f V Mt VI il rjtf i x KV B n iV 11 p 14 4 l 1. t Ml I p i it 1 TBB SSPS'HIi 40BII8AL tVUMSUKD DAILY, KXCKPTBUNI.O, nTTOK Capital Journal Publishing Compan) Poctofflce Block. Gommercfel Street. HOFER BROTHERS, - - - Editon. Daily, by carrier, per month,. UUlr.br mall, per year Weekly, 8 paces, per year. JttteC .iop L SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1804, BUSINESS IS BUSINESS. Oar Circulation iVa .'liVlense Compart ., VTUn Any .Newpiper Outside uf Portland. cckcoijAtio:; bach wkkk. HKKur Capital JoOHtAL '3,TO0 IJaicy. seven city and suburban titrnr route .. i W I) iily, inau ciri.-uullin,all prepaid IUU, 4,1 Total weekly clrcnlatlnn. WliJ ADVEKTISIN0 KATKS. Wanljids. 3 lines;! Insertions, cts Tbref toflveline, one weel.fiflcts. Tea llaesont week, 75 eta. This rate U either HAtbY 01 Local read In r notices 15 ct. per llneeacL tnterllon IJA-I.Y or Wekki.v. Iluslnus, locals 5 cU. per Hue In DaiLy r Week uy. linger adveilisernenu or toatmcu b month or jolt, payable monthly, spools r coclract rates made known at business oflice, pontofflce block. Txriu. All transient advertising, except nnder contract wlto firms or busiues men strictly cash In advance wben ordered. Tbe abjre rate i will no; bjdevu-si fro except in it a half-rate will be given t no' Ice lor religions or charllable enlerttlum-nth All public, moral and religious service ai nounced fiee gratis. O VWTALi JOUKNAL. 1'Ull. CO. Printers Ink, the great Advertiscu GuIde.Baye In a recent Isaue'TbeSalem Oregon, Capital Journal Is the fiiet oiie-cent paper established on the Pacific coast and the only one wt of tin Rocky MQimtainH. Not all the reader of a one cent paper belong to a one-cen class of people, as many busy men pur chase a penny paper because Its matter, being more condensed, is more quickl read. Toe newspaper or magazine which reduces, its subscription price will not lessen its value as an advert!: ing medium if the quality of it read ng matter is kept up to the standard." LATE NEWS ITEMS. Eugene's hammerlew) shot gun factory commenced work Tuesday. Miss Edltb, daughter of J. V. Pies deputy postmaster at Albany, died on the 8th, after a brief illness with the scarlet fever. A cottage Grove boy has thirty liens, wlrich laid 3-54 dozen of eggs from Jan uary 1, 1893, to August 30, 1891, worth about 170. The entire cost of feeding was (.75. And yet some people claim that hetiH do not pay. A few days ago a Hherman county farmer drove thirteen hogs into Rufus which weighed 4'JCO Jos., and eight of them weighed 00 pounds each. For these he received 6 cents a pound, and they were fed on damaged wheat that ho could not eell at any price. This is a very successful experiment of feeding grain to hogs, and one that will pay better, than belling wheat at 30 cents a bushel. The Dalles Mountaineer, An apple tree In J'rof. Johnson's yard In this city yielded a big crop this year, III of the Jluldwln variety, and an fully 26 bushels of apples, and when picking time came (hero were About 10 hufehels of good bound upplus oil the tree, At the preint prlum (his would make the yei of (hut one trie about pi.iO, or si the ruU of over J7000 per acre. At ttiutrule tliuro would ho Money in raining apples, us there lit comparatively no hxiwiimi u gathering and preparing for niiirket.