Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, September 11, 1895, DAILY EDITION, Image 1

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    . M it Jb
am.m.trmi'immr.ris'ifm km
Brfngj yoa the Daily Journal to the mtfde at
mountains. Iktter than a I((r frwn hcw.
VOL. .
- , .Tl
SEPTEMBER 11, 1895.
NO. 19T
fcrilices 1b when yuiiBetilieocstlmit, style
nndnmlty. Cljtblng-that doesn't fit Is im
siihtly, but shoes iliu don't fit tire both in.
Rl hhyandpalnfnl. Avoid unitgbtllneai and
discomfort by kelfliig ibocs that Icoi wrllund
feel comfortable txcailiothey lit perfectly and
will wear well became superior In quality.
Our lftd!c' shoes present the acme of doilr.
nblllly in every particular, with pi Ices moie
attractive nud value (creator than over. Wa
bavo a very extonslvo lino oi low shoes, to
o-y tasto am be sultod at sinal' ag iroi.
CO 1
UJ -
-1 rH
1 o
" cr
" -a
i- s
st. o
lUancho Lamoat's Aunt a Good
Fntheltc Scenes in the Proceed
ing) ol tlio Trial.
A training school for teachers. Cotn
pleto eight grado truinlng dodartmenl
Mid strong professional and academic
lhu diploma or tlio bcIiooI entitles
ono to tach In any county In tlio Mate
without furttiur examination.
Board and lodglng.lbookB and tuition
$150 per year, Beautiful and healthful
location. No saloons. There Is a good
demand for well trained touchers
there Is nn over supply of untrained
Catalogue cheouully sont on applica
tion. Address
For bargains in everything. Shoos, Over Alb, Shirts, Under
wear, IJonory, Window Shado3, Tinware, Granitowaro, Slates,
Tablets, Oil Cloth, Table Liuon, Piece Goods, Boys' Clothing
iBrooms, Matches, Soap, in fact everything you want, call for
jt at the bair fcxoro. Jjor spot cash, wo will save you money.
Thu University of Oreson. Euconn. Oreeon. oflera tree tuition to all students. Youne man
can obtain board, lodging, heat aud light lu the dormitory lor fi.60 per week. Itooinera iur
Ittish tbtlr own linen. Youug women u-e provided with board lu private families at U per
Ijreek n-ung women deslrlu board ahould address rrof.Jonn miaub, ,ugno, oregun. or
crctary Younr Women's Christian Association. Eugene, 'llio University oners three bao.
Jaurete dreroea. lJaabelorol Arts. Uaibtlor ofHuleuoo and Uacheu r of Letters wltb cor-
pondlng OiiUren of study: Tbo following shorter courses are also ettered: An Kugllsb
wrso, leauiogin iwo years io uubiuuss uiuum huj iu iiirrajtum iu tuu iiim Kniuusw iu
Bgllsn: An udvanoed course for gradualca of uormal schools leading to the degree roaster
jeaiigogy; a course oi iwo yero lur leucuom ui iiibichi cuuwuuu icuuiug iu n ujpiuma
I the tlue director nhvsloil education. The University charges ou lucldoblnl fee oftld
Slob la payable In advanco by all students. HtudenU holding diplomas from the public
Boolt and those having teachers' certlocate are aduiliud to tlio preparatory department
ibout examination. Those deslrlug, tnrormatlon regaralug the preparatory department
ould addreae theliean.IV.lAl'arregan, KUgene. roi cauitgueaauu inurmauon aaaress
, H.Ubapman, lreldent, or J. J Walton, btcreury.isugene, Oregon. sazra
W. I. STALEV, Principal.
ltecular sessions begin U mday.tieptoiiiber 3. students registered now. It
wtll nay those who expect to piepare for some busluesi puisull to attend a
business college whera a systematic course of butluess training may be bad
and trained nachers tor this particular line of work. Instruct, The Capital
.Justness College oilers five ceurses:
Business, Shorthand, Typewriting, Penmanship and English,
This Is 'positively the only
Yiuslness college In Oregon nslng the Intercommunication system ot busi
ness practice, out-of town students may secure board and rurnlihed room
luum ate family at Ua week. Wrlteor call at college oftlc for circulars
giving full Information relative to counes of study, rates of tultlon.eie.
