Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, December 05, 1894, DAILY EDITION, Image 4

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WEDNESDAY, DEC. 6. 1894.
Paper 5ale. ?
In order to close out some of,
Hurd's Stationery I will
make a reduction of
20 Per Cent.
Until all is sold.
Bookseller and Stationer.
The Hoag will be up tonight.
Steamer Eugene will reacb Salem, ou
her trip up the river, this evening.
. Tho Modoc arrived from IVirtluud
last evening and, after discharging her
cargo, proceeded on to Corvallia. She
returns this afternoon.
The river is failing quite rapidly; the
bar just above the city being visible
again. This morning the river stood
3 feet 8 inches above low water mark.
Steamer Aitona arrived in Salim
yesterday afternoon bound for Corval
Us. She returned at 7:15 this morning
a d af er taking on her freight and ten
pissengers proceeded on to Portland at
7:45 a. ra.
The Willamette will soon hav an
other boat plying upon its waters. The
Gray Eagle, which bus been under
construction at JSewberg forsome lime,
'is completed and ready for work, all
but removing the engine and boiler
from tho bull of the Anetia. It will be
110 feet long with 20 feet 4 inch beam,
and is owned by Captuin Carey and
Engineer Kemp, of Corvallia.
Until December 1st.
The Leader,
2U5 Com, Ht
Tills does not Include order work.
oliuruli, Mia May Cook Im no super
lor on HiIh coast uu a ptunlut. Tlukols
f0 cent,
I II wnwww
A i)KK' Um'.--A ffi'Hll lot of uomiliie
fruit (iuke, only ,'jo nuul pur pound,
Old prloo M ovnlu per pound, Hlronij'
I-1 i i I
J(i:mowJ. A. Jtotun I moving
hj tUwU of tmttw Imek Into liU old
A luurrjoge Mmiw vvwm mmml loditv
to '. i, Ym Hint Jtllit M, Tlmiibu, jr,
'J'. Wrlgliluiwi wliiitw.
MU, lh. iUIj,mI the Ihvltm'a rnnr-
Another (JhliiBiimi) nt mu jiul lu
lUMihy lonki Kiuyy lrUJ)Nr Mod
another mm
lOo it IT nvd
vw Mum
T. MversoD & Co,
m UvmmmM nlw'i
The List df Books Propared by tho
Principals Meeting Tuesday.
At ono of tho September meetings of
tli9 board of ch"ol directors of Salem
district a resolution was adopted.
That Inasmuch as the school laws
require a choice of additional text
books bo made by this board nud a
list of tho text books chosen to bo flletl
with the superintendent of public In-
struotion on or before the 1st day of
January, 1805, therefore.tlie city super
intendent nud the priuulpnls of the
several schools are requested to present
In writing to this board their commen
dation of such additional or supple
mentnry text books as lu their opinion
Hre worthy of consideration for adop
tion by this board.
This committee conslste'd of City
Superintendent E. II. Anderson, Miss
It. T. Smith, principal of the East
tcuool, Margaret J. Cosper, of the
i'urk, J. O Hill of the Lincoln, and
Geo. A. Peebles of the North. Their
report was submitted to the directors
at their meeting yesterday afternoou.
It Is as follews:
"We, your committee appointed and
authorized to recommend a list of lexis
for use in the schools ot this district for
he six years next succeeding tho flrst
.)f October, 1895, the same to be recom
mended us supplementary and in addl
ion to the lists selected lor ueueral use
in the state in older to accommodate
ur closer giading and In anticipation
.jf the establhhlng of a high school
within the time aforesaid, after careful
and Btudious examination nud com
parison of a large number of excellent
'exls do recommend the following lists
being satisfactory texts and incur
judgment most suitable to our present
"Physical geography, Eclectic; bot
any, Umj ; geology, Dna; zoology,
Ortou; astronomy, Boweu; oliemistry,
Slieppurd; (Miss Sm th does not vote
for chemistry); phjsloloy, Harticun;
(M-. Pedilei favors Kellog's new),
physcbology, Bakerjphysics, Gogejclvll
government, Townsend; composition
and rhetoric, Kellosg nnd Waddyjllter
uture, Smith; general history, Myres;
a H'Huced arltliinettc, Weutworth; alue
bra, geometry, trlgonomentry, all
Weutworth; latin, left to recommenda
tion of teacherof Litln; German, left to
teacher of Gcrann.
