-""' f - ''4affi.ffi?Syii ; -rni sr "" nai'iW'JWWWw fnv- ' . - tf i OUR ENTIRE STORE ,1S SHLE By the lumo or single piece Clothing for Men and Boys. The greatest opportu nity. The Lowest goods ever offered, WOOUEA Items ;jof Interest A. now lino of children's ibbed vest and pants, ilct.e-.jr , 25c n, garment. All sizes. Our Ion delayed line ol children's Union Suits now in. The cotton ones are GOc. Wool are 75c and up. A fine gar ment for children. Why crochet your eye8 out making ice wool fascinators, whon ) ou can got thorn in the Very newest patterns from 65c up. bee our inside. But! lino on display If you'd nithor make them we have the ice wool in I oz. balls 15c, 2 for 25c. Wo can sell you a goad Gorman Knitting Yam, three skoins fr 50c. The best that's made, 25c skein. Wo have a substantial fleect lined ho3 in ladies' sizes, 25o. f Wo havo boys' ribbed wool hoso that arc like our cotton, in tlmfc they're the best that's i made for tho money, 25c. Good silesins, 10c and up. Skirt linings, 5c and up. I Fibro fabrics, 20c and up. T H0LVERS0N & CO. 'raoNc ts. PERSONALS. Cua. Belt, of "jOlilaa, waa lu Balem yesterday. Gideon Btolz came up from Portland lat night. P. V. Bodgera was a passenger for ". Portland today. Caa. Uellenbrand returned last ! algat from Portland. J. It. Dickinson left this morning tot Tftconia on business. A. Ktloger, the jolly brewer, had ' btMaeas In Canby today. D. II. Johnson, of Mehama, was a i Balem visitor yesterday. J. W. Cuslok, an Albany banker, waa In Balem yesterday. Hop buyer Ceo. W. Hubbard weut to Jefferson this morulng. J. M. Watson, oouuty commissioner, returned to Turner laat night. UIm V. Clarke returned last ulght , from a few day'a ylslt m Portland. Architect W. C, Knighton returned hla morning from a trip up the valley. Supervitor Bakestraw, of Chemawa, , waa In Balem today returning on the j afternoon tialn. W. T. Slater, attorney for the State Ieaurance company, was a passenger tx Eugene today. Dr, E. V. Boealter returned to Port land thU morning after a short visit -with Balem friend. Mr. and Mrs, W. B. Fowler came Capes and Jackets. - LATEST STYLESPOPULAR PRICES. -JU Good value. S3 il-'le'otucouWop. upprc4r "'"' klylUUljrtrtmtutdvllb black kcrp&. UBabrtld, Uotxtltustb. . i2 Kfl-MUifa' Bty bias ktvtr Jrtt, m,tit joubl brranttd, lro 3vf, tninu.nl tritb buck biald aud i ru buttoac Ae. 8 toll r. breaated.wlthS Urn button. Lare ktcM. VMTtylUh Ast.lllolS f 1A-Uae,irrJaekt.made flne au i only a ffwln. .'gu woolcluakluf. Doub bmultdni 1 1 ct) nn-ln ! pIoUj cap, prcAuly aleT(a. Ure buitona. Very tl j vJ.VU tnuimcd with Mr. Very lull awcp, and prmy jtt, U to IS. 'oi many MU itold lot lit) Orsl of tuon. Bist toodj, lowrt rlca. We ar the rtopia for cap. JckU and nsatklntothev A VA Uark i41k Ort to r given away la our drraa pd derartment, t W'-ILLIS BROS. & CO., fr TV Cruh Dry Gwxl Clothing and Bhc;Houw,;Cvj-Btr Court and Liberty FOK. Prices. The best ii STORE up from Porttaud lait night where t.iey liavi tn.cn visiting. MUsei (J-tlljta Moore, Franc a Prk h'JMt itu 1 Inez Rilan wont to Albany tli ni-rtrig f.r a short visit. P.v Farm r, pitor of the MtMt litptltt church, uml daughter, Mfea Wiiiuli', returned from Portland last u'ght. J, K. McCoru.tck, tlucashlof of the security of the ritato Hunk, of Pal .use City, pw-ed through rfalem today ou hla way home from a visit fu Eugene Mrs. 12. A White who has been Hit guoat or hor sou D. A. White the Court street feu a dea'er, for the past month left for her homo at Bpokatie this niurnlng. CllUord Knutuer la selling the beau tiful new book "How Marcus Whitman Saved OreKon" It should have a place la every home and public library. Give him your order. Evkninu School. Tho Capital 'Business college evening school will opon on Monday next. If n eutllclont number register before and on that night to justify coutiuulug. Persons who work durlug tho day seldom have such n good opportunity