ji.-i
Jbi &
UKrausse Bros.
- V
Road Machinery and Agricultural Implements,
Latest Improved Goods and I-owcst Prices.
MV Corner State and Liberty streets, : : : : SALEM, OR
KOjI-Iolida Goods to sell at cost,
all sold out, wliicli shows that the
prices are just riglit for the times.
Now "we have evry thing else to
sell at the same LOW PRICKS.
The Fair
274 Commercial St.
of the Willamette University.
"" Modern methods. Up to date. Same as in the eastern and European Conservatories
jNone but the best is good enough for beginners an well as Tor more advanced pupils,
W.C. HAWLEV. President
R. A. HfcRITAGE Vocal Director
SUSi EMIL L. WINKLER, Instrumental Director.
. . . BARGAINS . . .
Are not in it but goods are
The stock is here andmuts"gpatalltHazai4ds
For almost anything buys the goods.
Is being sacrificed at prices below all reason
261 Commercial at,
Agent of Mortgagees.
This Tlmo It Is to Be a Pop
ular Loan.
Until Fob. 5, and Bids Received for
Another Lot.
Washington' Jnn. . The an
nouncement Inst night that the sec
retary lind asked for bids for n bond
Issue of $100,000,000 was n surprise to
the Biibordnnnta ocllllnls of tho trona
ury department. The new bondavlll
not differ in any respect from those
Issued to the syndicate and 4wlll bo
printed from tho old plates,
"Speculation concerning tho amount
and character of tho now bond Issue
was set at rest Into last night when
Secretary Carlisle made public a cir
cular on the subject. Tho loan will bo
a "popular" one, and tho circular,
which is dated January 0, gives notice
that tho government will sell 8100,
000,000 no-year, 4 per, cent coupon or
registered bonds, dated February 1,
18P.), for which purchasers will bo re
quired to pay In gold coin or gold
certificates. This will bo the ilrst
issuo by tho present administration of
such a large amount ntono tlmo. Tho
circular also contains? an intimation
of a possible further lssuo of bonds
should the Issue or salo of an addi
tional or different form of bond for
tho maintenance of the gold reserve
bo authorized by law before Febru
ary 5.
It was almost midnight when Sec
rotary Carlisle's circular was mndc
public, too late an hour to obtain tho
opinion of public men on the action
of tho government or the prospect of
tho absorption of tho bonds by tho
people. Tho fact that tho bonds will
bo Issued in tho sums of $50 and
multiples thereof, and be payable In
Installments, Is a feature which it is
believed will make them bo regarded
with populnr favor.
Tho main reason for dating tho
bonds a year back is said to bo In
order to give tho public a better op
portunity to Judgo their market value
by comparing them with tho gold 4s
Issued at that time, so that their bids
can bo mado to conform with tho
market value of those bonds on tho
ilrst of February.
Tho circular is as follews:
"Notice is hereby given that sealed
proposals will bo received at tho olllre
of tho secretary of tho treasury nt
"Washington, until 12 o'clock noon,
Wednesday, February r, 1800, for tho
purchase of one hundred million dol
lars ($100,000,000) of United States 4
per cent coupon, or registered bonds,
In denominations of ilfty dollars ($50)
and multiples of that sum, as may bo
desired by bidders. The right to re
ject any or till bids Is reserved. Tho
bonds will bo dated February 1, 1805,
and bo payable in coin thirty years
nftcr that date, nnd will bear interest
at 4 per centum per annum, payable
quarterly, In coin; but all coupons
maturing on and before February 1,
1890, will bo detached, Purchasers
will lxs required to pay In United
States gold coin or gold certificates for
tho bonds awarded to them, and all
Interest accrued thereon after tho iirst
day of February, 1800, up tho tlmo of
application for delivery.
"Payments for the bonds must bo
mado at tho treasury of tho United
States at Washington, or at tho sub
treasuries, at New York, Boston, Phil
adelphia, Baltimore, Cincinnati, Chi
cago, St. Louis or New Orleans, or
they may bo made nt San Francisco,
I with exchange on New York, and all
bids must state what denominations
of bonds arc desired, and whether cou-
The U. S. Gov't Reports
Bhonr Royal Baking Pewtke
I sW Ww etfwfi
' pon or registered, and at what place
they will Iks paid for.
