Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, December 04, 1894, DAILY EDITION, Image 3

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    m rm-yaM
Short Breath, Palpitation.
Mr. G. W. McKlnscy, postmaster of
L.okomo, Jnd., and a bravo cx-soldicr,
says: "I had been severely troubled
with heart disease ever since leaving
the army at the close of the lato war.
I was troubled with palpitation and
shortness of breath. I could not
sleep on my left side and had pain
around my heart I became so ill
that I was much alarmed, and for
tunately my attention was called to
Dr. Miles' Heart Cure
I decided to try it. The first bottle
made a decided improvement in my
condition, and five bottles have com
pletely cured me."
O. W. McKINSEY, P. M., Kokomo. Ind.
Dr. Miles' Tlenrt Curo Is sold on .1 posltlvo
Ktiiiranieo tliutt lio first bottlo will benefit.
All druggists sell It at $1, 0 bottles for $5, or
it will bo sent, prepaid, on receipt of prico
by tuo Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind.
Cooper Shop,
buHODened uonchon north of Mizc's mill, in
: Bouth Salem, where he is prepared to make
( and repair all kinds of cooperage, such as
g: pails, tubs, Kegs, barrels and churns. Only
I; the best seasoned stock used, l'rlces reason-
, HUIU. I -1I1
or Ann irlnllnn . f hn nnriif Aw nn rtlAfl irlin K11 no1
Kills barn and horses on the night ol December
i, vsrz. tie win aisojiny saw lor oacu acces
sory to the crime. I own two good ranches
.nud am a bio to pay this reward.
:' 10-13-diwflm Mehama, Or.
Full sucnly ol horses, buecies and backs.
t Best of care given to transient stock and
Dotiraing. uorner rorry ana'i.ioeny sueeis.
(49-Make specialty of taking parties to coast
hor mountains. 7-7
Stein wav. Knnbe.
inn and other nianos
Btorey & (JlarK auu Jiarneu organs.
All first clapa makes of Bowing ma
chines. ,
Smaller makea of musical instru
ments and supplies.
Genuine needles, oil and new parts
ifor all makes of machines.
Hawlnc machines ana organs re
paired and cleaned.
Two doors north of postofllce, Salem
First National Hank llulldlng,
HM.nol now In session. The "NBW.HVB.
XIHS-i i'llAUlXUK, recemiy imruuutou, ...
orowningieaiure. dcuu iut uiwiujuo u. .
lee journal. Address w HTAIiEy
Wholesale and Retail
Everything In my Hue
iif Inwfutt nrices.
11)3 Commercial street,
Willamette University'
The room complete and bent equipped miulc
UiilvtnltjmtamJardi, latent rootliodn und
piploiniw glvun on complttion ol urM,
I'lrm term bt-ulint Hejittmhcr 13, JWI.
'. M. l'AUVIN.
Mui Joc Dlrocto
Haie Wing Sang Co.,
mmitrKiiu Ol'
fnR yT
Jhiuiim t unit IJIiIiiow Knoy "iL'Jtlfj
imiVItwi"jlilOMrrlii,Hlin,rtr. r
- In the I
He Hang Snake., Ilr,l n,l m.i ,..
n Thorn IHhI.c.-A Veritable Terror 0
Die Wo.h1.-A Il.,rn Thief a, Well a,
Murdcrcr-Tho Half Jrce,i I(lfa
No bird nntivo to this country in ro
lift la tnmt'tt ..! i .
