Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, December 26, 1895, Image 1

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.A. ' ,8 Jz?
.. W
m f. "V T"W TL "T 4 ""Iff
i -ivv w
sjs' J tak
- A
which we
Also several dressing cases at same reduce
tion, We want to close them
entirely out
W -- W1 W V a- J 1
The Pair
274 Commercial St
of the Willamette Diversify.
frrModern method!
to date. Bamtutn
None uai Me Deal is
enough for beginners
Road Machinery and Agricultural Implements.
Latest Improved Goods and Lowest Prices.
N, V? Corner State and Liberty streets, : : t t SALEM, OR
Chattel Mortgage Sale.
Will Be
It must go, and if the price has anything
to do with it, the sale will not last long,
Their loss is your gain,
Remember, any suit or overcoat in the
store goes for $10, Mackintoshes, $6,50,
A massive lino of gents' neckwear, underclothing, cnllars,
caffs, hats, handkerchiefs, etc., suitable for Pensiblo holiday
presents, are all marked down to cost. Come early, before the
assortment is broken.
j 261 Commercial st.
will close out,
the ratern and European ronssrvatorles
as well tva I r more adva oed pupils.,
W. O. 1IAWI.WY, President,
It. A. UKU1TAUK, VKsat Director.
KMIL. U WINK LEU. Insrumnttl 'Director.
Agent of Mortgagees. J
With England
On the Question of Separate Catho
lic Schools.
Washinoton, Dec. 20. Among
(Secretary Olney's callers today Wit
Blr Julian Pauncefote. the British
ambassador. It la stated ofllclally that
tho call was of a social nature, A
strong impression prevails that aa a
result of tho visit today, Secretary
Olney haa olllclally notified tho British
represeutatiyo of tho enactment of the
law for tho creation of the I Venezuelan
bouudnry commlsslou.
Winnipeg, Man., Dee. ). Manito
ba's reply to tho dominion Koverument
on the separate sohool question, is out
today. Manitoba positively refutes to
counldor any proposal to establish
Rumuu Cathollo eoparate schools.
New Yokic. Dec. 1!0, Following
cablegram was received by tho Cham
ber of Commerce from tho Edluburg
Chamber of Cemmerce: "Edlnburx
Chamber of Commerce expresses the
aruost deslro that tho present dlfll-
uulty may end iu a continuance ol
peaceful relations between both coun
tries, so closely allied by kindred lan
ugo uu mutual Interests."
Yokouoma, Dee. 20. Tho cruiser
Kwatig Plug, ono of the warshlpe
captured from China by tho Jnpauea
during the rooout war, waa wrecked ot
tho Preecadorca islands Saturday.
Neany ull tho deck officers and sixty
men are missing.
Aloiers, Dee. 20. Tho British
sstanier lielleropheu .haa beon in col
lision with and sank the French
ueamer Emtio tielslse, at tho eulrance
ot the harbor. Tnlrty passengers ol
ibeEmllo tielsiso, Including twouty
llvo natives, wero drowuod.
New YoKic.Deo. 26. Thero was a re
newal of heavy buying for Investment
and snort account at the outset today,
wh'cu resulto.1 In a material apprecla
tlon of values. Tho strength of the
market was manly attributed to cut
rent rumors that tho treasury would be
t&attrially assisted regarding the gold
upply, through the issue of bonds on
favoroable terms.
London markets aro closod.
Washington, Dee. 21. Chairman
Dingly, of tho ways and means com
mitteo, today reported to the bouse the
tariff aud bond bills agreed upon by a
majority of the committee.
There may be an important obange
made by tuo ways aud means commit
lee In tho bond bill before the scheme
la brought bofore the house tomorrow.
Considerable dissatisfaction baa
arisen among the republicans since the
text of the bill was made public, the
dissenters asserting that it could be
used by a hostile administration for
the permanent retirement of green
backs. Hopkins of Illinois, baa pro
pared an amendment.
