i '' if$n&$ ft&fifAti WVMAb;WWVX,iMkti - KELLER S SONS 1 ,icc reduced on entl e Htock. tS. Wo have the assortment. Come and It TOEir &5Tb6i&EQTom. I I MiirH "fH Details 0f9axFootlnr-Hoyr Work Will Bo Done. "PERSONALS. iMff f Banker ArBasK s26nt Jyestenliiy In Portland. - v- ' " GOING OUT -::- FURNITURE, WALL PAPJSR, BABY BUGQTOgVJUtoOW-, r 8HADES, NOTIONS'and ALU. Wallpaper from 10 to35o per doable roll. Borders from 8 to 10 cent per yard. Give me a call. -::- W. 1L SERGEANT 3. Ii. MITCHELL & CO., Insurance. HOLMAN BLOCK, BALEM. Or. dw 8C1IOOL BODNDAKY LlNKO. tJoUDtJ Bohool Buperiutendent J. B. Graham has changed the boundaries of tbnfol lowing school district: That of dis trict JJ2. Champoejr, and district No. 2, nnr fchamiji: territory was taken from the latter undadded to Nd, 8iJ,tbe; change placing oprtnin property .holdera near the school lu that district. Ter ritory was taken from No. 3 and added to No. 89. for the same reason. This Is Hayavllle. A half section of land was taken from district 101 and added to So. 108. for tho same reason .'''ThfB let- - ter is the Mill City school. Collection of taxes for Marion county began at tho court bouse this morning. The first receipt was Issued to T. J. Cberrlngtou, for $30.92. R. W. Carey paid $129 27, $18.00. of which (is Balem city tax. It takes about ten minutes trglro a receipt, landhe rwlpt .shows Betllls !of -assessment' and apportfofa inent of each different tax. - ' The, cih reRisUSrof taxes collected shoWedtne na'saao'f ,tho Uxrfjyer, page oflax nJll, ndmoer of 'receipt, toUl amount of tax, columns for each of the 122 school districts in the county, the various cities, the county road, county Behoof, county and stato tax. The oolum is aggregate the total amount collected. BberlQ Knight and Deputies Wriirht man and Wain will do the collecting and all taxes must ba paid at the iheriff's office. No penalty attaches until April 1st. AS EQUALIZKD. Tho total value of property in the csunty as equalized by the state board Is $10,705,873. Number of polls at $1.00 each $2345. Total county levies are as follews: Johool districts $ 32.223 93 Cities 28,73a 94 State aud county 161,033 75 Total tan ; , -.---,- C225J49 62 Tho city tax Is distributed, as follews: 3aem $24,707:98; SHverton', $1877421, Woodburtu $1821 67; Gervnls I $748.t8; Jefferson $560.65; Blayton $423; Mt. Angel $282.40; Hubbard $391.65; Au rora $292.0& lJi 9Jv, A PETFox-Geo.t0.ifcVBze has been missing chicken nil "Winter and only yesterday unearthed the poultry boodiere. His dog found a fox in a hollow log when a battlo ensued. The dog gdt a hold on the fox's tail. The fox bit the dog through the foot when Mr. Bavage discovered that reynarci wore a collar. He was captured and awaits an owner who will pay for the. poultry destroyed. I I. !! V William Cullkh Bryant" The study of the life vand character of thfs eminent American poet, will be made a special feature of Interest at the next regular meeting of the ladles auxlllery to the Y. M. O. A. It is urged upon the members that' thoy come prepared to glye something entertaining and eventful of the life of this great man. The dato Is Tuesday, Marob 6, at 3 p. m. Two Ai'i'EALB. The suit of Lewis &, Dryden vs. 8ophle Beeves, wife, and Br. Powell Peeves, is being appealed by plaintiff The equity suit of Mahc & Jorgenson et al., of "Portland, vs. A. E, La Roque, of this county, has booh appealed to tho supremo court. La Roque was victorious In the clroult court, aud plaintiffs appeal. Ford & Kaiser appear for La Rwjue, OUPIAN HOME MANACUqtfl, Will please remember that the' next regular meeting of the board will bo on Thurs day. March 1st. at the residence of Mrs. Z. 8. Moody at 2 p. m. sharp. A full attendance Is requested, Bwebt or Boub. Among the tablo delicacies to be found at Clark & Ep. ploy's are Cross &, Blaokwell's famous chaw-chow, Bnydet's catsup and Hill's Vermont mapel syrup. 