Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, February 05, 1894, DAILY EDITION, Image 1

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    , j--v,r w-vyv'sRT9?'Trr
Buff) II nililiiillilMBiMMW
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i- Ota n Month by JJnll
Time 1 Out.
$3.00 a Year.
. -
Tim Journal linn a Lnrffor;cir-
dilation In Salem and Marlon
County tlutn nuy Salem newipa
per.' See our lists. 1IOFKK BROS
O rubllilieri.
VOL. 7.
NO. sa7.
O A JP I 1. AJu
.1 JLjLJLjf
i m
The reduction of all kinds of wool and wool-mixed Underwear
for ladies, gents and children, which it still continues at Cost,
by reducing all kinds of Mackintoshes, and Gossamers to Cost,
to close out the ballance of the line. They offer now
Misses' Go. Samcrs at 75 cents, worth $1.00
MIssps' " with Cape and Hood, $1.00, worth $1.25.
Ladies' Inverness " $2, worth $2.50.
Ladies' Mackintosh, $, worth $3.70.
Ladies' Mackintosh, all wool, $0 25, worth $7.75.
Men's Mackintosh, $4, wortli $5.35.
All kinds of OILED COATS, black and yellow, at Cost.
WOOL HOSE for ladies and Gents and Children at Cost; Ave
are willing to sell all the above winter stock at wholesale prices,
making nothing on them, to close them out. Call and see for
yourselves Our line of Shoes of all kinds of best quality, and
very low prices.
L-4 I
AND OUT, We aim to keep in stock every tiling in
the line of Sportsmen's Goods, Arms and Ammunition. Y ou
can always make money by consulting our stock and prices.
Brooks &, Salisbury.
Ourcreneral Stock of FURNITURE and CARPETS is so
well selected that it
It is to YOtTB BEST
A, Buren & Son.,
Largest line of Solid Silverware in the city. Spectacles
and Eye Glasses were never sold as low as now.
221 Commercial Street.
Ed. C.
JBk Choice Meats.
Completed and ready to wait on customers. Horses ed by . JnresTto
treasonable prices We keep a full line of Trjiok", Jy J- w
tom all demands. Also keen the finest Stallions in this county, for wrvJce.
Barn and ret-idence 2 block south of
ial St.
Wholesale and Retail
Dealer in Fresh, Halt and
Smoked Meats of a IKIuds
OS Court and
110 State Streets.
nostoHlce. JUA"
Suits Made to Order.
HawaiianAffairs Aired
in the House.
Clears the Field for Got.
Senator Hob Yeatch, of Roseburg,
Gets a Place.
Hawaiian Affairs.
Washington, D. C, Feb. 5. The
Hawaiian debate was resumed by
Morse, Republican of Massachusetts,
who had five minutes, but before he
proceeded one, Outhwalte, Democrat of
Ohio, called htm to order for unparlia
mentary lauguage. The language to
which Outhwalte objected was as fol
lews: "Strange to tell, at command of
their master, the Great Grover Cleve
land, his cuckoos in the house and son-
ate, staunch southern Democrats, who
are the loudest shouters for a white
man's government, disregard all their
ancient traditions about the white
man's supremacy and white man's
government." The speaker ruled that
the language was unparliamentary.
Meanwhile Morse's time had expired.
Debate in Congress.
Washington, D. 0.v Feb. 5. Mc-
Gann, Democrat of Illinois, tried to
secure unanimous consent in the house
for consideration of a resolution to In
vestigate the action of Judge Jenkins
in the Northern Pacific railroad case,
the employes which road be had en
joined from striking, but objection was
Oregon Appointments.
Washington, Feb. 6. The presi
dent has sent the following nomina
tions to the senate:
Postmasters Frank 8. Harding.Mc
Minnville, Oregon. Abram W. Wls
uer, Olyrapla, Washington.
Register of Land oHlee, Robert M.
Veatch, at Roseburg.
Receiver of Public Moneys, Vincent
Snelling, at Lakeview, Oregon.