"Payment mny bo made by Install
ment.1!, as follews:
"Twenty pot cent (20) upon receipt
of notice of acceptance of bids, and
twenty per cent (20) nt tho end of ench,
ten days thorcaf tor; but all accepted
bidders nin'y pay tho whole amount of
their bids at any time, not latter than
tho maturity of tho last Installment.
Tho iMinds will bo ready for delivery
on or before Fcbrurary 15 189C.
"Notice is hereby given that if the
Issue and salo of an additional or dif
ferent form of bond for tho mainte
nance of the gold reserve shall be au
thorized by law before Fcbrurary G,
1800, scaled proposals for the purchase
of such Ixmds will also bo received at
tho same time and place, and up to
tho same date, and, upon tho same
terms nnd conditions herein set forth,
nnd such bids will bo considered as
well as tho bsds for the four percent
bonds heroin mentioned."
AVabhinuton, Jnn. 0. Tho senate
finance committee has decided to
report the senate substitute for tho
houso bond bill, a measure agreed
upon by tho silver majority. Tho
substitute provides, for tho free coin
ngo of silver; fonthocolnngo of tho
sclgnorlgo In treasury; to redeem
treasury notes in either gold or silver.
Tho bill will bo ropprtcd to tho sonate
tomorrow. Tho sliver substitute also
provides for tho retirement of all
notes of less denomination than $10.
The finance committee Immediately
began the consideration of the tariff
bill. It is said that this bill will bo
reported as a substitute as it como
from tho house, excopt an advance of
15 per cent of duty on sugnr will bo
provided- for, nnd tho agricultural
schedule will bo Increased to 20 or 25
per cent of the present lnw.
Washington, ..Tail'. 0. The sensn
tlonnl Armescnso arising out of tho
arrest of Mnjor Amies, nnd his con
finement by order of General Schoileld,
acting secrotnry of wnr, and who was
Just about retiring from tho com
mand of tho army, had niiotlicr-sequol
today, when tho district court of ap
peals overruled tho order of Judge
Bradley, who released Amies on a
writ of habeas corpus and ordered that
ho bo remanded to military custody.
Amies doubtless will nppcal to tho
United States supremo court. In its
opinion tho court of appeals says:
Judge Bradley's action wns erroneous,
nnd should bo reversed with costs.
Qoldites Caught.
New York, Jan. 0. Tho Evening
Post says, "Tho call for n govern
ment loan caused tho promt nm on
gold to disappear this morning, and it
was said that tho persona who bought
gold last week, especially those who
ordered gold from tho other side,
would lose considerable.
Pcckham Qualifies.
Washington, Jan. 0. Assoclnto
Justice Peckliiini, tho latest acquisi
tion to the supremo bench,took his scat
today. Chief Justice Fuller ndmlnls
tejed tho oath.
Utah Statehood.
Salt Lake, Jan. 0, Utahbecamo a
state today. All tho stato otllciuls
took oath of office. Tho day was a
holiday, and all business was sus
pended. Tho exercises consisted of a
street parade and the inauguration of
Governor Wells, at tho tabernacle.
A Fiend's Attempt.
San Francisco, Jan. 0. Samuel
Thompson, an old man charged with
debauching little girls, mado two des
perate attempts to commit suicide last
Marriage License. Tho county
clerk today Issued a marrlago license
for A.M. Taylor and Ida C. Craig,
both of Macleay.
Weather Forecast. Tho signal
service reports rain for Tuesday and.
Children Cry for
Pitohtr' Cii'ttorla.
Tho Cuban Patriots Are Now
But the Spanish Troops Are
Confirm tho Victory of the Insur
gent Army.
Boston, Jnn. 0. The following dis
patch has boon received by tho Trav-
clcr lute this afternoen:
Bataiiano, Cuba, Jan. 0. At 10:30
this morning the cable operator
here received tho following dispatch:
"Tho Cubans have captured tho
city of Havana. Moro castlo alone
holds out."
General Campos.
Hero tho dispatch ended, as tho
cable communication botweon Havana
nnd this point Is cut off.
Good News.
Key West, Jnn. 0. Jesus Potunn,
n-wcll-known Cuban patriot, received
n cipher dispatch from Gen'l. Gomez
this morning declaring thnt tl0
Spaniards were hemmed in on nil
sides, nnd that before night fall
navnna would bo in possession of tho
patriot troops.
