iWiiiH;iii Wn - , , ytp yoyptrp; r.?, iMf-j, , - fdJMWW, iiiMi'ts-wrtrtMtotoiihS)M.''i'3i' 4m iwrtw afcfcSte!M. JL- 1 J AGRICULTURE, HORTICULTURE, DAIRYING AND STOCK RAISING. Cultivate your rami well, but culture In the xamlly 1 better. Make your family sell supportlnRund your firm self-sustaining. Heart good newspopcrs and good books nloud In tbe home clrdW for gencrat education. This department U a regular feature of the IJAILY and WEEKLY JOUKNAl.. Kor rellablo local and general market and crop report, iee other columns of this paper. Kvery fanner la reach of a dally or trl-wockly mall should tako a daily newspaper. Tln age of the tallow oAtdle is pat. Farm and Home. Have you clovor ouougb coming on '! Now prepare tliat fall garden. Order your winter's reading. Prepare shelter for nil your stock. How can yuu uiuhotato fair atten dance ptofltable? Bee that thero Is food and Water whero young poultry can get It. The grain that Is sown In cTeptotuber and October makes more feed and yields a bigger crop. Ask your road supervisor to go over t'io roads and fill the hole t bit will hold water or fix them bo tlioy will lift hold it. The experience of practical furiner Ib wanted for these columns. Most of tbo matter copied from writers fm eastern farm journals la of no value I" th man who i-t trying to raako a furrr pay here. Ono of the beat places for the poullrj house Is tbo orchard. The fowls art away from the garden and have i range where they can secure, plenty oi green food, bugs, worms mid oltiw insects, In destroying which they beu cfit the trees and fruit. The slto toi the hotiso should bo chosen with u viow to Insuring good drainage, as It If most eauentlal that poultry hiivo dry quarters iu which they may roost oi tako refuge when it storms. On a farm It is no easy matter to give tht fowl a good rango and at tho samo time to keop them away from tho garden, the hog pen and the stables. In many cases tho orchard is tho only good place for tho poultry house. Tho fowls do bolter there, with tbo variety of food they secure, than if thoy were kept in moro restricted quarters. Depression Kollovcd by Livo Stock. Among agricultural speeches recently recorded, few can comparo In vuluo to tho speech of tho Marquis of Huntly,ut tbo luncheon of tho Tarland Agrlcul. tural 8how,says Mark LaneEzprees.Ue stated that ho had been perusing with great attontlou all tho testimony given by practical farmers beforo tho Royal Commission, aud ho found that they ono and all agreed In tho samo conclu sion, that, doplorablo as had beon the downfall in prices, and tho enormous losses occasioned thereby, matters would have beeu mtioh worse If farmers had not fallen baok on tho resources whloh llvn stock, breedlug, dairying, and grazing unfolded to them. Those who grasped theso outorprlses with most ardour had boon ablo to grapple most successfully with tho dllllcultles of tho tltnes,wullo those who proceeded In tho old courses, taking no heed of the now departures so urgently requi site, had become Involved In ruin and beon compelled speedily to abandon their holdings. Tho Marquis of Iluutly pointed prominently to tho ovldeuco of Mr. Bowon'-Jones, who admitted that, had he not been a breeder ot Hereford cat tle and Shropshire shoop, ho mutt havo gouo to tho wall long since. Wo bellove that Mr. Jtoweu- Jones not only s to ted this much, but that there woro large numbers of farm occupiers iu the couu ties of Shropshire and Herefordshire who were exactly In a similar position. Tholr pure-bred cattlo aud sheep had proved tholr shoot anchor. Few of them bad escaped wholly from loss under the trying olroumstauces of tho post fifieou years, but thoy bad kept clear of tbe quloksauds and shoals which had shipwrecked so many otUers. Mr, John Treadwell iu his Yidence before