Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, June 11, 1895, DAILY EDITION, Image 3

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    TTtwyiy ""
"", -fjppyHW n'tfiKjWJP
Rlvlew of tha binmtlon In Ort'K'n
and Washington.
No shipments have beou uindo from
luwllup during the wetk.
Nothing doing, and local quotatlono
cuouot be limde.
H. E. McGuwan bout-lit f J M.
O'e, Bucoda, 37 bak-i ol bo for New
y rfc tnarkrt.
Lire Is now prevalent everywhere tn
Wasblugton and spraying Is going on
In all tbe well kept yards.
H. E. MoUowau, purchased from F.
Hoyder, McMillan, 28 bales of bops on
Tuesday and shipped hhuio via Great
Northern to Now York.
C. H. R'es of Puyallup, is pruning
the leuvts (U the bottom of the
vines and trimming. He Is also mak
lug preparations to spray Immediately
an the lice are increasing.
Washington growers haye made
a number of contracts si 8 cot.ti. The
growers ll)?uro that coi tract inc a por
tion of tbeir crop at this price will in
jure picking money und that tbey ore
on tue bafo side of any chaucea of a
totally demoralized market at the in.
coming of the new crop.
In well tilled Puyallup yards the
vines are mukluc a rapid growth and
u low lying bottom muck yards.whero
Hie cold weather has retarded growth,
tbrf vines are now making somewhat of
allowing. In many of the trellis
yard there Ib a complete reaching of
vine from pole to pole, and sturdy arms
aie yiowlng rapidly.
Hit a large proportion of the Wash
ington yard's, nys the Puyallup Citl
zeu, are showing a woeful neglect and
tills coudltlon prevails throughout Ore
gon and Washington. Unless many
of the growers are encouraged by bet
itr quotations, largo acreages will go
unsprayed and the result will cause a
louae propagation beyond anything
ever experienced In any district. Many
of the growers are in such desperate
liuuoclal circumstances that they can
i.nt buy spraylDE material, while
others are leaving undone all the work
tliht cannot be accomplished without
hiring help.
If conditions threatened by the pres
mt outlook prevail at picking time, a
niHJorliy of the growers will be com
pelled by force of circumstances, to
abandon the industry, and over hall
the acreage of Western Washington
and a good third of the acreage of Ore
gon, must be plowed under or abau
lotted unless tho holdings are trans
I ied to new growers who are llnuu
i Itilly able to copo with the clrcum
ttaiicts. But this is not likely as ho
Ktowing is rapidly becoming an unin
viting Held for Investors.
A lUpuulican Farmer of Shaw Fires
a Shot.
Shaw, JunoO, '05,
I have found the man that Mr, Geer
U looking for.
"Now, bring on tho man who has
got .liver on his hands and can't meet
his obligation because of tho crime of.
"73 " III these times of genuine hi.
mutalllain such a muu would bo of pos
Jtlvo value- as a modern humnii freak,''
T, T, Gkkh.
Now , I want In say to the bird on
UnUll tree, whero the cuokoos build
their i.ula, Hint I can produce the unto
vli i hue got sliver on his hand and
mi i im'H his obligations heuuusi
of i urlmn of 73,' It
li our lid old Uiil Hun), Now,
uilu; on tho bond ami trtafeurj
note, cud Uke your ko-callud "lcl
Umiei" mlvnr dollar', or hop d wn
fr 'Hi your lfty iwroh wi'l tl "r
HbrMlug uiitl glw us Noinethliig liar .
L'iMMMI(;)lrlAlW OK Moril UoM
imkuimmmm nuwwiiwims1
Saved m l.lfc
hys fiiilimats dU
llnitf ilumlied uf
Iiroi iiffp(lfiK
roili MilltUlllplluff
tuvr lud lli 'io
tiirM ef lli i1Umm'
!l.ppd mwl lir
;rriil;iullM haV lit
i.. I lie ii MtrdiMtl
iiMbtriy ' uf Or
I'm" , ,
J'liitc Mow Mlll
' n iik .Iiiiihh Im Hi Invalid' (ImII
1 " I .iMl'Ml JllttllUU l JIUIIMM.
it- .(. i.ibir Hit i mi tuitl ml
fir Mui.b muwU ttiiM lliy utm m lwl
y - (.. iiuu i lie lArnu) mumM ( utmnfi
.'n i.tfii smcmu Iimumv wi IHmI
tttmv M IHMI lM
ft lliv utm m Iwli
mUhIuc wlUh b
l . u(ll m, if Umii In lh rwlln
".,,, ( ll ihdt
fin i im u( lU Iuiik Uiuu uiutwJ l
lU. U'tmt hwJ M4MJM III III UMM4 HIMfi!