The amendmeut provider that
'nothing herein contained shall be
construed to repeal or modify the ex
isting laws which authorize and direo
the re-Issue of said legal tender notes."
Washington, Dee. 28. In antlclpa
tlon of a Meld day in the bouse over the
passage of the tariff bill agreed upon
by the gwaya and means committee,
great crowd were attracted to the
capltol. Immediately after the read
ing of the Journal, Dlngley, chairman
of the ways and means committee, re
ported the revenue bill, which the
speaker forthwith referred to
the committee of tho whole
house. Henderson, rep,, of Iowa,
from the committee on rules, pro
rented a special order under which the
the house was to operate. It provided
that Immediately after tbe adoption of
the order it would be In order to call
up the revenue bill and debate until fi
o'clock, when without ati intervealgg
motion, a vote could be taken on pas
sage of the bill. After a profit by
Crisp the report was adopted by 218 to
89, a strict psrty vote.
Children Cry for
Pitohtr't Oftftorl.
Alex Jefforsoa Kills Billy Tom Both
Bp eclat to Thk JookKAI..
Toledo, Or., Dec. 20. A fight last
nlsthtat titlets Indian reservation re
sulted In tho killing or Billy Tom by
Alex JeOerson,bttti Indians. Jefferson
on, who slept In tho Howard & So'zlc
store, claims that at about 10 o'clock
last night Tom camo in tho back door
of the store and starred a quarrel with
Jefloreon. Tho roolu was In darknea
and Tom drew a hplfo and Jeflersou
truck him two bloyra over tho right
ear with an iron sail pullor. U. B.
Urant, an Indian ItUtlce of tho peace,
heard a noise in the More, and wout iu
and found Jefferson 'behind tho counter
partially dressed, knowing the nail
puller Jefferson said i "This Is what I
defended myself wltfa." Tom was
lying ou the floor la frout ot the
counter. He could hot speak, and
only lived about Malta hours. Tho
feeling is pretty stroBJt against Jeffer
son at Ulletx. The preliminary examl
naUon waa set for 4 p. Wi. today.
Indian Depredation Olalma.
J. H. Elgin, or galena, who la an
Indian war veteran an' who also has
an Indian depredation claim, la in re.
celpt of the following Jetter, or inter
est perhaps to others from Hon. John
H. Mitchell:
I am Justin receipt bfcro of yours of
November 12, calling ; my atteullon
again to tho Iudlau depredation olulms
cases. I can only say, m I have said
heretofore, that nothing can be dono
or will be done in the court of claims
uutll the supremo oourt of the Uultvd
(States has paseod upon tho construc
tion of the not as to whnt constitutes
"amity." I urn glad to bo ublo to ad
vise you that these oases have now
been advanced iu .tho supremo court
and will soon be decided I think. I
Inclose you a copy of a loiter I have
Just received from the assalstnut attor-uey-ganeral
ou tho subject, which ex
plains Itself.
The following la tho letter from As.
slalaut Attoruoy-Qeuoral Charles B.
Howry of the department of Juallce to
The supreme court hayingr'nt my
Instance, advanced for hourlug this
month appeals from a uumbor of tho
Judgments of tho court of claims In
volving tho construction of tho stututcs
aud treaties rotating to Indian de
predation, I tako tho occasion to for
ward to you under separato oovor ono
of my briefs Illustrating tho moat Im
portant defenses.
Bhould the Judgments In these teat
cases bo affirmed, then a large number
of tbe 10,841 suits brought under tho
law must necessarily bedlsmlwaed upon
the grounds going to tho Jurisdiction of
t to court.
Existing conditions preclude many
claimants from taking testimony; aud,
In cases where tenllmony baa beon
taken, from proceeding to trial from
reasons of convenience and economy
to litigants, although I am ready for
the hearing of as many as 300 cases In
their order, This Includes nearly all
tbe cases pending on motions for new
trial made Imperative by act ot con
gress and tbe later decisions in tbe
oourt of claims construing tbe law with
reference to the citizenship of the
claimant and the amity of the tribes in
all classes of the cases.
