Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, December 31, 1895, Image 3

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i Prize
gjrsqparilla moro than any remedy I have
,,r la-en. I havo never been robust and
t i oubject to sororo headaches, nnd had
u appetite. SInco taking
Hood's Sarsaparilla
cid Hood's Tills I nm a well woman,
havo a good nppotlto nnd sleep well.
i cordially rocommcnu Hood's Bar
Mpnrilla. Mas. B. M. QonnAM, FiUmoro
Jlou e, Fillmore, California.
It raj
.Ten lVlicti tlm Tlicrmiimctrr It
llnlmr X-ra.
Tho barn was not nn cxpcnslvo one,
bnt would hold 100 head of flock nnd
kh cnt into u bank with n nlopo eo thnl
IV dr.i::rw whs porfect. I jot down
lattnfdiiryinan told in during the
ifientouii v.hHo ho was caring for his
Mock. Cvery 'ov t coined to know her
(pne.1 m a friend no hasto, no rude
r.oiso, Btnrtlod her. "Ln(tmuniner,"said
liio fornicr, "I wired roino corn fodder,
millet mill oi t nnd te.i liny, with some
carrota u 1 wugar beotH for a chnugo oi
f(X)vl. I contract tarly for my brnn and
bar it clioap. My cows nil como in fresh
in September nnd October, going dry
through ilytimo. I begin feeding thea
atonco to I'cop up their flow of milk
iThilo butter Nhiirii. I never ooll for less
than 23 cents, nnd often 40 cents poi
"I put my cow'i rn nights na Boon ns
frost comes nnd feed millet, hay and
bran. Now, during tho cold of winter 1
get up nt half pnrtt 5 in tho morning, go
to tho bain nnd give tho cowb their
grain fowl, consisting of brun, ground
oats nnd pons in tho proportion of eight
nartsof bran, four of oats nnd ono o'
peas, or onen cunngo to ono oi iipw
process oihncnl. Then nt 0 o'clock we
n'llr, running tho milk through n hand
wpirator, feeding my calves nnd jags
,lo now sweet r.kimmilk. Then I gi vo a
good feed of corn fodder nnd let my
cows nlono till noon, hen I wntcr them.
Ihey finiMi up all tho fodder or millet in
idr mnngrrs nnd Ho down to chow
heir cudu till half past 4, when I niraln
titl them n unmllcr grain ration mipple
acnted with four quarts of chopped
roots, nnd nt half past fi go to milking,
Snishiiig in ono hour.
"Myself, boy nnd hired baud do the
nillting. I treat tjio milk as in the
boming nnd then fill tho mangers with
aillct or oat nnd pea bay, first cleaning
nt every bit of rubbish left in their
Dangers, using it for bedding, I neg
lected to say I clean their stables ovcry
aorning, hauling tho offal nnd littor out
a the field nnd scattering from each
lie was asked if his cows ought not tr
h fed oftoncr. "No," Baid ho, "cows,
with their quadruplo stomachs, need
bach longer to digest their food. Ncl
rhtrdo I rouso thorn up at 3 or 4 o'clock
a tho morning. I find from observation
iose hours nro their very best for sleep
og. Neither do I let them out through
as winter unless it is on somo especial-
; bright, sunshiny day. Then I find
fhey aro ready to return to their stalls
their evening meal."
"But do yon not find your feed pretty
"No, not very. I feed about 40 pounut
ftwilay of rongli otuff. Ono-half Is choai
traw, costluir notbinir but tho hauling.
ul thrash tho oats and peas put to uso
grain. I flguro that my grain feed
roots cost mo 20 conts per day: bay,
Scents a total of 25 cents ncr dav. Mr
l&minilk und manuro more than pay all
w nnd other expenses. J feed extra
lean-, for this is n cold climate, and 1
put much milk for my calves. My
w averago mo COO pounds of butter
year, besides u flno cnlf. Thev aro
phlghgradollolstoins, crossed up from
r best dalrv co wa I conld find. I cloar
ip on each cow yearly. My piga calves,
D9, etc., pay nil expenses, so I can
W7 op for my work nbout $3,000 per
if. Besides inv farm is jrettincr better
from tho laruo amount of manure
Uwad each winter." W. P. Wado ia
Nrican Agri-ulturist. I
rrotnerout Time For Illm. '
"Tou mav comDlain of the tlme3," Bald
Wall street man to a friend, "but they
"Prosperous dayB to a fellow I know.'
"iTojnerous davs " remarKea w
Wr, "Why, how In the wotld can
'Tone bo successful when every tblnff
"Thafh iust tho nolnt " replied tbft
P. "He prospers when tbiugs are
Nl He's an excontlon to tho general
1. but then, v-ju inwt know, bo's a
ors grinder. "Now York Herald.
