Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, October 03, 1895, DAILY EDITION, Image 1

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MXaMWE jtjets.
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: " 2oJ CENTS A yLOWtW
The Atscclated IVcm Dsllyjuume' ti
Vo pttpert sent teni tttae t-atd htM
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VOL. 8.
t, "
Slopped by Lone Star Legislative
Passed Both Houses With Only
Six Dissenting Votes.
AuaTfN, tux., Oct. 3. Tliero will bo
do prlzo light at Dallas, Oct. 31 betwei n
Corbctt and FitziiminonB. This fact
was sottled by the Texas legislature In
exaotly threo houre by tbo wntcb.
Tbo two committees, one Id the senate,
the other in tbo house, gave an audi
ence to tbo Dallas attorneys all morn
ing to ascertain their objections and
entertain protests against tho passage
of tho law. After hearing tho gentle
men tbo committees adjourned. Wheu
tho houses met tbo committees were
ready to report, and the senate bill
was promptly called.
From tho time the bill was placed
before the resolution committee to the
time it passed was exactly 65 minutes
During this time Beuator Dean opposed
the bill and Senator Larker spoke In
its favor. These were the only gentle
men who spoke on the bill, tho others
satisfying themselves by voting. The
voto on the final passage of tho till
was 28 ayes and 1 no, Dean being the
negallvo voter. Tho bill was immedi
ately sent to tho house where there
were only 5 votes against it. Tho
governor received congratulations from
all over the state.
Mlh. .
- v
sbould bo all right afoot ros in other
ways. With them good shoes are
everything. Everything good in foot
wear for boys is shown In our great
stock shoes for school, for work, for
play, shoes for all occasions and kinds
of wear except short wear. All our
shoes are long wear, and long wear
shoes are inyarlably the cheapest. Boys
are apt to bo hard on shoes.and accord
ingly their shoes must bo adapted to
rough usage. There's eoonomy n
wearing shoes with plenty of wer In
them. Get your boys' shoes of us and
save money.
C. H.
211 Commercial St
-a urn m
471 nuurnrill ST.
To right in Canada.
Boston, Oct. 3.-It is reported in
HM)rtlng circles here that arrangement
aro rapidly progressing to hold tho
prizefight between Corbettand Pile
slmmons near Frederlcton. N. 11. It
Is stated a prominent sporting man has
been in New Brunswick tho past ten
days arranging for tho battle.
Government Will Interfere.
Washington, Oct. 3. It Is posl-
tlvely statod on tho authority of At
torney General Herman that the Cor-bett-FltzsItnnious
light will not be
permitted in tho Uulted Stales terrl.
tory. Although he could not disclose
his purpose, it Is believed, If necessary,
troops will ue ordered out to prevent
a fight.
Prize Fight Doomed.
Austin, Toxas, Oot. 3. -Tho bill
matting prUo-flgtlng a felony pasted
both houso of the lcglslatutu with but
four dissenting vote in the house.
Governor Culberson will sign it to
morrow ana tho law will go into Im
mediate eflcot.
Tho Law Oomplote.
Austin, Tex., Oct. 3. The senate
today concurred In a few minor house
amendments to Its bill preventing prize
fighting, and tho bill will bo sent to the
Governor this afternoon. The remain
der of tho special session will bo de
voted to matters of state Interest, sug
gested by tho governor thlb morning,
A Nowapapor Soldtor.
San Francisco, Oct. 3. A special
from Washington sayB. "Goneral
Miles is a newspaper soldier," dcolarcd
Secretary of War Lamont as bis fist
landed on his desk. "It Is outrageuos
that a man who expects to bo com
mander-in-chief of tho army should
out that ho has been appointed before
tho order Is issued."
No. i and 2 Lamp Chimneys Only
. T iren
g 0
W - s -.
(f) J
-c-. (f) C u o
S 8.f$4
r 0 bD 0
(n in
Hosiery, Woodenware.Towellng, , y- ,.,,' M.lobe
BWrt". Umbrellas, Gloves, "' y jPri our Goods
Notions ol an iunua,
Venezuelai! Question May Have
to Bo Arbitrated.
Authorities Aro Interested in tho
Syndicate Meeting.
Washington, Oot. 3. Reports from
Minnesota, whero lives Donaln Grant,
the hoad of tbo American-Venezuelan
syndtcato, that the syndicate will meet
in Now York today have awakened
Interest In Washington owing to its
bearing on the negotiations between
the United States and Great Britain
concerning Venezuela. Tbo St. Pul
advices announced that Secretary
Oluey has sent three letters to Ambas
sador Bayard instructing him to notify
Great Brltlan that unless the Venenzu
elan question was submitted to arbitra
tion within 00 days, tbo United States
would enforce tho Monroe doctrine.
