Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, December 31, 1895, Image 1

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j JOURfs
rot. 7.
wtt-;w w.w.y)t..'frt qf ,. J.. u ,'.ft
r - ',' ' - -
J A S K.wi ii
- A FEW'-
which we will close out,
Also. 'Several dressing cases at same reduce
tion, "We want to close them
entirely out,
Road Machinery and Agricultural Implements,
Latest Improved Goods nd Lowest Prices.
NW Corner State and Liberty streets, : i : i SALEM, OR
NO (Holiday Goods to sell at cost,
all sold out, whLlcli shows that the
prices are just right for the times.
Now we have evry thing else to
sell at the same LOW PRICKS.
The Pair
274 Commercial St.
of the Willamette University,
Modern methods. Up to data. Bame as in the eastern and Kuropean Conservatories
None but tho beet li good enough for beginners as well as 1 r wore adva oed puplls.i
Chattel Mortgage Sale.
Will Be Sacrificed,
It must go, and if the price has anything
to do with it, the sale will not last long,
Their loss is your gain,
Remember, any suit or overcoat in the
store goes for $10, Mackintoshes, $6,50,
A'mosuvA lino of gents' neckwear, underclothing, en are,
rcufc, hats, handkerchiefs, etc., suitable for nensiblo holiday
i presents, are all marked down to cost. Come early, before the
li assortment is broken.
i n t a tin ov 1)uMh
It. A. HKUITAOK. Vixsil Director. , k
KMlLXi. WlNKLH.ImtTumnUl Director
What. Two California Oongre;&
mrir" Said.
In Defending tho Oood
Nntlonnl Greenlncks.
Ca'iforula wan njaln luard from at
tbe livening reaslnti, The hnuaa was
practically empty when called to order,
at 7 o'clock, but liy 8 o'clock about
three-fourths ot the members were lu
their scats und the galleries were full to
ovtrllowlng. Unwers, fortunately, was
not called upon until he bnd au audi
ence of sufficient size to justify another
a miplo of California oratory. Frequent
applause drowned his remarks. Dowers
Btoke but 10 minute.
HU speech, lu part, Is &s follows.
"Mr. Speaker: In 10 minutes one
cannot htoj) to mluco words. I nm, sir,
the Judge of my duty as a Itepubllcun
and us tbe representative of tho people
who sent tue here, We excused our
selves for our votes yesterday on the
'larlfTfor revonueouljji',foy the claim as
stated here, that au emergency had
arisen, and wo must uct promptly
That emergency we claimed jeslerday
we had provided for.
"Now what au emergency has
urleon that requires this hasto in au
thorizing the Issuo of more bouds,whlle
tiio president has unlimited power to
Issue bonds, and this bill In no wine
restricts that power. Indeed, we were
told by tho impels this morning Hint
he Is unw negotiating for Uo Issuo and
salo of $200,000,000 of bonds, nud that
trie sale will be concluded within a few
days, either with the syndicate that
took tho other bond', or with Russia,
Irrespective of what this house may do.
I know of nothing to cause this except
that, tho other day, two or three Block
gamblers in tho city of New York
felled, and wo were told yesterduy that
one of those would probably get upon
bis feet before bo wns counted out.
"Stripped of Its wrappings, divested
of all Its attempted disguise, this bill
appears to mo a proposition to destroy
greenbacks all of them. It either
means that or It means nothing. Gen
tlemen of tho Republican side of tbe
bouse, aro you ready to do that ? Who
has naked you to dolt? The people?
No. Tbe Democratlo president In his
last fiautlo meesuge to this bouso asked
for it. That was tho alpha and omega
of that message 'destroy greenbacks
and issue bonds.' "
This demand was echoed by tho
baukora and bond speculators of New
Y.irk. You know that tho people of
tbe United States are opposed to tbo
destruction of greenbaoks.Thoy remem
ber that greenbacks enabled them to
carry to a successful conclusion, a war
for the preservation of tbe Union.