Insurgents at Havana.
Barcelona, Jan. 0. News most un
favorable to tho SpanlBh government
has been rccolvcd from Cuba. It Is
understood that tho Insurgent forces
arc pressing around Havana.
Indiana's Governor.
Chicago, Jnn. 5. A dispatch
Indianapolis says:
Governor Matthews, in talking
with a rcprcsentntlve of one of tho
farmers' organizations, who had been
sent to get his vlows on tho money
question, said ho would not accept a
nomination for the presidency on a
gold-standard platform. Ho said ho
would bo willing to bo a candidate on
tho platform of 1802, which ho bcllovcs
Is nil right if it Is construed from n
Western standpoint. Later on, tho
governor, Itisanuounccd, will amplify
his views so that his fellow-Democrats
In nil parts of tho country may know
where ho stands.
A Forger Captured.
Special to The Journal.
Euoene, Or., Jan. 0. One Mc
Dowell nttempted to pass a forged
cheok on the First National bank for
$7.50 this afternoon. After ho en
dorsed his narao tho bank employes
grabbed him and after a hard fight ho
was captured. He Is now In Jail. Tho
affair caused great excitement for a
tlmo, as It was thought an attempt
was being mado to rob the bank.
Tills Is the second forger they liavo
captured right In the bank.
A Fine Prize. Jack Harkins Is
not only the champion borsc8hoer,but
lie Is one of the luckiest men on earth
besides. Saturday evening ho drew a
mncrnlflcent nrlzo of n $150 crnlri wntr.h
chain set with quartz, and It only I
cost him seven cents. Ho has been
offered good money for tho chain, but
the "lucky
dog" proposes to keep It
Very Inbane. J. 'Nesflla, of Clat
sop county, no Bays people aro talk
ing of hanging him and Imagines ho
was a member of the last legislature,
Asylum Illds.
Tho ntnto lionrd of asylum trustees
met this afternoon and opened bids
for provisions for tho coming six
inon thi.
II. M. Wndo Sc Co., $33.01; Gray
Bros. $50.11.
J. G. Wright, 10c. per gallon; White
&Hlmore, 0c.
J. G. Wright, Costa Rica, $1,200;
Java, $50; chicory, $00. Gilbert &
Patterson, Costa Rica, $1,100; Java,
$50; chicory, $00.
Gilbert & Patterson, savou, $87.50;
toilet, $11.25; shaving, $0.
J. G. Wright, savon, $80.50; toilet,
$11.50; shaving, $0.20.
dried fruit.
J. G. Wright, prunes, 4; Gilbert &
Patterson, -I; Sonncmnnn, 4; Sonne
mann $2,474; Bruce Cunningham, 3;
J. Roynolds, 31.
J. G. Wright, dried peaches, 0; Gil
bert & Patterson, 01.
J. G. Wright, dried apples, 5; Gil
bert & Patterson, $5.15.
Robertson Bros., Turner' $2.05;
Robertson Bros.Turncr,grahani, $2.40;
D. E. Swank, AumsvUle, $2.50; Salem
Flouring Mills, $2.45; Salem Flouring
Mills, graham, $2.25,
Gilbert & Patterson, $517.50; John
Hughes, $538.
tinner's supplies.
Gray Bros. $34.60; Wado & Co.,
J. G. Wright, $28; Gilbert & Patter
son, $27.50.
G. W. Putnam, $1,127.50; D. J. Fry,
D. J. Fry, $00.6o; John Hughes,
Holvorson & Co., $500.05; J. J. Dal
rymplo, $020.15; Willis .Bros. & Co.,
$574.25; Stock Bros., $523.71.
Krausso Bros., $108.
John Hughes, $20; Wado & Co,,
$24,40; D. J. Fry, $30.
J. G. Wright, $87.00; Damon Bros.
$84.73, Sonnemnnn, $02.00.
Sonncmnnn, $1535.01.
J, G. Wright, $1008.06. Gilbert &
Patterson, $1015.12, J.Hughcs, $1700.00.
Dugan Bios., $34.23, Barr & Potzol,
$37.70, O. W. Knox, $41.00.
btolncr, 0 to 8 cents; C. F. Doty, 0
to 8 cents.
