- "tf 0 URN AT ww .r CENTS 1J : MONTH r.V MAIL TRtQ&TrV&Pli UOTJKTY A rfflryiWuvfti . DAILY JflDITIOK. SALEM, OREGON. WJBDKISS DAY. JANUAllY w, io5. J'AJLV J3SDITIOJN. NO. 310 PAP FT AT J htttw -niHM lr,!.. 7. if II e v r V 1 !i I Villi. LiiUJiUl SOESXirXa S'lOOmi'LOOKS DUBIOUS Tho Golilluig Senator is Defeated Today. LATE NEWS ITE SHOES SSHEHZ&a ffihey Are of a Good Quality, Too. SENATOR M'GINN HIS BACKER, ZJ II BANK BILL KILLED Albanj'.s cUyilfli U 5!) 120,012 8,1 In iloHliig Indebtedness!. Tlie new city council nt' Ast ria j was inaugurated oil Monday lubt. I lnmil.lin..iic V Qnlj.llv W!, AVI'UilV(IIIU V WIV UVIIUIJ if nil TlioJtm Who Appointed Seven teen Clerks. -obst-.'eeb fflf a pair if the Brown Shoe Qo.'s "Star 5 Stir" bliois. You will get good Hervice irom uiem. T BARNES 383 COMMERCIAL ST. fbe Willamette Hotel LEADING HOTEL' OK THE CITY. IRaduoed rates. Management liberal. Electric cara leave liotoi toriau puo- flollSuildlngs aud polnta of Interest. Special rates will be given to perm uient patrons. A. I. WAGNER. ED FRONT LIVERY STABLE. JS. C. HANSEN, Manager, Pull Supply of Horses and Buggies on Hand. Horses Boarded by the Day, Week or Month. Corner Commercial and Trade streets, - SALEM, OR Bum wmm ool CEMENT, BUTILDING SAND, Material. 95 STATE) ST, Artificial Tooth. INSERTED ithout Plates. ft T"i Roots and badly decayed teeth recrowned with either gold or porcelain, Nothing but firet'olaa? work done. DR. CONTRIS, DENTIST, Parlors over Gray Bros, m&&j9Lrxr dware, Wagons, Carls, Road Machinery NO AGRICULTURAL IMJvlSMlSNTW. latest Improved Goods am) Lqwe-H Prices, lw Tor Statfl and I Ihartv Sfi. SAI.FM OREGON A, Rotan, the Furniture Man nit M;atnt'i4ii4klaDa.Nu..VM('OMHurrpuilrt. H IK" jrpeuima lloue t-uruiHilniri. up nnwuwreii iwi m tit i.,w v i in urui-r iu imhh raiv mb uuivr uw v 1 1 I, for in u oi MQ M4tKrk (Kill, Hfl la i iiniMH ll Fwrlinn Mmi HerrU a rkOimi nu we Irian rffwlarnui Ttirsj are irimlilcoiiie times for the go'dbug senator with the cold, atony glare and aristocratic shake of the hand, and it. is anui9lug to see him trotting through the slush, liia coat tailH'll ipijlng in the brem, making palitic.il love tn Home born -handed son of toil elected from some of the rural districts to the state legislature. Senator Dolph was yesterday u busy mm busy looking up possible sup porters in the coming senatorial light. His sood friend Friday, better known as "Tone" Myero, was with him. Straugo aa it may seem, however, ur one is looking for the goldbug senator. The only man seen to go into his cilice late Monday night, aside from his per sonal retinue of followers, was Jobi' Cnrr, under indictment by the Multno mah graud jury for bribery. What business this man had with senator Dolph, or what business the senator hid with him, can only bo con)ectured, Yeiterday afternoon a caucus that resolved Itself into a ways and menus committee was held in the oilloe pf State Senator-Elect Henry E. McOinn. Mr. McGinn was there. -Mr. Joseph Bimon was there. One or two other mmiliers of the Multnoimh delegation wens there. A .lone, lorn, cow cou ity member, whose looks betrayed that he lelt much like the lamb Invited to a feast given by the lions, waa there. This cow-county mi tuber, while a guest of the Multnomah men, was a great man. At least (he Multnomah men endeavored to Impress him w.th that fact. Whether he was convinced or not tho prophet sayeth, not but one thing is known that when the con clave, which lasted oyer three