S Great Cure in Turner Running Soros After Typhoid Fevor. Good Honlth Rostorod by Hood's Sarsaparilla Tho effects of scrloua Illness upon tho j liysicol pystcm nro often most disastrous. Tut' dNonso frequently leaves Impure Ijcrms 1" tho blood which dovclop, Boonor or later, In somo distressing form. Tho true way to avoid theso troubles la to sco Hint the blood Is rondo pure, rich and froo Irom disease germs, when tho patient Is recovering, by using Hood's Sarsaparilla. "In Docombcr, 1889, I was stricken down with typhoid pneumonia. My case was truly a very critical ono. Indeed, 00 dnys elapsed, when it settled in my right Me and breast. Running sores dls ili.irged very profusely. Through long HUfferlng I becamo very much re duced in flesh, whllo my hands and limbs were very much-swollen. It wnB a hard Strugglo For Llfo, nn.i after passing under tho caro of eleven different doctors I concluded that I could jot net well, but decided to toko some thl.i to stlmulato my system. 1 accord j rly gotabottloof Hood's Sarsaparilla a. d commenced to getsomoreliof from it. Tnst was n year after my trouble broke cut. 1 continued to uso tho medicine, Mnd after taking six bottles I nm well and h-ariy." J. O. BitowNiNa, Turner, Ore. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the Only True Blood Purifier i inc-titly hi the public iye. JljOforfS. i i'l'z Oillc rute habitual coiutlii. l-OflJ 1 I lib fun. I'rlco ac. VALLEY LOOAL NEWS. AUMiVILLK. Thero was a Ohrfotrua troo at tbo church Christmas eve thero wore also be exerclsss by the Bnbbntb school. Our schools olosed Friday for a two week's vacation. This will glvo Prof. (Join a much needed rest, Miss Alder, eon n good visit homo aud tho pupils a good bollday vacation. Tho young people of Attmsvillc gave Mr. and Mrs. Traver n gonuino Hur THE GERMAN EMPEROR AS AN ARTIST. Emperor William aspires to do everything well and 1.U wcent eJlewrical picture of the Archangel Michael warn tag European nations against Buddha, tie foe of S.. ."?. V..I."T.?L. Tlii- - v.... " n. J.mtMMi.'. ttch wna done ofor by Prof. KnackfuM and was presented to the cx.r of Ilnssb. Itbearsthelnrial nscnpUen: "Nations of Europe, guard well your moit holy possessions. AUluaml.K. prise Tuesday evening. They took raualo along and bad n lively tlmo dancing, etc. until tbo "wee pmall'' bours. About forty were; present. Willie Wlnalow Is boro from Olyrapla on a visit to his father's family. He will remain until after tbo holidays. Two gentlemen by the name of Butler, brothers In-law of Dr. Thomas, arrived from Eastern Oregon last Fri day. They came with tbo Intontion of accompanying the doctor to Kansas, where tie Is going to mako bis future borne. Mr. John Robertson who has been working ut Mr. Heflebowera for some time past, baa again taken up bis abode with F. L. Pound. Miss Mary Htilebower h homo fiom ber school at Monmouth to spen Christmas. Marlon. Marlon young folkB were Jubilant over the pnwpect of a bountiful crop to be plucked from tbo tree on Curlstma eve at tbo Friends' church. A good program was executed. Mr. and Mrd. W. J. Hadley weut to Albany Bunday for a short visit with Mrs. Hadley 'a brother, Mr. Harnett, who expecte to start soon for California Mrs. Joe Doran and MUs Myrtle Tomllnson drove to Salem Saturday, returning Sunday. Mr. Deh While, wbo left here a cou plo of weeks aco. writes be bad landed at bis old b imo In Minnesota all O. K. Weather clear and Hue. Mr.Wblt had secured a Job of work there before leaving here. Wo wish Mr. Wblt