Aire s-mtntt IT. ft1ifr.nrfl.
pte. Elliott P. Sliepard, says a New
tho sudden death of her hnsband
)TMra clnnn Diliil Ufa clin lltlR fl
Altogether rnllnqnishod, and oven
paiuuitnropio work, m wnicn euu
always so aotlvo nnd enorgotio a la
" has, much of it, had to bo nban
oced. This condition of Mrs. Sbepard
nscs regret and sympathy not only
B tho many Individuals whom she
befriended, bufc among numberless
uuus ana ooaics wno hyu
"Poa her for both inspiration and
Hood's Pills aJ
ijt ) 'P Aitt Thri "-rm", -" "
they tire scattered oronn, T NVUen
house or driv shed i w barn: Wo"1
soiled from St C VEbS ?T
nn oxpert blacksmith i , "I11"
of tlio jobs nfwit tS7ann"l ?n? IIUmy
id bySrC;erff?frm' fUr"
Blv6Btrnctrc. ThonMnSSu
wo did nil tlio building ourselves in n
layout much money on it. It 3 bull
' cofn"ot, M 11 inches thick nnd
Oi foot high. It has eight sbb-j thw
foro it is very near round. rl h., r.dv .u-
ages of having it octagonal Blmueiiro
there is no wanto room in It fioin rqume
corners; besides, tho loof you will have
on it is tho Htrongcst thntyou can huiM,
and it requires no girths or stays in nm
way, as it is braced in itself, and it f.
tnpossiblo for it t i mead, as tho sheet
ing makes it imposaiblo; besides, tho wall
is much stronger nnd will do much
thinner, it being biacod or bound nil
around. The alJpq nrn vni, ia i
on the outside, nnd being 11 inches thick
mnko it about TO frot from sido to oppo
site sldo (diameter) insido. Tho main
oxpenso is in tho roof, which required
six squares of Bhiuglcs.
Fig. 1 repiescnts tlio floor of tho shop;
D, tho doer: W.Windows; 1, carpenter's
bench; 2, blacksmith's bench; 0, carpen
ter'a viso; 4. blacksmilh'fl viso; C, tho bcl
lows; 0, tho flroplaco, which is built of
solid masonry 3 feet Fuaro, with a bol.
low in tho top; 7 is the nnvil.
Iu tho secoud cut is shown a tool nnd
implement ohed that has given satisfno
tion. It is ltby 18 feet, and is thus de
scribed by an Ohio Fawner correspond
ent: On tho ground floor is space for
tho binder, mowing machine, corn
planter, thrco rtnbblo plows and' two
squnro narrows. Tito Bpnco for the
binder is 8 by 1 1, without a floor over
head. Tho rest of tho shed 1ms a floor
above, 0 foot from tho ground floor, for
small implement, nidi ns ono or two
persons can lift handily. This phedis 13
reot high iu front i.ud 0 feet nt tho roar.
It lias donblo doors, one (F) 8 feet wide
to let in tho binder; A, plows; D, com
planter; O, mower; D and U, miscella
neous. Up stnirp, ovrr 11 10 ft.ot door, then
Is a small door 4 bv G. nnd ihU nnrt ta
Is for small plows and other tools. This
shod can bo built in sizo to suit any one.
For convenience thcro should bo n door
for each wagon, and for this purposo it
should bo built longer to admit the
tongues. The implement department is
Just right U feet deep. A shop can bo
located at one cud, and tho shed can be
made as long ns desired. Thero is a
stono plllnr under each post. No sills.
Cost of Bhcd, $25 for thlngles, weather
hoarding, nuilt",
In the bind or n 6urseou
gives you a feeling of hor
ror and dread. There Is
no longer uecesslty for its
use iu many diseases form
erly regarded as Incurable
without cuttlug.
The Triumph of
Conservative Surgery
Is well Illustrated by the fact that
RIIPTIIRR " Wi:.. i .SS'V. ffif'fS
wlthout psln. Clumsy, chafing trusses csu be
thrown .away I Tl.ey nevercure but ofteu induce
Inflammation, stnnnilalloij i and deatb.
TIIMflDC Ovatisn, 1'lbrold (Uterine) aud
1 UJllUltO, ,, others, arc now removed
without the perils of cutting operations.
of the lower bowel, are permanently cured with
out Piu or resort to the knife.
CThMR lu the Bladder, no matter how Urge.