8-10-3 in
Sluing prosperity will make many tic
snort vioie o uy uw!! r
but con here can they make so much within
Mlon in Uraln, I'rovuuins and otoot.
made by our Systematic plan of Speculation.
tootMfut speculators operation a regular system. It Is a well known fact that there are
zrfr.7Z..r ..!?,. i rr.ii ..uT,. ,.r hh llnned elates wno. by systematic tradlnir tdroiurn t.hi.
ibrokeis. luadelajgOHUXouuU every yur, ranging troiu few tuousaud Uulu.s u. tne
wno luieTu a buudrea or two huudied dollars up U)il),UJi to sliw.iujor uiore Dy thuu
riuVwtaiewihouMiud. it Is also a wet tnt tnoM wuo uiae tue .argtst nxinis from
ruveiy smau iavesnu-ufcu , i i.wwm nMu...MMHj imut uujvnguHuu
.u uiiiii iiinrnnnhlv uuilanland vateuialia iradinir.
nto for oonvlncjns pioou, iUm uur manual ou suoceslul speculation and our Dally
ilport, lull ot mouwjuiiiwa 4JvlM"- . um .uu, vAukiua luargiu
XUliy. illguesl plexei.inn It iikiiu wvui rmuuiui MiutuiMM.
iurtner Infonnatluu address
tfS'OOuHT hT , 8AUJ
horses used, toatisiaction guaranteed,
back of estate liuurauce block,
Ban FnANOisco.Sept. 11. The court
will sit today and Thuraday, and then
will probably take a recess until the
following Monday.
John T. Dare, prosecuting attorney
of police court No. 8, testified that
under the head of Blanoho Lamont'd
body, as It lay In the belfry, had been
placed two blooks of wood, such ns are
common lu dleaectlufr rooms. Asked
If he dlscorued any marks or footprints
when the body was fouud, Daro said
the place looked ns If tlio body had
boon dragged ubout tho room, which
wiia untidy and dusty.
Tho most Important wltuoss Tuesday
was Airs. O. Q. Noble, Blanoho La
mnut'a aunt. Whon the district attor
ney called her uamu, a slight, Bhrlnk-
lniT woman In dull brown came In al
woman plain of fact and giving tlio
Impresfllon of nervous touelon. On hnr
head was a largo black hat on which
fe-Uliers and fl iwers slowly nodded as
she ran tho gauutlet of oyes. A dotted
black veil aided her lu withstanding
this scrutiny. Take her all In all, sho
seemed ono who might easily bo driven
into hysterical collapse, tiucli was
Mrs. Noble, tho aunt of Blanobe La
ment the woman In whose house t'jo
girl had made her home; from wlioto
housoshe wont tripping to death.
"That farther Juror wants to hear
JT f C
every wordyou say," admonished
Judge Murphy, mistrusting tho power
of Mrs. Noble's lungs.
Then tho slender woman, who
seomed easily broko, developed Into
tho most luteMlgont witness of
Next she told how, on the morning or
April 3, Blanoho started to school, .her
books on her arm, and how slid nover
returned. Sho described tho clothes
Ih i girl wore. Up stepped the district
attorney. Ho brought that black thing
out in frout of the witness That
dressmaker's dummy with tho torn
clothing ou. At once tho Interest
lulouBlled. JDlckinaon and Duprty
flgeted and theu roso together. They
protested against the uao of tho dum
my, They asked that tho clothing bo
stripped from it.
"We will allow tho garments to
remain ust na they are," rumbled
Judge Murphy, and the defense noted
an exception,
"Mrs. Noble, I oall your attention lo
these garments," said Mr. Barnes
Impressively. "What garments aro
the ?
"The dress Blanche wore when stie
left my liouco April 3.
"l. call your attention to thin skirl.
Was It so torn thon ? - .j ,;;
"No sir."
"I call your attention to the rent In
the basque, and ask you if the rent
was lu the basque when Blauohe
Lamont left youf home April 3 "
In the attorney's voice there ws
something of the thrill which has
mtde his father great.
