Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, February 06, 1894, DAILY EDITION, Image 1

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    ' "WXfW'FW""
-num ymmmmtmimimKmM
SO Oto a Month by Wall
prepaid in Advanoe
rj0 papers sent -whn
Time lo ""
$3.00 a Year.
Tlio Journal lias a tArger Clr-
-' ctt!nt!on In Salem and Marlon
Comity than any Salem newtjia
per, Cdo our lists.' 1IOFEU fJItOS
VOL. 7.
NO. 2$.
ML '-.. -. Vl
: f '" ' ' "
,'.j2 .';'-' . -
fc-2 if i"
SEE our all-wool $5.00 Pants that, we are
selling for. $3.00 a pair. ' ,. . f . 't' 4 ,
AND OUT, We aim to keep in stock everything in
the line of Sportsmen's Goods, Arms and Ammunition. Ik ou
can always make money by" consulting our stock aud prices.
Brooks L Salisbury.
Our general Stock of FURNITURE aud CARPETS is so
well selected that it
It is to YOUR BEST
A, Buren & Son.,
Largest line of Solid Silverware in the city. Spectacles
and Eye Glasses were never sold as low as now.
Ed. C.
Completed and ready to wait on customs Hoj larted by day or week
at reasonable prices. We keep a full line of Truck-, Drays and -Express to
meet all demands? Also .keen Ptbe finest Bullions in this county, for servtee.
Barn and, residence 2 block south of postofflce. Kyak s i"-
I mimun-rrm merchant TAILOR
J. RUBINSTEIN, Suits Made to Order,
v f : t -
THE BEST STRAINS of Black Minorca, Brown
Leghorn and Plymouth Rock Eggs for breeding:,
from select pens of the beet fowls. Prices moderate
quality considered. A few superior Brown Leg
horn Hens for sale ut a b.irgilu. Call or address
25th street, near Stale
221 Commercial Street.
Wholesale ami Retail
Dealer in Fresh, Salt and
Smoked Meats of .1 lKlnds
93 Court and
110 State Streets.
The Senate Committee
of Finance
Tlio Business Interests of the
In Bashing through the Wilson
Ia the House.
Washington, Feb. 6. Ellis, of Ore
gon, asked unanimous consent for the
consideration a senate bill to extend
the time allowed the Umatilla Irriga
tion company for the completion of Its
caunl across the Umatilla Indian reser
vation. The Oregon bill passed. After
a call of committees for reports the Ha
waiian debate was rosunietf, Outhwalte
Democrat, of Ohio, taking the door in
support of the McCreary resolution.
In the Senate.
Washington, Feb. 6. The senate
committee of Judiciary postponed until
Monday consideration of nomination of
Judge Peckbam.
The bill repealing the federal election
laws was taken up. Hawley of Con
netlcut spoke in opposition.
The national wool growers associa
tion convened in annual session today.
It was resolved to present a protest and
request this afternoon to the seuato fl
nance committee asking a hearing ou
the wool schedule of Wilson tariff bill.
No Tariff Hearings.
The Democratic members of the
senate committee on Finance have
decided to grant no more hearings on
the tariff bill.
Senator Vorhees is authorized to pre
pare statement of reasons oouating the
committee. It is understood he will
say that in present conditions of busi
ness of the country, tlrm is an 0433:
tial element in the Battlement of the
tariff question, and the committee
could not allow a bearing to go on
indefinitely, and could not cut them
off iu the middle without doing In
justice to aotm interests. The Re
publicans will probably m ike a vig
orous protest aud will likely ask to
have the bill recommitted.
New Postmaster.
Washington, D. 0.,Veb, 6. The
president nominated Seymour Man
ning, postmaster at Colfar, Wash.
Hawaiian Hot Shot.
Washington, Feb. 0. The Hawaii'
an debate again occupied the attention
of the bouse, a night session being held
to permit speeches by those who desired
to talk, but who otherwise would not
have had the opportunity, on account
of the limited time allowed. The de
bate is attracting much less attention
in the home than was anticipated.