" 'Miti iUw dm iimiHt mi4 IftrfMilinMl
futl it uj; Ikum u hiMyiwMB
' lit. MWlll IlKitlll litjflill 10 IJI, MM
UuifM, fil,ftnl rtfW'
I uu ;. tL, um, M uvf fir l'lw i tM4
( M.du.l llkwftiir. il iliUu I lie SMMtl
'! f 'UmM flMM lit hi tf4, i4 U
"'' ir w dr wini, in ft f
t" um. tu 'la
lM9m" W lHMUM I
1.1 V'luw
. ... 4 iiMM Mftbt UM l(u tuWir
twir 4 fi4illyUn hf Mtiew gdinM lit
.4 liwlsU MB mL44U4 flf-A 4
J-' ' Ut. ii MHW 4WlHlW)f (
... .i.
I" " JMit wv Mi
t - 1 ..
v J)ftl.
rM hut4 in U V
J4sssst iift 1
Ul'tl" Wl
for Infants and Children.
MOTHERS, Do You Know that raregori.,
Batetnan's Drops, Godfrey's Cordial, many eo-called 6oothlnff Syrups, ant
most remedies for children are composed of opium or morphine?
tin Von Know that opium and morphine are stupefying narcotic poisons?
Po Von Know that In most countries druggists are riot permitted to seU narcotics
without labeling them poisons?
no Von Know that you should not permit any medicine to be given your child
nless you or your physician know of what it Is composed ?
no Von Know that Castorla Is a purely vegetable preparation, and that a list f
Its Ingredients U published with every bottle ?
no Von Know that Castorla Is the prescription of the famous Dr. Samuel rltcher.
That It has been In use for nearly thirty years, and that more Castorla U now sold than
of all other remedies for children combined ?
no Von Know that the Patent Office Department of the United States, and of
other countries, have Issued exclusive right to Dr. Pitcher and his assigns to use the word
" Cnatorln and Its formula, and that to imitate them Is a state prison offense?
no Von Know that one of the reasons for granting this government protection
was because Castorla had been proven to be absolutely liarmlcssT
no Yon Know that 35 average doses of Castorla are furnished for 35
cents, or one cent a dose?
no Von Know that when possessed of this perfect preparation, your children may
Ve kept well, and that you may have unbroken rest?
Well, these tlilnga are worth knowing. They are facts.
TIic fnc-Hltnlle
Blgnntnre o
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla.
And -All Building Material.
JmJ Wi I rf'.aSSSsBfcl j
Arc (ho
V 1 At
Warranted Hupnrlor to any Hloycle bullt;ln Ui('worI(l,'ri'
itanlletw of price,
Uullf and iutrnnU'Ffl by tlm fiullana Hloycln Co,, a mil
lion dollar concern, whoxu lionil in uh gnoil av kqI1,
no not Jiuv a wiTkri", UNTIL vou havk
K(H()''lMCIt . 21 IhH m
Hardware, Wagons, Carts, Road Machinery
lthU friiiruvM)(liili'Hi)i Ul IV1,
W, Cor, SliW tut) tiiitfty fk.
1T'U " '
1 ti lt
gBitgiB-aiinu u ajmun, jBgawascai, avrrmammmmmmammamHmBW
la on every
Highest of all High Grades,
DxcIiihIvo AfiWit,
6AUM 0RI.G0I.'.
ICvri M'4t iH MftfiMJI IMiUJli WM
M iW t IfttM I ("I 1M VU4.
I he Itoanl of Trustees of the Orcgrm State
Insane Asylum invite sealed proposals for
furnishing at the Asylum near Salem, Or.,
the following supplies for the til months end
ing Jan t, 1896.
I kiloeramme acid acellc; soulbb.
00 Gtnmmes acid boric, pewdered: squ'thh.
I kilogramme acid carbolic, pure crystal;
500 grammes acid hydrobromic, diluted;
30 grammes acid hydrocyanic, diluted;
500 grammes acid muriatic, C, P.; squibb.