In the "It was not" of Mrs. Noble
there was a sob. Back In the half
stifled court room women wept silent
tears. Up iu the Judge's box, Juror
Tr umau' ayes were susplulouslj moist.
Every Juror was intent upon Durrant.
Their eyes had left the witness, who
wiw answering, Moutlfytng tho lint
and t'io ImbkS of Jftb dead nlrl. They
sought Rome telMVId look on the pris
oners race; somWexpresslon which
might Rive ttclutttoj Innocence or guilt.
He was n trlfli risjtess under the strain.
A slight fl-iau uveTrAuie tho pallor or
his faro. Me turned In hi chair, and
then leaned fir word to say a word to
Detective Morsc.THi! was wiou buck In
his place, howovfjf lilx eyts upmi the
wltuess, his tiorvra lu hand. Mrs.
Noble Identified nfoH of the clutlilng
found In the cliurch us belonging t
Ulanclio Liiimi.t' Then camu the
girl's rlngn, whlchhnd heen sent back
to her beforu tho fltdltig of the body.
Sho was slow nnd caroful In her ldeutl
llcallon of these.-fiiud Durrunt whls-
Uotfol tn Gotniaittce Sustains the
valkSik fouled at tiie start
1 'I'tfilU'sl UMVMIft-t syao-ji'gjm''
h)f&r)t He&Itb
It If S mjtlfr of Vul Imnnrfans t A nuiU.
Thi miiuihtiurm ef th OAll, HOUtibri
' WMoipWt1atrUil-'INl'A!TIIEALI II.-
wtJssf,lsWuulnv"y ". AMrt.NEW
- - r ...-; -, . i.
r tt " y w
pered to his moMier, us If coiiimentlue
on the munuer ofjhe telimouy.
"Did you oyer wo Blanche Lamont
after April 8?" askf d Mr. Buruod.
"I nover saw her ugulu alive," re
piled tho witncssorrdwfiilly.
"Outhutday did you seo this de
fendant?" j
"I did." v
From this, Mrs. Noble told how Dur
rant had como to her that oveulog at
Emanuel ohuroli nud anked If Blaurho
was coining to prayer-meeting. She
did nut tell him that tho girl was nibs-
lug, but said slioiwould not bo there
that night, TIiunjDurrnat said he had
rlddeu down town with her lu the
morning, and had promised lo get her
a copy ol "Tho Newcomer."
"Did Durrunt call upon you nftor
thai? '
"Yes; ho called with Dr. Vool, aud
ntlorod to help Olarouoo WollI look for
Blanche Ho mild ho thought Wold
could go to places tho polled did not
know nuytblna: a,bout."
Mrs. Noblo was wooplug as sho said
thin. Djrruut's oiler soamod to hold
In It nn Imputation thnt the girl had
beenlled astray. A thrill of sympathy
for tho witness went through tho court.
ThHurora wero ngaln battering Jiur
raut with glances. He leaned forward
and whispered to-u)3uproy.
"Did ho upon you again?"
"No." ,
Tlionratno tho rings again, and tho
Introduction or the nowspaperwrappor,
m which tho postman had brought
them homo the day buforo the (hiding
of the body.
Tho court thou adjourned, aud tbo
most Important day of the trial up to
duto was at an end. Mrs. Noblo will
cotitlnuo her direct testimony ;thls
today's tuial.
Tho prosecution In tho Durrant case
thought an Important witness against
Durrunt had been found luvtho person
of John Uurran, who had seen Durrant
and Ulanclio Lumont board the
Valencia street cur on April 3rd,
When soon Curran was positive
ho had sveu Durrant and Blanoho
Lamont board tho car In question at
the hour stated, namely 3:30, but that
ho could not swear to the date. When
the cofo was resumed In court today
Mrs. O. O. Noble, the aunt of tho mur
dered girl, coutlnued her testimony
commenced yesterday. On crosi ex
amination defense tried to show by
witness that Durrant had first visited
at her houso at special request of wit
ness, and that Mrs. Noble had asked
Durrant as a favor, to show Blanche
some attention. Witness Answered
qulokly that she had no recollection of
ever htylng made any such request.
Airs. Noble detailed how Durrant had
ouce kept Blanoho out late and had
apologized for doing so. Next time
they went out together Maud Latuout,
a sister of Blanche, accompanied them.