success that be may at some future daj retnru, as be will be missed greatly. Mrs. AUea, who Uvea about a mile south ot town took rather a sucden de parture the flratof Jast week for Wash ington where ber parenta reside. Mr. ien, ner nusoana, woo wum i- Afr, Brown, ltft early In tbo morning ..... . . .... u. ... I f. h r inffiiiii' iiritlt ler tils work ub usual, aud during tho nre part of the day Mrs. Allen packed such things as lio wished to tako and went over to Mr. lialloy's, who lives near by, and made arrangements with Mr, Uulley to ltaul lior things to the depot and asked Mrs. ilalley to keep two of her children till she returned, Intimating that alio was only coming to Marlon on buslncs, but to their sur priteBue boarded tho train unbeknown to Mi. Allen as abovestated. Bbo took two children, ti girl nged seven and an Infant eon, leaving a sou aged 11 vo and a girl nged three yenrs. HOSEBUIICI. Geo. Knlhsgeu got tho Patterson boys out of n scrape by golug their ball ou a charge of riding tbelr mustangs too fast ou the street. The beer hall baloou serves 'a mer chant's luuch" between tho hours of 10 a. in. and 2 p. m. A good wuy to shutout tho rum. Joseph Mlcelll, secretary of tho Odd Fellows building association, gives notice thnt the annual meeting will bu held January 7, at 7 p. ui. One J., box 07, advertises that ho Is a "widower 81 years of age, with n boy 6 yaars old," and wants a wife "willing to live In tho country. (Jood homo to one meaning bublness." Dave Looney, "tho tombatnuo mau" reports game scarce and money scarcer on thoenst Umpnua. The question Is, what does a tombstone man consider game? Euslgu Wimmer Is building up the memborshlp of "God's Regular Arm v ." Tho Plaiudcaler says: Tho recruits came In rather Blow considering the eflorts mado to lnduoo enlistments. It appears that tho females are most In clined to battle for Gud aud his cauee. Ono pious sister felt "like dealing the devil a blow whouever she got u ohauco.'' Bhe would undoubtedly give him a coup do grace If eho could; but alas for female frailty. Bbo can only pummel him a bit and call on deity to finish tho work. m A Query. Editor Jeurnal: Will you please ve your Ideas In the bomo depart nunt of tbo Jooknai. of the best way for a baohellnr In the country to add comfort and pleasure to bis life. Faruek Boy. A.: "RUN-DOWN," tired out" woman who complains of backache, headache, loss of appetite, ez trerac lassitude aua that "don't care" feeling Uprelty sure to be suuerinsr from 'Female Weakness," some irregularity or derangement of the special functions of womanhood. Very often womb trouble set the nerves wild with affright and as a result the woman Buf fers from sleeplessness, nervousness, nerr ous prostration, faintness and dininess. irritalbllity and indigestion. In all cases of irregularity or suspended monthly function and in all those nervous diseases depend, ine upon local causes, Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription will restore you to perfect health. Instead of the exhaustion and feeling of weight and dragging down in the abdomen, you feel fresh and strong. Vox vouuff girls who suffer from irregularities, for the hard-working woman who suffers from catarrhal inflammation of the lining membranes causing a constant draiu upon Dr. R. V. Pierce, chief consulting physl; clan to the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute of Buffalo, N. Y., has used his ' Favorite Prescription" in the diseases of women which had longUen his spe