500 grammes acid tartaric, powdered;
' 2 kilogrammes ammonia chloride, granu
lated; squibb.
I kilogramme ammonia bromide; squibb.
1 kilogramme ammonia carbonate; squibb.
3 kilogrammes bismuth subnitrate; squibb.
500 grammes calomel; squibb.
500 grammes copper sulphate; squibb,
500 grammes iron sulphate; squibb.
2 kilogrammes Iron pyrophosphate; squibb.
2 kilogrammes ironchloridesolution; squibb
500 grammes iron and potassium tartarate;
12 kilogrammes potassium btomide; squibb,
1 kilogramme potassium chlorate, granula
ted; squibb.
2 kilogrammes potassium citrate; squibb.
6 kilogrammes potassium Jodide; squibb,
2 kilogrammes sodium bicarbonate; squib
1 kilogramme sodium bromide; squibb.
3 kilogramme sodium and potassium tartar
nte; squibb.
250 grammes opium, powdered; squibb.
500 grammes powdered capsicum; squibb.
500 grammes powdered ergot; squibb,
500 grammes powdered ipecacuanha;
500 grammes powdered cubeb; squibb.
500 grammes powdered stramonium; squibb.
3 kilogrammes ether for anaesthesia in 250
gr. cans; squibb.
3 kilogrammes spirits nitrous ether; squibb.
Soo grammes spirits ether compound; squibb.
4 kilogrammes chloroform in 500 gr. bottles;
500 grammes corrosive chloride of mercury,
powdeied; squibb,
Soo grammes citrine ointment; squibb.
1 kilogramme mercurial ointment; squibb.
10 kilogrammes chloral hydrate; sqiiibb,
I kilogramme zinc oxide; squibb.
Soo grammes lead acetate, granulated;
I kilogramme soap, (white castilo), pow
dered; squibb.
1 kilogramme tiuiu ext ergot; sr;m:.a.
1 lb acid citric, gtanulated, (Power &
1 lb acid tannic; Power and Weightman.
I or aloin; Power and Weightman.
I oz cerium oxalate; Power and Weightman.
1 oz caflein citrate; Power and Weightman.
1 oz cocaine muriate; Power and Weight
man. 1 oz elatcrium; Power and Weightman.
1 oz ercotin; Power and Weightman.
. 1 lb iodoform in 4 oz bottles, (Power &
1 oz morphine sulphate; Power and Weight-
4 oz strychnine sulphate; Power and
60 oz quinine sulphate in 5 oz cans; Power
and Weightman.
1 id potassium utcaruonate, granuiaieu;
Power and Weightman,
20 oz phenacetine, (I)ayer).
40 oz sulfonal, Mlayer),
16 oz antikamma.
5 oz antikamnia, 5 gr tablets.
2 lb pepslne saccharated, (Wyeth).
I lb pepslne, (Iloudault).
5 lbs magnolia carb, (K. & M.)
10 lbs mui ard, ( Coleman's Durham).
1 lb talcum, purified,
10 lbs camphor gum.
S lbs compound chalk powder.
10 lbs potassium nitrate, powdered,
10 lbs Jamaica ginger root, powdcrtd,
50 lbs lias teed meal,
loo lbs ivpsom salts,
20 lbs boras, powd,
2 llw Fenugreek, powd,
5 gals castor ell, linker's A, A., cry.tal,
(stamped ami in original package),
50 lb gljccrme, jllower'),
30 lbs vikclintj, t'lierseborouuli Mfg, Co,
25 lb cone Ihi ammonia in 5 lb yl stop,
pered bottle. (Maim.l.rodt).
18 lbs acid muriatic commercial I116II1
bolllas, (Miillnckroih).
I i)i powd olntix vomica, (I I) & Co), 1
I or tHjwd en liyokcytmoui. (P I) & (la),
lb 11 ex siiiio tfom, ( I' I) & Co).
I lb fl ex camiaUt tiida-a, (P 1) & Co),
5 IU 11 c Cntsra gutli, n J) h Cw),
I lb fl ex wlmnK ( ) & Co),
II II ex iiignali. (I'l'sui).
I h fl e gtiitUii, (V I) & Cm),
f lb II ex ginger, tru
f lb II t cinutf,
A Co),
a bi ll rx hyiMcyitmui, (r I) &
10 IU tl falsi., (I I) I C),
r w uj,
5 llx II t IkmU, ( ) & Co),
5 jbs fl rx nun vomlu, P I) & Co).