Asked to meutlou other callers on
Blanobe, she named Mr. Bpeacer, an
elderly man.
Dclnils ol
ond Unco.
tlio Sec-
German Finance.
Behmn, Hepl. 11. The Uermuu min
ister of finance has decided t1 imme
diately convert the outstanding 4 per
oeut loans into 8 per cents. This Is ex
pected to have a fayorablo effect polit
ically for the government, it is repre
sented, would not bo likely to under,
take such an operation unless diplo
mats were lookiug forward to a per
iod of unbrokeu peace. The 1 per
cjuts outstaudlug aggregate 1 1,000,000,
000, of which bum Prussia stands for
New Yonic, 8ept. 11. The regatta
nommlttee of the Now York Yacht
Oiub has sutitalued tho protest entered
by tho Defender lu yesterday's race.
Tho committee gives the ruco lo the
D feuder.
Ttie committee ntibtultis tlio protest
and decides that tho Valltyrld fouled
the Defender.
Nkw Yoiik, Sept. 11. Crippled, but
still liralluy, far over In her strength
nud BWIftneee, tlio Defender followed
tho Valkyrie across tho lluish lino
Tuesday. Less than lmlf a mile sep
arated tho two and an anxious eye
kept pace, second by second, with tho
Urns indicator as thoy moved around,
and when 1 wits seen that tho Defeudor
hud not only nothing In tho last
twenty'Titlles or the courso, but bail
actually gulaed, a great shout wont up
for tho gallant vessel, Thero wero
ohcers'for tho vletor, too, but although
the Valkyrlo was tho Ilrst challongur
slnco 1871 to lead over the homo line,
tho honor of hor performance was lost
sight of for a tliuo lu the grand ellort
of the Aworlcftu, for tho American
heart loves a hard loser in a light, and
loves him tho moro whon ho loses
through no fault of his own. It was
nu accident that ruined tho Yankee
boat's chances, au acoldont which
uudor hairsplitting circumstances of
Jockeying at the starting lino, looked
to bo unavoidable. The yaohts wero
very oloso together whon u snap unil a
grinding sound was heard and It was
seen that tho Defender's Jib
top sail was flying looso In tho wlnu,
Valkyrie's mall boom has swung
around and fouled tho Defender's rig
To thoeo who had witnessed tho acci
dent aud sprang forward at tho omi
nous sound, It seemed as though tho
Defoudor trembled with tho shock.
They say hor topmast bont aud her
topsail swung ovor bb though it would
break away, and a groan wont up as.
though tho brave boat which hart won
bo noble a victory a tow days boforo,
was wholly disabled from evou nn
eIort to secure tho socond. Lightning
ootloa was necessery to save tho top
mast from breaking away completely
ur it was already sprung from Its
fastening aud Captain Had, with a
master stroke, taking his boom down
t leeward, soon maneuvered her Into a
saro pohltloo and guvo chase,
The Valkyrie, which had crossed the
Jluu first, had gained a good lead hy
the Defender's disaster and had prob
ably a little moro than a nillo advan
tage at tho eud of tlio Ilrst leg In tho
triangular courso ovor which they
sailed. Her gain was something less
than four minutes in the lead to wind,
ward; from that on, however, tho De
fender, while not perceptibly closing
the gap between them, lessened tho
time and (hey crossed the line uot
more than two minutes apart.
The Valkyrie, according to corr'cted
time, however, won from tho cup
Defender, by Just 47 sacouds. Buch on
Ideal day iu tbo lower bay has seldom
been seen. It was not whot American
yachtameu call au ideal racing day,
but was one favorable to Britons,
More than one competent witness of
Tuesday's race said that considering
everything the Valkyrie was beaten
worse than on Saturday, The Defender
gained on her on tho second and third
leg. As a matter of fact the only lime
at which both vessels had tho am
sails sot was tho Defender gained ono
minute 17 seconds. Tho few chain
plons uf tho English boat who aro left
cannot tonight flud any consolation in
tho second achievement of the ship,
The statement la made thnt Lord
Dunmveu has ottered a pension of 80
shillings weekly to every member of
tho crew of tho Vulkyrlo should they
succeed In winning thJ American's
cup. Dtlnraven's notion la without
precedent, either considered by Itself or
from tho standpoint or generosity. It
Is tho ambition of his life to placo in
tho hand or his queen tho trophy that
passed out ot the possession or England
nearly hair a century ago. Tho ages ot
tho twouty-slx members or the crew
will uverage 30 years. Thoy are all
strong and healthy nnd their expect
ancy for lite may be Bet at 70 yearn. In
that time thoy will enoli have received
3120 pounds sterling of $15,000 and in
nggreguto 82,100, or J400.000. That
tho crow appreciated Lord Duuravgu'a
lnduoomont wu ahown by their work
lu Tuesday's mcv,
Cassloi Explodes at Lttnirilte
Enrrincors ami fiaggaxcMeii But
no PasspiiKora Killed.