cialty and in fully niuety-eigut per cent of all cases, it has permanently cured. Mrs. Join M. CosncuK, or MUtum, Putnam SifhaelSnceltciu the last bottle of Doctor Pierce's Psvorite Prescrip tion. I took five bottles of it. Never expertvd to be any better when I com. inenccd Uklng it. but thank Cod, I can aay that I am glad It reached my home. I bad falling of the womb, and flowing caused by miscarriage, nd was very weaK wnen I commenced taking your yi medicines. I Y'?..6"1!4 'L C. vinr fire bottles in iv- m tmn ai me thuiiw ir mmm. E w -...---- - - ,, ( yifotoa' and three 7 fjWcaMfiicslDiKyrvry. - the system, mere 10 pickiiiw -by any physician which can equal in re. :ii.7Ai)l.Mi'i Pnr over thirtv years siSSMMpav7 a bs&mk- i t. "-fV ppg for Infants and Children. THIRTY years oBiarvatlea ef Casterfs. wit fca js.9raMa'ef million of persona, permit as a syeak ef it wWwt gBeJMC It 1 HaqneetloaaMy the) seat resaeay tar lafamta sua CMMrw the worifl has ever tosawn. It is harmless. OMMw Mfcei.lt.. It gives them hcalUs. It will sa-rei their Mrs. I tt Mathers fca-v something; -whloli 1 attaolHtelT praetlesJlr agfcat oj.sx child's medicine. Castorla destroy Wewn. Cnitorla sUlay IVreriahm a, Castorla prevents vomiting Saar CarJ. Cnitorla cores Dlarrlieaa aad Wfasd CaMa. Caitorla relieves Taathlag Trcsshlse, Caetorla onrea Conatlpatle-a aad ITatalaaay. Caitorla nnntrallsoa the affects ef aayaaaJa aaMt sras f peUeaeae sity Castoria doee aot ooatala marpMtta, eplam, er otaw aaraatla yrayartf Caitorla aiilmllatoe tho feed, ragalaUa tha atamaefc aad ewth, giving healthy aad nataral eleep. Caitorla 1 pnt ap la oaalaa hettl oaly. It I aet aald la &. Don't allow aay one to eell yea aaythtag alia am tha plea ag yraaUea that It li "jnit ae good " and u trill uiw arwry aapaaa. So.e that yon p-et C-A-STQ-R''IA Tha fao-ilmlla algnataro of Children Cry for Pitcher's Caitorla. To Arms to Arms, Another War, 50.000 men, women and cliUdern wanted to buy the stock of furniture, carpets, mAttingi, etc., of J. A. Rotnn for- the next 60 deys at cost or less, to make room for spring good. I mean what I say, am also going to add a large line of wall paper and moulding to my stock. J. A. ROTAN, J. J. JIAllKINb, HORSE SHOEING ahop at 100 unemeketa street, near Uom merelal. bpeclal attention in Interfering nd u kl JS. MCNKILU, HKUKIVKK. To The East QIVJ&J TUB C1IOICK OK TWO TRANSCONTINENTAL ROUTES -VIA- GREAT ONION MTIMNRY. PAC1M - Low Riles to ll Hasten Cities. - icean steamers leave InrtUnd;every;flve:d .orlnll O.U1L cation oraddreM W., II. UUIIUIUUT, (Jen. law. Agent. I'orUattd, 1 1 G. M. POWEl, Local Ticket Agent Ftof Trade st. 1111 J 11 n uon pftl""'" rkiiii'lr fur (jouorrlun I'LHPJbNKfl !!U1' P''fl,'J lilullHI. ti Willi'-. Ulinur. u !p,.... cjaucUo.. t!;:n . t " " . . . .trLiiurl. OOU. irniR't r uivw.b iniiE.i.sCHixicn. . "rz-'jzzr or st In Mln wrypryr, tljto, ur S Utile. . rylrriiU" wnl oil rqiiit. FREE TO ALL WOMEN 1 have a very simple home treatment which will readily cure all female disorders, painful m-riods, leucorrhoca, displacements, or iriegnUrities, am will cladlr send It free to any sutledng woman. Addreu Mrs J.V.U Itox q6. Tallman Linn Co.. Ore. U-i6..n DCtKIN fATlKT. saoatVRIOHTS. . for InfonnaUoa and f HJoo. W ti worl ?vV5irn" i iJH,..T i'i'i m r " iiiiMiirtiis, fcMw. wmmit a VA CINSSWI.O . HSH ?l ( T SolBBllM AlMTrfM I HVBa9sfTIIAMl MJMH& ?JliWP DCtMN fATlKT. IMST""W UMVRIOHTS. SJJ Sss m ww -"tt aa. MHVira oo.k 1 in SiwVOTkCHT, " U,v,, J,ff.r - T, - ;r - ...i. - TJ'-s-v ..1t. teawavary TSXXSSi inoro3AL3 von aurruKS. The boonl of trustees of the Oregon state Insane asylum Invite sealed prc nofjalB for furnlshlrg at- tho njrylum,-ner Salem, Oregon, f6r ths six months' ond Ing Juno SO, 18M, iho following supplies: DRY QOODS. 