ww "SJWIi.'' TWr-w. -"2(tpjn"t.- TFWJ-- " Tt"? -t i"fryrrr' nifim nnlZZmZm Woak and Noryous Describes the condition of thousands of people at this' season. They have no apatite, can- a --.I AnlaU nf (lip nr-nlratincr U 1 STEINBR'SiopDare 'ttUUU d ou effect of wanner weather. This condition rgssniBWs TwiwnwfPfipwwp Miss Un an OrENKU IN cttaxntnq'f; itall, mm. maybe remedied by Hooas aarsaponna. which creates an appetite aud tones tin all Ihe-organs. It filves good health by making the blood pure. Hood's pills are the host after-dinner pills, assist dlcestion, cure headache. Riib Douto, Salve, LiDimeDl, Bo. - ARE DOCTOR POWELL REEVES, Wbo sOR TEN DAYS KOOM 1, NKXT mi ii ii.ll. .l. ....... ...Ml ....... sgg5. flT- ft! your ilhcoKo without imkliii: you a question. Tfioy also furnish nil inodlclno at their oillceu, ami rnivo you extm coHt of buying mudidnoH tit tho drug Btoroa.il Wo con ixivu yoii rofurunci'H of many roninrknblu ctircn thpy havo mmlo on this Coast bv londitiir bankers and busincHs mon. Onll ut tho olllco and road them for proof. MM Tho successful physi cian tho skillful Burgeon tho eminent HociuliHt your best friend tho world's lMsnefttctor jr tnancntly located con- Btilt him this day. M fe fe s . W VxfmH lilcst uocesshil IM THFaWEST. ' Thcso old rollablo specialists of many year's oxporionco, treat with wonder ful success all lung, and throat affections, Cancor, riles, I-lstula and Kupturo. rur 'A . eases of acuto or enromo. ....... 4ws tic oves wild hairs, syphll tlo soro eyes, granuinteu hub, inB,... -. r n DeafneVs from catarrh, singing or roaring noises, thickened drum, inflam EARmaffin of ox ernal car purulent discharges from tho oar, etc. ' nr n NouralKla. nick, nervous or congestivo headache, dull, full fooling, iom HEAD JKSory.Hnosfl, Boltonlngof tho brain, tumorsand eczema of scalp. -iinniT Catarrhal ami Syphllltlo 8oar Throat, acuto and chronic pharyn THROAT Slff, "Kmi tonsils and palate, hoarseness, loss of voice, thick nhlocm In throat, which causes hawking. VXfinS Consumption in tho first and second stages, hemorrhages, and chronic LUNGS bZcffi.dry and looso cough, pains In chest, difficulty in Vrcatk- nr BnTaSiaTlu'Heaserweak and fatty heart, dropsy, and rheumatism ol HtAlll heart, languid circulation, utu. n-rnil 1 0 11 Catarrh and ulceration aud acid dyspepsia, indigestion, pain and STOMACH fullness after eating, heartburn, waterbrash and diftfculty in swallowing. Hvor, spleen, bowolB, (constipation. VER. SPLEEN clronln diurrhum,) kldnoy and bjr, all nervous am, H dlHOtdow Rheumatism and all skin diseases, oczoma.Wrfeum, r inform, . l tntnt Sm old sores, fever sores, still" oinU, Intro lip. spinal Irritation, nor ' ,tfWni5tSro.plloH. UBtula, rectal ulcers, which produces pain in aaUoiback. spermatorrhea, nightly or 'dally SEXUAL ORUANO losses, which, .icglocfal, produce noryoua irritatton, i nf moiiiorv and ambition, softening o. tho brain, Idiocy, insanity, etc.. eypti. mi itrMi iro inability to hold the urine, linpotency or loss of power, fltorlfty, ronton earopy, sandy Bailment In urine, or grawl, yaricocotoit-lftB i!e siKglenl o,wration, hydrocele, all losses or drains, atrophy or shrimp U tho ''""-Lp piles. Fistula. Varlrocolo, Ilydroroio, and all swoUlnft and tn RUPTURE, dornwi "fated without pain or detention from businesu. a mrft Who may bo sutrerlng from any of tho distressing ailmonta peculiar I AD1ES to their sex, bucIi aa persistent headaches, pa nful monatruaUona, dla- 1,n,nnntB etc do"o( gWo Up 1 ""P,pi OVon U h.BV0 ,n0t 7 tU f1"? !f F'nS l J woklnB n llof. Wo aro hap.y to stato Uiat wo havo cured hundreds of caSc tt otS? KaBana havo proiUincod them hopeless. Charges moderate. iaarniro Tho remedies used In this dlapoiwary are known .only 'to our. RFMEDIES. solves, and havn descended to us as a prlcolosa horltigo frwouf in.Sm ancostore. tK H many generations of tho brightest llghtsln tlw Bpd- greatly bonouuinguii wiiutiwvi.jv.v. , Dr. Powoll Boovos. Willnmotto Hotol, Sulom. Room noxt to pnrlor, untu uct. o. :pg2 FIRST NATIONAL HANK BUILDING, SALEM, OR. V. I. STALEV, 1'RINCIPAU Hohoollln continuous eulu. Btudenta way enter at any time. It will uay tUoto who eipect to preiwra ftr some bunlnem pursuit to attend bulne collfue whern a ayitemutto course of butlneaa tralutug may be had uud.tralnfcd teacliera lor thla iwrticular line of work InsUueU Tire CaplUl Uuslncao Oolleuo oners nve e)urae: Business, Shorthand, Typewriting, Penmanship and English. Tills ils positively tho only , , biulneas colleue In Oregon usIuk tUe inieronimuuloaUon system ol busl. ueos nmetloe. Out-of-town ntudeuu may secure board and furnUUed room SiVrfvte family at l a week. Write or call at college olllee for clroolaw KlvW full Information relative to oouri es of study, raten of tutUou, eto. TaketheOne Cent Dailv THE 2 0 r WL$Yi tfjso UP TO TO PAltLOU OCT i nlf ...III. van frniwif I'lliirim ami tell VOU VM'S trj.U njpturo, plica, fissure, tlstula and rectal ulcors without knifo, lis aturo or caustlo and with out pain or dotcntlon from business. Ho also trcatq all private dlsoases, loss of power, spormator rhcea, syphilis, pimples, etc. fe h h h 7. - - "-"-TnH"' M. I, t-30-Sm W! G0TBBBH DOGTOBS - LEADERS TBE ttPITAL JOliBlML (l)AtliY' ANt WbKKl.Y.) BV HOITUK BKOTHBRS, THURSDAY, OCT. 3, 1895. BIMETALLISM. The eloquent picas of Congressman Bryan for Dlmetulllsni are simply un- answerable. They meet with almost universal accept it lou in the minds of the unprJullced und Interested. Ee giirdless of party, men applauded him at tho stato fair and it Is to bo regretted that the nwses of the people cannot heur uloj. Political machinery and campaign funds will be exhausted uext year to bring Into tho stato tho orators for so-culled sound money. Uuless it lain the ranks of the Populist party, which Is loaded down with a variety of ob leotiotiuble issues that do not appeal to the masses of the people, the campaign ipeahers will not plead tho cause of sllyer money. What can the peoplo do? Doubtless u great maturity of voters lu all patties, If thoy could hear tho question fully discussed, would cast a vote for tho polloy of blmotallsm. But divided oil" Into parties they may all bo suppressed and obliterated in pnrttsuu strife. A Democratlo free silver voto wlllauulhl late u Republican free silver vote. Wo bollovo tuoro are a largo number of voters lu all parties who bellevo In a polioy of protection to Auioncau Indus try protecting tho farmer as well as tho manufacturer on equal terms. If these men could unlto with tho blmet allsts, an InyluolUlo combination would bo prcsontod. Proteotlon and bimetal lam are naturally allied policlea of gov ernment. Wo look for tho Republican party to uulto tbeso two principles more vigor oualy than In tho past. Thero Is uothlug In these policies foreign to Re publicanism. The Republican party has talked blmetullsm in the past. It haa nover advocated tbo slnglo gold stand ard, yet that has been In olTect what it bos given given us. It U tbo duty of tbo Ropuollcan party.lf It would rotaln its hold on the producers and laborers, Mwell as the constantly Increasing debtor claaa of our couutrv, to not only talk blmetallsm ai a matter of polloy, but to give the people blmetallsm as a reality If It hopes to live. The party that gives the peoplo a genuine Am orlcan system of proteotlon and blmet allsm .aa against tbo pauper labor aud mouometalism of European monarches that la tho party that will hold tho alfectlou of tho people fixed for years to come. But it must be doue lu no half-hearted, or deceptive manner. It must bo the gonulno stuft. Tjik Jouhnai. Is a Republican paper but it places the country and the peoplo before the Interests of tho parti san for revenue. The Juuhsal Is not a partisan for revenue, It believes lu gjuulue bimetallism, not in single gold standard bimetallism. It will do all In Its power to secure geuutue bimetal lism by aud through the Republican party. Hut it will also labor to seouro bimetallism by aud through the pjople lu their primary pa piolty whenever aud wherever thoy have a ohanoe to express them selves. It la a question that Is not onflued to auy party or even to our ountry. It la the oauso of humanity, Juitas the abolition of slavery, tho abolition of monarchies, the abolition of arlstooraov, the abolltlouof ruonop o'y, are oauaea of hutuaulty. lu this way we applaud the labors of Bryan and all other good men lu all other parties who labor unselfishly for the cause of bimetallism. Mr. Bryan did good work In Oregon in opening the eyes of even a few peoplo to the Justice of bimetallism and the Injustice of Pitcher's CautoHa, Children Cry for tnnnnmelalllsru. lio hna loft a detorm -loatiou in tho hearts of true blmetalllsU to labor ou, both within and without party Hues, until this cause Is won. He has got men to thinking how they may best cast their votes to help this cuuje. The result of bis labors will be un extension of the bltuetalllst orgaul i itlou nud probably u cnuvasa of tho state all wluter on the iiuestlou. The people are ready to hear the question discussed without prejudice Thoy should bear It discussed, and then let It be seen whether Oregon stands for sound money or gold-buggery. Tho Loulsvlllo Courier-Journal Is owned by a few bauko In that city Just on the Oregonlan Is owned In Portland. It is not supporting the Democratic candidates In Kentucky who are sin cere blmctallsta, but 1b supporting tho Democratlo platform or 1802, which whs put up to catch votes of sliver mcu. In tbo same way Harvey Boott and other great editors who ure owned by tho bankers, would not support a Republican candidate If ho were to be a elncero btmelnlllst, while they would support u blmctalllst plstform put up to catch silver votes. Chas. W. Fulton and T.T. (Jeer wero good enough to mako u brllliuut can vass of tho state last year when most ueeded. But that la all they seem to bo good for In tho oyes of boujo Repub licans. But their day is comiug. President Gulloway has been a mem ber of the State Agricultural society, was one of Its first orutors, was vice president several times, then president three times, which ofllco he now holds. Mayor Claud (M.ch and Col. R. A. Miller were very properly selected as typical young men to deliver addresses on Natives Sons' day at the state fair. The Coryullls pruuo syndicate has had bad luck. Its big drier has burned, down twice. After all tho abuse that has beon shed upon her Mrs. Leano still con tinues to be ouo of the most oft-quoted American personages. Tho Duke of Marlborough la to wed Miss Vuuderbilt with her ten millions. Still our goldbugs go to Europe. i i Old Man Appersou la onn of thofo ofllce-bolders who never knew when to quit. Tho New York hop crop Is ceut of last year. 05 per Reed will never bo president, a man of too positive a nature. Hols Fair Oround Scenes. Chlldrtin Cry for Pitcher' CiiftwrMi- vn -I jl When Baby was sick, wo gavo her Castorla. Whea alio was a Child, sho cried for Castorla. When alio became 511a, sho clung to CastorU, Whea aho had Children, lio cave them Contort. Rheumatism Is a symptom of disease of the Kid neys. It will certainly bo relieved by Pnrko Buto Cure. That headache, backache and tired feeling come from the same cause. Ask for Parka' Buro Cure for tho llyer and kidneys price 1.00, sold by Lunu fc Brooks. llMw There nro 177755 miles of rallroart in the United States. Thoro aro 00.835.880 rallH used to cover this ground. , ,, , There nro 633,205,000 ties used to bind theeo rails together, but no such amount, however, is required to bind the hearts of the traveling public to the faotthat tho Wisconsin Ceutrol lines furnish superior facilities on all their trains between St. Paul aud Chicago which form close connections with all lines to the east and south, Mako n noto of It. Fair Ground Scenes. f'fr-: - - A Gentle Corrective is what you need when your liver becomes inactive. It's what you get when you take vr. rierce's nensaut relicts j they're free from the violence aim me gnpingr iuai come with the ordinary pill. The best medical authorities agree that In retculatintrt lie bowels mild methods are pref erable. Por every de rangement of the liver, stomach and bowels, these tiny, sugar coated pills are most effective. They go about their work in an easy and natural way, and their Kood lasts. Once used, thoy are always hi fa vor. Ueing composed of the choicest, concen trated vegetable ex tracts, they cost much more than other pills found in the market, yet from forty to forty four are put up in each baaIai. ntna. milnl m sold through druggists, at the price of the cheaper made pills. " Pleasant Pellets " cure biliousness, sick and bilious headache, dizziness, costive ness, or constipation, sour stomach, loss of appetite, coated tongue, indigestion, oruys TxniKaila Tlisfr - It aaitlsin nliea ,tnla t1iaa- fore alwaj-a fresh and reliable. Whether as a laxative, or in larger doses, as a gently acting but searching cathartic, these little "Pellets" are uuequaled, Aa a "dinner pill," to promote digestion, take one each day after dinner. To relieve the distress arising from over-eating, noth ing equals oue of these little "Pellets." They are tiny, sugar-coated, atiti-bllious granules. Any child readily takes thcill, Accent no aubstitftfe that ntay be recoiu mended to be "Just as good." It may be better Jar Ihe dealer, because of paying him a better profit, but he is not the one who needs help, f free sample (4 to 7daea) on trial, is mailed to any address, post-paid, on receipt of name and address on postal card. Addres World's Dispensary Medical Association, Buffalo, n, Y, BHYCLCS(i . tl vA. ill! if,raffi' lev y5"S5 Catarrh Has troubled mo for 11 years. I have tnken fonr bottles of Hood's Barsaparllla and am perfectly cured. I think Hood's Barsaparllla haa no equal, Bnd bcllovo that many who aro in poor health and havo becorao discouraged, would bo restored to good health it they would only give Hood's Sarsaparilla n (ftlr trla2IrJ?n,l?l0IIl.,!toIn.0i -nnrV C Rl 1 1 C cnre "ll ,lrcr ," blUon rlOOu S 11115 c,.,.he,ucii. r.0. JOHN HUGHES. Dealer in Groceries, Paints, Oils, Window Glass, VarnlMliea und the most complete stock ol Brushes of all Kinds in tho State. Artists' Materials, Lime, Uair,cmcnt and Shingles and iiuest duality ol GRASS SEEDS NEW AUVERTISEMEhTb. m UMALb.-.llouso and lot. 18Ui und Oak. J? pilo J1W. cost 8,U. Apply on fiemUes or ud. tks J. Jv. Vttuua. pool, u.eiu. iu-i I'liK liUUrrsmiitd liav.ui; an extended oi -1- Xft-rluuuu lu i-ntiug rUa tor ikiiii .ouiuuiiu iuiuiku oJinpuuitH, li.it uiiuuedn ui.co M iiiiuruu.uKuuKiHl ItiuluoUrauceuuiti. i-an luuUuumUuiiUul j.oKcJUlee, cxltin.Ur. 0 ajl. j..rAuuuoun . ..11 Al hIIKu hur ulu ut llruwstor & J uAtl'm, 4 o urt ti.l,oaioin. Wl-Jl .i Li ttAluu-tur u Hiimll family i. t.i ii . uo UkuIUiU (.iv.envU. rtUdio.M . u .1 umu U-'J7U . it....i,uititfii.uuiu tiuit ouuury, . UU - -, otiUuior iuuo nuir ou . u. iMXo.'l'hGufuitl.MtiO. il)iw U .N uT.M l OrtlVHS CJUU11B i) . i i f..i.ii.aiu ..uahur. Apply w J. ti. ' 'A iH, eu nai.ur. j-lS-Ul i mMi .AMU CO., Jupuneae Fancy il ovUN ail -Ufcoii., Uiualuu uuwut, ... w.u, luu, Jl.illiLuH, Ln.Uer-clulh.lu. vu.niiut(vne.p. ia Luurt Hi., uuaer upru (111. 9-lD-lUI It . Ui A ii HoWKoi-, luuc-trol voico Jl .U Uie, UlUlliHU kl. U17-11U ,t, A.wKn t.xicrivu;cd.rl to housuwork. lu puiull UiuillM. l'ay it to 3. Appiy . lUm ullll.0 w aOoN io ilt.v.-K, ror huIu or ti trade lur buy mm duih. u uuod lrm wmuii. llilltU. n. t'uyuu, eastut usylum. Vlsli I.iuiv dAmu.-A lutv nr.vciiut anion uums. ; AiMjboaii. jersey t'ciur ud u tw-yvur o..ru bun. .ji' i; utuoo. H. Ailcu, a miiva et.fo.iiem. 7lm ijUolfMoj ui.il-U--t'urly wuuuu io Sj hUriAiid ruu uvtiry uud loeu bUiuio in wM wiliiuut buvu uuuik. Loruurioi will u uuliiuuu. Juiiuiruot tuibomix, s7-lu. iiihioi.uv. uoiuuNoiv L.iinnirj oi . J bluutuUMieuua otirlniluu ooioueu bl . ul aja LilUdi ij upoi. uufltuf wUuitl cKoiu i r. riouh.it, Noi.pu.t.rAavuruiun Ageui, JL. 2i MttlUUUUU' il.UUtli, MUU fluUUlbOO, uuruutuoiisuu uui. xuib iuur i aun uu inn ii. uuuiuuu. LlAi;rli,i i'Afii.H ljn;u ioiui uumv urowu I wrupplUM pupr ioi wuo chvup. JubV luc .uiuk lor iuiuui uuaor cutptiu. cuilulJour aa. ulllou ijn-ftuiio.- ruruttuu. aucruuiuuiu, oouiuu X I'uoouiuuuo ouu rtuuuibVupupontuuMi.o ilopt'a ro.Kjinuo uukji. Mu.ti.1 iu lhjAH, j. iUurau. itooui I'oai umta uiiKla;. lllf. IAUU oXUti uiiE..r-.uii louf tiuieoi would J; luuiuacria uuolcu mud iu W.sl balem. uuod, luroiiuuiu uuu biu; vunoty ot bear luKlruit.rucH. 1'lei.ty ut hui.h uuu, guod wuiur and i ucn-s timber. Auurtiw oux na, BU10U1. Uiln (JOAAllUib uu liuprood 6-ucrotnet tuioa 0UUU luilcsboutliut tuwu. email liuuae Juu uuu lmiuiiuoi uuigisraf, over HUiicw- uuu, v-avu Wiv-uuvo uot youiouua u lur to suit our custoiuor wuu wnU), uot to eiceoa luu aoiusluucutuoiioue.ghboruood aud uer u L.'uiuollocuureu,uua liuusioruiiou pa.llaily impruved, ai il&vO, cash. Addies duu a. iiHuoity, iwiK Mmrn birotit, i-oninna. Jtw uAw yiiKuLA subiOlAM Typowrltiug and O oummerelul htnot;raphy. unioe. room II, Oruy Uloca, The beat of work doue ut reu -ouabid rue 11-28 HORSESHOEING. NKUSaN lIUUHtid, In connection with the blacksmllhlng firm ot MoCurl A King, coutbwesi ooiiier of Male aud Kronl si , do4 ull klna. of horaehoelnx. U-21 MONEY TO LOAN Ou frm laud security. Brwclut raiea on lantu louus. Ltoaan conalderea without deluy. HAMILTON ft M01H. i k l uiinink DRESSMAKING MUS CLhN'ENQEIt, from Portland has ononed dreaamaktnt; par lorn lu the Uidrldge blook, uu stairs, next door to Oherrlnglon's gallery, lllazer and Iteefer snltau specialty. BIDlm W. A..CUSIOK 1'iosldent. J. U. AX.0BKT, Cashier,! I OK SALEM. I Tranmrt a general bansnng business RED FRONT LIVERY AND hTAOK I.IM'.t. Ited Front Livery and Hoarding Stable. HimtcUm In every res pee1. 1'rlces reasuuable. It II- WKiTACOTT, proprietor. UAl'YBrAGK LINK3. Kollowlna stages arrive and depart dally, except "uuday: xllverlon stigenmvnsat 10 a. m., leave at 1:15 p.m. Pare 75 cents. Dallas sug, arrive. at 10a. rn., leaxes at t p. in. Independence stage arrive! at 10-.3Q a, m., leaves at a p. m, ji-ia Capital v. iii iibci.ii iiii.iu.v.. Hum ojuki iipwarnfL Hpecinl i-ttentlon to beginner. All do-lrert branrUes for tho o'der pupils luahi.lucind. lna- (Irnwlne. mndcllnR. muslo. Dlnln .nri IfPHI ...!!. .vtlllVA.. tmiw n .. . arilstlentedla worx. All work done on th ludiviuimi p'nn, in wnicu eaou child is ad. vancd nccordlnjt to lis own rapacity. var terms nd particulars npply to Miss 0. Halloo. Twcnlle'li and Chftnefcttols Willamette University, SALEM, OHEOON. Oldest Institution of learning In tbo stAte, Kull proparatorr and oollrglnte courses. Total enrolment for 18916,401 studenU. Hxpentea moderate. New gjmnaslitm. Klfty-icconil venr bealni Hont. 17. If9i. r or miorroaiion or rnuiioiuo nnarcii W. U. IIAW1.1S1, a M., rreslrtfint. slid wow If you love your boy glvo htm the most val- UU1U Ul l.ll a.iU. IUU Wl QUUtUlllIU IKIHS1 ble. Thero is no better place than Angel College MT. ANGET., OK, 80I100I complete in overy roip-ct. Rplondid stall of teachers, excellent wen s, beautiful and healthy location, constant euro and Uriel discipline and rosts but IIP a mom b. RShu German School. Jly flermnn clnsos can bo commenced any Union lor wept. 15. Terms, prlvnlo lttraui, 6O0. Ulussesof irvo, St Tun German ftitur iiuy scluwl for children will be opened at hanulns: hall.corner OhemeKotaand L"otui;t outjept.7, Terms, too per month. 1 am a natlvuol Uermany. hold n Gorman tcaebera' ciiriitlrntf from Ilia i'rutslun KOVernment,anil another from the 8t, Louts. Mo., pubiloncbooli, MHH.W.A 1$ 11AIHKY. CouHcvvatovu Wovh Dr. Purvln, ditector and teacher of plnno, Itallau singing harmony nnd oluss toanhlng. Aaslatud byMiai Anua Krobs, teacher of piano, organ, guitar, vlullu and zlthor. Mrs. J. It. tibarp, teacher or piuno, orguu nud slnitlng. Muslo rooms ut tho rcsldonco of J. it. tiharp, Balem. Leave orderH ut tba Alleu'Hor WIIIb' muslo Btoro. Mm. C. JLT. Offlc will reopen her KINDERGART EN In the Congregational church parlor on Hlpt 30. lHO-tm TBI! STATE NORMAL SCHOOL duain, onicaoN. Write for catalogue. ...,. L0U1B UARZEB, K 7 2m President WELL DRILLING Contracts wanted at reason ible prlics. Work guaranteed. Keforeuci as to experi ence and respoBslblllty lurnUhed. ttrlte 1". L. KETIZUK. Palem, 0 fli Or. . E. M. WATTE PRINTING CO., BOOK AND JOB FBI AND Legal Blank Fubllahevs. Bniih'a New Brlelcover the bank. Oom'l street JOHN BTA-NLKY. , JIM. MEA. STANLEY & MEAD. STEAM WOOD SAW Quick work. Low prices. Leave oiders at IU If . Wenbiootfa stable, back of 1 . O 8-11-U Remember Cy Stewart The Cooper, Ha can mako anything with hoops on It, and waKelignod. New work or repairing H100 oulh ot Utsa's mill, South Balem. 8-19-vm. GEO. FMNJJRIGIL'S MEAT MARKET. 821 Ooaimerclalst.OottIe bloax.J fHueoessof to U, u . neck Co, I " IJest raeau In the elty. i'romptdsilTerr at lowest prtoas J. J, XC A It KIN a, Horse shoeing Shop at 100 Uhemeketa street, near Oom merelal. bpeclal attention to Interfering aaa hnrxea with dlneajuid fU Bbk JILI.L... - .. IM.L ENNYROYAL PILLS UrmiUt tor kMlr fu ' " -- ". -. .r.. u. v ...u ...&. M..h ..ina nM. .asv '!-. "-. ?T? .... -..' other. WMfip-" - ... I. HUH fM pwllC.Ur., I . "I' Ztmi "K.II.T for twlle" " MI'S r Ukil 10,000 TmIbmiU-. . JJSiii SVMkT k IMEtcEj i.V I J Ii tt . LIUI ITIIB II SMSl CHEAPEST. Salem. CSTr 0RE60K. t.a ks-.ss. W 5161 w m uft