d .' ?MStJ&fflA $lh si?itfaln''hB IF THE BEST PIPE TOBACCO. KEg w ft This extra ordinary Ho" Juvcnator Is tlio moot wondorful dlsoovcry of (ho orc. It lias been en dowel by tlio leodlngsclcn (tno nicu of Europo and America. Iludyan fs puroly vego Ublo. tludian stops Pfematurnnfiw Constipation. DIulncM, Foiling Ben. twitching of tho oyes and othor potts. Strengthens, Invigorates nnd tones tlio cntlrosystcm. Hudjan curci Debility, Nervousness, KmUslons, anddcvolopu and, restores weak organs. Vt 'ns in the bak. lotsci li V n n v n of tho d Is- miiSMS cnargo in so days. Cures LUST MANHOOD nlghtstoppcl m quickly. Over 2,000 private endorsements. I'rematurcnos means lmootency .a ilio first b.Mtro. It Is a tytnptoni of seminal weakness ana barrenness It can bo stoppod la SO days bythousooflludyon, Tboriow discovery was madn by thoBncclal laUoftho old famous Hudson Medical Institute. It Is tlin strongest vltallzcr ruado. It la very powerful, but baimlcrs. Fold for 81.00 n pack ago orts packages for 85.00 (plain ssalcd boxes). Written guarantee. Rlvciiinra euro. Ifyoubuy rlx boxes and nro not entl.-ely cured, six more rUlbosont to you f-o of oil charges. domlfor rlrculcrsund testimonials. Address HUDSON MKDICAU INSTITUTE, function Stockton, Inrltet.fcI511lNts Nun l'ruiiclaco. Cal. Nerve Blood Tonic Builder IMndfot Cencrlotlv panipnlsl . WILLIAMS' tilt. MEDICINE CO., verbox. Schenectady, W.Y 3 to ri.5n ItrnrkvUle nut 4)1 I i i.i'll IHJISOIIUU remedy for Uonorrhcea, Oleul, Spermatorrhcna, WhltfR. tin natural dla. charge., or anr IniUmma noil, irruaiion ur uicr tlon iif mucous mem. IrHlEHNjCmutouCo. "an... Non-aiirlngcnt. now oj (irui;Bii 'or scut In pUln wr.ppor, by cinn, prrpktd, for Sf.on, or .1 iKlHIen. fi.JS. '' ' rvtii.t. n u i ii ii THE FASHION PAPER OF THE DAY. Baperb, Btrtotly "UpTo-Pote" Poslgns Illustrations and Fashion Notes. Bellablo, Bright and Clean. A year's subscription Only GO Conts, Uoludloj, (roe, your choice of any ono of too Celebrated fi'cCall Dazar Patterns, and nil patterns to subscribers for Only 10 or 15 Cents. This beautiful nnner free ono year to any person paying $1.60 In advance for 'be Daily Jouhnaij by mall elx months or for a loneer period. HOFEIt BROS., Editors. CHEAPEST. Salem. BEST. OflEGON. jswzim -S$$w fJ&W&mRw ?C?3I1HbW' -mjr9tZVr JHy GntrtDlMd aeus col itruwrt. 'I pfl OINCIIMTI.O . B p. a. -2Bj kSsV0'wMivT5 sSijRflr S THE QUEEN OF FASHSONJ pnki Niilim n iiimiii ffiwtiaiSiH'ri"lirilMMffii-iri!.il.iri u . uMiiind (feifiAfni fng, velfififiiaiii of a firtlion Iff fifotnotcd Add I wMllli t6ttmi by a pofldy wdlch, iu iimiAMnkliitf (o tmm l litifiia fimfhcfM tat (lie ixdliislya tiM tt HH wll i(ii, liCrrHflly obslfUbld UlMf BnlM lit f)f(.ii marked Mitt fifoveniA ffjifl Aeot'M M tlio jiroducln of Ilia world. (IKMMAtf TMAflH, Tlio ifffiii Milmiiinry of tlio trndd comlltloim with Oeniny uliimn Mint tlio (xmfU nllculcd ido InfKoly Ainerl on ii cnttlo nnd fond product", but liidttr Alloc companies nro aIbii RUirurlii, Tho president hukkcaI letnllnlory inemiures, flliould nil oxnmltiRtlqii Wftffntit tliem, wlillo dcolnrlhR tlio policy of tliU country no n producing nntlou should bo mnrhed with tinllonnl fjood fiillli Htid rculprocol f jrbcaraiico, OANADA AND AfiAfilCA. An appropriation for Hie survey oftbo Alaskan boundary In recommended, a Is also tho sum of f425,O0O lu full attlemont of British scaling claims. A commission to settlo tho boundary lines with Canada Is urged, MONUOK DOOTKlNK. In referenco to Venezuela, the presi dent maintains tho Monroe doctrine In opposing forcible Incrcaso by any European power of Its territorial power on this continent and suggests that Great Brltlan submit ola Ims to arbitra tion. HAWAII. The president touches briefly on the Hawaiian question, ending by saying that Mr. Thurston, tbo Hawaiian minister, furnished abundant raaons for asking that ho bo recalled. ALIEN LAWS. A change In tho alien laws is sug gested which will check the vicious system which at picsent