That suoh letters have been sont can
not bo confirmed at the Btato depart
ment. Secretary Olney will not admit
that ho has sent ono or tbreo letters on
tho subject, nor will he glvo any inti
mation as to tbo status of tho question.
Senor Andrade, tbo Venonouelan min
ister, said today (bat ho was unin
formed as to any such letters.
In the absence ot information from
ofllcial quarters, Botuo crodonco is given
the report that the state department is
acting, for tho reason that it substan
tially agrees with what it has beou
possible to learn from unotllclal sources.
It Is believed, however, that the refer
ou co to Great firltlan's answering in
00 days means that tho executlvo
branches in Washington desire Inform
ation buforo congress assembles, about
00 days henco. The last congress
adopted the Livingston resolution re
queuing Great ttrltlau to arbitrate,
and It would be natural that tho execu
tlvo branch should Inform congress
what answer Great Brltlan had giver.
It Is believed the stato department,
with duo dlplomatlo courtesy, has sug
gested to Great Brltlan that tho meet
ing of congress in December makes it
desirable that an unswer should be
made within tho intervening period,
While this view Is not entertained in
some quarters, tho last olUcial com
munication admitted by tbo state de
partment to havo been sent is the let
ter of the late Secretary Greaham to
Mr. Bayard last December, published
in tbo stato department red book, with
the unsatisfactory reply of Lord Rose
bory, stating that Great Brltlan bad al
ways beeu willing to arbitrate as to a
part or the land Involved, but not as to
all of It.
Secretary Carallle hae returned to the
city and had an interview with ex-
Representative Wilkinson, of Loulsana
iu regarge to the pending sugar bounty
controversy. Mr. Wilkinson appealed
to tho secretary in behalf ol the plant
ers on much the same lines as had been
covered by Senator Catlerd and Senator
Blanchard at their Interviews with the
secretary. Mr. Carslllo, however, saw
no way in which ho could render tho
biunty claimants any aselstance, ex
cept possibly by ixpedltlnrf the hearing
an J the deolslon of the court of claims.
This ho was willing to do. Tho con
troller, ho said, had Jurisdiction oi the
matter, and had announced iti his de
cUlon adversely to the claimants or
send tho case to tho court of claims.
Ho had chosen the latter alternative,
aud he (the secretary) bad no power
Or. Price's Cream Baking- Powdr
yrA flnU MW VMnrt- ' " -
4c and 5c
Overall. Window Shades, Boap,
And for Tablets and Slates Never so Cheap
him. He was perfectly
to hear Senator Manderson or
nny other Interested parties on
the question of tho declstou of tho con
troller lu send tho caso to the curt of
appeals; but fuithcr than that he could
not take any notion. It seems to be
tbo opinion of tho treasury officials
that, thelcnso will remnln as ut nrereut
without Rolng to tho court till congress
meets In' December.
Nebraska Republicans.
LinCoIn, Neb., Oct. 3. Tbo stato
convoutlou Is the mt harmonious
held) In Nebraska. Tho uomlua-
tious were made by ncclatuitmtiou.
Justice Supremo court, J. L. Norvull,
present incumberout; regents of tho
stato university, Chas. A. Morrell, 0.
L. Gould!
Tho moat exoltlug feature of tbo con
vention wa a resolution Introduced by
D. D. Courtney, a Lancaster county
delegate, denouncing tho A. P. A. nnd
all other polltlohl organlztlous. Del
egates trledito provent Its Introduction,
but the author was determined to
place the oonyontlon ou record. Tbo
mtasuro was referred to n committee
without being read and never reap
peared. Tho platform recounting the fallacies
of all other political parties in favor of
liberal ponslons and tbo MoKlnloy
tariff, tbo ranasuro says:
"Favoring the uto of both gold and
silver as standard money, wo npposoall
monotary legislation that would result
In olthor gold or silver raouomotallsm,
and tho mMtitonauoo of a uatloml
currenoy, a dollar of which, whether
gold, silver of paper, shall bo of equal
value and of Iqual debt-paying or pur
chasing powr.
"Wo most heartily Bympathlza with
tbo people of Cuba In tbelr deslro to
attain Independence aud self-govern
ment, and demand In caso Spain makes
good its threat to wago a war of ex
termination against them, tho prompt
recogntlon of tho bolllgoront rights of
tho Cuban republlo by tbo Uulted
Massachusetts Democrats.