"Sec. A Supplementary reading
Histerical: Selections from Dodge's
stories of American history ,4th and 5th
grade, selections from Pratt's Ameri
can history stories, 3d and 4th grades;
selections from Gilliam's historical
series, 5th and Gth grades; selections
from historical classic readlugs, 0th and
7ih grades.
"Literary; Selections from Riverside
literature series, American authors; se
lections from English cluhslo series,
American author; all grades.
"Geegraphical: King's geographical
readers, 3d, 4th, 5h, 0th and 7tU grudes;
Footprints of travel and geographical
pluj H.
"For 1st and Sid year: Cyr's primer
and readers, 1 and 2; Tweed' h supple
mentary readers, 1st, 2d and 3d grades.
"Sectloii B DrawIng,;Praug's.
"Section O Music: Norman musical
course for grudes above the 2d; River
side song book.
"Section D Arithmetic: Prince's ar
Ithmetlc; by grades.
"Laugunge und grammar, O, H.,
Recti & Kellogg,
'Tho committee recommends with
out consideration of publishing liouso
or of price; but has considered ul every
point tho character of the text and IU
suitableness for uuu In our snhools, As
far us possible profuroiico bus been given
to the more modem presentations of
thufcovorul subjects mentioned In (he
lists above. Thu ooiihuIUoh lius also
been guided by I ho bust modern
thought, roullKlng thu subjects thut
should uiilur Into tho various depart
intuits of wrtiool work."
Thu uoinniunloHilon was mfurruil to
MwwrH, Jlyrd, Johnson and Wullo to
exmiilne uuil rnwilit llio next l'icu.
Uilivr luiiniw limuiiulwl by llio ill
nviura wum um fulluwHi
Tl" ullla wuinlnwl und witirunls or
durul lliHiufun
ni)urnljlllyilunuln !,
'uylor MuDrmwu- I
W. (4. VVwtln
II. J Juulwiiuii ,
Join) litmlM I
TIim iiiunlbly eatery uthn, MlinrlduUi
Junlmr of t)w Utfiititd bullilliig, ww I11
wwm) H r inuuU) by imm) uf Hit
uJdlUwjiul imu, Mum will umivtt W
liir uiuDU) lu lliv finr,
'I'hj ujJW ut h fur iliy old Wuiiili -Jkjij
mm uuriUiwg vms hwim mid
tlr,uuumn ww luif uUmJ iw "imn
up" lljudwiimml wlitJu' limit pn
vwjUuh uuy ufrttduil uuik hutugduuu
U) lllV UiltittiUfii,
A)MJuWiliUuf i, I Wlllttli,
iwui udui UirMMi ut ilmili tima
biUfli tint
thirty Wi0i iiul ImmiTi iii Ujv
mm Uug Uti tmaif fuiDliui Hat
mm A ijtuuiwj.
j'iy vfulvti 'wk, Hum k
uullt ot Pmmiih
Tho SLakespear Courso.
PrchiJent Uliaiuuati Uclutod hali
last night to a larger audience at Unity
church ou Macbeth.
Macbeth and his lady resolved I hat
Duncan should never leave their castlo
alive. A life of crime lea'ls to everlast
ing destruction here and hereafter.
Gad had set his curse upon 11113 thing
but a life of righteousness. Macbeth
realized the hideoimues of murdering
his kins nud auest. Like the rest of
uj.we are more afraid of the opinions of
ojt neighbors than we are of our own
consciences. Lady Macbeth (altered
not in her determination to slay. She
Salem's Oduncil Close b Up Somo Im
portant Buniness Mattors.
The city fathers convened last even
ing with Mayor Gatch in tho chair.
Present, Aldenneu Duncan, Cros,
Holman, Gray, Klein and Albert. Re
corder Edes read minutes of past meet
ing. Chairman Duncan, of tho committee
on ways and means uiado a verbal re
port In regard to revising tho general
llcenso ordinance. He called attention
to certain dlsorepeuoiea nnd moved
that the recorder prepare an ordinance
on that subject. Adopted. appealed to his passion with a threat to
kills allowed. account his love ns wavering ns his
A. White; $20; E. Eokerleln,$5 87;W. J hesitation. Her luteuso desire to have
I. Staley, $2 75; S. T. & D. Co., $3; and ucr owa way prevailed over his horror
the usual warrants for salaries. ' ot ctme and be veered rapidly to the
Duncan brought up tho question of luUueuceof her tempestuous, hysterical
ttie uog ormnnnce. llecoruer Jides re- demand for Duncan's death.
ported thut dog license fees came in
slowly, nnd also that dogs are grad
ually growing less in the city.
