Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, November 23, 1893, DAILY EDITION, Image 4

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    ft iWWJW ,fl
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Tho Benson's daintiest fabrics are
now on our counters, although a
few stragglers are still to come.
There's a perfection of color cpmM
Nation and beauty of veave an the
bew things that will bo a treat for
ro. We will try to make your visit
- IF -
You are golnto bulldornnkejmylrlndof
Im roveme it, cMl on toe u er iijtied lor
material. '- h ve a' mpIetciBtockand are
reidy ' nupply any epared contract, sower
work, Trading, etc
Sal m Improvement Co
Local Dates.
Board of charities concert.
Alvln Joalyn comedy.
City council meeting.
Thanksgiving day. No
Nov. 24.
Nov. 27.
Nov. 28.
Nov. 30.
Dec. 7. Madeline Merli drama.
Dec. 9. Keeley institute entertain
Jan. 20, 8y Perkins comedy.
Agreeable Charity. There
are manv kinds of charity. Giv
ing away old ilothes causes some
people to think themselves char
itable. Giving away what you don't
want is hardly charity. A mau who
has a family but not employment is
not helped much by giving him an old
coat. There inny be an agreeable feal-
ing of self satisfaction in it to the giver
but the man out of a job probably re
ceives It in grim sllonca. Btlll old
clothes have a value iu chilly, frosty,
drizzley weather and are not to be (lis-
pised. There are agreeable methods of
doing charity. Among them is what
you would call enjoyable charity such
as concerts, entertainments, balls, etc.
One of these occurs at the Opera House
Friday evening the annual charity
entertainment of the Ralein City Board.
Put on your best clothes, your best
smile, take your best girl and go, or
buy a ticket for someonj else to go
Child's Postmortem. Drs. Byrd
and Smith and Dr. J. Reynol s made
a pstmortcm examination of the re
mains of the child of Heury Shoemuker
this forenoon. It died In great sutler
ing from some injury to the throat.
Dissection revealed that it had swal
lowed a urge blzed lady's dress hook
several days ago and it was detained In
its passage to tho windpipe by tho vo
cal cords.
Cueai Meats. Meats are peddled
In the suburbs of rjaletn for 5 to 0 ceuts
a pouud. By tho quarter Cross sells at
4 and 5 cents and has for several years.
Pork is always high Iu this' country.
Meats and fish, Hour, fruit and vege
tables are cheaper at Salem than iu
any other city of Its s ze iu tho Union.
' m
Practical Horticulture. Mr.
Schey decker, of this city, has been In
vited by the prune raising syndicates of
Corvallls tOKive them a practical talk
and illustration on pruulng fruit trees,
and will meet with them on the 28th
Good Lecture. Rev. GraunlsV
lecture on "Funuy things seen by a
minister in Dlxl," was heard by u
large and fine audienco hist night. In
a' humorous manner he related his ex
perience as a local preacher iu ArkunnuB
and TeuiHBiee among the whites. His
lecture was erroneously annouueed as
being about tho "Darkeys." It was
very entertaining.
Charity. Prepare to attend the
concert Friday evunlng at Reed's with
your family and aid the Salem boird of
charltios. Tiokets for sale everywhere.
Tho only stock of Jnpnifoso
goods in Salem aro nv being
shown at
. MP N
This line consists of assortod
Chinaware, such as cups and
saucers, tea sots comploto, ex
tra butter dishes, bowls, cream
ers, inudh sots, chocolato pots,
cracker jars and flowor vases,
lacquer cabmots, scroons, wall
brackots; Japanese-napkins 35o
per hundred.
2G3 Commercial Street.
:45 Cents a lard
Biggest birgains ever known.
Call early and get th best se
lections. THE PALACE.
StBte Supt. and Mrs. E. B. MeElroy,
Treasurer Phil. Metsclian, Maj. F. E.
HodKkin, J. D. Sutherland, Fraud K.
Ixjvell, E.I. C. G itner, Harry Single
ton, all of the state house forces, went
(iut to the reform school today to par
tlclpate In a Thanksgiving dinner with
dupt. R. J. Heudricks.
J.H B. Gerking, of Athena, Oregon,
was iu the city today with G. R. Pott-
ortf, his father In-law. He has been on
the grand jury at Portland, and made
a short visit to his old stamping
grounds here. He says grain Is still
being harvested in his country, and
that about 30 oer cent, of the wheat
has been lost by early rains.
