Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, December 30, 1893, DAILY EDITION, Image 4

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    " -rr
f,' &
avAwtflR (xtjRK&fe jotosaij, sa'uvjxdat, djbcembbb ao, is.
$1000 I
At Cost
Everything in the stock
and be convinced.
The Palace D. Q. & S. Co.,
Our reed rochore and fauoy work bas
kets have arrived. Come mil see them.
The most sensible present for Xm is at
Keller & Sons.
Local Dtes.
Jan. 1. Y. M. C. A. reception.
Jan. 20. By Perklus comedy.
The New Ykaus Journal accord
lne to our regular custom will appear
on Monday evening Juii. 1st., 1894.
No special effort has been made to
'make It an expensive paper. The rul
of The Joubval Is to Incur no expensr
not justified by the times, but to make
itself self-sustulnlng In every issue.
The New Years Journal will be a
large paper with a large amount of In
terestloe and valuable matter. It 'will
go to all our d illy readers and to thou
sands of Deonle in other states. Busi
ness men and all who desire notices of
their eaternrises In the New Years
Journal are requested to baud in
their items not later than Monday at 3
p. m. , We extend to all patrons our
best wishes for their success iu 1894
and many happy returns of the holiday
TnE Forum. Leading articles in
"The Forum" for January, 1894, are
The Teaching of Recent Economic Ex
periences, David A. Wells; Principle
and Method of the Tariff Bill, Hon. W.
L. Wilson; The Decline of the Araerl
can Pulpit, Rev. G. Monroe Rovce;
Are Morals Improving or Deteriora
ting?, Daniel G. Thompson; Are Foot
ball Games Educative or Brutalizing?,
a phys'clan's view of the game, and
some opinions by a group of college
Spices. It may uot be amiss for us
to state to the ladles of Salem and vi
cinity that the C lburn eplces which
are justly celebrated for tholr purity
may be had at the BLUE FRONT at
the prevailing prices of adulterated
stuff. dw
Tub "Scope." Of your vision need
not be much "enlarged" to enable you
"to see" that the place to trade these
dull times is- at the BLUE FRONT
whose prices never will be met by com
peting stores. dw
Attention Royal A rcii Masons J
Tiler will be a special meeting this
Baturday evening at 7:30 for the pur
pose of conferring the P. M. decree, F.
O. Perrine, M. E, H. P.; E B. Phil
brooic, Heoretary.
Very Dry. Not the weather, but If
you want to see some of tho finest dried
peach s, apricots and all kinds of fruit,
ever brought to Salem, call at Clark &
Orange Blossoms. They are beau
tiful, but cannot equal the fruit. Bee
these extra, choice oranges at Van
Eaton's. All other fruits par excellent.
Great Variety. Crabs, oysters,
fat dueks, geese, wild gume, salmon
perch, and a variety of fish ou ice at
Davlsfln's Court street market.
Blank Books,
Patent Back Blank Books
in stock and special books
manufactured to order.
and Shoes.
All new goods.' Uome
Hon. Phil MeUclwn rotu-ned thlB
morning from The Dalles.
Capt. J. T. Apperson, of Oregon City,
la in Salem .today.
John M. Hall, the Portland attorney,
is iu the city.
T.T. Gfor, of Mno'eay, is In to attend
the Odd Fellows m-etlng.
Surveyor General Byars Is spendlup
the day among old friends in the city.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Davis left on
the morning train for a short visit iu
Linn o unity.
Olive loilg, I. O. O. w wlirWet in
Its new hull in Thus. Hulmau's new
building tonight.
Dr. Win. Saube.rt, of Acme, Lane
c unty, U in the city a guest of his son,
Geo. H. Saubtrt, of the StutesUiiin.
Through the efforts of Chief Walter
Low, A. H. D iiuon yesterday secured
the letuiu of i he nuts stolen from his
Attorney B:gs;er went to Gervais this
afternoon to n-pre-) nt the state iu a
ca-tu i Raiust young Mr. Hensel of
Postmaster J. W. Roland ofJefJer
sin Is in the city. He still has two
years to serve as P. M. if Grover per
Rev. S. M. Freelnud went to Port
land yesterday, to meet Mrs. Freelaud,
who came from Seattle, and who re
turned with him to Salem on the even
ing train.
Word U received In tho city that
Capt. L. E. Pratt, master of the probate
rolls iu the county clerk's office, has
taken to himself u wife and will soon
leturn with her to this city. Cap t.
Pratt is comparatively still a hale and
hearty mau 'and his friuuds are pre
puree! to congratulate him.