, IU II mint, (I'll & C).
im IU ll tiraiilla bviuii ht lyruji, (I' )
S llxll ulhl iliciry furiyiuufl' J)& C)
4 at ll rwwlypiw, (r I? r Co;,
I U w4l .!, (UtwRnk,
I U Ml lfM WsWtl, (
. . i Wt
U M iMijtiwHtU, Ul'ii ,.)w.
lf tfl.
j f J uliu mtip w
t.MllU0M, vm
IU wrUNMii l.
U lit SUM M "f
Muumi mwb,HM
Iim tmitltum ud Um tA, llifollW
'j iw u win UmUt hMw m , I TH
k Hi,,...
vtompSm ie 1 yi
t4Mts wi r4utki Ilk
". ...I. . il-J .IU II til
1 Iff WUr 1; (I
ill mJLtit Mm I
m t$ J fZl & 10 mm, Mri
' .
Ms m
LU Ml. I MJ 1
ssMsttM Htf M
I JMM fUtsMi blt!iW Ji
SP6.-ssV. 1
a. . .
I .i..
Soo tab trit codeine sulp Ji gr, Wyeth,
200 tab trit pilocarphu), mur "x i-io
Soo tab trit calabar bean tr 3 m, Wyeth.
2000 lab trit cardiac co., Wjeth.
2ooo tab trit cathartic active, Wyeth.
Soo tab Int ela'erium ) grj Wyeth.
1000 tab trit nilrogiycciine i.too gr,
Wyeth. 7
luoti tab trit saw palmetto fl ext, I m
1000 tub trit digitalis tr wl th strychnia,
1000 tab trit digitalis and strophantus trs
with strychnia, Wyeth.
1000 tab trit aloin and podophyllln No. I,
Wyeth." ;
1000 tab trit belladonna powd ext nr,
Wyeth. s !
looo tab trit bronchitis, Wyeth.
loco tab trit cannabis ind powd ext XA gr,
loco tab trit capsicum and nux vomica,
looo tnb trit dover's, powd, 2 gr, Wyeth.
looo tab trit ftrri et quin, et arsen, et
strych, Wyeth. ' - '
1000 tab trit hyoscyamus ext V, gr. Wyeth.
tooo tab trit laudanum, 3 m, wyeth. '
500 tab trit neuralgic il S, Wyeth.
500 tab trit terebimhinre, t.iom, Wyeth.
1000 lab trit powd opium, lA gr, Wyeth.
Cnn l.l. l,l .A.I 1 ... ....t.
j .... ,, ,a.ui, yt K, Mytlll.
500 tali trit Unci veratri vtridis 2 m, Wyeth
5oo compressed
powd migraine No.
, 1
No. 45, in case o
1000 hypodermic tab
ten tubes each. Wvetb.
1 doz chamois skins (as per sample) 1
S lbs unbleached sheeps wool sponges, 8 to
Hi, (as per sample.) - !
So each 5-16x3 and 516x3 common car.
riage bolts.
50 eacu y,x2, y.x2y y,3, y, x y
4x4 common machine bolu.
100 each 5.10 and blank nuts. ,
5 pounds washers,
3500 K)unds blacksmith's coal,
2 Heller Brothers' horse rasps, 16 In,
6 flat bastard files, 14 in.
6 flat mill files, 14 In,
2 each flat smooth files. 4 in. and 6 in,
50 pounds Burden steel horse shoes. No, C,
front. ' ' ' '",
50 pounds Burden steel horse shoes, No, 5,'
hind, heavy,
100 leet cacti y, Inch, 7.iolncli, y inch.
inch round Norway Iron,
50 feet of i Inch round Norway Iron.
50 feet each of xi and yxi Inch Nor.
way Iron,
$o feet of H xfi In Norway iron,
5 pound each Putnam's horse shoe nails,
No, 0 and 7,
10 pound of Putnam's hone ihoc nails,
No, b! . -'
1 solid c7t steel hlacktmltli'i ileilue, 10 lb,
with handle, ' '
300 feet uf manllla rope, ) Inch In dlanj.
loo lb wire lath nails,
100 IU Hd cut finikli nails,
loo IU M out finlili piji,
2uo IU 3rl cut common nalli,
loo IU 4l cut common nails,
loo b 6iid out common ilt,
4 IU 1 hiadi,
4 lb 1 '4 brdn,
1 grotticidwi, H In NoH,
2 kiim Kitw, 1 lii No v
2 j;iouiw, 1 In No 7,
2 gioMi ciew, l in No fa,
t gfo eiwi, l hi No ll
2 fiiou Kiev, liiNoii
2 H' wh I i in no Id
a gioti hi .