WonoKSTKH, Mass., Oct. 3. Tho
platform commends tho present na
tional administration for its conduct of
foreign affairs; congratulates tbo manu
facturing interests of tho country on the
successful operation of tho new turlil,
regretting that tho bill us originally
framed by domooratlo leaders Is not In
force, and deuounces tho efforts of tho
republican party to reopen this quest
ion, demands a maintenance of tbo ex
isting gold standard and opposes tho
free coinage of gold aud the lurthor
purchase tho silver bullion, and dem
ands that the government shall retire
of its paper money; favors the grant to
tho secretary of tho treasury of the
power to mado term loans, to maintain
the gold balance of the treasury; tenders
to President Cleveland and Secretary
Carlisle the thanks of tho detnjcraU
party of Massachusetts for their posi
tion on the financial question, and con
gratulates the country on tho marked
revival of business which fallowed tbelr
stand; denounces the American Pro
tective Association by name; and
declares in favor of good ro ads and for
the collection of a fixed percentage of
earnings from corportions which uto
tho public highways.
The ticket nominated is as follews:
Governor, George Fred Williams,
Dedham; lieutenant-governor Hon.
James B. Grlnnell, Greenfield; secret
ary of state, Kdward J. Flynn, Boston;
treasurer and receiver-general, Heury
Eben B. Btevena, Dudley; attorney
general, Henry F. Hurlbut, Lynn; su
dltor, Alfred O. Whitney, Boston.
Save money by buying your shoes at
the Palaoe.
Porcelain Batbs-209 Com'l street.
Dr. Price' Crsaai Baking Powder
ipP, b.-o wk "r ww
to overrule
Tho Changes in Northern Pa3iflc
Of ihoOld Portland Corporation
Pohtlani), Oot. 3. Judge Gilbert
today confirmed tho nppolntmcut of A.
F. Burleigh ns receiver of tho Northern
Pacific, so far as tho railroad's property
Iu Oregon Is concerned. Burleigh
furnished a ten thousand dollar bund
with Joseph Bltuon and J. N. Dolph
for'lhe Oregon Improvement Co., and
his appolntmont moans nothlug but
further spallation of tbo Northorn
Pucltlo under n rotten receivership,
8EATTI.K, Oot. A Durlolhg lea for
Portland, Or., on tho S o'clock tralr.
Ho announced before lowing that G.
W. Dickinson, assistant goneral super
lntoudttit uuder tho old recolvors
would lu his general mauogor. The
appointment will bo followed by ap
plications along the line nnd Burleigh
will nppcar In tho United States circuit
court at Portland.
Brytun Ives said this afternoon that
he would yet forco tho receivers to an
countlug. In his supplemental affida
vit Ives llorcoly attacks Henry Villard
as a railroad-wrecker, aud Hoores Crom
well, who, ho says, was employed to
bring about tho conditions whereby a
collusive appointment by tbo Milwau
kee courts could bo made. Tho affida
vit statBBjtbat a bill in equity was pre
sentcd -to Judgo Jenkins, wherein
GiiHtny Ulbrecht, a creature of Villard,
wasBolo complainant, and described
himsolf as owner of bonds and stock of
tbo Northern Paclflo, whllo whatever
bands aud stock woro iu his possession
belonged to Villard. This bill, after
attorneys had consultation with the
trust company, provided for tho ap
pointment of Payuo. On its being
submitted to Oakcs, ho appealed to
President Rolston, of the trust com
pany, who Is said to havo insisted that
Oaken bo made ono of the receivers.
Then follows a statement of occurren
ces leading up to a oum promise, where
by Henry C. Roubq whs to be appoint
ed recelvor on accouut of tho Interests
represented by Charles h. Colby and
Colgate Hoyt. Thereupon counsel for
tho railroad company was notified by
telegraph, and tho bill known as the
Wlnstdn bill was filed.
Payno, who was nothing but a Mil
waukee, Wis., ward politician and
postmastor, then member of tho
uatlouul committee, aud general cor
poration striker In politics, is Bald to bo
in very poor health.
BKATTI.E, Oct. 3. Last night Judgo
Hanford, before leaving for Portland,
filed an order citing ox.recelvers Route,
Payuo and OaUes to appear boforo him
ou October 31st, and show their cause
why tboy should not bo puulshed for
Tom Watson Defeated,
Atlanta, Ga., Oot. 3, Major J. 0.
Bluck, democrat, has defeated Thomas
K. Watson, populist, for congress iu
tho tenth district by majority IS 41.
Frank Goodell, who has been acting
in tbo capacity of Western Union tel
egraph operator for the past 18 days,
during the illness of tho regular
operator, returned this afternoon and
bus resumed bis place as messenger iu
the local telegraph office.
