. K J tit i- 'HIE CAPITAL JOURSAL. - I'ObLihULID DAILY, EXCKIT 81WDAY, Capital Journal Publishing Company " i'ontoffloe Mock. ;OommorclM Street. MEN WHO ARE ALWAYS BDSK, IIOFER BROTHERS, Editors. J, , pc lMiljr, by carrier, per month,... Dally, by mall, per yeur, Weekly, 8 page, per ycar,. to 3.00 art fx- R.1 KOtl STATE BKNAluiuJ I. L. nKereon of Halea, and W ,11 tiobnon of HLnylou. FOH KKMtESlCWTAriVfcS-O. JJ. Moore and K. Jloferof Bnlcni, David Craig ol Ma cleay, H. a. Ilarcloy or Woodburn, and J. I. Calvert of Hubbard. C 'UMMglOMMl-J. M. Watson ofTurner BJaKHlKK-JohnKulghtoBalem. I'LKIIK L. V, Kiileu oniuiteville-THKABUllKIt-K O. lit own of Turner HKCOUDEK-F. W. Watoisof Solera. AKIKSSylUD D Colfey of AIM filly.' HOUOUti hUVMl'tl'lltXDKNr-J, ri. Ora liuncf Woodburn, faUKVKYOIv-n. II. Herrlok of otom. UUKONKK-A M Uioiiih of Jal-Mi, JUHT10K OKPfcA'JE-Kornnlem dlttrM- II. A. Jobiuou, Jr. OONSIAULK-Kor Haleta dlstrlct-A. 1 Walu. I ."" 1L!U- ipibi1jjii ny feUUtlKSTKU (JOJIJIKNr. Congressman Hermann may n& wcl prepuro for the fourth term. h. Palne's Celery Componnd Brightens Ibe Eye, Increases ilio Appetite, Restores Sleep, Regulates the Vital Organs. Under tbe stress of social or business duties, or both, bow few business men find time to properly repair tho waste of excessive menu-1 labor and close con finement. Till rOQIlU nt Hlla nanlul I. l-l..l-- MARION COUNTY RKFUIIMOAK TICKET- bereadla ., reworn, nervous fLs uu ipuyBicai poyerty or tho averogo business men ono meets. Hut Falne's celery compound bright ens tbelreyes, Increases their appetite, causes good digestion and regular ac- nuu ui tuu urguuaoi assimilation. Much so-called overwork of business ujcu jb mu overworn pr worry, care, ahxlety. baste, These make tbe nbver est druft on their vitality. Those who cutter from nervous debility, mental lepresslon or sleepleasness, find Palne's celery compound a powerful restore- nu. xi rcguiuit-H ine uver ana aid ueys, cleanses the blood, aud feeds the liervi'H Hllll llurt'ii nant..-a nil .... .i... jody. Recovery from diseases of the liver, kidneys and stomach by thould f Paluo'e celery compound is lasting It la the greatest of all modern restora ive agents. Pulne's celery compound is prescribed y physicians wbodlfler In many otboi ih ugs but agree In estimating hlghlj 'Ilia trrnnttiat r n.-Al .. ". IlKouses of the kidneys, rheumatism out, dyspepsia, Brlgbt's disease and tomach disorders due to a derauirod lervous system. A divorced woman has no legal rlgb to use her ex husband's namo on vlul Ing cords. Byron Plielpn, Seattle's Republicai mayor, begins his uduiltilstrallon will strong strokes In favor of economy on b-Hd government. Tho Lane county Republicans, It I said, will bo solid for 11. R. Klneald the vetoran editor of tho Eugene J ui. linl, for secretary of stale. Miss Frances Crosby, who memberod as the author of "Saf Arms ot Jesus," has been blind she was six weeks old. She Is 02. rt n tin diner now JJlalne's best work is to be undone. Hie Wilson bill, as nmonded by the euato finance committee, restores the lutyon sugar aad abrogates tbe reelp oclty treaties we havb with auffar- iroduclng countries. These reciprocity igreomentfl with Brazil, Cuba, Puerto (ilea, Sauto Domingo, Germany. Sal