1500 yds. Allen prints, assorted pat terns, aa per sample. DOO yds. Pequot A. sheeting, 4S in., us bleached, air per'sample; 1000 yds. Fcquot A. sheetlnr. 34 In., un bleached, as per sample. 600 yds. Lonsdale sheeting, 54 In.,' bleached, as per sample. 1000 yds. French crash linen, bleached, 13 In., as por sample. COO yds.. glass crash linen, bleached, 18 In., as per sarnplo. 160 yds. table oil cloth, white, as per sample. 600' yds. Amoskeag bluo denims, 9 ot., as per sample. 100 yds, attests, drab as per sample. 2 d6r. corsets as per sample else SI to 30." ' 10 doz. Turkey rod handkerchlefa, St In. 75' do, men's cotton socks as per sam ple. 13 dor. D. & W. stay btndlnr. white, as per sample, H great gross duplex safety pins No. 3 as per siunjlle. 8 O. croas F. D. shirt buttons, as per samplsi 2 C, gross pants buttons, as per sample. Thread (Coats' or Clark's O. N. T.) 15 dor. No. 40 whit. C d6i. No. CO White. V. doc NO. 40 black. E dos. No. GO black. SLIl'PEnS. SO pr. mea'a 'tather slippers,' No. 7, as per sample. CO pre. men's leather allppers, No. 8. as per sample. CO prs.' men's leather slipper, No. t, as per sample. 30 pre. men's leather slipper,- No. 19, as 'per sample, SO prs. men's leather slippers, No. 11, as per aampt. OROCSIUES. 15,000 lbs. Oolden C. sugar. 1,W0 lbs. oat meal In barrels.' 10,000 lbs. rolled oaU in barrels. 3,000 lbs. cracked wheat lit barrels. x,C00 Ibis, corn meal in barrel's; 2,000 lbs. crooked hominy, small, In barrels. Z.Q0Q lbs. cream wheat In barrels, 300 lbs. Ann it Hammer soda in 1 lb. pkgs. 10,000 lbs. Liverpool salt. COO lbs. soda crackers XXX, more or lees, delivered as required. CS0 lbs. Silver Gloss starch (Kings ford's.) COO lbs. cheese, Cranston's, mora or less; delivered as required. 409 lbs. cream tartar (Kolger's or Shil lings') In lb. boxes. 30 dos. cove oysters (Field's. 2s). 2 dos. whtak broorcj, JO dot. No. 1 best brooms. 10 gross Vulcan Safety matches, as per sample, COO gal. syrup, as per'satnple. 39 dox, corn canned, Olenwood or as good. COO lbs. sal soda. CnCXJKEXlV. 300 clay pipe and stems as per sample. 40 dos. teacups Vf. O. ware. 10 dox. soup bowls, qta. W. O, ware. 10 dox. dinner pistes, t In., W. a. ware. 3 dos. pitchers, 3 qt., W. O. ware. 2 dox. pitchers, 1 qt., W. O. ware. S dox. pitchers, cream, W, O, ware. 5 dox. gUM tumblers, as per sample. 8 dox. bakers, 19 In., W. O. ware. 2 dos. sugar bowls, W. Q. ware, sj per sample. 1 dox. wash bowls and pitchers, W. O. ware, as per sample. 2 dox. granite Iron soap dishes, as per sample. COFFEE. 8,000 lbs. coffee, Costa IUca, as per sample. SO) lbs. coffee, Java, as per sample. 1,200 lbs. Chicory, as per sample. DRIED PnUNEfl. (Must be In bbls. or boxes j not accept sack). 0sZ&r&&Gk .,A Z.00Oft'pninrs. Jre'tlti. sWsWsa, (Mipst be In bbls, 07 beftesi aot aoeeVt 5,000 Tfts. upp inaotitat-drlM, iwflcr Umbb ' .&& '" (Must be In ban-els or baxJ; 'riot aoi cepted la saoIu). 1,500 Umi. peaches, xravs&laerdrlecii as per sampln. TOBACCO 2,500 lbs. Even Change; or aa good.' 400 lbs. O. K. Durham Smottlng tn 2 ox. pkgs. VlNKttAtt. 1.000. gal. pure ddcr vinegar, grb. Didders to submit1 samples. KLOUH. 600 bbls.-No. 1 fiobx, moro'or'lcss, de livered oa required. " bbla. No. 1 crahant flour, moro or less, delivered as requlrpl. 