SIUINCi, crushed, pulverised, washed out
and nerfectly removed without cutting.
crmrTIIDR or Urinary Passage Is also
SritltysUKfe removed without cutting in
hundreds of cases. I'or pamphlet, references
ami all particular, send louts(lustau.p)to
WorldVulspenssry Medical Association, NO. 663
Main btrect, Buffalo, N. Y
and those soon to
become mothers,
should know that
Dr. Pierce's Favorite
Prescription robs
childbirth of its tor
tures, terrors and
uioiner sou "it j
aiding nature in pre
paring the system
for parturition.
Thereby "iabor"
-,i (tic nerioa OI
confinement are P ,he
your Favorite P'PVVcast it proved so with
SSSSST & 1! uWauy cf my
7 9
".' .'1 1' 1 ii ? x:
F ! 1 if v vr
;a:b:cjdE!. v
' ' ' ' 1 fr T
Ar IiHslsiiiiiiiiiiiHl
What is
Cnstovla Is Dr. Snmuel Pitcher's prescription for Infnnts
and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphino nor
other Nnrcotlc Buhstancc. It is n Imnnlcss substitute
for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing SjTtips, and Castor Oil.
It is Pleasant. Its guarantco is thlrtj- years' uso by
Millions of Motlicrs. Castorla destroys Worms nnd allays
fovcrishncss. Castorla provents vomiting Sour Curd,
cures Diarrhoea nnd Wind Colic. Castorla roliovos
teething: troubles, cures constipation nnd flatulency.
Castorla assimilates tlio food, regulates tho stomach,
and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas
torla is tho Children's Panacea tho Mother's Friend.
Caitorla U nn excellent medicine for chit
,otllc, ha repeatedly told me of Its
good effect upon their children."
DR. O, c. Osgood,
Lowell, Mats.
"Caitorla ia the best remedy for children or
which I am ncqualnted, I hope the day It not
far dUtant when mothers will consider the
teat Interest of their children, nnd use Castorla
instead of the various quack nostrums which
are destroying their loctl ones, by fordng
opium, morphine, sootlilue sjrup nnd other
hurtful agents down their throats, thereby
sendlnc them to premature graxes."
Conway, Ark.
Tho Contour Company, 77
To Afms to Afms,
Another War,
50.000 men, vomen and clilhlem wanted to
buy the slock of fuinuurr, carpeii, mattings,
etc., of J. A. Uoian for the next Co days at
cost or less, to make room foi spring goods,
I mean what I say, am also going to add a
large line of wall paper and moulding to my
stock. J. A. KOl'AN,
iltiopntlOO 1,'rjomrjttMra street, utar Com
merclal, Hoclal attention In IninrforlnititiiO
ipuviwith illM.ort nwt.
ft I k I.
To The East
: via ii
Low. Rates to all Eastern Cities. -
tcean sttauirrs leave Portland cveryjnvo r)
W. II. liUltLHUUT,
Un. laa. Axent,
t'ortland,) I
G. Al POWEKi.,
Local Ticket Afruni.
nolo Trsdatt.
f r lumurrtw
, I . , uiktorrha
. . 1. 1 1 1. r I ui
..mi InlUmi)'
r ,. 1 a ulcer
. .. 1 . ntli
II lu I-'
,i3f Uhiviro.
tii. hi Jruiralts.
m 1 i" plain Vfrrf'
l.y -snS Wf'il..
SUW, 1 l-tll". U'
7tr-i 1 1 mi rwiunt.
Have a ery simple home treatment which
plod,, icuconu--. .": .'""nd t rec to
wma.. Mm9-
niuimiAUri. tc
. . ...k. wriU td
Oldest "".knlSIt M usU Tfrouthl U
r ....-. .nv KJenUflopsjwrlal??
Ml l
M r-ia. 1
(iA C KCilUII.0 tS:
I WBsiJsiBB MA"':9J
" Castorla Ii so well adapted to children that
I recommend It as superior to any prescription
known to me."
ir. A. AxcrntB, M. D.,
Ill 8a Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y.
" Our physicians In the cbildren'4. depart
men. have spoLen lilfihly of their experi
ence In their outside practice with Castona,
and although we only have anions; our
medical supplies what Is known as regular
products, yet we are free to confess that the
merits of Castorla has won us to look with
favor upon it."
United Hospital, and Disr&MiAftv,
llostoa, Mass.
Allen C Surra, Prtt,
Murray Street, New York City.
The board of trustees of the Oregon
Htato lnsano asylum invito sealed pro
posals for furnishing at the, jyylvni. -near
Salem, Oregon, for ilia six months end
ing June 20. IKK), the following supplies:
1SW yds. Allen prints, assorted , pat
terns, as por sample.
