rtw -,-tp )nyji)." ."n Id Time lethods treating Ids and u2hs were I'sed on the ;a of sup- :ssion. We w know fat "feeding a Jld" is good doctrine. icott's Emulsion cod-liver oil with hypo- losphites, a rich fat-food, ires tne most stuuuorn Bough when ordinary medi cines have iaiieci. rieasanr, to take; easy to digest. IsTrenareri tiTBenlt AjHnwnW Y. This exlrft- Irrthi'i'y Ro- Dizziness. avcuf.tor la Falling Ben saUon, Nerv ous twitclihift of lbs eyes and othor pails, Stroncthons, invlfioratcu and tones the' cntlrotyktcni. Hudyan cure: Deb ill ty, Nervousness, KmUslouD andCcvelopo and restart1 vci.!- oi'jnr ' I'-lUJ iU till beet, lots" bv dav o 10 most rondori'ul Blfcoverr of Ihe arc. It pm ncn en Boiwd hv tiio Iradliiirflen- men or Europo and Hudyan 13 purely vege- .Hoie ludvan fctons Pramaturensss i.V.TJH 01 tho (IIP- SRWil UfltfAW cnargo J a a (Pr-JSKB pavB, ,TB. euros fijjretJwiw'KSH i.,tn,m prwtmm?!w&sn ijuahiiuujj iUmFsmimik "-""''" BljLhtstoppcc nnlcklv. Over 2,000 private) cndo-semctiK and barrenness It can bo stopped. In 'JO days Tlio now discovery was ratdn by tho Special ists oftho old famous Hudson Medical Institute. powerful, but liairalcm. Pold for 61.00 a pack- Written gunrnnteo Rive ifncure. If voubuy n1tmfnaitlli1 fil'A tint fmliPlv fMll'iVL SlK 11111 fO wlllbssont to yenireoofallcbarpes. a Ben.lfor rrcu!arnand tchUmonials. Address .TijkJ HT'TiTIJlir. TWUTlTlITli! Ijunt'tlon HtocktoiijMaritot A: KIWh.NU Dllll ITUlKlRCUl UU Mexican Mustang Liniment for Burns, Caked & Inflamed Udders. Piles, Rheumatic Pains, bruises and Strains, Running Sores, Inflammations, Stiff Joints, ' IlarnesA 6c Saddle Sores, Sciatica, Lumbago,, UWfilura, Inct Bifxuf, All Cattle Alliuont, All llot'm AlUmtnU, All 5!)oup AllmynU, Ptfiivlrita MimulOf Mwiibriw urulTlnwio Quickly to tli Vury lafilofPAfiifiuU OukI.m it (u ( My, Rub In VltforoiMly. AtmLK htmn ammn fiti&Jf ! r HJ w'' ! jrMf. Mmhum Blood '.K'.WJB Jiiiluur fMHIV t itl'VI thtHM ffifOf foRr5&;, -r, (''feW'flJ;StIfi?Sill s&mww .. UflnwSS Consllnatlon. .WSfiils 1 fKMJJmiKK? mi i.u iMn An.. ?' nUr-iUF .,-Ui.Jir.W.r. miiiB' . . . 7ii4; rrf. t W 4iiilllHl' LIVEUY f-iUHT WITH A SHARK. Tcrrirylns firrr'ri ro W.JN o STan Cutoi by IX Dun Who Wnd I'Miliiff. Wlllinm ' il-r, an aftorurrof DphI i), Ten , t en o.f'r:iio.Mith n uib'i i .t ur. .1 : ik nt IliKLport In tlio Knlf. "I Itiit ! r. fv.iuU HalllHUt," raid Mr. ilul!cr 1 i i-l:itilli hln uni)lfi:iji:jt i'j:poilciiff, ' ni ii va out jsounnli.-trtr.ee Ihi.m I mil wl'cn I Imitpfl my lioel: nnd ! Ut it UUt. J XV I'll II IIC'W,cli!lifll!Ki 100 "i J . fw t loiiu fur nrr.rd, nml tl.o hf.' k v. ..v.'il;o larjtc, )rol)tilily hi:; in kcv :i ii if : 1 5iir "I Mr. u jcxl:, utiil in mi instant tlio tin.- v:.n nulir tliultoiif'si'iulilfi'. I ivk yil llio bautiiian to roverso llio sail in or--Ur I hiil tlio linn could be cU-nrcd. I was i)liiiviiu to nil except tli bif flhh. und iw tlio itumii Mvnnc around it liuipht jno nit tlio buok between tho hhmilders. 