the Uoyal Commission by no means attempted to disguiso the fact that as times go It is a most dlDl WII'IIIIU-IJ U ' J.. I .'I Ill 1X1- VI60R F MEN Easily, Quickly, Permanently Rtttered. Weakness, NerveUBtteaa, uobiiiiy, ana mi me train or evus irout cany errors or later oxcesees, the result ot overwork, slrknew, worry, cic. hi strenam, uevui- opmoui sua loue given 10 every orcran ana portion of tho body. 8luu)o,nt- ural methotl. Iuimrdl ntn tmiurovemcnt seen, nieiuoiis. luimrui improvement seen, Wliure ImiioMllile. H.OOH rererencee., Ilook, xpianauon ana proou mauea (ikwucvu ireo. EIIE MEDICAL 00., luffall, M.Y. the Mmflm Mi VvcSrOv JivifnvW'l) cult matter for farmers to make tbe two nnds meet, but lie waa obliged to admit that Ills returriB from ram breed lug, milk selling, and grazing alone saved htm from those ftuiful loseis which those who depend wholly on corn growing are now subjected tu. Tho Berkshire Hog. .From a paper preparrd by Mr. James III ley of Thornton, Intl., at the n quest of tbeNitlunat Herkshlre llccord As Hoclallon, we iHko tbo following ex tracts regarding tho origin and eurlj history nf the IJorkohlre a breed which has always been a favorite In tblsStat: Originally, they were rpprenlel at being of u bud, sandy or reddish brown color, spotted with blnck, occasionally tiwny or while, spotted in the same inuiinvr. They wore com t In Hie bone, head rather largo with heavy Mop enrp, urouil on iwU, deep In tho chest, llui Idesund long iu the bod, thick and ueavy on both Uimiltlers and hump, well letdown Iu the twlet, bristles mid 'oug curly hair and rather Hlwrt, utroug lew. Their meat was better marbled than that of any nthor breed of swltie in England -that Is, had a greater pro portion of lean, freely Intermixed with lino streaks of fat, whloh makes II much moro tonder und juicy than It would otherwise be. This very dealra ole characteristic of the ISerKshlre, uamely, tho excellent qualities of their meat, has beeu carefully maintained through various stages of Improve ments so much bj that at tho prosent tlmo thoy aro superior to any other breed In this respect. They were from tlmo Immemorial preferred to all other swlno there, as they aro horo at tho present time for choice hams and bacon. They vero slow feeders aud did not ordinarily mature until thoy reach the ago of two and one-half or three years. Oregon farmers will for the next six months ship Iu a good many puro bred Uerkshlros. The World's Progress. A pioneer farmer nf this county has banded us tho following to show that tho world does pregress: Alexauder Wells, an old citizen of our neighboring town of Wellsvllle, Ohio, has in his possession a copy o( an lutortstlug and uovol document is. sued by the school board of tho town of Lancaster, this stato, Iu 1828. The question of steam railroads was thou in Its Incipient stages of agitation, and a club of young mou had beeu formed for tho purpose of discussing tbo points at Issue, nud desired tho use of the sohool house for purposes of debate. This was looKed upon by the members of tho school board as an Innovation bordering upon sucrilego, us indicated by tbo reply of tho body to thu request, which is the document iu tho posesslou of Mr. Wells. It reads as follews: "You aro welcomo to tho uso of the sohool house to debute all proper ques tions In, but suoh tutugs as railroads aud telegraphs aro Impossibilities and rank Intldollty. Thero Is nothing In tho word of Uod about them. If Qod had designed that his Intelligent crea ture should travel at tho frightful speed of llfteen miles nn hour, by steam, Ho would clearly have foretold It through His, holy prophots." "It Is a dovlco of tiatau to lead im mortal souls down to hull" Such fiontitueuta possibly n fleeted the feeling to some extent Iu the days of sixty-live