hours, aJJourned, the Multnomah men wore troubled looks. Henry McGinn mopped large beat's of prespirrtlon oil his brow, and the parting lacked cordiality. There was no brotherly handshaking and each went hi separate way, Later In the evening whan Senator Dolph was seen the awe-Inspiring features of the golbug appeared to have undergone un elongation an elonga tion that gave evidence of troublu und disappointment, His long overcoat vv.ua wrapped closely about 111 in with collar upturned and he looked sad, Portland Hun, Jun. P. The temptraii'i p- p!t mid S'llnon men have one another o$ iur cm ir Weston, Umatilla county. A petition la being circulated in Line county asknlg for a new county from the southern part pf Linn county. A rather old couple were united In matrimony In Jacksonville last week. Jacob Neutherner, ,84 aud Mrs. Bate- man, 02. Jas. Morris, of Comas prairie, Uma tilla county, Is under arrest and bus tfcreo charges to nnswer,oue of Digamy, and one of obtaining money under false pretenses and perjury. Frank G. Hull, of Milton, late editor of the Eagle, of that plane, is about to veuture on a new Held of newspaper work. It is to be an agricultural and h irtlcuitural paper, called the Iulaud Horn ;stead. f illll Dt'lllllCPdlS TO W IT IN ITS SILENT GRM I'AKI.IM.K MT IIOl'KI.KS-S A. ...lit . ... ii . ... ,. ku-.-iw . iii. rMMTrmrv ianiie m- rivel at iliui-itpl nl and IikIcI h i-onsul-tnini) wim SpfHifi-r Ciisp In tin. int. tor's j'oni, mi thf defeat of the cur rency M'l. Ciirll-'f it N nndiTstood w r vy ur( iii I.. hU r.iipt for tin i nm 'f i Hurt in ifxiuiti-t the mean r j. DADT 1 nmnnnin nm' iwii murnu UMR California Legislature is Orgau ized--Bu(l(l Seated. In JusTioii Coukt. A warrant was Issue 1 out of Justice Johnson's court yesterday on complaint of John Dorcas charging Gjdfrey Murtez, a Stayton silooukeepcr, with celling and giving liquor to minors. Murtez was brought to Balem yesterday afternoon by a deputy aherlll and waiving examtua tiou, was held to answer to the graud jury which meets next mouth. His bond was fixed at 6250, which was im mediately furnished. H. G." Burton aud Wm. Jukes, were arrested this nf teruoou ou a warrant Issued out ol Justice Johnson's court, upon a com plaint of Jnhu Need hum, of North Sa lem, charging Iheut with forgery. It suema they used Need arn's ntime in an order on a drug store. The parties reside near Salem appearing before Justice Johnson this afternoon their Doiid was fixed at $50 each and as we go to press thoy uic endeavoring to se cure bgndoiiieii. The trial Is set for 0 o'clock tomorrow morning. A Monmouth Scandal. Word comes to the cltyjthat Early Hewitt, a man led man, had 'left his wife, aud eloped with a Miss Waller, both of Moumouth. A Ghowinq Oudkb. Willamette Tent No. 0 Kulghts of the Maccabua enlisted four new Knights at its last meeting and have three more to initi ate at the next meeting. Tho best bread iu town, sixty-five loaves for fcl.OO.full weight aud always fresh, at Mcllwlu'a bakery, 101 Court Street. Tho old Steves bakery. Fresh bread in the morning and evening. ketheOneCent Dailv An (Won NowMjMjifir California now ite iwi )ftuu ymi iwNigru ui)uijv win urn nmvrw wa u ilwuiiutivuly Urn Qimon Newiiwiw utireJy qoyw Under (he new deal the Jtejiublicmi party of Oregon belongs to the peoplo, not U) tho bojifs, Deinoorfloy of the solid South' utrlpe, U going to force ttuto hunks of lwue on tlo country, ii-' lijj'B'-iiiumijuntf Tito J'orllttnd 'Vvwwny iUo'i q lonKir run our lta wvprniiientt FfQWh V(9W AWlUJl(i J'A)H8 Jhii. P.