Misses Theresa aud Rosalie Friendly
came down from Eugene this afternoon
and were visitors at tho fair this after
noon. The young ladles will visit
friends In Portland btfore returning
Mrs. Geo, V, Dorrls came down from
Eugeue this afternoon and is the
guest of her daughter, Mrs. H. H.
f Highest oi nil lit jL.j.4veiinm ru....i.
1 1 ',', MIHM l.iTt V,
Somo Features of the Day's Procssd
ings. San Francisco, Oct, 8. When the
Durraut trial was resumed this morn
ing, Attorney Deuproy continued call
ing of medical studonts who attended
tho lecture delivorcd by Dr. Cheney
on tho afternooH of April 3rd. Of eight
students who wore called during the
first hour none were found who
answered to Durrani's name at roll
call. Dlstrlot Attorney Barnes obtained
notes of each student for the purpora
of comparing them at.tbe proper time
with notes said to have been taken by
Attorney Duprey created a sensation
by asking that Robert N. Lynch, Rev.
Geo. Gibson's private secretary, who
sat in tho court room taking notes be
excluded from the court room. Mur
phy said ho could not exclude Lynch
unless ho (Lynoh) was subpoenaed as a
witness. Attorney Duprey at once
subpoenaed Lynoh and the couit
ordered him to leavo tho room. Lynch
reluctantly oboyed.
Rev. Davis.
Edwards Davis will apeak at tbo
Christian church tonight Thursday
In splto of what tbo Balem Statesman
says to tho contrary. Ho will not
speak at tho pavilion as it publishes.
Read tho following circular:
Contrary notlco makes It necessary
for mo to stato that my engagement at
tho Christian church tonight has not
beeu canceled!
All obligation to the state fair hsbo
elation has beou discharged.
Furthermore, tny engagement to
night will bo my last this season in
Balom, whoso aitizens are not respon
sible for the BitsrepresUtie&T and
solicitude I heartily appreciate... ,
John Savage Jr., returned this after
noon from his mining olalm south cf
It's Going
To Be Cold
llili winter. All the weather prophets agree
on that point. So die wtie woman will bfgin
now to look around for Cloaks and Fun and
Wraps. The right lime to buy such things I
before you need them. This give plenty of
time to compare prices nnd qualities, and
plenty of time to think the matter over and
make up the mind. Heine, auro before buying
it good deal better than buying first and
finding out afterward.
We are proud of our Cloak Department.
Fur Capes,
We will tell any of the samples tent ut for
display during the fair at the lowest prices
ever known for tuch goods. Price range from
$13.50 to $60 and Include the highest degree
of perfection.
Just Opened
another lot of Fine Capet and Jacked, In
boucle, astrakan, beaver, plush and fur, by
lar the prettiest line nerenooutt. l.reryi
number la leader from o to $20.
With Inrgo hooks,
Every pair
We are tole agents for this brand.
N, H, Sftd ut your mall orders for promnj attention best sf(
-. n
Growing Attendance tke Mr
Men Well Pleeed at the KimK
" of the lUces,
Tho Oregon derby was postponed
Until today, owing to the latenw of
the hour.
Tho mule races tills afternoon prom
ise to bo as fuuny as Old BUI Ander
son's bull races.
Tbo Balom Woodmon deserve a great
doal of '.credit for making this day a
success. Everywhere you go you sea
tho Woodmon badges.
Fonatora Mitchell and MoBrlde wtr
on the grounds for u whllo yesterday
and expressed themselves ns very well
p'eased with this year's fair.
The vlsitlucr. Woodmen who came In
today on tho excursions woro welcomed
at a meotlug hold In their honor in the
graud stand. Frank E. Hodgkio,
Neighbor of Salem Camp 118, delivtrad
the address of welcome. Walter L.
Tooze, the Woodburn millionaire, an4
others, made short reepomee. The
Woodmen are here tH crowd and pro
pose to have a good time.
The man wko performs oa the wire
and-so forth at the grand stand between
J heats ot raoes w a fake of the rankest
Itvm tin uu on fourth pe.J
the leading athletic corset. Trice Sl.50.
Dr. Warner's
give case, comrort and grace. Four million
women are today wearing them.
Don't nut it off If vour are coins to buy
full or winter buy now- and Ret a whole
season's wear and comfort out of your clothes.
ALU WOOL BUITS-Guaranleed to wear
to your liking or money refunded.,,,
Working Suits,
$4, ;j6, $8.
HATS-Fedoras 50 eenli and J, A)l
lines complete.
FURNlSIIlNCS.-15yerrtBleg freak
w,.MHIPiiyy mmmm!