With tbe settlement of many contro
verted quwtlous In tho oases now
ready for argument In tho supreme
court, the prospects are good for tbe
government to rapidly facilitate tbe
disposition of pending clalmi.
Foot Ball Unme.
HiLLBitouo, Dee. 29. Tho game of
football at tbe fair grounds yesterday
between 8L Michael's college, of Port
land, and Hllleboro high sohool teams,
resulted In an easy victory for the
latter, Tbe score waa 10 to 0. Tho
Portland boys were expected to have
an easy walk-over. Tbe high school
team won by surer handling and ex
cellent team work. Tb best of spirit
prevailed during tbe game, and none
of tbe players was Injured bo as to pre
vent bis continuing In tbe game.
Marreloaa Resalta.
From a letter written by Rev. J. Gunder
min, of DimonJtle, Mich., we are permitted
to mike this eitricti "I bave no hesitation
in recomending Dr. King' new discovery, n
the retain weie almost mmelout in the case
of my wife. While 1 vri pjior of the Up.
tltt Church at Klres Junction she ws brought
dwn with Paeumonis tucceding La Crippet
Terrible psroxysm of coughing would Us
hours with little mteruptioa and It seemed as
if the could not survive them. A friend rcco
mended Dr. King's New discovery; it wss
quick in its work sad highly satUUctory In
result." TiUl bottles free at Fred A. Ugg's
Drug Store, Regular she o cents, and 1 1 ,co.
raini, warmer.
Forecast. Friday,
Children Cry for
PItohtr's Cattorla.
(Jnbaa Insurgents Pushing Oat
for Victory.
A Few Days Will Decide tko Fato
Havana, Dee. 20. Further details
reached hero from Mutnnzaa of tho
rapid advauco of tho Insurgont army,
numbering about 12,0t 0 men, upon
Havaua, after forcing Its way through
the provlnco of Santa Clara and Into
tho provlnco of Mnutanzai.
In eplte of tho efforts of Captain
Ueuentl Martlurz de Campos and
about 8,000 troops at his disposal, the
reported Important battle yesterday
between tho Bpaulnrda under Campus
uud tho InsurgentaatCollza plantation,
twelvo mth'8 from Carduuus, docs not
appear to have beon e. very sovoro en
gagement. The Bpanlrh forces do not
appear to have encountered the inalti
body of tho luaurgouu, as at first au
uouuued. Tho Unlit at Colleu planta
tion wua between u portion of tho col
umu of InaurgoulN and the Bpanlsb
columns, now pushing through thu
provlnco of Mutuussa, aud Instead of
turning out to bo a great victory fur
tho Bpaulards, the result of tho engage
ment whs ylrtually a defeat f.rUuui
pos' forces, for tho Cuban army pushed
onward unchecked nud Is still advauo
lugou llilu oily,
Tho fighting took placo amid burn
lug cano iiudorwood, tall grass aud
trees, und was of tho usual guerilla
nature. At tlmea both troopa and In
surgents wero aurrouuded by walla
of Uamca, und tho smoke waa bo detiBv
that thoCubune aud troops wera uu
ublo to soo ckuu other aud kept bang
lug ut open apuccfl, waallug ruuoh good
For ono JusurgeiH killed at least
2,000 BhotB must liavo been fired, Thu
CutiaiiB, following tbolr customary too
tioj, seemed .to. mult away Into tbe
dlHtanoe, at soon as the troops got
withlu lighting distance of them and
uearly all tho firing waa at a very long
range, although tbo soldiers made
several gallant obarges through tbe
burning territory. This style of flgbU
lug Is tormed u defeat for tbe Insur
gents, but as they succeeded in accoaa
pllshlng their oboot, holding the
Bpanlards in check while tho Cubans
pushed on to tho southward, the result
was leally a Cuban victory.