ovorcomes the immigration nnd labor laws NICARAGUA. Tho president has no suggestion In the Nicaragua oasa but expects a peace ful settlement with such considerations and ludulgenco toward Nicaragua as are consistent. HAMOAN rilOTKCTOnATK. Tho president asks legislation to break the treaty or agreement by which this country is jointly bound with England and (Jormany, to assume the managemontof Samoa. NKUTBALITY TOWARDS OUBA. Attention Is called to the situation In Cuba and strict neutrality of this government is advised. Deoplto tho sentimental sympathy and advent urous etipport aroused In Americans by stories of oruelty and tho natural love of liberty, military arrests of American cltluens, tho rights of tho American consular ofllcors to protect proporty, and tho Allanca Incident, have been recognized and explained. THK BEASTLY TDRK. Tho occurrences in Turkey, while exciting concern, Information la hard to obtain but our consulary are in structed to investigate It Is not the Intention of this government to become entangled In the eastern question, but simply to care for those oatltled to It protection. Instructions have been sent of actual disturbances and on the demand of our minister orders have been Issued by tho Sultan that Turkish soldiers shall guard an tscort of Ameri can refugees to tho coast. It la earnestly hoped that prompt and eflectlvo aotiou on the part of tho great European powers will not be delayed. CONSULAR SERVICE, Owing to to tho growth of American Interests In foreign countries, the Im provement of the consular service Is urged. In accordance with the recom mondatlon of tho secretary of state, It has been decided to fill all consular positions, paying from $1,000 to 12,600 annually by a promotion, or transfer, from some other position in tho depart ment ofstato, These promotions are to be made by examination and Include 100 places. Legislation Is needed for consular inspection. OFFICIAL RESIDENCES. The president recommends that am bassadors and ministers at foreign courts bo provided with official resi dences. He advocates that while avoiding tho glitter and show of for eign uatlons this country should not suffer by comparison through the shab blnees ond parsimony of Its dlplomatlo corps. Children Cry for Pltohr' CttorIv NAfftWAfi NMAWiM. As tt0 follifn frnui a vlow of ullf ffit elgll folnllotirt Ui tlifl dOftftjulplnlldt) Of our UAllofiaf llttniiclnl yletii, wi riro IfiinleiilAtaly Awrtffl Hint Wd Aptitftnoll ft BtHJrfOl Of domealld coiltietll itturA lfl poHAftl lliftll Any oilier" Unit ckii eugnno Otlf alloiilltiii, l hfcst-til In stlrli rt ppf ilollf nnd (lollente' U'dicfmetil m lo reriuifdpromtilAtid Wld Hrraiigoiuciit. Wo may well bo oiicourngcd (o onrncst Mlor tin tills direction, whftil wo recall tho Uepii already (akon towards Itn (irovlng our eaunoiiila and fltinuolal sltuntloii ntid wlioti wo appreciate how well the way his been prepared for further progress by nil aroused and Intelligent popular Intprcst In tho sub. Jeots by command of tho people, FLEA FOR HKVMNUE. AmjHjotiisfttid revetiuo systom, de signed fpr the nroteotlon and bonoflt of favored olasiea at the oxponso of tho groat mass of our countrymen nnd whloh, wlillo incftlolont for tho purpose of ravonuoB, curtailed our trado rota tions nnd Impeded our entrance to tho markets of tho world, has beon sus pended by a tariff policy, whloh in principals based upo'n a denial of that right. A LICK AT SILVER. Tho compulsory purohaso and col li ngo of til ver by, the government, un protected and regulated by business, conditions, and heedless ot our cur rency needs, which for moro than 15 years deluded our people as to the vol ume of circulation, undermined con fidence abroad in our financial ability, and at loast culminated In distress and panlo at homo, has beon recently stop ped by the ropcal of tho laws whloh forced this reckless Bchemo upon .the country. MORE FINANCIAL REFORM. ThOithlngs thus accompllsod, not withstanding their