They know that for twenty-flvo years
thereafter, greenbacks oontluued to be
tbo money of the people, and we hod
no other money during tho most
prosperous era of this republic. These
greenbecks during all tbese years,
wero 'sound mouoy,' 'honest dollars,'
up to the day that Grovor Cleveland
was inaugurated president of tbe
Uultee States, and raised cry, 'de
s roy Ibe greenbacks and Issue bonda I'
"Every one of you Republicans, and
I want to talk to Reimullcius, when
upon tbe stump addressing your con
stltuteDts, has denounced tbe president
for doing exictly what you propose to
do In Indorsing this bill. You know
that this bill cannot becouis a law.
You know, every ouo of you, that It
cannot pass the senate of tbe Uulted
Slates. But with a passage of tbl. bill
by tbe voiejof the Republican maor
ity hero the inisoblef is accomplished
and you have become participants aud
8 larers, not with tbe Democratlo party
but with the Democratlo administra
tion, In the Is ue of these bonds, and
you have got to meet that responsibil
ity, every one of you. Yon have got
lonneud all ynu- t'liio In the next
canvass explalul:g why you did luU,
why you gathered under Cleveland's
umbrella In this storm. (Applause on
tho Deruocrotlc side).
"I appeal to you RspuWIiMu In the
mnr,u o( the tttllant Bbe.ldm, when
In Shenandoah valley, he found his
men flying before tue enemy, he said:
'Roys face the other way.' I ask ymi
Republicans to face the Hlwr way.
Face the enemy. Stand with llictw..
I pie who sont you hire."
Representative Brham followed Mr.
Bowers. He said 16 part: ' I am lint
au American and ascoud a Republican.
Tbe bill which Is mider discussion is
neither nti Atno'lci't nor a Rspuhlitnu
measure The UniCt ectlou of tho bill
Isaratlfhatlou of J the disgraceful
manipulations of Mr. Cleveland aud
his secretary of the, treasuiy with n
foreign syndicate. u which the people
lost more than J6.000.000. If it is In
tended to deal fairly .'with the people,
why was not tbe plan en ordinary
amendment of tho act of 1875, tmltlux
It necessary to adrerllse for bids on the
sate of bonds and each reduoe tho rata
of Interest to 8 per cent? Then Ameri
can people would b placed on equal
terms with Wall sluet.
"It Is perfectly apparont that tbls
bill la In the Interest, those Institu
tions and pjople wao,cau control large
sums of money, audw bo are seeking
longtime loans. Now look at tho
second section. It royld.a for a low
rate of Interest (3 per, cent) aud shod
tine bonds. Why should this dlncrlm
inatlon be made aualust our own pen
plv? Tbls bill U a creature of Grovor
Cleveland. I am now aud always bavo
been opposed to bondiissues lu tttuo of
peace, aud If Mr. Cleveland will up
prof o tho bill which was passed by the
liouse yesterday, no farther emergency
legislation will be neocesauy by tbls
cpngr04s. Tbe revenues will bo amply
sufficient for all tho purposes of the
uovernmeut, and If he seas proper to
yeto yesterday'u action by tbls house,
lot him, and hit party, If bo has any
left, acoount to tbe people Tho con
ditions are bad enough now without
plnctng further and more doubtful and
daugoiou leglslattoniibtu the hands of
this administration." ''
And Seventeen More Missing by an
Bitnsr-AW, Dee. 31. An explosion
by (We drmp occurred In n colliery at
Weldonburg, Prussian sllesia, 43 miles
southwest of tbls city, today. Fifty
persons aro known to be killed or lu
juifd, 17 otbora aro missing.
Great Storm.
Gu:vi:r,Arm, OtiU, Dee. 31. After a
steady down pour of rain In this city
all day yesterday, tllofWlndtiuddenly
veorcd from tho south to tho north
west early last ovonlng, causing a
rapid fall of the tomporature. Tne gale
readied u velocity of 41 miles an hour
bore, and fuither down tbo lake la said
to bavo blown nt u rato of 76 miles an
hour. At Dunkirk, N. Y., It Is re
ported tho wind blew nt a rato of 76
mile an hour.
Boston, Dec. 31. A roaring wind
storm prevailed all night. At 0 a. m.
It was blowing at tbo rato of 60 miles
un hour. At 0 o'oIoor the velocity was
about 30 miles. Only minor damage
to buildings bus been reported.