I i m ro M,
I I In No ii,
2 RIM Hipi,
1 wnii Mi ijr iimJ w iji,
I il.i.All S til nil I.IISf liAit.l lli fl I A
WH.II J ll J'I (lllJ W Ml'
I thm M Ineli rsl MhUi. UM Uik).
I um w in ii mil fiU,Uil wnt4,
iw fl mjJi 1 U Imli i4 1 Inrli tUf V ito.
lli V(lili i4 f (iHlll 4jH irh
itmlnh iwlii IiulIiiuJ jlmhMl
b tmwftW) ItiWlMM ibid I'liN.
1 lttMJMJ'i im Vm timhi . .
BJflJtm ''
llr.M slliM
ht UUm. 4 ttJ4f 9Mif ) 11 ft'
mytLXmmMf tjtfksUf til i'I w
bey ntms
J)i Attwf "iliJi MM tip
gsWM mm flfffiua'
tsiMMsM M
VW i t&fe HUJ H
lmtt$ vtMlt Hhi4 Hyu
WAMsWf Umw M4iHW
mIH ni HikJ
mtiltet i iuhtt
t phentx EMduaU, cone ihupe, 01, W, Tl
& Cur n
a phenix graduates, cone ihape, G ox, W.
T. & Co. " '
i doz nests test tubes Nov 3 to 6, W. T. &
Co. '
1 gross homeopathic vials long, dr, W, T.
& I). '
I g oss homeopathic vials long, 2 drams,
W. T & D. -' " '
1 g ross each prescrip vials, phll oval, I oz,
2 oc, 3 ox and 4 or, W. T. & Co.
'uro.s each prescrin vials, phtl oval, 13
or, 16 oz and 32 oz, W. T. ft Cd. "
5 lbs pills, conip cathartic imp, No, 160,
P. D. & Co.
500 pills neuralgic, B. S P. D. &Co.
tooo quinine sulphate capsules, 2 gr, P D
& Co. '
3000 quinine sulphate capsules, 3 gr, P. D,
& Co.
tooo quinine sulphate capsules, 5 gr, P. D.
& Co.
1 lb Wilson's corrosive sublimate antisep
tic tabcts, Wyeth; tablet triturates all to be
in bottles of 500 each.
1000 tab trit aloin, Belladonna & Pedoph,
Wjeth. . '
tooo tab trit calomel and soda bicarb co.,
1000 tab trit calomel I Llogr, Wyeth.
2000 tab trit ammonia mur and codeine
co , Wyeth. ' '
3vo tab trit heart tonic and stimulant,
Wyeth. '
t K tS i6?ii&
sfflHvsV f V9 p 'yiRNsw H
l-l StlSlI f WH ssflSv
ff f i ,!?ir ""B
tsfii UHif wTII
! VUSWN aossn
10 doi, Cotti' thread, whit, No, 16,
30 dor Coats' thread, black, No. 36.
25 dot. Coats' thread, black. No. 16.
75 doz. men's socks, half hose as per
a doz. corsets asstd sizes required No. 23,
24, 25 and 26.
12 doz. boxes halt pins black,
20 dot.'prs1 men's susrWnders as per sample.
tdoz. stay binding; B. and, W.' '
dbz;Staridafd sewing machine needles, 2
dot. each No. 3, 4, and 5.
4 doz. New Home sowing machine needles,
2 doz, each No. 3 and 4.
2 doz. Singer sewing machine needles, 1
doz. each' No. 3 and 4.
2 doz. Wheeler & Wilson sewing machine
needles, 1 dot.' each No. 3 and 4.
12 gross pearl buttons smoked, 4 holes as
per sample. ' ' '
6 great gross shirt P. B. buttons,
2 great gross pants buttons.
4 gross safety pins Duplex, 2 gross each
No. 2 and 3.
10,000 lbs granulated sugar.
10,000 lbs Golden C sugar.
1500 lbs oat meal in barrels,
10,000 lbs oats rolled in barrels.