This Is, pjrbapi, partly due to the
abandonment of the policy of restora
tion by the administration and partly
to the fact tint tb long tariff debate
ha? surfeited the house.
The principal apisjaas were mida
by Johnson of Indian, Boutelle, Pat
terson of Tennessee, and Black of
Illinois. "The honor of the Amer
ican name," said Boutelle, "Is being
draped in the dust by Qrover Cleve-H
land, Walter Q. Gresbam, James H.
DIount and Minister Willis. I have
no words to express my contempt for
their policy of treachery, duplicity aud
false pretense. Yoa on the other side
cannot condone this outrage; you can
not make this heroic." (Applause.)
He characterized Gresham as "disap
pointed and apostate" secretary of
state, who tn conjunction with the
president, sought not only to uproot
and cyerturn an American govern
tnent, but to degrade the American
navy by putting it under control of a
Georgia politician In order to get some
one who would haul down the Ameri
can flg. (Applause). When that
order was written, whether by the sec
retary of the navy or tlje president, tho
constitution was violated and be who
penned it, rendered himself liable to
impeachment. As a partisan, he might
well glory and gloat over the present
policy of the Democratic party, whloh,"
he added amid Republican applause,
"had been spewed out by the Ameri
can people." He concluded with a
glowing eulogy on the American flag,
reciting a few versos as a sort ofapos
tropho to tbo stars and stripes, written
by a native Hawaiian. He was liber
ally appjauded when betook his seat.
The Senate Investigation.
Washington, Feb. 0. The senate
Hawaiian investigating committee at a
special meeting gave Josouh E. Simp
son, of the state of' Washlugton,.an op
portunity to place before the committee
facts gathered by him bearing upon
the advantages to be derived from a
closer union with the islands. He had
visited the islands to make arrauga
menta for steam communication be
tween Hawaii and Puget Sound. His
investigation was therefore upon a
commercial basis. He suoceeded in se
curing a guarantee of a subsidy for
carrying the malls, and obtained a
mass of information, which convinced
him of the great natural resources and
possibilities for development of wealth
on the islands.
President Huntington's Scheme for
. More Bonds.
Washington, Feb. 0. O. P. Hun
tington, who was before pacific? rail
road committee of senate today, made
a suggestion , to the committee in the
shape of a bill, looking to the reorgani
zation of the Central Pacific system.
His proposition is that the company
sball give a mortgage to the govern
ment, covering all its property, in con
sideration of which, it may issue
$134,000,000" 2 per cent bondp.
running 125 years, -to be applied first,
to replacement of the mortgage bonds
of the Central Pacific and California
and Western Pacific railroad,
amounting to $27,853,000, also
to the redemption bonds issued on ac
count of the California and Oregon
company, amounting $30,000,000.
Jjasr Against Short Skirts.
Boston, Feb. 0. A bill is to be intro
duced today in the legislature entitled:
"An act for suppression of indecent
dances in public places." It prevides:
"No woman shall appear at u publlo
performance in d'rens or skirts which
do not come within atleast four inches
of the floor and waist of which must bo
so constructed that, no part of her per-
n is exposed below the neck."
Second part says: "No woman shall
appear in tights or appear at public
performances in high kloking or ser
pentine hip or skirt dances."
Big .Bimetallic Movement.
Boston, Feb. 6. A meeting of promi
nent oitizeus was held here to promoto
the establishment of international bi
metallism aud a representative com
mittee was selected to push forward
the work.
President Andrews, of Brown univer
sity, was elected obalrman. Promoters
of the movement are opposed to free
coinage of silver but believe the repeal
of the purchasing clause of tho Sher
man act affords an excellent opportu
nity for advancing the cause of inter
national bimetallism. They think the
needs of commerce will soon compel
the International use of silver.
Burial of O. W. Ohilds.
Philadelphia, Feb. 0. The re
mains of George W. Guilds were laid
today In the Drexel mausoleum, Wood
laud cemetery, beside those of his clo-r
est frien 1, A. J. D-exel, w.10 dUd a
few months ago. The funeral service
were held this afternoon iu St, James
Ep'scopal chu'obi of which tlio da
cea-ied wa verftrrmu for miny
A Smill OAttonng.