COO yds. Pcquot A, Bhcstlng, In., un
blcachod, ns per sample. '
1000 yds. Pcquot A. sheeting, St In., un
bleached, as per rample.
S00 yds. Lonsdalo sheeting, 30 In.',
bleached, as per sample.
1000 yds. French crash linen, bleached,'
IS In., as per sample.
COO yds, glass crush linen, bleached, It
In., as per rample.
1W yds. table oil cloth, white,, as per
COO yds. AmoBkcftff blue denims, 0 oz.,
as per sample.
100 yds. Bllesla, drab as per sample.
2 doz. corsets ns per sample, size Si
to SO.
10 doz. Turkey red handkerchiefs, St In.
73 doz. men's cotton socks as per sam
ple. 12 doz. I). & V. Htuy binding, white, as
per sample,
Vi great gross duplex safety pins No. 3
as per sample.
0 C. gross P. 11. shirt buttons, as per
2 C. gross pants buttons, us per sample.
Thread (Coats' or Clark's O. N. T.)
IS doz. No. 40 white. '
5 doz. No. CO white.
IS doz. No. 40 black.
C doz. No. CO black.
JO prs. men'u 'catlier slippers, No., 7,
as per sample.
CO prs. men's leather slippers, No. 8, us
per sample.
CO prs, men's leather tdlppera, No. t,
as per sample.
30 prs. men's leather dippers, No., 10,
as per sample,
SO prs. men's leather slippers, No. 11,
as per sample.
15,000 lbs, aolden C, sugar.
1,000 lbs. oat meal In barrels.
10,000 lbs. rolled oats In barrels.
3,000 lbs, cracked wheat in barrels.
S.COO lbs. corn meal In barrels.
S.O0O lbs. cracked liomloy, small, In
2,0u0 lbs. cream wheat In barrels.
300 lbs. Arm & .Hammer soda In 1 lb.
10,000 lbs. Liverpool salt.
COO lbs. ooda cruckcrs XXX, moro or
less, delivered as required.
K0 lbs. Silver aioss starch (Kings
ford's.) COO lbs. cheese, Cranston's, more or
less, delivered as required.
400 lbs. cream tartar (Folger's or Shil
lings') In S3 lb. boxes.
30 doz. cove oysters (Field's 2s).
2 doz, whisk brooms.
30 doz. No. 1 best brooms.
10 gross Vulcan Hafety matches, as
per sample.
COO gal. syrup, as per sample.
30 doz. corn canned, OI en wood or as
COO lbs. Ml soda.
300 clay pipes and stems aa per sample.
40 doz. teacups w. u. ware.
10 doz. soup bowls, qts. V. O. ware.
10 doz. dinner plates, 9 In., V. O, ware.
2 doz. pitchers, 2 qt., W. Q. ware.
2 doz. pitchers, 1 qt., V. Q, ware.
B doz. pitchers, cream, W. O. ware.
C doz. glass tumblers, as per sample.
6 doz. bakers, 10 In., W. O. ware.
2 doz. sugar bowls, V. O. ware, a per
1 doz. wash bowls and pltcners, W. O.
ware, as per sample.
2 doz. granite Iron soap dishes, as per
6,000 lbs. coffee, Costa Itica, m par
300 lbs. ooffee, Java, as per sample,
1,200 lbs. Chicory, as per sample.
(Must be In bbls. r boxw; no$ accept
ed In sacks). t 4
2.WJ lbs. prunes Polite, machine-dried,
Oregon raised. "-'-
..(Mustte.inxbbls.iOr box;jt except.-1
KlttliU l'KACUKi).
l.Muat bo in. UuTlaiOr boxes;, not acr
ccptcd In .sacks),
1.590 lht peaches.
lliuvilllivuiii, na
per sample.
2.C00 lbs. nven Change, or as tfood.
400 lbs. O. K. Durham Smoking In Sot
1,000 irnl. puro, clder.,Hne(;nr, W gru.
Didders to submit samples.
COO bbls. No, 1 flour, more.. or less, de
livered Jia., required.
a bbls. No,, Xj, graham, fl,o,ur, .more or,
toss, delivered,, as, riqulrtd. "
COO lbs. fish per wek, more or les9, as
Kinds ns required otatinff prjco of
each per lb.
70 ga. turpontlno In 5 gal. cans.
100 gal. kerosene, mor or lews,
tanks, delivered as required.
2 dux. bottles sowing nuchlno
Bperm, as per, sample.
2,500 lbs. Net Bavqn, Hwt Standard
141 cakes toilet soap, as per sample. i
20 lb. shaving soap (J. .11. 'VVl!lauvs')l
ns.per sample.
t uncus. ,
SO0 lbs. black pepper standard ground;
In 5 lb. oansi
25 lbs. cinnamon standard ground, In
5 lb. cans.