Fire Chief Coss was called upon for
Information concerning defective hy
drants and reported that the experi
ment of repairing was a failure.
Alderman Cross suggested that the
best way to solve the problem would
be to put a gate iuto the water main at
each hydrant.
Holman of the printing committee
reported that 250 exempt Hreman's cer
tificates had been secured at an expense
of 80.
The special committee on capital
grounds sidewalk exemption reported
in favor of the ordinance.
There wus nothing in drumatic liter
ature equal to the second tt of this
play except other acts from his own
plays. The skill of the poet was ex
hausted lu portraying awful scenes and
actions yet without re3ort to tho super
natural. Macbeth's frenzy of mind,
the streas of nassion from long medita
tion on his intended crime, unseated
his brain. His sanity came and wont
by flashes. He saw the bloody dagger
before bis eyes one moment; the next
it was gone; the same phenomena with
I the vision of Banquo's ghost. Pschy-
'coloKV teaches us that the mildest
maunered man is as capable of com-
mitting crime as the most violent, pro
I vided the brakes were takeu oil.
Ameruaau wuuoan inqmreu wnemer Lady MncbcthB conscience sleeps
ine uoiibonumeu oireei, xvauway wni- But her mind never slept. It was the
pany was paying its llcenso for operat-' mQd of a flend( uer eyes gleamlng nke
.uK us ears. mr. .cues rcporieu mat flro her 80ul ragloR bufc her voice calm
nothing had been paid during his term. I nH hpr ,,-,,. Her reasoning was in-
! "" - -- - -.
1 tact. Her courage was unfaltering,
Shakespear gives her a wonderful Intel-
1 led. xaer unerauues uie mwuyo i-a-
although his predecessor had at one
time collected $30.
Duncan asked that the ordinance
secuou covering mis suoject oe reau; tremeIy wlse. Tllere are 0 sound rea
.w . u... w v.uj,cUJ D""" 1 sons why woman's Intellect Is not as
pay $15 per year for operating each of , ... mon,, ... t nrMIl1t In,,
lectual women are not as likely to be
its carp. The alderman argued that
this provision should be enforced. He
also moved that the city attorney in
vestigate the ordinances governing this
subject and report.
The ordinance exempting the cupitol
grounds from conforming to sidewalk
grades was read the third time and
passed. On motlon'of Albert the city
recorder was ordered to file a certified
copy of tho ordinance with tho secre
tary of state.
Two Syrian camels and two donkeys
were offered the city by the Turkish
company of Portland for $150. Klein
moved that the city Invest, and the
council adjourned amid great hilarity.
St. Joseph's Society.
The hall of St. Joseph's society on
Chemeketa street near Winter was
crowded Tuesday evening by members
of the congregation and mylted guests,
who were entertained by the presenta
tion of a literary and musical program
lasting nearly two hours. August
Huckesteln presided during the rendi
tion of the following pregram: Duet
piano and clarionet, Miss Martin and
Mr. Poppa; recitation, "Tho Bridal
Feast," Miss Merle Davey; vocal duet,
"Those Evening Bells'Messrs. Hucke
steln and Hightower; recitation, Miss
Graco Davis; debate, on tho question of
organized labor, between W. M. Kaiser
and Krauk Davey; Interesting experi
ences, recited by W, F, Dugan; vocal
solo, "Sweet Marie," Miss Kirk; solo,
"Fatal Wedding," Mr, Hightower;
solo, "That's All They Did to Him,"
Graco DavIb; solo and accompaniment,
Mrs, Preyost,
Lodge Elections,
Central lodge No, 16, K, of P, Hulem.
elected ollluers as follows; Clem Knox,
0, 0, W, V, Contrlbs, V, O.j A, W,
Hanson, prelute; W, 11, McOscur, M.
of W, J, U. Woodford, M. of E. H. A.