1 win. tnmblcd ovurbiiard head foremost in tho wator, homo 40 to CO feet deep. Ar I strer': tho water tho ilsli that 1 had caught, a man eating fihiuk, laid hold of tho calf of my right leg. Tho pain was fearful, ami 1 felt myself jerked rapidly down toward tho bottom of the sea. , "In my fall I did not relax my hold on tho line, and us soon as 1 realized my position I know that my life depended on my ability to hold on to tho cord. Tlio htrngglo I know was not long, but to mo it seemed liko an age. Tho cord was fa? toned to a beam in tho boat, and inch by inch 1 gained on my antagonist, and as soon as I appeared on the Biirfaee tho boatman camo to my assistance. The shark retained its grip on my leg until my body was entirely out of tho water, and oven then it did not let go until tho boatman knocked it off witli an oar When I was safely on tho inside, how ever, wo pullod for tho shore, and as my hook was securely fastened in the month of tho sharJc no trouble was ex perienced in landing the fish. It was between fi and 0 feet lpng. " Chicago Post. JOHN BULL'S HUMOR. It In or tho Tat Wlttcd Kinil Wliut Anu-r-Iciiiih Thinl; of It. Hawthorne, observing Englishmen in England, speaks of tlioni as "heavy witted. " Emerson alludes to their "saving stupidity. " Howells has intro duced to us somo typical specimen of English respectability and rank bafi'.ed in their chaso after American humor, but on tho scent nnd arriving at the point of appreciation alter cousidorablo silent thought, Eomotimes lasting into tlio noxt day, and hero is tho testimony of Lowell from his recently published "Lottcrs. " In a letter written in 1689 from England to Professor Norton ho thus explains the warm reception given to Buffalo Dill by London seciety: "But I think tho true key to this eagerness for lions oven of tho poodlo sort is tho dullness of tlio avcrago English mind. I novcr como back hero without being struck with it. Henry James said it nlways stupefied him at first when ho camo back frdin tho con tinent What it craves beyond every thing is n sensatiouj anythiug that will servo as a Worcestershire Banco to its sluggish palato. Wo, of flnor and more touchy ilbor, get our sonsations cheaper and do not find Wordsworth's emotion over n common, flower to very wonder ful. Peoplo aro dull enough on our sido of tho ocoim Btroam also, God wot, but hero unless I know my peoplo I novcr daro to lot my mind gambol. Most of them, if I over do, look on liko tho fa mous deaf man at tho dancers, wonder ing to what musio I am capering. They call ua superficial. Lot us thank God, dear Charles, that our norvoH aro nearer tlio Hiirfntw, not ho deoply embedded in fat or muKclo that wit jiitiHtinkoti pitch fork to liH." Outlook. Mr. I'rjijV Ti-'lilimr, Doing at nuppor, my wlfo did say tsomotJilny that enuxed mo to oppouo her In, Him nwd tho word devil, which vexed mo, nnd, among othur tlilngi), I rmid I would not linvo her lo uko (hut word, uioi wliJoli nho look tnu up most K(joriifully( wbluli, liufoio Anliwoll nnd the rttt of llio world, 1 know not nowa day liow lo uliwtilr, in) I would liuroto for, fur low Hum Hint would liuvu iiimlii mo imlkw liur. Ho Unit I fwir WitllOIlt lll'OHt lliKUItltlull 1 uliull go mmr to Jim loo, ty oumiuuinl ovur Jier, nnd uulJiiny rtolt wore limn kIvIhk Jw IliU owmjotiof duiidiiu inidotliur plowtiirriv, wllrly )ir mind U IhIwii up fnn Imr liuilnw mid Iliidu othur wm Iwnldwi ilw4i)U ut hi uud wj jimlutM lir llmt Pl)8 lfi nut nt wll to liib immrv in ins or t-uidy u w uic liurxidforu )lnry of KmiiihkI I'vpyit til UlllMHllfclMilt "I iiih uul vtn Hutxl Mud," tU) 11 It fltAmw, "i iliU ht hw w w uit Ami uf inmhin Ml uijv Urn. I Iwf rwwwl it rHlHiiU Aun uw