ador, Trlpldad, Barbadoos, the Lee ward and Windward Island. Ttriiiai. Guinea, Jamaica, Nicaragua. Guate nala, Costu Itlca, Honduras, Auatro ttuugary and Frauue, are all depend joudeiit on section a of tho MuKluley tarifl law. TODAY'S MARKETS. Prices Oorront by Telegraph Local and -ortland Quotations. Salem, April 44 p. m. Oflloe Daily Capital Journai Quota tion for day and up to hour of going to prees were as follews: BAUSU PilODUCE MAHKKT. jthoit. Apples 40o to 60o. a bushel. jJtrroiiKit stocks Veals dcaned fi eta. Hogs dressed 5. Llvo cattle 2J to 8. Sheep alive sl.60$2. mill pmoiw. oaiera fllllllng Co. quetes: Flour. in wnoiesaio iota ?a.00. Betall $3.00. Brin $14 bulk, $15 saokod. Shorta $15 16 Chop feed $10 and $17. WHEAT. SO cents per bushel. HAY AND GRAIN. Oate now 2627ic. 12. Wild iu bulk, $0 to $8. FAUM PRODOOTS. Wool Best, 10c. Hops Small sale, 17 to 18c, ETggs Cash, 1012J. Butter Beat Uairy, 1620; fancy creamery 2925. Cheese 12 u 16 cte. arm smoKed meats Bacon 10: hams, 12; shoulders, 8. Potatoes 2530c. Onions 8 cents. Beeswax-34c. Caraway seed, 18c. ahe seed, 20o. Ginseng, $1.40. hivn POULTRY. i ouiiry liens, 7c; roosters, 50c: n; turKeys, slow sale, choice, How's This. We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CllKNNY & Co., Props. Toledo, O. We tbe undersigned have known F. J. Cheny for the last 15 years, and be lieve blm perfectly honorable in all business transactions and liuancially able to carry out uny obligation made by their firm. West & Truar. whnlennlft drucralst. loieuo, u., warning, Klnnau & Mar vin, wholesale druggist, Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cure In taken Internal ly, acting upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Price 75c. per bottle. Sold by uil druggists. Testi monials tree. Ju.k llvo Ice PORTLAND QUOTATIONS. Grain, Feed, etc. ., .""'-Standard, $2.76; Walla Walla, $2 00; grabam, $2.40; superfine, $2.2o pot uajtoi, , Oata-lSewwhlte,83operbu.,grey,82c: S'nSe btt8' W-76.00; barrels $0.000.26; cases, $3.76. ' Webster Holmes, chairraau of (In Marion county Democratic ceutru commltteo breaks tho record by organ izlng tho first Simon-pure, straight-out uo fusion Pemocratlo club hi Oregon. Sheriff Knight Is doing" tho right thing In not enforcing tho penalty foi taxes being delinquent. Tho peopl. should have a show for their liyes anr property this year If ever. H Soveral leaders of Taiiituiiny Hal continue misting. They are said to bi In "tho far West" recuperating, hut m amatteroffuot thoy uro afruldoftin Justice that awaits them In New 1'ork. Ooxey'sarmy will becomo serious the moment It reaches a thousand men und they become half starved. Then li will tako howitzers and grape shot ti solvo tho problom of tho unemployed The people havo already entered s verdict ugnlust Col. Breokonrldgo. II the Jury Is a competent ono It will return tho samo klnJ or a verdict, Ureokourldge, at tho ago of nearly 67, will bo given a woll earned rotlroineul from fame as a statesman. Wheu thepopullst stale convention wftslnsesslonatOrogon City, aud tut platform commltteo was at work, a re form tarifl resolution was allured, bui tho commltteo refused to adopt It oi give outnuy expression on thotsubject The Populists In congress havo steadily voted for tho Wilson