years ago, but they souud strangely at the present time when the "dovlco of Satau" Is daily carrying peo ple ovor thu laud at the ruto of sixty or seventy miles an hour. The world has progressed somewhat since 1S28. Oloyor Qrowlne. Cultivator unci Country Qeutlemnu: Clover RrowluR nt tho West la thu key Btone of Buavssful ngrluuhure. and through ltu ueo the Uolda are kept in a condition ol fertility that enabled thetu to produce tho mauy crops of the farm wheat, corn, &u Iu New Kngland, clover grawlug 1ms been neglected fir many j'eare.mxl oiumva oiuparatlvely tow ileitis or oluver In u r do throucrh southern New Kn(rland states at I least. Oueieac&n for tills la perhaps the fact that ninny farmers sell loose bay In the markets, and any large quantity of clover with timothy Injures the Bale, as most of the hay Bold Is used for feeding city or town horses, und clover 10 objected to. For this reaeui. Home farmers sow nn clover seed what ever. Another reason, and perhaps t'i chief one, Is the fuci flat clover soedluir often fulls to catch ana produce a good crop. Fall tiro Is so often tbo rule that farmers havo gotteu out of the way of sowing any clover at oil herd's grus (timothy) and red top being the prlnel pal grasses town. Tlila Is to be great lj regretted, since of lute yours wo have leurtud that the clovers and other legu minous plants eecuto their nitrogen mainly from tbo atmosphere, it'iil tbeieforv sei ve us an important ag 1 1 In unrichliig our soils. All leguoilncu plants should be the protected helper of every furiner, since they are capable id lending him Mid) valuable aid. Thoy arc nitrogen traps set at all times of tbo day and night throughout the giowlng teubon ton cure the valuable element of nitrogen which Is ever seek ing, to elude the farmer's grasp. The 200 P und Oow. Itfpljh'g to "Why aro Dalny Far mer's Dim ursgid," Is tbo following) Tho tltet clue is that "stern fact" that a cow giving only 200 rounds of butter u 3 ear will not do much tomake her owner rich or proud,, Tiue eviry ilmeuud many Intelligent contributors have Lcen trying for years to got farmers to sell or give uway suoh cows In case good fetdlug all tho year will not make 300 or Sol-pound cows of them. They are unprofitable nuisances, and dinuld he abated from overy faim. Hut It Is to be luferiud that some havo such cows, and havo had them for many years, also, that thoy huve aided largely to bring him Into his present poverty; ami that, wo far, he 1ib no Idea of giving them up for cows that might do better. Tiideed, lie says that suoh a cow, kept on gross und hay, "is doing welll" The chief blame, he thinks, rests with the price of butter, 10 cents n pound. Hut most butter fanciers would heslUto to give even 10 conts for the butter of a 200 pouud cow, because sucu cows aro not fed ou rich food, suoh as good Judging con sumers think Is necessary to the pro duction of first-class butter. It fol lows, naturally enough, that thoy are unprofitable, and thoy ought to bo. be causo otherwise it would oncourage and promoto a shiftless and cruel mode ol dairying. When tbe cow Is capablo of doing better work through Reed feeding nud caro, alio is partially starved whoa sho yields only 200 pounds of butter a year, and the owner is treating her cruelly, aud ought to be punished in somo way. Farming Hlllsldos. How to farm hillsides to prevent washing and wasto of fortllo soil Is a great problem everywhere, and Oregon has a full share In it. Wo have local conditions and periods of rain )A( --SAIIPLU -.PACKAOG (4 to 7 doses) OF Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets 7l any one sending name and address to us on a postal tard. Once Used. They are Alwaya la Favor. Hence, our object in sending them out broadcast .ON TRIAL- They absolutely cure Sick