mm ,! I 4 OUR ENTIRE STORE ,IS TpJ1 TTT tas1 By the lump or single piece Clothing for Men and Boys. The greatest opportu nity. The Lowest Prices. The best goods ever offered. WQOliEtl f.ii store Complete line of Willa mette University Text Books at lowest prices. A full stock of school tablets, pencils, etc. S. F. DEARBORN. Stroo Restaurant gs KIIOM THE OlMi O' KAKB. lint UnkM .. Mush and Milk Ham Bnndwlch Threo Doughnuts 4 ofa l'lo...... l'lgs Kcot Htewed Krult . lluckwheat Cakes . 8c . fio . fio . 6o . fio . fio (0 lOo Mush and Jersey Crcam. lOo Bollod Hlco with Cream........... Krlod Mush Bwlss Cheese Bandwlch..... American Chcce Bandwlch........ Kggs, liny style............ l'olato Hulad . 100 100 , lOo lOo lOo . lOo PERSONALS. J. II. King, of Detroit, was a guest nt tho Cook hotel today. MoKlnloy Mltobol of Gervala, hud 1 bualuuwj In Halom today. Horaco Harper, one of tho plonoers of Idanbu, la la the olty today. Hon. nud Mrs. I. L. Patterson have goao to Ban Friinolsco on a visit. Adjutaut'Ooueral Tuttlo or Portland, bad business nt tho capital today. Misses Emma and Kato Plymale visited friends at Cbomawu today. P. A. Harbor, of Albany, N. Y., registered nt Willamette tbla morning. frank Hughes went to Yaqulua bay this morning on a short business trip. Dr. Ilrooks of Hllverton, today tiled a medical liceuso with tbo county clerk. Hon. Goo. Uluoarson o( Oregon City, transacted business In tho capital city today. Thos, Hopkins, a prominent business man of Albany, had business In Balem this morning. Ohas. Murphy loft for Yuqutna this morning to accept a position In the 0. C. k E. car shops. John Heldecker, tho cemont side walk artist, went to the mute school this morning wbero ho is laying a walk about the new homo for the mutes. Mrs. Frank Gilbert of Portland, who haa beeu visiting relatives in this city, went to Hubbard this morning to con tinue her visit. Bbo was accompanied by Harold Gilbert. J. O. Hall, Jno. Bavage Jr. and Q. L. Bavano lell today for Newport, From tbero tboy will go about twenty 11 yo miles down tho coast to tho min ing claim they located last month. The mlue Is rich enough to Justify the men In working It aud they may bo anient from Balem several weeks. . . . Correct Stylos and V Aro characteristic of now and elogant stock of Capes, Jackets, Mackintoshes Seo grand display in our A $50.00 black silk dress to bo givon away in our dress goods department. Buy your new dress from us. jOT"il!fl,iaa WILLIS BROS. & CO. "inin, FOIL STATE HOUSE NEWS. Prof.T. M. Martin, of Florence, Lare county, la visiting old-time friends In tho Capital City, nnd Is the guest of hie sons, Ctiroy F. and Win. Q employtx respectively of tho secretory of state' ofiloeaud the ntato Htato reform school, Martin L. Cbamborlaln and C. II. Moores, botti of tialem, were today commlaaloned notaries. Attorney-General C. M, Idleman Is working on tho Weston normal school case. Tho law points will all be argued on demurrer. Geo, H. Irwin, deputy stato superin tendent of schools, was married at high noon toduy to Miss Florence Catterllu, a teacher In tbo Hast Balem schools, ut tho residence of tbo bride's parents, corner Twelfth and Marlon streets. The ceromony was performed by Hon. Q. M. Irwin, rather or tbo groom. Mr, aim Mrs. Irwin took the atternoon train for Portland and Hoattle. Tho supremo court Is grinding uway on opinions. Judge Bean Is away on tho Bluslaw visiting bis mother ut the old home. Tho ludgemades a regular annual visit to his old borne. INOOIU'OUATION. Phil. B, Dates, E. 8. Jackson and Paul C. Dates bavo filed article incor porating "Tho Union Trust Co.r" bank lug, loans and real estate. Capital stock $100,000. New Lace Curtains at Dalrympls. Drain Normal Opens. For several days past students have been arriving on eaoh train to attend tho Drain Normal. Yesterday was the opouing day for tho current year. Tbo