Dearborn, $38.84," Pnttoh Bros.,
Four Men Instantly Crushed
in a Shaft.
Walter B, Cranston Meets Death in
a ShaU.
Four Miners Crushed.
Shamokin, Pa., Jan. 0. While four
workmen were being lowered Into a
shaft of thoLuko Fiddler Mlno this
morning, tho "billy," which balances
tho elovator, and weighs about 1000
pounds, fell upon them without warn
ing. They wero instantly killed.
Tholr names are: James Merrltt, Ste
phen Mcrrltt, Patrick Lynch, Peter
Instant Death.
Baker City, Or., Jan. 0. Another
fatal accident occurred at the Virtue
mlno this morning. Walter B. Crans
ton, aged 30, fell from one of the
lower lords down tho shaft, a dis
tance of 100 feet, meeting instant
Improved Service Of the Lock
wood Messenger system is appreciated
by everybody. Ring up ibe blue
Highest of all LereH Pewetv
Ammvurmut- rnvrnm .
Over 150 Killed and 30 Se
riously Wounded.
Premier Rhodes, of Capo Colony.
London, Jnn. 0. The governor of
Natal, Sir Walter Francis, Hcaly
Hutchison, telegraphs upon tho Boers'
authority that 130 of Dr. Jhmlson's
followers were killed and 37 wounded.
On the Boer side, It is added, three
were killed and five wounded.
British-African Af&Irs.
London, Jan. 0. The Btatcmont
cabled to tho United States by n news
agency, that Dr. Jnmlcson had been
released from custody at Pretoria, is
officially stated to bo without founda
tion. All sorts of rumors are In circu
lation, duo to tho dclny In receiving
accurate news from Capo Colony. It
is reported that tho British govern
niont is hurrying troops from India to
Capo town, but there would seem to
bo no necessity for such n stop, ns tho
concentration of mllltnry forces from
othor British-African colonics would
bo quickly mndo there If necessary.
Turmoil in Johannesburg.
mans nnd Americans, It is said, have,
nftcr unsatisfactory Interviews with
tho government, Joined tho national
union, which aotlon was also taken
by "the Africanders, Australians and
morcantllo associatIon,tho government
having refused thorn nrras for protec
tion purposes. Tho Uitlanders are
now united nnd a body of their nrmed
forces are parading tho town nnd sub
urbs. Everything is quiet nnd orderly,
though tho strcots nro thronged, and
tho police wore entirely withdrawn to
Pretoria this nfternoon.
Tho Premier Resigns.
Cape Town, Jnn. 0. Tho nowa that
non, Cecil Rhodes,, premier of Capo
Colony, has resigned is confirmed. It
Is uot known If his resignation has
been accepted by tho governor, Sir
Hercules Robinson.
Rhode's Successor.
Cape Town, Jnn. 0. non, Sir
Gordon Sprlgg, treasurer of Capo
Colonoy,has succeeded Cecil Rhodes as
Battery Case. Reynold Johnson,
a newsboy, was arrested by Salcra
police last night for assault and bat
tery at tho Southern Paclflo depot.
no was fined $10 and costs, In default
of which ho went to Jail.
A StrnlcM Blinu
Tho young1 nun wan making bias
self as disngrcenblo no a man could
who didn't know nuy bettor, and bIw
was hoping tho hoiuso would fall on
him or BOtnuthincr.
"Sooio womcu," ho paid in the
counto of his remarks, "aro pleased
by a brainless youth with a hand
tome face."
Yea," bIio replied wearily, "tmt
I'm euro that doesn't apply ia your
"I hopo uot," ho said conceitedly.
"Oh. nol"eho murmured, "for you
kavea't a haudouie face," Detroit
free Free.
Uto KUek roit.
Fat jfcae ar m the steeps' noses if y ow
Me theea rumlng with lead near the
ffewdMdaUrapW. The fly that ft
lewes grata la the bead is about.
Bear ia salad that June is the month
ie breed for fall pigs.
There is nothing a hog likes better in
Ibe fall than a good, juicy puranWn.
PUat a lot of them. Hog will bring a
tjeed fries aext winter. Cows delight
fa jwiBBldna too. The old fashioned way
ei ylaafc"g among corn is a good ooe. (
TUtwW nt th poor ohirk.ms and ta
Latest U. S. Gov't JRecwct
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