iiXi- DRi.euNirs WX(J$&J ONION SYRUP FOR COUGHS COLDS AND CROUP. GRANDMOTHER'S ADVICE In ralelng a family of nine ohlldren. my only romedy for CouKha, Colda and Croup waa onion nirrup. It Is Just a efleetlTe to-day aaltwas forty years ago. Now my grandchildren take Dr. (Imin'a Onlpn Syrnp, whloh la already prepared rd more pteaaant to the tatte. Bold everywhere. Large bottle 00 oenta. Take no nbaUtnte for It 8o)d by Haltt VnnHlvpo. J?Q.4 , Harper's Magazine. ILLUSTRATED. Harper' Magitztno 'or 18111 will maintain the character that has made It the favorite lllus. tmteil ponotllcal for the home, Among th rH4iuu or enterprises undertaken by the puo 11 hern tuerewlll appear during the year rap erbly ltlumrated papers on, India by Edwin Lord VVcekn, on the.Jiipnnoae eaions b Al fio.l Hansons, on Germany Pou tney CUelow, on Pari-) bv Hlchard Harding Davis, and on Mexico by Fredarlo Remlugton. Among- the other norable tenure! of the year will hi novels by George du lUurler and Charles Dudlv Warner, the pergonal r-tmlnl cences of W. D. tlowells, und eight short stor lesof Western lrontl r lire by Owen Wis tor. Short stories will nlso be contributed by Ujau 'er Matthews, Richard Hardl g Davis, nary c iv imou, ituyu iuuv.nery piuan, miss IiHurouce Alma Tadema, George A, Hlbbard, ituesuay ui ueaurepaire, XDOnias nelson 1 ge, and others Articles on current lulerest wilt be contributed, by dlsttnguithed special, lsti. HARPER'S PERIODICALS, Per Year; IIARPBRM MAGXZ1NK fl fO UAKfiStCH WK.liKUY. 4 09 HAttPfc-Il'H BAZU 4 01 HAltPKU'S YUUNO PEOPLE 1 HO Postage lree to til subscribers In the United' States, Canada, and Mexico , Th Volumes or the Mogazlne begin wjth the numbers for June and Decern be of each year. When no time Is mentioned, subsedp tlnns wih begin with tbo Number current at the time of recelDt of order Bound VolajLej of Harper's Muguzlno for three yearsbick, In ng, will be sent by mall, post paid o receipt of 1300 per volume Olotb' Cases, forblndiug. 60 cents each by mall, post paid, Kemllttanco should be made by Post-office Honey Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. Newspapers are not to copy this idvprllse ment without the express order of Harper & .brothers. Add res si HARPER a Buotiibiw, New Yr rk 1894. 'V. Harper's Bazar, ILLU8TBATED. t. Harper's B xarls a Journal forthelipine Jt Rives the fullest and latest-Information about .Kashlous;aud its numerous Jjlaiitraiions Par is designs, and pat ern sheet suppleme tsar; lndslspensuble alike to the borne drecs-maker audiho prolesslonal modiste No expense Is spared to make UsaTtlstlo attrUc lveness oU tue hlghestbrdi-r. Its bright stories, amusing conudies, nnd thoughtful essajs satUfy all tadtts, and lti list p ice Is famous as a-bage' for witu id humor In its weekly Issues everj tiling U Included whlnn 1 of Interest to worn in hutfjrlils for 18)1 will be written by William Uliok and Walter Besint Short dtorles Will be wrltton y Mary E Wllkeus, MarU Louise Pol, Kuih McKnery Htuart, Marion Harlnnd, and others. Oul-doorpom and lu-door Oaines, rloolal Eniertalnment. Eiubrolilery, aad oth r interesting toplci will r. civo constant aiieuilon. A new series J promised f" OoBeeund ttapwtee." HARPER'S PERIODICALS. Per "Soar. it 1RPHU14 rrn7.rjf w M on H VKPER'd WEKK Y -00 HARPEK'S P iZAU .'.-- J HARPER'S iOUNQ PEOl'tiE tbl PoBtage free to all subwrlbers in tue United Btatcs, Canada, aud Mexico The Volumes of the .Bazar begln-wlth tho a. Ni.miior fif.innnfirv nfeac-h vear. When no time Is mentioned, i-ubscriptlons will begin with the Number current at the time of re cti ptoi order, Bound Volumes of Harper's Bizar for three years oaik, In neat cloth blndlug, will be seutt by mall, postpaid, or by express, free of ex pinso,(provldejl tue freighti does noLexcted' over one dollar per volume) for 7 per volume (Jloth Cases for each volume, sutlable for blndlig. will be sent by mall, pos.