Toi'EKA, Kin. Feb. O.Fuur hun
dred people awm'jlod tliii m truing to
hear opening speeches of meeting of
National Firmer AHIini au I In
dustrial Uulon. Furty de'egates are
present. Givernor Ltwelllni; and J.
F. Wlletta delivered addrfssea of wel
come. "Farmers" of Now York
and Mann Page of Virginia responded.
Whiskey Ooes Up.
New York, Feb. 0. The whiskey
trust has advanced the price of whiskey
two cents per gallon.
Contagion at Ashland.
Ashlano, Oregon, Feb. 0 Special
Considerable excitement and not a lit
tle anxiety Is fdlt hereover the pretence
of scarlet (over iu our city. The publlo
schools were closed yeiturdtty to pre
vent furthor epread of the contagion.
There are now twelve jae, and the
weather U not vury favorable.
Mm, Hulau died herd ye.terdiyof
cancer of the stomaeh, .
A German Cruiser for
No Tarift
War Wanted
Appeal for Gorman
and Harmony.
The German Kaiser Speaks.
Berlin, Feb. 0. The erqperor at
touded.a dinner given by Von Caprivi
to members of parliament, and deliv
ered a speech. Ho announced the fact
that tho treaty of commerce with Rus
sia had been signed. His majesty said
never before had the relchstag made a
decision bo fraught with Important
consequeuces as this treaty. Its rejec
tion would be Inevitably followed by a
tariff war, aud at a not remote period
by real war.
"Let every deputy," he continued,
"realize his responsibility. The favor
able terms of tho treaty were entirely
due to the personal intervention of the
czar and his strong love of peace. The
treaty is marked throughout by love
and peace. Tho czar has been com
pelled to overcome, vigorous resistance
ou the part of the manufacturing
and commercial interests of Russia."
Emperor William was exceedingly
gracious an animated, and remained at
the soiree three hours. Lovlzow, pres
ident of the relchstag, submitted to tho
emperor the grievances of farmers
against the financial reform bill. His
mnjesty listened attentively and then
repeated that the passage of tho bill
was of high political necessity; by pass
ing It, tho relchstag would win the
lasting gratitude of Germans. He con
cluded by saying that patriotism and
responsibility forbade Its rejeotlon.
A German Protest.
Bbulin, Feb. 0. In the relchstag,
Freidburg, national liberal, asked what
was the government's position In re
gard to the Coburg succession. Freld
borg said the dual position of the Duke
of Saxe-Cuburg Gotha as a German
sovereign and prince of a foreign state
was incompatible with the German na
tional feeling, and suggestod the duke
should renounce his British nationality.
Chancellor von Caprivi, In reply, de
clared the Duke of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha
a lawful sovereign of tho duchy, and
his sovereignty excluded all dependence
upon a foreign state.
English Comment.
London, Feb, 0. The Pall Mall Ga
zetto, further commenting on the action
of Benhani at Rio, says thora are so
many European interests In Brazil that
Bouham will never bo allowed to play
the game Ejau played iu Chill. Bert
ham has no right to defend bis action
on the plea that the European powers
are Intriguing to restore the empire in
Brazil, although the powers would
have every oxuiiho to re establish the
empire If it was true Bruzil desired an
' Russia and Trance.
London, Feb, 0, A dispatch from
Ht. Petersburg says If France adopts
tho Increased tariff Russia will adopt
retaliatory measures. It Is ulso said
similar measures will bo adopted
ugalust several American import.
One of the Russian officials said the
American grain Is superceding that of
RussU. Russia he declared would
rather have the friendship of thote
who cure for nothing but their own
From Africa.
Livkhi'ool, gob. 0. A dispatch
ffotuBlerra Leoue announces further
disturbances on the frontier, between
British aud French forces. A dttach
luent of British frontier police, while
encamped In the 8fa country, have
been fired upon by a force of French
native troops. During the conflict one
Frenchman and five native police
were killed.