attendance was ieiter man was ex pected. At 8:30 the huge boll pealed forth to the people of Drain the glad announcement that school work bad begun for another year. Citizens from all quarters turned out en masse to witness the opening exercises which constated of muslo, songs, scrlpturo reading and prayer together with speeches and short addresses from the following named persens: Hon. J. T. Drldges, Rev. Btratford, J. V. Krew- son, J. A. Dlaok, V, A. Perkins, Hen ton Mires, Prof. J. E. Love, President Louis Daizee, Messrs. Trine, Hodden, et al. The enthusiasm ran high and all seemed to take on new life in edu. cation Interest, The Drain Normal, situated as It is, In tho beautiful Calapoolas, with four new buildings, is certainly an excell ent situ for a Normal sohool. Children Cry for Pltchar's Castorla. Excellent Qualities. . . . ovory garment in our big corner window. vomer vouri ana iiiMtry. "IP rz5 SENATORS IN TOWN. Two ComiHiUeefl iMect Them at tho Train. J. II, IHTCIiELLANDCW.iM'BRIDE Receive Cordial Welcome at the Capital City. Seldom Is n city honored with the presence of two members of the United States senate. Senators Mitchell and McBrldo aud party nro at Hotel Willamette. The gentlemen nro life-long friends, both old Urcgoulnus, aud ns Republican col leagues aro visiting their constituents In dlflerent parts of the state as they havo a perfect right to do, In view of tbo fact that congress meets In less than ten weeks, and that they will not bo able to be back In Oregon until next full, and this la their ouly opportunity to mtct people. KECKl'TION COMMITTEES. Besides a commltteo of Ave of the city government, the Balem board of trudo wna called together nnd tho fol lowing commltteo wua appointed to meet und wult upon the senators dur ing their stay In tho city und consult upon Investigation of tbo river nnd its requirements; John G. Wright, J. J. Murphy, Jasper MInto, G. W. John son and Jeflerson Myers with the council committee consisting of Mayor Uutoh, Aldermen Illgdou, Holtnuu ui'd Duncan aud City Engineer Culyer. They met tbo honorable senators ut the 11 o'clock train and escorted them to Hotel Willamette, tienator Mitchell's married daughter, Mrs. Hatidy und her friend, Miss Clark, of Bau Frnnclsco.accompauy the party. Senator McBrldo Is accompanied by Mrs. Dr. Yergeau, of Ban Joee, Cal., and Mrs. Dolman, mother of Dr. W. C. Morse. Doth ladles are sisters of Benntor MoDrldo nnd uro guests ol Mrs. B. F. Ulltnor nnother Bister of the senator. They will remulu ubout two weeks. Early today cullers upon tho sena tors began to arrive. Governor Lord was tbo ilrst to drop In at Hotel Wll. lumotto. Other cullers wcro Mayor and Mrs, Gatch, Couuty Chairman Croisun, County Treasurer Mlnto, Hon. John MInto, J. J. Murphy, Hon. John G, Wright and scores of citizens of ull parties. Tbero wero a great many farmers In to call on both senators. At 2:30 the souutors In carriages wont over tbo bin brldgo to view tho proposed rlyer Improvements. Salem people uppreolate this visit of the senators aud the committee have arranged that thero will be a publlo re ception at the hotel this evening at 7 o'clock, where nil tho people who dealre to may see tho Oregon senators. Let all the people turn out and mako them welcome. Happy Home clothing Dalrymples. Married. HARIUPT-LAWDENCE.