-pald, on reoe.pt of (1 00 each. Kemlttanoes should be made by Post-offlce-Money orderor urafi, to avoid ohanoeof loss Newspapers are nottweopy this advertise ment without the expresj order of U.rperft Brotht-rs. Addreei: HAR pKR & BROT ERS, New York. 1894 Harper's Weekjy. ILLUSTRATED. Harper's We kly is erond all question the lead ng Journal in American JtPl3,' M.iVati.ine. In lu corps of distinguished con trlbuton.,and in Its vast "'i "ordeor fpeclal lines, it. draws on the hlghestoraer oi talent. thimen be,t fllted by .P'"na J"-1 training to treat the leading toplra i of the dsy In nctlon, the nioAt popular story-wnienr cou irlbn e to lis rolumsV superb '"SSL,,! foremost arll.toll.ustrstefu special an lc'w". storlfs. and very xotable e7l0fPub'u01'S terest; It contains portraits of the dlluKlsn ...i ... ..n ivntn.n irh. are mailug me History of the time, while Punrlinrt eh en ui the Armv and Navy. mateurHp rt. Sad Misslo and the Drama, by lt'nu,iJha, ...- i a nrit Humor's vve-kiy com bines t !. new features ot the paper and I the aniRiio andllt-iij nuauii '":? Hlh the solid vrltlca tharactero thereftew, HARPER'S PERIODICALS. Per Year: H AttPEUM MAGAZINK ."" HA.tll'EKS We KKL.Y ,. 4 tX) .. 4 10 HA tPERW YUUMi PEOt'tiE HAMPER'. BAZAR ,2 00 Poatage fret to all subscribers In the United Ii tales, cauadu, aud Mexleo. Tbe Volumes of the Weekly begin with i tbe first N u m ber .for Ju uary of eae u y ' W w hen n,tlme s 'mentioned. ub crlpt'ons will oe gin with thrf Kumoercnirenl atths time oi receipt of order, B'.und Voluntes of ,Ha' ?kiiif b.' wut year Imk, In neataio.h bludiog, will bJe"' bym.tl. pistrtB Vorby exvt.trot expenae (pr.n Id d h tt" ght does i a' " one dollar p.r volume), foi tt 00 per oiurae Cloth Cases fir emh voluro) fJii. blndltiif..wlll bd sent by mall, post-paid, on re ceipt of II 09 each. It rnttlane h'u'd he maAhr Poin Mocey Order or Ornft; to avoldthince orioss Neiaoeni are not locopy bUsdvetr. mem wr hmt the express eraer J uarir llmttiorv Address: HARPER4 BROTHERS, NeYorJc. OLINGER & RIGDON, Undertakers and Erabalraers. Cabinet work and repairing. Court fctroet, Uppoaite Opera Uouse, Balku. - OREaow, TTrnnnmlia ill Pacer. Clean newspaper, iM In bundlea of 100, uot cut, for sale at Ibis ffloo at flrteen centa a bundle A bcnvy straw vrMPHug! wpfcri lant sbecu, two ceoii 'jrjvV rlV r l-r 1 M f Wvi 1 Another London Miracle, AN ODDFELLOWS LODGE PA8 A RE5OLUTIONOFTHANrira Mr. E. F. Uarrotbers Pronounced Per uiatiotly D!M.tbk'il by lits Loclgo Doctor-Restored to Health and Aualn Worklug at His Trade. From the London, Ont, Adverttstr. Gkntlkmkn;-! have much pleasure in forwuruiuir you a vote of thauka pushed by the Loyal Perseverance Lodge U. O. O. F. M. U., tbauhlntryou tor the good our valuable uiedicnie, nun rniB, bus done fur our broth er, E. F. Carrol hers, who for ihne years aud a half-was almost helpless trow locomotor ataxia and is now, wo are happy to say, by the une of your Pink Pills, able to follow his ouipioy meDt. Trusting, that your valuable medicine may be the means of curing many sufferers aud be a biesalug to them as it was to our brother, I am vours truly, on behalf of the lodge. Ed. Gillett, Secretary, 521 Phillip Street, Loudon, Ont. This Is to certify that the above is a 1 n i statement. Jd. F. Cabrothers , 103 William St. The above let'sr Indicated a good aud Interesting story and a reporter called upon Mr. Uarrotbers who related the follewing: "I had always been a strong, healthy man." be said,' ''until this stroke laid me low. It was three years ago last April when tbe attack came. I went to bed apparently in my usual health one nigbt, aud on wakiug 1 could not move. Every nerve aud muscle of my body steuied to be paralyzed: I lay like a loir. Dr. Moorehouse came aud placed a mustard plaster across my bowels, telling me to remain quiet for a few days. The' lodge pbysican, Dr. Pingel, gave me some medicine that relieved tbe lexcrueiatmg pain in my head. He brought another doctor with uiui (I don't know bis name) and tbey subjected me to a regular course of treatment' by which I was suspended from a support around my neck. I bad now been about a year In tbe Hume condition. Sometimes I was able to cet out of bed, but never out ol iioors. Al other times I was uuable to feed mjself. If I attempted to touch or pick up anything, my arm would usually stray, apparently of Its own volition' in au entirely different direc tion. The doctor commenced tbe lu- jectlon of some compound Into my arm abd lee, but a kind of abs bs gath ered in each and it bad to lie lauced. fu December. 