Mrs. Burnett's Divorce.
CmoAoo, Sept. ll.-A Washington
apodal to thu Dally News says: Fran
cos Hodgson Burnett, author of "Little
Lord Futintleroy," will heroartor llvo
upart rrom her huabauO. A mutual
separation has been agreed upon ou
grounds or Incompatibility or temper.
A Tram Held Up.
Dknvek, Col., Bept, 11. -Special to
tho Times rrom Grand Junction, Col.,
sayBt I'ussongor train No. 1, which
ieit tins city last night on tho Rio
Qrunde Western, wos hold up at 2:10
o'clock at tho Llttlo Btatlon Crevasse,
about i!3 miles west or this city. Tho
Job was a very crudo ono and shows
tho two partlos ougugod iu It wore
novices In business. They rccolvod
Qalom and Eastern Quotations Oor-
roctod Dally.
"OAao,Ccpt,ll.-Vhoat, CM" 6V
fw Yoiik, Uept, 11,-SUver, MJic; load,ta.0o,
Han KiiANuuco.Hept. ll-Wheat, Wo.
HoiM 6 IHltl bla nt iann.
i5umuX'lMWe!:U'nk. 75c,
wKISS?"1- "-Wheat,
..' H-iienitUi
valley, o;
Flour-l'ortiand.M.Mi llenton oountr.iuu.
gruiium. u m; superdue, IJ..6 por bbl.
,'Hvulto Wpaioj wll inc. S$3&oj arey.
uuitooa miw uregon, ajaxjo bu.
Wool-Valley .llMlifc.
irwi. iimiioio nor mil! ninnicHn
Louisville, Ky., Sept. ll.-A hor
rible accident, resulting In the death of -rx
and wounding or several Bieraburs
of the Louisville legion, occurred this
morning by the explosion of a ooteeou.
The dead are: Charles Oestrlch, Hutch
lusonH. Irwin, Charles Wood, A. L.
Robluson and Win. Adams, (colored).
The accident occurred ou Broadway,
Third and Fourth streets, where tlra
first Keutucky artillery were stationed
for tho purposo of tiring the morning
sulute. Tho explosion was cauu! by
dropping tho caisson on the friction
premier of tho pleco. Two bodies wera
blown over tho housetops and horribly
mangled. Tho wounded were removed
to hospitals.- Two horses attached to
tho cannon woio so horribly mangled
that thoy will bo killed.
Patal Collision.
St. Cloud, Minn., Sept, 11.-Passen
ger trains numbers 2 and 3 on ths
Great Northorn Railway had a bead
oud collision at Molby station this
morning. Both wero running at a
high ralo of speed and cauio together
with terrlflo forco. Tho dead are: J. X.
Emoraon, engineer or No, 2; JauiM
Thlbldeau, fireman No. 2; Ira Hlnes,
euglncor No. 3, and both baggagemen,
ono ot whom Is thought to bo John H, -.
Hawkins. Five aro Injured, Including
three mall olorke, ono brukoman aud
ono or tho passongera on No. 8.
Wrecking crews wero hurried to the
sceno from Barnesvlllo and St. Cloud
and doctors from St. Cloud, Fergus
Fallaond Aloxaudrla.