trim mi vj UuMiutt- Tli milnwiJ mmm M iM wtm 1m lawful llMtl I Ututw null- lmm tlmr mum. l'tJly Hindi iw ltl tMMi enu4idm Iw wudi Umhu uu bliwwUwk 11 mm lrtd mmUhv. vA im ii jwH ' )wH tu Zul tim iH mm! UM Ufk m it Ur JHflirT MM- WNUW I " " lkUf. rt'sjfataji lU mum ;M fmmmt mmt mm aiwi-crTr ltd Ul mi Witt fcl "? " mfimmH OMEN'S FACES like flowers, fade and witber with liuie; the blnom of the rose it) only known to the heal tli y woman's cheeks. The nerv ous strain caused by the ailments and paius peculiar to the sex, and the labor and worry of rearing n family, can often be traced by the lines in the woman's face. Dull eyes, tutf sallow or wrinkled face and those "feelings of weakness" have their rise in the derangements and irregularities peculiar to women. The functional de rangements, painful disorders, and chronic weaknesses of women, can be cured with Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. For the young, girl just entering womanhood, for the mother and those about to become mothers, and later in "the change of life," the " Prescription " is just what they need ; it aids nature in preparing the system for the change. It's a medicine prescribed for thirty years, in the diseases of women, by Dr. R. V. Pierce, chief consulting physician to the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Insti tute Buffalo, N. Y. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription will cure the chronic inflamma tion of the lini"3r membranes which cause such exhausting drains upon the system. It cures nervous prostration, sleeplessness, faintness, nervous debility and all disorders arising from derangement of the female organs and functions. Mrs. Tennib Williams, of Afohatvk. Lane Co.. uregon, wrues : -1 was sick for over three years with blind dizzy spells, palpitation of the heart, pain in tile back ami head, aud at times would have such a weak tired feel ing when I first got up in the morning, and at times nervous chills. The physicians dif fered at to what my disease was, but none of them did me any good. As soon as I commenced taking Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre scription. I besran to JX get netter ; could sleep 5Irs. Williams. well nights, aud that bad. nervous feeling and the pain iu my Dacic soon leu me. 1 can walK sever at miles without getting tired. I took in all thrr bottles of ' Prescription aud twoof DUcovci). ' " Orchard Grati For Future. Owing to its habit of starting anewoa eoon as cut down, nlmost without regard to weather or season of tho year, if the ground is not frozen, orchard grass makes an excellent pasture when thickly seeded, giving feed both early and late in the season. It will bear continuous feeding better than almost anything but blue grass, but it has ono fault: If not 'cut or fed down, the last late fall growth, when heavy, is liable to fall down upon the crown of tho roots and smother itself out. Those who have it should look out that there is not much left standing on the field when winter comes in. It is also easily smothered by weeds when it first komes up, and if they aro plenty they (mould bo mown down until tho grass gets nbove them. For pasturo sow in April or May, using about 2 bushels of seed to tho acre. It Stay bo mown twice tho first year if it oes well, and mowing one or two years would soem to mako