I .. "i",,, "" BllrL,'y "oho has such
r.i.iuKHaoitsot lilons tlioslirikc, or
Iratchcr bird. Ho fe n 10mbcr of a tarn
ily comprising somo 200 species, of
winch only ono well dofiiiwl subfamily
is resident hi North America. Bold,
daring, handsome lio is at ouco tho
brnggnrtnd tho beau of tho woods. At
a iituo (iistanco a southerner
roatuiy mistako him
for tho mocking
His bluish gray plumage, tail tipped
with wliito and broad black patch across
each eyo givo him a trim, jaunty air
qmto pleasing to tho eye, but, alas, a
dreaded object to smaller and weaker
birds. His habitat is northern North
America, and though ho breeds in tho
high ground of New England and Now
York ho grows moro common after tho
Canadian lino is crossed
Tho shriko is a born tyrant. Not con
tent with killing and devouring all in
soots largo enough to nttract his fancy,
ho attacks snakes, moles, mico and small
birds wheuover opportunity offers. His
disposition is as unlovable at homo as
abroad, for seldom are two or moro seen
together but tlioy aro engaged in an ug
ly family qnarrol. They aro truly car
uirorout, and except for certain weak of bono and musclo would rank
as truo birds of prey.
Tliero is ono strange, uucauny char
acteristic, howover, which separates thif
woodland bully from nil known birds.
Naturalists havo watched it, studied it,
pondered over it and written long pages
of inexplicablo explanations of it, and
common peoplo havo doubted in their
suporstition or ignorance whether it was
tho doing of a bird or a demon in bird
form. Today it remains as deop a mys
tery as it was 100 years ago.
This is tho puzzle: Tho butcher bird
in his riotous love of killing slays many
moro victims than ho has any possible
nso for. Ho seems to do it for tho mere
fun of tho thing. Instead of leaving tho
dead, however, ho carrios them 0110 by
ono to some thorny hedgo or treo and
thero impales them in all sorts of fan
tastic poditious in tho blanches. It gives
ono a start to como out of a pieco of
woods when gunning and seo a thorn
tree laden with a ghastly crop of lo
custs, toads, sparrows, grass snakes, liz
ards and chipmunks.
If tho shriko over retuiaied to feed
upon his grim hoard, there would bonn
explanation of his conduct, and ho would
bo credited with tho epicurean tasto of
a thoroughbred vulturowholikosthingE
"a bit gamy." But such is not tho
case. Tho weird fruit hangs for days
upon tho limbs, and if hawks or crows
do not find and steal it it will rot until
only a few tiny whito skelotons lemaiu
to toll of tho massacro.
Comparatively fow dwellers in tho
backwoods know this eccentricity of tho
butcher bird, and honco ariso many cu
rious and apparently well authenticat
ed stories of trees that catch birds in
thoir branches and of storms that rain
ed down toads and lizards, so that tho
trees wero full of them.
Tho butoher bird is a born thiof as
well as a murderer and often meets his
death whilo hopelessly endeavoring to
kill and carry off a tamo pet bird from
a cago or to rob a hunter's cabin of
fresh meat. Any tidbit ho finds ho will
stoal, oven if only to suspond it from a
locust bough hard by. Tho Canadian
fur tradors and trappers despiso him
heartily nnd nover lose a chanco to kill
him. Tho half breeds call him "Whisky
Joo" and claim ho is halt drunk all
tho timo, nnd honco doos theso foolish
Ho will spy out tho most carefully
hidden trap and always manage to pur
loin tho bait without being caught. The
wild couutry nortli of tho groat lakes is
a favorito haunt of theso butchers,- and
tho Indians who hunt and sell furs to
tho Hudson Bay company complain bit
tr.rlvof tho dopredations of "Whisky
Joo." , ,
Tho shriko builds a bulky, somewhat
ulaborato nest ol heavy micks uuiow,
aud upon this foundation a warm cover
ing of bark, leaves and grass is laid. It
is usually in gomo low troo, and tho
eggs, which aro somewhat smaller than
a pigeon's, aro decidedly pretty. Thoy
aro of a grayish green mottled, BjKckoc
and bcratchod with reddihh brown, lhf
young nestlings legin or oducntim
1.- ,.,,,.i,Him nnd (IclltillB OS hOOll ttt
i...,i.,i ., wlilrfi amiable divowioi.
thoir fond parents get thorn Mrikiug and
perpetual examples New York World.