Oregon Pensions.
Washington, Feb. 6. Original,
Michael Spban, Jacksonville, Jackson
county; Henry Whipple, father of a
soldier, Elkton, Douglas county; In
crease, Hugh Flether, Wallowa, Wal-
lawa county; reissue, Martin V. Daud,
Bunny View, Multnomah county.
Federal Election Law.
Washington, Feb. 5. It Is believed
the bill repealing the federal election
laws will be passed by the tenate Tues
day, as It has already passed tho house
and as there Is no fer of executive op
position it is highly probable It will be
come a law.
Bland Reports the Bill to Coin the
Treasury's Seigniorage.
Washington, Feb. 5. Tho silver
question Is again prewnted to the house.
Stone of Pennsylvania has presented an
adverse report from the minority of the
committee. The majority report says:
"The measure provides for the issue
of silver certificates in amounts equal
to the gain or seigniorage that may
accrue on tho coinage ot the silver
bullion now in the treasury and pur
chased under the Sherman act of July,
1890. This seigniorage la stated, by
Secretary Carlisle, to be $56,150,801.
The object of the bill Is to make Imme
diately available for the current ex
peust's of the government silver certlil
cates of this amount. The certificates
are authorized to be issued on the
bullion iu advance of the coinage,
should the exigencies of the treasury re
quire it. It is not likely, however.tbat
this will be necessary, since the bullion
maybe coined at the rate of 13,000.000
nrsio.000.000 ner month If necessary.
There Is no question at all that the coin-
age can be executed, Tar neyona any
probability whatever of the demand
for the redemption of the certificate In
silver dollars. The bill io no respect,
iui Hm final result that would be
obtaine J by the execution of the law tf
1600 antboiUlDX the purchase auo
disposition of tho bullion bought under
It. It is clear that the bullion was
dedicated to the redemption of the
treasury notes issued in the purchase
of the bullion In the coinage ot the
bullion for such redemption, and the
law itself provides for the paymont of
any gain or seigniorage In the treasury.
Tho bill does not change the terms of
the law in this respect, but simply
hastens its exeuctlou. This view of
the law is held by the secretary of the
treasury and is so stated in his annual
report. The law is plain that no notes
shall remain "outstanding beyond the
amount of dollars coined from the
bullion held for the redemption of the
notes and cost price of the bullion."
According to Bland's plans the silver
question will be taken up Tuesday.
Bland expects the debate on the
seigniorage bid will last two days, so
that the final vote can be taken
Wednesday afternoon. Bland said
"There Is no doubt of the passage of
the bill. The feeling is far different
now from that at the time of the re
peal of the Sherman act. If tho re
peal bill were heard today It would be
likely to pass. Mauy gentlemen have
heard from their constituents since
then. I expect the bill to pass by
Wednesday night."
Stone, who wrote the bill is prepar
ing for a sharp contest beginning
Harrison out of the Race.
Cleveland, O., Feb. 6. The secret
of the visit to Columbus of J. C. Gowdy
chairman of the Indiana Republican
state executive committee, is ou'.
Chairman Gowdy was an accredited
messenger from ex-Preaideut Harrison
and he carried with bim assurance of
good will and substantial aid In the
governor's coming flight for tho presi
dential nomination, two years hence.
Harrison does not want the nomina
tion and would not accept it, and bo
he has informed Governor MoKlnley
that since bis great bereavement he
has no ambition except to live a useful
and dignified life, dovoted to his
profession and his studies, and further
more, he believes he could not survive
the worry and work of another
campaign and term as president.
To Explore Franz Joseph Land.
Hull, Tex., Feb. 6. Explorer Jack
son has arrived here after a short ex
ploration of Waigatz island, In the Arc
tic ocean, 800 miles north of Trondjhe,
He said he intends to proceed to Franz
Joseph Land in July and push north
ward, leaving food depots at convenient
distances behlud, in order to admit of
bis retreat He Is of the opinion that
In proceeding from Franz Joseph Land
ho will encounter a huge continent.