Thooaptatn-gonoral was as near tbe
front as possible throughout tbe bat
tle, oucouraglug bis troops by words
and action In spite of all tbe veteran
Bpanlsb commander's efforts, however,
the Cubans are marching through bis
forces with but few skirmishes here
and therejuo seems to be utterly unable
to concentrate ahead of them forces
ufllulent to draw the enemy Into a
pitched battle.
When Campos eatabllfbes bis bead
quarters and lays out a plan of battle,
thu Cubaus soom, by some mysterious
meaus, to bear of It, and pretending to
fall Into a trap, puth their body of men
forward, skirmish with tbo troops,
draw tho Bpuulah forces upon Hum,
and then the Cuban army proper out
flanka tho Bpaularda and pushes stead
ily onward toward Havaua,
Admirers of tho Spanish general
'claim this Is bis plan of campalgu; that
he Is allowing the Cubans to get by
him and nearer uud nearer to Havana,
only for the purpose of eventually fall
lug upon them Iu the rear aud scatter
ing tbeHf to all points of tbo compass.
ThU sounds plauilblo enough, tut tbe
Insurgents are destroying alt the build
Ings and plantations behind them and
the Bpaularda will have a vtry difficult
(ask to push on ut all.
Upon bis arrival In Havana this
evening Captain-General Campos made
known his belief that General Gomez
bas designed bis movement, which has
thus far proved bo signally successful,
merely as a raid Into bis enemy's
country as near to Havana as possible
for him to go, Intending to tight bis
way back. Campos believes the whole
aim of the Incursion was tbe destouo
tlon of property and tie asserts they
are already In retreat.
"He staUa he has taken effective
measures to proyent their return to
Btuta Clara. Tlioy will be compelled
to fight at Mautonasa, ho says, or to
ROYal, allium .
Highest ot all In Itavctuu
8tttMJfih.).S, dovtrnnitut Krfwt.
Highest of all in leavening Power.Latcst U. S. Gov't Report
lvSi Powder
4uowmY PURE
surrender. Ho does not believe they
can cfleot a retreat without destruotiou.
Tho caplaln-geuerai was accorded an
enthusiastic reception hero upon bla
arrival, by the city authorities and a
comtnlttoo representing all political
parties, Bo far as caa be learned hn
expresses unabated ooufldencn in the
suocesa of the Bpanlards and believes
that tho tlmo of destruction of tho In
surgont forco la at band.
The Harrlsburg Mystery.
Tho attempted assassination of Miss
Ethel Itlddlo at Harrlsburg, mention
of whloh was made In these columns
last week, continues a mystery, though
thero aro strong suspicions. Iu the mat
ter pointing towards the guilty parties.
It la said that a young lady, though
not an Immediate aggressor, waa luter
estedjln tho attempt. Tho ltevlew saya
that "irthosuuplolonsof boiuo of our
most rclUblo cUIzaub are well grounded
they will furnish clues, whloh If well
traced, bid fair U reaoh tho guilty
person, and uuder existing circum
stances all supporters of order Iu society
aro called upon to lend their assistance
to the fullest extent In running down
uud capturing tho subject or this
criminal outrage.
Tho ltevlew relora to former at
tempts to kill Miss Riddle as follews:
Ono evonlug alio wua golug homo
from tho store, sho bad gone so far as
tbo city ball wbou aotne ono grabbed
at her uud nho beat him oft with an
Tho next attempt was porpotraled
tho last of Ootober, two (hots being
(lred at her as sho descended tho back
porch utops to look tbo baaemout door
The wuuld'bo asuasaln waa concealed
uuder tbe Bteps, but she was evidently
loser to the building than was thought
for both shots mlaaed her; her faco was
powder burned. Hue saw a flguro dis
appear In the darkness but couldn't tell
whether it was a man or woman. The
third attempt occurred November
30 at 0:37 Iu thu evening. Miss Kiddle
opened the kitchen door to brlug iu
her easel aud was Just pushing tho
screen door baok when a club was
thrown at her from tbe eonth sldo of
the building, striking the easel and
knocking It against the screen, Which
camo against her with considerable
Christmas Gifts
Tho Christmas rush, is at its
highest;. Saturday wag a roal
Christmas day. Now for
Two Busy Days
Come in tho forenoon if you
You will fluroly find aoino-
thing suitablo in tho handker
chief department.