A German Cruiser.
RKHLitif Feb, 0,Tho German cruis
er Marie is now in Chilian waters. It
Highest of all in Leavening Power.-
rcriVKi P
A X j& f
will be ordered
to Rlode Janerlo nt
Da Gama Gets Help.
London, Feb. 0. A dispatch from
Lisbon Bays It Is stated that thb Roths
childs are furnlshlnar money to Ad
miral Da Gama.
Oregon Paclfio Investigation. '
Cokvallis, Feb. C iSpeoihl. C.
O. Hogue, formerly auditor of Oregon
Pacific, under T. Egehton Hogg's re;
celverahip, has for sevel days been
employed in going over the volutuous
records nt the clerk's ollloe, and ea
pecially tho report of E. W. Hadley,
ex-receiver. Mr. Hogue is very thor
ough aocouutant and fully couvereaut
with Oregon Paolflo matters, and us
Mr. Hadley has made such nn attucfc
upon his predecessor, and itls expected
that Mr. Houge will make publlo the
result or his investigations In a day or
two, comment Is perhaps unpeceennry
as to the position Mr, Hogue wl take,
but doubtless the auxloua public will
be somewhat surprised by revelations
yet to come.
Perfectly Harmonious Convention of
Clubs at Portland.
Portland, Feb. 0. The state con
vention of Republican clubs was called
to order this forenoon -by President
Thomas H. Tongue. About forty olubs
were represented. The entire forenoon
was consumed In preparation of a re
port of commit tee on credentials. After
adoption of which a committee on order
of business and onejon resolutions wns
was appoiuted.
Tho convention thou took a recess
until 1:30. Harmony was manifested
in tho openlug session of tho oouvcUt
Hon, It was in striking contrast with
that which marked tho soIou of two
years .ago, when John L. Ayor pre
sided for a. brief time,
At MoMlnvllfe, Or., Fob. 6, Thomas
J. Bhadden, the last of tho plonoors of
1842, died aged 80.
The senate has confirmed John T
Terry as receiver of publlo moneys at
Heattlo, Wash.; Win. P. Watson, publlo
surveyor for Washington.
The special eleotlon at Albany, held
to vote upon tho question of placing a
toll upon tho steel wagon brldgo across
the Willamette, resulted In a majority
of 40 In fayor of maintaining It as a
tree bridge.
Tub Journal has not exhausted thu
O. P. mine of information and has
much more of Importance to make pub
lic. Wedonotglve up the (lght nor
retrace a step. Judge Fullerton's de
teuce as prtnieu yosteruay. leaves him
Iu a very difficult position, frqm whloh
he cau ouly retreat by resigning. The
eud is not yet. The cuuiilng ciruura
Hon crowd are nt work to further ttilp
the road uiid hopo in thu q ilet of the
next few months to gain thtilr em!
Iu the mean lima thu people are
watching the receivership. They aro
watching Receiver Olarb, Tho Ya.
qulim Post says:
"Ho hiiHtiUcceedeVlet!plto the mount
uln of difficulties that has beset him, to
raise a portion (70 per cent.) of one
mouth's full pay to the employe ofllio
road, which has or soon will be puld u
them. Ho took charge a receiver
against his earnest protest, ut a time,
too, when there was no money In the
treasury and no supplies, nmJ aw the
order of the court proveuod hint frp,jn
incurring any Indebtedness on life
road's account, things looked mo&tdhf
The above Is complimentary to Mr.
Clark and wc concede Its truth. But
the assertion that 70 per ceut. would
be paid on tho pay rolls ha never beau
authorized by Mr. Clark. Wn trust It
will materialize. We trust it Is not
further delusion thrown luthooyedof
the so often deluded employes. We
are willing to concede Mr. Cork's ublll-j
ty auu honesty or purpose, and cheur
fully uphold him Iu an luuet admin.
Utratlou. But wo fcbalj uot Join tHj
(thnniififnawuriinbi' miuh H'Tium lib..
been too much of that already. Wejj
wait actual rau;is.