Attorney General Chamberlain came
up from Portland this morning and
spends the day in the city.
Mies Maud Kreaq relumed today to
her actio 1 wo'k at ftayton. F. M.
Rinehart left this morning for his farm
nearShedd. Rev. Fechter went to
Turner this momiug, where he
preaches tomorrow. Bert Miller, of
Woodburn, is In the city for tho day.
Atone-ii'ciock the team of David
Morris of Turner rau away. Cross
ing theSouth Commercial viaduct they
turned up Gaiety Hill and collided
with an electric line pole, wrecking the
rig badly. Few teams In the count
can run with those horses. Peter
Cook, of the Independence stage line,
was In Salem today. Many church
notices that were handed in too late
are crowded out today. A masquer
ade at Gervais was attended by several
Saleinltes. Alfred Shellburg brought
Iu a sc.ilp aud got a bounty of
f 2.00 today The records of the city
recorder's office show that there has
been less police business the patt
three mouths th.m ever before
II. F. Giltuer went to Portland this
afternoon. John Hainan, of Al
bany, Is in the rlty Editor Flagi:
and family left today for a visit In
Washington county. Win, Harris
was called to Gervais as witness in the
Hensel case. Harrison Joues, of
Brooks, was a Salem visitor today.....
Mrs F. N. Gilbert end two boys, went
to Hubbard today to speud New Year
with her in .then Sunday will ralu
and bo warmer. Mrs. J. M. Rosen
berg and daughter Greta left today fur
their home at Fo.ittle. Mr. aud Mrs.
R, B. Fleming accompanied them to
Portland. Mrs.Mary J. Train, of Al-
hany,lsln the city. ...Capt. Eaton Is ut
Portland, for Sunday at home. Mrs.
S. .Merleu aud daughter, are visiting
with Mn. J. 13. Biker, who is also a
daughter of Mrs. Merleu.
The New York Racket has reduced
prices on alt macintoshes, oil coats,
rubber coats, aud mens, uud hoyn rub
ber boots, to ul-ise out stock, don't fall
to call aud see them. eodifc w.
Diku. Dtflos Ji Hereon died at his
farm home ou the Sllverton road this
forenoon. He was un old rcsldeut of
this ounty mul n man of flue character.
The runeral cortrgv will reach
1 p. m, Sunday 'aud the burial will be
at Odd Fellow' cemetery.
Thero was a very pleasant promenade
party at the asylum itl Which About
sixty partlsipated.
Tho Athenian debating society will
hold Its regular meeting tonight. Da
bato will be ou the question postponed
from last Saturday evening, Resolved
That tho mortgage tax law should bo
Tho Christmas celebration at Victor
Point, near Clymer, Oregon, was an
event not soon to be forgotten. The
large, thick limbed tree, reaching from
flooring to celling, fairly groaned under
the weight of some too valuable and
amusing presents.
The beautiful songs and recitations
by the little children, spoken in thun
dering tones, of the effort that is being
put forth to to advance Christian civili
zation, In that neighborhood, and the
deep Interest manifested In the oholce
singing, executad by Jas. Darby, Mrs.
Wm. Rogers, Mrs. Thomas McClellan,
and others, told that the soft, sweet
strains fell upon tho ears of a very ap
preciative audience.
J, A. Hunt, having been previously
requested to deliver the opening ad
dress, responded most pleasantly.
Friday evening Mrs. Wm. Brown en
tertained a good number of friends at
dinuer. A most sociable time aud ex
cellent repast were had, when tho en
tire party proceeded to the special re
ception of the Willamette Social Club,
at the hotel pariors.
Dr, and Mrs. E. B. Pbllbrook last
evening entertaiued the above named
i at their home on State street. The
following members were present and a
most pleusureable evenlug was spent:
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. England, Mr. aim
Mrs. E. M. Waite, Mr. and Mrs. W. H
Cottle, Mr. aud Mrs. A. N. Gilbert aud
daughter Agnes, Mrs. W. S. Mott.
List evening at the Hotel Willamette
this popular social organization guve a
special party for the benotit of a few
holiday visitors in the city. The even
ing was spent at whist and dancing,
with music by the popular Elite or
chestra. Col. and Mrs. Wagner pre
sented their usual generous hospitality,
whloh adds so muoh to the pleasure of
all gatherings under their roof tree. It
is generally acknowledged that no
more eujoyable parties were ever giveu
in the Capital City than the preseni
series by the popular Willamette.