IlUles-gr eii,altudt0ubs8Wq under W lbs
74lua shoop pelw, lttii7iio. ""U,".W"M
II.... M.....1..... ... M
Hops-Nominal at Ho.
oommnu, 7KQ
I13.S0: ohon
wnout, boo pero.
i..i... ..
iiuiKit uiruuii ULlin7 PIMm...
lauoy uairy. niaiao; fair touood. lorntit
n&.cW"7i ."
(Jheee uienan full faaii, lami-
ICtfas-Oreirou, KXIIo p.r dos.
VJi'i !!Jf -liu. W.60911 aj per des: duoks
"jo? ' '""'"'A''? lurteys, u'lSise"
nucf Toiwtcers, 2DUo per tt: lair to s:ood
jteer.,!!Kaa3cj cowxSaXoi' at
H.dre.'sedo': '-73 ""Io. ewes,
(1r. . tlAH rtr.-.i7. ihZS7r"i,u'"u "uu
tr.w.1 T Z:.t r ." viv v "
1 km-jumii, cuuice, cat , large, Saw t lb.
Wlicat-3U(j bu.
Oats-aaxlU new 18o.
L'ltTli'f U.' e,leo1' Wu8.oo; tlmeth: wuoiesaie lou, jiM-, reutl. siS
brau. buU l.u, wicked. IliwfcVhortl iiiki&
d. Uio
Ilous lJrKoil. 4
... .. ... -. -.
i.ivo wain
hheep Uve, llj.
WooZ-llesl, 12ko.
IIO-Ilet, UiiJo.
Of. Price's CrOT Baking Povyatw
fVw44 qU Ms4sl KSwlatsr Pslr, rcvslscf
KitifS Uasli. 1U.1.
ciiet:se 10a12Uo.
Karrn Hinoieu 4teaU-llacon.oi haois li-o
shoulders, 7o. """ "i"i
I'otatoea-New.SOo H bu.
Unions 2a.
Tu?ker?1o'.en',:7c! h0O"'-(i Khft,
llartlstl Dears-VSo bu.
Apples &W!Kia bu.
Feaohe bu,
l'liuns-2tu bu.
Doa't Tobacco Spit or Smoke Your
Llfo Away
la the sUrtllns title of a book .bout
hsblt0',0; ' i" h"nlcM' KU)'J tobacco
11 , curo .""" braee ul' nlcotlnlied ierve.
eliminates the nicotine pouon, makes wako
men gam itrenCl.t, vigor and manhood. You
run no physical or fmanclan Uk, No-To.
ilac Is told by D. J. Fry agent under KU
nice to euro or refunded, hook free? 8Ad
CWcsE? S emcJy Ca New
3 I 1 y w
The Grand Army.
Lousvillk, 8ept. 11. After all
other demonstrations the parado of to
day was tho ovont or tho twonty-nlnth
oncampmont or tho Grand Army or th
Republic. As or all other oncamp
monta tho vtteraus themselves were
tho most Interesting feature, although
everything that mouoy or ingenuity
could command In tho way of warlike
designs wero addod to the procession.
Thousands of 'Johnnies" grow hoarse
In cheering "Yankees" along the way
aud the ladles of Louisville and rrom
ull parts of the south, lu brilliant
dresses, Jolnod In tho chorus of cheers.
It was a genoral remark that there
wero nover so many old, lamoand
feoblo men In lino. Tho weather was
Tho parado was headed by two dis
tinguished ex-confederates ou horse
buck, Cuptuln John H. Woller and
Captain William II. Harrison. They
were dressed iu black Prince Alberts
with high whlto silk hats and red.
white aud blue sashes. They also
wore red, while and bluo scarfs aad
rosettes. Cuptuln Weller carried a targe
flag. Captain Harrison a large white
banner of peuce, mounted ou a stair,
like the stars and stripes, carried by
his comrade. In place of the eagle ou
top of tho stall, the white banuer had
a dove carrying au olive twig, designate
log "peace and good will toward al
The number In lino was estimated at '
60,000, Therometer registered 93, and
haUadczen yvterana were omtxaue
by heat.
"'" I Ml
Highest of all in Leavening Power.-
:oYal i
I-crs; U.S.GcVt Report
dTSs US'1 19 taaflla, .aSBBSB)
"l-Maira-l iiass
Am9ttmux pcrr
Sjy " JZ'r &
, ' I'f""'