Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, November 25, 1893, DAILY EDITION, Image 1

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t,j ..nfi-frtig gaiwawi
Associated Press Dally News-
paper'Published on the
Pacific Coast,
$3.00 n Year.
SScts. a sMsrtk Jr
Prepaid la Advataee
No Papers Seat WImw
Time is Ont.
VOL. 6.
NO. 279.
A good assortment from cheap to best grades. We buy
for CASH and sell for CASH, and
y I
From 15 to 25 percent, on all your purchases.
In Making Nominations for the
Next Congress.
The New York Racket
"when you want Oil Clothing, Gossamers, Macintoshes, Rubber
Hatt, wool and lur hats, hosiery and notions.
' State Insurance Block 333 Com! St.
If Truo it Ensures tie Complex
ion of the Next Election.
Ed. C. Cross,
Choice Meats.
Wholesale and Kctail
Dealer in Fresh, bait and
SmokedlMeatsJof a lKinds
95 Court and
110 State Streets.
f. Meeker & Co.,
Hop Exporters
OFFICE, Oberlieim Block, up stairs, Salem.
TT. A. TEMPLETOF, Gcn'l J gent.
Cleveland's Latest.
Washington, Nov. 25. A choice
political secret came to the surface,
which will cause uneasiness in the
minds of congressmen who have not
followed the will of the president since
the inauguration.
It is that he proposes to take hand in
selecting members of the filth congress.
National democratio executive com
mittee propose, if possible, sscure abso
lute contfol management nest demo
cratic national campaign committee
and also committee designated by de
mocratio national league clubs.
Government Chances In Frsm.
Pahis, Nov. 25. The entire French
cabinet has resigned.
Washinqton, N,ov. 25. Hon.
Washington HesiDg has been appointed
DoatmuBtor oi Chicago. He has been a
political boss and editor of the Illinois
tftoata Zfltung for years.
Exporting County Books.
Bt. Helen's Or., Nov. 25. In the
matter of the expertlng of the county
official's books, no definite conclusion
has yet been reached by the commis
sioners. The work of re-experting
Slierifl Massle's books was finished
Wednesday eveulug, but no order of
court has jet been made. In a drunk
en row here, oueof the participants
hud his jugular exposed by a unite
thrust . The wielder of tho knife made
i.i. oo,.nnonnd loft for Portland. No
word baa been heard from htm as yei,
CHURCH1 LL1 Ptimps, Piimps.Piirnp
SD V 103
RIIRRnilfirlKi State Street.
Is experienced when you get your teeth ?j&
TYR FnNTRIS as he uses the Hole method, wuorror
SSSl All kinds of plate work done. Bridge
work and fine gold fillings a specialty.
Ovar Gray Bros.
eod -
Now HERjnd More CoMiNG
Holiday Goods
Th? Heji)?st, Most mirage
Mystery in Gonnaction With
Death, of a Young Lady.
Mason City, la., Nov. 25.-Carrying
out tho instructions of Attorney
Hum and Coroner Osborne, the re
mains of Hauuah Whltuall, buried
here October' 20, were exhumed. The
youug lady died in Beattle, Wash.,
October 10, under suspicious circum
stances. Hue lived with her uncle,
George Pollock, who verbally agreed to
give her a. largo estate upon bis death.
Mr. and Mrs. Pollock and Hannah ar
rived in Beattle Octobor 14, and the
same night Hannah was taken serious
ly ill at the European hotel. She went
Into oonvuslons and died. A post
mortem was held and an eight-months'
child taken from ber. Tho latter was
put into the coffin and buried with the
mother. Today when tho remains
ware exhumed thero was no child in
the coffin. Tho coroner's verdlot was
rendered In accordance with the above
facts. This state can havo no further
jurisdiction in tho case, but tho county
attorney will doubtless ask the Beattle
authorities to inako a further investigation.
Beattle. Wash.. Nov. 25. Hannah
Whltuall. whose mysterious death
created such a sensation at Mason City,
I., died (t this city October 13th.
Sho cameltere that day with her foster
parents, Mr: and Mre. Geo. Pollock,
auil they put up at a hotel, That night
she died In Convulsions, following the
exposure of the fact that she was about
to becor a mother. Tho Pollocks
were t.t ,y astonished at the disclos
ure pf her condition, aud when she
was living threatened to leavo her to
her fate. They relented, however, and
when she died had her body embalmed
and burled. Physicians held a post
mortem and removed the child, keop
Ing it without Informing the Pollocks.
The body was exhumed and sent to
Muson City, where an Investigation
caused the discovery of the fact that
the child was missing. Tho officla'a
there believe tbeclrl to hava been pois
oned, and have naked Seattle officers to
Investigate. -
Col. Auto's
Sad Fato in the
Asks That His Body Bo not Used
as a Cadaver.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
.asas lUmivi
"" . . u., hv a Denny's worth, as we can please
WILL A JVL J2, L X w - - wefk
zsssasjft asarNKss ""w.
noiwu smi kit mum.
J. H. ALLEN, Prop.
TbeverybestofmeaUatall times,
,nd the best of service
fgruppomio n.-
' caahler.
College Teams Contest Before a Dis
tinguished Crowd.
Ppbingfield, Mass., Nov. 25.-The
Yale and Harvard elevens met today
to contest for football supremacy in the
Dreseuceofa large crowd. Among the
distinguished spectators were Gover
nora McKinley and Russell. A bet of
$2,500 to J10O0 on Harvard found no
3:18 p. m. End of first half, Harvard
having ball on ber 25 yard line. In
second half Yale got a touch down,
flrstln game. Yule kicks goal, score,
Yale 0; Harvard nothing.
A.n f HurTard. Tnorne of Yale,
and Waters of Harvard, were disabled.
Yale wins six to nothing.
Government Defeated.
Ottawa, Ont., Nor. 25.-The liberals
Miunt hRre over the election of
Joseph Martlu to represent Winnipeg
in the Dominion parliament, u
lion the government candidate had a
mifority of 600 over his liberal opponeat
who now defeats the conservative by
400 majority. The Issue was on tb.
tarifl question. Two members en tb.
. i ,.nnnmnt recently visited
r. i .i Mm Northwest, promls-
lug a moderate decree of Uriff reduc
tion next semon. Tne peoni- .-.
for a clean sweep of protective
and free trade with th. United States,
which the liberal candidate mad. hi.
platform. This is the first Mt
defeat susUlned since the death of Sir
John Macdonald,
K. of L. Bow.
PHILADELPHIA, Nov. S5.-An effort
waa made by the Hayes faction In Gen-
ral Assembly of Kulghtsof Luoor w...
morning to elect their three men, xveu
Dv MlQulrk and Martin, to the execn.
tlv'e board, but without result. Pow
Zf left the mating before t d-
J'Y. rK.r.futo
Bank Wreckers.
Lndiasapdms, Nov. 25. The Unit
ed States grand jury has Indicted T. P.
Haughey, President Indianapolis
Notional Bank, 8. O. Haughey, Presi
dent Indlunapolls Glue Compauy, and
of Indianapolis Curled Hair Works; G.
A. Colllu, president, IndlauapoiiBUao
inet Compauy; P. B. Coffin, seoretary
same; A. O. ea, treasurer aauie.
These men are already under bonds for
wrecking tho Indianapolis National
Big Billiards.
CinoAao, Nov. 2. The biggest
match at billiards ever made, was ar
ranged this morning. Ives and Booat
fer matched to play sixty days for ag
gregate stake of $22,000. They will
play one game for Qve hundre 1 point,
cushion caroms. Winner to take en
tire stake and total gate receipts.
The Oajlln Party Found.
Portland, Nov. 25. Brigadier
General W. P. Carllu Bonds tho Asso
ciated Press the follewing: A illanatoh
has Just been received from Lieutenant
Charles P. Elliot, fourth Cavalry, dated
Nov. 22, as follews: "Falls of tho
North Fork of Middle Fork of dear-
water; Carlln party found on river to
day, Carlln, Bpoucor, Plerco and Him
mel Wright well, Col. Gate lost, Kelly
lolncd them in the mountains. Will
work down the river by boat,"
E Brighton was sentenced yesterday
to six months imprisonment for smug
gling opium. He oommltlod suicldo
In jail this m irnlng by cutting his
throat. He left a note to tho coronor
as follews: "I kill myself. Do not cut
up my body."
Tho instrument with which tho deed
wqb done whs a razor which was fur
nlshed to Brighton this m i. nlng by
the Jailor to shave hluvel '.
Homesteader Missing.
AluAny, Or., Nov. 25. A special
from Detroit, Marion county, says Joe
Hamilton, a bachelor homesteader,
formerly of Minneapolis has beou mis
sing for three dtys. Ho started tou
neighbor's cabin, a dtstauoo of about
three miles through mountalu forest,
and has not be n seen since. It Is
thought he must havo met with some
accident, as ho is a thorough woods-
Mn nwt nni lllrnlv tyi hwnmn Inflt. A
IUUU UUU UU, .. j ww www-. - --
nnowntorm has raced slnco tho relief
. - .. ....
party, thoroughly quippeu uas siurieu i
in search of tho missing,
' A bulletin was posted In tho Oregon
Puoiflo odlce announcing that on De
cember 1, the wages of II emp oyes
will bo restored to what they were be
fore the reducll n o' 10 per cent wb
made last August. Tho company wld
pay the employes for tho last half of
August tomorrow.
Parties, Entertainments, Whists,
Interesting Review of Transpir
ing Events.
Dangerous Lunatic.
Astouia, Or., Nov. 25. Judgo Lang
horn, of Pacific county, Wash., Iibb Is
sued a warrant for tho arrest of A. Day
Is, late p oprletor of the Cathlamet
Gazette, who Is char ed Willi neing a
daugerous ldnatlo, and who will, when
captured, b taken before a oomraisamn
er for examination. Last week Davl'i
who has for some time been acting In a
peculiar manner, wrote letters to George
M. Cornwall, the present proprietor .f
the Gazette; J. Bruce 1'aiwoiin, u. m.
Harvey, Charles W rren and A. D.
llurrlll, residents of Cathlamet. Those
lettew all contained the same wording,
and were to theefleo that If the parties
addressed did not deposit 2000 each
with the writer In his bedroom wiiuin
Senator Stewart is the largest consum
b .aaa (n Via AAnnia.
fr Ol cuu "N ... m... w. -
Mrs William Morris has the repnta-1 12 hours after receipt lie wouiu ouru
Steamer Rltona
. ZZ ihi.i 7:39 a. m.. arn"- " -
l. Va uorw, - x ccsick.
E. V. ?P1&7i J. li. ALBEBT. .
VV, W. MAi-Tiw. -- Director
U, V. HATiu"
H4 tO HIS I'""""'
talk.;.t'" waf
FHt toe tot PJrf
bndlDg freibt bandied.
KUTJND Tmf(nnUmUed)tt.
"-MBAW 38 OBNTB--tU.
If rnt Oo., llohaaa ".
iwii -
Bradfield's ftnh i WftW
toretultlroialuu tigbIMB
Mr wtfe.irh9 W "tli TtUM
Hon of being the most beautiful woman
n London.
Lady Henry Somerset's paper, The
Woman's Herald, of London, advocates
the alwlition of the house of lords.
Captain Charles Carter, who died In
Norfolk at the ago of 00 years, waa mar
ried eight times and left 88 children, ev
try one of whom is said to have survived
Joseph Leuvenmark, who holds the
championship of the world for high
dlTlug, is instructor In the Royal Swim
rninir ichool at Stockholm. The record
U 82 feet.
The Duke of Connaught has surprised
the English etaff officers by his knowl
edge of army organization and IP
ment. and the indications aro that he
will make a good commander.
.... i.v,WnniMohen is executing
a memorial of her father, the late Prince
... . i it.ninia fomit-rlv irorernor
of Windsor castle, which Is to be placed
In Bunnlngditie ennren, ocr.-.
Dr. Samuel F. Smith, the Minor m
"America." i-wm-1 U elghty-flfth birth
dar at Ills home In Newton Center, Mass.,
eir Boston. He i active and alert and
foels the burden of hi advanced ao Ut-
..... tji...r, i innrrnvd ut Liverpool
. .1... ..niHoAtu und medal Krant
ed by the lb- Humane society for pro
ficiency m .. i- ::; , "
is the "' ' "cca "" " ""i-.
"biebtlw II )-l Humane aoelrty'si
cial mdal L ! granted to girl.
OHKAl RBADINO. Order the
OhEUwiT lbV by mall, 25 otni
month. No PP" eui ,lcr MU" '"
their houses over their ears ana men
kill them. After posting tho communi
cations he d-d.ed tho authorities and
took the steamer for Portlaud, where
II Is believed he Is now In hiding.
Ban FfiANCisoo, Nov. 25. Wheat,
Dee. tl.07.
Chioacio.Nov. 25-Cash, 02;May 03J.
Poktland, Nov. 25,-Wheat fall.
1.05; Walla Walla f.85.
Snow on the Btud.
Bkattle, Nov. 2'.-A'out thro
Inches of snow frU 'Ur ugbout the
Puget sound dNtrlct e te day.
Htate of Ohio, City of Toledo 1 m
.. ,".u.rrrjT.T:t,i ! that be
rrana j. wb "57. .. .. it i
. . ,.i. nurtnitr lit the firm of r. J.
Cheney Oo., o'JK buslnesa In the
dS oTido. oouniy and tut .fore.
aid, and tUal .., .
sum onoe ususw ".";!-;-"-;
ud every case oi "Ji.ii' iSarih
be cured bytbo "JV'rnKHEY
fMra Fit AHK J. lIIKNBV,
Bworn to before me and. wtmerihtd
In iny prewnce, this Otb day of Decern.
Ur.A.D.,1888. 4 w ntvkanH
n ii
NoUry Public.
Hall'a Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally
. .-.j.. in itvHtvkteu). Dnu tor
m''JSVjk iv.. Toledo. Ohio,
J irriold by druggists, 75 eta.
Monday aftornonn, Nov. 27lh 1893,
will be a momorablo day and honor a
rising young Balom physician. At that
tlmoiuBt. Lwnmceouuroh, I'oruana,
Doctor Louis Lomteux, of Balom, will
be united In marriage with Madamols
olle Hen letta Alice, Boco-d daughter
of the Chevalier L. O. de O.istouguay, a
French Cauadlan gentleman of high
attndlng. Tho bride came to Chicago
with her family and then comes on
to Portland to meet her affianced, who
has beeu ft resident physician or tuts
city for the past year. Rev. J. B. White
of Bt. Joseph's ohurob, accompanied
Dr. Lemloux to Portland to preform
tho ceremony. The bride and groom
will take a short trip toTaooma and re
turn to this city Tuesday totak up
their resdenco at Mrs. Thompson's
boarding bouse, on Capital streot.
. One hundred and eighty laughs in
180 minutes Is an enticing and tempt
ing announcement. Or rourso every
on familiar with tboatrlcal bead linen
knows this moans that OCarlea L.
Davis Is to appear In bis always popu
lar creation, "Alvln Joalln," and the
faotthat be will personally Interpret
the role of "Old Undo A vln" Is stfll.
olont to paok tho bouse. The play has
been a marvellous success and made a
vast fortune fur him. This Is owing to
tho iuot that the simp e story, laugh
able Incidents and sensational and pa
thetic features appeal directly to tho
maeses. The general theater goer sees
In ''Alvln Joslln," as. portrayed by Mr.
Davis, a comedy drama arawn on ia-
miliar lln a. vet none the less original.
The character of Alvln Is tho quaint old
Yankee farmer, who ootnes to tuo city
in una tho slchts and sees thorn, Is a
characterization of the typical down-
east hayseed, whloh, as a pieco or onar-
actor aotlng, Is a revelation, to say
tho perfoamanco Is funny, Is using a
very mild expression, lor It Is simply
one scream of laughter after another,
To speak of Mr. Davis' elreollvo lmpr.
sonatlon of Joslln would be but to coy.
er old wound, for bis acting has been
onjoyed In this city on numerous occa
slons. Reed's opera house, Nov. 27,
next Mond y.
A birth lay party was given one even
ing the past week to Capt. li. v
AdanMonthe occasion orms oeingoo
years old, at the family bom In North
Btlem. Following w ro present:
Oipt. and Mrs. Leo Perry Adams, Mrs.
A,.n( Hajilatn. Balem: Clus. E.
Aduus, Ivan L. Adams, Elmer P.
A lams, Wood'iurii; Mrs. Elna O.
White, Conoenville, lud. Capt.
a i.,... it., iwn fnr neveral vears J-nN
V .1.1... ww. . . w J
tor f the North Hatem schools ana is a
cltlzsn very w II t'il of,
u a. T. Waiter of Hotel Willam
ette has won au euvlable social position
In the capital city, and the excellent
..nn,int,nHntaln tho smallest detail of
a large drive wblat party given In the
parlors of the bouse aionuay eveniog
t j the OW roiK's wuisi emu uu ,n
Invited friends added not a llttl to her
fame In this respect. The large rooms
were not the least crowded, thougu u
waa the largest party of theaeasoii.
Lemonade was served and several fine
Instrumental selections were listened
to. Those preseut were: Mr. and Mrs.
John O. Wrlgbt, Mr. and Mrs. a.
n,. .,,., Mr. and Mrs. Koulaou, Mr.
and Mrs. Win. Brown, Mr. and Mrs.
Wlllman, Mr, and Mrs. Patterson, Mr,
and Mrs.E. Hofor, Mr. and Mrs. Turn
er, Mr. and Mw. Oabrlelson, Alderman
....i Mr T.fnr. Alderman and M".