600 lbs. fish per1 weVK.mor or less; a's required. Kinds o required stating prlco of each per 'lb.' 01t8"ANtJ TUhrBMTlNK: 70 gal. turpentine In C gat. can. 200 gal. kerosene, more or less. In tanks. dellv'eredW required. 3 dox. Dbttieo)""BOwing machine oil, sperm, as per sample. BOAr. 2,600 lbs. Net Bavon, Dest BUndanl seap. ,4 144 cakes toilet soap, as per sample. 20 lbs. shaving soap (Jl Dl WlUlamV) as per sample. SPICES. 200 lbs. black pepper standard ground, In 5 lb. cans. K lbs. cinnamon standard ground. In 5 lb. cans. 15 lbs. nutmegs, standard whole. MI8CE3LL.ANBOUS. 10 dox. combs, dressing, as per sample. 2 dox. mop" handles, as per sample. 1 dox. washtubs, aa per sample l'dox. washboards lted Oross as per sample. . . . STATIONERY, a dot. mucilage, Sanford's Universal. 1 gross rayoon'a Indelible Ink, as per sample. 13 quarts Stafford's or Sanford's Ink, black, in quart bottles. 6 doten penholders, assorted. 13 doxen pencils, lead, No. 4, (joruuin Ifaber's). 3 groaa Kalcon pens, No. P. 2 groso Dea.t stub pens, No. 1). 2 grosn W'estl Michigan.' ' I growl London Incandescent, No. 4, M. Jacobs. DltUO STJPrURfl. 1 kilogramme Add Acetic, M per cent, Bqulbbs. 1 kllogromma odd boric, powdered, Squlbbs. 2 kilogrammes acid carbolic, pure crys tal, 'Squlbbs. COO grammes acid' tartaric, powdered, Riulhha. 1 kilogramme acacia, powdered. Bqulbbs. 1 kilogramme ammonia bromldo, gran .Ulated, Bqulbbs. 2 kilogrammes ammonia chloride, gran ulated, Bqulbbs. 5 kilogramme bismutn suo-nuraw. granulated, Bqulbbs. 259 grammes cantbaridce, powdered, Squlbbs. 100 grammes creosote, Bqulbbs. 10 kilogrammes chloral hydrate. Bqulbbs. 8 kilogrammes chloroform irrnmmo bottles. BqUtfefesV hi COO COO grammes pubebs, powdered, Squlbbs,- 8 kilogrammes . ether for , onaesyicssa, Hi to bo In 100 gramma cans and remain der in 250 gramme cans,1 Bqulbbs'. 600 grammes -opium; powdered 1 kilogramme soap, powdered, (white castlle), Bqulbbs. 2 kilogrammes sodium bicarbonate. Bqulbbs. 2 klloirrammes sodium borate, pow dered, Bqulbbs. 2 kilogrammes sodium ei porasso, ir; trate, Bqulbbs. 2 kllograsames Iron chloride, solution, Bqulbbs. a kilogrammes Iron pyrophosphate, Bqulbbs. t, 3 kilogrammes mercurial olntat; Bqulbbs. 11 kllogratsuaes potassa, hrosjudt! Bqulbbs. 1 kilogramme pbUs'cMbraU,.Bqlbbs: 2 kilogrammes potass 'Iodide; 'BqisibM. 1 IdlotTamsie fluid extract sms Bqulbbs. , C00 grammes Fowler's solutlos, Squlbbs. COO grammes Uaoture oyluss, deodor Ixod, Bqulbbs. 8 sheets blue litmus paper. Bqulbbs. 1 lb. odd jnuriatle C. 1'., P. tt W. 1 lb. ald nltrlo C. P., Bqulbbs. 1 lb. acid sulphurlo O, P. Bqulbbs, 2 ox. acid gallic, Bqulbbs. 1 ox. oartebl cttmte. squlbbs. 1 ox. cocaine muriate, Bqulbbs. U ox. oodelno sulphate, Bqulbbs. 1 ox. lunar cauatlo pure, Bqulbbs. 1 ox. lunar causUO No. 2, Squlbbs. tt ox. morphine muriate, Bqulbbs; 2 ox. morphine sulphate, Bqulbbs CO pa, quinine sulphate, In 6 ox. cans, Bqulbbs. tt lb. acid tannic, Bqulbbs. 2 o, xlso chlprtde grunulateo, BqutW). 2 lbs. oil sweet oraaife. X-ohrt Pin. 2 lbs. 041 Itsus, ' sV Plak. 1 lb, oil cloveav licAa fit Pink. 16 ox. eoro4ton, Dayer, 78 oc sulfensl, ilayer. II ox. phenacetlne, Ilayer, 19 os. ontikoianUu 6 ox; anUJcasanW. 6 grain tablets. 4 lb, pepslse saooh (PsircbtM's). I ex. pepsins (Bou4alt's)i 4 dox. Elf. oltrate magnesia, (Bishop), 4 dox. Emulsion JCod Uver Oil. large (Phillips). . 4 dos, Elixir lod-BronvCslciura Co., fTtldsn). 2 do, oascaro. cord-Ul, V. v. & C dox. Uoyd's hydrsetls. tt dos. Katharmon. 