bill. How quickly tho name of either norso or man sinks out of publlo sight mu miiKi wuen ouce dropped by the public press, has been tho bitter reallz Ulon of many n one beforo now, says in exchange, und the same will bo the expenencoorniany hereafter, who mis lead themselves Into tho erroHeouH bo llufthatbeoausottu exemplified merit of fortuitous circumstances brings a reat norsonoroio tho publlo oye for a orlef instuut once, that tho neceafmrllu thereafter remains permanently a living reulity before tho coquettls hmultitudc. Not so; for thero Is nothing so uncer tain aud fickle as the publlo momory. So matter how great aii orator, states man or politician a man may bo, when no iimps out or tno newspaper ho 1b (orgotten or tno world. And tho same Is truo of tho horse. The thoory that a roat horso will ndvertiso hlmsolf is ralso In general, with tho exception baroly numorous ouough to prove the rule. Beuator Mitchell ;sends this olllce u copy of "Special Itoport ou tho Sheep Industry of tho United btates, 1602." It (s lully jllustrnted, contains a thou eaud pages, tho last chapter bolug bj lloth Johu Mlnto, of Salem. Part 11 of tho book Is dovoted to the sheep In dustry west of tho Mississippi. It Isu volumo of great Importance to Puellle coast agriculture. ilioJHoaieal Jtecord says that most people havo oomo to believe athletic prolloloucy and sauud health to be almost Identical things. But, u n matter pf faot, athletlo oxorclbet of the most etreuuous sorts is uot always needod, and Is sometimes wrnlolou, Lllo InBtiranco exumluers agree that professional athletes are BhorMlved, while tho amateur mav or nmw nm havo a long life. Cougressmnn Bryan's Jolutrosohitlon for chauglug tho modo of electing I Uulted States seiiators has tho irreat merit-that It Is more likely to be adopted than a more Imperative measure. Tho constitutional amend. - went which will bo presented to tho V Matlonlf his resolution Is successful. ...kH..l4. . A . IwriuMu vaeu Biaio to choose whether It JWill elot senators by ulreot voto of tho i ijweplo or. by the present legislative mmt Hay Heat, $1012per ton. wool vaney, 10 no. MlllstuOs Bran, $10.00; shorts, $10: ground barley, $18; chop feed, $16 pertonjwholo feed, barley, 70 cts. per cental; middling, $2328 per ton; chicken wheat. 05G11.16 mrwni.,! ' HousNew 9.U n , Hif!L!?K';n-8aItud. 00 lbs. 3Jc, uu. Uer CO lbs., 23j; sheep pelts, 1000o. DAIRY PRODUCE. Butter-Oregon fauoy creamery,27i K?,noy du,ry' SBo; fair to gooU, 1617jc; common, llto 12o per lb" tjlieeso Oreirnn. .. v AtnoHnnn 1 1 S. " ' . .T7 .'. .""'K uiiVi ' jiuinjrjouHu; UUIIIorillll ioi8 up'' 3032; -Douj-' Bgs-Oregon, 010oper dozen. 1 OUltrv rslniriniiii- i'iil.i,o..., ... ij $3 504.60 ppr dezen: ducks.$5.(K) no rriUtun C()T7it .,.i. , -r . 3vw, vmviv. mrneya, live, IZ(n)14 ressod lOo --i; Beef Topsteers,238oper pound; fair togood steers, 22Jc; No 1 cows, 2c; fair cows, ljo; dressed beef, $4 005 60per Mutton Best sheen, sa-r.n? i., ewes, $2:2-i. ' "",w Uogs-Cholco, heavy, $4 004 25; S'mrvi'.Sf 004 50; light and feeders $3 004 00; dressed, $0 607. ,.. ?AN FRANCISCO MARKET. Woel: Oregon Eastern choice, 10 16c5 ,uftir,or 790 do valley, 12 Hops 14 to lOo. rotatoes-Enrly Rose, 3050. banks, 3040c uaw Mining, $1.101.15. Tiiey. Know