Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, December 23, 1895, Image 4

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V . i
NouJ for Redactions.
Look over this list for
this space for
Dolls Urge stock, all reduced In price.
Fine celluloid frames, 35c.
Celluloid In large sheets for fancy work,
pine Motal Frames-Only 25c each.
Leather Pursei, Card cases; reduced.
Crepe Tissue -25c roll, all shades.
Dissected Map of United Statcs-ioc.
Oregon Xmas Cards loc, 15c and 2e,c.
a s
We have the largest and
finest Htock of Watches, Dia
monds; Jewelry, Solid and
Plated Silvorwuro in the cky.
Wo also have a lino line of im
ported Cut Glass of the high
est grade. Silver novelliea of
all kinds, at prices that defy
competition for first-class goods
All gooda guaranteed as repre
sented Givo us a call and be
Just for a Flyer, 2C
Wo will sell Genuine Im
ported Pearl Opera Glasses lor
4. Fine lino of
Ladies Purses, X
in Gonu'no RatMesnako. Soil
and Alligator vSkins. Special
drives oa ladies' solid gold
S,W, Thompson Co.
Altona and Ramona
DAILY. Portland. 6:45 a n,
Salem, 7:45 a. m,
Independence, 6130 n. m.
9:00 a.m.
10:15 a.m.
6:00 a.m.
EyFrelght received up to 10 p. m.3
Quick time, regular service and cheap
.... rates ...
Agent, Salem.
Itev.F, H. Qwhino returned today
from Ashland.
JE. 0. Nnrdon, of Cbemawa, was lu
the city today.
Porf. E. B. MoElroy carao down
from Eugene today.
Mrs J. Plnkorton leaves tomorrow
for a visit nl Pasadona, Cal.
Prof. Louis Burzce, of tho Drain
Normal sohool, Is In tho city.
Banker E. I. McCojnaok transautod
busluess lu tho metropolis today,
Banker J. b' Coopor, of Indepen
douce, was a Portland visitor today.
lion. F 0. Baker returned to Port
laud on tbe Balem local Sunday morn
ing. A.T. Gilbert, the bauker, was among
the Balomltea dulug business In the
metropolis today.
Co.Mtobt. Thompson, of Portland,
spent Buuday lu this olty returning
homo this morolug.
O. Vau Patten and Dr. W. B. Mott
wore passengers to Cboraawa on the
Slem local this morning.
Hon. U. M, Irwin, atato euperlnten.
deut of Publlo Instruction, couduoud
cervices at Gervals Buuday,
F. W. Bettlemeir, the Woodburu
25c Presents
Bilk neckties, lultlat silk haudkerohlefs, pair linen curls, One Bwlss eui
brolderled handkerchiefs, wool fascinators, Hue llnon handkerchiefs, ladies'
blaok cashmere cloves, pair "Albeit" fast black hoAe, elegant sldo combs, tasty
work baskets, boy's and girl's caps, pair nickel plated shear, ladles' aud men's
purses, good bottle perfumery, Hue llneu towels, pocket kulves,
50c Presents.
Elogant wool foscluaturs, Hue silk ueckllod, nice fans, black silk mlttouv,
Hue cashmore clove, fauoy mirrors, celluloid work btixes, whisk broom holders
Bwlss embrolderlvd llnon haudkerohlefs, Hue bIIk haudkerohlefs, one Durable"
white shirt, lino pair shears, good hair brush, Ylgllaut corset.
X $1.00 Presents, X
Bilk surge umbrellas, Flutter's kid gloves, ladles' and gentlemon's slippers,
naeu's kid gloves, one dozen goml llneu uapklus, drmeu flue napkins. ubop
rtlua; bags, celluloid Her.ktlu boxes, nleo toilet sets, flue white shirts, good hats,
JX. & G onrm-ti, Ferris good senm waists, uloe pair lace curtains, flue fans, three
pairs "Albert" fast bluok silk Maoo hose.
Coiut and Liberty.
cut pricesWatch
a week or two,
Chatterbox. 1895, 60c.
tl.t T tnj. PM.U. nrliirir1 from if to 9CC.