HeadacUe. Bll. lousncss, Constipation, Coated Tongue, Poor Appetite, Dyspepsia and kindred derange, menu of the Stotnacb. liver and Bowels. Don't accept some substitute said to b "fust as good." Tht substilut costs the dealer less. It costs jvh ABOUT the same. HIS profit is in tht "just as good." WflBRB IS YOURS? Address Tor Fan Baiii- b, World's DbfCBMrr Metflcai AsmcMIm, . J Maim Si., HUfWU.0, At f. B-S3a Give Brati Away LvniltAMr vsssv H I issiWiss W WsWfsni The Cures By faood's Barsaparllla are wonderful, but tho explanation lj simple. Hood's Bams- psrllla purines, vital ises and enrlebei tbe blood, and 41seat cannot resist Its now erful curative powers. Keadthls: "My girl bad hip disease when five years old. Blio was confined to her bed and for six or sevon weeks tbo doctor applied weights to tbo affected limb. "When sho got up she wts nnablo to walk, had lost all her strcngl hand day by dsy she becaino thlu ner. I read of a cure ol a similar case by Hood's Barssparllla, and decided to give it to Lillian. "When she had taken one bottlo It bad effected so much good that I kept on giving it to her until she had taken thrco botttes, Her appetite was then excellont and she was well and stronu, She hns not used crutches for eight months and walks to school every day. I cannot say too much for Eoods Sarsaparilla It la a splendid medicine and I would recommend It to any one." Mas. Q. A. IiAltosE, Orovlllo, California. HnrAa Ditto ttf" tantrten, mlM, ertee nOOU S JrlllS uv. AUdiucgUU. c fall, which a tomeubat exceptional perhaps and renders advice for other conditions somewhat treacherous hero perhaps, but still geueral knowledge of (bo tuhject Is Important to nil who havo tuo'j problem) In hand. The Department of Agriculture has Just is sued a "Farmer's Bulletin" upon tho subjeot of "Washed Seils: How to Prevent and Heoluim thorn,." In tbo Introduction It Is noted' that thousands of acres of land In this country are abandoned every year because tho sur face has been washed uud gullied be yond tho possibility of profitable cul tivation. It Is beltovod that the Dre sent bulletin, aud tbo simple facts therein presented as to how this ero sion washing may bo prevented, nud bow washed aud abandoned lauds may be reclaimed, will serve a useful pur pose. Farmers who have hillside land will do well tu addrc's the Scretary of Agriculture, Washington, D. C, fur a copy of this bulletin. )?. CONTRJS, 1'urlovH Over Gray Bros. WELL DRILLING Contracts wanted at renionablo irlew, Work guaranteed. Kcferono) as to expert encoaud responMbllltytlurnUhed Wilte P. L.. KEl.KIl. Bulem, U U 01 Or. HI HURL! MEHAMA, OR. Good accommodations, with tablo and bed kupt up to its old standard. Guests served with the greatest comfort. 7-irw F. M. Steele ltu coMutmoiAh ht. SMincry and Bicycle Repair Klectrlea'Jjel Hand Medical Uatier a spe cialty, Bniau Uyuauio and Motor, built and repaired. All work done In the best manner. GEO. FJSimillCII'S MEAT MARKET! 331 Commercial st. ICottle block. I fHucotwkor to U. M. lieokA Co. I Bent luoau Ialthe,c4ty. fromptdellverr tt Mnwoot prloM SALEM TILE WORKS. tLAROKllTOOK ON UAND.J Special Inducements oftered. Kntpped Jto al point on short notice, Hend for priced. Yardj, North Halem. Addreu J. K, MUltrilY, Fair Grounds, oi SALEM WATER CO. Officei Wllamelle Hotel Building For water service apply at orHoe. UUlspay. able monthly in advance. Make alt com. plalnuattheomce. Irrigation months Jnne, July, August and Heptemben liour- to 8 a. m.t Slot n m. Irrigation bills payable on or before the Ut or July. Street sprinkling poaliWelv forbidden Ills titit noDpottaoat rmljr ror (luuvrrbu:, Oloct, Spermaiorrhas. 