Good Thing wlit'nlhcysceit. Thafswhy Bkicht Mousekeepersusb 00TT0LENE the New Shortening, in place of lard. That's why Phy sicians RECOMMEND 00TT0LENE the Healthful Shortening, in place of lard. Thatwhy cooking Experts Endorse tlie use of GOTTOLENE the Vegetable Shortening .in stead of lard, and that's why Competitors Imitate 00TT0LENE instead of selling lard. Watch the name. Get Cottolene. Accept no "something else." nCFUSE'ALL SUBSTITUTES. N. K. FAIRBAIMK d. CO.. Solo Mnnuractureri, ST. LOUIS and CHICAGO, NEW YORK, BOSTON. UOUUOOOOiUUUUOOOUv JU o OOUuU j Hair Death Rlnnlnntlv nmiivMnnil forever dtfitrorn OU llpz-tlnnnhlM linlr wlie her UDOU tUC Ullliak I mi " p " ..T . .. raco nroisor necK, wiinmu aiimiuninuu iDiury jo me mosi aenciueBKio. i it t any years the 86. ret 'onuii'apj tiliinlla Wlliuin. aplrnnlplfxlpcd DV DIlyH ins Ibe hlehent authority UDdlbi on rmlnnnt ilprrnntnlotrlst nna DulrBDt jits .bat ever lived. DurltiglUR pnvau rnr lice ol a lire-time jmouj ine iiounnj r d arlRtocmcy of Kurope be prescrlbei als recloe. P- e. SI by mill, beourelj itctced. Vn espondenreaiDUdential Boli vgeniior nmenca. AauresH THE SK00KUM ROOT HAIR GROWER '0. lept- R. 678outh Fifth Avenue.NeW Vottl I vtononnnnOOOOfl OOOOOO nnrwnn Stato Treasurer's Seventh Notice State of Oregon, Treasury Department, j ' Salem, March 27, 1894 Notice Is hereby given that there are funds on band with which to redeem all outstanding state warrants endorsed "Presented aud not paid for want of funds" prior to, and Including. Novem ber 7th, 1803, and that such warrants, properly endorsed, will be paid upon present Ion at this olllce, interest there on ceasing from, aud after, date of this notice. Phil. Metschan, 3-28-2W State Treaurer. 1 U THU oder Is made to you alone iu your community- Will yru a Wo present below the most valuable' list, of jireiiiim, f clubs of the best selling newspaper priiitijjffn the (mrt S Tlic Croat One The Daily CAPITAL JOURNAL Cent Daily. GEO. C. WILL DEALER IN Btelnway, Knabe, Webber, Emer son and other pianos. Btorey & Clark and Earhefl' organs. All first clacs makes of sewing ma chines. Smaller makes of musical instru ments and supplies. Genuine needles, oil and new parts for all makes of machines. Hewing machines and organs re paired aud cleaned. Two doois north of postofllce, Salem, Oregon. C. H. LANE, MERCHANT TAILOR 272 Commercial Jstreet, Salem, Oregon. Formerly of Morrison street. Portlnnd, Oregon. Tie Peoples' Paper of Oregon. WANTED AGENTS -to sell- BROWN'S KM FOCMN WASHER. Rest Steam Washer 6nown. Bimple Washer w.th full Instructions sent to Aiput express clurues prepaid ou re elpt t tno I iU i$" Br'iWQ' Box 2u8 B'ein, Or EVERYBODY WANTS IT. EVERYBODY WILL TAKE IT. Only $3 OO a year. $1.50 for six months, $1.00 for four months. fiS5-No papers sent alter time is out for which It is ordered -TBa ivu. xou are the mau. If we canuot get you to act, huml tills to someone who wants one of these grand premiums for slmpl v gelt nK ud a c !u Almost anyone will take this paper upon merely seeing it. It sells Itself Ti so cheap no one can afford nqt to have it. It suits readers Iu city and coum,! of all classes and parties. juuwunirj An Oregon Newspaper California news does not suit you Eastern papers will not