New Silk Hound Poets, .reduced from $1.50
Embossed Covers, Poets, reduced from $1.50
10 QOC.
Full Silk Dound Tocts, reduced from $1.25
In Up
Padded Leather Poets, reduced from $1.50
10 si.15.
,v,v,v,v,v263 Commercial st
nurseryman, spout Buuday in this city
l returning botno tula morning.
J. L. Mitchell returned tblfl morn
Inc from Cottngo Grove where bo baa
hnnn In tho Interest of tbe Home
Koruru Oeueflt order.
L. II. and W. P. MatthowB, student
at tho Willamette Unlveralny left for
their homo at CaatloRick, Washing
ton, Bundiiy morning.
Fiank Mathews, Fleming and Tay
lor Burcbum, who bavo been attend
Inc Stanford University at Palo Alto,
arrived in Salon Sunday morning for a
holiday visit with thoir puenU.
Otto aud Autone MetBcban, Btudeuts
ut tho Btate Agrlculturo College at
Corvallls, returned to Balem Erlday
afternoon and will spend the holidays
at homo. They were accompanied by
Henry Kuhl and Oscar Schmidt, of
Canyon city, also student at tho same
col lego, who will bo their guosts dur
ing the holidays.
Sonnemau has tho best line
ot staple and fancy Chrlatmas
The rapidly Increasing number of
accounts una tuo uuuouii way or Keep
ing record aud collecting tho aamo
uuoettslttucs us 10 uuopt tuo cabu sys
tem, aud from January 1, next, all
nactcosos must bo paid for when de
livered, do fur as many of our cus
tomers nro ooucerncd wo regret to be
obliged to adopt, this plan, but as wo
cauiiot discriminate wo trust tboy will
uppreclato our position.
N. B. For tho convenience of cus
tomers wo will have coupon books in
denominations of $2, 3, 5 and $11)
wtilnh may bo had at onr onico, or
from tho driver at a discount of 6 per
cent. These can bo left at homo aud
when a bundle Is delivered tho propor
amount or coupons may 00 torn nut.
Tnti Balesi Steam Laundry
12-23 et
Call at Souneruanu's grocery
aud inspect his Christinas
Last Night's Btorm. The wind
storm last night blow u largo tree
acroa tho railroad traok just this aide
of Ghomawa. In falling tho tree car
ried with it tho telegraph and tele
phone Hues, so that communication
with lower valloy towns was sus
pended for a time, Tho obstruction on
the track delayed the train for a time,
but It was soon removed and trains
passed In safety.
Our Readers who have been
looking lor Hood's calendar for 1800
will bo glad to know that it is out aud
may be obtained from tho druggists or
by sending 0 cents in stamps to G. I.
Hood Sc Co., Lowoli, Msss. The new
caleudur la certainly triumph of art.
It represents n lovely head In beautiful
brown tints, Burrounded by a gold
frame, embossed aud decldodly "up to
dale." It makes a useful ornament
for tho home aud a pleasant reminder
of Hood's Bareaparilla.
Open Eveninos. Grocery stores as
well as drygoods houses, will keep
open evenings until after tbe holidays.
Twenty Cows At raueh of M. J.
Egau, uear Brooks, for sale reasonably.
Beautiful slippers for preaouta at
Kmuue Bros. 23-2t
Eastern Oysters At Doty's Market.
OHIOKENB At Doty's Market.
Catb Dry Goods, Clothing and She Hontt
Mrs. Perry Cornelius of Turner, is
in tho city.
Mr. and Mrs. McOccar went to
Mehama today.
Miss Pauline Loouey, of Jefferson,
Is in tho city.
MUs Edna Moody left this morning
for Tho Dalles, on a visit to relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Hubbard
were passengers to Portland this after
noon. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Smith and little
daughter were Portlaud Passengers
Miss Mable Creasy, of Monmouth,
will be tbe guest of tbe family of D. B.
Irvln during the holidays.
Mrs: A. N. Moores Is visiting friends
in the metropolis, going down on tbe
Balem I'.cal this morning.