Among those) present were the fol
lowing Mr. and Mrs. A. I. Wagner
Mr. aud Mrs, E. F. Parkhurst, Mr.
and Mrs. E. M. Lafore, Mr. and Mrs.
E. C. Cross, Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Gab
rielson, Mr. and Mrs. E. HIrsch aud
daughters, Mr. and Mrs. A. Strang,
Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Wright, Mr. and
Mrs. C. B. Irvine and Miss Platnon
don, W. Breyman and daughter Anna,
Mr. aud Mrs. R. B. Fleming, Mr. and
Mrs. J. B. Sutherland, Mr. and Mrs.
A. 8. Brasfleld, Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Brown, Dr. and Mrs. Williamson, Mr.
and Mrs. R. D. Gilbert, Mr. and Mrs.
Ctias. Riely, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Gray,
Mr. and Mrs, F. A. Turner, Mr. and
Mrs. Tnos. Hopkins, of Albauy, Mrs.
J. M. Rosenberg and daughter Greta,
of Seattle, Misses Holver.iou, Metsohau,
Dosb, Miss Jessie Breyman, Miss Car
ter, of LaGrunde, Miss L. Waters,
Messers. Frank Irivell, F. R. Anson,
B. C. Glltner. W. B. Morse. A. Klein.
Harvey Jordan, Bas. Warner, Frank
Dearborn, Paul Sroat, H. S. Smith,
Fred O. Baker, aud Mr. Murphy.
On New Year's day the ladies auxili
ary of the Y. M. C. A., will keep open
house in the Association rooms at 550
Commercial street. The Elite orchestra
has been engaged to furnish muslo dur
ing the day and evening. An enjoyable
program bas nlso been provided for the
evening entertainment. All friends of
the association will receive a hospitable
I O. O. F. Members of Chomeketa
lodge are requested to meet at their hall
at 12:30 p. in. Sunday for the purpose
of attending the funeral of their late
brother Deloa Jefferson. By order of
A. Dllly, N. G. All Odd Fellows are
invited to attend.
SORGHUM-extra choice
D& W.
A great reduction on all silk muf
flers, work boxes, dressing cases, toilet,
uiil shaving setts, games, doll', toys
and all holiday goods, at thx New
York Racket. e od&w.
Farm for Sale.
Eighty acres with lot torn land at
Skumokuwa, 1 miles fiom Columbia
river. ,60 acres clear, well adapted for
ftfllrt-lnor with rlcDnlllnt torn Kai-n..
wagqn, mowing machine and some
farm improvements. E. Hufer, agent.
Salem, Or. 12-33-dAw
The drug and medicine firm hereto
fore doing busiuesa under the style of
Smith & Stelner, have Ibis day dis
solved partnership by mutual coacst,
Dr. J. C. Smith retiring. The bkteltWM
wilt be continued by Lee 8telw, nt
the old red corner stand, where ail
bill ai)d accounts are to be Mttld,
HateuirDealftt, 1803.
J. C. Smitw, MD.
Lac Htwjjjw, ,
Rev. J. Bowersox pastor. Regular
Sunday services at the W. U. T. U. hall
(Freo reading room) Court Btreet. -In
theabseuco of the pastor mojulug ser
vice at 10:80 by F.J. Strayernud iu
the evening at 7:15 by E. 8. Bollinger.
Sunday school at 12 m. Young peoples
meeting at 0:15 p. in.
Como to W. O. T. U. Hall this even
ing at 730. A good time is looked for.
The ladles of tue W. O. T. D. will be
at their hall on Court street to receive
their many frleuds on New Years day,
Hours 1 to 5 p. in,, light refreshments
Bervedanda pleaaut time Is anticipat
ed. Y. M. o, A.
Tho young men of the city are in
vited to hear a farewell talk by the re
tiring secretary J. R. Wetherbee, to
morrow at the Y. M, C. A. rooms ut 4
p. m,
A Strong Lassie.
"When you talk aboiit strong men,
I can tell you a story," said a local
truckman today. "It was before 1
was in tho jobbing business that
thoro lived in Lewiston a woman who
could beat all tho Btrong men from
Samson to Cyr.
"She was in the old grocery store
on the corner one day when the pro
prietor pointed to a couple of flour
barrels, saying, 'Mary, if you'll carry
them homo I'll give them to you.'
Sanborn, who wns a truckman 30
years and who Bold out to James Cole,
was there and offered to bet that she
couldn't carry one.
"Tut them on tho counter,' she
said, 'and I'll take them both.'
