Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, December 24, 1895, Image 3

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mi 8m7i i i y iiiiiiiyiu tiiiMiii,,,,!,! m mnniMMiighii, , , . , ,
t ( f;
Tan Journal publishers and em
plj'ta wish i lie governor of Orei;ou u
M-rry ChrlBtinuBuud mitiy uappy ro
turns of the tiny.
Wllllum Palno Lord wuh born In
1S39, und catno to Salem In 1800.
lid whs for mauy yenw on tlie
sipieme bencli of Oregon, and bus
b-eii bIiioi? ono year chief uxfuntive ot
tilts cumtuonweuUb.
0 ivuruor Lord Is still lu the prime
Lord Is impulsive, and wnrin-bloodod
When his sympathies or feelings nre
touched tio Is quick to act, and bo itcls,
too, fcumltmly without entering into
minute calculations as to the probable
results upon his personal or political
fortunes. Ells appolntmonts nro inado
almost without regard to what nre u
mini's political or religious npltilnnp.
Is he competent, Is he honest? If the
ot life, lo hale, hearty vigorous mm.. ' Koworucir In Putlslled upon those points,
lm,l. H dIvi-h olosi. and coimtimt I and tho ciudtilate Is n frlend.or appeals
personal utteullou to the duties of tne
ofllce. He lb on duty us governor lx
dyn In the Week, mid all day, perform
Iru n uo of his duties In u perfunctory
manner or by proxy. He Is governor.
Governor Lord enjoys the society of
frtnda next to that of his family. He
lives in a uumbln eotlngootia retired
street, ami is seldom found stoppluir for
any length of time between his home
nud Ills ofllce, uulees It bo on bUHlnecs
or to meet a friend.
The governor of Oregon is u Itiutl
heuried gontleman, not difficult to
approach, and an acquaintance once
made by him Is seldom forgot, o
friendship formed Is for llfo. Governor
are made In his behalf by friends of
the governor, that settles it, If it Is lu
tho goveruor's power to grant. But,
ulas, his fiiouds are more numerous
thun tho ollices.
Tun Journal does not Imagine that
Governor L'iril will make a faultless
record as governor. It will not conceal
defects lu his record from the public,
Dut It believes his workjfor four yeaiB
will bo performed with a high regard
for the duties "f the -fllce, with u high
senneof olllclal honor and Integrity
and a full mm 8 u re of realization of his
sense of tho duties of tho cilice. The
result he will leave to tho arbitration
of time ttnd his follow citizens.
I GrSTiTTiT a i
for Infants and Children.
IHIIITY yenr' observation of Cnstorla yttli tho untronaga of
million of persons, permit ws to spcnlt of It vrltliont prnonbitt.
It Is wnqnestlonnolr tho Lost remedy for Infants nntl Children
tho world lias over known. It Is harmless Chlltlron lllto It, It
gives thorn health. It -0111 snvo their Hvos. Iu it Mothers havo
omothlne Tvhioh Is nhsolntolv afo and pr-oticnUr norfeot an rt
child's medicine.
Cantorift destroys Worm.
Castoria allays jFoTorishnem.
Castorlo. provents vomiting Sonr Card.
Cattorla onro Dlarrhcoa and Wind Collo.
Cntorlft rollovci Toothini; Tronhlos.
Cnstorlti onros Constipation and riatnlcnoy.
Caitorta nontrallrci tho effoota of carhonlo add Rft " lolonon air.
Catorla dooi not contain morphine, oplnm, or other nnrcotio proporty.
Cattnrta almilato tho food, rognlntc tho stomach and howols,
giving healthy and natnral sloop.
Castoria is pnt np In ono-glzo tottlo only. It in not old In hnlk.
Don't allow any ono to soil yon anything elsa on tho plea or proml
that it is " Jntt m good " and " will answer ovory pnrpoto."
Boo that yon pet C-A-S-T-O'R-I-A.
Tho fao-slmll
elgnatnro e:
j &v?Mc
U on every
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla.
Arms to Arms.
Another War,
l'uorosALs roil suppuhs.
The board of trustcoi of tho Orceon
Htnto Insine asylum Invito senlod pro
powils for furnlshlrn at tlio nsylum, near
Batcm, Oregon, for tha six raonthi cnil
Ins Juno 30, 18M, ilio followliiB supptleu:
1500 yds. Allen prints, assorted pat
terns, as per sample.
tW yds. Pequot A. sheotlnir, 43 in., un-
50000 men women nml clilldem wanted to
buy the slock of futniturr, carpets, ma'tlngs,
etc., of 1. A. Uoian for tlie next 60 days at
con or Ims 10 make loom for sntlnc coods. bloacliod, as por sample,
Imeaawkatlsay, nm also going to add a 1000 yds. Pequot A. shectlns, M In., un
laigellncorual, paper and moul Ung u ,r , "T, 3 In..
Stock. J. A. KOI AW, ,,,.,,.,, M nr .amnle.
10O0 yds. French crash linen, blenched,
IS In., as per sample.
COO yds. glnss crash linen, bleached, 18
In., as per BJiuplo.
160 yds. table oil cloth, white, us por
Somo tain has been going ou of lato
concerning tho closing out of tho Balem
Wooleii Mill store, but tuoso lu author
ity inform us tho storo will bo con
tlnued right ou as lu tho paBt, Tho
management have decided to have a
grand clearunce sale to continue until
Im.imru 11. '0(1.
Clothing aud furnishing goods will
bo sold at prices that were uover before
heard of lu the Wlllumotto vulley.
Don't let auohan opportunity to ctt
good all wool goodB go by without In
vestigating. "
"Sou Can Bollovo.
The testimonials published In behall of
Hood's Sarsaiiarllla. They are wrltttn by
honest people, who have actually found In
their own experience that Hood's bmapar
illa purifies the blood, creates an appetite,
strengthen the sysaen and abolutely and per
manently cures all diseases caused by impure
or deficient blood.
Hood's Tills for the liver and bowels, act
promptly, easily and effectively.
Through His Nervine la a Ben
efactor to Thousands."
j, j. JIAUKIN8,
Shop at 100 UMinrkela .rtrrrt. ,r Uoii. ZVt
merolnl. HikiIuI BttenHon ' ImertcirliiK uno
fiiin.-wiin niMwiMi '"
i 11 & s,
To The East
Union Pacific System
Thioueh rullman IMiaoe Bloopers. ToorlM
Jleipers and Kiw.ltflollnlng Chair Lars dallj
trom ii-i
Our trains are heated by steam and cm
lighted by l'luuch light,
Tltno to Chlcano, H ?
Tim. to Ntw Vork.lHday;. m
wbien is many nour quicr mu -.. -
"Irorrous, time tables and full Information
ppiy 10
AcenU, Haiera. 01
Ulflt. !. Agen 1
nonnrol A (rati I.
135 Thlrrt t IMrtlftUd
Oregon Central
- low Rates to .all totem Cities.
Ocean itcamerK leave l'orllandovery.nvo dM
Kortull UUIU call jrj'JBiUKnH,
Oca. l'nH. Auuiil
fortlund, 1
Local Tiokot Aj;atit
rvtnf Trdet ..
Eastern R. R. Co
nonnMtlBK at Ynqulna Bay with tUBHai
H 1 IA&dtS
a. tj atfltiuf.
Imiiiu .ouilon.
tun U 11 1 1 p"i'l'
lllMI. At 1 m i.iriliu'
tviil'. iiiiua!rl n
cliaiyi- "t " Indawiu
IIUU "ill ill. u ur UlMI
fl..fl T .t 11 . 1. II" MH
TW WIDELY known WUconaln publisher,
f who reldes t Oreen Bar. writes
A March Cth, 1695. as follews:
"PIto years ajo I became so nenrous that
mental work was burden. I could not
at nleht on account of sleeplessness, wj
attention waa called to I)r Miles' Kestora
tlro Nervine, and I commenced to use It
with tho very best effect. Since then 1
have kept ft bottle In my bouse and uselt
wnenever my nerres become unstrune, w itn
always the same good resulu. My son also
Tr Mil PC' takes It for nerrousness
JJf. JlllicS ,th nao never falUne
Nprvlnft success, I havorecom-
' C1 m& mended It to many and
ReStOreS H cures them. All who
tt hi. auflor from nerve
Healtll...... troubles should try It.
It Is free from narcotics, perfect n"?
lesa, and yet soothes and sirenetbens. wr
Miles, throuph hUKervlne U a bene'actor
to thousands." A. C. LEU M A.
Editor and proprietor of Dkb IaKDSUWt.
Dr. MUe" Nerrlno U sow on 8uwjj- - tor4
ntbottlwlUbenotor money wfunded. "
ro'od trip. eood ea dy. I .
For sallYns day. fvii Ag.Bl
Albany, or
AT Hlll'Mll.lIwl ABnl nln
&nw.ii. , , . , , uiiiln vrrPfl
U.S.. JKX i.y ,,ir..(, 1.1. pl.l, fw
tlJU), r J l-otllw. 11.79.
J),,, 1 . rwiiwiU
I hae a very simple home treatment which
will readily cure all lemaie niioruen, '
priodi, leucorrhoca. duplacem.mi, or
anv u"e nt woman, auui i j.
Box Q6. Ta'mn I nn Cn, Pie. IJjjO .m
600 yds. AmoBkcnt; bluo denims, 3 ox.,
as per sample.
100 yds. ullesla, drab as per sample.
2 do, corsets nn per sample, sire 21
to 30.
10 doz. Turkey red handkerchiefs, 21 In.
75 dor. men'n cotton socks na per sam
ple. 12 doz. II. & Y eluy blndlnjr, white, as
pur sample.
A Broot gross duplex Mifety pins No. 3
ns per Hamplc,
0 C. irrosi K. 11. shirt buttons, n per
2 C. grosi pantH buttons, on per sample.
Thread (Coals' or Clark's O. N. T.)
IS doz. No. 40 white.
5 doz. No. 10 white
IS doz. No. 40 black.
G doz. No. SO black.
M prs. men's 'tathor slippers, No. 7,
as per sample.
SO prs. men's leather sllppors, No, 8, ns
per samplo.
60 prs. men's leather slippers, No. 9,
as Dcr Bamnle.
30 prs. men's leather slippers, No. 10,
na per sample,
20 prs. inen'H leather slippers, No. 11,
au per sample.
15,000 lbs. Golden C. sugar.
1.S0O lbs. oat meal In barrels.
10,000 lbs. rolled oats In barrels.
3,000 lbs, cracked wheat In barrels.
2.00) lbs. corn meal In barrels.
2.000 lbs. cracked hominy, small, In
2,000 lbs. cream wheat In barrels.
300 lbs. Arm & Hammer soda In 1 lb.
10,000 lbs. Liverpool salt.
600 lbs, soda ornokern XXX, more or
letu, delivered as required.
S40 lbs. Bllver Clous starch (ICIngs
mo lbs. ahcese. Cranston's, more or
less, delivered as ronulied.
400 bs. croum tartar (Folger or Mil
lings') In 25 lb. boxes.
30 doz. ooyo oysters (Field's 2s).
2 doz, whisk brooms.
30 doz. No, 1 best brooms.
10 gross Vulcan Barely matches, as
per sample,
COO gal. syrup, as per sample,
30 doz. corn canned, Olenwood or as
COO lbs. al soda.
2,000 lbs. prunes Ttlte, nueliun-drUd,
Orffon rdlsod.
' D1UED APPI129.
(tovuJbVtn,bMsW or bosoK fttx aoMpti
J -JK1M),
S,C0b lb;. nift 3tne-drld, m flor
(Mut be In bantts or boxes; not nc
mpted In sacks),
1,100 lbs. prachss, mhtnB-drlnl,
por Mmpl.
2,SW tb.. Even Chang, or nn govxl
400 lbs. O. K. Durham Smoklnij In 2 or.
l.OOi gnl. pure elder vinegar, 40 gr.
Didders to submit samplct.
WW bbls. No. I Hour, moro or less, de
livered ns required.
25 bbls. No. 1 graham flour, more or
less, delivered as required.
COO lb. (Uh per week, moro nr loss, ns
Kinds hs rcnulrod stating prlco of
each per5 lb.
70 gal. lurpenttno In 5 gal. eun.
200 gal. kerosene, moro or les, in
tanks, dcllvorod as renulrcil.
2 doz. bottles cowing machine oil,
sperm, ns per sample.
S.SW lb Nst Savon, Beit Standard
Ill cake tollot ioap, ns per sample.
20 lbs. shaving soap (J. U. Williams')
as per sample.
200 lbs. black pepper utmidard ground.
In 5 lb. cans,
25 b,9. cinnamon standard ground, in
S lb, cans.
.. .. ... ..........I n.tintn
lb 1U1. nuiniPtjo. mwui n .......
10 doz. combs, drenslng, nit per sample.
2 doz. mop handlos as por sample.
1 dot. waahtubs, nn per Bompte.
1 doz, washboard Bed Cross as per
0 doz. inucllsBO, annford's Universal.
1 gross l'ayon'fl Indollblo Ink, as per
13 quarta Htafford'H. or Hanford's Ink,
black, In qiiart hot lie.
6 dozen penlvoldorn, natorted.
12 dozen pencils, lead, No. , vionnnn
3 gross l'alcon pens, No. D.
2 gross UcntM' stub pons, No. II.
2 groHS Went MIotiliwn.
2 gross London Incandescent, No,
M. Jacobs,
DUUO surpi.iica.
1 kllogrammq Acid Acetic, 34 per cent,
1 kllogrammo arid boric, powdered,
2 kllogrnmmo.1 acid carbolic, puro cns-
tal, Squlbbs.
600 grammes acid tartaric, powdered,
1 kilogramme aeacls. powrtered,
1 kilogramme ammonia uroiwuc, Hi"
ulated, Squlbbs.
2 kilogrammes ammonia chloride, gran
Ulated, Bqulbbs.
6 kllogrammo bismuth sub-nltrato,
grnnulatod, Squlbbs.
250 grammes cantharldes, powdered,
100 grammes creosoto, Bqulbbs.
10 kilogrammes chloral hydrate,
h klloimunmes chlorofonn In
,wj ..W-i u.
1 . Wfc.1..
rrltch ha6l (P. D, & Co.).
19 lbs, Phillips' OlgetlbU docdlli
10 lbs. carUllo o.ald Mal.i No.-1, 'sold
2 lb?, tluld ral bJiaAOT- lftVW,
(T. D. & Co.).
10 lbs. iluld extrast bnnhu (r. D. & Co.)
2 lbs. fluid extract trom sill: (P. D.
jRfr -.... . .-
iu ids. nuia raimci cawara
f V'nSi
riSE XmtenviPLiB
schcnecUdr. H.Y.
Tor lnrrmUUu ana free lsn0,Jjt.w,,1voli.
Stumt Awmm
300 day pipes and stems as per sampls.
40 doz. teacups W, O. ware.
10 doz. soup bowls, qts. V. O. ware.
10 doz. dinner plates, 9 In., V. O. wure.
2 doz. Ditchers, 2 qt., W. O. ware.
2 doz. pitchers, 1 qt., Y. O. ware.
6 doz, pitchers, orfram, W. a. ware.
C doz. glass tumblers, as per sample.
8 doz. bakers, 10 In., W. O. ware.
2 doz. sugar bowls, W. O. ware, as ir
1 doz. wash bowls and pitchers, W. O.
ware, as per sample.
grammo bottles, Bqulbbs.
S00 grammes cubebs, powdered. Bqulbbs.
0 kilogrammes othor tor anaesthesia,
4 to bo In 100 gramme cans and remain
der In 250 gramme cans, Bqulbbs.
S00 grammes opium, powdered.
1 kilogramme soap, powdered, (white
castlle), Bqulbbs.
3 kllogrammas nodium bicarbonate,
3 kilogrammes eoaium ouruic, -..-derod,
2 kilogrammes sodium et potassa tar
trate, Bqulbbs.
2 kilogrammes Iron chloride, solution,
2 kilogrammes Iron pyrophosphate,
Bqulbbs, '
2 kilogrammes mercurial olnlmint,
Haulbbs. ..
13 kilogrammes poiases. uiv..r,
I kilogramme potasea chlorate, Squlbbs.
kilnrrammes Dotossa Iodide, Squlbbs.
1 kilogramme llutd extract ergot,
S00 grammes Powler'a solution, Squlbbs.
S00 grammes tincture opium, deodor
ized, Bqulbbs.
0 sheets bluo litmus paper, flqulbtw.
1 lb. acid murtatlo C. I, l St W.
1 it.. nld nltrlo C. I'.. Squlbbs.
1 lb. acid sulphuric C. P., Bqulbbs.
S oz. acid gallic, Bqulbbs.
1 oz. caffoln citrate, Bqulbbs.
1 oz. cocaine muriate, Bqulbbs.
H oz. codeine sulphate, Squlbbs.
1 oz. lunar caustic pure, Bqulbbs.
1 oz. lunar caustlo No, 2, Bqulbbs.
V4 oz. morphine murlute, B-iulbbs.
2 oz. morphine sulphate, Bqulbbs.
CO oz. quinine sulphate, In & oz. cans,
., it. l.l tnnnln. RnulbbS.
roz'zlno chloride granulated, Bqulbbs. grain, (WyUi'.
2 lbs. oil sweet orange, Lohn & innit.
2 lbs. oil lemon, I.ohn & M'
1 lb. oil cloves, l.ohn & Fink.
16 oz. europhen, Bayer.
7J oz. ulfonal, Bayer.
16 oz. pher.acellne, Bayer.
10 oz, antlkainnla.
6 oz. antlkamnla, 6 grain tablets.
4 lb pepslne sacch (Falrchlia ).
t ez. pepilne (Boudalt's).
1 a, citrate rragntsla, (Bishop)
4 doz. Emulsion Cod Mver Oil, large ft Co.).
(P. D. A Co.).
I lb. fluid extract digitalis (P. D. ft Co.l
J lln. fluid extract ginger (P. D. & Ca)
1 lb. fluid extract hyoscyamus (P. 1).
A Co.).
10 l!v. fluid extract Jalnp (P. V. & Co.).
S 1U. flnld-oxtract licorice (P, D, & Co.)
ltflbs. fldld extract senna (P. D & Co.)
10 II13. fluid Sars;ixirllla Co. for syrup,
(P. D. & Co.).
1 lb. ptppennlnt leaves (P. D. & Co.).
1 lb. granulated belladonna leaves
(Mlly St Co.).
1 pound granulated cannabis Indtca,
(Lilly &. Co.).
1 lb, grnnulujcd aconite root (Ully
& Co.)
1 lb. granulated arnica, flower (Lilly
Jt Co.).
t II. grnnulatctl cinchona red (Lilly
& Co.).'
2 ltfs. grnnutatcd columbo (Lilly & Co.)
1 lb. granulated digitalis leaves (Lilly
& Co.).
1 lb. granulated centlan (Lilly & Co.)
3 lb", granulated ginger (Lilly & Co.).
2 lbs. granulatol hyoscyauuis (Lilly
& Co.).
i Ibi, granulated nux vomica (Lilly
& Co.).
5 lbs. grnnnlntfxl quassia (Lilly & Co.)
5 lbs. granulated wild cherry bark
(Lilly ,i Co.).
3 lb, magnesia cArbonnto (K. St St.)
10 Ui. gum camphor.
SO lbs. tlax seed moal, '
100 lbs. Epsom Salts.
10 lbs. borax powdered.
10 Ibi. potassium nitrate, powdered,
1 lb. turmeric, powdered,
1 lb. tyropodlum.
20 lbs. sulphur sublimed.
33 lbs. vasellno (Chcaeboiough's).
S lUi. prepared chalk,
SO lbs. glycertno (Klik's).
5 gallons Baker's A. A. castor oil (In
original package).
S gallon oil mallga.
S gallons liquid nmmonln, concentra
ted. (In 6 gallon glass contalnor, Mai.).
0 lbs. muriatic acid (commercial In
glass stoppered bottlen, Mai.).
2 lbs. llqull nlbollne.
1,000 each ot empty capsules, Nos. 1
and 2 (P. D. & Co.).
1 gross hollow cocoa suppositories,
No. 2.
1 lb. bitter almonds, shelled.
G rolls belhulon.ia plasters In one yard
rolls (S. & J.).
G rolls silk Isinglass plasters In oni
vard rolls (white) (B. & J.).
3 rolls Mead's Adhesive plasters In
& yanl rolls (width 12 In.), (B. A J.).
2 rolls oiled silk plasters In ono yam
tolls (S. St J.).
6 yards ollod muslin (B. & J.)
20 lbs. absorbent cotton In ono pouno
pkgs. (a St !)
2 lbs. storlllzed lambs wool In U lb.
mccs. (B. & J.).
4u0 each hypodennlo tablots, Nos. St
and 03 In casca of 10 tubes each
vim c.irh hvoodormto tablots. Nos. 4
"t" - - .
and 68, In cases of 10 tubes eaci.
3 lbs, pills Improved cathartic, No. 1C0
(P. D. St Co.).
1,000 qulnlnu sulphate capsu!f, 2 grain,
(P. D. & Co.).
3,000 quinine sulphate capsules, 3
grain (P. D. & Co.).
1.000 qulnlno sulphate capsules, 6
ir rain (P. I). & Co.).
1 pound Wilson's Corrosive Antiseptic
tablets (Wycth's).
1,000 compressed powders of pplum, H
gruln, Itad acetate 1ft Bruin (Wyeth's).
SOO compressed powders of doverl pow.
dor. S grain (Wycth's).
1,000 compressed powders of salol pow
der, 5 grain (Wycth's).
1.000 compressed powdern of migraine
nawdor. No. 2. (Wyeth's).
OF 100 EACH.
2,000 tablets triturate nloln, Del lad t
Podoph. (Wyeth's).
1,000 tablets triturate Hyd. Chi. Mlto.
et Boda Blcarbonato Co. (Wyeth's).
1,000 tablots triturate Hyd. Chi. Mlto.
Nn 1 (Wvfith'si.
1,000 tablet triturate Hyd. Chi. Mlto.
1-10 grain (Wyeth's).
SO0 tablets triturate Hyd. CM. Mite. H
L'rnm (Wyeth's).
S00 tablets triturate Hyd. CM. Mite.,
1 grain (Wyeth's).
S00 tablots trlt irate Hyd. CM. Mite.,
2 grain (Wyeth's).
2,000 tablets triturate ammonia murl
ni et Codeine Co. (Wyeth's).
SOO tablots trlturato nltro glycerine
1-100 grain (Wyeth's).
-. ,WM. . gil I II J .
1 'est br&u troy cup wdghts U to M
ot, (W. t. Co.l.
1 .boxwood Soiailtz powder rnnOur.!
W.lT, AC4.1 .J
tt dtfzfcn "horn etf f"9. a. &wtMtM
ond. (W. T. & Co ). ' .1
c.000 each l'htulx powder psprs No.
7 and 16. (W. t, & Co.).
1 each born spatulas (cocoa handles)
No. 30, 4, 5 and 6 In. (W, T. & Co.).
i m bb,r C0Ve,, hn'
ton in. ny. t. & C0.1.
ii iicrnn i,irriinin ,i.a.uii.. w
dishes. Nom. 5- n n,1 J iw ft. . .... 1
1 liard rubber funnel. 4 iu. t r
Co.). " .
!. ri,bl,:r draining funnel, i . '
. 1. & uo.j.
1 cacli glass thermometer FnhrnpL.
4M deKrees). W. T. & Co.)
3 dozen Plnnetc. oiri..i ,ira!.,hi -..
bnu (V, T. & Ca).
ySM "lprlt '"'"P' 4 (Klobe shape).
dozen museum Jars, No. 2S00, width
Tt .. icngwi, s m. (w. T. St Co.).
1 dozen sick fecdeM No. Sua Hlmr.,
(W. T. & Co,).
ler No. aj, Hlinpe A.
2 dozen bent nlais tnMlinln ,.i.a ,,..
- ..... ....,V1. vl,
' cs -u.;.
R-1 t flu's An l.l..u . . ...
v.w. , uuutrr wiuer DottloM.
3 quarts. (W. T. & Co.).
;, tn '''Press syringe. No.
(W. T. Si Co.).
hi dozen vaseline atomizers, No.
I djzen Davidson's syrlngos. No. ,
4 gross camel's-halr pencils, No. j.
1 set perscrlptlon scale "The Favorlu"
No. 209, Springer Tarslon Balance Co.
5 gross each circle A. prescription cirk
oxtra long, Nos. 3. 4. 6. 6 and 8.
14 gross each prescription corks taper.
Nos. 12 and 18.
to gross each tin ointment boxes, ti oz
nud 1 oz.
V gi-oss tln-olntmcnt boxes, 4 oz.
1 gfoiu each English pasteboard pill
boxes Nos. 19, 30 end 31.
1 gross enoli Scldiltx powder boxes. No.
A and CI (Piumley).
1 gross slide powder boxes No. C2 white.
100 feet of IU in. galvanised ppe,
i each ot S. i, l, 1 na 8 i,,ch el.
- -vKltot couplings i in' J-J,l-y"-
6 cavn of in. in ana 2 Inch flange
14 each of Ux. Sxtf, mxlH Inch Hush
.ngs. 3 each of 1 and 1H Inch Dubois lead ''
.raps full 8.
Hi feel of ll Inch lead pipe E.
12 yards brnM wifoty chain No. 1.
U each guage glass washers 4 and !
Inch. '
j pounds asbestos ball wlcklng.
U each of to. ?. M. , Ui. and 1 Inch
il compression plain bibbs ?i Inch, fin-
micu B, U. T.
1 bundle CJ lbs. ot No. 7 bright wire.
1 package each of 8 oz. 1, lft, 2 and 2
ib. Unned rivets.
S sheets of No. IS gnlvanlzfd shcot iron
U sheets of No. 24 cheat steel 30x96, "
SO busiiclj charcoal.
1 pair S Ib, solder coppers.
SO feet CAch of Uxtf, and Uxl Inch Nor
way Iron.
25 foet each of 14 and ?i Inch square
Norway Iron.
10 feor each of V, and 1 Inch octavon
10 feet tf ; JncJi round toot steel.
10 feet of !4 Inch harrow tooth steel.
14 feet each uf Hx, ?,x)4 and hx4 Inch
coo calk steel.
2 Heller Bros, norao rasps, 10 Inch.
6 flat mill flics 14 Inch.
3 flat bastard files, 10 Inch,
3 half round bastard HIoj, El Inch.
3 half round mill flies, 12 Inch.
Z round bastard flies 8 inch.
2 each flat mill file i and 0 Inch.
300 feet of munllia rope, f Inch In dlam.
B pounds eacn f Putnam horseshoe
nails, Noil. 0, 6, 7 and 8.
3.S00 pounds blacksmith' coal.
SO pounds each of Phoenix steel horse
shoes, Nos. 2, 3 and 4 front.
SO pounds each ot Phoenix steel horso
shoes, Nos. t, 3 and i Mnd.
100 each round head stove bolt 3-10x14.
MBxfc. Wx. Uxl Inch.
SO each machine bolt C16xlV4, 0-16x214,
ftx& and xG Inch.
SO each carriage bolt Ux2. 14x214, 6-10x3.
6-16x214. 6-10x3, 6-16x4, Hx2H. ftxl. Hl
and 14x8 In,
10 pounds each 14 and i Inch washer.
SO each li and Inch blank nuts.
1 gallon brilliant shine metal polish,
1 round belt punch 3-16 Inch.
1 Button,' combined plyors, 6 Inch.
1 Coo's wrench, 0 Inch.
10 pound Albany compoucd. No. 3.
Samples may be seen at the commls
sary of the asylum. Qoods must be In
accordance with samples, and be In orlg-
S00 tablets trlturato tlncturo digitalis I mat packages when possible. The right
uirviilmlii. (Wyeth's).
2,000 tablets trlturato bronchitis
SOO tablet triturate neuralglo (BS)
1,000 tablots trlturato opium powdered
.i grain (Wyeth's).
SOO tablet trlturato podophyllln, vi
k Ann intiUlu tilturato catnarua im
prove! 1 grain (Wyeth's).
SOO tablets 'triturate morphlno sulphate
U grain (Wycth's).
SOO tablets triturate morphine sulphate
14 grain (Wyeth's).
2.000 tablet trlturato cerium oxalate
I grain (WyejhJ
SOU tablets trlturato nconltla 1-200 groin
100 white filter papers, 15 to., OV. T.
(W. T
uhii flllar DSDer 13 In
( i doi' ' Elixir lod-nrom-Colctum Co., ftCo.)
3 doz. cascara cordial, P. D.
.- ... .It. fcitrflenstlfl-
Q03k !IUu m -- i
MMSur0'" , ... graduate. 1 oz., (W. T,
l doz. Byrun ii.pophwpniioj w ww. . n . u B.
" i n ass I'linnii unuiuaia 'm. .m-tM n w
t I7V, .,....- -- " " -
engraved) (W. T. U Co.)
I glass percolating jar, B oz., t. .
low)- . , .
1 doz. bromo eeltzer (Mo le).
4 doz. beef Juice (Wyeth's).
3 doz. peroxide of hydrogen in m
s doz. cranlte Iron soap dishes, as per ,iM M.rchand's),
zample. a lbs. Johnson's Ethereal Antlseptlo
6.000 lbs coffee, Oosta Jlioa, as per
30) lbs, oaffee, Javo, as per sample,
1.J0O, lbs. Chleery, as per sample.
(Must be In bbls, or boxesi not accept
ed In sacks) . .
3 ok., 4 oz., 6 oz., and 33 o., iw. a.
.2 each Phenlx graduate (Cone) 2 oz.,
and 8 oz. (W. T. & Co.).
I dozen test tubei, 6 In. (W T & Co.).
1 gross each prewrlptlon vials l'hlladel.
..-..., -l IHinanhntCI r.hla OVal. 1. O nu O U. l. M "'"
K cum. " - "- ' j 0, ointment pots. 4 oz..
1 gallon colorlw distills extract of (W. T. & Co.).
to reject any and oil bids la reserved.
Delivery of supplies will be required
within tlfteer OS) days' notice of accept
ance of bid. Each bid must Include all
the Items aud totals In full, with the. ex
ceptions of flour, tlsh and vinegar. Pay
inent will Ui refused until tho bidder ha
completed his contract. A copy ot the
advertisement must accompany each bid,
und tho name of class of supplies niuet
be Inscribed on the envelope. AudlttB
ulllcer are prohibited from conflnnlnc
uccount of purchase when the adver
tisement dora not contain a full descrip
tion of the article to be purchased.
Each bidder will bo required to furnlefc
with his bid a certified check In mm
mount equal to ten per cent of the Mf
(save that for Hour the check Is to be for
UOO. for Itsh ITS, for vinegar 910), payable
to the order of the board to be returned
in case his bid 1 rejected or his proposal
compiled with. Bids wilt be opened la
the governor's ofllce at 3 o'clock p. i.
Monday. January 6. 1S06,
Salem. Oregon, December 3, 1896.
Hoard ot Trustees O, i. X, A,
W. & DUNIWAY, Clerk ot Boar.
soap, P. D. St Co.
P C,kf.t i ' i-i t I iMuokJ MrB,,
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