-At tlip cuMnul court' oil yieterdey, hi, iU ham, milliliter pf oolonlW; uniioiinort) lie (md rcowlvl a ()l"l)Ulllpuii) (mm Colonel MflltpHi U) wiDhMinl of Hid I'hhIi lroop In THMi)in, flying llmt on (hwuvr 1$, lliuifeliifnn furiosi 10 iro8t Jjfoiltf utfUioid Cljluf lUmofay uy HmbHtliOf) jtniN jdllwj, iiJuliiillflH 'wo ufifi iTliw vwmy, liowpvir, wn ililvfijor J will) ItMvy liw J tern npuitii (mmw m itu fuy,- ItfflMU 0)fBl HIli0lt IvuIk)"'-. Gladstone on Ireland. London, Jan. 0. Thomas O'Connor, representing the American organiza tion of the Friendly Sous of St.Pa'trlck, presented to Mr. Gladstone last even ing an album with an Illuminated ad dress, which was prepared In March, ie04,oti the occuslon of Mr. Gladstone's retirement. Mr. Gladstone received Mr. O'Connor and the gentlemen with him very heartily, lie looked ruddy and animated, and talked with much spirit, After Inquir ing into the history of the society and Ma lists ol members, Mr. Gladstone ex. pressed Ills grutltude for tho compli ments paid hi in In the Address, Mr. Gladstone declared his Interest In Jre. laud aud Ibo Trll), wIiomo cause, ho said, lie Mhoulri keep ut heart to (ho end of Ills lift'. He regre(tei) the division In (ho ranks of Ireland' lead eri), Tho country' chances of ootulu lug her right would nayer bo m hrlgtit no (hey ought lo be until oil natlopu) Ms united, Doriionllo (Uncord muni Hiuti) nutiMHarlly thu postpoucniontof any rsaliiwtloiuir Ihnlrclulmf. Kmy bodylUHny wy wblum amlwt in fhc reunion at (he fMotloni w hound lodu CO. Anyhu'ly i'roMiiiiiH fltinj um)r look a Urrlhlp rwiotmlWIily, wljlili might )itn unUI'l Injury ( iu ouubu nf jiulluo Iu rnltfii(). Wp l)Bi strung y tlml mm wwy won womUI Inhuh'i to undo tliu nuiioiiHlli group, I'DlrgnUid lhu( Ifujid'sniyoy h inlluunllvl irumili In Aiimlm whuII muvn vlgru(ijy iut mm Iu ilv mi)m 0 lli if)Ui)Bllt hifit, 'JJhtjy nljuuljj i)ftO im ir V11' wwim ul ilii VW ul uhhhm d fuim, (ur ftf UljfJV ytUwMMt HIWM iHlhiww. Or, PiWt Grew Wifw Itywiir VVwN'i fW Hllf l Mf if imj lu' IN TIIK 1IOUSK. Washington, Jan. 9. When the house met this morning, thero was a good attendance on tho lloor. Outh walte presented a special order from the committee mi rule. It provides for a closing of ueneral debate and consider atlnn of the Springer substitute as an orlglual bill under the fi-mlnute rule, today, tomonow and Friday uutil 2:03 p. m., bill and pending amendments to be roported to the house for a final vote Saturday, immediately after the morning hour. Outhwaite demanded the previous question. Tho Republicans voted solidly with tho Democratic opponents of the meas ure agalust ordering the previous ques tlon and It was defeated on u rising vote, 92 to 101. Among the Democrats who voted against ordering of previous questio.1 were: Cockrell, Texas; Mc Ginn, Illinois; Hooker, Mississippi, Ellis, , Kentucky; Money, Mississippi; Billy Texas; Bland, Missouri; Hall, Missouri; Holman, Connecticut; and Conn, Indiana; Oathwalte hurredly demanded the yeas and nays and the rill was called. OUKHENCY IJILIi KILLED. Washington, Jan. 0. A Bpeclal rule to bring tho currency bill to a vote was defeated ou ayes and nays vote by 122 ayea lo 129 naya. This waa a decisive test vote and practically kills the bill. CALIl'OHNIA'S LEGISLATURE MEETS, Saouamento, Cal., Jan. Q. In tho general assembly this morning a reso lution providing for the meeting of senate and assembly at 2 p. ra. tomor row