1891. after two vars and eight mouths of this helplessness, I was given up by the doctors us hope less. The grand master of the order and secretary of Perseverance Lodge, called to see me aud imformi'd me tit this. The lodge had all this time been paying my weekly sick dues. And now as to the remedy which nroved mv earthly salvatien: A next door neighbor oue day seat me in a la bel ora Dr. Williams' rinK r-iu oo. x read it aud bought a box. The lirst box teemed to brace tne up and I beiran to feel a glimmer of hope. Through a irieud I got a dozen boxes aud the lodge added u half a doz-n more. 1 kept on taking tbe Pink Pills, aud I ,.iii(.,i ntpiidilv: so I am now what you JO mn tnriiiv. Yes. I am callable of earning my llviug as before. I am worklug at my trade at Loudon West .r. nrt-Hnnt. and walk over here (a dist ance of nearly two miles from the bouse) and return every day;" "I believe Dr. Williams, Pink Pills can cure anything that any medicine ou earth cau," be added before saying good night. The reporter called on i- t?ri i:ietr thn secretary of Per severance Lodge, who lives a couple of blocks further soutn, at mi imi i street, where he secured Dr. fingers certificate, which is here repreduced: London, Dee. 2, 1891. 345 Dundas Bt. JJko. UiLLETT:-Dear Sir: At your request, I carefully examined Bro. Car roiuera of Perseverance O. O. O. b. M. U., who has been unauie to w'"'1" any labor for several years and flutl ulm suflering from the results ot cere bral hemmoraue (extravasation of blood into brain). Ab no Improvements haj. taken place for some eighteen montbH J have no hesitation in pronouncing b m permantly disabled, ""gftjg; Mr. Glllet said. "I bave known Bro n ,).. for vnnra. trie uau o ici' -ii. i .,iiQ nf It. You see tbe knife (pointing to one on tne table), w ;' -i.jt ..inb it nn ha cou tin' l well, II doll uo ineu w i'n." ..,...- - ii. to save his life. & waa compiew.j P J?i?fSiel was next visited at bis of fice, and said, "Aoy PW" "'' he' circumstances, wou id Imye .pro uounced tbo case Incurable. I bave n doubt that Pink Pills were the meaw of bis cure, sluce Mr, Carrothers sas i was by using them be became we I. was v) -,i'u( ,., ums to be virtu" K1S mnilcinf, Judging by tbj rr William's Piok PilH are a per feet bio .d builder aud nerve rfs '-. curing such n m m -- - - nartlal paralysis, feeling therefrom, after ".or(l? grlp-nauenza. and aeverecolds, d.; seas-es rlflnendlDU OH liumors "-- --. .rntn nlirooic chrooic eryslp- bJ?a' 0UT Pllis' ulvea health, elas, 'etc. Piult tjlv O HH. tfLU. A. -- I !,. '"'.Y" .io onrlnallOW C cnmpiri"r :..w '" XZMae for the tio i We? Icu- ana are a !" ..:. ..,,. thev el rprrnufacturedbytbt Dr Williams' Medicine oom, Schenectady, N. V.j and gw ?n,,Nnefirn trade mark aud wr-u- o60 Bear lu mind that Ui, VW ffaW Pi" P"l9,are neVef ld b bozn or buudred. Grape Vines for Bale. I have propogated several 1 tbouind good strong two-year 'old g pe v'm for setting ;;ut, ""2BiT 'Si 'each able for culture In Orekon. Q f 2 00 per dozen. E. Hoier, o.c journal omce. THE PACIHU DBIEGHVB AND COiXECTIXG BUIIEAC AI'?5uwlt"..PV. CttCLEMCT, UtJiWr aJWWfflWWUMlJfiM. .ytrBSTAft, SAPUKDAT, DEOBMsBEK 2, 1808, LETTER. Hard Hearted Compositors ?Iako Merry Over the Cffuslon or a Keporter. Ono of Tho Herald men is in love. His namo is withheld for reasons which ap pear later o.i. Some three weeks ago ho wroto a letter to his inamorata. It was a long, warm, typewritten loiter, takiu? ip about eight of the big sheets that aro "ed on the writing machine. Being suddenly called away on a hurried as signment, ho loft his screed, rather care lessly of courso, face downward on thu desk of a brother reporter. This must have happened at about 10 p. mi, for the brother reporter came in from another hurried assignment at II p. m. and found soma copy paper laid out before him awaiting the marks o his genius. Ho forthwith wrote onl whatho bad to write and "sent it ip," and it appeared in duo course in the morning paper. Tho portion of the let ter that ho innocently used included ths signature of the lovesick swain. Now this brother reporter noticed that there was something typewritten on tho back of the paper, but assuming that it was "dead" news ho summarily rau his pen down tho page to indicate that only the othor side should be used. Then ho put away tho remainder of the paper in the drawer ready for tho next ''story." On the next day ho used some more cl tho paper for "copy." As before, ho sim ply ran his pen through the dead, "copy" and never took tho pains to read it. One of tho "comps" up stairs who got a "take" from tho batch did, however, glance at the "dead" copy and got so interested that he read it through. It was rich. Vows of undying devo tion, words of burning affection and amorous, clamorous, altitudinous rhet oric filled tho pago. The writer was evi dently hard hit, J ho wanted tho loved one to know it. Tho hardened "comp" could not keep such a good thing to him pelf, and forthwith ho read it aloud to his "case" mates. Thoy enjoyed it, of oourso(and there was at once an alarm sounded to read aloud tho reverse of all of Jones', tho brother reporter's, copy. It does not tako long for such bright fellows as "comps" are to fix things. Within two minutes of tho first alarm all of tho in teresting copy was assembled, tho pieces were placed in consecutive order, and tho five sizzling typewriter pages, rock ing with love, wero read to a delightei group of listeners. A few favored friends from "down stairs" wero called in to sharo tho fun, and everybody felt what a lot somo men miss in this world through not falling in lovo. Alas, there was ono thing wanting! Jones, it will be remembered, had sont up tho page containing tho signature tho day before. That page, then, was prac tically gone, although, as tho old copy is kopt for a prescribed time, a pcrtint cious seeker after facts could liavo found it. Nobody but Jones know when the signature went up to tho composing room, and he would not tell. He no sooner heard of tho racket up stairs than ho made for tho opening pages, whero the address was. These he burned, aftor assuring himself that thero was nothing Important on thorn Nobody, therefore, save Jones, knows who tho writer oi that lovesick epistlo is. The secret is sacred. There is a girl somewhere possibly a reader of thi page who is wondering whero that let ter is. She may know now. Boston Herald. Tbe Slstor or Charles Dickens. Lotitia Mary Dickens, whoso death ha been recently announcod, was bprn, ifi St. Mary's ylaoe, Chatham, when hei brother Charles was about 4 years oldv That was in lGlfl, on April 23, a birth day she was proud to share with Shake speare. Bhewasorio of eight brothers and sisters, two of whom diod in infan cy. Of tho two Dickon girla who grew up sho was tho younger, her sister Fan ny, afterward Mrs. Burnett, being tU years her senior, Mrs. Burnett died in early married life, her husband, who survived her for many years, dying onty this year and on tho date of Charles Dickens' birthday. For tho last 23 yejirt of his life Charles Dickens therefor? had this only Rioter, Letilia, and he sur vived him for a hkoieriodDf23yeari, devoted to his memory. With hor has ,n,i nwnv tho last of the eight ecu- L r .Tnhn mid Elizabeth Dickens. At tbo ago of 20 sho mimeo juruw,r j Austin, a civil engineer or tomjvpnw. Ho worked for thegovernment when the insanitary condition of soma country dis tricts seemedan innUtion tothe cholera in the early forties, und when hq dfcd In 1801, at tho age of W, bis widow becamf the recipient of a pension, on which ah Uved in Spartan dignity during K, year of mournlng.-London Illustrated New. Object Lesson In l)rs by WaA, Dr.Rostofthe New Century clnblo Philadelphia has been showing ; m how S time we waste in the making and arranging of our gowns by donning the arra.V rlii. .ir,. for the benefit of th club. The dress she showed the ladies was a rich piece of violet silk embroider; IdXth stirsin pure gold, cotjlajf about & iliidla. It was 8 yards long, with Sloven border of palms In gray and ridet The silk was thrown Around tfw mm at Us full width, making a petti. bfP? "Jll ". m,i with a knot on on 52? Tnan . pWttag herof .S 5ST :..-i.i nniv into tha belt tbns silk was then P"??- .Ja rinder the other, which would leave nd wider tne . lviDg comer ihThSd. Heiewereasprinift: and a new gown ..oat of om Tbediwd- of8yarUoftheoItetik. X other am-uMshow rei S3 & or to-MffiJ THE FATE OF A LOVE Ants Blcger Thau ITgxes. Pliny, that rare old gossiper, tells, among his othor extraordinary stories, that ot tho Bactrian method of obtaining 'gold. Tho sandy deserts of Bactria in tho days of that historian woro, so the old man says, literally swarming with ants "slightly bigger than foxes." These tri.r tnttr. 1-nnraeantqtiriui F 4 1. ....-. 1 O'O"" vi'wv.ii,ii?c3 u; bUUl'UUS uy- i uiruupicju uuriuweu ueepiy into tU8 sandy wastes, their tunnels and galleries ofteu being hundreds of feot in oxtent The etrth rf-moved from theso burrows vns itlwuys rarrifd to tho outsido and thrown up m lulls (remember Pliny says thio) "of a bigness exceeding that of a palace." This debris, sand, earth, etc., was soon found to lie wonderfully rich in small nuggets of gold. The danger from the ants was greater, however, than that from the Indians in the early days of gold digging in the west ern United States, and many stories are told of men who were literally devoured in a few moments by the fierce owners of somo disturbed burrow. Somo ob serving old hunter at last discovered that tho giant ants slept during the hottost hours of tho day. After that tho seekers after tho yellow metal only made their incursions at the proper time, and even then they only staid long enough in the deserts to fill their sacks with the golden Baud, which they took homo to sift at leisure. With all this precaution the ants of ten "swiftly pursued tho fleetest horses, and.it was only by using various stratagems that the invaders managed to escape alive." St. Louis Republic. SXarle Antoinette.' Maln.Iiefatte. There is a building in Edgecomb, an old square, white house, concerning which an interesting story is told. This tradition is that at tbe tlino of the French revolution Captain Samuel Clough, the owner of tho house, who sailed a Bhip between Maino and Franco, was engaged to bring to this country no less valuable treasuro than the unfortunate Queen Marie Antoinette, and that quantities of rich stuffs, furniture and silver wore put aboard his ship for tho use of the exile, whoso destination was to have been this same house, which then stood in Westport, it having been removed to, the mainland on a raft GO years ago. It is yet occupied by Captain Clough'a dei scendants. Ono circumstance which lends con firmation to tho story is that a similar legend attaches to a house in Dorchester, Mass., the famous Swan mansion, then owned by Colonel Swan, who spent much of his time in Paris, but who set tled permanently in this country nfter the French revolution, his house being adorned in princely fashion. Now, Cap tain Clough and Colonel Swan hadmon ey dealings together in Paris, Captain Clough in 1701 having had a contract to purchase $50,000 worth of lumber for the colonel. What