Miss Jessie Settlemlcr, a student at
Willamette University, went to her
home at Woodburu this morning for a
holiday visit.
MIsb Minnie Bauvaln went to Port
land on the Altona thia morning,
where she will spend the holidays
with her sister, Mrs. E. A. Lynda.
Misses Luolla and Kate Carey went
to their home In Solo today to spend the
holidays. Tho former Is a teacher In
tho publlo schools of Balem. and the
latter Is attendlug school in MoMlnn
villo. MUsea Marie Kirn aud Lena Tarp
ley went to Portland by steamer this
morning, which place they will leave
Tuesday ovenlug for Ban Francisco for
a ten days' visit with relatlyea and
Twenty members of DllasCamp,No.
200, W. O. W., came to Balem Friday
evening to visit camp No. 118, of the
samo order, In the city. Four candi
dates for initiation, Wm. Lewis, It. E,
WliliumB, B. Grant and Uriah W.
Buren, wero brought over for Initia
tion. Tho visitors arrived early in tho
evening, and returned homo about
Batem's nowly organized baud, will
make Its first publlo appcarauco on
Christinas ut tho Opera House every
body should uttond tho outertalnment,
as thoro are- many valuable gifts to be
given to tko audienco on this occasion,
besides a splendid musical program to
be ronaercd, und for thoso who desire
to remain to dauce, muslo will bo fur
nished by tbo entiro band of tWutity
mon. Borao of the prlZt-B to bo given
away nro now on exhibition ut 01 State
street, (two doom west of Bush's bank).
Everyono purchasing n 25o or n 6O0
admission ticket will bo entitled to a
chance to obtain ouh nf the prizes.
Beats can be reserved on Mouday with
nut extra charge at Fred A, Legg's
Drug Storo. 12 21-St
Ono of tho leading papers of Boise
City in a report of a recent entertain
ment, "Tno Templo of Fame," pre
sented to a largo audleuco In that city,
says: 'While Mrs. Pride waa nomi
nally tho queen of tho occasion, the
real quoun waa Halllo Parrlsh-Hinges.
She took the part of Adolina Pattl and
won for herself tho sobriquet of the
queen of Bong. Tho singer fairly
thrilled the audience and was called
out twice. Mrs. Hinges is tho profes
sor of a voice of remarkable sweetness
and flexibility. Her enunciation is ao
clear as a bell, Without doubt, her
singing is tbe beat over heard in
Boise." Mrs. Hinges la a Salem girl,
well known to all.
w. 0. T. u.
At Clara Davidson's practical talk on
"Heredity", last Tuesday afternoon,
at the ball on Court street near Lib
ert'y, about thirty ladles were present.
Those semi-monthly meetings are of
educational interest, and aro becoming
very popular. "Crusado Day," Dec.
20, will be observed by holding special
services from 10 n. m. to 4 p. m. In
the evening tho county president, Mrs.
It. M Robb, will give one of her popu
lar talke. Everybody welcome to all
tho uieotlnga. The tetcbera ol this
ualon are working bard to keep ono
door open dally for Christ and the
Home. Givo them your cooperation.
Don't all to see tho ladles'
blryle prize at tiounenmim's
grocery. ;
Bomo talk has been going on of late
concerning tbe closing out of the Balem
Woolen Mill store, but those in author
ity luform us the storo will bo con
tluued rleht on as in the past, The
management have decided to have a
grand clearance sale to continue until
January 11, '00.
Clothing and furnishing goods will
be sold at prices that were never before
beard of In the Willamette valley.
Don't let such an opportunity to get
good all wool goods go by without iu
veetlgatlng. 17 tf
SlMtrio Bitters.
Kl-etrlc Hitters it a medicine tutted for anv
seaton, but perhaps more. Generally needed
when the liver It torpid aud tluggUh and tbe
need of a tonic and alterative is felt. A
prompt use of this medicine has often averted
lone? and DcthaDS fatal blllioai fevers. No
medicine will act more surely in counteract
Ing and freeing the aystem from the malarial
poitou. ucBuacnc, lauicc.iion, v,uimij.
lion. DUilnctt veild to Electric Bitten, so
cents and. loo per bottle at Fred A, Legg's
urug store.
TURKEYB-At Doty's market.
Y. af. 0. A. VS. OHEMAWA.
Tbe Local Team Cornea Out Vic
Saturday afternoon tho Y. M. C. A.
and ChemawA Indian boys played
another match game of football which
resulted in favor 0 tho former, the
score being 40 to 0. Tho weather was
perfect for playlDg while tho Held was
111 excellent condition with the excep
tion of a few wet places.
Tho Salem team, accompanied by a
number of their friends, went down on
tho 2:20 local. The game was called
about 3:30 with W. C. Palgo, referee;
I. H. Van Winkle, umpire and Es.
Blntdeton, linesman.
The Indian boys had tbo "kick ofl"
and Freeman Bent tho ball down the
Held almost to their goal but tho Y. M.
C. A. boys gradually worked the ball
back to tbo center of the Held. Ollngor
attempted to mako a touoh-down but
was tackled very nicely by Dodge.
When near tho middle of the first
half tho Y. M. C. A. raado the flret
touob.down and Murphy succeeded in
klcklnt a goal, scoring thereby 0 points.
Ground was then gained alternately
by the teams tho Y. M. C. A. making
two additional touch-downB, accomp
Ined by the kicking of a goal eaih
time, before tbe close of tbe first half
In spite of tbo splendid Interference of
the Cbemawa team. At the end of the
first half the score stoed: Y. M. 0. A.
18, Cbemawa 0.
At the beginning of tho second half
the Indian boys played heroically and
bad almoBt reached their coveted goal
when by an unlouked for move on the
part of the Balem team tbe Cbemawa
team lost the ball. Murphy mado a
run around tho end and mado a touch
down also kicking a goal, making the
score twenty-four to nothing lu favor
of Balem. The ball waa ngaln
taken to the centor of tbo Hold
and kicked of by tbe Indian boys. The
Y. M. C.A. noon obtained possession of
the pigskin and by a splendid run
Clover Leaf Corn, The Sweetest on earth
Genuine Blue Point Oysters fat, delicious,
Flickingus Tomatoesj solid packed, no juice
AntoninVs" Olive Oil? palatable and pure
We make a specialty of high grade goods
Our extracts are unsurpassed in quality,
around tho end, almost the entiro
length of the field, Murphy made
auotbor touch dowu-and kicked a goal
ralslngthoscoroof tho Salem team to
80. Two more touoh-dowue and goals
were soon mado by the Y. M. C. A.
team, making a total of 42 points to 0
In their favor. A few momenta later
Walter Qray, Salem's p'ueky right
half back, made a touoh down but
Murphy failed to kick a goal. Ground
was gained and lost alternately by tbe
two teams until tbo last half ended
when tho bull was near the center of
tho Held. TuoBcore ofthegamo stood
40 to 0 In favor of tbo Balem team.
The two teams lined up aa follews:
Y. M. C. A. Position Cbemawa
Webb center Sanders
DUque r guard Hunt
Judd 1 guard Boss
Hodgkin (capt).....r end .Davis
Grllley 1 eud David
Macey r taoklo Graoani
Chase 1 tackle Scott
Murphy q back Miuer (capt)
dinger r h back Moore
Gray I h back . Dodge
Evans lull baok Freeman
Tho substitutes were: Balem Burns,
Winters. Cbemawa Bagnell, Fitz
Patrick and Teabo.
Tho game waa witnessed by a num
ber ot the teachers of the school.
The playing of Freeman, Dodge and
Miner of tho Cbemawa team was
especially good.
With BUtlloIent training tho Che.
mawa team would doubtless surprise
their friends lu tho sport of fuotball.
Aa it is they have an 'enviable reputa
tion as base ball players.
With tho exception of u sprained
.-J11J IX ,1J
Highest Honors World's Fair,
Medal, Midwinter Fair.
(Most Perfect Made.
40 Ytrs the Suul&.
We want to make a clean sweep of all
As it is hoc a desirable stock to carry over, so will offer the balance of our novelties, con
sistirg of
FANCY SLIPPERS, Novelties in Umbrellas, ALBUMS;
Besides the above mentioned articles we have a full line of Handkerchiefs of all kinds
Mufflers, Silk Mittens, Gents' Neckwear, and numerous lines that make pretty as well as
useful gits.
You should buy of us for the reason that you can d better in the wav of price, aud, in
addition, with every 2 purchase you get a ticket on the aiil vorwaro to bo given away on Xmas
S. M. & E.
j53T"Our store open until 9 o'clock Monday
hip, which Injury was unfortunately
sustained by Dodge, ot tho Chemawa
team, uo accidents happened to mar
the pleasure of tbo gams.
Those who went down from Balem
to seo the gamo were: Dr. L. W. Gulss
and sou, Bt., Thos. Kay, Jr., Box
Byars, Warren Gllbort, Bert dinger,
Jm, Cochran, Don Trultt.Elrno Davis,
Walter Basey, W. C. Palgo, I. H. Van
Wluklo aud Ebln Slnglotou.
Chester Murphy, Wm. Evans,
Wa ter Gray did tho best work for tho
Y. M. 0. A. team ulthough each player
assisted materially in bringing about
the reoult of tbe game. Tho team
worked together Saturday in perfect
unity and accomplished considerable
The Indian boya made a number of
excellent center plays when they
almost pushed the local team before
them. They haye usoles of irou aud
with a thorough understanding of tbe
game would no donbt accomplish a
great deal. A number of feet was
frequently galnod when they made a
ceuter play. In all they
sro very
courteous and gentlemanly.
You Can Believe.
The testimonials published in behalf of
iioou' aarcauanua. ihey are written by
honest people, who Imve actually found In
their own experience that Hood's Sarsapar
illa purifies the blood, creates an appetite,
strengthen the sysaen and absolutely and per
manently currs ull diseases caused by impure
or deficient blood.
Hood's Pills for the liver and bowels, act
promptly, easily and effectively.
Prices no object. Many attractive
and useful Holiday Goods still In
stock. Silk Handkerchiefs, sillc
mufflers, silk mittens, linen handker
chiefs plain and embrolderied, um
brellas, hosiery, underwear, &c.
Remember, prices no object.
Condition powders, liniments, heal
ing lotions and ointments, blistering oint.
rncnts, purgative pills and colic medicines al
ways on hand as cheap as elsewhere,
Graduate ot Ont. Vet. College, Toronto,
Office and Dcspensary at Rfd Front Livery
Btable, Salem, Oregon.
Chattel Mortgage Sale.
Will Be
It must go and if the price has anything
to do with it, the sale will not last long
Their loss is your gain
Remember, any suit or overcoat in the
store goes for $10 Mackintoshes, $650
A massive lino of gents' neckwear, underclothing, collars,
culTd, hats, handkerchiefs, etc., suitable for Ht-n9iblo holiday
piesents, are all marked down to cost. Come early, before the
assortment is broken.
261 Commercial st.
of the Willamette Oniuersity.
Modern methods. Up to date. Same as in tbe raMera and Kuropenn Tonnorvatorles
None bat the beat is good enough for beginners aa well ua 1 r wore adva ced pupils.
7-1 n
The Willamette Hotel.
Reduced rutee, Management liberal. Electric cars leave hotel for all pub
ic buildings and points of Interest. Hpecial rates will bo given to permiuent
B. C, Hansen, Manager.
Only good horses used. Satisfaction guaranteed. Stables
hack of State Insurance block.
All grades and dimensions of Buldlng Lumber. Largest stook and'Lowcst
Plc. ' "J. E. BAKER, Manager.
and Tuesday.
A gent of Mortgagees.
xu n in iii ov iu.ij.nt
It. A. HEUITAUE, Voca- Director.
KM1L.I wlNKLEIt. Insmmrnui Director.
l '
C jn.-tt -
, i :