1 Ann. Listerias. X dox. Byrup Hypophoephltes Co., (Fel lows), 1 dox. bromo JUr (36o sue), 4 doei beef Juice (WifWi). t .doc peroxide of hydrogen In U !K titles (Marewanasj. TT: .riT!!-.. "JJ.i anti., l doxen test tubes. Is. (W. T. ft soap P dT& C0 U 'dos Ilorsford's Acid PhosphAtss ttoo". orM" tTdo'st bramldfa. (Battle Co.). Z StfaSir. V. dox willow .charcoal, miU). S 2, SaifiiiMMitliti: ' , X falKm eetoritsw dMll4 extract ...-.uX., wltek-ksjm. npJr 10 lsJW srsa mT 19 flbS. V .J L 2 11 w.. fluid extract bUa4omia. leaves, a. D. 6, Co.). 10 lbs. fluid, extract buchu (P. Ct. ft Co.) 2 lte, mild extrsot oora UK (P. D. rlw..v ( 10 13.-nun eattrsct '1 tl D. A Co.). CsUHMsftw JltVSnKUsV 1 lb. fluid extrncstat0Iix;A-CO-.) 2 lbs. fluid extract ginger (P. D. & Co.) 1 lb. fluid extract hyoecyamus (P. D. & Co.). 10 lbs. fluid extraot JaJan (P. n. a Ca). C lbi'ul; eytfabntcodcetPSrf.A Co.) lO'lb-Cflufa extracseiTnsl (KlDeV Co.) 10 lr.nuMBrMp5irlUa CcO f oKsy nip,' (P. D. & Co.). 1 lb. peppermint leavea (P. D. ft CO.). 1 lb. granulated belladonna, leaves (Ully ft Co.). 1 pound granulated cannabtsr Indies, (Lilly ft Co.). X lb. granulated aconite root (Ully & Ca) 1 lb. grahulAted nrnieAi flower ' (Ully ft Co.). 1 lb! granulated odncJionrt, red (Lilly ft Co.). 3 lbs. granulated columbo (Lilly ft Co.) lklb. granulated, digitalis 'leavts (Lilly & C3.).1 ' 1 lb. granulated .centUm, (LUlyft.Co.), 8 Sua. granulated ginger (Ully ft Co.). 3 lbs. granulated hyosoyamu (Lilly ft Co.). 2 lbs, granulated nux vomica (Ully ft Co.). 6 lbs. granulated quasslsi (Lilly &' Co!) G lbs, granulated wild cherry bark (Ully ft Co.). 3 lbs. magnesia carbonate (IC. ft M.) 10 lbs. gum eumphor. CO lbs. flax seed' meat. 100 lbs, Kpsonv Baits. 10 lbs. borax powdered. 10 lbs. potassium! nitrate, powdered. 1 lb. turmeric, powdered. 1 lb. lycopodlum. 20 lbs. sulphur sublimed. 35 lbs. vaseline (Cheseborough's). 6 lbs. prepared chalk. CO lbs. glycerine (Kirk's). 6 gallons Baker's A. A. castor oil (in original package). 5 gallon oil mallga. 5 gallons liquid ammonia, concentra ted, (In b gallon glass container, Mnl.)V 6 lbs. murlatla aol4 (commercial M glass stoppered bottles, Mai.), 2 lbs. liquid albollne. 1,009 each of empty cnpjules, Not. 1 and 2 (P. D. ft Co.). 1 gross hollow cocoa' suppositories.' No. e. 1 lb. bitter almonds, shelled. 0 rolls belladonna plasters In' one yard rolls (B. ft J.). 6 rolls silk Isinglass plasters in one' yard rolls (whits) (a ft J,).. 3 rolls Mead's Adhesive plasters in S yard rolls (width IT lh.),J (8. "ft J.). 2 rolls oiled silk plasters' In one yarA tolls (H. ft J.). C yards oiled muslin (8. ft J.) 29 lbs. absorbent cotton In ono pound pkgs. (a ft J.). 2 lbs. sterilised lambs wool In U lb. pkgs. (8. ft J.). 409 each hypodertnlo tablets,' Nesv 29 and K In oases of 10 tubes- eaeh (Wyeth's). 1,000 each hypo4ermle ' tablets;' 'Nos. 46 and 08, In cases of 19 tubes eaen (Wyeth's). 8 lbs. pills Improved cathartic, No. 199. (P. D. ft Co.), 1,009 qulntno sulphate capsules, 3 grain, (P. D. ft Ca). 3,009 qulntnv suleMte capeulfs, 3 grain (P. D. ft Co.). 1,009 quinine sulphate capsules, C g rain (P. D. ft Co.). 1 pound Wilson's; Corrosive Antiseptic tablets (Wyeth's). 1.009 compressed powders of etufn. tt gruln, lead acetate l4 crath (Wyeth's). COO compfessea 'powders or aoven pow der, 6 grsiri (Wyeth'sY. L0QO oompressedt peweWtt Of said ow der, fi,rain (Wyeth's), LO00 compressed ,pow4er of, mJfrates powder, to. i, (Wyeth's)." TABLETS TKrrUllATBi Jl BOTTLES of coo Bach. 2,080 tAbleU triturmie aUU, BsW4 M Podoeh. (Wyetk's), ., .d .. 