better pasturo after ward than to turn tho cattle on tho first season. Tho tufts stool out moro and got a better and deeper hold. It will grow npon almost any field where bluo gross wrill, though it likes best a rich, deep oil. If not mown, tho catuo should not o turned on it before tho lato fall, but t might bo cut nnd fed green or cured In July. Wo should certainly sow bluo gross and white clover with it forpastur ngo unless seen that they would como In Spontaneously, says American Cultiva tor, authority for tho foregoing. Ithode Island' Abandoned Farm., According to a report from tho com missioner of industrial statistics, for Ithodo Island, there are iu that 4ato S77 Abandoned farms, Upon tho majority El tlieso, it is said, even the gross (s not ut. In the localities of these deserted farms it appears that there is n regular Uraln upon them for mill l(ep, which has boon in good demand. Then, too, nany of tho farms aro romoto from rail roads and good market. GTACS GLINT8. Josephine Plows-Day, lato with JtJaV rd Mansfield, lian joined Janieti O'Neill' company. Alma Aiken but been ro-engagod for tliq leading hcuvy part jit "Tim Von. detU" for noxt tmtan, May Yoho Una liven ouguged for tho principal rolo in 'NJlouolii" ut tho Tr fttlgur rJqnuro thooter In London, Tho DJuo Dfljiniit." a mvr comedy by Clmrloi Uiirnurd mul Mm. Doromu, Jim boon jHireliauud 1 Juftumm, Klaw ami Hrlungur, who will produce H at tho be giuiiiiltf of noxt i .-awn, It U A. It. & hub), ClmrJo Wynj Jiuurn prlvnto n-ri4ury, who )iu trail jutttd and alptd IJ5iinory ujjA Htmmf'i iipruiU) ut I'Iuihi . do'n ojioru, "Tho W Uurnw," for Man-, r JlnmmmMn, J, W MoAmU'i m, llio voliiraij na. lrli kMWH m U mlmiMon jnu'ii1' hu mn cnpgwl by Nut Ooo4wli lor 9 figure rt i II ipw p)y "In Wi orl," wlitl l lo U prwwtj mrjy tU Wm llio WntUfi Om. A fftiwJ Mii) i Iwliitf lol'J of Wn luibHril AijilUiH urn! Ufilo Mlw Dm IbyUfvw, Mr tn,.Uuu,'ii mMumh' iu DmUw lUv iu'wltur ! in Wilt bi iiiiuvr Jiumul llllfv PofVlb; ut it miuiiy Iikww, ami unt wry ftwti ut tiillAhu Uwd imr liUiut bo Hf4 mid UWlwr Xwilw Allur UMnMrt- lif tfiiiig lliHlWr Kip IIhh imhi lMiniituwi)iUotlhvuhlW "Ntfw, hmutUy, I Jiwp yin Imvti lwi ji) eltiitJ mi Imp il )i ymvlmMi- lUvWm'1 , , , m w ut, mm," hAM tl jlttJji idmi "m twt'vv m im mt Mr m Jm imn vwymH lMi''hmmmt rtr w HmiHiituw ii UuiBtl lb 0 i&lliilft lum H titt u alil'tl) I w m u w w w rlw M iwtMtifiam III" 10 tfinjin iumn4mw mw it JJU? MWM if ilutu lu rrmi tuaw uj iP!J HillBWlY- n wo mmM m WW TODAY'S MARKETS. Prices CuiTent by Toiegraph-Local a. . I'.irtlanri Quotations. Hai.131, Jauuury UU, p. ni. Offlce Daily Capital Jui-hnau quota tiiius for day and up to hour of going tn pi ft were an follewn: HA1.KU PKODUCK MAKKKT. BUTOHKR BTOOhT. Vtals dressed 4J obi. Hog dressed l. Live cattle l2o. Sheep alivo $l.a5l0. MILL PKICKS. Baletu Milllug Co. ((netes: Flour iu wholesale Iota $2.25. Iletall 2.60. Bihii $11 bulk,$12.60 sucked. Shorts $12 18. Chop feed $14 aud $15. WHEAT. 80 cento per bushel. HAY AND ORAIN. Oats-2022Jc Hay Baled,, old $78; now cheat $G0.50; new t'uiothy i8.00 farm PKonocrrs. Wool Best, 10c. Hops Btst, 3 to 7c. EfigB Iu trade, 25c. Butter Best dairy, 1820 tano creamery, 25o. Cheese -10 to 15 eta. Farm smoked meats BncouJ 10) hams, 11; shoulders, 7. Potatoes 25c. Onions 2 cent FKD1TS. Apples SOo bu. Pears In trade, 25c bu. LIVE POULTRY. Poultry Hens, 6o; roosters not wanted; old ducks not wanted; young ii. ?, 7; young chickens, Co, Turkeys. 