'liluKimv Whim, unnatural 11- tot to MtUuMu Hod. krrll&tloa ur ulcer. rnmu hiujIw, tloa if mnv on nitm IrHtEuMCHCUiwtOo. bn'" a-MUineut. Lowaxun,o.HB "', "' '. by txrrcM, rrrU, for ii.00, .r a Lotiiu. sirs. ClrcuUr koi eu riu. wsusm rM HOME EDUCATION, Something for Mother unil tint Children. WHAT TUB JOURNAL OFFERS FREE Two High Class Mnguzi.ii's Ncednl in Every Household. Journal readers who renew cash subscriptions on tho fol lowing terms ran have their choice of two very desirable majjnzines Ireo. "QUEEN OF FASHIONS" free, by mail, ono year to any subscriber who pays for the Daily by carrier three months in advance, at this offico,$1.50; or tho Weekly ono year and a half in advance, $1.50. This gives you tho best lG-page il lustrated fashion magaziuo of New York tree tor one year. Tho above prices aro net cash, and tho cheapest combination ovor offered. Tho "Queen" is a high-class, practical, home magazine, "THE CIIILD-GAltDEN." Upon xho same terms you can obtain this delightful Chi cago children's magazine. Judi tho thing to road to tho littl ones ot the homo circl 1 brings tho kindergarten T t tho home. Song, games imc story. -Beautifully illustrate d 81 a year. Published by tli Kindergarten Literature Cu Samples of theso magazines will bo furnished froo by mail or can bo seon at this office. IIO PER BROS., Publishois Salem, Oregon. ou's WILLOI'EN IN OJTANNIKO'S HALTj, -ON- SEPT. ttt Will receive ellllclrAn Irmii n VAnra nnwahli Hpeoinl ttentlon to beginners. AlldeMred pranenes ror tho o'der pupiu tuuulit, Includ ing drawlnir. modflllnir. mniln nlnl.i t.ntl nrtlstlo needle work. All work dooo on tbo individual plan, In wlalcu each child Is ad. vanced according to lta own nnwNiv. ttnr terms end nartleulam annlv m mi v Siniim. Twentieth and Chemeketa sU. I 101IJ "" N VI SALEM, ORKQON. Oldest Institution or learning In tbe state. Kull preparatory and colleglalo course. Total enrollment ror 1SI 6, 401 studonu. Uzpensea moderate. Nw Bjmnastum. Klny-second yeir begins BepU 17, 1SUJ. ' hor Information or raialorue address S9diw6w Irwldarit. If you love your boy elve him tbe most val. nble or all e IU. the best education ik)8I ble. There is no better place tlianSTp ! ' Angel College, Jir.ANOEL, OH, ..8Sh00J JmP""8 n every repct. Splendid lXi,?1.?0?:. "ceUent mea s, beautiful and healthy location, constant care and strlot dUelpllne. and roats but 120 a mnnlti. 83 lm My German classes can be commenced any time a terRep.l 15. Terms, private lessons. fioo. day.chrrorchuJr.H wlllTiSn'a't iinuiitiir nv riis, iA. ... LUHuoioir uau.coruer ciiemesetaanti Oottaire ouept.7. Terms, too wr month. I am a "'.'.Y,80.1 Oermny hold u German teachers' cerUnnurrom Ui I'ruislan governmenLaml another from the nt. tuls. Mo , pub-ioschools. . M HH. W. A. U. RAPHKY. Hiisic Teaching. . I2ao alnging in the Italian method and harmony taught. tteguUr course Iu music alven by Ur. larln. will be nHai"n?tw6 days each week. l.lnm-i i,tL. J,...... ifSS721. -" Kt-ron at homes or pupils when desired. Leave orderat WIKt 11 .vilen tV .and Wllla' Mnato atVgS. W ' y" iuai'lm TOE STATE NOIL SCHOOL Miss Ba! Sclioo VlLLMUll id DNIVERSITY GERMAN S CHOOL HOP STOVE THE BOSS THE .1 UMBO, and IRON KING. HOP PIPE of a'l kinds and dimensions. PRICES LOWER TFAN THE LOWEST. Steiner & Blosser, State Street, Salem. 032 tr W.'AClJilCK J. Ji. AMIKIT lUnhler.l Itenldont. OK SALEM.(j Transact a tuicrnl bansiUK bnalnedi. C H. LANE Mkuohant Tailou, 211 Cotumeroial St., Salem JOHN Sl'ANLEY. STAXLBV JIM MUAU & Mil AD, STEAM WOOD SAW Quick work. Low prlco' L'avn ntders at i. ii WfNtuoott'i) Hftbio. b ick o.' r. O. 0-11 II J. ,7. JIARKIS8, KORSE iSl-IOEINGu 'hnpat 101 cneniekou sint, nar Uoin if In), ftrx'rlal nttenllon 10 InfurrxrlUKaud IHtwwllli iIUhiuuiI Iiwl WOLZ'S MARKET. l''tCHli,Halted and Hinokod Meats and Hau iTr, cj-ltolrlcorulor inuilH lu bent tlinne nt In an Al IcecntKt, esulirn style. Free livery. Mouth Coir.mcrcla' Klrtct, OUAM. WOJ Z, 1'rop. E. M. WAl'lB ritlXTING CO., BOOK AND JOB PRINTERS AND Lcyal Blank I'libUahcvs. MnMi's New Ilrlok.over llinbniik.Onm'1 stroe' East and South -VIA- THE oriASTA ROUTE .