100 Court street. A Good Rkoohd. Corvallls has n ouo mill school tax and thoro will be a surplus In the treasury after the present school year. But Corvallls has the state Agricultural college. m To Wed. A licouse was Issued to Miss KntleE. Boa and John Abbott. TbVlaltorUfrom Washington county. Wanted To trade brick .or le or a good fresh mllcboow. t E. SV,Uurpbyi North Balem brick yard. 2 20 tf Francis Parkman's ljM M Beautiful Salem. ' Buper)nteh.de'nt Uao. S. Downing of the Oregon penitentiary, is utilizing convict labor In miking good roads in the vicinity of the prison. Superin tendent Rowland of the stato insane asylum and the state authorities are making first-class roads from that In stitution. In a few years the probabil ity Is that tho roads leading to the Capital city, will be In the beat condi tion for the rapidly Increasing traffic to that city. The Btreets and walks in the city bavo beeu vastly improved within the past two years, aud the city bas'been complimented therefor many times ' thlst winter in our hearjnglb'y strangers add nou-rodldouts; Let the Improvement goon. Balem. has ,the foundation for a beautiful clty.-Day-ton Herald. merchant-Is M. L. Jones, the Brooks In the city, Jk B.-Long has arrived at,Eueue to start a Populist paper. W. E. Biirke came up from Portland this morning on a short .business visit. guest of bis sister, Mrs. Gay lord Cooke. Sii ST Wlllrln. n,l rmll nt .r. vallls, returned home today after a short visit with Balem friends. Col. aad Mrs. L, S. Hawlett, of North Yakima, accompanied by their daugb ter, are the guests of Miss A. W Den nU, on their way homo from California. Hoa. R. if. Ventch made out bis bondasTeglSt?f of Hie U.B Ittba-oP flee at Rosebufg yesterday. His bonds men W lex Uoveruor Wblteaker and Mayor B.H. Prlend'y, who qualify in tbe sum of $6000 each, the boud being for $10,000. His commlsaton bears date of Feb. 10. and be expects to take charge of tiie office April 1st. The office pays $3000 per year. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Young, of Port land, have beon tbe guests of- Ex Alderman Lafore, und left for home this afternoon. They had just return ed from California, and aside from some mammoth fruit, brought Mrs. Lafore a little-souvenir ln-theway of n rea) tarantula and Its bouse. Tbe latter s a peculiar structure and both areon exhibition in John Hughes store win dow. Ebesays if the animal was alive ho. would have a gold chain put on it and wear it on his necktie. LITTLE LOCALS. Among the Folly Boys. The students at the Polytechnic In stitute at Highland are working' an eloctrioal machinery, some twenty dynamos being lu process of con struction. Professor Morrison delivers a dally lecture to tho class in mechanic al engineering and tbe work la spoken of asvory practical, The school seoms to be growing In favor. That Drop in Meats. Is astonishing everybody when they call and see the quality and the display at Cross' markets. Not only the choicest fat steors but nil other meats are going at prices below what anybody had any Idea meals could bo retailed at. Cross is giving the consumer the benefit of the recent slump In the live stock markets. A Qood Move. Home baked bread, buns, pies, bakod beans, meat ilea, or any kind of home baking, done to order, and on Bale at The Blue Front. Bpeolal attention paid to private orders. Try It aud you will have no other. Order at Damon Bros, or of Mrs. N.,H. Burley,-430 Lib erty street. 3-l-3t Miss B. F. Hall went to Albany to day on buBlnesa.. The New York Racket store Is crowded for room and needs enlarged quarters, Ralph Moody was a paeue uger for Portland this afternoon. Mrs. Jessie Em mer lon, daughter of It. E. Wauds, left to day for Great Falls, Mont., after spend ing nearly a year In Balem. W. A. Terapleton, the hop man, is in the city. Geo. M. Beeler went to Portland thin afternoon. His health is still very poor. J, C, Johnson is at Hubbard this afternoon.,' Dr. Heuset, of Jef ferBon, Is lu the city on business. Plans Opened. The following named architects have submitted plans for the Deaf ''Mute Bohool, aud the same are being examined at the office of Supt. MoEIroy. The award will probably not bo made for ten days;. Cbas. II. Burgrafl, Henry Httrrlld, W. C. Knighton, W. D. Ptigb, Salem; Elllcjlt and Lazarus, Otto Kleeman, Justus