Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, December 02, 1895, DAILY EDITION, Image 1

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    pi in )4ffi imii ijungiyw mtwrnum wim ?.i...i wn r p,imii.i tipiiiiiwiil
mmwiinirirrV-'- - ln
yifi5 MONTH,
imltu (toiritul ifountaL
ii i.Mi(iinBijfwmMiiiun.all) rt-1n , p,, mumfji irniiTwiiuMi
riP .. adfbf'
Road Machinery and Agricultural Implements
Latest Improved Goods and Lowoat Prices.
W. Cor. Stain And Llhprtv St. SALEM, OREGON
"THE pifllR sT0RE
For Bargains in Everything
"Wo sell silver dollars for OOc.and everything else in proportion.
f $10
Just Think of It. Just Think of It. $14, $1B $10.80,
$20,l$22.r0and $25. They alltyo for $10.
We have no excuse for this great feast. Onlylwo must
have the money In our fist before you talio the clothes.
We ve lust rccel von 2Z Prince Albert suits. They're
marked $20. They go durlnyl th Is saleat $ JO.
."'' HHI'i'i
$ ,
"""""''iw "y"s, """"nt
- 00
a pit a t tot TR N'A
- assocjat 0 ijKa. pAitvr.-
I Hil ''MllWIWlIWIllIMU.IUIl'lffMI
h At jtm oitmoi!t moiTH", iyMmmm
rn (
Ffrfll flffiflion of llio Flfly-Fotirlli
Coiigwsa Open.
Houso Will Elect Olllcers
Mcssngo Until Tucsdnj'.
(Continued from (bird pngo.)
Washington, Dee. il. Tlio report
of tiio Hon. James it, Eoklcs, cou I rol
ler of the curronoy, to bo submitted ,to
congress tomorrow, gives Information
In detail In regard to tlio organization,
oupervlalon and liquidation of tlio
tinllonal banks for the year ended
October .11, 1805, nnd similar Informa
tion n far as nbtalnnblo relatlvo to
banks, bunking companies, and saving
Institutions organized nnd doing busl
ncss under tbo laws of the sovoral
states and territories. In addition
tbo report shows briefly tlio various
systems of banking in operation ln
foreign countries, and In tho states
and territories comprising tbo union,
ns affording Information as to iho dif
ferent methods employed to facilitate
commercial exchanges and sustain tho
banknote circulation,
Tho total number of national banks
organized slnco tho dato of tho first
certificate of authority was Issued,
Juno 20, 1S63, to the closo of the report
year, has been 6,023, making a yearly
uvorogo of 162. Of the number organ
Ized, thero was ln notlvo operation
Octobor 31, lost, 3.17l5,wlth aa author
ized capital stook of (064,130,015. The
total amount of their circulation out
standing was (218,887,030 of which
amount 1100.180, 001 was secured by
United Btatcs bonds and (23700,0(10 by
lawful monoy deposited with tho
United States.
During tho year 43. banks woro or
ganized, being less than 30 per cent of
tho yearly avornge, with (an nggrcgato
capital stock of (4,800,000. Of these
now banks, 28, with a capital stock of
(2,630,000 are in the northern nnd
northwestern section of tho country,
nnd 16, with a capital stock aggregating
(2,300,000, In the south nnd southwest.
Thero was n not Incrcaso during tbo
year of (10,770,607 In tho amount of
circulation secured by bonds, and a
gross increase of 0,822,610 in the total
September 28, 1806, tho date of the
last report of tho condition of 3,717
banks then reporting, their total re
sources wero (3,423,020,313.03, of which
(2,050,403,402.27 represented their loans
and discounts; nnd (360 677,680 01
mnuey of all kinds in bank. Of their
liabilities, (1,701,050,621.28 ropresontod
Individual deposits; (330,888.80 surplus
and net undivided profits, and (182,
481,010.50 outstanding circulation se
cured by bonds.
Of tho 3,712 banks in notlve opera
tion, 2,001, with a captltal stock of
(630,726,832, are in tho Northern and
Northeastern half of the country, and
814, with n capital stock of (120,841,050,
In tho South and Southwest. There
2,011 national banks located east of the
Mississippi, with a capital stock of
Tbo corporate exlstenco of 71 national
banks in 10 states, with n capital stock
of (10,002,000, and n total circulation of
(3,220,375, has been oxtonded during
the year.
Tho number ol banks leaving tho
system by reason of tho expiration of
their corporate cxlutonco was four,
having a capital stock of (300.000, and
a circulation of (123,700. Of these two
wero located In New York, and one
eaou in Maine and Pennsylvania.
During tbo year ending October 81,
1800, the corporate existence of 28
banks, with a capital stock aggregating
(3,453,800, and circulation of (1,310,400,
will expire. In the succeeding ton
.IBS',. JU..
jfMi, tftiM Itoo to Km Uro- 6orfnlo"Btn(iiijnlietrtbelK genniof Wdrifltlo
exiMattce of 889 batiks, haying-ncapl'"!
stook ()f$l29l0!.(5O, and a 6lrcUfn(l6tl
of 141,611,887; Willi ojt)if,
CTiio fllllnbef of btftiks leaving tfitf
lyatcni during (lie year, (firotigli vol.
Hillary liquidation, wa ol, having n
cnpllnl slock of 10,00,1,100 and otrdtila
(Ion of (1,150,000,
ltccolver-, of 30 banks have been ap
pointed during tlio year, Tlio aggre
gate capital stock of thea banks was
f6,230,020 nnd (heir circulation $1,003,
402. Of theso bank two, with it capital
stook of 460,000, wro reported last year
aa being In voluntary liquidation, and
nine, with a capita stook 6f $2,760,000
wero of tho number of banks which
closed tbolr doors lh 1803 and subset
ouently resumed business, but, through
contlnuod business depression and tho
slow oharnoter of their assets, wero
uuhOle to meet their obligations, and
were thus compelled to go into insol
vency, r
Washington, pec. 2. Tho first,
week of tbo 64th ioDgrets, whloh eon
voned at noon tody,promlfs nothing
at either end of tie capital in the way!
of actual legislation. The time before
tho Christmas .holidays is usually do
voted to prellmlnaVjr matters, and the
work of the eestslodoefl riot besrin un
til after tho recess. - The new congress
will probably not be an exception to
this rule. The senate prooeediuga may
be enlivened by an ftttompt at reorgan
ization, but In th& bouse nothing can
bo douo until the flbmmitteea aro ap
pointed. Bpeakorj-efect Reed says the
committees will po announced this
week, with perhai a sluglo excep
tion tho oommltfee on rulos. This
committee formulates tho rules whloh
aro to govern tbehouso during its ses
sion, and it Is customary for the speaker
to namo It during the first week ln or
der that It can Immediately begin lta
labor. While It iVbollaved tho rutas of
tho 61st congretf, over which Mr.
Iteod presided, reported for the
guidance of the present house, it Is un
derstood a few cfiafeges will be made as
tho remit ot cxpJrlonce, designed to
still further lmpr6votlTehouse ma
chlnery rnd the facilitation of publlo
Kerr, clork of tho Inst houso, called
tho house to order. After tho rollcall
tbo election of officers, nominated by
the Republican caucusSnturday night,
occurred, and as Boon as Reed Is for
mally Installed asspeaker, tho drawlug
of scuts, which Is known as tho con
gressional "roflle" will follow.. This
was somewhat tedlous,',but an amusing
adalr and occupied tho 'remainder of
tho day. Tlio reading of tho presi
dent's mossago will consume Tuesday,
and at its conclusion tho houso will
probably adjourn until Thursday, and
upon convening adjourn Immediately
until Moudny. Theso adjournments
will probably continuo until tho com
mittees aro aunouusod.
If tlio Republicans deoido upon an
oflort to reorganize, as Is now generally
conceded, the Democrats will follow
with a conference Tuesday or Wednes
day, at whloh they probably will
decide upon a course of action. It
now appears probable that all three
parties will place candidates for presi
dent pro tern in the field, and, In that
ovont tho weok will ho enlivened some
what by a strangular contest for this
and other offices of tho senate.
The estimates for the next fiscal year
are (418,001,073. Of tho 401 members
350 were present at the opening today.
Washington, Dee. 2. Tire sllvor
conference called for toduy was a dls
appointment to its projectors, The
only tienators who attended wore Allen,
Kyle, Pefiurnnd Stewart, Populists;
Tillman, Democratic -and Prltohard,
Mantle and Teller, Republicans. The
small attendance showed nothing
could be done. Senator PeQor was of
tho opinion that party ties were too
strong to hope to organize a sliver
party in the senate.
Washington, Dee. 2. Tbo eenato
was called to order promptly at noon.
The vice president administered the
oath of office to tho senators elect,
- lti III llHiIMM
ii aprftta
ofOegod. Tiifltlsiinl forniM Molif
tlon wero adopted, A( liSO It waa
announced (lint (ho president's nitsinKo
would hot o edlimlWed today and the
enato adjourned Tlitf Kdpublfrari
MtiatoM cwlotmcd half an hour but ad
Journed unfit Wednesday, without
Inking net Ion of reorganization of com
mittee", ItfcKt) sl'JJAKfl AOAtN.
Washington, Dec. 2. Tllomas D
Itced'fl speech, dh tutting the chair nV
speaker of thb home today, was as fu
"It will not be unbecoming In me
ttope, If I acknowledge to thtfSeetkiti
that It Is very aireeabt a
oflce more In the place"! tifffixfry&n
ago. or mpast, howe,f , I tftkirtfot
speak, forthd paBl speaM for Itself ih
terms more fitting any a
than any words whfoti ciift
from my irps. Nor shall I speSVflM
future,' for we are. not putting 60" tilt
harueM, but tu(tlag U ob. "Vet tih'lnk
X venture, to say of (he future, Id the
light of the post, Ifcat if we do some
thing whlcfi1 for the moment Besma
inadequatetlt may be that time, whloh
has Justified Itself for us on many occa
sions, may do so again. Tli&ltf
who have aoted with w'lt64
horetoforo may be' fairly
expected to act with wisdom
hereafter. I am sorry to say that the
pleasure associated' with tbohondryou
have bestowed o'n me, an honor no
American citizen can fall to appreciate,
and for which I give thanks, onddrea
but for a moment or so, whllo tho cam
and responsibilities extend over many
days. So far as the performance of my
duties affects the whole people of the
United States, I envoke their consider
ate' Judgment. Bo far as It efftcU
members of tbta bouse, I ask from txJtb
chambers that cordial co-operation
without which I cannot hope to suc
ceed, assuring them'that no effort on
my part will be spared to aid them in
the performance of their duties by that
entire Impartiality whloh is their Just
due. The Republican caucus nominees
for'houab idfllCorrWere then promptly
A comploto synopsis of the pres
ident's message will bo given our
renders tomorrow, tbrobgh tho courtesy
of tho Western Union telegraph com
pany. Foreign News.
Constantinoplb, via Sofia, Bulntla,
Dee. 2. While being doslroua not do
ing anything whloh would In any way
tend to induce disturbances or hinder
tho work of restoring order, tho powers
again appear unlnlmously resolved to
insist upon a demand for extra guard
ships. In consequenco tho Ambassa
dors havo arranged for meeting today
to consider what notion Is necessary In
view oftheSulten'a combined objection
to granting tho Firmans. In the mean
whllo tho Impression la being convoyed
to tho publlo that the Sultau has won
a great vlotory.
This tends to make tho mattor moro
dclloato to handlo. The Bo-called firing
upon tho British ship Loch Rannoch,
ln tho Dardanelles, Is said by Turkish
officials to be easily explained. They
say the Loch Rannoch, a warship, ar
rived after sundown, and Instead of
anchoring attempted to proceed nnd
was slgualled from shoro by a gun
shot to bring up.
As she did not do so a second shot
was fired and tho Looh Rannoch let
go her anchor. If the matter had been
serious, as the Odessa correspondent
of the daily News made out, tho cap
tain of tho Looh Rannoch would cer
tainly bayo made cemplalut at tho
British embassy.
"The Common People,"
Ab Abraham Lincoln called them, do
not care to argue about their ailments.
What they want Is a medicine that
will cure them, The simnle. honest
statement, "I know that Hood's
Sarsaparilla cured me," la the best
argument in favor of the medlclne,and
this is what many thousands voluu.
tartly say,
Hood's Pills aro tho best after-dinner
pill, assist digestion, cure head
ache, 26o.
Children Cry for
Pltohtr'ft Castorl.
T ,
Highest of all In Leavorifrfg Poweftalcst V& Gov't Kirt
Af !(0iVu.Orlnr'ji.Ifn!tciY$'fnt llm
fijfcfr Wo'olcnf Mill. '
i4 '
tfgkt of Speakots nnd Somo Inter
0 csung Facta.
Shall Salem raise the (26,'o6o slock
subscription to the enlarged woolen
npMtlBg attReed'a opera bouse
U)lrtjj'elock wlUiektermlne this
matter' tlgV T"
krWCornaCk, of tho First
Natiat"-s!$lil?rand a man largely
IntereaUd laBalom entorprlrca wilt
preiilcNjfsd. open the ball fltbatbrltf
uutincse statement, anu introuuco tue
other sptiajcers among whomjvlll be
such meQatf J. M. Wallace, TlTmon
Ford, Geo. G. Bingham, Mayor Gatcb,
J. J. Shaw, John H. Albert, M. W.
Hunt, D. H. Looney, of Jellorson,
W'ter L, Toozo. of Woodburn, and
'Mr. McCorunck will take fionio stock
The statemont put out by tho com
mittee contains tlfteo facts;
Salem woolen mills paid out In flvo
Iu wages .....x ...(161,221 20
Wood 1 ' 18 8(19 82
Wool. ,... '..:.. 224,701 82
Other expense 83,018 38
Total outlay ln five years.(-l23,035 22
This business can be doubled by tak
ing (26,000 st,oek , ;l
' I 'r . I 1 . I it
J. J.
vC We Start the Ball Rolling, X
Ladies Jackzets
in. Boucle, Bine Beaver, Blaolc,
Blue, Brown and Tans,
- AT - COST -
All Our $4 Jackets go for $3,25,
All our $5 Jackets go for $4,25,
All our $12 Jackets go for $8,50,
All our $20 Jackets go for $14,
IW IK or W THIS ffll
I fit If CA in bfii
IVUVrttoiA 6i mm
ri wtwr,
W lllWIf'iT'
TliotHJfa f misleading, a It AM
not InsludL wjat was oxpemtM mt
machinery iulldlDgs and peja' JMA,
Mr. KayrSr.,J'Old'roP7t7me
present and prcsoht facfiirtllli
abouttho profltsi of the aill l th
aTGoIA. O.'lTwlll p.o
there shoujdbe a c(ft;df 4 tows. Sa
lem peop1frjAQwant to seyoa hun
dred famflTerglven a cbaae to ettf
poit themselves should encottrafe ibW
meeting by tbolr attendance. 1M U
bo asocial, frlondly, -itrIo44 booM
protectiyo gathering. Tb It will be)
a Bucccsfl and will. bear good fntik
A word of caution i hmtffJSo
one should be 'lndicejl to Uke sWBlu
undur pressure of Htl
lie sentiment. lforW
are favorably Impteesed with
presented, if It Is shown to twa.
hiiAlnpM tironaftltloB from Um
ntmnv.mnUfnflr(itaiuhfalnt. W fftllMt
tain they will rmt .theif.T?80 w
pooketa aud ulfc.ralse'ttita jttMdy.
We believe aff will antt sHWktbelp j
raise this adbstdy cheerfully to IW
exttetof their ability. Tot nw&tf
RhoaleT&BAlall bo Buborlbd by Um
Wnior fho poor. There auouW imA
euoh dlstinotlone. But the right ote-
posltion will we beTitivo be atobw'at wd
moro thab tbo required aafouut will
be voluntarily oflered la ..stock and
BUbBoriptlons. " . j-t
Statk or Ohio, City of Toledo,!
Lucas County. J .
Frank J. Cbeney makes or.tli that he Is the
senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney &
Co., doing buiincss in the City ot Toledo,
County nnd State Oforefald, and that ald fitm
will nay the sum of ONK HUNDRED DOL
LARS for, each and, every cne of Cutivrrh that
cannot bo cured by thefUse of Hall's Catatrk
, . , , FRANR. J. ClIRMlY.
Sworn to before me and subscribed in my
ftsrice tills 6th day of December, A. D.
1886. "it t
-ix A.W. CLttASOtf,
skai. Notary PuWk
Hall's Catarih Cure is taken internally ad
acts directly on thb blood and muioussurfecM
of the system, .Send for testimonials, free
F.J.Cheney & Co.Toiedo, O.
iy Sold by5 Druggists, 75c. 1r t
I in 1 I ii 1 ii 1
mi ijjj