A Bad Christmas.
Euoeni:, Or,, Dee. 81. By tbo stage
which left Foley spreugs Friday morn
lug, comes tho now that Peter Rouey,
tho proprietor of the springs, was
dying, and could not live tnoro than a
few hours. His children having aore
throats, resembling diphtheria, mid
ChrlstmoH morning llttlo Nelllo, bright
girl of six, died. Mm. Honey was
alone, with tho exception of a hired
mail, caring for tho sick and the dead
hi this lonely mountain region.
The Discovery Baved His Life.
Mr. G, Cilllouttc, Druccltt, lleaversville,
III., says; "To Dr. King's New Discovery I
owe my life Was taken with La Grippe
and tiled all the physicians for miles about,
but of no avail and was given un and told
I could not live. Having Dr, King's New
DWcorery In my store I sent for a boiilt and
began its use and from the first dote began to
get belter, and after using three bottles was
up and about again It Is worth its weight
In cold. We won't keep store or house
without It." Get a free trial at Fred A.
Lcgg'sDrug Store,
Ju-tlee Court.
Dr. H. O. Co ley, claiming lo bavo
anoflkoln East Portland, but who
has been practicing medlolne at Hub
bard the past two months, was arrested
last evening at the latter place on a
charge of practicing medicine without
a license. He woe brought before
Justice H. A. Johnson tbls afternoon,
and was released on 100 bonds to ap
pear again at 7:30 this evening.
An Albany Cantata. Tho alu.
ers of Albany are busy rehearsing for a
cantata to bo delivered In that city
about February 1, for the beuflt of the
local Y. M. O. A. Professor Z. M.
Pnrvln returned from Albany tbls
morning where he was drilling the
singers last night. The cantata to be
given ucaiieo "inn naymaKer- ana
will consist of about llfiy of Albany's
finest singers.
Highest of all Is !?3.
They Waul Oar iieitb, But
No Trouble.
Enffltuid Threatens Further With
(IrawHl ot litis! itcsfl., Doc. 81. Tho Wolf News
axency, which tins tbe closest relalloun
with the Gerniau government, Issued
the following notice teday: Details of
the new Uulted Stutts loau are nut yet
dell nl tly. determined. Tbo conditions,
hnwever.are expected to dlller but
s!lghtly from theco under which tbe
last Issuo waa cllected. Tbo loan will
nmount to about j100,W),000, of which
a portion will probably be taken. All
American haiitca and trust companies
aro taking part lu the operation.
London, Dec. 81. The American
bankers JrT this city bavo received
prlvalo advices from Berlin confirming
tho announcement made by tbe Wolfl
mbwo agonoy regarding the Uulted
Stalco' loau. The manager of the
Brown. Shipley company said: "The
rate will probably be $1.05 In New
York, $1.03 In London. We were
advised this morning that there will
bo no trouuto lu placlus; them In Ger
many." Mr. Burno, of Thomas, Morgan &
Co., said: "None of tho new Issue will
be floated lu London owing to the
strained relations botween the United
States and Great Britain. Tbe sltua.
lion looks grayer tkau over tbls morn
lug from a commercial point of view,
partly on account of Senator Sherman's
The affair has made a wonderful dif
ference lu the business between Lon
don aud New York, and will result In
the Withdrawal of moat American
securities from England. We are send
ing here dally large quantities of tbcao
securities, which were thtirst upon tbe
Some new bonds will probably be
placed lu (Germany, but Ibis has not
vet been decided. In my opinion our
American compatriots have gone mad."
Chicago. Jan. I. Wheat, cash s6Uc.:
M59tfK. '
New York, Jan. i. Silver, 6Gfc:lead,
San Francisco, Jan l. Wheat, o8i.
Woo,"n0r,cn clce, 7'oc! Inferior, 7
8c, valley, 9 lie. "
Hops Quotable at 57C
l'otatoes 35 to 40c per sack.
Oats Milling. 6s(kjt1.,
Portland, Jan. I. Wheat valley, Kit
Walla Walla, to. T' "l
Flour Portland, 3.6o; Benton county,
U 60; graham, $2.30; suptrfinc, (3 per bbl.