15 lbs. nutmegs, standard, whole.
10 dqz, coinbs, tlresslng, as per sample.
2 doz. mop handle, as por sample.
1 iloc. wnshtubs, as per sample.
I doz. washboards lied Cross as per
C doe, mucilage, panford's Universal. ,
1 gross Payson's Indelible Ink, na per
12 quarts Stafford's or Rinford's luk,
black, In quart bottles.
dozen penholder?., assorted.
U dozen pen,cll. l.qad, No. ,4, ,(,Jotmnn
3 gross .Falcon pons, No. P.
2 gross Hoars' ajub pn, o- U
2 gross Veot Michigan.
2 gross Iondon Inoandcscent, No. i,
AI., Jacobs.
X kilogramme Acid Acetic, 36 per cent,
HqulbbM. '
1 llllogramma add bortc, ftqwdered,
2 kilogrammes acid carbolic, pure crys
tal, Hqulbbs.
000 grammes add tartarla ..powdered.
. .,kllpgmmmo acacla,, , powdcrod,
1 kllogrammo ammonia bromide, gran-
.ulated, Squlbbs.
2 kilogrammes ammonia, chloride, tiranr
ulated, Squlbbs.
C kilogramme bismuth n,ub-nltnUe,
granulated, Hqulbbs.
2M grammes canUiariden, powdered,
100 grammes creosote, Bqulbb.i. ' ,
10 , kilogrammes chloral, Jtydrute.
8 kllogrammss clUoroform u COO
gnimmo bottles, Hqulbbs.
COO grammes cubeba, powdered, Squibb,
kllogrammeu other for anaesthesia,
U to be in 109 gramme w.ns and remain
der In SCO gramme cans,, Squlbbs.
COO grammes opium, powdered.
1 kilogramme soap, powdered, (whtto
castlle), Squlbbs.
2 kilogrammes eodtum blcn.rtonate
2 kilogrammes Bodlumborate. pow
dered, Squlbbs.
2 kilogrammes, sodium, c, potass?, tar
trate, Squlbbs.
2 kilogrammes Iron chloride, solution,
2 kilogrammes Iron pyrophosphate,
2 kilogrammes mercurial, , ointment,
II kilogrammes ,potasa bromide,
1 kilogramme potass pblorate, JJqulbbs.
2 kllogrammett potassA lodWe, Hqulbbs.
1, kilogramme fluid, extract
C00 grammes Fowler's solution, Squlbbs.
COO grammes tincture opium, deodor
ized, Squlbbs.
6 sheets blue litmus paper, Squibb
1 lb. add muriatic C. P 1 ft TV.
1 )b. add, nitric C. 1,. qulbbs.
1 lb. acit) sulphurlo C. P,, Hqulbbs,
3 oz. add, gallic, Squlbbs.
1 fit. caffeln citto,lqulbba.
1 oz. cocaine muriate;, Squlbbs.
H oz. codeine sulphate, Squlbbs.
1 os. lunar caustic pure, Squlbbs.
1 oz. lunar caustic No. 2, Squlbbs.
H oz. morphine muriate, Squlbbs.
2 oz. morphine sulphate, Squlbbs.
CO oz. quinine sulphate, Ini os. cans,
,x lb. add tannic, Squlbbs.
2 oz. zlno chloride. STuiuloUd.'. Hqulbbs.
2 lbs. oil sweet orange, Lohn &. Flnk
2 lbs. oil lemon, Lohn ft Fink.
1 lb. oil cloves, Lohn Be Pink.
16. o. europh,tn. Payer.
75 fi. sylfonal, flayer.
16 ox. plier.acetlne. Payer.
10.. ox. sntlkamnlo.
6 oz. ontlkomnU, G grain tablets.
4 lb, pepsins saoch (Foirchlld's). -
i oz. pepslne (Iloudolt's).
4 doz. Kff. cltrats magutsla, (lllsnop),
4 doz. EmulMon Cod Liver OIL Urtre
4 dos. Elixir
lod-Prom-Caldum CoH
2 doz. caecara cordial, P. P,
& C
doz, Lloyd's hydrsstls.
i dos. Katharmon.
1 doz. LUUrlne.
I doz. Syrup HpNTh9sphU C. (Fel
lows). 1 doz, bromo seltzer 36q !).
4 doz. beef juloe fVyeth').
3 dos. peroxide .o.Qiydrogen lu V4 lb.