-At the residence of the brldu's parents, 303 Church street, at high noon toduy, Miss Myrtle M. Hurrltt to Arthur C. Luwrence. The wedding ceremony was per formed In nn Impressive manner by Rey. G. W. Grannie, pastor of the First Methodist church, In the preseuco of ubout tweuty-llvo of the Immediate friends of tho contracting parties. At tho conclusion of the cere mony ttio party ropalred to the dining room, whero a sumptuous wed ding dinner was partaken of, Tho bride Is the accomplished daugh ter of Mr. nnd Mrs. J, V. Hurrltt, und haa hosts of frleuda in thla city who wish her a happy future. She la a graduate from East Sulem publlo sohool. Tho groom la the well-known courteous uud accommodating account ant In the grocery establishment of Hurrltt & Lawrence. The newly wedded couple wero escorted to the depot by a number of friends and took the 2:20 train for Astoria, where they will spend a week. Returning to Balem next week they they will commence housekeeping In one of the handsome cottages, recently sreoted by J, A. Jtotan, on Winter street, near Union. The Palaco will save shoos. you money on tf. Happy Home cluthlug Dalrymples. Tradk la Still Gonu-Iu all Hues of goods carried by the New York Racket. Their prices are uulformly low, for goods of good quality. 17 2dlw Ladle' shoes from AAA to P widths at tbo Palace. tf. Fur capes and cellars nt Dalrymples. Or, Price's Cream Baking Powdtr AT THE COURT HOUSE. More Tax Money In Department ITe. 1. Fii Ho caoof W. H. HolmeB, admin lutrator In tho Itobcrt Ford efltute, vs. Klluger & Deck, the court rendered a judgment in favor of the plaintiff for about 3,900 aud for Mrs. Ford, wife of tho deceased, $2,51.0. Tbocasoof Hutchcroft vs. Herreu aud Levy and nlberq, relative to n hop contract, is being tried May. Mrs. Henrietta Parrish has been ap pointed guardian of the person aud es tate of N 0. Parrlsh an Insane person who Is about to come Into possession of properly valued at $4,000. Mr. Parrlsh was cited to appear before tbe court Bept 28 and show cause, if nny, why the petition should not be granted. BherlU John Kulgbt mode tbo 21st payment of taxes to Couuty Treasurer Minto yesterday. Tbe amount de posited In tbe county treasury yester day was $2,620 17 making a grand total or $108,715 07 taxes collected for 1601. A. Strong today filed with the couuty clerk notices of the location of four mining claims In Marlon county. The mines are called the Rail Road, Big Horn, N. W. Entrance to R. R. mine nud S. E. Entrance to Big Horn mine. County Clerk L. V. Ehlou today is. sued marrlago licenses aa follews: G. H. I rwln and Miss Florence E Cattcrlln; Arthur (J. Lawrence und Mlsa Myrtle M. Hurrltt. Tbe witnesses were B. B. Cuttorllu und F. A.Baker, respectively. Sherlil John Kulght returned from Eugene today, having obtained no di Unite cluo of the oscaped birds. 1 m THE JNfcW XOItK KACKET Has a lino stock of mou's, boys' and chil dren's olothlug, also a largo lino of tbe "Star 6 Star" boots nnd shoes, nnd all kinds of rubbers, from tbe small child's sIzq to the largest size for meu. Come In uud sco our stock und prices. A largo per cent Is saved by buying for cash. 17 2dlw School Meetinci. At the regular meeting of the hoard ofchool directors for Dbtrlut 21 lust evculug,a commltteo ceusUtlug of Ohmart und Rruou was appointed to tit a now room lu tho Lincoln school building for occupancy. Tho bid of Mr. Taylor for sawing wood at the various school houses was ac cepted by tbe board. The Newest Bargains. Heavy arrival of now stock in every department, includ ing men's shoos, Avork shirts and pants, underwear, hats, socks and rubber goods. The finest lino of ladies' reliable bIioos for winter wear, under clothing, hosiery. Big lino of granitoware as cheap as good tinware. Closing out a lino of thin blown tumblers at 50c per dozen, usually sold for $1 to $1.50. Similar bargains in all lines Union Bargain Store Died. WENGER Tuesday. Bept. 7, 1805. of rhi umatlsm of tho heart, Charles, son of Jacob Wenger. tbreo miles east of Balem, aged 15 years. Deceased suffered Intensely for two weeks before passing Into tbe great beyond. The funeral will be held Th u red ay afternoon, Rev Blttner ofllcl- uting, und the burial will take place at Leo Mission cemetery. HOVENDON At bla homo uear Woouhurn at 10 a. m., Tuesday,8ept 17, 1805, A. Hovendon, aged 05 years, of BrlghU' disease. Funeral services wore hold at Hub bard today