-jeuguiiu Jtetflaler. (biujju-uu ."I'm 11 i 1 1,111 m Aullnary poem, a i(itigju!ij Irl lifhpli, fowl cooked wltli J);, JWibVii Vrmn linking J'mwhV, JIIHory v. jioniansw. HiniDH Jui'knai.i Id Hie tuimtmi i)f liMory lis wull as Uf JUll) PIMJ wMiy" jwrinlt mo u mrgfu 1 Up fucu from Ihu runiuiiiu' In Um mUuy uf Ihu "Truthful Miirdwfwr," u u4jJ lull i'Ofllainl 'iVIugfaifi by u uuvy imUiiutf uf Iho I'uiiluni) iwljtw Uiw duriMK k n wutjjJi 1 hv nmmui tUui "U't ill Uwf tUuu lljlriy ywivuy lliX wu hud jut hlKl.twr uuuru thuu jmilm WW It In Him muiiiT uf iiwjiuii, uu hb Trillin wim 1lwJ Mtut u yguj. 1)111 mmiy Jiirilw umr l&QwtU, to Kllliia h mmhvi In uiwuiJ," r- im mw w ma mu iutmmm m i lr;J!w i iiHipuu ml im wrtt Imlw vr NfuiiMiMi nut m it YWUU Wthlj A 1 ItUUji Thv fuuu uf intuuy uwi uf triii. ikv fyumm Im imu fjmv u Wiu !. " ' I'fhU, ih tmiwlnjitoii MfMlWWiJIitH uwwuw. ImU (Uv fi iiiijwili mnui lit ) Allium imuU lu M, wlill 4 yiv uju lh (Wyl h JJutf limt II WMUiWw, ) hv by Jujj ji I', JMw, 1. i W)JV ViiiltlUHi) WjtMM IU ujMjilw WmMI JH JiOliWttfiUiM'JWMf aMHaMi fjMiliul hlaiwy lumy UtM mt mn WtMMH )lrjiMwl ludim lUv Hum "A ifiiivww ihiii )wimr' km viywDiiMl hjwf JttijM ilw ftv 41' WlM(tf Uf UJUDhil, IMJJ Jjjj Ufiljw WAj 1 HJHl iir l ihJiilJ iJtf "i-Tii fin" referretl to. The faeln in his a are these: V, Griftia was a harmlw, iarcab'p and quiet old blacksmith of the town and boarded with an old lady whom Gritlin was trying to court. A mnch younger man by the name of Shane wns also boarding with the wIdow,and to spite and irritate Griffin, Shane prc teuded to court the widow and tried to poison her mind against Griffln. The scurrilous remarks of Shane rankled in the feeble mind of the old man till he became reticent, melancbolly and almost insane. After some weeks he tied his clothes in a bundle, put them in his shop, and taking a revolver walked iuto Shane's store where Sbaue was sitting, and after saying "you called me an old gut." he drew his guu and shot Shane through the heart. Griffin then walked out but made no effort to escape. When Henry War ren, the sheriff, who lived eight mites from Lafayette, oame to town the uex' day, Grifllu was arrested and put in jail. Griffin never denied any fact in the case, and made no effort to escape or leave the jail, although it was reported that the sheriff was not very careful to see that It wa always locked, and no watch was employed, while the sheriff eldom visited him except to carry him his meaK There wan quite a general dsire thai iriflln should eecape, as he was known 'n be quiet cud inoffensive, while his "XHH erator was known to Im a viseioui and dangerous man. An old-fashioned allow was erected, about a quarter