to Improve thwlr education nloug practical lines, as Is now ollered at the business col lege. The prluclplo will be at the college ofllce Friday and (Saturday oveolugs of this week, fram 7 to 8 o'clock to answer Inquiries and register atudouta. The State Sewkk. A Joviinax. reporter has been trying to Jcurn some thing of tho status of tho L'hemeketa street sewer to bo built by the stute. At least a million aud a half of brick are made, A hard brick Is needed. There will bo considerable convict labor employed and the sower will be constructed under the direction of Superintendent Gilbert. The Intention now Is to begin tho work early In the Bprlug aud completo it durlug the summer. Fiiek Lkotukk. Mra. I. Addlton, state superintendent and lecturer of the W. C. T. O. of Oregon, will speak at tho W. C.T. U. hall on Court street, ou Saturday evening at 7:30. All labor orders are earnestly requested to attend and hear hor on Labor question. She will also speaK ou Sunday on Teniper auce work. Don't uilns hearing her. YV. C. T. U. com. Ofeickrs Elected. As their re gular meeting yesterday the Catholic Ladles' Social aud Belief society elected tho following the oftloers for the ensu ing year. Mrs. YUla Davey, president; Mrs. Bose Alkln, viceprealdent; Mrs. Lou Edea, secretary; Mrs. T. K. Ford, treasurer; Mrs. Lynch, assistant secret ary; Mrs. F. M. Glese, door keeper. Foothalu A very Interesting gam e comes oil at Corvallls, Saturday, be tween the Puclflo collego aud Agri. cultural college teams. Coach Morse and a delegation of 8alem players will go up to witness the game and Mr. Morse will write a criticism of the game for Monday's Journal, Notice. Water consumers wll1 pleise take notice of the change In the regular notice of Salem Water Co. lu this paper. 5 A nn-ftne black txaver tackct, doabl button. Very rooa tiu. tea uuo iookidc ooai. l nn-liUck double ciitb. wld toriu vvi.uu collar, collar aua cade baniUomtlr trtmtued with toutarh braid. Caauucd wltnclaip acd thice iarx Cft fin NJ blue doubls cp, trimmrd 5U.UU wi,u ihit row of braid oa cullar 0IIUW1. and cat. t.h. Hay, vruroi aoa itjl- ? tft- VinAiuukbaucar.ulatudvltU IVl'JU (ncr or Annul fur. A. IsMnlr. AT TJEB COURT XOUIE. The Day's 7ree41ag3 U the Da. yret. BEAL ESTATE TRAMSFEKS Jlnrry Savage, unmarried, to Phillip Fischer, block A iVhltney ad to Stay, ton, f 1.076. II. IX Osterhouetl, unmarried, to M. 8, Norton, CO acres Htnry C. It, Bick ers claim, town 0. a. 2 w, 300, WAIIRANTS ISSUED. It. L. Bwarls, road aud brldgc..$30 524 Evening Post, ad 3 20 J. V. Auueraon, commissioner.. 10 ou J. M. Watson, comiulssloncr.... 7 60 Low Sam, corner ...... 1 70 W. L. Slmeral, stock Inspector.. 1M 00 Geo. Anderson, criminal... .... -1 21 COUNTY COURT. The commissioners court oonoluded (he November term's work In less than two days and went to visit the poor farm. Tho oxpenpeblll of (241.20 in the case of tho state vs. J, B. Stockan, tho Albany warehouseman tried In the Marlon county circuit court, Linn county will be called on to pay this Huiotiut. The witness fees footed up f 220.20, the district attorney's bill was f 15, aud a" fee of 4 fcr the cleik. OT1IKH OKDEHS. Iu the matter of the monthly allow ance of Floy L Burton It was ordered i hat she be allowed (8 for November Mid the same for December. The claim o! M. E. Pogue for $10 as eiiographef' fere in the case of the rmteesof Wlllametto University vs. John Kulxhr as sheriff, waa allowed. Letitla Evan's resignation as dls burslng agent for George Honer, was accented. The coroner's expenBo bill, amount Inn to $li.'5 SO, In tho Inquest of Mrs. Toyo Watauebe, the murdered Jap anese woman, waa allowed. A. H. Damou!d bill of 75 cents for ox press.tRe, uot allowed. Claim of Bmitb fc Lynch for guarding property of the Japanese womau, nrt allowed. Tho petition from the council of Jcflerson praying for the county to refund $143,60 collected In 1892 from that city for road and poll taxes was laid over until the December term. The council claims that tho money Is wrongfully withheld by the couuty. A similar petition wan presented the court during ono of Us terms In 1804 aud waa acted ou unfavorably. It 1 understood the city of Jefferson will tako steps to force te payment at the present time. CLAIMS ALLOWED. Capital Lumber Co $ 4 20 Brown & Smith . 2 SO B. L. Swarts 30 24 Statesman 6 21 Capital Journal 8 00 Capital Bludery 65 00 rilateemau ......... .... 51 60 L. V. Ehleu fi (Xi John Hughes L0 Ti II. H. Ilradshaw 7 0 Fred A. Legg. . .... 17 &' W. 8. Kline 1 2? John Hughes.... ........ -1 V A. O. Coiidlt 6 0. W. L. Slmeral 21 tx Jury Disagreed. A Klelu, of thin city, and V. I' Wade, manager of tho Western Uulou telegraph olllee, were tried Thursday afternoon in the justice's court fur Zeua precinct on the charge of treapua while buutiug, W. W, Bmlth being tho prosecuting witness. The case is ono growing out of a similar action against the defendants In which Mr. Brunk flgared as the prosecuting wit ness and whloh waa tried at Kola a few days ago. The deputy prosecuting attorney of Polk county was asalsud by Uayden &, McNary, of Salem, and P. H. D'Aroy, of Salem, aud W. O'Donnell, of Independence, appeared for the defendants. A jury trial woe bad, resulting In a disagreement after four hours' deliberation by tho Jurors. Defendants and their attorneys re turned to Salem at a late hour last night. 2 Steamer Gray Eagle will leave 2 Z Portland for Balem Tuesdays, 2 2 Thursdays and Saturdays at Ha.; m. and leaves Salem for Portland " Z Mondays, Wednesdays and Fil- S days, at 6 a. hi. Quick tline.fregu- lar service and cheap rates. Asreut ? M. P. Baldwin at Salem dock. Socials News. Will be a great feature of Saturday's Journal, which will have the usual double quantity of social and woman news of the city. An account of a great game of football between Salem attorneys and physicians will be of much local Interest, Bring n toclal, personal and religious announcements Saturday be fore noon If possible A marriage permit waa lisued today to J. B. Craig, of Macleay, and Dell Smith, uf Aumsvllle, Horner Smith, witness. Gr?ai Stiress! Keller & Sons haye gret success wun ineir purineu wool ...wNw.nn ir.j.v . r n mumtoacB. jjauc up m mnuy ticking. They will please you. Our prices on hau mattresses aro inviting. 120 STATE STREET. U. Two uf I lie Jordan firenk .Tail. lii'oiliers UNDER SENTENCE IN HARNEY, Election ContoHt for Hrooklyn. Mnyor of Burns, Or., Nov. 8. Two of the six Jordon brothers, being held here In j dl for cattle stealing, house brenkiug, pto., broke jail last night aud have made their escape aud tho probabilities are that thoy will light If overlnVcti us they were both convicted but tif.t sentenced, at this term of court now being held here. The escaped men nro John and Bob, and both havo dono time at the Salem penitentiary hereto fore, John one term and Bob two terms. An Election Contest. Brooklyn, N. Y., Nov. 8. Can. vafflut; the leturns for the majority voto was continued today by the com mittee of one hundred in the Interest of Edward M. Grout, tho regular Democratic candidate. In the com pleted wards It Is claimed 4S0 errots havo been found and It is expected to And enough additional discrepancies to prove Grout's election. It Is claimed fraud has been practiced and that out of 7000 ballots rejected as defective, over 400 were cast for Grout. Iho official canvass will bo begun Thursday next. Civil Service Extended. Washington, Nov. 8. Tho presl deut today approvod tho amendment to civil service ru e which will result in bringing many poituiaaters and em ployes within the classified service. i i Married. HU8K-SCBIBNER. At the resi dence of Rev. A. L. Hutchinson, the officiating clergyman, nt 1:30 p. m Ihuoday, November 7, 1895, Miss Bose Huak to Mr. Orrlo Scrlbner. The bride has tor some time been a resldout of Salem, and the groom was from Portland. They went to Port- itnd yesterday In the 2:20 train, STERLING -PALMER. At the cll rtcordei's office, Balem, November, 0, 1605, Miss Mary J. Hterllug to Henry Palmer, Judge Ed. N. Edes officiat ing. 3MITH-CRAIG.-At the hotel Will amette, Thursday, Noveuuier 7, 1695, at 7 p. m., Miss pella bmlth to J. B. Craig, both of the Witldo hills this county. The ceremony was performed by Bev. G. W. Qrannls, pastor of the First M. E. church, The groom Is a brother of Hon. David Craig, a mem berofthe Oregon legislature. m Died. VER3TAQG. Thursday, November 7, 1895, at the home in Polk couuty, Infant child of Mr. and Mrs. F. Verstagg. Burial at Hopwell cem jtery today SAUERKRAUT, grocery. S o n n e m a n's Not After bear. Newt Farrell, John Duncan, Elmer White, Walt Low, Frank Haas and D. D. Olmstead start tomorrow for their mountain homes at the cast end of the O. P. railroad. They go by team to King station, and thence by rail to Detroit. From there the boys go to their re spective timber claims and will do a littte missionary work before return ing, as well as do somo hunting. m i Twenty Years Aao. Just twenty years ago, Nov. 5th, occurred, the wreck of the steamer Pacific in the Straits near Victoria, in which 273 persons lost their Uvea, ASalemltelu In the person of Barney Pompelller had the good fortune to miss the boU and was thus saved. The New York Backet has a fine supply of all kinds of underwear for ladles, gents, and children, which they offer at very low prices, also a line of overcoats, and ft large lot of ladle' and gents' macintoshes, and misses' and ladles gossamers. Call and get at racket prloes. O voter CocKTAirjs.Getyour oyster cocktails for family use put up In bot tles, only 10 cents, and keep the bot tle. Wratacott and Irwin. For Bent. Furnished rooms, larso and pleasaut. No children. 453 Lib erty street. I lUBnftVVIirVT Tl. onnlK C3ll nt .. ' . . me Burke building U to be- treated to a heavy coat of stucco work. ROYAL Baking Powder, Highest of all la kMYealag trSftk.X. . Qtrrmmt ct, 1 IMPORTANT LABOR CASE. Oredltora of the 0. P. Recelveralup the Appellants. The Farmers' Loan rind Trust Co., respoudetil, vs. Tho Oregon Pacific Railroad Co., and Willamette Valley and Cobb t Railroad omipany, defend ant, and B. II. Graham and seventy three others, appellants, Is tho title ot acaso that has been nppeulcd to the supreme court frin Benton couuly nppcllauls' brief having been tilid with Clerk J J. Murphy this week by Geo. G. Blughnm, their attorney. Thii appellants contend that the re oHverlrt ftl ollloer of the court, auo that the expires t f the receivership a beluceu the parties aro dleburetuenti and thefe ptyiuents are to be provided for lu the heme manner as other dis-bum-meutH. That the receiver having been appointed upon the petition ol ro?pofldeui to pnterv' the properli for the benefit of respondent it is liable for tho payment of the expenses of the receivership, and that the court has authority to render judgement against respondent for the payment of tho to celver's expenses as asked in petition ers' petition. This case, It is said, Is without prece dent, for the reason that In the history of euch litigation there has always been sufficient funds arising from tho site of the property involved to pay tho legltlraato court expenses. In this case, howover, the court has incurred over a million and a quarter of Indebt ed uew, and has but $100,000 with which to settle the same. Perhaps un der tho circumstances tho court Is not oeueurnblc, for llko everyone else con nected with tho suit, ho has labored under a misapprehension of tho value of tbo property Involved. With an Investment of $15,000,000,11 was hardly fair to presume that at tho lowest fig ure tho road would sell fur uo liws than 10 jer centot its cost, which amount would have been sufficient to more than pay all the court expenses. The appellants, realizing that at SHOES, 1 STOCK MAMMOTI HEAVY REDUCTION Now made on Leather and Rubber Boots. Prices are still going up at the factories, but we are actually cutting lower "than ever to reduce our Heavy 8tock. We will not carry goods over, and give buyers the benefit. Don't fall to post yourself on our stock and cut prloes. New Hue of Bazor toei that will piease you. Call and see good men's bat only 48c. Looks as well as a $L hat. Better ones at bargains aUo. Union Bargain Store. ISA. J. MATSON, PROPRIETOR, 142 STATE ST, best they will receive but a few cents ou the dollar for their earnings from the purchase money, do not propose to die without a struggle. There seerfla to be no dispute a.? to tbo amount of the claims. Aquatic Sports, Austin, Tex., Nov. IS. Jake Gaud aur Is still champion of the aquatlo world. The contest was over a mile and a half course and the trophies were the championship, the Blchard K. Fox challenge cup and a purse of $1,000. The starters were Bubear and Haines of England, Jake Gaudaur and Jas. Bogers of America. Before the quarter flags were reached on the up per course, Halnea quit the race and Bubear also dropped out ten boati lengths below the mile am) a hair tUg, leaving Gaudaur and Bosera to finish the race. Gaudaur won with five boat lengths' lead, and came down the course under an easy 31-atroke a,nd won the race In $0:59. The great four-oared race followed the single skull. This race was over a mile and a half course wltn turn, three miles, for tha championship of the world and a puse of $1,500. The start ers were Bubear, Barry, Haloes and Wlngate for England, sad Teemer, Bogers, Charley and Jake Gaudaur for America, The English crew won by three lengths; time 17:20. TUe winning of this race by tbo Eog lUh crew accords them all th lmrwrt. ant laurels at this regetta. This con cludes the regelta. SAUERKRAUr Bo no em a n'e grocery, FOR M DAY ONLY-S Mil? o SATURDAY. On account of our voty busy and proaporotis season we lmve nccumilnlodagreat many ronniants ho will oiler finnip atu GREAT SACRIFICE TUESDAY AND WEJJNliSD AAr. Do not forget tho dutes 12th and 13th. Remember with every $2 purchase- a number f jr that elegant silverwenr. S. M.& E. 115 STATE Affairs In Cuba. Havana, Nov. 8. BolofT, Insurgent loader In the province Santa Clara, has Issued an order to peasants to remove to at least three miles from the towns and forts of Santa Clara undjr p-nalty of being shot. Captain General Mur. tlnez de Campo, In order to counteract tho effect of this order, N reinforcing the garrisons of tho town ond has ordered couutry people to reconcenlrato around the towns and granted them free use of all available lauds of the new towns. Tacoma Rotten Poitics. Tacoma, Nov. 8. Imieachmenk proceedings against M. M. Taylor, president of the board of public works, hvae bceu decided on by tho mayor and city attorney. Taylor lu suld to be Implicated In the ecaudal connected with the failure of tho Columbia NVUuinl b.ink. HAUERKRAUr groet ry. c5n n ne ma n'e SHOES-RUBBER BOO' JUST II1II1). A Free Trader's Talk. EniMBDRair, Nov. 7. The United States embassador, Hon. Thomas F. Bayard, delivered the Inaugural ad dress this evening to the Philosophical society. It was entitled "Individual Liberty the Germ of National Pro gress and Permauency," The paper read by Mr. Bayard was a scholarly and patriotic address, in which the In. stltutlonsof the United States were gioriued. The most striking passages werelthosein which he denounced so cialism and protection. During his re marks, be said: "In my country I have witnessed the insatiable growth of that form of state socialism styled proteotlon which I be lleve has done more to foster class legislation and create Inequality of for tune, corrupt public life, banish men of Independent means and character from public councils, blunt publk Z Awarded Highest HonorsWorld's Fair, Medal, Midwinter Fair. CREAM BAKING POWDER Matt Tariisct Made 40 Years tlSUadtriL. PHJil SALE. AND H. STOCK STREET. science, and placo politics upon a low level of mercenary scramble limn any other single cause." MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH Salem ond Eastern Quotations Cor rected Dally. (IUCAOO .Nov.8.-Vheat, cah ir,c; Dw Kkw Yoiik. Nov.H.-Hllver, fKJfcUiid na BAN KHAjJcifcOil MAI KKT. HAH KllANCIHCO, Nov l. Wlllut, Vi . W,oli,.,!,KOn etlc.(le IWtrlor.YaT valley, VAUo. '" Hopn-QuonbleangCD. l'oUttocx-U to Co per sack Uui bunk joatft per ack. Oa sMIUIdc, ?5'5. FOltTLA NU MA U K ET. t'ORTLAKIi. Nov 8,-Wlaal vllr if Walla iilln. AS. T ' Flour 1'ortlund. tl.70 llonbm counix. M8 (trntiaui MRS; nupoifltie, .V6tr bbl, Oal-Whlle.2lca21c; Brer, liwa); rolUd. la ba(f. HftaWa b.incJ.U 60M7 UC. "cMeiii ri 7 rotator Nw Oroffou, iUHOo pr ick. IUr -Oond, W88 W per ton, Wiwl Valley, 1UOI to im'un-Uron,$iOjrjfhoru,ililJC; cto ltU 11815 per ton; ryeSOo rrc. Jl'lrtilTfea' HUt J? tbKi.r. nndr M U. t7c. hep pell. 1037 'c. Hop New Ureou,Acc.; Uuifr Orciron fancy creamery, I7ke fHUoy dairy, 15l7Jc;. rirUJood,ll'lii common, 10a ('heme Oregon full tsroam, gQ9 . Eirus Orwon, SA pr do. Poultry Chleacna. Iloaj oo rr doc dacJtn IIOQI.io, KeBe. W.CO37.U0; turkejj, Utp Sa'Oc; dre-ied. 12c Beel-Topter,,iXSJ c5per fc?'Ulr to rd -tMr.2X3 3ic;ooi,.2K..3fcc; Ureied txt liiJC, .uKn-Be beef, $l.75iOJ; cholo) ewe, )1.76;dreu(Ml. c Hoc' bolco. heavy. tWMSJM; llfht aci eedem, SI.S1; Ure.el, ia V tt Veul mall. cboloc. &ui ; iare,3alc?&. HALEH MAHKKT. Whrat 43e'i bu. market firmer OaU 15c lUy-Ililfd. cheat, 3l.S0a5.00-. tlmoUf tii Clour. In wbo'taaia lou. tXSQ; retail, ttm: bran buUIO.O,iiackcd.llLU);ihcru, II1.-0T. liLOO; Pbon feMl.ll.OJallW, ralliroued, c Hrci-.IJre&ed, iie. Live Cattle llJaSkc. rolaloct-Xcpbu. Unions c 1 urkevs-fiafc. Apples UTaioc ou. Kff-2Sc. IlilUt-.llC. llnoonia-. l'echo Jl.25ba. foullnr Urotlers, 7c; hon, ; anelvCTo. Wiea Baby ras title, we care her Cattorii. When sb was a ChUd, slio crid f or CasurU. Waaa the became Ml, the olaag to CastorU. Wha tie hti ChlUren, h care th m Cuti4t. 8AUERKRAUT Bonnet nrn' grocery. MEW ADVERTISEMENTS. WANTlD.-l'Iace In the city to work Icr ' ' toaid alter school hour, by Uom boy of 11 Apply by mall to Frank l Ln, Balers pctofflce. 11-AJi f O.HT.-LadUt Watch, hat the Initial a '. li Pindervrlll beieirarded ty rUnrnicito faplul PrinUngCo Bute In, bnlljlng. . AXTfeU -liouiewerk: by a young woman. ..with experience. Apply at Mr. roBe" boarding house. 10ll PUUM1..A tllverlno watch, Amencaa Wa JL' inum works. Coll at this office. l I AD!C)-Ailc for Ia France Tooth ru,n J an excellenl nreoeratlon thai 1-. nacdle. Order tor aU kind o. hair goods fll'ed wit bin a lew day. Term mtqefot Hairdroulnit. ilanlcunng and Treating the 8cip by the month, a. X. Elklnt, Uoom 11- Eidrtdxe Bilg. LP. K1HUKB. Newspaper Advertising Agent . 21 Merchant1 Exchange, San KrancUco. isouranthorlied agent. This paper U kept onnleln hUoffloa. PAPERS. Portland. Sacramento, eeatUe Tacoma and Man Prandsco paper on tale URoprs PoioOlea block. 1UNEV TO iajaX.-O. AUntn. t kt0 . I Pmi ifflce Mock. Il'f S6001 iad barn UU B an ImproveJ &cre trr et thi barn. Inquire of Uanarraf, over Btl mues aooin Ol town. onu um man. wu tElA tJUEUMAfi Typewnuu an commercial alenography. Office, room G my block. Tha beat of work don at rm ooable rate. i"l It HAIJJ UUKAP-.UU long Umeor would rentSicreacholoo land la West 8aln. Qooi ood. lanni hama and luri; variety Ol Mar Ing fruit in. Plenty of small trulL J water and s acre timber. Address box lu. Salem. " SM1 GEO. FENIWICIL'S MEAT MARKET. SU OommercUlsUICotUs blocx.1 Sucoeasor to C at. Beck4Co.l Beat mwu In the. city. ProiaptdUlwrr at kiwwt vruM REMOVAL Umbrella man. formerly at li7 ComrnercUl st-has removed to IM Biata sU. A"toT bulldlnir. where be wlU be sUd to all h old customer, alto new on. Umbrella re paired, recovered au4 aew oofti lnajB jS W v " r.