Uottlea (Marctiand's),
2 lbs. Johnson's Htberea Ajitkwptlc
soap, P. . & wo,
u. 'dot. Iforaord'n Add Phosphates
doz. bromlrtla,4(Pttie Co.).
H doz. paptaeWPaUfirCo.).
H doz, wllloWueharooal, (E1IU).
i doz. sJJirthIsjtICt& M.).
1 gallon ceforlMjiJtd extract of
- y:
h witch haxel fP. D. A Co.).
10 1&,rpt&UpV.rgc4Uble Caooa.
10 lb carbolic Add. Mai.. No. L cold
I IV l5. UUIU CXIIHCl UUUHI U". u. & Cv.)
a lb nuld extract cunt silk (P. D.
& Co.),
, u , iiD, vj,uwii vawara, sngraua
frt lh. M..I4 M. .
. oc v.i
1 lb, fluid extract digitalis (P. D. ft Co.)
3 lbi, fluid extract ginger (l D. & Co.)
I 1 lb. nuld extract hyoscyamus (P. IX
ft Co.)
10 lbs. fluid extract Jalap (P. 1). & Co.).
5 lbs. nuld extract licorice (P. D. & Co.)
.10 lbs. fluid extract senna (P. D. & Co.)
10 lbs. IJuld $arsaririlla Co. for ayrup,
(P. D. & Co.).
1 lb. peppermint leavs (P. D. & Co.).
1 lb.,., granulatetl belladonna leaves
(tylly & Co.).
i, 1, pound granulated
(Lilly A Co.).
, 1 lb. oriuiulated . noonito
& Co-)
1 lb. granulated nTnca flower (Lilly
& Co.).
I 1 lb. granulated
cinchona red (Lilly
& Co.).
In 3 lbs., granulated columbo (Lilly & Co.)
. X lb. granulated digitalis leaves (Lilly
oll..,& Co.).
I 1 lb. granulated ccntlan (Lilly a Co.)
3 lbs. granulated glngar (Lilly & Co.).
2 lbs, .granulated
hyc,cynmus, (Lilly
2 lbs. granulated nux
& Co.).
vomica (Lilly
,, R Iba. granulated quassia (Lilly & Co.)
5 lbs. , granulated, wild, cherry bark
(Lilly & Co.).
, 3 lbs, magnesia carbonate (K. & M.)
10 lbs. gum camphor.
CO ibi. iiax seeU meal,
, 100 lbs. Hpxom Bntts.
, 10 lbs. borax powdered.
1 V lbs. potassium nitrate, powderiM,
1 lb. turmeric, powdeicd.
1 lb. tycopodlum,
0 lbs. sulphur sublimed.
35 lbs. vaseline (Chesaborough's).
C lbrf. prepared chalk,
CO lbs. glycerine (Kirk's).
S gallons linker's A. A. castor oil (In
original package).
5 gallon oil mnllga.
C trillions liquid ammonia, concentra
ted, (In 6 gallon glass container, Mul.).
0 lbs. muriatic acid (commercial In
ifliM otoppercd bottles, Hul.).
2 lbs. liquid albollnt.
1,000 each of empty capsuled, Nos. 1
and 2 (P. D. A Co.).
, 1 gross hollow cocoa, siproariorlts,
o. a.
1 lb. bitter almonds, shelled.
6 rolls 'boilteion.ia plasters In ono yard
rolls (8. & J.).
4 rolk silk Islnglsjia .plasters In iOno
yard ros (white (a & J.).
3 roll
rolls .Mead's Adhelyol,.pJaavters In
ard rolls (widtli 13 In'.), (k, gt J.).
C yard
2 rolls oiled silk plasters In one yard
oils (R St J.).
6 yards oiled muaHn (8. St J)
0 lbs. absorbent cotton In ono podnd
pkgs. (a & J.). .
1 lbs. sterilized lainlja wool In U lb.
PK. Ifft. & J')-
t400 each hypodcnnlo tab)ots, Nos. 20
nnd PC In coses of 16 tubes each
1,000 encli hypodermic tablets, Nos, 45
rind CS, In cases of 10 tube each
3 lbs. pills Improved cathartic, No. ICO.
(P. U. & Co.).
).tyo.qulnlneBulphuto capsules. .2 grain,
(P, p. & Co.).
3,000 quinine sulphate. ...capsules, 3
grain Vt V. St Co.),
. ' km- . ' -
1,000 quinine sulphate
capsules, S
K rain (P. I). & Co.).
X pound, W.llsoa'n Corrosive Antiseptic
tablets (Wyeth's).
1,000 compressed powdersiagf, opium, ',4
gruln, ltd acetate IVi grain (Wyeth's).
COO compressed, powders ot.tdpveri pow.
der 5 graJn'(Wyeth's).
1(0Q0, compressed ppwdera of solol pow
der, 5 grain Wyeth's),
1,000 compressed powders of migraine
powder, No. 2, .(Wyeth's).
.. ,QV fvp0 liAClL
2,000 Ub)eU ttiturat aloln, Pellod t
Podoph. (Wyeth's).
1,000 tablets triturate Hyd. Ctd. Mlto.
t Soda Ulcarboaat'e Co. (Wyeth's).
1,000 tablets triturate Uyd. Chi. Mtto.
No. I (Wy-tU's).
l.UO tableu triturate Hyd. Chi, MHo.
t10 irraln (Wyeth's),
I COO tablets trlturatq Ilyd. Cbl. Mite. H
graln (Wyeth's)
fOO tablets triturate Hyd,
1 groin, (Wyeth's).
C00' tablets trlt irate Hyd,
Cbl. Mite.,
Chi. Mite.,
? gram twyeins;,
2,009 tableu triturate ammonia
ate jet JJodqlne Co,, (Wyeth's).
CO, tablets triturate nltro glycerine
1-100 grain (Wyeth's),
COO Ublets triturate- tlncturo dlglUlU
et strychnia (Wyeth's).
2.0UO ' Ublets triturate bronchitis
CW tablet , triturate neuralgia (UH)
J.W tableu triturate opium powdered
'A grain (WysUi's).
COO tablets triturate podopbyllln,
grain, (Wyeth's).
0,000 tablets triturate cathartic Im
proved 1 grain (Wyeth's).
COO tablets' triturate morphino sulphate
U grain (Wyeth's).
COO tableu triturate morphine sulphate
M grain (Wyeth'i),
2,000 tablets triturate cerium oxalate
groin (Wyeth's).
COO (ubleU triturate stconltla IsSOO grain
! (Wyeth's).
100 white filter papers, IS In., W. T.
A Co.),
200 white Alter jvipero 13 In., Ov, T.
& Co.)
3 dozen medldno glasses (graduation
engraved) fW T. it Co.)
l glass, ptrcolfttlng Jsr. S3 01., (V T.
St CO.).
..Ljinatchlees., graduate, I ox., OV. T
& Co.).
I eacn t'nenix gxoauais. ymssc; n oa., .
3 oz,. 4 os., S os., and 33 ctv, (W. T. &
2 eah I1nl graduate (Cone) 2 oz..
ad t ex. 0 T- ft Co.).
1 dozen tMt tubns, 6 In. OV. T. ft Co.),
1 grooJj Mich prescription vlaU Phlladel.
phla oval. 4, a and t 0. (W, T. ft Co.).
I dozen rcrew-top ointment ita, 4 .,
ro, w. " -'
drachm coin welgtits scruple to
I. drachm (W, T. ft Co,).
1 J.funlnurar,welgMj H tfj t
OYs T. ft Co.). , . U ! "."""
I not brass troy cup welihta Jii
o. 07. T. & Co.). ' '" - 1
t boxwood R.MIIt, . .f.H
iv t l -... yi-nor measur
' J. i$
f.'W each pbnl punda!m
. uu iih tw. t. & CO.),
. 1 cauh horn m..i-.
i 7. i rS i Hatu,M (cocoa hAndic
eauh Kbrn spatulas
JoeM, 8fn31
m In. (W. T. ft Co.).
u-ica nrlln
JC3. , nd I w! & CoTI
1sltwt .1,. .. JtS
(i'Tfr tnMn ru"""'
40O dCj'ath'ri"on?5 Wn&
, K dozen museum ja No. 2600.. v
TH in., length, s In. (W. T. & Co.).
T.34tCon)bC,U B'aM mIcln l". t
SJ13 dozen rubber water bottles plaTt
quarto, ov. T. 'i'Co.). ' ' ' W '
l'. dozen Knwivn .!.... -.. .
. . .
IU- T n. r- ----- 'JCNiBV, i)Qi
(W'iTcoT""9 vat?'" No. J
". - ot VU.J.
1 aozen Uavldson'n syrlnge No,
i4 .' . "w-nair pencils. No.
No. 2. Springer Tarslon Ualano. .
extlTn C'rCl0 rc'Ptlon 01M
extra, long. Nos. 3. 4. s. n,i n VS
NoJdT PrMCr,pl,0 " UpJj
Vi.BroM each tin ointment boxes. i 0i
, VI gross tin ointment twxes. 4 oz.
, 1 gross each ICngtlsi, pasteboard
.boxes Nos. 29. 30 nnd 3L
1 grow eacn Seldiits powder boxes. Nc
W And 61 (Plumlev) .' oxm
t gross slide powder boxes No. 62 whltef!