He expects to be absent four years,
Case of Dr. Burtzell.
New York, Feb. 5. It is officially
announced that the case of Rev. Dr.
Riohard Lalor Burtzell, which has
been under consideration at Rome
some months, has been decided against
him. The case Is important for tho
reason It was a continuation of the Dr.
McGIynn case.
Carriage Works Sold Results of
Literary Contest.
OsnvALLis, Feb. 5. Special. The
clrcu't court has entered an ordr di
recting the assignee of the Corvallis
carriage anil wagon company to pro
ceed to fell the personnl and real pro
perty at aligners' public sale to sutisfy
a t $18,000 mortgage heM by the Lon
don and San Francisco bank, and that
the sale be mido ou or before the 1st
day of April. In execution of such
a sale the property will bo sacrificed
and but little will be left for other cred
Tho contest botwen the two Agri
cultural College literary societies was
held Friday night, resulting in a vic
tory for the Websterian winning the
right to the Blots gold medal until de
feated. The score of points out of a
posfcib!e 1G00, was Websterian 1613,
and Ciceronian 1612.
The Midwinter Fair.
San Fbancisoo, Feb. 6. Trie
amount of cash received during the
week ending February 2 for the sale of
communication tickets aud gate re
ceipts was J35.720.50. Saturday night
there wasagrand Illumination of build
logs on the fair ground. The main
buildings were outlined by iuciude.
cent lights, arid this with other eleotrlo
illuminations mad a beautiful sluhL.
The exposition Is now In working order,
and from now on will be open evenings.
The admissions Saturday' were 14,083,
Various Revolutions and
President Vasqnez Surrounded
iu Honduras.
Dynamito Bombs Captured in
Affairs in Honduras.
San Salvador, Feb. 5. Word has
received, from Tegulcigalpl, Honduras,
thatutbe revolutionists aud theh
Nicaragua u allies made four successive
attacks upon President Vasquez's lu
trenctiineuts on Pioueho hill, and were
as ofteii repulsed. Tho fighting was
desperate ami mauy were killed aud
wouuded ou both sides. The Nlcaru
guaus captured two cannons. Vusquez
has been reinforced by 300 men well
armed. Many of the soldiers in the
Nicaragua!) camp are dying of dieeate.
Anarchist Munitions Found.
Rojie, Feb. 5. The police In Catania
Sicily, has discovered two bombs aud a
quantity of firearms in a neighborhood
where they seized some timo ago many
daggers and several cans of dynamite.
The shape of the bombs and the meth
od of filling them indicate that they
were sent to Catania by foreigners, the
firearms and bombs were taken to Pal
ermo. Dutch Forgories.
Tiie HAarjE, Fob. 5. Tho jk1Icc un
earthed a famous forgery of bank notes.
Notes to tho value of 227,000 guilders
have been seized and eight men, in
cluding their leader, an American
named Krause, have Deeu arrested.
Explorer Hoard From.
Zanzibar, Fob, 6. W. Astor Chand
ler, the American explorer, was heard
from January 23d, on his way to tho
coast. He expected to reach Mombassa
by February 10th.
BuU Against Bulls.
Roue, Fob. 5. Tho Popo has ap
proved the decree forbidding the clorgy
to attend bullfights In Spain. He or
ders that the priests must refuse to give
absolution to dying matadors.
Anarchist Executed.
Paws, Feb. 6. Valllant was execut
ed at 7:15 this morning. His last words
were: "Death to society; long live an
archy." Thero were no incidents of
an exciting nature other than this.
Spanish Bandit Killed.
Madrid, Feb. 6. The notorious
bandit, Barillas, the scourge of the
proviuco of Vuleucla,hos been surprised
by geudarms and killed, after a desper
ate fight.
Buckner Daad.
Mexico, Mo. Feb, 6. Hon, H. A
nuokuer, a member of Congress three
terras, died hare this morning, of a
complication of diseases.
Final Effort.