Croas, Dr. aud Mr. Pbllbrook, Mr. and
Mrs. D. F. Wagner, Mc and Mm.
Walte. Mr. aud Mrs. Sutherland. Mr.
and Mrs. Fleming, Mr. and Mrs. John
Krauseo. Mr. and Mrs. Claire Irvine.
Judgo aud Mrs. Murphy, Mr. and Mrs.
Cottle, Mr. aud Mrs. A. I. Wagner.
Tho prizes of tho evening were awarded
to John G. Wright and Mrs Gabriel.
mnn. (lror Wm Rnclnnil and MM. I.-
H.'U, ...hv. . -. .-q. m
fore, feovmd. f
This eoclal organization bos been re
newoi for tho ieason and will open a
dress party December 8th at Reed's
with full orchestra from Portland tb
same as was employed last year. Com-
mltteo on arrangemouts, Messrs. itieiy,
Jordan, More, Keone, Bdsa, Lafor
and Doarboru.
Mr, and Mrs. E. M Walte enlerUln
ed a o mp' y of x-han i euchre peo
p Thursdiy eveoln;;. In spite of tbe
shnwera there wcretour tables nt thla
merry diversion, after which bouillon,
wafers an andwlohes were served. A
quiet balf.hour o ihat wa thoroughly
onlovcd bv all. Following were pres
ent; Dr. and M s. Cartwrlgbt, roet-
mnntor and Mrs. Gilbert. M. and Mrs,
England, Dr. and Mrs. Pbllbrook, Dr.
and Mrs. Mott, Dr. aud Mrs. urown or
PonnBvlvanla. Miss Florence MoKlunle
of Iowa; Mr. and Mrs. Cottle, Mr. and
Mm. Wright. Mr. nnd Mrs. is. jurey
man, Mre. Ingham, of Oansmulr, Gal.
Friday nlgbt Mayor Friendly and
wife, of Euzene. celebrated their Hh
anniversary of married life. Koetsiof
friends joined with them lutbeirob-
sorvanoa ot t o bap y eyent.
Monday evening the Old Folks
whist club moeU at the home of Mr.
aud Mrs. E. M. WUU.
Tuesday oveuing tho 8aem Florloul
tural club moots at tho Willamette par- ,
tors, A good program is promised, and
all loyere of llowors are welcome. '
Wednesday evening tbe WUIanaetU"
soolal club meets t Its popular head
quarter, tbe Hotel Willamette. Dane
ug and wh w I make all bappy.
Tim Joubnaij hi not the organ of
any Portland or stato bouse ring. It
made tbe fight that defeated Jo Blmou
for a ederal Judgeship. It made the
fight that defeated his man for attorney-general
ot this state and resulted In
tho election of Hon. Geo, Chamberlain,
Both thoso achievements were great
victories for tho people of thlstUtt.
Mr. Chamberlain ha shown hlmslf to
bo a vigorous and able stato prosecutor.
ne has Just won tbe case or me wai
vs. Mult nomab county, reo iverlng W(
078 69 taxes duo on mortgage slue
1801 from the Portland tax dodgers,
Mr. Chambe aln it for bit recird a
attorney g neral Tim Jooknal's lde
of a public offiolal. We do uot oare
what party bo belongs to, If n
makes a record of vigorously defending
the publlo rights against private and
corporato robberlet he Is entitled to ih
support or tho unprejuoiceu press awi
voter. Mr. Chamberlsln made the
same kind of a light lu upholding tb
old railroad commissien: wuen h reuiw
ed rates and won every time. He be
best tbe tax-dodgers and corporations
rivery t m It lias been bis duty as state
uitnmnvto attack them. If we bad
tuohaman for governor today t bete
would not now be a hair rajuioa w
state taxes h id back by dUboaeet
county offiolal and boodllng banks.
The state would not be sitting Idly by
...,.ii !,. rnriwmtlons ralcd (reUbt
ratesatatlmeof unWal rlciiHua
depression. ...
The stato would not be In danger ef
losing tbe sta agricultural l eje ap
proprlatloo In Jon re. imsmvw
vallla for lack of vlgltent peeecft
Overridden ft this state Ubytt
dodger, corpotatloa-lawyece, osf
sbsniers, aud Por s,nd r.iur p'Wlt
nn occasional vlgoroue wm vim amsm-
ntnn of uubllo iRtereeteie io'Jes
agreeable contempVatie.
KO MOK!WKT,:wr-ICTarli
ot eurk sole -aaBkelstl c stew,
JKraaMa Hras,
F.v (j.