Krumbeiu, DuPuy and Tonfp klns, O, D. Nicoll, G. H. Vore, E. A. Wujer,, Delos D. Neer, B E..Maxon, P, C. Browne, Portland; Jacob Bohiewe Jr. Central Comhittkr. Chairman Patterson announces that, owing to tbe Democrats' meeting at Hotel Willam ette at same hour, the Republican county central committee meeting next Saturday will be held at the, city coun cil chamber. No Catholic prelate, he asserted over preached a political sermon or urged his flock to a choice of tickets. Tho spirit of bigotry and the disposition to injure a neighbor because of the dlfllerent choice of the roads to heaven were deplored. Mod eration was counseled on the part of the Catholics, and they were advised to mingle freely with Protestants, who bavo au equal Interest with tbe Cath olics in suppressing a tyrannical organization founded on narrow, unfair and un-American principles, whose alms and objects are withheld from the search-light of public scrutiny; whose pledges are oaths of vengenance against fellow-citizens, in direct con travention of the fundamental law; whose practices are of such a character as to fear tho open day. THE SALEM BONDS. THE INJUNCTION. The 8a)era papers. seem to be giving Polk county the fiendish laugh, all be cause a Polk county citizen, A. C. Taylor, allowed his name to be used in an injunction proceeding aguinsf tbe state to build a branch asylum tu Eastern Oregon. Now, we do not care anything about what Mr. Taylor may do in this matter, but we do object jectto the fair name of Polk county drawn Into this case. Mr. Taylor is no doubt an honorable -citizen, but he should not in any way connect his couuty with'lhe case. If Salem wishes to prosecute-in such a suit, let them do It in their own name. Dal.lea Observer. It Is said that tbe Portland and Sa 'em committea of 100 are behind the movement. The Dallas Transcript says: "Mr. J P. Frlzzell.one of the Salem committee of 100, should have covered his tracks when he came over into Polk county and hunted up a man to enjoin pro ceedings in the buildiug of tbe branch Insane asylum In Eastern Oregon. Not wishing to father such a proceeding, having failed in it once, Salem seeks to have the odium of this thing upon Polk county. But it won't wash. Al though it was done by a Polk county man, 99 out of every 100 of our citizens depreciate the move and fling the in sult thus perpetrated back into the teth of the originator. Mr. Taylor snouia snaue the mist or tnts proceed log" from his feet at once." Mr. Frizzell is a well known Popu list. At Mill Oity. General W. E. Odell and H. J. Big' ger have anq address tho- Republican club there. Republicans in hat( ylclnty should give them, a roqslng Jrceptlon and will hear some sound arguments. have conseqted to goto MII1 City tspealcvAcxi Monday olgb't'pnM A Card of Thanks. To the many friends lu aud out of the church, Grand Army and A. O. U, V., we wish to extoud our hearty thanks, for the kindness and sympa thy shown during the rooout afUlotlou. Yours truly, Mr. and Mrs.R. R. Ryan4 flee OUT in a now $1 EDITI jflHsaok Or JAM J&. Whitcomb Rioloy'rt new 'fte. 1MB AT HOME" jFOR BAtMBY Hauling Sand. A fleet of broadtlred wagou are haullug Sdud to the stato reform school for the new bulldlm that lairolm? ud tfleW TJejhoreeook-aa tioujtf (hey" ha'd auerrdlet road fojnml 'throJgh'jn gettlug there. Tbe California pattern. pul wagons Ki are of OPPOSING T11E A. P, A. Quite n large meeting was hold last Sunday at Portland undor the auspices of the AmericanDefenslve Association, iu opposition to tho so-called autl Catholic American Protective Associa tion, Tho principal speaker was Frank Davoy, of Forest Grove, for two years City Editor of The Journal. Fol lowing synopsis of his remarks appear ed In the Oregeulau: Mr. Davoy said he did uot speak as a member of any national or religious sect, but as a oltlzju of tbe United States, tho greatest government on earth. Ho wished to assist the Ameri can Defeuslve Association lu protesting against the existence of au orgaulza itlou, the aim and object of which was the subversion of tho principles of liberty aud freedom by the