New Yokic, Feb. . A special cable
gram to the Associated Press from Rio
Janerlo, dated last evening, nays: Dur
ing Saturday night and Sunday the In
surgents Htoamed thelrshlps Intoa posi
tion of ud vantage, preparatory to mak
ing a dtcMve attack on the govern
ment position at Nluthtroy, Monday
mornlmr, It is understood this Is the
fluul desperate effort ou the part of the
Insurgents and that on Its success
everything depends so far as the revo
tioii is concerned,
Dead-Lock Broken.
Dbnyek, Colo., Feb. 6, The reuate
majority In tho caucus this morning
passed a moluilou which provides that
when the senate meets this afternoon
they will withdraw from the
portion they held, refusing to
transact business aud will consent to
consideration on a limited number of
measures, Including appropriation bill.
This will break the deadlock which
has existed since Jan. 10.
Wool Men Congregate.
Dksveh, Feb. 6. About fifty sheep
men from Colorad , New Mexloo,Kan-
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
j&m k
sas and Nebraska, met here at the op
ening session of tho luterstnto wool
gowers convention today, to protest
against the passage of tho freo wool
olause of the Wilson tarlfl bill. Com
mittees were appointed and recess
Oregon Pacific News.
Corvallis, Feb. 5 Special. In
the circuit court in tho matter of the
Hamilton, Job & Co. assignment, the
assignee, J. R. Bryson, was directed to
pay a dividend of 10 per cent. This
means a distribution of about $22,000
among creditors of the defunct bank.
Circuit court has adjourned to sit
again on the 2nd of March, at which
time the Oregon Pacific sale will again
be considered, but it is the impression
among the legal fraternity that the
sale will not bo ordered to lake place
earlier thau June. Any sale mtuto Hoon
er it is thought, will result as tho sale
of December 16th. It Is rumored that
by that time tho Hogg faction will be
In a position to bid upon the properties.
Death of General Holmes.
Rosebuhq, Feb. 6. General M. B.
Holmes, of Camas valley, died of ner
vous prostration at tho Van Houten
house Saturday, ut the ugo of 70 year.
The general has been robbed twice of a
large amouut of monoy, which caused
his Blckucss. He was brought to Rone
burg about nine weeks ago for medical
attendance Ho will be burled at this
place tomorrow.
Sheep in Oood Condition.
Goldendale, Feb. C Colonel Lee
L. Thomson, the "The Klickitat Sheep
King," reports his sheep in excellent
condition, and that the lost huow, al
though severe, has not aflected the
rango to nuy extent.
Items from Portland.
Susan Allien, a waitress, has been
committed to the asylum.
Tho medical students of the Btuto
and Willamette universities contested
for football supremacy at 2:30 p. m.Sat
urday. C. C. Mead, or "Charley," us ho wus
callod by all old residents, to all of
whom he was well known, haying
grown up from childhood here, died
Friday at tho residence of his mother,
Deputy United States Marshal Hum
phrey came down from Linn county
Friday, having iu charge D, Follet
and H. Jackson, arrested near Sweet
Home, on a chargo of cutting aud re
moving timber from public lands. The
men live in the foothills of the Cascades.
Tho custody of Daisy Alice Oliver,
a bright girl of 5 years, was awarded to
the Boys' and Girls' Aid society by
Judge Munly yesterday. The evidence
showed that Daisy had been treated
cruelly by her father, und had been
forced to wear filthy garments,
Tho demurrer of F. Terry, motorman
of the car which plunged through the
the draw of tho Madison street bridge,
to the Indictment ugalnst him, wuh
sustained by Judge Munley Friday.
The case was ordered rautmltted to
the grand Jury. This Is the t-oeono
time the ludlctmout has I em resubmit
ted. Court Martial Affirmed
The president has nillniied III
finding and sentence of the court-martial
In the case of Paymaster John
Clyde Sullivan, whose case wus tried
In Bun Francisco and excited great In
terest. This Involves his dlsrulsial
from tho service.