Oats-While, 334c: grey, 303i jrolled,
In bags, I4.35I5.35, barreU,
cases, $3.75.
Potatoes, .New Oregon, 35040c per sack.
liar. .Good. HfilH Co tier Inn
Wool .. Valley, 1 ic; Eastern Oregon, 7oc.
Mlistufls..IIran, Ju.5oi3j shorts, fi3
13 ;chop feed, (12315 per ion; rye. 75c perc.
Hides, .oreen, salted Co lbs 44c; under
60 Ibi 36cj sheep pelts, lo7oc.
Hops Oretron. 4 to ie. accordlm m nml.
. - a. . 1 - , -. ---. fc w -......-
nutter, .Oregon fancy creamery, 3537J
fancy dairy, 3o!3ft fair to good, I5I7K5
common, 10c,
Cheese.. Oregon full cream, oMloc,
Eggs .Oregon, i3opcr Jot. Kaitern,
1 8c perdoz,
Poultry. . Chickens, i.5c5)3.oo per dot;
ducks, 4.oo4.5o; geese, f6.oera7.oo: tur.
Leys, o lie; dressed, ioiic.
iee.. 4 opstcers, 3(33.50 per lb; fair
to good steers, 3M3 3-5CS cows, 33c;
dressed beef, -l5c.
Mutton. Ilesi beef, S3.oo3.25; choice
ewus, f i,5o3.oo; dressed, 4c.
I logs .Choice, heavy, l3.ocO3.40; light
and eeders; 3 75; rirewed, 4e per Id.
Veal. Small, choice, 56c; large, 340
per lb,
Wheat. .44c per bu., market firmer.
Oats.. 17c.
Hay Baled, cheat, l4.55.ooj timothy,
Hour.. In wholesale lots, 3.50; retail,
"3.80 bran, bulk 0.00; sacked. Jl 3.00;
shorts, ;il.ooj,ooj chop feed, Jij.oo
Veal.. Dressed, 4.
Hogs. Dressed, ,
Uve Cattle.. 1 iyt.
Sheep .Live, HJs.oo.
Wool .Ileitt, I3ic.
Hor,,kit, 45o.
i .Cash, ibc.
Duller Hsst dairy, I3(il3cj fancy
creamery, I53c.
Cheese.. iol3c.
Farm Smoksd Meats.. Dacon, 6c; hams,
llo;sbouUers, 7c.
Potatoes.. 35c per bu.
Onions,, jc.
Apples.. 354oe.
Poultry., Hens, 5c; rocsters. Jl, 80 perdoz,
and not wanted; ducks, " per dos.;
turkeys, live 7c; e(gs y cents cash,
Children Cry for
Pltoher'9 Ctorl.
Highest of all in Leavening Tower.--Latest U.S. Gov't Report
3MHRCI9ibI am sW W VlHsV iB. '
A Woman's Charges Against Rv.
O. O. Brown.
Han Fkancioco, Dec. 31. Mrs.
Mary Davidson, tbe (Sunday school
teaobir who was arrested Saturday
night on complaint of her pastor, Rev.
C. O. Brown, of the First Congrega
tional church, by whom sho was
cbargwl with extortion, Is still In
pilson, uiiablo lo obtain ball. Her
surrounding", however, bavo not
nhangml her attitude In tbe case, and
she rays she believes tbe truth of her
charges against tho minister will
ultimately be established. Dr. Brown
Is as steadfast In his deolarati ins of
lunncetice, and says be will send Mrs.
Davidson to Hnn Quontln If It Is within
bU power.
Mrs. Davidson's urrcst has created
great aalnnlidimcut In church circle
where she Is well known. While bet
friends are loath to belloyo that she
would willfully attempt to destroy tbe
good name of au tuuoceut man, the
members of the congregation unite In
expressing their faith In Dr. Brown's
ability to demonstrate the falsity of
tbe charges brought against him. In
discussing the caso Mrs. Davidson said:
"Oh, but, that man is far from what
be seems to bo. I do not know In
what words to express my utter de
testation of him. He Is an absolute
soouudrel thut Is tbo word that aut
him best. There Is un person on earth
who knows Dr. Brown as I do. For
me tbo maalc has bccntorn away from
his face aud his true features are re
vealed In all tbelr hideous repulsive
nesa. It Is so hard to tell tbe original
from the counterfeit, for tbo latter
always bears some marks of true metal.
Ho Is a oounterfelt and a hypocrite.
"Dr. Brawn's verbosity Is buoh that
he might surround San Francisco with
a string of wordstlu his endeavors to
defeud himself, but be cannot efface
tho faols. The damnable acts of which
he knows ho has been guilty, will ever
rlso up to overwhelm him. He may
send mo to San Queutln, but the truth,
though for the time, crushed to earth,
will rise from tbe dust and prove his
"It was In tho fall, over a year ago,
that ho called upon mo one day aud
E$ra Ualaes .Before
Taking Inventory!
Fur Muffs
A large line of fine
fur muffs in Astralc
hanf opossum Jap
anese seal, black bear,
beaver, coney, etc
Values up to $6, See
corner window. Your
choice for SL
Jackets Must Go
A few good ones
left Will close them
out at cost,
Frr Capes
We offer the rc
mainder of these at
reduced prices to close,
Qrioniol Prinao
upuuiui i i iuuo
In all Departments
commented bin conversation by eaylirj
that ho appreciated ineaaa CbrlstlniT
woman. Ho called me a motber'iai
Israel and a sinter In the church. A'U
that ttmo he said ho wanted to liavt
my confidence and advice. He
mat ne was struggling with leMyta?
tion and feared that he would WIS
He told me that be loved Mm Over?
man. Ho cried and wrung Ills hanuaj
and begged that I would keep iilsj
secret Inviolate. I gayo my wold that!
I would do so. I spoke 1 htm nt?
mother might to her sou. I know
what the feeling la to know that nnjS
has ofteiuled, or lain thoectil dolrg
so, and thut you may put out yotfrc
band aud save him. I thought of Ml
iirnwn ami Knew why site was Htl
happy. I advised him to love his wife
a id remember his oblldreu.
"He calUd upon me olten and asketll
me to pray for him. I promised to j?j
o, Mrs. Masou, a member of tte
oburoli, rams t me one day any
suggrsicu tuai we suouui not it goi
ilowu to the ohutcb at 10 o'clock everyj
Sunday morning and pray for DrT
Brown and tbe congregation. We
went to the church, but Dr. Brown
did not recelvo us In tbe maanerthat
a true Christian would have done.
ftpjimAfi BntlAVAfl af mil. baIIaii. 1
"It was there that ho told me that'1
as a .a
ma pamnou tor miss uverrnan wasJ
consuming btm. He said bo would Le
wining 10 give t:p nis lamiiy, ins pro
fession aud bis entire career for her. I
was greatly nhooked nnd again
counseled with blrn and warned him"
of his danger. Ouca mo'o I advised
him to slick to the text; "Lore thy
wife.' Hu went away greatly o -forted.
Ho said It relieved him to Hit
fold blmsoll to mo.
"Tbo following Sunday be preaobd
a sermon upon tempt ttlou. A ke?
spoke there was a cry lu his volee.'Ifl
knew be bad been practicing etoctitleH
and know also, that ho had ouceatatetii
that It wasexcusablo for a speaker toli
use tbo cry In the vuico to produce
elleot. I could not abide It, however.
oecause j. inn uoi neiievH iu unit. in
uid unt l in UK nimxliicere.
Rain ok Shini:, Oet your buck
wheat aud maple syrup, comb or
strained linney, yrup, eia, at J. A."
Van Kttoti'A old turner, where thei?.
stock Is being closed nut very low.
Men's Suits
We must have room
for spring goods, See
what we can give you
for $6, 6,50, 7, 8, 9,
A choice line
Happy Home
Suits ....
The best on carthf
Guaranteed all wodlli
.You can always dc 1
pend on getting the
latest here, Our re
uora.s at $1 and 2 &
Children Cry for
Agent of Mortgagee?,
nri'iiqNK 71s.
261 Commercial at.
. f jH
Vfc .N
. &Mf?K
jL... tMnaMBstSB fc-...
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