at 11 a. m. Abymjm Woiir. John Ring, the well known Portland Contractor, who built tho Btate prison gasworks and tho residence of A. Bush, many yeurs ago, la In oharge of tbe brlok work of tho Btate Insane asylum addit ion. He says the walls will be up and ready for the Superintendent In about teu days. At Maiuon. The publlo la notified that A. B. George, of Marlon, Is auth-. orlzed ageut for tbo Daily and Weekly Jouknal. Any subscriptions banded blm will receive prompt attention. liofer Bros. D-2w Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair, Medal, Midwinter Fair. VWtt F CREAM BAKING POWDER IMost Prftct Made 4oYttSt4r. PROP. H. B. GENTRY'S Dogs and Ponies that Almost Talk. Tbo above company of all star ani mal aotora will appear In this city un der a tent at the depot show grounds ' Monday and Tuesday nights, Sept. 2:1 and 24, matinee Tuesday 2:30 p. m. Ono reason of Professor Gentry's great success Is the fact that, coupled with his remarkable artistic powera Is u distinct purity aud nobility of nature, an intelligent, honest manhood, rarely met with In othci Walks of life, aud still more rarely met with in the Hue of animal trainers. This moral integ rity Is so apparent lu bis professional work that not to speak of It would be to slight an Influence that has distinct ively emphasized blanrt as a trainer. Ho la certainly the greatest In his line before tbo public, aud baa the most re fined exhibition of educated anlmuls of this day uud time. Ponies aud dogs that can almost talk, and at prices so low that everybody can attend. Child ren, 15 Benta; adults, 25 cents. Its Quite a Thick. For some people to learn to mount a bicycle but it's no trick to call al Branson & Co', nud ordor your groceries. Choicest fruits aud vegetables always on hand nt prices that defy competition. Anotiieii Show. Wo nro not a traveling concern but we buow a line of clothing al prices the like of which was never heard of before. Call aud examine our Hue of goods before pur chasing elsewhere. G. W. J linpon & Son. "Wekb Wedded, Aa It were to "Epicure" tea, remarked two ladies to duy. They know a good thing when they see it. To be found at Gilbert A Patterson's. Correct lit in shoes nt the Palace., tf JOHN HUGHES. Dealer iu Groceries, I'nintr Oils, Window Glass, Vurnlnlu' and tho most complete slock 0 Brushes of nil Kiiils in th State. Artists' Materials, Li nu Ilair, Cement ami Shingles am (Incst quality of GRASS SKKIIS The Fall Campaign. Tho Ladies' Bazaar opens tho fall campaign with a larger stock and lower prices than oyer, judging from tho crowds that daily throng our store our goods and prices aro appreci ated. VVo havo a largo now stock of stylish millinery for uro juu iraae cueappr tnan evor. LADIES' BAZAAR. D. W. Fraser & Co. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. JyAJU'KD-lOOOaeenUto cunvasa counties t for the Fountain washer. Apply to J.H, rown. box jus. Balem. Or. lM8 6t fl ""n A ?. VrS .?y Uulnawre, Tea, Mattings, Under-clotli ng. n , 01 j tutu tup, 11 vAiuri St., under opera nou,9 ?1S-In M IW. hLiA U M'DOWELL.teioj rnf vni culture, 318 High st, 917.lm WANTKO-Uxnericneod trl to housework Hn5aUlialHe9. I'ay fa to tJ. Apnly atthlsofflM WAQON TO THAI)E-Kor sale or ti trade -.,iP.rHiyIVl '" Reed lrra wagon. Apply to O. is. Iayne, eastot asylum. !( W'ANTKD-AJcook at the Cottage. Apply at once, ai Court st. J. K.Btaiger. HSi EU BAL.K, A few Hrst-clasa milch cows. Also Bomt jersey heifers and a two-year ey bull. Apply Jo Geo, K. Allen, fi miles eastofBulem. p 71m VJ.NTija-Anhonet,cllveEontlemftn "01 " Udyto travel for esUblUhed. reliable uuuv. "".j tiov,tjrituia iia weejtiy ana expensea. Hltuatlon permanent. Helerences. IwmlnlOi lonipany, SIS uuiaha bulldlnv. Calcago- 8.27.1IU B UblMta i UfMAU-l,iuty wanted' to ttart anil mn lliiAnt ..! ,. -.4. . be donated. Inquire at thls'offloe, 8VT-lm ClUKnriAJ bdKMUlv-Uterature ol mi J mate oa sale and ChrUii&n Hinmu vTy at MB Liberty street, corner Chemeketa I . W&ii&JWAaiftUMnKJvmi, Eourauuiorned aceat. Thla paper U kepi on I tain MinniML " '' QiiuA Btnuut&M TypewrtUQir anil p commercial sunography. OffloeT room tosablo ratM. .2A TI0IMI0RIR!0W SPECIAL SALE OF GLJDBS 1 5-hook black and colored 5-hook Fskay . 