more likely than that Colonel Swan, who was a warm friend of Lafayette, should hayo engaged the Maino captain to aid him in a plan of. such great importance as tho attempted rescue of the French queen, with which be is credited? Lewiston Journal. Tho 'cross Jesus boro 13 said to nave beeu made of wood palm, cedar, olive and cypress to signify tho four quarters of tho globe. Good CooKfoS? is essential to Qood in pastry you cannot have cither without n goodebort coing. Lard has always bad very objectionable, features, causing, indigestion and many other dietetic trou bles. Science has come to the assistance of the cook, and of weak stomachs, with the new shortening, Cottoleoe It is composed of the choic est beef suet aud highly refined vegetable oih iu many respects as good as the finest imported olive oil. Physicians endorse it, cooking experts recom mend it, aud thousands are now using it in prefer ence to any other shorten ing. Refuseallsubstitutes. Rend three cent In sumrf to N. If. jiSrUnk A Co..C1.Ujio. for hand. aonwCottoleneCoolc lkiolt. contain. nlSetmlaent aotborltlMoncooUln. CotWltue s told by all crocen. Hade only by C N. K- FAIRBANK & CO., g ST. LOUIS and I CHICAOO, HEW VOUK, COOTON.S mcmrcwwiiisi'v mroJ i&ffi''.-'1 ' l UR.OUNNb litrnonm LIVER PILLS AHILDPHWO ONE PILL FOR A DOSE. ggNgg tiHtUTbrrit auUlr. rth.r srlgi i . Kohl by Weket ft Vwyx YOU Tistoalro , GOT Aet!al5E PILES XIBrssiJc BoldbyIkVaBlyp, tf r II fzwcv fr-tf. T.&. JA9 lm Iff i r? i je WWWVArWftWWVWftV HBALD HEAD i m What Is the condition of yours? Is your hair dry Harsh, brittle? Docs lifeless appearance? brushed? Is It full of aJs HaVDII ft A is it dry or in a heated condition? ir tneso aro some or yoursymptomsbe warned in time or you will become bald. Skookum Root Hair Grower is nhatrou need. IttpritIonlSBOtnaccldent.bilttlieretiUof leieBtltlo I research. Knnwledra of the diseases ot the hair and teelD led to the dlHOT- I cry ot bow to treat them. is not Rvre, out a ueugntru.ir cooling ana remaning ionic, vyatimmauns . the follicles, (t stent ailing hair, cures dandruff ana great hair on tola . headt. t jr Keep the scalp elean. healthy, and free from Irritating eruptions, by ' tho use ot Stootum Skin Soap, It destroys panuttlo inMcis, whUA fttJ on i and dentroy tht hair. . . . , . , . ... . . I It Tourdrult cannot nrTilfyoaid direct to ns,n(lwijwUI forward ( propIJ, on reoelpt ot price. tJrowsr, (UN per botU t tor SAOO. Soap, Ww , perjari atur4.w. THE SKOOKUri Tn2HviE,ut 0 Henth Vltlh Avenae, Vn York, K., Y. ASVtV.'WVSr WVaWWW T. J. KRESS. HOUSE PAINTING,' PAPER HANGING, Natural Wood Finishing, Cor, 30th and Cberaeketa Street, J. E. -Brick Geo. Fondrioh, . CASH MARKET Best meat ani free delivery. 136 btate Street. A Slow Qoer. Mr. Green Where's Dolfy going? Mrs. Green Going to pick some trapes. " Mr. Green Thoy aro not ripo yot. Mrs. Green Oh, they will bo by the Mine he reaches thorn. Hariinr'a Baxar. vUlAJUOUUUW ,JUUOU UO UjOUUjUfc Hair Deatb. instantly removes and forever destroys ob ocllouahlehulr, wbei her upon the hands.! aoo nrnisor neck, without discoloration! liaoe nrnisor neck, wit limit discoloration ir Injury to the most delicate stein. Ill ywttsor fifty years the secret 'ormu'anll Krasmus WIIboii. ncknow odirod uv nlivsl rclans as the hlzhest authority und the! HniORi emlneutdyrinatolosutanil liulrsno Hclallst that ever lived. UurlughU private gpraclloH ol a lire-time amoug the uoDiiuy liud arlstocnicy of kurope he prescribed Km Is niLlue. 1'rlce. SI hv m ill. securely iraciced ( orrespouaeaceoounuentiai. uoio genis tor America AuarcdS THc SKOOKUM ROOT HAIR GROWER t'0. JnepU It, 67 routh Klltb Avenue.NeW VorK anO Hionrv in inrv -i no . .o --'-' W. L. S3 SHOE KOTO Do you wear them? When next In need try a pair. Host In the world. J 5.00 43.0& 44.00, Z50 3.50 2.50 $2.25 $2.00 roHuoies- 42.00 1.79- ron bovs 41.75 2.O0 rort S IfycawintilRn DRESS 8H0E. mtit IntheUlni ttylii, dos't pi; (S to 13, ill "7 J W 5'uu t i Shoe. They lit equal to cuitom maIe and look and wear at well, If y w with to ecoiwmlie Is your (oiUttr, do te by purchasing W, I. Deoglat Shoti. Nam and price itamped on the bottom, look for It when you bay W. Xm DODOLAS, Brockton, Mass. Soli by ICltAUSSK liKOS. PKOFKaalONAL AND IIUBINKSaCAltDS. p. ii. n'AKor oao. a. binoiiam. D'AUOY 4 BINGHAM. Attorneys at Law. IUx.msl.2 and S. U'Arcy Hullding. HI MMte street. Special attention given U) bust inn In the supreme and circuit court or thi ute. a " rnlLMON KUH1), Attorney at ljw. ijalcrn 1 Oregon. OHloa upstairs In 1'atton blncli tr J UiQUKK Attorney ailaw.Haleni.Ore. LJL. Kon- Oulce over liusu un r J.HIIAW.M.W.1IUNT HIIAW4HUN1 J . Attornejs .t law, Ofrtre over ISiplWI National bans:, Halem, Oregon. JOHN A. UAIWIN, Attorney at law, room. and 4, Bush bank bulldlug. Halrro.Or. II 1..HON11AM. W.H.UlHMtM fjONHAMA HOI.MBM, Attorney at law D OfflS-in llu.h block, between Bute an. j.urt, on Omumerclal .Ireel. fOHN IJAYNB.ATTOIINKV.AT. AW. ,1 tiilltoilons roads ai d promptly reiullled lret lrm, Oregon. !! WO.KNIOIITON-Archltect and juierln. leodent Ofnce, rooine i and Huso- ijrryKian !,.. ' -- " MK. I-OtfUB, HWnographer and Type , wrlteat TSe-t wjulppe.! tyrwriUn, of. do tut one In Oregon. Over Uuu' bank, -alem, Oregon, Dit a iiaVI-4 Lata I'-wl Oraduate of New UYrk,glve.,s7SflllV,utlon to the dU eMMofwomVn aud cblldrrn. t0, throat. EJni kidneys, skin dlaac and surgery om at riaene,lt HUU street, Oao.u'la. tlou"romto.a,w andatoipm. Mto a www . .?-. i'M,?,?.nE: oinuurclai street. rviiT o HVUT11, JHnlM. W tte Street D iillem. Otiiori Vlr.lohed denUl opera, Ions or even UoosaspecUt Tn nf evtnr deaeripuon. raiuw vy- "" " . .1 . my. ir li I'lIUll Architect, plans, specinea- W iL-in. and eta4 ol buildings, ( 'oolee aw Oommerclal street, up stairs. S . rton ot VtUrans. O. H. A. me avert ' g t 'W-wa h ,' Y'I'a.a htt. "vialUng lIliM l ly to'i to iend O . .f II-.-W' ZZ7.r,..u ...iuiv. no 1AII.U.W- )Wrry;rioNUilHJislo. rVi"' ,JwZ P I uulldlng, ' i.A.ikXWOOD,Br4r, aefPV m, W T ssasasiL m KsmmELM mmi vn jf fr JeveivJJBeAz "11 1 yb 3 i Ji f "T it solit at the ends? lias It a r. Docs It fall out when combed or J. dandruff ? Does your schlp Itch:?,! "Skookum "contains neither rolnerali nor oil. It i ROOT HAIR GROWER CO.. MURPHY. anile- Fresh- News- Paoers- NOnTH. BAliKM. Fruits- TalceIt! EVENING JODRNAL, Only a cents a day delivered at your door. aiid Candies. J. L. BENNETT k SON. P. O. Bloolc, HOWARD, The House Mover. 451 Marlon Street. lias the best facilities lor moving and rais ing bouses. Leave orders at trny Uros,, or nddresa Halein, Uregou. From Terminal or Interior Points tho. I etc ,ls the Hub to take To all Points East and South. It U the dining car route, ltrunn throng b vestibule trains, every day in the year u ST. PAUL AND. CHICAGO ;(No change of cars.) Composed of dining cars unsul passed, IMUmnn drawing room slwpers Of latest eduipmenl TOURIST Sleeping Cars. Heat that can be constrnoUd and In which acoDinmodalUns are both tree and fur nished for holders of first and sccond-cuus tickets, and ELEGANT DAY COACHES. Aoonttnuoti line oonneotlng with all Hues, anordlng direct and unlnlerrupted service. IMllraan Hr" rwwratlons can be se cured lu advance through any agent of mo roaa. Throuur Through tickets to and from all points i America. Uns-land and Kurope can be In America, England and Kuroi purtft pauy, purotmied at auy ticket ofttco of this com. of t rains, routes andother details furnished on apnllpattott to ahy nieut or A. D. CllAJlLTON. Assistant Oeneral I'asnni,'er Agent. No, 131 First street, oor. WMhlngton) Port lnnd,Orci(on Buaw & Downino, Agents. iO'BlrrVCJr nui w- TO SALT LAKE,: DENVER, OMAHA, KANSAS CITY, CHICAGO, ST. LOUIS AMD ALL EASTERN CITIES- 3 1 DAYS to 2 CHICAGO (lOUIS the Qu,ckeS0'a5!,,ca60 nnd 0yR Quicker tojighs and K. Through Pullman and Tourlit Slepen, ftu Reclining Chair Can,, Dining Can, H. II. H. CLAItK. "I I)a1(,!,ftM or rate and general InformaUon call rra oraddreos, W, ii. num. hurt, ami. . r. A U Wasalna-lito Bu.O.rJd fiirAiii,Oswio, - . - 1 I I- I .swell i- M MONEY TO LOAN On Itrpr ve4 Ileal Estate. In amounts and UmetoiJlU Nodelay lncouldrlngloan, FEAR & FORD, Jloom )a. Bash Bank block. ftlttw Th Oregon Land Co., AtHalem, letngegsdln llui bull. ' agtotorpunief of thUnmipiuy. 