The larger part of tho road tail It, by
tho county board between the Fugalda
mill and Biker's Ferry bridge ha eliil
iuto Clackamas river, ami It Is utterly
impassable. The money spent on It Is
therefore lost. -
A Romance in a Nutshell.
She went to a ball: wore too thin
clothing; caught oold; was very 111 for
mauy days; a devoted admirer brought
a remedy, when her life seemed to
hang by a thread; she look It: recover
ed; und finally murrlwl tho man who
nau saved tier lire. And too remedy
he brought her was Dr. Pleroo's Ooltf.
en Medical Dlttoovnry, which Is a cer
tain cure for all throat aud lung
diseases and scrofulous complaints,,
of which consumption Is one, ,;
-i'-LU LI . . Ji-UMMg
In tho Matter of tho Oregon Pa
cific Attorney Tees.
Discusses Mr. Bingham's Source
or IiituTiiintioii.
Wo have received tho following let
ter from Judge Fullerton, dated at
llosoburg, Or., Jan, 27, 1801.
"In tho State Journal of Jan. 27th I
tlnd an article headed, "Tho Oregon
Pacific and Judgo Fullerton." This
was called out by something In tho
Oai'ital Journal a few days prior.
"The facts are Unit tho ortlolo in the
Salem paper as it refers to me, is untruo
and unjust. I have not allowed any
extravagant attorneys fee. I have
only allowed, during the year und a
half that I huve had charge of (he Ore
gon Pacillo matter as Judge of tho
court, $2,000 as fees to attorueys and
the further sum of $1,000 on account of
expenses of attoruoys. The receiver
did allow his attorneys something
moro In uddltion on account of ex
penses, but it was not allowed on order
of the conrt and his accounts have not
been approved by the court.
"These nro tho simple facts In tho
case, aud if you feel like giving the
same to tho public I would bo &lad to
havo you do so." Eugene Journal.
Receiver Hadley allowed and paid
Gest & Fuy Iu all about $7000, only
$2000 of which was ordered by the
court. Being allowed by tho receiver
and already paid out of tho rocolpts of
tho road, how can It bo recovered ? It
is gone aud will havo to be ordered
paid. So with the bills for attorney
feus that will bo put iu by McFadden,
and by Hon. Jo. Simon as referee, and
tho $10,000 additional olalmod by Had
ley, and the $18,000 filed with the refer
ee by Fay & Gest. This will make in
all $02,000, without Simon's fees as ref
eroo, and MoFadden's bill yet to come,
all contracted under tho receivership
uuder Fullerton. As Judgo Fullorton
did not limit auy of these lawyers iu
advance, but allowed them to servo at
their own terms, how will ho bo nblo to
reject tholr feo bills? It Is the duty of
a judge managing a receivership to de
mand that the payroll of all persons to
bo paid out of tho rooaipts of tho prop
erty be first submitted to tho court and
approved aud authorized by tho court.
If we are In error about this we would
llko to havo Home logal authority cor
rect us In this respect.
(Umclurted on fourth page.)
"As old na
tho hills" nnd
never excell
ed. "Triod
nnd proven"
1 ia tho vordicfc
of millions.
Livor Ecgu--jT
lator ia tlio
yrr7'yony Livor
JLJGfifO ftnd Kidnoy
modicino to
which you
can pin your
rr-9! faith for a
h7$J euro, i A
JL fJUfl' mild laxa
tivo, and
purely veg
etable, oct
7 m77 S directly
A- C on tho Livor
JL fit fid ftnd -Kidneys.
Try it.
Bold hy all
Druggiata in Liquid, or in Powdor
to bo taken dry ormadointoa tea.
Tho King ot r4rer jredleln.i,
I novo uwmI yourHlmmoni MverllOT
Iglur and (wn wiiMl4uaouljr ay,H U Urn
kliw OullTiVer inwilolnw, fconridet Jt
OM,TaeoMa, Wrutilngtoa.
Itoo tb Z fiUtap la rtd an ynffVI
TT wn3
HHA n iamjjaw