for the purposo of canvassing aud publishing the returns of tho election for governor and lieutenant governor, was adopted without a dissenting vote, Immediately afterwards a concurrent resolution was presented which prob ably settled tho gubernatorial conten tlon for all time, Tho resolution provides for thq ap pointment nf a joint committee of three members from each house to confer with tho governor-elect and lleuleuunt- governor-elect for tho purposo of per feeling arrangements for their Inuugur. allot). The resolution waa adopted by a unanimous vote. HKMD8 A JUWISAUK, The provident today sent a mesvago to congmM, disclosing the fret (hat tho Hawaiian government doulrea to leaso Great UrlUlu to tho uninhabited . land, us a station for u cable to ho laid from AuKtralU to Cuuuda, und uk the awmtl of (ho United State, Tho president hopw (hut tho request will lie grauluuY IT WAH iMUKUY KffrfjKJ), Tho fcuppnrlorn nf iho hill huuIv u upfsuie oiiurt hi Ktonni 4 iiiofl(y on roll cull, but (ho irovloun qiimllnn wm huhIii rojuotcd m In W. A fulluro (o oritur Uio pruvlou tmim, ihrcw tho pmh wmr mm In imon)' ;ncnl, oulliwalio Imniidltttt'y vtlUrtwvf Ihoxpoolttl urmr. hMawy cliulrniMU of tiowrhlllfcv " birtiw (' Mtt, movfc'l (o ti Inui wimniitcg ut Hio wliejo tor wiwilmum tf (he VjI'IMU' u;ipruirju;jn;j i, ,!,,) yi qmWi vyj hunt ill vl.sViv. ' cwrromy IJHJJPM09 thfiWllUUHl, Ml- ImHenp yWtWy, Vj $v lh ujiidtrK njipor UMiy la f vim in I l)i-i r Jli h hl oil juj'lM ') (fUJckjy j whs ppmtt i;g httuttt JfLJhj Vm Wi 10 MM ihmiiiBiiift)ivyv(. OKUjo.n 1'AOIFIO SALE. Report That tho Bonnor Purchaeo Was for Bondholders. Corvallis, Or., Jan. 9. Anxiety regarding tho Oregon Pacific has some what subsided since the court baa taken the confirmation under advisement to give Nash's English capitalists another chance to raise the bid. Thla latter proposition is not given a great deal nf credence in pretty well verml circle? here, aud It is thought that tho court will confirm the h.,)o to Homier and Hammond, ou the 19th, It wa luti nnted, and not denied, that the bond holders were largely interested in the 3 inner purchase, aud if bo, tho Oregon creditors, or a large portion of them, during the long litigation, may be left to hold au empty sack. That tho bond holders are Interested, la conclusive from the plalutifl's not objecting lo this sale, which la for only u gross Inadr -quacyof valut of the property aud franchises. English Newspaper Coimipiit on the Massacre. JAPANESE GREATLY TO BLAME, Troops of Prisoners Tied gethcr and Shot. To- Right of Way. Washinqton, Jan. O.Tho senate onmmltte ou public lands has author ized a favorable report on tho bill passed by the house last August authorizing the secretary of tho interior to permit tho use of a right of way through puoiio lands not within the limits of any park, foreat, military or Indian reservation for tramroadc, canals or reservoirs to the extent of tho ground occupied by ,tho water of the canals and reservoirs, and fifty feet on each side of the marginal limits thoreof, or fifty' feet on each sldo of the center lino of the traniroads, by any citizen or any association of citizens of tho United Btates engaged lu tho busi ness of cutting timber and manufactur ing lumber, Antl-Lynching. London, Jan. 0. Tho antldynchlng committee, of which Miss FJorenco Balgarule Is secretary, Is receiving ac cessions constantly. Justin McCarthy, M. P,, chairman of tho Irish parlia mentary party, is the latest notable