-.K).'ttie Southern Pacific Comoanv, OAuropjiAKXi,nrfla train nuw daily b twkk.v ;i-onTi,Ayp awp a. y. Bouth. ;i.50 p. m. Ii:C0p. m, 10j5 a.ro. I North. Lv. IjV. Ar. lHirtland Halem Ban Fran. Ar. L.V. uv. bJIUaTm (iUJa.u n-QOp.m Above trains stop at KtuUVrlland. Or egon city, Woodburn.Balem.Turner.MarlOD, Jellentou, Albany, Albany Junction, Irvins! Kugenc, Orenwell.UralnH and all stations from Ifahtebunt to Ashland Inclusive noaiciiuito MAll, UAII.Y. 8:J0 a. m. 11.00 a, m Vti p. in. f,v. Ar. I'ortlaud Halem Itoneburc Ar. 4 -in p. m l.Y. 2:3J p. m liv. tl 00 a. rr H?utu' . ,"AXw PAhSKnoan. Worth .W p. in. Lv. I'ortlaud. Ar. 1 10. 'ft u.m (1:15 p. m. I Ar. Halem. i,y 8.00a.iii. Dliiiug Cai-s on Ogdou Kouto PULLMAN BDFFET SLEEPERS AND Second Class Sleeoin Cars Atuhed to ull through trains. rYtstSide Division, Between Portliuio and &r?allis: TIAtLY .HXCEIT HUVD4YI ,7-fJft.m.iLv. iai5p.rn.lAr. i'oruand Ar.l Lv.l 6.A1 p, w Oorvallls imi p. m trAL- y "J? porvallls connect wltn trains of Oregon Central A Kastera Hallroad. KXPKKivHTKAIN (HAII.Y mCKfTHUWUA : p. m. 7:25 p. m. Mr. Portland Ar.l h;aatt.m Ar. MeMlnnvllle Lv. 6:50 at m uaitoucia TICKETS To allpoluUln the Kastera Htates, Oanada and Kuropa can be obtained at lowest rates rrr" . asu u. . una i-aas. Arri. K. KOtrtfi.Kit MtnuS UaMa. ! Oregon Central -AN l Eastern R. R. Co. ITAQUINA BAY ROUTK. ainnectlng at:Yaquioa Bav with thnn nC,Yi?UA ..rS'tlri ..???'?. VA stterace. & cabin 1 Kor saUlng days anii,y ti ' Jj. WALUEN. Agent r4U,,McS?c"K 8nPt. tt.'rVallir'Sf' ... ... cManaxer, OorvadU.Or I A. J, cnuilOHUJ.Uooal Agent, Salem, I Capital 'WCTOV J AST ! VIA THBi- Union Pacific System Through Kullman Palace 8leer . Hleepers.nud Free itecllnlng 25?&lJjfi PORTLAND to CHICAGO lighted by t'lnUch light. M ni i Tlmo to Ohlonso, w nnvs I Time to New York7i?uay penw'1? ,S na"r ""Auielieriban.a,, np,P1yrtolei,t"n0,ab,Man'1 'ul1 lwail. KOISK & BAIJKEB, AgeU, Balea, It., W. llAXTf H, o, v nnnw, ' Oenoral Ajtent. Dlit lSS??' l3JTblrd M.. I'orlUDd.,1S!U GRTHESRR R.R u N S Pullmar. Sleeoino- Cars Dinlnp Can Hlefant Touriii r Sleoin'Cnj a i, rAUL MINNEAfOLlS DULUTH. FARfif. TO GRAND FOfila CROOKST0.V WINNIPEG HELENA ra BUTIE T IIKO t) GUI Tl CKETS TO CHICAGO WASHINGTON'" PHILADELPHIA NEW YORK BOSTON and all Points East end South For Information, tiineOcarmjILuw tlckeujoalt on or write TJTOMAS, WATT tC AC1K.NTH. CU, 25 Uoinmerclal it.. iluia.ln Or A. D. Ciiaiuton. Awit.Oeul.PMl Agent; 266 Morrlnou t., corner Thlnl, riiriiiiiiii, jtq. an a K. MoNEIIJjHECEIVEK. To The Bast :aiVIJ THK OIMIOE OF TWO TRANSCONTINENTAL RODIB -VIA- GRKATj W RY.li PAQR - Low Rates to -all Eastern Cilia. Ocean (steamers leave I'ortland ererr fire dv Kor tulldetalla call'on or addreu HOIHK 4 BAnKEtt. W. Ii. UU11LUUBT, aen.IVws.Aak iortland.0r G. AI. POWEliS, Local Ticket Agent Kiv)t'nirrad t SAUfKr I'AWilUlWIOtofftMWWOJJjB wrapplnir paper ror aie cheap. .'"."Ivl ic for puttlnc under carpeu. talltJlJ ui imirw ENNYROYAL PILLS An,lj. trflttu. "l'ii masztMlbrnbSMMriM'Ay ' um. nU with tint rlUa k' J naoincr. jtv1""""" wMt4M v. .. . , . ur ItU AIM tflUIMWNI A I' " i u( "lleHfcrfopfjKlle.' D stLamrjl for D&rtkti! CbUtsfMUrl'iicuIful Urmgtsu I POZZONiS romliine everv element o' I Combines everv element beauty and purity. It is beauti fying, soothing, healing, heaJtn ful, and harmless, and wwn .:u.i.. ..-.j -- ; .s:Ma A most delicate and desirable protectiosl "tf to the face jn this climate. ut mUiU uuig x o"" IT 13 FM 8.E EVEHrWHtK. TO Tit- ml Mi u VfrkvA sTisrsrvA1 TLWi JrJ S14kjUl. r A LADY'S TOILETll hi la not complete I m without on ideal I Villi lssbEIV S POWDER. H SSSffilKSS