The steamer Altona comes up from
Portland this evening with a good load
nffreluht Sta'e Senator Hayes, of
Clackamas, was iu the city today...
Jos. Meeker, the hop hustler, was iu
Halem this moinlug, passlngSouth.
Mrs. 8. R. Jessup has returned from
Portlaud An all night ralu last
night Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Gilbaugh
of Amity have been in the city fora few
days looking npa location. A high
south wlud and more rain. Miss
Mvra Snerry. photographer is home
from Portlaud. Remember the char
Ity concert Saturday night. The
Ladd & Bush bank to accommodate
the public did business up to noon to
day R. L. Bwarts, the lumber king
of Swans' Mills, received a flue bind
quarter of bear meat from his nephews,
the Bolleubaugh boys at Jacksonville.
The fat on the animal was clear white,
fully three inches thick, one of the
largest ever sent to Cross' markets
L. A. Grier, who has been rustling
thousands of Thanksgiving turkeys
for a Portlaud firm, went down
this afternoon to rtcelve the birds.
Thesherlll's otllce, county clerk's
ofllce and county court otllce were open
today, in spite of its being Pannoyer'a
Thanksgiving day.
Hood's and Only Hood's.
Moo I's barsaparllla Is carefully pre
pared from riarsaparilla, Dandelion.
Mandrake, Dock, Plpslssewa, Juniper
herrtes ami other well Known remedies,
by a peculiar combination proportion
and process, ulviutf to Hood's Barsa
parllla curative powers not possessed
by other medicines. It etlects remark
able cures w hen other preparations fail
Hood's Pills cure biliousness.
Charged With Murder.
Colfax, Wash., Nov. 23. Geo. F.
Parker was today Informed against for
murder of A. 11, Cooper, at the Arte-
Hian hotel, Pullman, October 13th. Cii-
cumstances point strongly to his guilt
Parker has been couliued In thecouuty
Jail on suspicion since the day of the
murder. He was one of the hotel
gutsts the night of the tragedy.
Cold Wave.
Burlington, Iowa, 23. A cold wave
arrived hero this morning. Mercury
fell to 7 ubove zero.
Knifed. Knives of all kinds made
or ttrtiiuid to order. Betjsora ground
and all wort; warranted, b Sim White
& Hon, knife milkers, in frout of the
court ti on te.
OitSKiiVKTliB Day. Patients at the
asylum and convicts at the pen all get
Thanksgiving dinners today. At the
latter place each receives a pint of
sweet cider. At the Reform school
a Thanksgiving dinner Is aNo served
Tjik Couuts. No courts are ruunluK
In the city today. It Is Penuoyer'sday
oil and a non-Judicial day. At the
police station Criminal LiwjerHuy
deu and the ctilef-of-pollto were en-
guced In u friendly gamo of checkers to
while the time away.
San Francisco,
Dec. $1.0flJ.
Nov, 23.
Cjiioaqo, Nov. 23. Cash, C0: De
cember C3J; May 07:1.
Portland, Nov. 23. Wheat fall,
f.05; WU Walla f.S5.
North Salem Thanksgiving.
On Thumlny, Nnvemlwr 30th, from
lffui. to 7 in. the African M. E. ladles
aid society will give a Thanksgiving
dluner at the church. Pric2$otB. tw
glMjiaflnl jjmiHffriilinrf'-A$ t i-""" fHM!P'ii!ir nisriTMnw-sllJiisMijj-
jBffiiftrfd- dAtiA " toxmxAh, -thtoida, novbhbus aa, im.
A ship arriving from the Hawaiian
Islands this morning brings the glad
news that the present provisional gov
ernment, which deposed the Queen and
suspended the rule of a corrupt mon
archy, still Ptands. The Queen has
not been re-enthroned as was reported,
and every true American must feel like
r6 joiclng at the new p.
Our country is from the very nature
of its own history and existence com
mitted to the policy of recognizing just
ly established revolutions. The inde
pendence of the states was established
by a provisional government over
throwing the colonial monarchical gov
ernment. The right of the people in
every land to overthrow the existing
order of things when in the course of
human events it becomes possible and
right and proper, must be recognized
by Americans.
To restore the Hawaiian monarchy is
to recognize a principle Inimical and
destructive to American rights and lib
erties. When a monarchy becomes so
wak and corrupt that the people can
overthrow it and set up a better govern
ment they will nlwaysdoso. They
should do so and our government
should be the last to say nay. Every
patriot should fling out the flag of free
dom and shout over the victory of the
brave men who are holding the islands
rescued from the government of a
Ktnaka queen.
Judge Hubbard refused to allow the
administration of the David EarJy es
tate to be advertised in any but papers
that stood in with him. The law clear
ly places upon the administration the
responsibility of publishing advertise
ments required by law and the rule has
always been to allow those In charge of
an estate to publish the same as cheap
ly as they can and in such papers as
they choose.
This rule Judge Hubbard arrogantly
and arbitrarily sets aside because the
'Journal has shown up his conduct in
allowing favorites four prices for their
bills. The Journal has taken legal
advice and people will still nave the
right to publish such notices where
they see tit and as cheaply as they
Judge Hubbard is seeking to force all
such advertisements Into a paper in
which he is said to be a stockholder
and which "stands in" with him. The
public Is notified .that all legal notices
connected with estates can be published
where they see flt regardless, of his ty
rannical action in forcing everything
Into his own paper.
One Crnt Daily by mail, 25 cents a
month. No papers sent after time is
Next season Domino and Dobbins may
bo expected to meet in some stirring cou
tests. Ed Corrigan lias done much to keep
the cause of steeple chasing in public
Many a great horso started in life from
tho auctioneer's block and was bought
for a song.
Bndd Doblo and John Dickerson wish
to know who offered John Curry a large
mm to pull Alix at Chicago.
Tho oldest English saddlo in existence
U that of Henry V, representing the ex
auiples in use in the fifteenth century.
Lucky Baldwin says the evil of owners
racing their own horses on tracks they
own anu control should bo eradicated.
The saddle of Charles I was of crimson
velvet richly embroidered, while tho sad
die cloth was covered with seed pearls.
James W. Page, who brought out Ra
rus, Maxio Cobb and Westmont, SiK
uiea at White Uiver Junction, Vt., re
cently. The chestnut stallion Poison, that won
tho cowboy race to Chicago, is royally
bred iu tho paternal lino. His siro was
Uncle Bob, sold to G. V. Hankins the
day before ho won tho Deiby for $17,
500, wns disposed of in Montana for $3,1
In the calendar of stato papers for
the year 1570 there is a description of n
saddle used by Queen Elizabeth which
cost 200 13s. 4d.
A novel kind of cab has appeared iu
Berlin. It is not unlike a large bath
chair, with two Beats, and is propelled
by a potroleuui'naputha motor.
Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair.
The .aly Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammoula; flo Aiwa.
0fd in Millions of Home 40 Years the Staadari
Last Saturday was a great success. Every article went at
half price, just as advertized, and all buyers were more than
pleased. This will be continued for several days longer to
meet the demands of the trade. Call early.
Mrs. Mark Skiff.
'291 Commercial Street.
P. S. Store closes at 7 o'clock p. m.
Farmers' Institute at Oakland.
A farmers' institute will be held at
Oakland, Douglas county, on Novem
ber 80th and December 1 and 2. A flue
program has been prepared, including
an address of welcome by Hon. Daniel
Stearns, and response by Prof. F. L.
Washburn, to be followed by papers ou
the cause and prevention of plant dis
eases, insect pests, cultivation of small
fruits, problems in dairying, poultry
and poultry-houses, fruit-raising, bop
culture, drainage, aud otner subjects of
iuterest to farmers. The reading of
papers will be interspersed with dis
courses on various topics, music, etc
That blanket sale at the Woolen Mill
store is still on and 10 dozen all wool
men's pants are now thrown on the
market at C-3.IH) and $3.60 a pair, regu
lar price $4.00 and $-5.00. 10-23 d 2t
Good Thing. They are not coming,
but are always here. Clark & Eppley
have superior sweet cider, apple butter,
apple jelly, maple sugar, maple syrup,
celery, all extra choice.
50c Uuys the Best quality
Ladies' Storm Itubbcrs at
Krausse Bros, 40c for second,
during our fehoe Sale.
$3.15 buys Lilrd's new narrow,
square toe, patent tipped, at the Palace
advertised by others for $3.50, don't be
gulled but see for yourself. 11-22 d2t
The Fair beats all on low prices.
Economize in Paper.
Clean newspapers, tied iu bundles of
iuu, not cut, lor sate at mis ollico at
fifteen cents a buudle. A heavy straw
wrapping paper, lare sheets, two cents
a pouud. Next door to the poatofflce.
Personal. Situation by middle
aged German lady as housekeeper.
For a widower preferred. No. 123
State street. 11 20-1 w
Tutt's Pills banish biliousness.
Minister Willis is an American.
Thank God!
Pennoyer's Thanksgiving day is not
being kept anywhere iu Oregon. There
was some talk of observing the day in
Victoria, B. C, but they could get n6
A real smart American queen of Ha
waii would uot be so bad. But there
are no Americau queens.
Minister Paramount Blount Is suc
ceeded at Hawaii by a real Americau
Mr. Willis.
Hou. A. Bush, of Salem, paid $1600
street-Improvement assessmeut into the
city treasury Tuesday.
Charle3 L. Flanders, a man worth
half a mllliou, utaud) committed uu
der sentence for felouy. He fraudli
lently procured u deed to land.
Toe natioual grunge adopted resolu
tious strongly denouncing Secretary of
Agriculture J. Sterling Morton for re
(looting upou the character of the
A Thanksgiving crow shipped to
Governor Peunoyer from Yaquina Bay
w is receive l at the state hou e this
miming. It was refused and returned
at expeiiie of seuder.
tiCUOMAKEU.-Au.the family home
iu South rialem.Nov. 22, 1893, from
an luj'iry of the 'throat,
G rover Adlal, son of Mr. aud
Mrs. Henry Sohnmaker, aged 14
mouths aud 13 days.
The funeral will be hdd at the South
Salem M. E. church tomorrow (Friday,
at2p in,, not at the house as an
nounced. Allareiuvited.
We have now two classes in Latin,
one in Greek and one in German and a
class in French will start in a few
The following students entered school
this week. First year, Ira Rhodes.An
ton Morrison and George Piereon; sec
ond year, Effle Thompson; special stu
dies, Amy Booth; busluess course,
John Westenhleserand Florence Bend;
post-graduate, Maggie Wilson.
Hereafter every Sunday afternoon at
3 o'clock there will be a lecture at the
Normal chapel especially for the stu
dents but to which everyone is cordial
ly invited. Prof. Van Sooy delivered
the lecture last Sunday on the subj ct,
Scientific Temperance. Dr. Barbei
will lecture next Sunday.
The Washington literary society ren
dered the following program at its lai
regular meeting: The debate, resolved
that woman's suffrage should be se
cured; speakers, affirmative, J E. Saw
yers, C. E. Wade and Merle Rogers,
negative, Milo Lintz, A. E. Gardner,
Oliver Bittle. The affirm ttives won.
The following ofllut-rs wpre elected for
the ensuing term: President, J. E.
Sawyers; vice president, A. W Cor
nutt and Miss Griffith; secretary, Lot
tie Beckett; treasury, F. T. Greene;
sergt.-atarmo, C. E Wade;Jcensor, Mist,
Shumaker; editor, Merle Rogers.
One or more Surgeous of National
Surgical Institute, No. 319 Bush St.,
S. F., will be at the Willamette hotel,
Salem, Monday Nov. 20th.
This Institute is specially devoted to
the treatmeut of curvature of the spine,
diseases of the hip and kuee joint,
crooked limbs, club feel aud all bodily
deformities. Their success in treating
these troubles as wel' as nasal catarrh
and all chronic diseases has made for
the Institute a natioual reputation.
All pxrsons who are suffering from
any of these complaints should not fall
to take advantage of this onnortunitv
rfor relief.
Reference may be bad to the follow fellow follew
ing: Judge Thos. L. Davidson, Salem, Or.
Governor E. P. Ferry, Olympla,
Rev. E. M. Condit, Albany, Or.
Supreme Judge J. P. Hoyt, Olympla,
Wash. w 16 23.
Sweets for the Sweet. Van Ei
ton has a fine supply of extracted
honey In bulk, by the gallon or quart.
It goes well with buckwheat cakes
made from his superior buckwheat flour.
Notice. To patrons of the Salem
steam laundry. Unti further notice
we shall not be able to get out work
for the week left fter 12 m. on Friday.
Col. J. Olmsted. 2t
Fine band turned button boots, in
the latest styles $3.15 at The Palace.
The Marked Success
of Scott's Emulsion in consump
tion, scrofula and other forms of
hereditary disease is due to its
powertul food properties.
Scott's Emulsion
rapidly creates healthy flesh
proper weight. Hereditarv
wanna ucvciop oniy wnen the
system becomes weakened.
Nothing in the world
of medicine has been
so successful in dis
eases that are most
menacing to life. Phy
sicians everywhere
prescribe it.
tPrrrdbTBtltArnn..W, Y. AldrnUU.
The public is hereby notified
that we propose to sell meat at
margins barely consistent with
fair profit.
Satisfaction guaranteed to all
o, jn,cWIK f Center and 13th Stmt.
rmmimiMwinrniniTiraMitirninnrii mi ' i ii m m iiimuj
We have just brought from the Mill
500 Worth of Odds and Inds Blankets
Lowest Prices Ever Heard Of!
In many of the valjey towns no
other dally circulates to speak of besides
Tut, One Cent Daily. Salem is one
of those towns.
Iron ore goes on the free list if the
Democratic tarifl bill matures. The
great iron ore beds of Oregon will He
undeveloped in that case.
If the city government will cease
fighting aud fix its alTdlrs so that a
Uboring man can get a warrant cashed
it will confer a great benefit.
Without It publican votes the Demo
cratic party in the north seems to be a
hopeless minority. Without suppress
ing votes it wou.d. be at the south.
If you approve The Journal's tax
reduction ideas get some of its extras
containing all those articles and circu
late them. $1 00 a hundred by mail.
If you want ta reduction and gov-
eruintntil reform In expenses of state
and county circulate The Journal
tax extra. $1.00 a huudred. Samples
How much will Governor Pennoyer
givo towards ati Oregou building con
structed of Oregou woods at the mid
winter fair? He is iu the busluess of
manufacturing lumber.
Some Salem papers are calling on the
CJunty court to have the books of the
county omees exported. It is made
the duty of the county court by law to
expert those books once a month now.
If more property owners
would improve the roads and
streets in front of their own
premises and resist all taxation and as
sessment for that purpose the problem
would be solved. " The trouble Is, they
The Journal has many friends but
no pets to shield in city, county, state
or nation. If an official does well we
shall say so, regardless of his party.
If he makes a fool of himself or does
wrong the same course is the only true
one to follow.
Paying nearly five hundred dollars
for a gravel improvement of half the
width of the street around Hotel Wil
lamette seems an unjust and dispropor
tionate assessment. There should be a
lawyer In town sharp enough to figure
that out aud ascertain exactly what it
actually cost.
Considering the panic, the hard
times, low prices, and bad weather, the
state board of agriculture, under Presi
dent Appersou, made a remarkably
good financial showing at the annual
meeting Just held. Mr. Apperson is a
good fluancier if he is a politician and
did get the whole press and people of
tho state to criticising his management
of the fair.
A man who cauuot afford to read
the Oke Cent Daily can hardly af
ford to live.
The Salem Improvement company
is supplying the people of the capital
city with the beat of coal and wood at
K eatly reduced prices.
The Cheapest. Have the Daily
Journal 'efi at your office or resi
dence. Only 60 eta a mouth. By mall
25 cts a month.
Jw. HILSBEE BON, Balem. Orezon
. Trfe.Bettlnlr.TTecDrunlI?TV-S
w. biusukk x BON, Balem. Orezon
Trfe-settlnt. Treo-DrunlnT TnA. JiSSK'
palming ha ges modeiate isatunio.
tlon guaranteed.
" I i I lill I TAILOR.
$SaZ rKtt f fen'"' 8Dd cbHdren'a aulU. BtylUb dwrtji
BULL BREECH! Ck'Qt08hea Dd P0 lowest h "
iTNttffiS1 Bewed with ilueu .bread.
The t)lt In Iho mntM A . . . .
SHOES. BOOTS AND ROBBKia JW reCelVed' A" " 8lK' !
WbnrIcS100l8b0e9f0rChUdren- AHloecln.Btockor reliable shoes i
HUH golujr at popular pneea. 8utUntlal.8tyl8h goods tbattnanot fall to ple.
w wos t? atgw.
mOUl t& STORt
Tho Republican legal voteuorthe dtr tf
Halem are hen by noUfled that the eltr eL
publican primary election will be held ft. u,
drtit. se'ond, tnird and fourth ward, Stt
city or Balem on Tueeday, Novembtr 3 lfflf
lor the purpoae of patting In nomination'
dldats for city aldermen, oneeach In theant.
second, third and fourth wardi. tobewtS
for at tho coming city election tobelieldM
Monday, the h day of December; iwTiS
polls of be aald primary election to he cmm
at the hour or 3 o'clock p. m. nde'0Mitr
o'clock p. m. on laid day, andtbetoUoirlcr
named Judge were appointed by tbe commit
tee. and tbe p'tmarles ntmed a iollowr
MUST WARD -Old eBglrebonie-Jnara.
H. A. Johnson, Jr., W.D. ClagrettndArSS
eECOND WARD.-Old court bouie-Jndnt.
Geo. Collins. J. A. Baker and J. Q. Wiljon.
THinD WARD -Armory bulldllnr-JciM.
Alonzo Uesner, K. M. Walte and J. W.Buu
e'or. FOURTH WARD. Laniourenx'i llrerr
stables Judge. J. L. Hockett, OwtnHuttoi
and A, L. Buckingham.
The judges of th-ir respective waraitlua
appoint two competent persons to set u
clerks of anld primaries.
The prlmarle snail be conducted nnderthi
provisions or the act er the leg slatlTe lutm
nly of the state of Oregon. My order o.Ui
committee. R.E.M ORES,
8ecietiry City Republican Central commttta
11-18 td a
The Demecratic: legal voters ot thi eityot
calem are hereby notlQed that the city Vta
ocratlo primary election will be heU.lntlii
first, second third and fourth wards oisslea
on Wednesday November 21, 1893, for Uu pa.
pose of putting In nomination candlu tot
city aldermen, one each In the flrjt, aeeoid,
third and fourtn wards to be voted far stibi
coming city election to be beld on UoatUr,
tbe 4th day or December. 1893, the polli o! IM
said nrlmary elf ctlon to be opened attbsboof
of 1 o'clock p. m. and 'lose at 6 o'clock p. o.
on said day, and the following named Judra
were appointed by the committee, sod (hi
places of holding and conducUDg the prims
rles named aa follews:
KIrUT WARD Old enelne house links:
I. K Wagner, L. A. Byrd, Het r rTArcr.
SECOND WARD.- Bprague 4 Croi k'l bUck-
smitb shop. Judges: W.J. folley. W.r.irar
gan, Eugene U tills.
THIRD WARD. Armory balldlDt-Jndps
O. Q. VnnWafDer.H.G. Uel8on.0ra.Barr.
FOURTH WARD. Lamoureux's Uverr it
Dies judges: u. A. Kockwell, w.U. uiicnui,
O Van Patton.
Tho Judges ot their respective wards itaH
appoint 3 competent persons to aot si elcril
ot said primaries.
The primaries shall be conducted undettti
prov sions ol tbe aot of tbe legislative umd
bly of the stato of Oregon. Br order ollti
committee. W.J.D'ARCf,
Secretary City Democratic CommlttM.
TARM TO LKT. A fine farm of 25 seres K
C mile from It R. Btatlon. 11 mflrsftn
Salem. For particulars Inquire at the Jor
jal office. lHMw
TUT ANTED BOARD R. with or wlttwcl
TV lodging. 88 commercial street.
THIS PArER is kept on file at E. C. DaWi
Advertising Agency, and 65 MtrcbB
.xcnange, Ban Francisco, uamornia, ww
contract for advertising can be made lor a.
nHRIBTIAN BC1ENCE Literature of3
Irlnrianrl iilaDtlM I. IhprlT street. 4-O-U
frhU wild Thanksgiving turkey swallowed
And down within him Brownie was ttpann.
fhe leanon for this tragedy was Brownlo'iJ
previous sire M ,.v.
He would not read our latest ads, nor u
our banralns in. ..
The moral Is clear. Read the following
Patton Bros.,
The Ptatloneri, aro now displaying theta
Bible Albums. Juvenile Books. Call