6000 lbs cracked wheat in baiveh,
2000 lbs corn meal in barrels,
2000 lbs hominy small, cracked, in barrels.
2000 lbs hominy large, cracked in barrels,
looo lbs cream wheat In barrels,
500 lbs corn starch, Oswego.
300 lbs Carbonate soda in 1 lb pkgs; A.
aad A.
10,000 Iba Liverpool salt.
500IU soda crackers, XXX, more or less,
and delivered as required.
80 lbs Stearic wax candles, 14 oz.
200 lbs sago.
240 lbs China starch.
loo IU pearl barloy in 25 lb boxes.
500 IU Cheese, Cranston's, delivered as
required, more or less,
400 lbs cream tarter, Folger's, 25 lb boxes,
50 lbs bees wax.
50 lbs bees wax, pure for laundry use as
per sample.
25 doz. Cove oysters, Fields cans, No, 2
2 doz. Worcestershire sauce, qt;L. & T.
4 dot. whisp brooms,
25 doz. brooms.
40 gross Vulcan safety matches as per
sample, '
I barrel pearl hominy.
25 doz. tea cups, W. U. ware,
25 doz. tea saucers, W. G. wore,
12 doz, soup bowls, quarts, W. G. ware.
3 doz, soup plates, 9 inches, W. Q, ware.
1 doz. pitchers, gal, W, G. ware!
4 dozen pitchers, V, gal. W. O, ware,
4 dez, pitchers, ) gal. W. G, ware.
2 doz, pitchers, cream, W. G, ware,
15 doz, dlnnef plates, 9 Inch, W, G. ware.
4 doz. pie plates, 7 inch, W, G. ware.
0 dozen vegetable dishes, to inch, W. G,
1 doz, lantern globes, as per sample,
10 doz. gloss tumblers, as per sample,
5 lbs cayenne pepper, standard ground, In
5 lb can.
200 lbs black pepper, standard ground, in
5 lb cans,
loo lbs mustard, standard (ground, In 5 lb
25 lbs allspice, standard ground, in 5 lb
25 lbs ginger, standard ground, In 5 lb
25 lbs cinnamon, standard ground, in 5 lb
'20 IU cloves, standard ground, In S lb
25 lbs mace, standard ground, in 5 lb
lo lbs cloves, standard whole, In 5 lU
10 lb nutmeg, standard whole, In 5 lb
lo pairs men'sj shots, No, 6,
lo pair wen' lioei, No, 7,
40 pah men's shots, No, a,
$ pain men's shoes, No. 9.
15 pain men's shoe, No, 17.
10 pain men' boot, No, 7.
30 pain men' Iwoti, No, n,
30 pain men' hoot, No, 9,
IS pain lurn'i boon, No, 10,
2u ptin mtn'a Ixioii, No. 1 1,
lo pair men'a hood, No. ,
40 pb ipeo'i leather illpjier, No, 8,
40 nalra men' UalUrallPHK, No, 9,
30 pain man' hum ilippari, No, 10,
10 palit men'a leather allpptu, No, II,
10 pah marj'i leather tliiii No. M,
$ paJll ladltV ahoci, Nil, 4,
20 jishi ladle W, No. 5.
10 nana lamtr iiwi, no. u,
10 palrr ladle' alio, m,
im, No. 4
' HI.
i-ln ariltv can! illi km. w. v.
1 a. falls ldl' rari-ft tlili (. in, 1.
10 j'li .Jirav rrflllpfl. No. .
S al( lill'4iW lii)Ma,No. i
IfATfffH AHIi rim.
d, wia Ullf, ahiMinakfiii
I dw, UhIi luhUraamMil.
uui. IvIIUl (vhm laainar tnif HI,
ijftf, W rbpilwn, IjfIN to IBIU
1 11M. ralf 1V1DI4 miiitfH, j IU lo 4 IU
Miw-lmWtm, alianil, 1 '4 IU lvj)U
H joi,hniiu Iraiitjf, ik imnt4, it JU
1(1 JO IM I all,
I im, bU.k IImii lud, apoul H. j
'j mtu Ihiaifi AMda Htf if
ial iihjihm tr
0Umuu4 311 $im '
imwuitf uiur
ImIIi iluitUiiHMi iwiua
lill rial
71. -:i ' :-.. . e .
tbti ifittt U iiili Uaw mm H
I iw mft n (mu w w iiU,ni b,
itoi JArtljf liHMM
wJwMlilfi ad
1 turn
mni Iih, vvi itwu.