8c. PORTLAND QUOTATIONS. Grain, Feed, etc. Flour Portland, $2.40; Walla Walla, $2 05; graham, $2.15; superfine, $2.00 per oarrel. Oato White, 2528c; milling 29 SOo; grey, 2C27o, rolled, In bags, $5.760.00; barrels. $6.00G.25; cases, $3.75, Potatoes 4045o per bock; sweet, 2o per lb. Hay Good $910porton. Wool valley, 810c. Millstufls Bran, $13.50;ehort3,$13.60; chop fecu,$15 per ton; cuicKen wneat, 75o per cental. Hops Dull, 47c. Hides green, salted, 60 lbs. 3Jc. un der 60 lbs., 23o; ebeep pelts, 10G0c DAIRY PIIODDOE. Butter Oregon fancy creamery, 25 27Jo; fancy dairy,2022Jc; fair to good, 15rai7Jc: common. 12Jc. Cheese Oregon 10llo per pound; Young Amenciii,iicyizic; bwissimp., 2830o; Dom.,1418o. Eggs Oregon, 25o per dozen. Poaltry-Chlckeus, J2.503 00 per dozen; ducks, $4.005; geese,$7; tur- ueys, aressed, iuo. Beet Topsteer8,2J2. 8-oo per lb; fair to good steers, 22tc; cows, ijczc; dressed Deer.niWio Mutton Best 8uecp,$i2.10; choice ewes, ?)i.ou(a)i.oo. Hogs- Choice, heavy, l$3.603.75, Debt aud feodbrs.$4: drescea. 4)oner lb. Veal Small, choice, 6c; large,34jo per pounu. SAN FHANCISOO MAKKKT. Woel: Oregon Eastern choice, !!8 10c; do inferior, 56o; do ,valley,tlO 12c. Hops Quotable at 58. Potatoes Early Rose, 8o45o In sacks; Burbanks, 8060o per sack. OataMilllDK, $11.12. How's This I Wo oiler Ono Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that can not bo cured uy Hairs Catarru Cure. l'. J. Cheney & Co-, Props, Toledo, O. We tho undersigned, have known F, J. Cheney for the last 16 years, and be lieve him perfectly honorable In all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligation mado by their firm, West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo O.. Waldlng, Klnnan & Mar ylii, Wholesale DruggistB, Tolodo,Ohlo- Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken inter nolly, noting directly upon tno blood and mucous surfaces of Its system, Price, 76o, per bottle, Bold by hit drug, gists. Testimonials tree, Tho World's Fair Can not remain euoli without tho blooming look aud wlleiit complexion wlilolt health alone Imparts, Park's Tea, by clearing the blood of Impiirltlw, makes the complexion rvgaln the line of youth, Bold by Lumi &, Jlrooku, HEART QISDASE 30 YEARS I NwtllmUh 'IHMh lr (I W MuiuiiMjr mumkro (it )Ui Ui'IHUi Jfitjj, Willi M IHtwlftiJIHUJ. im "lum imu m.nffJyf(illJ Hli JiouryUiuuj dim' Mmmdma a lift vf,wii f ito urmy hi (110 ww f I ia ay WMlftUIlljHj. Willi iMlDIUflUq AYillh MD'J iirtiiii feliuiii mi mv IbfL nid mih; tbl Mf'lJllU I) llMWIU I L I M ilwL f Wll in imli uitini lll i W.l II UumWy my nitviiti'-n ml dr, MWQtf ttQMi Gm iJwldwJ iu try. u 'I h 8h. M fiit iuin iiiim.H ttwwi i iwm wwimk mm yiWmlm ririjiiin mnww t.'" u w miw-r, v M wm,lij mmm. t m pf, fin vwm wfimiivm pwijfl)wfWF Jilf(fW''NlP1f wWHIWw tw , . ft gM JHJ 1V''9rr'' 5& S PRICKLY ASH, POKE ROOT and potassium Marvelous Cures InJIcojlPfen; Bh6matidm anti Scrofula P. P I' purines tho blood, builds up the weiilc nhd clcbllttuteil. uln ttrennth to iuakened ner7e. expo.n ulseiuo.Rlrliu- tlio patient health nml hnpptticjs wIiito nickiienB, ploumy leellngs and lcs.ttudo first prevailed. saATBssw,fflK For primary tccondarr nnd tertlnry Tphllfa, for