MoKuddun, M, of F, L It. Htliioon,
K. of R, and S U. J, Lolinmn, M, of
A.J Wt Jf. Poiioy, I. O.j J, A. Dlokey,
O. Q,, trimMied, R. J. Fleming, U. J).
(JitbrluUon, anil J. A. Dlokey; dUtrlot
dupu(y Krund olmucollor, F. W, Bleus
loil, Vttlloy odg Nn, 18, A, 0. I, W.,
Sulen), ulenled ollloeru uh follows VV,
T. JtlKdon. iimtor workman j J.Mtl,
forDinuiii J. JtoberUon, uvmm I), Jy,
OriioiiP, wwtten W.T. IIpII, limuyluri
Jolm U. WdKlil, rmWur, N, jr.
TJiniiHM'Hi, ffiili0 A.T. MollK, h W.
Wm. HwiU, 0, W. Vr. Jlunn m Otun
ulioeun mudliml nxmnlnur,
M. (J, Ullinur, uuuint urlry of
xiuleiniiiobiifiu! wan Inlown, je.
Wdn iiU !( boutio fliiiitim Iip u mff
luryof lliuHlutu inmriit'v Uo wHJt
twenty pinplu uuil liiJiidrln uf aput
uifilwr Jlm.
wliuw lmmf, but lokfjpurwIlnJ
bIo)mi ilia tiiibm tmi ItyiiiJf
wIipim il) lwt tit wofk Ik doiju huiJ by
vthHv Mm ony
W, Juhimu A Hun mM hays li "lit)
ijutH) noi iiw)i iiivir luw v)lm) mlb
(UK IMuitt Iwylnw aUvwhw all mil
Uiiifiu in UmdWoIu lliri lii til In liu
ImuuA i hhiiiow A mmlVh fmlt '
a)vi u Uio my (ho)eH imUr ml
wi5 I
as well balanced as men. Morals are
by no means an inunte gift to man
but are developed out of necessities.
The old code of moruls will do well in
modern politics or even iu busliiess If
wo once learn it. O ir reformers tell us
politics must be put 011 a business ba sis,
That would prove no moral reform.
Like Lady Macbetli the American peo
ple are indifterent to moral depravity
She faints when they tell her the
crooniB have murdered Duncan. She
chose the proper time.
The murder of Duncan made the
killing of Banquo necessary. But his
sou escapes. That unsettled all their
plans. Then follows tho famous ban
quct sceuo.
Macbeth cannot rid his mind of
Banquo's death. The ghost rises and
sits in his place. Ho says:
Thou canst not say I did I';
Shake not thy gory locks at me.
He sought to drive tho image of his
crime from his mind. But the spectre
was an accusing spirit that would not
down. "Hence horrible crime" ho
says, and the ghost vanishes.
The lecture closed at the end of tho
third act. It was unanimously voted
to have the course extended and iu
January Frof. Chapman will return
and resume his lectures on Shakespear.
Mrs. LM'riiix, of riullmUy, returned
home today.
Bupt. G. M. Irwin left tho city this
morning to bo gone a week
County Superintendent Graham Is
visiting In tho north end of the county.
Mrs. Bert. Van Clevo left today for a
visit with her people at Yaqulua boy.
Editor E. C. Poutland, of Independ
ence, was in the city today, visiting his
H. S. Glle. of tho O. F. & P. com
pany, has returned from a trip 10 San
Secretary of Stato Geo. W. McBrldo
Is still at Hotel Birtholdl, Now York,
for medical treatment.
T. D. Ojburu, an assistant In Os
burn's racket store, was a passouger for
Portland this morning for a short visit.
Luto Westacott, who has been at San
Francisco the past year, has returned
to Salem, to make his homo here again.
G. W. Eppler, the Marlon merchant,
was iu the city today on business,
coming down on tho morning oyer
laud. Dr. M. B. Darnell, of Sheldon, Iowa,
representing tho Weekly Mall, Is in
the city for a few days. He is a tal
ented newspaper man and is writing
up tho coast.
Senator Johnson, of Linn county, is
in the city tor a fow days. Ho is a ris
ing intelligent Republican from the
forks of the Santlam, a native Oregon
ian and a successful business mau. Mr.
Johnson is probably the youngest man
in .the senate, but ho is a quiet and de
termined rustler, of a fumily that have
made an impression upon the history
und development of our own state In
whatever tbey have undertaken.
Wm.M. Percell, San Francisco; A.
G. Long, Portland; M. Abrums, San
Frauclsco; L. F. Lamping, Seattle;
Lew Wasserman, Portland.