A Will n Cnreieu ""
John MorrlH, who dlod In tlili city
leaving tatovnlnltM.MO.I'i
written the following upon tl
I ! canceled bond of tlio MUwtQwn
DuildliiK nnd Loan association, No. 6,
hlel oxpirM April 7, IttO. It W
X. us oxpriK Ml'tttaE
Iwlro wild was I'robatwl wBoSllugly
nfter propw Wiiiihuwhom.'llli amm- " "-
Tim Hum 1 - " rr,;, r vou
... m 1 aillu ilinn I
-.PIllllMlBlpllItt Wr'
A (Uhtti l'K.
MVMinliir."Milil ."
up nnd wy va.t yiuub'
ire sysritaft
To b hero, lovo, wcro evtr sweet,
With thy fair figure drawlm; nrorer.
Each bending flower that trips thy fw
Has m&do tho dewy pathway dtuli-r.
What waiting heart th..t doc not know
The step that quickens in its beating?
when ch-eks, though lips are silent, glow
With pleasure, is thero need of greeting!
If, dear, thy form with feollug stirs
Till In thiiiB eyej tho lorellglit Hashes
And eyes become love's messengers,
Why prison them in drooping lashes?
-Charles K. Bolton in Detroit Frco Press.
The UIliulou Itounder's Suro Method or
Haling a Clear lleml Next Morning
"Hardly a week passes," said tho
manager of an up town Turkish bath
establishment, tho doors of which are
nover closed, "that wo aro not called
upon to certify to tho fact that some
gentleman has passed tho night with
us. Tho all night business is to a great
extent made up from gentlemen who
havo drank a littlo moro than is good
for them. Thny do not want to go homo
in that condition aud aro anxious to bo
all right in tho morning.
"Thoy como in hore, tako a swoat, a
shampoo, a plungo and a rundown and
aro then prepared for a refreshing sloop,
awakening in tho morning littlo tho
worse for tho indiscretion of tho early
evening boforo. That tho explanation of
tlipir whereabouts is not satisfactory to
wives or parents in many instances I
judgo from tho frequency of application
for proof of the same.
"Not long sinco a lawyer's clork wont
over tho register of our patrons for a po
riod of two years, and, fortnnaloly per
haps for tho gentleman in whose inter
est tho research was lmulo, found his
autograph (written quite frequently in
a very unsteady hand) over CO times in
that period. I havo siucu hoard that
this proof provented the filing of a di
vorce suit that would have created a
sensation within tho select 150 of the
chosen Four Hundred. I am thinking
very seriously of getting up a printed
form, liko 0110 I am told was once used
in a Denver bathhouse, which when
filled up would read somothiiig liko this:
(Seal. ) Scrubhard's Turkiith Bath,
New Yonu, Oct. 0, 1891.
This is to certify that Mr. Small Jag
entered this establishment at 11 p. in.,
Oct. 8, and left at 10 a. 111. of this duto.
A. Niuutowl, Clerk.
J. BltOMlDE, M.iD.,
Resident Physician.
New York World.
To Whiten tho Hands.
Coarso aud red bauds may be whiten
ed by using a fow grains of chloride of
limo added to warm soft wutor for
washing. All rings and bracelets must
bo removed boforo this is used, as tho
ohlorido of lime will tarnish them. A
soap containing this ingredient may bo
prepared as follews: Whito powdered
castilo soap, 1 pound; dry chlorido of
lime, lto2 ounces. Mix and boat
this up in a mortar to a soft mass with
a sufficient quantity of nectifled spirit.
Divide tho mass into tablets and wrap
it up in oil silk. It may bo scented by
adding to tho mixture a couplo of drams
of oil of verbena. In using ohlorido of
limo it is very important to bo careful
to avoid getting any of tho powdor into
tho eyes, as it is exceedingly irritating
and may oven cause blindness. Popu
lar Magazine.
Lauiont's Hobby.
Politics is Lamout's hobby. Dan
would rather talk politics than oat.