1,090 tablets triturate llyd. CM. Mlo. et Bods. iMcarboaate 'Co. OVyeih's). 1.999 tablets triturate llyd. Cat. Met. Ho. JL Wysltfs). 4,W wunewi Ulllini nw , rtt M0 grain (Wy COO tablets triturate llyd. Chi. Mite, tt grain (Wybth'e). C99 tablet triturate llyd. Chi. MKe., 1 grain (Wyeth's). 599 tablets trifirate llyd, Chli Mite.-. 1 sraln (Wyeth'a). 3,090 UbleU triturate antmonta tnuri ata t Codeine CO. (Wyoth'sV. COO Ublou triturate nltro glycertho MOO grain (Wyeth's). COD tablets triturate, tincture digitalis ot strychnia (Wyeth's). 2,oc6 tablets trlturut bronchitis (Wyeth's). COO tablets triturate neurakrtd (B8) (Wyeth's) ),090 tablets triturate opium, powdered tt groin (Wyeth'a). 600 'tablets triturate podophylUn, tt grain, (Wyeth's). 1,099 tablets triturate cathorUa Im proved 1 grain (WyeU's). (09 taUeU. triturate inorphlae sulphate lA.arralri (Wyeth's). C09' tablets triturate' morphine sulphaU tt grain' (Wyeth's). 2,999 tablets triturate cerium oxalate 1 grata (Wyetk's). C09 .Ublet triturate svcoysltta; J290 grain (Wysth's). 109 whlU fitter papers, 15 In., (W. T. loTwhlte filter papers 18 In., (W. T. ft Co.) 8 dosen modlcine gtassss) (fraduaOen engraved) (W. T. ft Co.) glass percolating Jar, 33 ox., (W. T. ' . -. 1 matchless graduate, 1 ot, fW. T, A Co.). 1 each Pbe&lx graduats tjHwe) tt P. 3 ox... 4 c.i ox., aswa S3 o, W, T, Co.). 3 each Phenlx graduate (Cone) 2 ox., and,ox.v(W. T. ft Co.), sUssassP fTBBBBBSsiMkJia vwwskWfWTt OTMTa MMi Co.). ' 1 a"" each prsscrtptloir. vtftle PWlftdeL phla oval, 4. 8. and , (W, T, ft Co.). , doxetj screw-top ointment pots, 4 ox.. No. C85. OV. T. ft Co.). I t hm col weight, tt scruple to ls.drachm' OV. T.'ft Co.). Ml set aluminum weight Vi-to S.grstas. ef (W. T. tt Coif. . '.. '1 isiiiiiliiailitfil fiitAil 11 a;-aut- wJiset keesaSMsreurw m (w.rli sisi bs:woe4 sjiusits (Mt4 OaTT tt dosen horn occvim. No. end. OV. T. a- dav 3, svufreg 8,998 each I'henix powdw papera Wosl 7 and Id. fW. T.,ft.Ca). H . v, n, o as e m. (W, T. Co.). 1 each chemist's rubber- covers. 8 iten inr. Oy; T.' Co.); a,. m Ppce,aln evaporating """"i ana . nv. T. & Co.). 1 hard rubber funnel, 4 ox. (v. T ,L h,Sn!'B?" draining funnel, i W, T.- ft ;CO.). 1 cacli glass therrnotnetcr fFaiireiiuSt' AM -t- ... . ' " ucgrces;. y. x. ft Co.) 3 doxen Plppett. nssorted. straight ont. (w, T. & Ca). W i. M "pU1t ,am 4 oz" Otlobe' shape): (W. T. ft Co.). tt doxen museum Jam- . mm .i.iT? 7tt In., length.' 8 In. tv. T. .. r-A' 'n ,, i" h,Ck fco,r9 No- SW- "I'apd At tUT- T l. T9a il " - OQ WVte 2 doxen bent r.lasi mediclno tube's, ivti T. ft Co.). 1 8-U doxen rubber water bottles, plarv. ,wJt0 Pwss syringe, No. (V. T. ft CO.). aosen vaseline atomisers- No. -"29, t. j.. At uoj. uoaen uaviaaon'd syringes; Notf H gross oamel'B-hiif hmmu j.! e 1 1 set perscrlpUon scales "The Favorite") No. 289, Springer Torsion ruinnn r'. ( C groAs each circle A. prescription cork extra long, Nos. J. 4. B. s and B. "tt gross each prescription corks tapcr.i nvo. i- ana us, tt gross each tin ointment boxes, tt ox W1U J. (fZ, tt gross tin ointment boxes, 4 ox. 1 Broiw eacn isngiish pasteboard pltl ww nos. w; 30 anan. ,X ."?"" CR?? fleldmx powder boxcs.i Nol uu 01 ii-jumieyj, 1 gross slide' powder bokes No. CS 'wtilt, PLUMBINOi , 109 feet Of 1U In. lmlMinlA.1 nlnar. 2t each of tt. tt. li lA and 2 Inch,. socltet coupling, ?j m. s eacn of 1JJ, 1)4 and 2 Inch flangei uhldns. 13 each of Ux,. ttxtt. lttxltt Inch Busti'' Irtgs. r each of IVi nnd li Inch Dubois lend$ 10 feet of 1U Inch lead pipe, E. 13 , yards brass safety chalrt No. 1. 