"Four men lifted the barrels up
and she went up to them full of con
fidence, and resting tho bottom of
one on her right hip, circled tho bar
rel with one of her long arms and
then swung around so as to grasp the
other in the same way, and as I live,
sho carried them out and along the
street to n place 300 yards down the
road, where one of them fell and up
set her balance. You see, sho rested
them on her hips and didn't try to
lift them by her back. The grocer
gave her tho flour." Lewiston Jour
nal. A Lesson In Grammar.
Fun frequently comes out of tho
public schools, despito their functions
as solid, solemn educators. But this
is only natural. Thero must be fun and
Bmiles where there are bright faces
and youth and health. Not long ago
a teacher in this city was drilling her
pupils in the application of certain
words in relation to other words.
She had tho youngsters much inter
ested irJ building sentences around a
given expression. One of tho words
presented was "use." Several chil
dren had made a sentence containing
the word, when the teacher called
upon a particularly bright young ras
cal to make a response. Tho youth
did not like another member of tho
class, and it suddenly dawned upon
his young brain that it would be a
good idea to apply his sentence ac
cordingly. He faced his disliked
companion, and pointing his finger
at him scornfully said:
"You s is no good."
Of course the teacher laughed. The
other children laughed, and the boy
laughed, too, but it took two days for
him to learn that the Blang ccutrac
tion, "you's," was not tho word de
sired. St. Louis Republic.
Some German Houses.
It is a hint that comes from a
woman recontly returned from a
considerable residence in one of tho
German art cities that the closest in
quiries should bo made before taking
lodgings or apartments into the
cleanliness of tho beds and furnish
ings. "In some of tho most attractive ap
pearing aud apparently faultless
places," sho says, "we have been
fairly driven out after a short stay,
forfeiting tho rent rather than un
dertake to accept tho conditions. At
last wo put the question bluntly
eveiy time, expressly stating that if
on trial tho apartment was found to
be infested wo should claim tho
right to move at once."
This traveler's experience may
have been exceptional. It is at least
actual, and as such perhaps is a note
of warning. New York Times.
As in every thing elsoon the face of tha
earth, there is a great deal of difference
between some of the bicycle sulkies.
The successful breeders are those alert
to seize upon what others have demon
strated and uiHlze a winning combina
tion. Nothing is more applicable to the busi
ness of breeding trotters than the well
worn adage, "Step by step the longest
journeys are accomplished."
Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair.
The Mdy Pure Cream of.Tartar Powder. No Aamoula; No Aka.
XhUl Million of Homes 40 Years tb StuJui
About Other People.
Talking about bad roads, It Is said to
be a fact that on tho Salem aud
Mnclcny road the mud Is so deep that
T. T. Geer Is the only man whoso legs
are long enough to wade through it
and not drown. ....Judgo Jns. Walton
is preparing three lectures on Odd Fol
lowshlp. Although oyer novonty years is as full of fun as a young squir
rel. If you want to make Tllmon
Ford mad address him as Honorable.
He would- rather be called a fool, be
detests that unamerlcan title so. Iu
a neighboring town after the now min
ister had converted uhnojt everybody
else he taokeled the choir. Suffice it
to say ho will never do it again. He
got them all up In front to slug uud
then knelt aud directed a long prayer
at them particularly. He prayed until
everybody's knee-bones were sore and
then asked for three or four others to
follow in short prayers. A wicked
black-eyed i?Irl who sang alto who was
'ill tired out and wauted to go home
said, "yea do; I want to get another
half hour to sleep." It tickled the un
regenerate "young folks" so, the meet
ing broke up. A Salem lady wants
to know why so many womeu take to
teaching and so few to editing or preach
iug. Perhaps It is because they do uot
make good liars, iu the tlrst case, and
iu the second case, as women compose
three-fourths of all the churches, per
haps It Is because they do not want
womeu to preach to them. The
Heppner Gazette prints a most lurid,
burning, scathing philippic agalust
Rev. R.rk,a citizen of Salem, Billy
Ean, the cotiuty Lleik.lhluks it would
lie a good plan to have a little musical
progrum at the road convention to be
held iu Salem Jan. 13th. Musio is
too much neglected aud If it would
help get rid of our muddy roads we
could not apply too much of it.
One 8ided. Citizens complain that
I he interviews ugaiust reducluir city ex
penses published In other papers do
uot do the subject justice and are all on
the side Interested iu maintaining an
expensive city g verumeut. Probably
more interviews could be had on the
other side If It were thought necessary
to uet them. Those interviews, how
ever, will have no influence whatever
in deterriug tho council from carrying
out its proposed reduction of expenses.