Mrs. Lamont once told mo that sho was
frequently awakened at night by Dan's
talking politics in his sleep. His knowl
edge of Now York politics is encyclope
dic. Ho knows ovory politician in Now
York city of any note and could off
hand givo a good biographical skotoh
of them all. He knows tho name of ov
ory momber of overy congressional,
stato, senatorial, assombly aud county
Domocratio committee. He's thorough
ly familiar with tho political history
not only of this country and Now York,
but of every other stato in tho Union
and of overy country in Europo. La
mont is not in politics for what there is
in it in a financial sonso. He's in it
simply because ho loves it. It's his hob
by. Rochcttor Post-Express.
Warmth In Old Age.
li old ogo remember that warmth and
ail oven temperature are juBt as essential
to tho welfare of the aged as proper
food. Many old persons die from bron
chitis, for oxainplo, induced by exposuro
to n temperature which, harmloas to
tho young and middlo ogd, acts sovero
lyon tho lungs of tho old. Tho bedroom
of an old purfcon should bo kept at a heat
of not lobH than CO degrees, and natural
y chills fchould bo especially guarded
ouuliiHt. In respect or tlio leeoingox u.u
aged, Bi-cond childhood is like the first
childhood, "Littlo and often, ' is tho
motto, ami old people mmum nuvo wii
tood given them In a htnte of oasydl.
gefctloJi, hwu all tiling Nw York
DUpntcli. .
Nut at llrkf"t'
Kiilflhli Hmiw Mr. HwaUow, join
ma ut brenkfiut tomorrow. I Imve In
vitwl.n wmipoiiy of gy bird, and we
will have a jolly time. , . .
Mr. Bwullow-Mako it dinner, ami I
ni ..nt.i. Look at iny swallow tall.
I don't want to l tokn for u Chicago
bird. Now York Humid.
"JuihiIi,." uxwtuluttil lb Whale,
"'SS&yi" nimwirflrt the tnum
mu, "iww Hurt I Vw wlnw 1 1 "' I
HVg b-1, l't yo VuoW."-P-twit
TIM i..MiaW ilr J - j;
WMw nun i" T win
Ono nnd nil I pur uIIiwh to AHcock'f
t'ouiiiT t' niier- ai 1 ivalua'di fur their
i.uriM.. . e.
JnnuB Unblnson, the athletic I miner
at Princeton college, Prluoion, N, J.,
"I have found It Imperative to have
pure aud simple remedies on hand in
case of cutB, bruises, strains, sprains,
colds, rheutntttttm, etc. Shortly sfiei
entering upon my profession, I discov
ered such a remedy in Allcock's Por
ous Plasters. I tried other plasters, but
found them too harsh and irritatlue
Allcock's Porous Plasters give almost
InsUntancoUA relief,and tboir i-treugtii-enlntc
power is rem trbnble. In cases
of weak back, put two plasters on the
small of the back and 10 a short time
you will be capable of quite severe ex
ercise. In "sprint" and "dlstauco''
races and jumping, the muscles and
the feet and legs sometimes weaken.
This can invariably be relieved by cut
ting tho plaster in narrow strips, sj a
to give frw motion und applying on
muscles aflecto I.
Brandrotu's Pills rectify the secretions.
Prices Current by Telegraph Lo sal
ana Portland Quotations.
Salem, November 23 4 p. m. O.Hc
Daily Capital Journal. Quta
tions for day and up to hour of going tr
press wero as follews:
Veals dressed 4 eta.
Hogs dressed 6.
Live cattle l2o.
Sheep alive $1.25.
Salem Milling Co. quetes: Flour
In wholesale lots $2.15. Retail $2.00.
Bisu $12 bulk, $13 Backed. Shorts $13
14 Chop feed $14 aud $15.
30 cents per bushel.
Hay Baled, old $7Sj new cheat
$7; new timothy $8 50
Wool Best, Ojc.
Hops Btst, 5 to 7c.
Eggs In trade, 25c.
Butter Best dairy, 1518 (ano;
creamery, 25c.
Cheese 10 to 16 cts.
Farm smoked meats Bacon 11
hams, 12; shoulders, 0.
Potatoes 25c.
Onions 2 cents
Apples 30c bu.