answer This is distinctively the Oregon Newspaper entirely cover ing Oregon interests. NOTICE. HERCULES orUINE Uur- HONOR TO BISMARK. Tho Ex-Olmncollor's Birthday to Bo Oolebratod Throughout Qennany, Bkulin, April 2.Tho 81st birthday of Prluco Illsmark occurs, and will bo colobratcd with great enthusiasm, and moro generally than ever before The ox-oliaticollor's reconciliation wi.i, Emporof William baBirlven Immtn. tho celebration. A feature of tho fes tivities will bo tho part tho Uermau ladles will tako in them. As a oom- monoomont, 12 ladles presentod Prlnco uismaru with an Illuminated address "To tho Founder of Gormau Unity." This address was slgnod by 100,000 wo nieu, maidens of Hesse, Uaden fatid Palatlna. It was Inolosed In an artist tlo casket, and was accomnanled rl ' gift of GOO bottles of wine of tho rarest aim outost vlntago. Prlnco Blsmark iu return, thanked tho ladles, anil declared tho llyoly Interest token by women In politics was a stop forward In tho path' of progress. Mother and Child aro Doing -Woll, Mrs. Drown was slok. Her. friends' saw alio would never get well, 'What'a . ... ., uwiuiH uuvo Riven un her case as hopoless. 'ainrmay ilvo for , 1 1 l,u .. ,noy Bt uu w fur a cure "I don't believe It," Uld a woman who heard th sad news? ' T !?t bS? ie nue ib any worsa oft ttmu j- y, ndl tlon(t look very muoh lUu-il ..w., . uuj iku, inumncneRs, tr bit pyte, aud 160 jiouuds of tfoott ueJiW ."o"?..o,00l.,5u.a "I'm oIuir tn BESSIE BONSAI I . 9 aim .kk .a I Mtss Damn Mofpt ; Danger of Consumption ' t Wire sick nnd iMsconraecd when I called tiieMllrpj doctor. Ho lnUmated I tud S'lmptlou ami would not Uro long. I d- food's Cures 1 1 to take Hood's SirsapartUa and I am "l uuil h'nrty." Misa Dxxx Mojr N 7a, Aalui.oro. Illlnolj. t od's Pllla act caMly, yet promjiuy ly. on tho liver and boite!, . II WIDE MOSIN ' Grand Concert Co,, Notice id hereby given that tho Com mou Council of, tho city of Salem Ore gon will reuelve bids until the 17th day of April 1804 nt the hour of 7:30 o'clock p. m. of said d.iv for tliHC.nistrnntlon nf sewers through tho alley in block No. 21 and block No. fiS in tii nii nt . jciu uucuruini; vt ine D ans. nrntllon ai,H sepeciileatlous for the same ou file in the elty engineer's olllce. Each bidder must deposit with his bid a certified check or a certificate nf llnnifU 1.. Al- m A.n ul "i-i'uaii, iii me Hum oi jfau UU as a guarantee of good faith on the part of the said bidder and that be will execute the contract aud give the undertaking required with good faith and mimninnt sureties to be approved by tne mayor in case the contract is awarded to tbe bidder, which deposit shall be forfeited to and shall become the property of the city of Salem In case of the failure on the part of the bidder to mnmlv toIM. any of the requirements of the bond and contract on file in tho ofllce of the city engineer within flvo days after tho acceptance by the city of Balem of his bid. 