persecution and conscription of a class of citizens on account of their religious belief. Such objects, ho held, wtre unlawful, unconstitutional, and In absolute con flict with thn spirit aud geuius or American Institutions. No movement was so fraught with danger to free Institutions as that which would Inter fere with the right of a cltlzin to wor ship God In his own way without molestation, Tho American Protective Association, he said, was not Ameri can In its. conception but was the child ofOraugeUm, all Its o.ths aud prac tices belug derived from thu latter or gaulzatlou. its fundamental prluci- Delos "D. Neer, a Portland architect, is In Balem. ' t. BOOKSELLER zuy yommpftyfu at. Hood'a and Only Hood's. Hood 'a Sarsaparllla is carefully pre pared from Barsaparllta, Dandelion, Mandrake. Dock, Pipsisaewa, Juniper berries ana other well known remedies, by a peculiar combination, proportion and progress giving to Hood's rka Mtrllla curative Dowrnmiot- Bosed by other medlolnes, It eflects remark able curve when other prepaiatloua fiUL Hood'a rilla euro bltlousnew. Uiuuuy rjuuceq oi cemuttes ago prejudice entirely foreign to this coun try. Ilelug au exogenous plant, it is likely to. perish in the soil of freedom atoll so uucougeulal to its growth. Then tho speaker portrayed the posi tion or tlio Uatbobo church toward American institutions, IU devotion to sood government aud Its charity dis pensed without regard to the religious belief of the reclpleut. Tbe Catholics, he sild, were the only members of a religious organization, who go to the polh year after year and vote without even luqulring Into the religious belief or tntt cauuiuatw Yet no ou aullerod o much at the polls on account of hU religious bsllsfas do the Catholic, New Flour-Gold Process. Myrtle Creek, March, I. Ground has been broken on the Had ley bar, two miles below town, by White tCo's mammoth steam hydraulic luiniug plant, tho only one of IU kind now iu operation on the Pacific slope. This bar has been known to be very rich iu aurifernUB deposits for n long time, but tbe gold is of such fineness as to make It impracticable to attempt saving it by the ordinary prosesses. White & Co. proposes using the"burlap process" .which has been tried on similar deposits and rouna to wont admirably. Tne plant conBiBts of a 150 horsepower boiler aud a No. 15 Gardner steam pump, having a 10-Inch suction and an 8-inch discharge pipe. The capacity of the pump Is nearly 100,000 gallons per hour. This water is forced through a .No. l giant, with a 'J-lucu nozzle, guaranteed to throw a cutting stream 100 feet. If this plant saves the gold successfully It will Inaugurate a new era in placer mining in this part of tbe state, as there are thousands of acres of Just as good bars as the Hadley bar along tho Soutb Ompqua river. MUBDER NEAR DAMASCUS. A Fanner is Killed and His Hired Man is Missing. Oregon Cityj March 1. Coroner R. L Holman received word from tbe vicinity of Damascus to the effect that a man named Acorns had been found dead undei what appears to have been suspicious circumstances. As near as can be learned here, he had employed a man to grub for him under contract, and a few nights sluce, this man was ordered to leave the community by masked men. He resisted, and tired at the parties who tried to drive him away. Nothlug further was heard of tho matter till this morning, wben Mr. Acorns was fouud dead at his hou.-e, and the man who was doing the grub bing Is missing. The coroner will go nut there to hold au inquest. Desperate Demands. BUKLINOTON, Wl., MttTOll 1. John Callahnu, an aged farmer, was shot dead hat night by a man who entered the house demaudlng money, which Callahan said he did not have. Neigh bora are scoutlug the woods for the murderer, and will bring him If caught. Killed Two Burglars. New Bui'Sfewicic, N. J., Mar. 1, News has Just beon received from braukhn prtrk. that Boyd Baker, a Mornr Hutch, nf Balem. vetoed an ordinance issuing $60,000 new bonds on that city, but. the city council passed the measure over his head, by a uuanlmous voto, The people will JusU ly think that Mayor Gatch