The position of The Journal bas
been that a reduction was a necessity.
How the cut shall be made best must
be left to the members of tbe council.
SORGHUM Something very fine
at the BLUE FRONT. D & W,
Rimes were never so cheap
as now at Kimisse Bros.
Tntts PUls give uupetlte aud good di
Sohool opens again on Wednesday
President Hawley and Prof. Brown
returned from Portland Thursday
morning where they have been in at
tendance at the state teacher's associa
tion. Both having numbers on the pro
gram. Miss Em melt, of Bethel, Polk Co.,
who has been a guest of Miss Carrie
Brudfebaw, during tbe holidayp, return
ed home this morning. She is a teach
er iu tho primary department at Beth
el. Me?sre. G. M. Jonf-s, of Jefferson, H
Heardt, Cliff Gould, and Miss May Lll.
aguestof Edith Field, former studeutn,
whose faces were ouce familiar are
spending all or pan of their holidays iu
There seems t be some mystery con
nected with the eptertalument ai
Turner, as everyone who did not go, is
wishing that he had gone or could gw
uccurate reports of attendance, receipts,
proceeds, satisfaction giveu, tto. O d
Time will reveal those secrets.
Prof, Cochran has been very busy
during the vacation, preparing for more
eflecilve working along tb line of hi
department He has coustructud i
s ereopticon ou a n w aud Ira
proved plan from tbe old one, am
when tho wlrea are connected to tin
day circuit, will h vo ut his dlnpo-a
either electric or calcium light for H I
use. The professor has also manufac
tured some slow sensitive plates, to b
used in. making transparencies.
Several very pie sant surprises and
social gatheriugs huve been participated
In by the students this week. On Mon
day night, a party of seventeen took
tbe car at Dr. Richardson's, and made
an unexpected vibU t the house m
Floyd and Mlsse Hattle and Edlll
Field, taking them by complete eur-
Tho Largest assbrtment ever brought to Salem.
They Must Go
C. D. Gabrielson,
... Resident Agent
ness of any Foreign Insurance company on tbe
prise. Music, games, popcorn and taf
fy, were the order of the evening, and
tho company dlsperned at an early
Ou Thurdny evening, George and
Adda Irwin gave a pleasant party to a
few of their friends, ut their home In
Capital Home addition. A very enjoy
able time was had.
On last evening, Miss Myrtle Marsh,
ut her home on High street, gave a
party lu honor of Miss Cook Murtzall,
a student of '01, who is spending the
holidays with Miss Mabel Janes.
Games were the order, scored were kept
ou the number of games lost and won
by each one preseut, and uriz-s were
uwurded, Mark Savage and aud Mabel
Janes receiving winning prizes, and
Messrs. G. W, Joues aud J no. Reynolds
the booby priz-s. After a very pleasing
lunch was served, (s only Miss Marsh
can serve), tho compauy dispersed,
with best wishes to their host and
Catarrh Cannot bo Cured
with Local Applications, as they can
not reach the beat of the disease. Cat
arrh Ih a blood or constilutioual disease,
and iu order to cure it you must take
internal remldies. Hall's Catarrh Cure
is taken internally, and acts directly on
the blood and mocous surfaces. Hall'h
Catarrh Cure Is not a quack medicine.
It was prescribed by one of the bent
physicansiu this country for jeers, aud
is a regular prescription. It is compos
ed of the best mules known, combined
with the best blood purifiers, acting dl
rectly on the niocous surfaces. The
perfect combination of the two ingredl
ents is what produces such wonderful
results in curiug Catarrh. Send for
testimonials, free.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props,
Toledo, O. Sold by drugglsls. Price 75c.
Tho Salem Steam Liundry Is crowd
ed these days with work, which comes
from tbe intelligent, sensible people of
the valley. Give your work to white
people and you will soon solve tbe Chl
nehe question.
I Covered with a Taslelots and Soluble Coating.
I mmm pills
'mJLs&lr-wP areamureUons
tmBR-1- or' 1..1... . ws. .
mmoioivr irons
i L CZ am, ACHE.
' .f5i!.5&i iC"5w Impair.
Disorder-! !
ed X,lver,
iilsoto be especially efficacious and remedial i
' Of ol! druggists Price 2& cents a box.
I New York Depot, 8fi& Canal Bt. ' !
Af)MiMVi0MssffE 31;!