Jf r -,.,
, One JSruat, Hazard, who kidnaped
his boy .iiud eloped with, Minnie Col
lins, of. Ithaca, N. Y., Is tho latent
knave to plead- "The woman gave to
mo and I did cat," for ho recently con-
fessed to Mrs. Hazard and thanked her
fo "breaking tho spoil which Miss Col
lins, ho says, 'hoU' upon" him," He
claims that" Rtsa" Collins' completely
hypnotized" h'lm, and had him spell
bound under her, patrol, While thft
spell. aatejU ho.. claims, ho. could do
nothing of'JUs qwn volition regardless
of tho will of tlio woman. "Mi r?nll
lliis, Hazard -tolls his wife,.-could do
anything with him, and now that Mrs.
Hiizard'linattdivMrco and MissColllns
hnsgouo to Kausas City to marry a
wealthy cooperiramod Kelt v. his esoa.
pade seeing to him HkO a dream, for
wbieli lie can In nowise account. JHe
has asked Mrs. Hazard to remarry him
ut the 'end, 0? six months.
If Mrs. Hnzard marries thU fellow qn
this "baby not" plea sho will llye to '
deeply regret It. . JV. rnah mean onougn,
cowardly, enough,, sneak enough and
fool, enough ,. to. pretend whonhesjns
that "It was she," that if "she" had ,
not "fasclnatod" him be. would never
have beep either a fool oraknave,l
about as contomptlblo a , man aa overi
whined for forgiveness from a wronged'
wife. Dr. Johnson used to say that
tho pretense of parlotlsm was the last
refuge- of a scoundrel, and we have
reached a point whoro "hypnotism" is
become the latest refugo 0T11 gay Loth
ario and a faithless husband. Every
honest man of tho world knotfa bettor;
ho knows that so far from women
"throwing thelr.head at moD," or try
ing to break down masculine virtue by
"liypnotlzlng" gnod husbands, as a
rule it Is al thq other way. It Is the
man that pursues tho Woman aud seeks
to undermine her .good, resolutions by
appeals, to her vaulty, hor cupidity, her
credulity, hor auctions and hor pas
along,, . Znobla graces the triumph of
Aurollan, not Aurellun thatofZenobla;
Cleopatra -does noUA'hypuotlza" An
tony but? Antony tempts Cleopatra to
rlsk'h'er thrbUo for hlra, and when she
has lost K, because Antony lackod thb
skill, tho prudonce or the luck to de
fend It, It Is C!oTpat!,d"that thinks life
no longer worth living and appllestho
poisonous uap to her bosom, that bad
su long and so faithfully pillowed the
head of Antony. Soattlo P. I.
Have 'you hoard the'uow waits song,
"Why Did I Doubt? " by Kellor Bros.
It Is having uti Immonso sale through
out the Evt, ,Cop!ej can be had at
Wiley J), AUon ra on Commercial street.
InsanIk. Joseph Beck, agod 83 years
ban been brought up totho asylum from
ClaokanmH county.
" " tl'l-l tLSJL'- '. I. Ill
"Afl.oia aa
iiovor oxcoll--xl.'
nnd proven"
ia tho vordict
of millions.
S immona
Livor Rogu-
yx lator is too
ln&PTf'P'y9Qny Livor
JDuVPCtt and Kidnoy
. inodicinp to
much you
can pin your
faith for a
euro. 1 A
mild Joxa
tivo, and
purely vog
otablo, ' act
,Jug directly
on mo juiver
and Kid-
Latest U.S. Gov't Report
noya.' Try it.
Bold by all
Druggists in Liquid, or In Powder
to bo t&kon dry or mode into a too
TbaKlsfforUwataiUolnef. '
, I hava wl ypurMtaMMf UvkRmki
ti tor nnil win &Juieueto0ly myUUfM
ViBK.of ollllvxr medium I eanMdwrlt
rnl(HliMt la Itcoir-UawTW. JAS
5, TafeoMut, Wtublustoa,
Vm tb K 9ttap larwlija ytrtf
. -31