5-hook Foster And a1! other gloves at SPECIAL Our 76c Broadcloth. Our 25c ChilyV Silk Cap. Our 10c Turkish Towels. . S. M. & E. 115 STATE STREET. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL! MONMOUTH, OREGON. Pim OF TUb UnlveMlly of Oreion, Kugoqn, Orouon, oilers troo tuition Ui all students. Vouneraea oblalu bo 11 a lortgltu. ho a out l'BJt in the Uorm'torr Jor ti 80 por wo .It hoouiorJ ftif. ituolr own linen. Youmc women a-o provided with board In private families atll per ) Voim women doslrlns biird should address frof.Jobu Mtraub. LuiVneTorceon or calauro lie degrees, Haohelorol Art. Haohelor WV,,1 ls W' 'i1 nd.vnnco '.V nll tu1t !.- ii " y i z "'" jis.iiii nu 1 iu itiruu yonm m wiu iii'u enmaaiois hntslUU: An udvanoed rpumo fir graduates of normnl oohools leading to the degree mulw 2'0.'JlB.0,?f':HA cVl,n,01o' rw? 'J?,r 0,r,cucuer'' or Physical education load log Ttoa dlplonS and tbe title director nhvslail uriiiftittnn. 'rim iTninii. .i..r: -Jr ;-..iJ.?.;Y V. 'Tr! U. II. ( hnpman, 1'rcnldent, or J. J Walton, Htorflary. Kuceno. Orccou. 832m m ML IUturnlng prosperity w 111 inalte many rlrr, out nowhere can they mako so much within s ishort time a by sucotesfuf sp- ,von In Grain, i'rovWonaand Htocic. SlO F0R EACI1 UJL'AR INVESTED can bo K1'' made by our Systematic plan of Speculation. 11 ousindi Vir ,Tn i nn ?, rn.?n .WJIT ytem. It Is a well known fact that there s OMObrokS iS5rt?LpamMf.,l,oUn,,oc,bla,,WU0' "y ytomatlo trading through Chi mlu WholnSS n ?h?,r,?rt,2L,?U eyeW Mr. ranging Irom a few thousand flollvs fj who inveA a rw ft,11. ',?r5d ir, VT0, hundred dollars up to sM.000 to or more by tbow wmii?iutHvX,.liVSMiU',,Jj20.?.f'ie,,ml ttlOi0 who mako the largest proflis frow MnrWt iS.'."",1"? -tISySfJtfl?0"'. !" fiadini tuiiv iiiirt ri,i-J. '." B i"""lB- Al'" r'tftK. uur manual exnains margm iraaing luiiy, lllKhost refereBcesln regurd toourstandlnif andumm. roriurwieriniormailon address 10S COUUT ST.. HAI.B Exposition PORTLAND, transportation linos. . , , , , ADMISSION : Single admlslon SS!SSSra5S2i!! "'"" :rE E, C. MASTEN, Sec. . 2o . 10c .nca bwlalrteu'wiMSii-'ffi!l7fiwr '.nn(leor tbe resource-, Industries, eomnwm. ii2oMi,5,liS. iVJL0L'i?. .1.,iin'r"lh'fl'erles, manulacturea and transnortallon Uclll- u uuriuwcu. ftineraumo, BjsclaiaUraotloas everyday. lUtesonsii EXCELSIOR - STABLES B. C, Hansen, Manager. Only good horses used. Satisfaction guaranteed. Stables I W..V... ut wwi,u Take theOne Cent Dailv Uregon NowspaperCaUfornia news does not suit you Eastern papers wll not answer-This is distinctively thotOregoa Newspaper entirely tver xug Oregon interests. 7 0- t .'. " greatly reduced prices. DRIVES o- H. STOCK A training school for teachers." Com. pleto eight grado training dedartmeut and strong professional nnd academic coiirsca. Tho diploma of tho school entitle ono to tiaoh In nny county In tbe M&is without further examination. Board and lodging, books and tuition 1150 per year, Beautiful and liealili'al location. No saloons. There Is a good demand for well trained teachers there Ih nn over supply of untrained tenchcru. Catalogue choouully sent on applies. tlou. Address P. L. CAMPHELL, W. A. WANN, President. Hooretnry. 8KI1, 1895-181 of tuionce and lUohel r of totters wltaeor! HtHdonu holding, dlploi nal ftSm IUs publio 832m ON, SMALL INVESTMENTS. .n "'ccessful speculation and ourDallr TALKINGTOIT, BOTTGER t0 CO, Opens October 5th, OREGON. or exhibit spaco apply al tho exposltlos building to O. II. HUNT, Sur.t Aitaurunco UIOCK. JHst-',A-atst&.