Pears In trade, 25c bu.
1 on try HetiB, 60; roosters uol
wanted; old ducks not wanted; younji
11. , 8; young chickens, tic.
Grain, l'"eil. etc.
Flour Ptrtlaud, $2.30; Walla Walla,
f2 05; graham, $2.15; Buperilue, $2.00
per oarrei.
Oats White, 2520b; grey,
rolled, in bags, $5.76G.OO;
$6.000.26: cases, $3.75.
Potatoes 4055o per sack.
Hay Good, 811 per ton.
Wool valley, 79c
MlllstutTs Bran, $13; shorts, '$13;
chop feed,$15 per ton; chicken wheat.
G0G5c per cental.
HopsDull, 47c.
Hides green, salted, 00 lbs. 3Jc. Un
der CO lbs., 23o; sheep pelts, 10C0c.
Butter Oregon fancy creamery, 25
27jo; fancy dairy,2022Jo; fair to good,
1517jc; common, 12Jc.
Cheese Oregon 810o per pound;
Young American, 010o; Swiss imp.,
30f5i32c: Dom..l4(il5c.
lf.rva! M.rt fvor llnTPn.
Poultry chickeus, mixed coops, $2
3 per dozen; ducks, $2.503; geese,
I7.50J8.50;, turkeys.lOo.
Beei Topsteers, 212Jo per lb; fair
to good steers, 22Jc; cows, lc2c;
dressed beor,3J4io
Mutton Best sheep,$1.752; choice
ewes, $1.501.55.
Hogs- Choice, heavy, $3.751.00,
light and feeders.M: dressed, 6o per lb.
Veal Small, choice, 60; large, i34c
per pound.
Woel: Oregon Eastern choice, ! 8
10c; do inferior, 50c; do ;vnlloy,10
Hops Quotable at 68.
Potatoes Early Roue, 303oo in
sacks: Burbanlts, 3540o per sack.
Oats-Milling, $1.001.12J.
How's This I
Wo oiler One Hundred Dullarp r
ward for any case of catarrh that can
not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Curo,
F. J, CHENEY & Co., Toledo,
We, the undersigned have kuown F,
J, Cheney for the lust 16 years, and bo
llevo him perfectly honorable in ail
business transactions and llinnclally
uble to carry out any obligations made
by their firm.
West & Truun, Wholesale Druggists,
Toledo, O. Wnldlmr, Klunau &. Mar
vln, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo. O.
Hall's Catarrh Curo Is taken Intor-
nully, acting directly upon I ho blood
and mucous surface of the system. Ten
timonluls sent free, Price 75o, per hot
tie. Hold by all druggisla.
Those home cured
it Hteualofl's market,
hams at McC'row
ore always s wee
Fresh Air and Exercise.
possible of
both, if in
need of flesh
nnd n e r v 0
forte. There's nced,too, of plenty
of fit-food.
Scott's Emulsion
of Coil I.ivcr Oil builds up fletli
and iirongili quicker th.ui uny
other preparation known to ncj.
Sttfh JimuhiM it i0tulnnlh t-
luting Cm CMUHi0,
Jlwuhitii am kMrtti ' diwm
vihtit ft hi r mlhmlt TkU
1 i 'in 1
Judge Saunders
1 -
Says that For Rheumatism
Hood's Snranparllla Is tho Boat.
Judge T. Jr. Saunilera
Ol Osceola, Neb., senior vlco-conunandcr
nnd present commander of J. P. Reynolds
Post, No. 2fi, a. A. It., voluntarily wrltcsi
"I was lu tlio army four years, was wound
ed and contracted sciatica and rheumatism.
I havo suffered ever since. I lost thouso ot
my left leg nnd side, nnd havo tried almost
every mcdlclna known, and I think I linvo
uau ma uesi rmysieinns in 1110 country, uui
railed to get liny relief. Kvcry spring V
was Hat on my hack, aud must say that
Hood's Sarsaparllla Is tho Bost
medicine I havo ever taken. Ithasdono
ma tho most good. It was recommended
to mo for rheumrithm, and I am satisfied
aud know that It will do nil that you claim
Hood'sSL; Cures
tor It. I do not want to say that It wilt
rulso n fellow from the dead; hut It will
como tho nearest to doing It of nny medi
cine I havo ever known." T.H.HAUNDKits,
Osceola, Nebraska.