of 1 mile from the jll, which could onlj tie reached through a winding, uarrnw road through tiie tall dense thicket of oik grubs. On the day of the execu Hon, at Warren's urgent request, the v.ritir, the sheriff and Griffiu walked jIduh and without arms through the orush down to the gullowc, Grifllu was neither lied nor bound in any way, and no eff'rt was made to prevent ills dodging hito the brush if he ho desired; and if he had done so, "the brush was altogether to thick for us to have followed him," as the sheriff said. The gallows stood fur months thereafter, but ihe "superstition," the 'preserved hat," and the "Lafayette town inufteum," have no existence ex cept in the mind of the romancing "new member." It should require ' a little more than thirty years," before tlio romancing lilstoriau begins to Imitate the legen dary hUtory of ti a'lele-it, which may, perhaps, like the story of the Telegram, have u grain of truth as a foundation for its wonderful storlec. Hut it would be less irritating perhaps, for such historians to wait until the old Vauihillers hud pasbed away, and then almost any (lull story would And ready and willing swallowers about Lafayette, Oregon. 0, YAMHIf.U I Sweet us front) cut clover is the food prepared with Dr. 1'rloe's (.'ream JJuk' Ing Powder. The trial of Lorili Parker, Initiated by the grand Jury of JUrnoy county, ahartstd with the murder of Dud How ard, the murderer of Til OIu.h, resulted In the Jury bringing in a verdict of niunsluiihtur and ruoommuHlIng hi in to the uiurey of tnn oourt. The Jiuriu NiiWD aayti of the uuke; "Many ludlea attoiidwl the J'urkerjrlwl several days; hiring the 11rt murder wwi tver IrM In Hums mude It of uUurulhg Inlenwl to iivtiii tbuw) not jwrllwilurly oon ttirnwl fur th wuifmo of the young man uuoiikMl. Tit Hums ohurah wan iiovur liuftyiD mi uruwdwl as Wwlnnwluy evflillig by mtm wuinun ami ulilWrun Ui hvur tlni urgnnndil In thu omjw uf Miulo vn, Imiti) I'arliMf tur Wiling J hid I iuv aril ;TluruUiii VVIUIaij), I)up4lly IMlUU Alluruy, uiul M. H, Mm fur ilm Hteli wJ WylU; it Uuvvhji, uii a. W. I'hiiUIi Utf Um iJAmJw( Thl www hw mmitm llm wwrl twin turhjy w Ui Yt'inJimdy lu,ui.i wmv$ uf trntmy J vry immiimi 1 u . ui 'yUwty uf imttmuitUimi rwumuiuii4 1" th maw m m tMMt " KUti Man VmUMAUth -f. Ui W4t Iim immi ik bdUiWlHx mlli "M win uf Uim4 lmmHir T A, 'u., J mil mmUmi uf bUUhIu tun r vtmm iu PuUt ml Uttim MiUUtUt 1MM4 iw U A i l. W, hli wvr ih mm IvwiBum uMm 1 tM( V i Iwjwiimi Uuditm will urn uiutu iitt) lutMiug. Hmm ut ututl yuui .'W u$ 4uvliiMf lw ttt mul yuu TUii k4wU UIMMMf liulkMl h .' HM( mvpst it mi m m. Ui id UWWh vwuutmmt itf ittAMH Uv la A w,LS2 . -TIF' -", T .. I l i ' wwNt Mr ii0 JAW kM mm mtmmif immm i4Mum mtmtHMUjt mi 1 pi iw iJh w u0 nm$mm 'dr!3 I'P m mm w if mMMiMi RBBoi.iFiioMP.-At a spmla! meeting of the board of (Vrfctora of school dis trict No, 21, the following resolutions Mere adepted: "Kesolveil, that the board will not demand from thecouuly court, of Marion county, Oregon, the proportion of the taxes of the year 1693, belonging or due to this district which arc now delinquent and unpaid, and J for whicli a sheriff's sale of the property assessed is now being conducted, until the amounts due for such delinquent taxes are collected by said county or until the lawful period has elapsed for a sheriff's deed to issue for the property sold; provided that this, district shall not be liable for costs incurred in con nection with the sale of such property as aforesaid. " Light as sa fratu is cake made with Dr. Price's Baking Powder. Wallowa county Is $20,000 in debt. This is 0,000 Iei3 thau two years ago, and yet county warrants only bring 75 cents on the dollar. TODAY'S MARKETS. Prices Current by Telegraph Local and Portland Quotations. Salkm, November S. 4 p. m. Ofllce Daily Capital Jook.val. Quota tions for day and up to hour of going to pleas were as follews: HAL.M1 PHODUUE ilAUKET. BUTC1IKK STOCK. Veals dressed 4 cts. Uogs dressed 5. .Live cattle lj2c. Sheen alive $I.:i5. JIILI, PKICES. Salem Milling Co. queUs: Flour in wholesale lots (2.15. Retail 2.60. Bihu fl2 bulk, 513 sacked. Shorts $13 14 Chop feed $14 and $15. WHEAT. 31 cents per bushel. HAY AND GRAIN. O its-2022lc. Hay Baled, old $78; new cheat $7; new timothy $S 50 FAKM PKODUCTS. Wool Best, 9tc. Hops Bifit, 5 to 7c. JSggs in trade, oc. Butter Beat dairy, 1518 fane. creamery, 2-5c. Cheese 10 to 15 cts. Farm smoked meata Bacon 11; batns, 12; shoulders, 0. Potatoes 25 c. Onions 2 cent FKUITS. Apples 30c bu. Tomatoes, 50c bu. Quinces, 75c bu. Pears In trade, 2oc bu. LIVE POUIriiY. fouitry Hens, 6c; roosters not wanted; old ducks not wanted; young duJu, 8; young chicken;,, 0c. PORTLAND QUOTATIONS. Grain, Peed, etc. Flour Portland, $2,30; Walla Walla, $2 65; graham, $2.16; superfine, $2.00 per uarrel. Oats White, 2627c; grey, 2527c rolled, In bags, $5,7500,00; barrels, $6,000.25; cases, $3.76. Potatoes 40r55e per sack. Hay Best, $811 per ton. Wool valley, 7(a0c. Mllistuff's Bran, $13; shorts, $13; chop feed, $15 per ton; chicken wheat, 6065c per cental, JlopsDull, 67c. Hides green, salted, 00 lbs. 31c, un. der 60 lbs,, 23o; sheep pelts, 1060c, DAIKY PRODUCE. Butter Oregon fancy creamery, 25 27Jo; fanoy dairy,2022Jc; fair to good, 1617jc; common, T2Jc, Citeose Oregon 810o per pound; Young Amerioati, 'J&lOc; Swiss Imp,, 30u82Jj Dom.,HI6c. JiggH Oregon, 4527o por dozen. Poultry chickens, mixed coops, liLm i per ilozen; duultu, (JJ. 60(0,6; geet. $7.60(it.60; turkeys,Mifi.iu, Reel TorMtbortf, ajj2u per IU; fair to good kleerrJ, it(Sto; tsuwH, Jje(2o( drvsood hetif,H4($4iu Mutton limi fchfcep.$),76(ii)i; choice ttWW, II.M0&1M6. ' IfogB- (-'holue, heavy, M.60fj,4.7, light and ttmUrvM; drtMM-d, Ju pur Ihv Vual Hmull, uholue, 6u; lurtfe, Ifla Mir pound. HAH niAHUimA WAUIilll, Wwl! Qrugun llajiorn aljulvu 1 1 ,im ou iiHMHor, poi "U ... i..r..ir. an,.. .1.. .., n...i Vftll rnps (Motahle at b(Mi. j'nlatotM I'-aliy Rjmu, WM&Vw III uaakt Kurl-uiihb, o(4',e pursuu 01 Miliintr tUu in Cliroiifi; Ntfrvofmii0ttf limMm UmUm4 I kt, Urn iMljUa MifviuJ fly Msi mm mm Mj j fmm Turn MUf U tHi MaMl-MMl m Im mm' mmm mm .ijaf-j KWC.HWIi Vmjm VUi oyyVIWVVI1 4? r-rr. errs fFrA a rs Ts PRICKLY ASM, POKE ROOT AND POiASblUfn Manr8l.ojig.Sure3 & : ni .