'ine city of Salem reserves tho right to rejeot auy nnd all bids deemed un- reauoiiBDie. jiias wulcu do uot com ply with tho terms of this notice will not bo received nor will any bids be re received after tho time specified above. Dated this 2d of April 1804. A. Klein, Geo. B Gray, Tiros. Kay Committee on street and publlo prop. 4 2 10 t A SURE ND ELECTRIC WITH A CHEAP LINE. Requires cineer. NO Bat Order. ALWAYS and YOUR WIFE POWER. SPARK. RUNS Licensed En teiiestoKeepin Ready to Start, CAN RUN IT. g ol oa in o i vH"ii mi infiiT T 111 HI 111 WE GIVE AOTUAl. POWER. PALMER &REY, . Bn Francisco, CaU Portland, Or. Rheumatism, Lumbago, Sciatica, Kidney Complaints, .i-umo cjuck, CfcC. China Set Free, elifnlf "l "n,,.!iWeni4"llvo 1e.Br,y sobecribers, a Isel ofjdecorated Havll.nl collection ol line chinaware, marked down to $67. Silver Cuttlery Free. Biu.n ii V ' UnP? yearv BUbscrlbere, a silver plalpd kn.ves and forks, G of each, from Da fyo tiit Free. a Fa" ilSsiLMli i!1 8",u'cribew tuo be3t 523.00 suit A. a. isia&field & Co., M,lem, your own selection. Steel Plow Free. set of Itocer Bros, test Damon Bros., worth $6.00. of clothes in the store of nglwSbMT?i-u?berea 8teal bea,n' teel G-,p ei1 int. ptnn, the best ot its kind, from Gray Bros., Salem, worth $25.00. Silver Spoons Free.. . Bllveri,k.iPU,bpIn ''y "'tecribern, a dozen Roger Bros. . i, awv uuiiiii. i mill i in nr i ... on Bros., worth $4.00. walk best (tofupoed- ol the following AKTXf8; eminent solo 0.VIDE MUSIN - mw tut I u l l, 1SICN1 UJ ANNIE LOUISE TANNER-MUS'M, THE INDEPENDENT STEAMER ELWOOD, Leaves Portland for Salem and Cor vail la on Sundays & Wednesdays 6. A. M. Leaves Salem for Portland Tuesdays aud Saturdays at G A. M. Passeu- ger rate Salem to Portl'd, $1. REDUCED RATES to San Francisco P. J. Smith, Agt., Trade 6t. Dock. DJ2. SANOEN'S- ELECTRIC BELT Will cure withont mldno all W..L..J i2 5 J J. emion. u JwroiiT SfbllitT .wi,J.n2Se'ior',,dl O, . hiuviu jj rganette Free wood organelle ton jo wl,?.Ub.?cr'".pr a olaaa German Rote- ewing Machine F iciuooi ll I teen subscribers a Ol rved sewing nmchin,.. ,"....? X1 - i ca Wo no. illc Hat I'oraelubo ree. imax liloli n rm 4 dmn-pr. ChS warranted, from ,Geo. C. Will. Salem, woith KSTSSTroSffls "Tfs"d. "aafis 'ruin. .. -- - vi" mrniiE ta wlUmVii ii.'.i."cKr,F rorf.U tLOoaoa. .n,i wnO. hare bi.n TOrVd bT fhTf'S,01" r! PV- Thu: Qemod io.or.imm uu ASuTu fcYSu Portlnnd, Or. Lllv Hat Free C4.- -"i viaiia m, fiu.mj, "..yvasher Prep tF . -" i iwn (.ir v vunn liO.UU. Hats from C. H. imported silk hat from i'or a elm. Steam Washers. Thi -American Nightingale. ow u.i mm mu nor now ana mu iti WAll " U in ii.Ii.UJ r. r- " Uko" Dr. PhESr FaWolip t ou. Mra. mown took thudvlcei18o' Vifii . l0,Y wWohouiSBHaBUkMub of dellcato diseases so ,commun amoiurr women, and-imt wolf. fiir J-ir vniMyA r..v ..... wT.:-". -"rr WV. xrV iil : .tZ.V " "L ".? .PoutH n .i " . '. i.n. en'uuuH on, ami1 "mother and child nrongWNlll't ' . '? Absolute Merit. Nootber plaster lias been produced wbW xalM so many teutltnoniala of ? Vf '"T..8 .".Joee '"iuuouly ac 2JMNM itoAUook'8 Ptirus Plaster, aud mrm tmnjr It III Of this Don't Delay. it Is your duly to yourself to, get rid, tho foul accumulation In your blood a spring. Hood's Sarsaparllla is lust' theillHlllnfltn VMI hyl n Jtl.tw. 'f.Ll le ana eurloli your bjnotl. That -llrtsl r SaliV'Ht TattOH Bros. 'i&isrs!'''' iwei-jyajfe Poultry The Phenomenal Conlralto, EQUARDSCJlArlF, . A Superior Solo Pianist, FREjDERIC W. ELLIOTT, . J - America1 Greatest Tenor. Tuesday toning, Ipril 10, ISM, iwriKit Th MisrJo. of tu Y. M.C.A, 8aIu. General admlealon, ?a cents; Members, uu wuio, ivyacrvw eai8, XI. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. frobel suiooi-Itirr: SALEM KINDERGARTEN. Infant, Connectlngand Primary claet every week day from 0 a. uT te la m. exceutHntnrrint. linn a n. ..... m U. JJALLOU, - - Principal, TRAINING CLASSES for teachers' dally nraotlon m, t. 0a. m. to 12 m. iu Klndar.rar,J. '" ..r :'.'.-"' w"",nl-. "r, Jeuup wi: u tun uiurn inrim nu n.u...i.. i .. I''l 'll wmVe tom.V and "Aroy block H.tt.jE3cp. Hlem, Or., March I, m. 'w ""'" TmS THE WILLAMETTE, SAZEM, onsGom Hates, $50 (o jj6,oo pc,. d i. b,el etwtn rurtlanil a 8u iuubiArtwwMrPuau. Choicest JLTrntts Urown la tb WUUnwtu Ylly. A. 1. WAGNER. Prop. On Monday, Wednesday and Fridav MOTHER'S CLASS. Meeta Friday from 2 to 4 n ...im training class, conducted 'by" m"' Kulghtand Miss Itallou. For terinB or Information annlv at Tri...!.""!0' rooats, corner Court btZI W. A. CUWO , " , M ... Capital 4?t National Bank, - m. 4 . .r ''- iw uu, lUbj.t upon jIo(Kl um-miLlJSC.. ulo - "!T.,ys&!Wiii"nTcy vo ttiom, IlllM IhV the favotue. M2lfAUhk'r' lo wltli eyerjouo "who trW fEEZS1 na' we . H WtMVit tw- ! K. M. WA1TK HUNTING CO., BOOK AND JOB PRINTER AM) Zeyal Blank Publishers. &xVt NwiBrtekiTtWfcabaak,awa'l.strot OR SALEM. ii v. ?ZZ ". J-. auiicct. ItlrMAi.u subscribers; one ,of J. JB. Brown's Fountain Welcll Clnnl.- TL ful we.'fiS f "Ve ycarly 9Ut3Cr'bers one Eight Day Welch Clock, bea-i'l- Scl2?J1?iP Free. ness College, SalmTfor' n,m!!?iCr.ibo.r3' oue Scholarship In Capital Bu-.-Worth m. ' Ur 00uilete bualuesa course) good for two years Sll)fif Watch Free Maalujeu-ei'gsj high cla silver watch, from W. W fture Set' Rree. stead' lrt-s"er nLuS frJ,mCAbn8 i,a lM, ? oirved bed roon, Bet' .he',' Worth W5.00. ' u' ,r,ua A B- uren & Son, furniture dealers, Sale" . Coelc: Stnva ttn bestniadpi.ti ,i... ,B.eri1 B'Jhscribera 'a- larirpiioi tm a ni.in.. uimi. Salem, worth $20. toa8t' fn"n Perry &. Col's' stove and plow work, JUadies For a elul: ca9e, from retail priee-fson,! Sl-i-t- ri, , n- pugeslU'yuu18 Richards' English double barrel IS and mounting, wall nt stb' i ikfil ?rl,) aH(1 fore end. engraved loc' i lug locks, low clreu ir ,a ,une dr,Ha,lf p 8to.1 8r,P wtenelon ribs, reborn ; gun, from Brooks 4wShber lie?1 Plte, and a thoroughly go t Silverine W " 1 ' worlh e2500' For a club T t,. . atctl Free "eer, from w xxi llil.U??1 o Uveriue watch, stem-wli. "laue, retails at jo.oo """u UJ oaiem, gives as Igood eervlco as I 'ill fJJ. -'J sl . .,.; A "rtlu ot Sa em. h iUQ ,..i? 1 irnlil .m. .-l. lVnlM..m Ft X Salem, the best made stem winder and sette ; iTuit TrPQc. f !' a club of fly 8uh:,.M' "''uy nunwnw of BrowneiT jiF. 6U0 1,a,,an rune tree8 .1 ... i. ? . " KIITIIKI he btkt Alhuuy t01 Ageuta f8Ub'ri e.?ve 600 Italian from tl many v or si ou n South Salem Market. rJ?S"i,iMetoS,llt'wtnn aHd SlnW,VraUor ht 51 ""year.'they can send 10 r. celpt of the names and money fiimi '.uli,.m8 ure " 'w WM rpi - t-iuiuoo oruer or tank dralt. rotai ,riV!.KUms a'- .M to fido. quoted at regular bt buainos. mZ ... Ul01de1ra who aro among ou. selves. "' ",0 fi;lv!n' "" "o'enls may satisfy tliew HOFER BROS., TubLshers, I J I , liljtnMt,nw8Ut. -jawlai F.M.BINEHART, Prop, j BALEM .'.OREGON.