Wood polsonlnR, mercu rial pot m, malaria. dr;icisln, nnd In nil b'.cod nnd skin dlaecacs. Ilka Dioicue.'i, pirapics, oia rnroiua ulcere, totter, scald beud, bollr. errslpclan. cciema v.o mnr but, without f car of coutradlctlnn, that 1 P. p. Is thebert blood purifier In tho world, and makes positive speedy and permanont cures iuall cases. Ladles whoso systoms are poisoned and whoso blood Is In an Impure opncl tlon. duo i menstrual lrrcitmarltles. ore peculiarly benefited by the won derful tonlo and blood cleanslnt; prop erties ot P. P. r. -Prickly Asb, Poke Hoot and Potassium. BrnmaviKLD. No.. Auc. 14th. 1893. I oan speak la the hlsbeat torms of your medlotno from my own personal knowledge. I was affeoted with heart dlieate, plonrl'T and rheumatism for 35 years, was treated by the very best physicians ana spent hundreds of dol lars, trlod ovory known remedy wlth-r out finding relief. I have only taken one Dottle of your P. P. P.. apd can cheerfully say It has done me more cood than anything I have overtaken. I csn recommend your medicine to all auSerersot the abovo diseases. MK8. M. M. YKART. Springfield, Green County, ko. r ill) Uj V HV J,- rwr-i m n ?i n sr plSTOr V XO THE EAST! -VIA THE Union Pacific System Through Pullman Palace Bloopors. Tourist Bloepera and Free ltecllnlne Ohutr Cars dally irom PORTLAND to CHICAGO Our trains are heated by steam and ear lighted by 1'lnUcU light. Timo to Ohlcaao, UK days. Time to New yortt, U'A days. Which is many hours auicker than all com petitors. For rates, time tables and full Information apply to ItOISB & KAKKK, Agent, Balem, Or, IU W. DAXTEH, O. K. HI10V7N, tieneral Ajfent. DUt. Pass, Aeeut. y-a -rnira st poniaua. 1 1' & I. K, UlWKUJt, JtJJOKIVJCK, To This ast mvmwK WQWK W two wmwm wm CHEAT NOIlTIIHItN UT, V, . lltto Id ilj liisleiB HUd, if yaj iujftfiiy 'MWtwWW,toy U, Af. Jj'OWWIW, hum 'j'jQltut AimL JtyiliifTHiiUil, lopil'iioltiiilinICa H'nmum uoMtiw im rmtum Ay. m n ?. m m jj mu tiU'i 19 klmtf Wf M4 MM&UWi n9 Tsf W VMa.i1 s ! F U " ffl. WlJ) M &H WMdfM! fWBffl bJlWf mrm PIWPIES, BLOTCHES AND OLD SORES CATARRH, MALARIA, KIDNEY TROUBLES hi DYSPEPSIA Ars onttrcly remove by P.PJP -lTlrhly Ab. Poles Soot and Potst mum, &3 r.rcsMat blood partner on ItUUW, . -. A TlrM IDOL IliMina LirPMAMBnos.. Bavannan. Givi DKAnsiM I boucht abottloof 1 .;.ir T. P I. at Hot Bprlncs, Arte., and t- 1. in dono mo moro Reed than tbr iai iitbs- troatmont at the Hot Sprlnga. 3ud throe bottles O. 0. 1). Jp.cnnXu?ijRWT Abordoon, Drowa County, O. Capt. ,Ti. Johuaton. To all fAoin U may toncernt I hr Vy toutlfT to tho wonderful propertlea nil t. i. p. fnp Mrtmtlona of the akin. I sa&iHaaaaas niy f aco. I tried 8Try Known reme dy bu. In vain, until r. P. P. was used, and an now entirely enrpd. tSliaod by) J. D. JOHNSTON. Bavannah, Qo. Bktn Cnncor Cured. Titimnvfron Mayor oStprin,Tex, SiqniK.TBZ., January It, 1803. Messrs. Lippman Bros. , Savannah. Oa. t Oentlemtn I have tried your P. I. P. tor a disease of the skin, usually known na skin rnncer.of thirty years slDCdinK, and found Kreat rolleti it purines tho blood and remoros all Ir ritation from tho soat ot the disease and prevents any spreading ot tho sores. I have taken flveor six bottlea nnd feel confident that another eourso will effect a unre. It has also relieved mo from Indlsestlon and stomaoa troubles. Yonrs