-,.. :.rt III DIUUU .'..foul. S5SJ!SSt5!2 ant! Surofula P. P P pa: : . t 1 a Mood. alM 9 tbe ak ml JeuliU-i !, nm strength to wke' 1 ntrtc-, ri-U illyKuecKKln,- iiievatler.t henllli ! bltipincM wbi": ti"knri, pKuy XeellaR anI lu itt,rt li.t pttmilir-l For pilmary eei jhUit "iwl terllrr irpbtlli, for AxA p.lx;ntrff. mercu rial polvin. nialari.1. d7rc''li. "d In all blood and tkln dlmtei, II to blotcbe, pimple j, old rbronlc blcerf. t el tor. cald head, boll crjupelaf, cciema we rr tzJ, wlftont Icrof rontradlct. .n. that P. P I' Is tbo belt Wood purifier In thetr.irld. tj'd i.vitiM p.ltlTP. rpeedy and permanent cure in all cates. Ladle wbose nyatemt are poloned and wboie bloodla In an Impare condi tion, doe to menstrail lrreenlarltlea, ere peculiarly benefited by toe won tlerfnl tonlo and blooj cleandoc prop ertleaof P. P. P.-Prlckly Aab, Poka Hoot and Potaulao. BTKlxamin, Mo., Aoe. Htb. 1893. Icanapeaiclatbe blRbeit term of your medicine from my nwnpernonat knowledc". I waaaflectedwlth heart dlneaae. plenrlay and rbenmattim tor 35 years. wa treated by tbe Terybeat physicians ana apent hundred of dot fars, tried etery known remedy wltb out Ondlnir rllf. I bare only taken one bottle of your P. P. P., and can cheerfully say It has done mo nor good than any thlajr I hare eTer taken. I can recommand your medicine to ail Offerers ot the abora diseases. MRS. M. M. YEABT. Springfield, Green County, lla. ffl E 1894. IILLM vrn u IKIFTY-KIRST YEAR. Oldest, Highest and Most Extended Institution of Learning in Pacific Northwest. Sixteen Courses 'of IntslriHtlon, llirougb Acudtmlo 'anil Collfgc; to Tlieo'or, Law and Jledlolue. Hplendld Coimex rorTraiulneluTeachlDif, liuslnem, Art, Elocution and Music. Several l'cwt )radimluO)ur(-K. HtrncKerund better tban ever! It's Womun'M College ulloriUan Idtul liomu lor young ladles will) uiuurrr-d facilities for tlitlr cure uud tralnlnj;. The School Year Opens September 13, 1804, For Year Book, addrefs President W. C, IIAWLEY. For financial information, address Rev, J. If. ROORK, Agent, 9-3-1 in Salem Oregon, Fancy Poultry at Bargains, mi! HORNiNn AT &AUCM, il AH VQi HAMCl PgieiirwI.jrIiiefH-aJnKlohlnla.o MWWS AXD WjJITJf JJiUilOH', ITolTfiH, nfttttkand WliTli MUmmt Qv, wXnm noiTWlimi Kin Mm. r, V, W,fiJfJ"J'X.l -J, mi r S THE WOODBURN NURSERIES Jjl-y Um Uiuml Mil iiwl mm)litU muPlUwU&l !ajBwwnwBwwaBapway wrB. wafay psajpajpnB( Ji II ifittlomter 4 im, Woodbufn, Oi'mon, niMn! re DtfiTPUCO rimrLcoi uluiuulu AND OLD SORES CATARRH, MAURIi, KJUHtT fMUUbLbS Ofid DYSPEPSIA Arc entirely rtnwtia by P.IM. -Prkklr Ash. Poke .Tact "i.E aluu. is sreaat bKod purltur 00 cirtb. Asssdktk. O.. Jaly 21. JML Utwu Vtrruxn Bao.. BarannaB. yrf P 1'. at Hot SprtDfs.Arkj.and IihM donono mpreif?0?,1?0, 'Sr? uentbs' treatment at the Hot SprlDf a. Cesd throe bottles O. O. l. Ue.pectfnnWour.fEWT0 Aberdeen, Brown County, 0, Capt, ,f . D. Jobnatoa. To all eAem m tmttrni I tiere by testify to tbe wonderful propertlea cf P. P. P. tor ernptlona of the akin. I (Adored lor 8Teralycarawltbnun elshtly nd dlaasreeable eruption oo ny f co. I tried eTry known reme dy bus in Yaln.nntll P. P. P. waauaed, and am now entirely cured. (Signed by) J. D-N,8 OUIn Cancer Cured. Tut (mtnyrt mthi Mayor 8tpttn,Ttx. ao.tm.Trx., January 14. 1603. U ci IBS. UrrMAN nno., Hayannah, Oa. 1 Oenlltmtnl bare tried your P. P. P. fur a dlseaao of the akin, usually known as skin rancsr.of thirty yeara atandtn?, and found (treat rellefi It purlQeatne blood and remores all Ir ritation from tbe seat of tbe disease and prerants any spreading- ol tbe aorsa. I hare taken Are or six bottles and feel confident th.it another course wlU effect a cure. Itbaaalsorellered me from Indigestion and atoinaca trooalea. Yours truly, CAPT . W. M. BUST. Attorney at Law. M in By Diseases MM Free, ALL DBUGOIBTS BELL IT. LIPPMAN BROS. PEOPB1ETOES, Uppmsua's BloeklaTaiiBab, G IIWE mm YARDS. h, mJJNDwu, mm & WMl aiiili m n'miiim n ' J. II Al.nr.RT. Cashier. Capilal National Bank, OK SALEM. Transacts a Rtneral banking biialnr-M, Pure Bred Poultry. WblU) lclionis,Plymouth Itocks and I.tttht Urabmas, neatly itrown, very clioltv, sIkk, lust Hie tblniftu grade tip your flock, T los 13. HlDgle Cockiel V, None sold at tlie.e prtoe.ifrO.lob.rl. . 1I0KKll Hnleni. Or. MONEY TO LOAN :- On farm land security. Hpeclal rale o. lar lo&as. Loans considered without delay Hamilton & Moir, 6-21 dwlf Itootn S, Hush Hank llulldinc PROPOSALS FOR STATIONERY. OriicK or tub HECKETAitr or Btati:, 1 Hai.km, or., Hcptember 21, 1'UI Scaled proposals will be received at tills of fice until noun November Zl, 1K9I, to furnish tbe following aiticles lor tbe rjtule ot Oregen: 10 reams levsl cp, II lb. Mo 7 ruling, white, laid, cream, charter oak or Scotch linen, 30 reams IlnucJaas congress note, 7-S pigs, Mo, 7 ruling, white laid, M.O 0 Mo, H't white envelopes, IX) to So. I nig, Pi gross railroad steel pens, No. 11V. 10ros Olllott's steel pens. No. 401. i gross Olllott's steel pens, No. 'Mi. a gross KsterbrooK "!' pens. lu doz. I'ecg, Htow A Wllcox'slnkstands, No. 4 doz. Peck, Htow A Wilcox's Inkstands, No, 6M, 10 doz, Peck, Htow A Wilcox's Inkstauds.No. 131. 12 doz. ivory folders, S Inch standard. 1 doz. Ivory folders 10 Incn congress. 4 doz. mucilage cups, No. H.Morgan's patent. 10 doz. mucilage stands, rcservolr,No. ti.lfoi gan's patent. 3 reams Parker's treasury blotting (paper, 140 B9, assorted colors. '.tgiotsNo. 'i Kagle' recorder lend pencils, style (Ml. 1 doz. Hantord's premium fluid, quart. 'i doz. uttlord' writing fluid, iiuurls. l& doz. gummed stuo flies, No. il, 11x15 In., S&Opages. 15 doz. Duplex cupboard fetter clips. 10 doz. Paber's rubber fillers, 14-luch lUU 14 doz. steel eraser, Itoger's, No, IMU.bone. 3 doz steel eraser's, Itogar's.No, l8,liy,ebony, SO boxes KabersNo, i) rubber hands, us- sorted sizes a gross raber's lead pencils, No, 1, hexagon, gllL 12 gross Kaber's lead pencils, No, 2, round, gilt. 15 doz, Facer's patent Ink and pencil rubber erasers, iluinmotu, 3UU1 Hell Ill's paUnt piper fasteners, No, 2, flat head. 3WU McfJIIl's patent paper fasteners, No, 4, flat head. IS doz table pads to bold pajr,lllx2J Inoln-j, strong leather lips. 12 doz waste iutper huakels, cros-liar No, 4, JJIbs hemp twine, No 2- 4 doz tuinford's mucilage, quarts. At the same time separuu. bids will be re ceived lor 12 dozen dno penknives, to Im de scribed by trade numbers, kamp.es to be ex. blbited. illds should be marked "Proposals Blu. tlonery." None but the best quality of gcjods will be accepted. The right to rfjfct auy or all bids Is rtserved All the abote articles lo be delivered ut noifltu onorbeforo Jauusry 4 IW5. Advertised only lu tbuniutosiiiuij, (It .Jour nal uud the IiidciHioiUul of Iruleui. OBO, W. M'Ultllih, V2ld2m HcrelaryofMMie, The CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE & ST. PAUI RAILWAY. Traveler "nmko 11 not; on I," Tlilj.ICfcstHsllwny: .Svtlwn QanimU ST, PAUL and OMAHA With Mil lmi)W)HjllbulJlln ,'rfvH illiwi uud swill uiH)Mlt vviwm'.iiw ami ;)iKj;iiiiw tunm m i 'niu mom iuw fMlililJJK MLusL'if W.lilwl Jsfi'J. Hhimi llwii ViMliaM llrthf si nm (Msjs)4is, iw, mm wj ,i4Dts) i&th vm I'm (milliiliif (Jhuli'H, umm Ut mtim mum w mm h ijj , twi. stf-M HusbW' I W- mi, lw, Pj A WSittM, Qh& mm nnnuL umi " im&tHUt H. i, Ol. UtrH4 nut IWj? An llvorgroon Tim NMfaU'W m wmrw wmw ""mmwwh, W.A.CrKX. llridrnt, mmmmm JSJtMm Mil, I Itf ttMf JsMISassI ylss OlTa K. CNKII,I., HKCKivjai. To The EAsi UIVKHTIIKCIIOICKor TWO TKANSCOSTINKSTAL HQJ -VIA- DENVBR, OMAHA. KAN8A8 lip. -VIA SI'OKANK. MINNKAPOLIH. AND 8T. PAUt -Low Hales to all EksknO. Ocean steamers leave. Portland ry Jrii, FOR HAN K1UXCUC0 Korlull details call on oraddr. W. II. HlJftXBUBT Gtn.Ps.s.AMj, '"ruaaai. N ORTHERN PACIFIC R, R. II U N is: Pullman Elegant SlceDino- Cars Dinino' Can Sleeoifi" Can ST. PAUL. Tourist MIHNEArOLS OULUTHi tkor.ru ' TO GRAND FORKS LHUUK5 ON WINNIPEG, HELENA and' BUTTE TIIUOUGII 0( Of, TO CHICAGO washington' philadelphia hew yohk; BOSTON and all Points East end South (Sis llif,iftullnn H.nu s., .. tickets call on or w'rtU, If. A, TIIOMAH,AKiil,Kbn Or A. I), ('if Aiui'oN, At, QrulYv Afini; J'nrtluud, Oregon, East and South VIA THE SHASTA ROUTE Ml IU J Soulier) Pidllc Company, I 1 pm 1 rEfr. p. m, m, iyusMy www s vu tislns sUiu si Sll stalk! l(W tJsjli skn. al suiwu lw iwuhB. A MtVML MStWIL'KXXIEJEBI ciiiiuui(uii nn-r mt m vm i mnhiji iter im 0nUw Hwit mmv mm mnm w a Mr,- tmni Claw BlufuifiiK Csr M.mM i W, tit fit i''W' tittt nsm turns ur. mm a Oipj'Mklli' ' aiUUa.sli.AJAM Js HrWLfCA! " wuum "itiiMiv YMIMMA AMD IU wlWtf JMJmmwitmmt tlHiV m& Mimm iksatsl I'M ilsU lsassfcsistiil mMimm WWi U.KW flfl ill (I III JIJ gja ltsvA.f JU VutfMsfcfv 4 If V 9 tBJPj s"! irrda