13 each guago glass washers tt' rind men. 1 11 . 6 pounds asbestos boll wlcklng. ''u1: 13 each of tt. tt. tt. tt. ltt. and ltt inch r compression plain bibbs Inch, fin ished B. O. T. TIMMiftna at tyii tna - - . ' 1, bUndle C3 lbs. ot No. ? brlirht win. 1 package each of 8 ox. 1, l, 2 and 3 IU Unned rivets. 6 sheets of No. 18 galvanised sheet Iron 30X98. U sheets' of No2t sheet steel 80x98. CO bushelj- caareooi.- -1 pair 8 li). solder coppers. HAllDWAItB. C9 feet each of ttxtt nnd ttxl inch Nor way Iron. feet each of tt and U noir squareV 10'feot each of tt nd inch octagon steel. 10foet Of tt Inch round tool slecl. 10 feet of' tt Inch harrow tooth steel. llifeet each of ttx4, ?sxtt aha Htt Inch toe'cUk steel. i Heller Bros, norso rasps, 10 Inch. 8 flat mll ftles II Inch. 3 flat bastard hies, 10 Inch. 3 bait round UisUru AIm, U Inch. 3! halt rouqd mill files, 13 lneh. i round bastard flies t Inch. 2 each flat mill flies 4 and 8 Inch. 899 feec ornuMUla rope, tt Inch in dlam. 0 pounds eacn of Putnam horseshoe nails, Nos. C, 6, 7 and 8. 3,500 pounds blacksmiths' coal, 60 pounds each of 1'hoenlx steel horse shoes, Nos, t, 3 and 4 front. CO pounds each of Phoenix stetl horse1 shbes, Nos. 3, 3 and 4 hind. 109 each rouml h.l iinva Iwnlta i.i.il S.UtU. tivV l(l loot. '" 50 each macAlne bolts CltxlU. ctftz2U:JL nxs ana nx men. .r (9 each carriage bolts Mxi. ttx2tt. C-lx2 .MX2tt, 6-18XJ, 6-lx4, ttx3H. Hx3, xf and ttxS Is. v pounas coco y, ana K inch washers: v$ N eacn tt xnd Inch blank, nuts, . 1 gallon brilliant shins metal polish. 1 round belt punch 3.18 inch. : l Button's combined plyers, 9 tech. 1 Coe's wrench, 6 Inch, , 19 pounds Albany compoucd. No. 3. Samples may bo seen at the commls sary of the asylum. Ooods must be In oooordance w(th samples, and be In orlg-. inal packages when possible. Tho right to reject any and all bids Is reserved. Delivery of supplies will be required within tltleer. (15) days' notice of accept ante of bid. Each bid must Include all the items and totals tn full, with tho ex captions of flour, flan and vinegar, Pay ment will bo refused until the bidder has ' completed his contract. A copy of the advertisement must accompany each bid, , and the name ot class of supplies must "T be Inscribed on tho envelope. Auditta?'' onlcers are prohibited from cpnilrvsiB ,; accounts of purchases when the advfv tlsemeht does not contain a full descri)- ,' t!m fit thm Mini tt tu. nu.iv.liAjuiU M z::. ;;iJT" .:rr. .tz...i:. ryzrzzKi awn uiuucr nrui fw requireti,. 10 iutbhw with Ids bid a cerUHed chek b s amount' equal to tin per'csaV'ot the bi4 (says that for flour the check Is to be for 8309, for tlsh 876, for vhlegar fW), payable to the order of the board to be returned iu vw ... Wf , 4VJVVU vt ma y. VyJHIWjfc . oompnea witrg uloa wui oe opae i: the governor's- oce at 3 o'clock, p. a.tf Monday, January 6, 1894. Sal em, Oregon, December J, BSC WW. p. TiOan. .. -t ?x.-r. .. ., II. it. SUISUAU7. VlUl MBTCKAlVi Board of THeea.O. 8, I, Ail ft W. B. DUNIWAY1 Cittit at BMri. ' .., .. T ,, Mas. s"fc.ka-.larl aa sLlistkUsl LlluMtMl! KrtMML f ENNYROYAL P1LLI Jaul slss J iftsalaf 4Iafta(lsxsL. ivM. rJu viricu xnsLauu IMI V Baff S'vjrHt'tr " . WZr-. t U tLA Ul i.U "Mu l-. tntal tlVU 'W" - Tkii uWl imuitUa 4llnmw .' txiww. "irsvrvrrij ""rr.: Nx s.ri. sifftiivsii'-i" Vf44MMt- .&C' TV--' f)- 1X m iM-sl IjIUsl M (Jsrt l MslsjsAB& -p iiTW JUtU m BBBBLasBBBB HbsbsCvV HKr 't,vhi,iMr- 1 .. .... J..