possessed more brains than his entire council When those bonds become due. Bclo Press. "New bonds." Is a mistake. The bonds referred to are to fund out Btandlngclty warrants drawing eight per cent interest nnd at a discount of ten to twenty per ,nt0 b1x per cent bonds. The entire council would resist Is suing new bonds as strongly as Mayor Gatch. The outstanding warrants are partly for 1893 when no city tax was levied, and partly for the "hole In tbe ground" as the veto calls the city hail, which was begun and carried oa under Mayor Gatcb'a administration. Mayor Gatch's plan to take up war rants gradually out of current revenues Is not practical. At least it is never done. It would simply leave city war rants at the mercy of the warrant scalpers for years tc come. Tbe only way to pay oft the city debt Is to amend tbe charter so as to set aside a portion of the ten mill city levy as a sinking fund, to be used for that purpose. That should be done in tbe next legislature. -::- COMING EVERY DAY -::- Quarry Caved In Allentown, Pa., Mar, 1. Tho top of Williams and Sous quarry, at Wll liamstowu, caved in this morning, bur ying Joseph Beamly, Samuel Kreitz, G. O. Priclmrd, W. R. Jones and three Hungarians. Jones was dug out alive. The rescuing party can speak with Beamier but tbe others are probably all killed. 1,200 Students. Detroit, March 1. The second in ternational convention of the students' volunteer movement for foreign mis sions opens here this evening. Twelve hundred delegates from all partB ot the world, represetiug over forty denomi' nations and between 200 and 300 col leges, will be present. A Philosopher's Opinion. Vcltaiie said to a beautiful young lady with whom he was dining. "Your rivals are the perfection of art; you are tbe perfection of nature." This could not a been said if tbe young lady was suffering from disease, and pain had left its Higns ou the features. Women who want to keep beautiful, and be tbe "perfection of nature," should use "Favorite Prescription" to assist Nature wben needed to correct irreg ularities, aid circulation aad digestion, and thereby clear up the skin, render it soft aud beautiful. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is the only medicine for woman's peculiar ills, sold by druggists, and guaranteed to give satisfaction in every case or money refunded. Outing Flannels, Scotch Ginghams, Wool Dress Goods, Spring Stvles, Choice Qualities, Popular Prices. :-:J. J. DALRYMPLE & CO., KASH KUT IN KORN ! :-: CORN! CORN! CORN I Not tho Seed Corn, nor Dried Corn ; but Canned. You can get FIVE CANSuf the above at Harritt and Lawrence's CASH GROCERY for 50 CENTS. Four brands to choose from, embracing: "WHITE LILY," "OWL," "DEW DROP" or COUNCIL BLUFFS, any of which cots from 15c to 20c at the credit stores of this city. Harritt awrence. P. O. GROCERY, BIU oOUS ynLL IB BB I -- 3. TTCA- . . t t.VP Ar. tr PHIUm -AT THE- .. i.-. --ViV' B2X . wrr -::-Columbia Shoe Store For 10 days. Buy now, BefSr invoice ing the Stock. We are Offering BARGAINS, LOCAL ANNOUNCEMENTS. Announcements oi entertainments, special attierlngs. lodges, and tocletles under this eadlne inserted for 25 cent, notice not tn ax. ceed Ave lines, or more than three Insertions. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. SOTICE 18 HEBKBY GIVEN THAT THE partnership heretofore existing- between . Jes sun A Oartwrleht is this dav dissolved by mutual consent. Dr. Jessup will remain In the office furrnerly occupied by us. Dr Car t wright will remove to rooms 4. 6 and 6 118 State Street, Salem, Oregon. nORN. D'Arcy block Balem, Or., March 1, 1891. S. It- Jessup. K.CAIlTWaiQUT. 3-Mm plai were handed down through the f.vouns former, shut aud killed two Negro burglar after they bad killed his wire aud child, Low Steamer Bates. Parties intending visiting the Mid winter Fair bhouid Datronizd the Tin inn Paciflo Steamers, as this Company has inuceu iu eneci ram rortianu tne low rate of f 22.00 to San Francisco and re turn, which Includes meals aud berth. Full particulars can be obtalued by ad (Irraalnir W. U Hnrlluirt A fj u a Union Paclilodystoni, Portland. 1-26-tf Midwinter Fair Eates. Midwinter Fair excursion tickets, Salem to San Francisco aud return, via Southern Pacific Go's. Shasta route. Rate, $27.50, including flve ad missions to the fair. Tickets good for thirty days from date of sale. Morningside Poultry Yarda. Errs for sale, of best strains pure bred Black Minorca and Plymouth Rock. Thomas Blundell, proprietor, postofllco, SaUm, Or. Take motor ear line. Prices $1.00 and $2.00 per setting. 2 20 d tf Rather Steep. Than take In any other form Is what many people think aud Park's Tea Is made for Just those folks, it cures constipatlou aud though not a cathartio moves the bowels every day. Sold at Capitol Drug Store. Rural Feast. Better than Geruica. Have you tried it? Richest, cheapest breakfast cereal. told br all Hiim ivSEt" W lUon 4 Uajte, BUverton" whole 3 iaim FB.A8ER. To Mr. and Mrs. A. Eraser in Simpson's addition to Sa lem, Mar. l, a sen: Do not suffer from sick headache a moment iineero.ii .,not ntceosaiT. Carter's Little Uver Pills will cure you. Dose, one little pill. Bmall prices. Small do-es. Small pill. Mrs. Chas. Smith of Jlmes, Ohio. wrlte: 1 S?,UKelev,e,7 "jned'y for sick headache I rouldhtaref for the past fifteen yeirs, but JrtrS HttIe Llver 9 "'1 me more eood than all the rest. Have no equal as a prompt and ro?IUe cure Jor slcklieadache, biliousness, constlpa tlon, pain In the side, aud nil liver troubles Carter's Little JUver Pills. Try the". World-wide, means world-tried. The high reputation and enormous sale of Beecham's o& JOHN HUGHES. Dealer i Groceries, Taints, Oils, Window Wlass, Varnishes and the most complete stock of Crushes of nil Kinds in the State. Artists' Mater ials,time, Hair, Cement aud Shingles and finest quality of GRASS SHEDS New Advertisements. WANTED Pushing Canvasser of good ad dress. Liberal salary nnd expenses pall weekly; permanent posltlno. BHOW'N Bros. Co., Nurserymen, Portland, O . d eod MO 1CW 1 nil.lKV f IOAH RTOHW. KrnltHnnd can- i dy. 150 sta e street. Fine tobacco and cigars. 3-Mf . TlOR XtENT-Good house, with three loU J L' and bam. Abundance of small Irult, rood J bearlug fruit trees and splendid Harden. Kent ; very low. Arplj to P. K . care JOUbWAU 5 2 10 tf ( Worth a Guinea a Box, ) Pills .VtkforlL sale dealers. ,.?R Sale, Several young extra flne vuue ieguorn, pure hred cockrels cij tut-ap, ai JOURNAL OftlCe. (Tasteless) reflect the wisdom of two generations. 35 cents a box. )OQw TIME! O We . , for Garden Seeds, havaanice, fresh sunnlv. Osborn & Harritt's 110 Court street. Cheuiuwu, Oregon. 1 AND F. It SALE -Inoulre of I J halfn mile north 01 Harrlton 8. G. Pugn, Institute, i 13-1 m SHK most perfect fitting traps rca!e. WW hold a rupture where ull others bt led. For sale by J. L. Parrlsh, 401 Capital street. 12-lHf cxatlle, TlA PPllQ - PnpllnnH Ca am man,n JL TacomnnndSan Frunclscopupersonsals v nesneus, roMOinca niocK, CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Literature J of all blndHou HftleiUX.'p Liberty street, 4-5-iy 3-mia PAPER Is kepton file at E. C. l)ae; . Advertising Agency, 84 and 65 Merchant xchauge.San Francisco, California, wbert contract for advertising can ha made for i Closing Out! 1 AHA KC-LL3 WALL PAPER ; t l.UUU Wholesale coat, V7 SUte street. This paper must be all ctoed out In a short iime. uati early and get tne nnesi uuu paper cheaper than eer will be sold again. 1 1 Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair, PRICE'S egaking ?4 iii MUlioDs of Homes-, Vears th SuSrf Hardware, Wagons, Carts, Road Machinery "iX1J V'fiiVULTURAI' IMPLEMENTS. tl mi r r Lateat Proved Goods aud Lowest Prices, n. w. Cor, state and Liberty Sh. SALEM. OREGON s -x O I make a Specialty of flltinc the Eye with Glasses. V it" t G i have had thirty-live years' experience, whlcu. ' v ' v-' with my French Trial Case, enables rue to cor- vleL t , , rectlyflttheEye. There la no charge for my X-jc r f0pt,CalGood9and can flt yourEyeaatoueelttiDg. W. W. MARTIN, Ootician Northwestern Nursery. KoodmSto puS ,eAJtDJnnVtar,ie,t,,a ofil x- f" froQ vermin. TbU b TIMES PRIOWtiUw ? deI,Yed free to any part of the city. HAHD