0j u-lrlu iy of aiem.nrrgu. wfiere morei UY, VUU.'AilV.Oe'lstafH. iQ-U-Ja) MwH, Electric Lights On Meter Systcm.l TO ( ONBUMERS .' TUotnlm JLlBht mid Tower 'oropnDy at 2cnt iiiti(4 Gave tqulprtrl llielr ht,ut(ia Llg til pluut with tbo nutl modi ru npi erauil aud Miniiuw Abie 10 odrr tlio rubl.en bcttir llgtit ttmanuy syiein end. nt rate loner Uuut Huy city on the const. Arc aud Incandescent BJghtj log f.Icctrtc Motors lor nil purposes wlicroi power Is re quired. ltn.l lenpfe mil be wired for man? lights as deeired and the consumer pay for only such lights m nra used. Tfii being registered oyanj w Jtctrlo Meter. Office 179 Commercial St. IIDNT, tho North SaTcm Batikn &tys lie his not od out but simply nitivtd bu i hnp to the old stand at Liberty street bridge. DstM McKillop, Steam Wood Saw lave' orders at Salem Im provement Co.. W Btate street. TheLondon IrlCflTllO Surgical uioviwiv 719 MARKET STREET San Francisco, Cal. IB A MKDICAL AND HUKOipAt, INHTX T"TK. located permanently at 71t Makt Hrei'.Hon Kranclsoo, Ual., ft-r the cure of all tlseae-s, atllictiiuis and deformities. A stair ii phy.lolau and surgeons. havlKsrrllploraaa atu .ue endorsnnent of the brat colleges ot merlraandhumpe, sllllo4 spcola lata who have lmd lunirexixjr ence In treating special and chronlo disease, kio In xmitiniftl tend ance, a phsrinsry U uiiaahed, und all pre. rl ptlons tilled lree of charge, $M)0 Trial Bottle 155.90 Frill Course fliiflercrs from Asthma, Ubeuma'ism, Con. umpilon. Catarrh. Uyspensl. Inelges Hon, rciuiuii, AfUO(J.jr, rciu.ua n wmmnvrnw, vmw. Heart Dlaiase. lliouchllls. KrUDltous. Ithmim. Ilaldueas, Tapeworm, Deafness, f-ai. ny tvzuai uiseata, im Mai anlirxxl. Malaria. Url. nrv Troubles, l'llo. Iliwel Trouble. hot(ld mnsiilt at once. Low inrt, wthluthe reach ol all, combined with the best medical and surgical skill. Young, Hiddlo Aged and Old Men vVlo may be sunering from YOUTHFUI KOf.UKH, or the excesses of maluird lit, should consult at once, before It 1 too late; thrne veteran practitioner1 whs have 00 equal In the United nistea. a they can nnd will r store to you perfect btmiu when all others have fulled. Broken Down Constitutions are rejuvenated and manly -vigor restored by lilflir urw aim Hununui meiuua" u. iivn. mtint. No iDluilitns ill us used. Worn out utislne. i Inc. men, rail mi aavire, ,anj.lAllwrf oa a.: .re annVrtnir from rinrvnu 1 ebilltV or fiilll " -."---------.- . :ir,-. ",....- 'OU if 1 power, oi any ui.cdsb or mei ye, rjir, iniooi. i.unvs, i liUdder. Heart, Mtomicli, tikln, JCidueye, or Blood Diseases Cured Id the shortest time by vego table remedlis. ADC Vn I le tnD hotltby and vlgoraah Anu YUU ms y.u Should be T Are yoit free from every tra onf disease or lrkDeT Do you look weilr l)o you frel rel or Is there some l hronlo rioubli; wli'cli, like a tanker worm In the budding ft wer, bt rapidly de stroylnc jour very vitals lsUjslbtmivell)ejt$ Who suffer from Nervous I'roetrallnn, Uleeix lene( oestiondency, Ibrllgrstlon.Uunstip. Hon, Lassitude, 1'alus in the lUok or side and disease peculiar to their sex. consnlt thcee piiy.itinns wiu iue utmost cuunuvuyv. $1,00 TRIAL BOTTLE $5.00 FULL COURSE THE LONDON' MEDICAL and SURGICAL INSTITUTE 719 Market Street San Francisco. Cad U-Uw-dAw ORPRIWRAILRIIIBC. K, V, HADMJV, Recover ; SHKT LIWEt(AHrOltXlA OCEAN STEAMER SAILINGS. B, B..WIUAMKTTK VAI.Ut Uyn "an Vjanclsco, Nor.MU.4U ti4 iM Leave Yulr., Nor. ih, IVts, wamu, IIATWALWAYB HATIHrAOl'ORT. Korlrelrhtatirt pirrrteei4yt) Medicaland '" 1 i to . nr ? " u . i i ill Mftttff sfflfl1ltt'J?:T' - .u.t.iifM