1W feet of IU in. galvanized pipe.
21 each of . H. 1, 14 tt'nd 2 nt
inch el
1. socket couplings, ? in
unlooT " l51, ,H nna 3 ,nch flnH
IS each of Mxtt. -4. 1Wxlw ,nch ..3
- ( 01 ih nna 1H Inch Dubois lead1
J0 feet of IU Inch lead pipe n.
13 yards brass safety ehnin 1
, 13 each guage gloss washers . and i'
S Pounds njibcstna ull
plugs' "f U' ' ''4' ?i ,H' ftnii 1!i ,nch
Ished's ' O0,,T0n Pla'n blbb" W 'nCh' fl"" ?
1 bundlo CJ lbs. 01 Wo. 7 bright wire.
1 X pAclcag each of t oi 1, V.i, 2 nn
lb,,, tinned rtvots.
and 3
B sheets of No. IS galvanized sheet Iron .'
12 sheoU of No. 24 sheet steel SOxM. ',
CO bushclj charcoal.
, 1 pair S lb. solder coppers.
M feet each of Uxi and Vixl Inch Nor
way Iron.
23 feet each of H and U Inoh squares
Norway Iron. Jj
10 feet each of H and Inch octagonS
10 feet of S Inch rouud tool steel.
10 foet of u inch harrow tooth stevi.
11 fet each of Kx, Vj ana H,x Inchr-
vv vwtt tool,
3 Heller Pros, norao insps, IS Inch.
flat, milt tUcji 14 Inch.
1 I l0J .bastard hies, 10 Inch.
3 half round bastard file,, II Inch.
, 3 half round mill flics, 13 inch.
2 round bastard flies 6 Inch.
.2 each flat mill ill. 4 n.i i-.h
, 40O"feet of munllla rope, Inch In dlain,,'4
0 pounus cacn r Putnam horseshoe
nans. nos. t, , 7 and 8.
3,500 pounds blacksmiths' coal.
CO pounds each of Phoenix steel horse-
siioos, Nos. 2, 3 and 4 front.
(0 pounds each of Phoenix steol horse-
noes, Nos. 3, 3 and 4 hind. 'f-
100 each round head stove bolts 3-iexW.J?! l(t! ltvl ln.h r'l
CO each machine bops 5.16xlVS. H6x2V4.
HxS and x Inch,
CO each carriage bolts U2. UxSJi. 5-16x2.
C-16X2U, 6-16x3, 6-l)t, SXSVJ. ?4x3, ,xt
and HzS In.
10 pounds each ft and Inch washers.
, CO eadi H and Inch blank nuts.
1 gallon brilliant shine metal polish.
1 round belt punch 3-16 Inch.
1 Putton'a combined plyers, C Inch.
1 Coe's wrench, 6 Inch.
10 pounds Albany compourd, No. 3.
Samples may be seen at the commis
sary of the asylum. OouJs must be lu
.accordance wjth samples, and be In orig
inal packages when possible. The right.
' . . ... ... . -"3
iu rejevi uriy nnu an utus is reserved..
Delivery of supplies will be required
within fifteen (14) days' notice of accept-
once of bid. Kach bid must Include all''
the items and totals In full, with the ex
ceptions of flour, fish and vinegar. Pay.
ment will be refused until the blddor has
completed his contract. A copy of the
sdvertlsemont must accompany each bid,
and the nuif of class of supplies must
be lncrii4 oil the envelope. Auditing'
officers are prohibited from coniir.nlni J
accounts of purchases when the advert 1
tlseniv t dje not contain a full descrip
tion of the articles to be purchased.
Each bidder will be required to furnish
with' hU b.J a certified check In an
anwunt equal to ten pel" ctnt o( the M
ffxve, (hat for flour the check Is to bo for
1300, for fish J75, for vinegar til), payable
to tn vi J" nt the boardto be returned E"
In case hi bi.. ,i rejected o.- his uroiKwal "5-
ooinplltxl with. Pld will be opened iii'rVi
the governors ofnee at 2 o'clock p. m
Monday, January 6, ISM.
Salem, Oregon, December 3, ISM.
wm. p. Lonn,
nourd of Trustses O. 8, I. A."V
w. 8. DUNIWAY, Oerk of Paard, v
SSH f-s I vi . I Htflh I)IimiJ ltma.
V it" MHrf f TU m - 1 -, , k.
.waw ...x. i.j Kj.hT 1.1..L. ..k aex vrs
J P'si 0-tfi se (V . !! bX $
W Si. r J,. llii. lmlL.I.HnWI'. "" ;