Distinguished Guests. Mr. and
Mrs. Trimble, and two children, of
Pittsburg, Penn., arrived in the oity
this morulug, and are guests at the
Wallace farm in Polk county. Mr.
Trimble is assistant chief engineer of
tho great Pennsylvania railroadsystem,
and is making a tour. of the West.
Mrs. Trimble Is a daughter of Dr. and
Mrs. A. M. Black, and a sister of Mrs.
R. S. Wallace. They will remuin about
a month.
A Black Eye. The morning after
election Hiram Smith, alderman elect
of the third ward, showed up on the
streets with a broad smile aud a black
eye. His friends all extended hearty
congratulations, but felt rather timid
about referring to tits obscured vision,
It seems his family horse extended
congratulations by striking him with
his head.
A Neat Office. J. W. Sbufler, the
'mplemeut dealer, bus neatly carpeted
and fitted up his private oillce, which
will hereafter be presided over by his
better half us bookkeeper. Mrs, Bba'-
fer is a competent business lady, and
will greatly usslst that rustling business
man In looking after olllco afTuirs.
World' Tribute to
Dr. Price's Cream
Baking Powder
lllglieat Honor Awarded
by tho World' Coluiii
1,1. n n.m..
tnun ,A!l,lV,
CAilrnun. ifln
VVSKkTV "'"'MVil.
World's Pair
awarded to
Dr, Priced Cream Baking; Powder
The iilKbjt ward wsb given on wvpry ulAim, ooinprtaliw
superiority In ImvmiJuk power, kespliiifprojwitoii puilty und
9m9iw$. Thin verdtot m mn iflvm by (lis ljott jury
ewer BMiuflbliNJ (uvmok a purpose buoksA by Jlio immnmu)'
flttoi) of His Olitef Qlimltt of Ui UullwJ Mn ltywiiM
of AsHmhum, WhuIjIohUjii, I), 0,, wlu imijij m mm
eti &&gjujutifli) ant) u?ft 0 nil i1j liflkJuir p&wdm Tide
l pj'tf'UiutolJ' lljy bJgta HiilliorUy on ouyli pliw In
fhis vai'dlfll aoiuithLsivsJy rnika dig potion ni
provM Dial )3r, Vrktfii 0mm MJug Vomhr in
mipsi'tor lu mry my a? my otlisr mm),
HimWu 8Wojihji lintel Ui Alum UUh mtot, uiiMg
ivUiv WmWi Polr Jm IIjM Id wi)H.U4 Hhi whfumf,
If at any timo you buy anything at tho Pn9 ,
Grocorv and it isn't oxactlv what if. nlin..i.i l. m"
ropresontod to ho, if you aro not eatisftccJ brinr!'1''
wo will refund Full Prico. ' nR ll M,
If you find that you could have bought the
any place else at tbo same timo for less mnno 8anie
,...,,, ,:n , ., n i,u .,i t i.i. .,.. "vtWnni
vu yhv gi.u juu u, loiu.vvo uiju.w tu um uuieronco' first
ing the right to roturn tho money for tho goods W
1 t l ii i ii n n J j we can
it no
nr.nrfi nnd vn frnsf. in hn nliln fn ninlrn nm. : bdl It
",, ,' V i . li T V iies
V "'J ifu PI
But the most important thing of all you must
vvo aro m uuaiuusa tu uiiiku a living anu wo will n
the goods wo can; and yet wo want you never to h
your bargain tor wo want to see you ao-a n nnrl '
you again and
will bo glad to continue to deal Avith us.
Yours very truly,
s"ch tbt,
Threatening Communication From a
Salem Dynamitor.
Following eplstlo was received at this
ollloo through tho malls Tuesday. It
was written on Sunday, but evidently
mailed after election when the creature
who indicted it could no longer contain
his wrath, Tjik Journal publishes it
not to reflect upon tho men who hon
estly and conscientious engaged in the
citizens movement, but to show the
presence of a dangerous and intolerant
Individual iu our mldst,a being not en
titled to bo called a man, much ltns
iltted to enjoy tho privilege of Amer
ican citizenship.
Salem, Dec. 2, 1894.
Hopeh Bres: You attacked Itev.