recruit. Newspaper Sold. Ban Fjiancibco, Cal,, Jan. 9,Tbo Evening Bulletin, tho oldest paper In tills city, was sold this morning, by a united mates' court commissioner, Mr, Heacock, Jt was purchased by It, A. urothers, broUivrdH'Jaw of tho Juto Lorlng Pickering, for fW,500, Heavy Asjgnmeut. JJohton, Jim, o, Honry M, Jiurr & Co,, one of the largest wholwulu and rolall mlilluory (ro In Jioto, -sinned today. Bank Rohueryi Omjvjjlanj),' Jan, p,A brief dlu patch waajunt received from JWIanoo, "HW, Mjriwir (but (ho FJat Natlopai hankofthut iilnoo wo rohheu" of,, MO ply, The Orwmton in w pawl iwo iliv voted a column lu Iho Mllor of u Hut em Jnurnuj, and all hvwm (ho upr Individual j uind it boo Hionllver riuvbllou in lljvwmo light m rim mo Owgoulmi. Tho OftgoniMi mnw U) thlni. It h mm for wy JnajyjdMB) to fnhl niiinlona (hat m mty my wnlM with li imibi-Hrmhuw I'laiinlcaiur. No mm ug ht to hovp Hlmorlgego u IbV VwMlWi 'any, iiNDoN, Jan. 9. The TImea in &.. 'fading article ou tho Port Arthur massacre says: "Not only on the day of battle and lu the heat of vlctory.but a for four days after did the Jananet soldlora give themselves over, appar ently without check from their com. mander, to any indiscriminate mas sacre, carried ou with every revolting circumstance of primeval barbarity. Troopa of prisoners were tied together and riddled with bullets and then hacked to pieces. Boata loaded with fugitives of both sexes aud all ages received volley after volley. The atroeta were encumbered with corpses showing every ghastly form of mutila tion which Oriental cruelty had In vented, OVAMA 11ESPONBII1LE. London, Jan. 9. Tho Pall Mall Ga zetto referring to the massacre at Port Arthur, Bays: "Responsibility for the horror rests not with the Japanese peasant, who everybody knows Is a lacquered barbarian, but with Marshal Oyama and 1i!b ofllcors, whose civiliza tion professed to go a llttlo deeper. Whether thoy permitted tho outrages or not, or were unable to check them, they are unworthy of the command of tho armies of a power which calls itself civilized". FOLLOWING UI THE CHINESE, London, Jan. 0.A Shanghai dis patoh says reports have been received irom Now-Chwang that during the as sault of tho Japanese upon Bouraon Chang tho town was burned, rendering 10,000 homeless In a temperature of 40 degrees below tho freezing point. The Japanese aro cutting oil the retreat of 16,000 Chinese soldiers commauded by aeueral Bung and tho taotal of New Chwang,foarlng desertions, has ordered that all soldiers who attempt to run away shall be Immediately shot, COIIKAN imUit'KrWBNOB. London, Jan, 0,-A Beoul dispatch says the king of Corea yesterday for mally deolared tho Independence of Corea, A Fusuu dlspatoh says the luhnb tanUi of KowYo.JCe, in Houthern Corea, huvo slev-ed and beheaded three of (ho principal Jeadura of (ho Tong Hah rebels. Tho rebels un fleeing In all direction, Vote for Lowell. J'knw.wqn, Jan. 0 Many Jlejmljf llcuna aro MgulUtf u netllloii lo lht Umatilla wunly loglalujiyo. delegation urging tho vlMJllon of Htephen A howolli nf roillotOH,fr I'lillnl Hlalro wnator. (QH&)tHl, i'llWAWi, Jan. 9, V, O, Mt)j,uufh lln a )irpinnon, mn ut imte vjioouIh tor, rnM tml on JaMlo Klrt (flday of UmlMmw Vm,hwwmht Jun. P.-ln iho i(e jnihlleaiMHly vmtvwilun lnlay 'huy i Yfrwih ww imaifi for mynr mntmmmititriuttivm&tw.vaaMiiitthutmimttMtmimi litymt 9f all ill Umnn$Yf)wt.- Um U.N.fiw'( iivjwf Rci fm n (m Bakinflf jjl nitf Oipgoiiiutorui Jfc fr jg jto w hy ILikMl.a f yy m S i