Dainty patterns in Swiss
or linen, plain and onihr- ider
led, to suit tho most particular.
2c to $2 each
Foster's Gloves
What hotter present could
you bo-tow than a pair of thoso
lato novelties with contrasting
hooks and s itches? Every pair
Purses, Chatelaine
Bags, etc
Evory glanco at this depart
ment is rewarded by u gift
jarStoro opn evenings until after holidays
violence. Hue plainly aaw hor assail
ant wu i was maiked and wore a dark!
storm coat.
Her wound from the rcaont attempt
at her life was dcaorlbed as foliewa: X
out on tbo right eklo of hor thro
about tlirco Indies long being Jut
through tho skin, and a similar cut oW
the left Bids of tbe throat about twsi
Inches long; n gash out across the Mtjl
wrist, which, If It had been any deeperfl
would bavo severed tho radical arterv:1
mn. !.... ... ... . .. J '
-uu .uau nita uiaue, apparently, ttj
thrust at tho heart, this cut her drees ail
distance of about six Inches and BtraocJ
the corset stcols which deflected tiWj
course of tbe weapon, which bareiyj
reacueu tue SKtti. leav uit a ecratck tal
show tbe dangerous location,
SrATK of Onto, City op Toledo. I
Lucas Count f M
franic J. Uieney makes oath that he It Uses
senior partner of the firm of F.J. Cheney i
Co, doimr business In tho Cltv M 'VriZuu
County nd State uforesald, and that said firm
will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOL
LARb for each and every ca.c .if Catarrh thatj
ciwnui oq curcu vy me use ol Hall's Catarrh
17,1m. v r1. .
Sworn (o before me and itihinl'lwv! in mv l
presence, this 6th day of December, A. Dfl
I - i A.W. Clkason.
1ALf Notary Public
Hall's Catarrh Cure U taken intfrn-illu .r,l
acts directly on tln-hloo.1 nml
of the ivitpm. .nfl tn ..itm....t.i. r Jto
. o , , . r?"' J' ChcneY & Co.,Tolcdo. O
nCSolil bv Druilt. itr.
------'" ,M
uioctrio lilttors.
Ivlectrlc Hitters Is a medicine stilted for any
season, but perhaps more centrally needed
when the liver Is torpid nud sluggish and the
need of a tonic and alterative Is felt A 1
Pfompt use of this medicine has often averted
long and peihaps fatal billions fevers. No 3
medicine will act more surely In counteract-' I
Ing and freeing the system from the malarial
poison. Heauachc, Indigestion, Constlp.
lion, Dtnlneu yelld to Etectilc Hitters, sofj
cents and .ioo per bottle at Fred A. LegEv3
urug store.
Hucklen's Arnica Salva.
Tho best Salve In thtf world for Cull,
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever
Sores, Tetter. Chapped hands, Chilblains,
and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures
Piles or no nav renulreil. It li niuranii-nl .
give Krfect satisfaction or money refunds d
nice as cents a box. For sale by Fred A.
Packages and Notes. Delivered '
prRjp:ly und choanlv bv Lockwiwxi
triMuuinirar hntia Din,. .... .,. ,.!..
f boxes.
Men's Furnishings
A largo yarioty of tho latest ;j
creations in
Fancy Neckwear
Some very rich (designs
Look tliom over.
A wido rango of styles and
pricos. Somo vory Jfino onosj
packod in individitil boxes
$1 per pair
Men's Gloves
in fino kid or colt skin. Also
undressed Mochas walking
s icks. Richly mounted with,
solid silver.
in endless varioty of sizes and
dosigns. Soo tho 32x32 in ones."
Sl50 each
Now link buttons, cravat
pins, omblom pins, studs, ete.
4..r UJ.v. AjjfestL