Mr. Grannls in a very scaudalous way
in your Saturdays issue: If you had the
feelings of the commuuity uguinst you
Catholic viliuHS you would keep your
mugs shut; thut is ull you aro good for,
is to bo telling some scaudelous lit
against some one. If you hud your
Just dues you would be treated to a
dose of tar and feathers you scrubs;
holding up such a dirty low down cur
as Dllly for marshal another dirty
Catholic like yourself.
Postmaster Bonham is of the opinion
that mailing such a scaudalous und
threatening letter Is a crimo against
the postal laws, aud that if the pnrt
writing it cuu bo identified ho will be
prosecuted by the United States dis
trict marshal. The hund-wrlting is
pretty well known, as other commun
ications, but not so violent as thlH,huye
been received at tills ofllre in tho fume
hand-writing. As to the contents, we
shall not stoop to notice them. Tl.o
writer Is a dangerous mun, who If he
had the couruge, would stob a mau in
the dark, blow up his building with
dynamite, or otherwiso do film an in
jury. He ought to bo lu Jail or an asy
UarimnLLA Hoswta77.T
new handlPH. ' wif.1 ""to
288 Commercial street. "fa
Tho beautiful uil8t8 bavecoa,
Dnnlnr in I'mn..!.. -'.
Oils, Window Glass, Vainly
und the most comnlclpci.j
finishes of all Vimh i?
State. ArUsts'Mnt(i'ifi1,it
Hair, Cement and 8hlnjl,
nnest quality ol GRASSSI
New Advertisement!,
noit THADH.-A BUOdTiomSliflSSil
V a borne in Salem. Call ? ffljga
: w
LP. K1S1IEU, NowspiperAdTtrtliini,
. 21 Mercnanu' ExcliaDu tafiJ
Q iiinrtanawalentaMutifeftntmiH
nAHt'KP IUPKIUUrxetotofhttni
1 1 I 11 . flK ttlllllllK .IHn. .. .
I i ' "VVIU ucr uirpeu,
rjnj KX0tiAK-U3od"acrTiin
jl. imiiwrijr ou iu((oiBoana ror mi
Western Oregon. Addrcai Jonrnilwl
PAl'Elw.- Portland, aacramemo. ul
Taoomaiind Ban KranclcoMpai
it. Itnnnntl.'a liuitnfllna hlnv ' I
' r
fllllP mniit ..HFlppf fll hnff(.n m... t
I hold n rupture where All otai
umtu. ror Buio uy j, l,. rttrnin,
J. JliaUKK.AltoineyftiUwEl
kiiii. uiiicb over iiusa didl
I QTlUiLiA B M AW, -'J'ypeirnj
11, Q ray block. Tbo best of work aouij
tOiinpui mien
J.""W SflflFFf
(Bucccbsor to rJbafler i, Cltik),
Irain Normal School Notes.
W.B. Cornutt Is with m again to
tako charge of the vocal music,
Students are entering school every
week, coming from dlllorent parts of
tho state.
Hon. IS, B, MoElroy, superintendent
of public Instruction, will deliver ll
regular Sunday afternoon kctiireon
next Sunday, December Oth, In (he
Hon, O, M, Irwin, sluto supei Inleji'
dent elect, guvo ono of tho best lectures
ever delivered before thu suhool, hi
last Suiiduy oveuing to a crowded
Thanksgiving nyo was Ihoguperul
reception forwtinluiilsuttlio utiujtu) iino
boarding hull, A largo number of tin
cltl.eiiH weio proiit, also Mllldonls nnu
band hoys, and nil fmil mi onjoybbU
U, U, MIihiIiit, of Now Voik Ully,
orKm)lKr of Him V, a. u, a. far llilr
ao, dwllvmiiij Dm TlJunkfHlvliiKad
trm whim thu siuduniH In ilio nUu)w,
Hmnntim louluro, Jjfu orgnulwiii
Vi M. (J. A. In Dm Nonnal
il in -y i mii i
Htllmil (mm un (u)inliig lolliufruni
mrywlim, Dr. J, o,Miijiii, fmimU
yMlivliw) Vtunl iIiuh lun U Jui
IhoI) cli'iilnd mayor of thu thrivlm
lly of Juitoimu
Vwitt IhibUiunwUy IJjp vwJuuj
ttoUuly i IHujuls for Nuvumlwn fJluili
A full lino nf (lorva III Hi It 'I Ki 0
Aormotw Wludiniluaod 1) U OjUrtll
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to,liM,u'nl ay:, '""mWi i
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