(ftaiWl.HlM hf
!st" m ) w iNf tmu
1 ftfWnmi ViMwa M In vw
I trail'. huI W.
)4 Mtv
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WJBf ls I I', mtstp ani,
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WlClMilfilWlalJv W
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400 lbs. Durham 0, K.j trnoklng,-4 9
275 IU. per week, best creamery, more or
less; bids received for any part thereof.
4 dot, dust brushes, as per sample.
2 doz. white wash brushes, a per sample,
5 dot. combs, dressing, as per sample,
2 dot. mop handles.
3 dot. bamboo pot brushes, as per sample.
tooo lbs, Japan, uncolored, as per sample.
800 gals, pure elder, 40 grs,
6oobb1s. No. 1 flour, delivered as required,
25 bbts. No. 1 graham flour, delivered aa
required, '
6011 lbs. of beef per day, more or less, as
required; equal parts, tore and hind quarters,
200 lbs. mutton, moro or less, m required.
500 lbs. of fish per week, more or less of
different kinds as required, stating price of
each per pound.
200 gals kerosene,, more or less In tanks,
delivered as required,
5 gal, asplialtum vamish,
200 lbs white knitting.
1500 lbs net, Savon Imperial, Sal.-m soap.
50 lbs net, castile Mottled common soap,
2 gross London incandescent pens, No, 4. .
2 gross London incandescent pens, No. 0.
2 gross London incandesced! pens,' No. 7,
3 gross Glllotta pens, No404,
2 gross v lllotts pens. No, 303,
1 gross Paysons indelible Ink.
4 doz, mucilage, Stanford's universal.
Samples may be seen at the office of the
board. Goods must be (n accordance there
with and be in original packages when p os
tlble. The right to reject any and all' bid is
reserved. Delivery of supplies "Wllsl he re
quired within 15 days' notice of acceptance ol
bid. A copy of the advertisement mutt ac
company eacli bid, and the name of the class
of supplies must be on the envelope. Each
bid must include all the items and totals In
full, with the exceptions of meat, flour, fish,
vinegar and butter. Payment wilt be refused
until bidder lus fulfilled his contract. Each
bidder will be required to furnish a certified
check in an amount equal to 10 per cent of
his bid, to be returned in case hit bid is re.
jectcd sr hit pioposal compiled with, Audit
ing olhcers nrc prohibited from confirming
accounts of purchases when tho advertisement
does not contain a full and complete descrlp.
tion of the articled to be purchased, Bids will
be opened in the governor's office at 2 o'clock
p, m Monday, July 8, 1895,
Wm. P. Lori), )
11, K. KiNCAin, Board.
I'jiii.. Mkt&uiian.J
W, S, Dun 1 way, Secretary of Board.
L i . j i . iiu ii U.W wM-j"e!Pj
I'l esldeut,
dwlilsf, ,
ok syvaviSiVi,
TrnsaoUftKutTal banKing IiusIusm,
Huie Wing Sang Co,
y UiKMl. tl kind ol Milk JK
iMtiiU.OIJliiAwafa, jiuM, T
lilory, truiMiiiU,OIJliiiwf, Hi Twta
illklilil, UuIiIdk iid mall nlahltt(,
lies' iJndvrwMtr. Cvrylilii( tlilH; vr
ap, iraxiiirttrwiifi,tlr,
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I'hlM liuiiJlre'1 uvit fe-ood llllabU land, two
lid. from lalliiiaii alMlIoiii maul ijIu tuubariii
It) htft iiJUl.H ipl lifulmiiil tHMiia(Hu
f!4 IUMUH(y
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'IH fiUMS. iiiwi, pfr v,
I'ilOM. aLiQ Uir ALHI9i
l tValaUf wuiJf, rl'i
"FOR SALE iW-fflWET iwirt ,m Mrdairl ii)Bt4,l
iilliw auUiMMt 14 IUla. tut)h4 ffviu Vii
uj lt u(JiW(t ij iteiui. 1 mi
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(f(if lUibA til U 11 1 ur ii lit M tiiliutHit
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aasui. cteitlsia(iriiiiwUlM hi fbu,
Uit'i, In u At lii.m, MsUrM aljav ih
ririlyipfy, (, ii,iH(WMUrWitl ..
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