Hood's Pills aro tho best nitor-dlimcr
bllli.nsslst digestion, euro hcadacho. 23c.
Liniment .
Caked & Inflamed Udders.
Rheumatic Pains,
Bruises and Strains,
Running Sores,
Stiff joints,
Harness & Saddle Sores,
Insect Bites,
All Cattle Ailments,
AH Horse Ailments,
All Sheep Ailments,
Penetrates Muscle,
Membrane and Tissue
Quickly to the Very
Seat of Pain and
Ousts it in a Jiffy.
Rub in Vigorously.
Mustang Liniment conquers
Makes flan or Beast well
Nnd for
Schenectady, N.Y,
7s pot complete
yvlthout 011 Ideal
I Til.
Combines every element of
beauty and purity, It beauti
fying, fcootliing, healing, health
ful, nnd ImrmleM, end when
rightly used It Invisible, A moot
delicate and desirable protection
to the face In !hl cilinato,
Intlit npa liftrlny tb fsi8,
Jr i9MPL
HO(i. WV
rboi. fcrJF
to t,M, Pf
'" ""-- " " " !..! ,
Onlv One Cent Daily Newspaper
on the Pacific Coast.
Thk Journal's only ambition in tho future, as in tho past,
is to givo tho peoplo tho Cheapest and Best Daily and Weekly
nowspaner in Orocon. Wo havo demonstrator! that o nan
givo tho people a good Daily
j?e.uu a year, casn in advance, (rso papers sent but -vbat are
paid for.
Remembet theso are Associated Press newspapers, giving
all the current news of tho world from day to day in large
type and attractiyo Btyle.
Theso low hard times vatcB enable ovory farmer to have
his daily paper and know tho stato of tho market and all the
news 01 tno wona.
will bo unproved in many respects, and will be reducod in,
prico to $1.00 a year, stiuctly cash in advance, (no pipers
sent after timo paid for,) on and after January 1, 1895. It
will be the cheapost weekly in tho stato, as the Daily is' the
cheapest Daily. During the past two years of hard times the
circulation of both tho Daily and Weekly Journal has con
stantly increased, and the combined circulation of The Jour
nal in Western Oregon iB larger than of any other newspaper
in tho State. We aro now able to place both Weekly and
Daily editions on a paying basis.
New Year's Edition.
In accordance with its custom The Capital Journal. New
Year's Edition will bo dovotod to an elaborate and accurate
exposition of the peerless resources of tho Great Willamette
Valley, and tho futuro prospects and past achievements of Sft
lem, tho best town, in tho best county of tho best Stato of the
Pacific Northwest, The New Year's Edition will bo the
largest numbor of a Salqm publication over sent east, where it
will bo circulated among many ihousand families who ar
coining west to seek homes.
tisr mm0 p.D,. .. .t,r'
HOKKU JIHOTJIICIIH, 1 Vkuua .ikI to adtfretw below on cofy of )AU.y
Bawiw, Okkoon, Oahtai Journal hy mull. (Krww M mi
Ifor ono month fliidj enoloocd.......... .-..,, ',
I'm two iiiontlm " We.
I'or four iiiontlm " ' M...., .......IW
I'oron ywr ' .........,.....
nauk, vimavvwit,
Associated Press newspaper for
tm. 0f THISIORDER li out.-
rniwrn pwwwwpohiiwpii mmwrmfmimfmm9
Hhon lii xyAh'fAhltonmmilHU
it 11 m mt imimm,
" " "" - -o BMpmn
pyT'nilN MUYir)lilni'ami,Rii0tNrlofrr4lllnMrp4iHt Wtjt4
I a'y Hrvr'-rBtltmi"Wi