truly, oapt. w. M. nnsT. Attorney at Law. Book on Blood Diseases Moiled Free. all cnuaaisTS sell it. LIPPMAN BROS. PE0PRIET0E3, Uppmaa'a Bloelc,SyaaaRk, Get N ORTHERU PACIFIC R.R. B US 2Ti IS Pullman Sleeping Cars Elegant Dlnln Cars Tourist TO Sleeoln"- Cars si. PAUL MINNEAfOLIS!! DULUTH FARGOI GRAND FORKS. CR00KST0N WINNIPEG NN PEG HELENA and! BUTTE THRO LTGrH TICKETS TO CHICAGO WASH NGT0N Ryi.t-ADELPIIIA NtW YOKK BOSTON and all Polntt East end South) A For Information, 'Umecaras.ymapi " tlclteu call on or wriw TJJOMAH, WATT & CO., MIKtiW, W Commordal l H4lem, Or, Or A. D. OiiAum-oH, Asst, Ocnl, 1au Agent) i'ornaiKi, uregou, K- Mvd.v: k lit I'iul II, II, Tntvelw "miw nA o y TWl StfJ fliilwjy fy,jfm Cffnnwlf 8T PAUL ond OMAHA mmt m) m mm Wfi uhM m mum mm vm Mm JtMlliilnu (Jtuh'K, miii fith i'w i. roMiim) hi m Vft BOOK UN) II nUNWtt hwmp mMtM-yuH, CHCAGO TO TAKE A TEE, Its Aquieition Forbidden by Law. CONTRARY TO THE CONSTITUTION. How It Haa Been Fastened on a, Newspaper. The Constitution of United States forbids acquisition of titles. the tho In tho far west not much respect is paid to titles. Neaily every man is a " Col onel." or an "Honorable." It is so little thought of that many men prefer to be called plain John Smith, Til Ford, Jo Simon. But titles are sometimes'con- ferred by accident, and become a really good handle to catch hold ot. In that case tho peo ple catch on and use tho handlo right freqiy ai.d prpperly. A CURIOUS CASK. A stack of letters is received at this office in every mail and while many of them are printed in large letters "Tho One Cent Daily, Salem Oregon," a great many aro written and thore is a great variety of way&of writ ing it. Here are some of the ferms: "1 ct. 1)., Salem, Or." "let. Daily, Salem, Or." ' "One Cent Daily, Salem, Or." "The One Cent Daily, Sa lem, Or." "The One Cent Daily J ouu anl, Salem, Or." "The Great One Cent Daily Journal, Salem, Or,'' "The Honorable One Cent Daily Journal, Salem, Or." That's a queer title for a nowspapor to got isn't it? About tho last on oarlh, any ono would think of I "THE HONORABLE!" Just think thut over, what it monns in connection with jour nalism. Honorablo with itsolf, Honorable with tho pooplo, Honorablo with its readers, Honorablo in its politicH, Honorable with its contem poraries, Honorablo in all its dealings Honorablo towards other coiniuunitioH, Honorablo lowardH ovory liunmn boiiitf, That' what n nowspupor h ould ho, I'orlmjw Perhaps what I Perhaps thin In oil a Jjo, Maybo it i, 33ut tho lwoply Julep on ad iboHHinjr tholr hlUnn IJOtf.0NJSONTAlLy, ftiikm, Or, In nvory mull iohjij orders wltlr tho nwmy. 1 1 J trwu tlio nuwunUi aro numll. j)nt lwy hkhwuwUi onuwfiU to my our jiapur mWa, Ut wy Mm. J;ii Jior will' Ui )iy mtr ;n hym, Ut my Urn Sy awUnm wnyfor wivfur U) nimw pirn, t )ny tho JSItioirJu Mfthl Ou. 'ur lluUlH In ()i(j oiijuii. Ut nw I'or hilh Ui ny thi oalfUuw mul mm ynn svumw ihu IUiUmiimi mil Uftgufiiuii m. iYii (luii'l Iiiilav vvlmt wunlil bu aumu u' IImjiii if wu J.hu) nml liyu u'lhuin bin I buyVo wl, in Umd ui J ii l- uuimmn iluU'h Oil bhiiKtf ham. Jiul Diy ualm lusdif mmiut Ibi run On Qmr umuy, VJ WUiM In WYW W M 10 uiiiji u tllYwJbr t'Vii) Muiilm l.0Q ium fur lp ilh ( Du nut mini Himm ). Wm mu'i frUj lijaiij mnlmif in Iw unUm M ymr urn wmm yw hm 6 mil Wm m)m mhi Horn lima mmmm mm httfli ur,