extremo importance and benoflclont effects, fall far short of curing tho monetary ovlla from whloh wo Bufior as a result of long indulgence in ill-advised finanolal expedients. After explaining tho resumption of SDeoIe'!paymunt and tho creation of the reaorvegold runaor $100,000,000, tuo president gives a brief monetary his tory of tbo United States, quoting tho fact that In July, 1800, congress pro vided for tho purchase of silver bullion but decided that gold and sllvor must bo kept at a parity. MORE FINANCIAL FACTS. Tho redeemed treasury notes treated as gold obligations in 1803, amounted to $255,000,000 with $500,000,000 moro outstanding, this served to deplete tho gold reeervo In April, 1803, to $07,011, S30, nnd tho president ascribes Its further depletion to high tariff laws In vogue until) the passago of tho Wilson blll,together with tho Infusion of silver into the curronoy and tho increasing agitation for Its freo coinago. THE 110ND I8SDES. In consequenco of these conditions tho roserye bad fallen In February, 1804, to $05,438,877, a decreaso of $31, 000,000 in nine months. To rollevo this state of alfalrs $02,000,000 in bonds were Issued In three periods under tho re demption act of 1805. President Cleveland explains the necessity of tho Morgan syndicate contract and de clares If, at Ita session in July, congress had authorized tho Issuance of 8 per cen,t b?nds, $10,009,000 would havo b;on saved. THE GOLD RESERVE, Despite these efforts, the gold reaervo Is in about the same condition, there being but $70,833,000 In hands at pres ent Between 1870 and 1800 but $28, 000,000 of gold wns withdrawn, while between 1000 and 1805 the amount Is $375,000,000. This is attributed to tho Increased purchase of silver. The gov ernment has paid In gold nine-tenths of lt notes and owes them all. It has incurred n bonded indebtedness of $05,600,000 in establishing tho gold reserve, and expended $102,816,400 In an effort to maintain Its currency, besides an annual Interest of $11,000, 000. Immediate legislative relief is asked. Greenbacks and treasury notes should be retired by exchanging the bonds for bonds of small denomina tions. A IIOND ISSUE ASKED. The secretary of tho treasury should be empowered to sell bonds abroad for gold In order to cancel these notes. Tbo amount of .currency thus with drawn would not bo oyer $480,000,000, which would bo supplied by gold. Children Cry for P,ftchr' Caftorm Jlflftrt futtfr NofKfl. 'Mm pfnfttefll fliiKKPid m a relief In clrcillnllnfl (tint (mnks lid nlfowtitl ( iMllfl IfllfM To Ul6 full ninoillit of (inmlfl il6io.fwhuiil ilioinx oh tliolr elreiiHIoii bd reduced (ootio Mirtfiof ono per cent, A n further relief It Is QiitfttcplMl (lint tovpiiuo (Willed Inn bo mado pnyiililo In o!d, not pnld III United HlnlPA mid (rrnmtry utiles on itemnml, and In Insist In imylng silver for (ho union, tlio president declares would Injure (ho parity between p,old and silver whloh tbo guvorninonl Is bound (0 maintain, NATIONAL BOLVENUY. An excels of rovonuo receipts would not niter the question of national Rolvoiioy, as In tbo struggle to main tain tho gold reeorvo tho treasury could not pay debts with tho money It has but only with gold, and that to tbo foreign Investor wns tho only conctrn, As tho withdrawal of gold Is a direct result of fright, there Is nothing to alllveata tho situation so much as legislation which will lesson tho dcslro for gold. It Is not clear how an In crcaso In rovonuo, unless It bo In gold, can satisfy those whoso only deslro Is to draw gold from the government store. Thoruforo a rovonuo Inoreaso Is deprecated. AGAINST 10 TO 1. Speaking of tho proposition to ro llevo tho financial situation by tho free coinago of stiver at n ratio of 10 to 1 the president declared that no government, no human contrlvanco, no act of legis lation has ever been able to hold the two metals together In free colnngo at a ratio of appreciable dlflerenco from that which Is established in the markets of the world. A ohaugo in the standard to silver monomotallsm would bring a collapse to our entire credit system. Statu of Ohio, City of Toledo,) Lucas County j Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he Is the senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, County nnd State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOL LARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot bo cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure, Franr J, ClIRMEY. Sworn to before me nnd subscribed In my presence, this 6th day of December. A. D. 1886. AAV. Cleason. 4 SEAL, Notary Public Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken Internally and acts directly on tho blood and musous surfaces 01 the system, bend tor testimonials, free. F.J. Cheney & Co.,Toledo, O KSold by Druggists, 75c. When Baby was sick, wo cavo licr Castorla. When alio was a Child, tl cried for Castorla. When alio bocamo Ml, alio rlung to CostorU, When alio bad Children, 0io garo them Castor!, Thuro are 177765 miles of railroad In tho United States. Thoro uro 00,835,880 rails used to cover tins ground. Thoro aro 633,205,000 tics used to bind these rails together, but no nuch amouut. howover. Is required to bind tbo hearts of the traveling publlo to the faat that the Wisconsin Central lines furnish Buporlor facilities on all their tralUB botwoeu t. 1'aui and uuicago which form close connection with all lines to tho east and south, Mako a noto of it. Almost O Distracted DID YOU EVER suffer from real nor Tousnoss? When ovory ncrvo eootnod to quiver with a peculiar, croopy fooling, first lu ono placo, and then another and all eocmod finally to conccntrato In a writhing Jumblo lu tho brain, and you bo come Irritable, fretful and peovUlu to bo followed by an Impotent, woakencd condi tion of tho nervo centers, ringing In the ears, and sleepless, mlsorablo nights ? rtt MM PC Mrs. Eugene Boarlcs, Ul I'lUCd no Btmonton gt., Elk- Nervine ati In,, say8: "Nor vous troubles had made ReSIOreS me nearly lnsano and TJ Ifli physicians were unable xlCalUlfteti, to help mo. My memory was almost gono nnd ovory little thing worried mo until I was almost distracted, I really feared I was becoming a maniac. I Imagined nil sorts of ovll things and would cry over nothing. I commenced taking Dr. Mllos' Uoatorotlvo Nervino nnd four bottles of this wonderful remedy completely cured mo, and 1 am ns well now as 1 over was.'1 Dr. Miles' Nervine ! sold on gutrantoe, first bottlo will benefit or money refunded, rEawjag 'rvi''jfr sillV tf sflsM sV.Jsiiil 'BkVr-.H sat B W Jsbsbs H Ur Infants ntj. Children. " ' iihiihiuih.iiiww Mmit iiiihii.11,.1 MOTHERS, Do You KNoWiMh. luttftun'l Drop, OodfftyM Coidlat, many su-talled llootlitntr Ayrnp, and most remedies for children are comjKMed of opium or morphine r o VoM Know that optutn and morplilne are tlapefylrig narcotle potsonsf To Voti Know tfist In most countries dt ugjIsUure not psrmttted tostllnareetlcs without labeling them poisons f tin Vom Know that you should not permit any medicine to b given your child unless you or your physician know of what It Is composed t o Voti Know that Castorla Is a purely vegetable preparation, and that a llslef Its Ingredients Is published with every bottle 7 tin Voti Know that Castorla Is the prescription of the fatuous Dr. Oamnet rltoher. that It has been lu use for nearly thirty years, and that more Castorla U now sold lin of all other remedies for children combined t Tin Vow Know thsl the ratent Office Department of the United mates, and of other countries, have Issued exclusive right to Dr. 1'Itcher and his assigns to use the word " Cat erlfi" and lis formula, and that to Imitate them Is state prison o&nser He Yew Know that one of the reasons for granting- this government protcctlws ' was because Castorla had been proven to be atsaelMteljr IsansalesHi T To Vom Know that 33 tvrerasre doses of Castorla are furnished for m seuta, or one cent a dose 1 o Vom Know that when possessed orthls perfect preparation, your cWWrw aaay fee kept wcltf and that you may have unbroken rest t Welt, tliewe tlttngw are worth knowing. They are fads. Tlie fHc-Httnlle iTgT" HlgnatMre Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla; 5-t S X JL laW. X M A. I rT Vswat tsbbbbbbbbbbbbbk. av1 iB FIVE PRIZES! THE CAPITAL JOUR NAL does not do & lottery businoB8 to swell itacirculotion; but in addition to giving value reqeiyed, it gives its subscribers valuablo premiums, Now is tho time to order your rofidincc matter, and it will pay you to notice tho following special eilers: Anyone of the following five periodicals free, ono year. to any subscriber ot THE JOURNAL who pays $1.50 in advance for tho DAILY, by carrier, threo months, (50 cent- a month), or by mail six months, (25c a month), or tho WJfiJSKLY lb months, (1 a year). "Queen of Fashions." Tho best lG-rago illustrated fashion magazine of Now York free for one year. Tho above pneus aro net cash, and tho rthea est combination over of fered. Tho "Queen" is a high class, practical, homo magazine, "The Child Garden Tho delightful Chicago chil dren's magazine. J ust the thing to read to tho little onos of tho homecirele It brings tho kin dergarten into tho home. Song, u tunes and story.. Beautifully illustrated, $r a year. Pub lished by the": Kindergarten Literature Co, 22 wrapper, "The Farm News." A practical farm paper, ed-. itod oyf a stafF of oxperienood agricultural write b, contributed to by tho best; known, agricul turists of tho country. It con tains what tho (armor wants" Womankind. Ahandsomo, attraotive,home papor,-to which ovory woman will givo a hearty wolcomo. The Toledo Blade. That great national nows papor, which is known to every body. SAMPLE COPIES of any of theso Publication can bo had by calling at THE JOURNAL office or dropping us a postal card. Any two of the above peri odicals can bo scoured by pay ing$8 and takingTIIE JOUR N AL twice as long as required to secure ono. When tho oxtromoly low price of THE JOURNAL is considered, this will bo found the most liberal offer made by any paper on tho coast. H0FER BROS; Editors, Salem, Or est ec .. m , Stmt Thnxih t!W Tickets fftATMH EAST ! -ViA TMK- Union Pacific System Thfoegh rnllman rleo Mlff, TowM PORTLAND to OHICAQO Wnioh M wany koani quieter Umm all mr. peuto's. apply to K9UM A BAX1CKE, Uesend .Asmrt. IMlaM.AU 1 ThlM C INwMJ. N OMTHLCRKl I? u N s Pullman tleanl SlMpinr Cars Dlnlrip Cn SlMrafnCwi Tourla srt PAUL MINNEAPOLIS DULUTH FARGC GRAND FOffKS CROOKSTOk WINNIPEG HELENA aw iUTTE 70 THTiOUttH TIOKjKTS TO CHICAGO wAsmNGT0N; WW BOSTON cud till rtlfrt Et end Southl sFor lBferaaUea, UtaedieaMa, uapi . TH0JKA8. WATT A CO,, 35 Oommerc!l au'jaleu, tjli Or A. D Charlton, Aflst, Gon'l.'I'as. Am Morrises St., corner Third, 1'ortland, Or. 0. R & I JCJ MONKIIX, KECEIVKK. To This East GIVE TUJC OHOIOMCOK WO mNSCONTBilTAL R50TK -VIA- GREAT NORTHERN RY; JDNIOR PAC1EKM - Lw;;iWes til ;ll Mn CiliM. Ocean steamers'leaveirorUandeveryJSveliJay For fall details calljjn or address . HOIHJG A MAriKKK. W.i.H, KUKUIUM, 0b. I'm. Acat. :trtlB4,Of (G. AT, POWERS, Local Tioket Agi Ko'lviTrad at. Oregon Central Eastern R. R. Co (XAQUIKA BAV JKHrTK.l Ooaneettng at'Yaqulna Bay wltkftlHiaa Francisco und Yaquisa Hmt Bfaaaaaafa Oe, .HTJCAKKk -'riKALUtH," A 1 and ftrsw cUw la every ret. laJis fressi Yaqulna for Haa Jfraaelss ftfcwt vwyl days. rsMtamr aeeoBamoasis 8mwmsI BhorUM routs betwe !& qieWavnj s as CaU(ori. Hftt Irom Alay, or'yotaU west, to Mats roJBd trip, (food 00 4i. lit, for SAlllnx days a,iMUr to K.li.WAU)KN,Al 'AUIKNjAtMt OSi&OJi- I juiwtn TTumm, 'A."J, OHDMOHILL, Unl Awnti.1 EKNYROYAt PILLS - -f-" - Art, tlirut ti4.Hi. ion. . Iliuab. f.rVWrl.H.n Ji. JN MMHl JnMJ I. SS IM l.M ! msm. wiJJi vlth tlrt rt&fcM Tiwi ialkr, AJJJ""--" . In .timti. S MltlsvUrl. imUhuMM ' U.KJ ar y- - In IMir. H CkjSSliStamUlilL. WV J .11 WW if Nlma. t i. FJ!! I tssk am i 1 1 H T 11 'i f r ,n 4-,r -c t.yv-?' - s' - - r.