JlaiHh purua'lvo remtrtlo are t st giving
ay loin- Kenile action und ol
'arter's Little Liver Pll u If you try them,
ihty wlllceriBinly pleaneymi,
If rou bad Uik n 'wo j Carter's L'tlle Llv
er 1'llin befortt re'irlng you woul'l not have
md thai coated tongue or bid Uutaln your
inou'h ihla morning. Keepuvlut with you
f r occasional imo.
A'l disorders enured by a biltong state of the
iy tnm "hd be cured by u.lng CartciN Little
Ivor PIUs. N- rain, griping or discomfort
itt mdlng their use. Try the
The Oregon Land Co.,
At Malem, , g engaged in selllnr fruit lands
n int. vicinity of -a'em, Oregu. where more
rultlsnowgrowlnglh-lninanr rmrt of the
',ftn'1i- OuuK M1NTIIOKN,
n-'-n Mn-gers.
$7.50 " " " 6.50
Overcoats at Wholesale Cost.
Lo jg Cloaks at your own prices.
Lowest cash prices for reliable boots, slwe and rubber gwtk
hferd at Cost I
Fuclno toast In 1892.
Grapo Vinea for Sale.
I have propogated several thousand
good strong two-year old grape vines
for setting out, assorted varitles, suit
able for culture In Oregon. 25 eta each
&2.00 per dozen. E. Hofer. Salem, Or.!
Journal otllce. dw
Economize in Fapor.
Clean newspapers, tied in bundles of
100, uot cut, for sale at this eflico at
fifteen cents a bundle A heavy straw
wrapping paper, large sheets, two cents
a pound. Next door to tbe postofflco.
Hay for Sale.
600 tons of choice hay for sale, moet
ly timothy. Will be sold in parcels to
suit the purchaser by R. M. Robertson,
Albany, Oregon. -12 16tf
q-AKEN UP. A dark bay mare, weljhjt
I ubout 11C0, wblto bind feet and star In
facennd hal n new hotter on. Owner eta
have same by paying expense and on
U, Zmmetman,.8nill09 souUioi Silem. Miw
STKIjLA. BUKUMAH.-Typewriting anil
commercial stenofrapby. Omce. room
11, Gray block.
The bent vt work douenlrtt.
sooaoio files,
Wantkii. Poi-ltlon as b urn keiper, chr e
ol hotel or any position requiring nt
ponslbinty and business exi ertiice. liejtof
r fcreuren His. John 1'lnkerton, recsntiy
from Oeala, Florida. Address Brooks Or,
m UK most perfect ntUngiruus mate. Will
JL bold u rupture where r11 others luxvt
railed. For sale by J. L. Parrlsh, JOH'aplUl
strot. 12-h-lf
furnish bids, or give bo ds on any Job,
1 vo or more hands furnished., J.8chlewe,Jr,
Turner, Or. 1330 lmt
I pott BALK. An unabridged eiicy eloped
! Drlttnnlca, worth JM, at great redu Hon.
W , L, West, clectrlo light station. 12 11 U
PA I'EIW- Portland, saeramento, SratUt,
Tuhomaandrian Francisco papers on sals
Ht Bennett's, Postofflce Mock.
MEAT MAHKf.T.-Opposlte brick st-re.H.
Halom. Delivered cheap. 12 H-la
j kinds on sale at 826 Liberty street
of ill
WANTED To borrow 8300 for one year, oa
gilt edged non-taxable security. Apply
at JOUUN AL olllce.
A deeliuble farm of 1M
'time Tow n nrnmirtr
J? acres for sale on long time
will be taken in part payment. Appli to Uo
Willis, in Opera House Block. 12-2 lm
HIS l'Ai'KK is kept on nle at K. O. Dakt'i
Advertising Asrencv. 64 and 65 Merchants
Exohange,8anKrancls'o, California, wbM
oontrao' for advertising can he made for it.
One minute after another we continued
h old place-not making a great dtal w
. """wjhbuibs nevenneieiis toao t
,M t dly increasing business. It l becauM
o have commenced to give the Ha en
utrchantNjow prices on
Yi.U will sun Iv nneri ut at I hi
'leginnlnsoftheew year. Call and lu
pel fctOCK,
Patton Bros.,
HOUSE Painting, Decorating,
n H rd Wood Finishing,
Can give good refere ices. Estimate furnish
ed. ytddrest. Geo. oehstrutb. Halrro. I'M'
donre on "a'era Mo or Railway. North Ssiem,
Lo-tve ordinal Kleiner BloMeni. H-W
. s-rJ
1 t: