Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, November 21, 1893, DAILY EDITION, Image 1

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8BcteV taeatli by Mall
Prepaid la Advaaee.
, Wo Papers Seat Whea
Tiaia I Oat.
sociated Press Dally News-
paper Published on the
Pacific uoast,
$;. a Year.
VOL. 6.
NO. 275.
t vM' '
bjlnL .
fc vWi w - aSSSS 1 .if iff
A good assortment from cheap to best grades. We buy
CASH and seU for CASH, and
Howling Blizzards
from Gulf to
From 15 to 25 per cent, on all your purchases.
he New York Racket
hen you want Oil Clothing, Gossamers, Macintoshes, Rubber
tat, wool and lur hats, hosiery and notions.
State Insurance Block, 333 Com'l St.
C. Cross,
lb. -Choice Meats.
With an Earthquake Thrown in
Wholesale and ilctoil
Dealer in Fresh, Salt and
Sinoked!9Icats:of allKinds
95 Court and
110 State Streets.
K. Meeker & Co.,
op Kxporters
OFFICE, Oberheim Block, up stairs, &alem.
W. A. TEMPLETON, Gcn'l Agent.
H U RCH I LL1 Pumps, Piimps.PiimP
Sa 103
lURROUGHSJ State Street.
, 1 j. ,,,,,- foofli fixtracted or filled by
Lb experienced wnen yuu 1 j"v ---- n , , nv p -
H. CONTRIS, as he uses the mie me-- - -.
aIo?., ornwn nsfirtod. All KUU1S 01 umto ww. " o
Ivork and finebld fillings a specialty.
Ckwrat flrnv KrOS.
hooting Season
GUNS - AND - mm 1
We lead on High Stock and Low Prices.
rw...... -. -- it nn customers. Horses, boarded by t0
itZbhte' Wo" keep-a full Dillon this j fr service,
meet all demands. AIbo beep tbe finest Bullions in im RYAN & C0.
Barn and residence 2 blocK soum i j"'-
The Usual Preliminaries for a Siege of
Old Boreas.
Chicago, Nov. 21. Dispatches to
tbe Associated Presa show a snow
storm is raging today, witb rain or
snow or sleet, from tbe Gulf of Mexico
to British possessions, and from Rocky
mountains to the Alleghenles. Eist of
bere it is sleeting beavily. At St. Paul
and vicinity a drizzling rain this morn
ing has turned to snow.
Chicago, Ills., Nov. 21. A wet
heavy snow was falling early this morn
ing. It-still continues, and is now over
nu inch in depth. It is the first of tbe
season. Telegraphic communications,
especially witb tbe Eiet, are greatly
Dubuque, Iowa, Nov. 21. Snow to
tbe depth of an inch fell this morning,
the first of tbn season.
Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Nov. 21. It
began snowing this morning. It Is
still falling, with Indications favorable
for a heavy fall.
Storm in England.
London, Nov. 21. The terrlblo gale
which prevailed on the coast since Fri
day subsided. Crews of vessels arriv
ing at various ports tell terrible tales of
sufienng and loss of many overboard.
Life boats continue to arrive with por
tions of crews from wrecked vessels.
London, Nov. 21. Tbe whole coast
of Holland suffered from the storm.
There are mauy shipping casualitles
andfatalltles. A dispatch from Copen
hagen, says thirty-seven fishermen are
drowned ab?ut tbe Jutland peninsula.
The town had a populatton of about
twenty-five thousand. It is feared
many villages are distroyed In the val
ley, which is very populous.
German Ship Wrecked.
Cherbourg, Nov. 21. The German
vessel Corrieutes, bound for Lisbon,
has been wrecked near Barfleur. Six
persons were drowned.
An Earthquake.
London, Nov. 21.-A special dispatch
to the Times from Meshed, Persia stato
iimt u severe earthquake occurred Frl-
dav evening at Kucban, an important
town in the northern part of tbe prov
ince of Khorassan. Two-thirds or the
town was destroyed. Tho loss of life is
Teheran, Nov. 21. Mild earth
quakeshockscontlnnetobefelr. Mesh
ed and Kuchan, are declared to be
totally destroyed with great loss or we
and property. The supply of food and
water is exhausted. Moai inuauimum
fled to mountains.
London, Nov. 21,-Further details
of Friday's earthquake at Kuchan, in
Persia, ay the town Is completely de
stroyed. It is thought at least a thou
sand people perished.
Financier In Jail.
Fargo. N.D., Nov. 21.-E-Ashley
Men, the Northwestern Napoleon 01
finance, Is a common prisoner in tbe
county jail. Yesterday Judge , McUn-
npli unnolnted a receiver iur iuo ..
Dakota Title Insurance
Mearsls president.
..1. ,.iQ. 1 ha books
,7;nnr ail for contempt of court
Co., of wblcb
Mears refused to
and was Immedl
J. H. ALLEN, Prop.
The very beatofnieabi' at all times,
and tbe bestcT service,
l9Oppoelte Wade's Store.
CM bier.
Steamer iSna
Krldy 7:88 a. so., arrtvli tn Portund
19 p. m.
-KBTDUNWG, tMve Portland Tnwd7
Tbnrulayi and Btur4yt t fla. m. -
. Kiut 11 me lor paiaeacwr arvlel no wy
ouiuriniini uaaaiea.
111 UND TBIP ,mllm,u,) W0, B0 Wy'
rvP SALliivi.
:VAvrrt, rV cci.
E M. CB01SAM j u. AtBT .
U. V. MATTUKwa, .
nnflif inn JOB PRINTERS
Tariff Tinkering.
Wasuinoton, Nov. 21. It Is under-8tTuneonbeUm.oftherta
schedule to receive ove.u-u..-. , ---wn
- ,Pm committee I that
!. 1. Jder the MoKlnley law Plac
a duty of 1 cents per pound
on lead
Young Mothers,
Personal Opinions About Ha
Augusta, Maine, Nov. 21. A re
porter of tbe Kennebeo Journal called
on ox-Mluiater to Hawaii Htevens at
his home last evening. Regarding
Commissioner Blount's report, Stevens
said be firmly adhered -to all bis pre
vious statements. He expressed great
surprlso at tbe language of Blount as to
Btevens' unwillingness to show blm
tbe records of the legation. Btevons
says he feels himself at liberty to ex
pose Blount's remarkable conduot to
wards himself, commencing immediate
ly after Blount's arrival in Honolulu.
A record, Btevens Bays, for publication
wbioh will astonish ail honorable
minds, bringing to Stevens no censure
unless It be he tolerated Buch Insulting
treatment without at once resenting it
by refusing all Intercourse with the of
fending person. With reasonable
promptness Stevens will be heard in
his defense. It is sufficient to say now
that Stevens adds that Blount's report
so far as givon to tho publlo Is ex parte
and a shameless perversion of faots.
San Francisco, Nov. 21, H. W.
Severance, late United States consul
general at Hawaii who arrived by the
steamer Australia last Saturday, was
asked what he thought of the report of
Commissioner Blount. In tbe main,
said Mr. Severance, the report as pub
lished seems to be entirely misleading
in regard to tbe events of January last
which resulted in the overthrow of tbe
queen and the establishment of the
provisional government. It was not
the result of conspiracy on tho part of
a few men, but a genuine revolution.
Tbero was no just ground for tbo
charge that Minister Stevens conspired
witb the organizers of tbe provisional
government. His actions under tbe
circumstances were entirely regular
and according to diplomatic custom.
The statement that tbo landing of
troops from tbe Boston was In excus
able and unnecessary Is unqualifiedly
false. Blount's own report shows that
there was reason to expect disturbance
and bloodshed endaugerlag tbe lives
and property of the peaceful Americans.
Blount's Kepoj.'t Made to Order.
Washington, N.iv. 21. Senator
Dolpb, a member of tbe senate commit
tee on foreign relatione, says Blount's
report rewls very much as if prepared
by a man sent to the island for n cer
tain purpose, and that purpose to show
what had been done was wrong. He
did not think the alminlstratiou had
been strengthened by the prejnt no
tion in Blount's report.
.Alaska News.
Astoria, Nov. 21. Tbo steamer
Chilcat has arrived here from Obllcat,
Alaska, witb 30 Chinamen nnd a large
quantity of fittings from Morgan's
Alaska cannery, which has now closed
down for the season. A customs In
spector caught a Chinaman attempting
to land to tins of opium, ana a gooa
deal of the baggago was wltlibeld for a
further search, which proved, however,
to be unsuccessful. Tbe Chilcat brings
down the followlug Items of interest:
The Juneau Mining Company has
closed down for the season. Tbe great
er portion of tbe work performed tbla
year has been In the nature of develop.
rnent, and has neen very successim.
Preparations are being rnide for very
much extended operations next spring.
Tbe ateamer Yukon, while towing a
boom of logs from Hot Springs to Jun
eau, got the towrope tangled in her
propeller and was almost Immediately
afterward struck by a heavy squall.
One man was washed overboard and
.the vessel was so sadly disabled that It
took her 22 hours to make lu miles.
She arrived In Juneau with her decks
swept bare of smokestack and every.
thing else.
The covernment has authorized tbe
survey of the town of Juneau, and the
work Is now being pioceeueu wuu.
Peter Peterson Is an inventor, and
h..,nmleted the plans of an mgeu-
lous model for a freight tramway. Tbe
problem of travel over tbe Chilcat paw
has been called to bis attention, and be
has met the difficulty for tbe benefit of
tbe Yukon miners. Tbe Chilcat pass
Is about four miles In length, over4be
.ummlt. Peterson b conceived tbe
idea of constructlne a wire ""'.'?
tended on stanchions. To tbU cable
P!?1!!?. 21 -I!., which run on tbe
Emancipation Proclamation
In Guatemala.
Ex-Minister: Censures
French Government
Tho British Tornado.
London, Nov. 21. Of twenty steam
ers due at Hull 8unday, only seven
have arrived. They are all in a bat
tered, condition. Au unknown four
masted steamer is stranded at Wlthor
soa. The body of a man has already
been washed ashore. It is supposod
the whole crow porished, Tho Glas
gow steamer River Garry bas been
fwrecked at Dunbar and her crew con
sisting of five officers and about sixteen
seamen perished. Many fishermen aro
drowned. A small steamer wentasbore
near Cullen, Scotland, nnd twelve of
tbe crew wero drowned. Tbo ship
Cambrian bas been wreoked near
Nairn, Scotland, and three bodies have
washed ashore from the wreck. It Is
supposed all tho crew is lost.
Washington, Nov. 21. President
Barrios, of Quatamala, bas publlsbod a
deoroe which Is in effect a proclamation
emancipating tho laboring classes from
slavery. It has been tbe custom of the
government, through its military
agents, to take forcible possession of
persons of lower classes at any and all
times, sending them to work where
they pleased. It often happened the
voluntary laborers of a small planter
would be taken away and Bont to a
more powerful Mval. Tbo consul-general
at Guatauiala reports the deoreo
will go into effect March 15.
Censures the French.
Paris, Nov. 21. Flourens, formorlv
mluister of forelgu affairs, bas written
a long article, in whloh ho censures tho
government for declining the proposals
of tbo Russian cabinet for a combined
demonstration of the fleelB of Russia
and Franco oil the coast of Morroco as
an offset for tbe presence of the Brit
ish squadron atGibraltar,and urges tho
rcsumptfon of negotiations with St.
Petersburg In order that such demon
stration may b? organized, saying that
it is Imperative that Franco and Rus
sia should boldly assume eupremo
guardianship of tho Mohammedan
religion, the one In Africa aud the
other In Asia.
Highest of all iiVLeavcning Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
fpA Baking
i ih mrmf
i wwucr
Good for Peck
Milwaukee, Wis., Nov. 21. Gov.
ernor Peck has taken official notice of
tbe situation among tbo
miners at Hurley, aud will Him
Issue a call to tho people of Wisconsin
for food and olotblng to rollevo tho dis
tressed. Tho governor Insists that
Wisconsin will amply provldo for its
poor, and says no one shall go hungry
In tbo state. Tbero are 600 people who
need Immediate assistance, and it Is
probable that before winter is over
tbero will be as many more.
Rail Across the Track.
Eugene, Nov. 20.- As tho Roseburg
local camo up this afternoon an Iron
rail was discovered across the trade
nbout ono and one-half rallos above
Harrlsburg, near where the long trestle
begins. Tho rail was taken from a pllo
along side tho traok. The train was
stoppod before tbo point was reached.
No clue to tbo guilty' party, but It Is
supposed to bavo been tbo work of
Jorry Busk Daad.
Viroqua, Wis., Nov. 21. Ex-8eore-tary
of Aarlcu'tu eJo'emluh Rusk died
at 8 o'clock this morning.
Six Persona Lose Their Llvos In the
Beaver, Pa., Nov. 21. At Merrill
station, on tbo CI volaud and Pitts
burg road this morning, Bradley aud
Keener's three-story hotel burned to
the grouud. A census of tho boarders
after tho flro was out showed tho fol fel fol
eowing: missing: Jerry Wronn, stone
mason, and so ; Din John Kelly, la
borer; Robort Stanley, engineer; James
Hughes, engineer and Barnot Willter,
a stone m so., Flvo bodies havo been
taken from tbe ruins ho bad v charred
that they cannot bo Identified.
Tho bodies of James Hughes and Jas.
P. Miller, a laborer, wero recovered
from tho rulis; bo li burned to a crisp,
making seven rocovored.
Cewisetl Entirely ef Met ef the
Valley. .'.. :
For Failing to Publish Financial
Portland, Nov. 21. The Uultod
States grand jury convened today.
Special Interest centers in tbe present
sosslon for the reason that It to expect
ed the Jury will return several Indict
ments for smuggling of opium aud Chi
nese. Tho list of those whom It Is ex
pected will bo indioted contains the
name of two ex-United States off! )lals.
Geo. W. Olds, of Bellvue, U foreman
of tho Jury. A noticeable fact about
tho Jury Is that It is composed mostly
of men from the valley counties. There
Is only one mau from Portland among
them, In his Instructions Judge Bol
linger specially referred to depositing
In tho mall of publications ofanob
scono nnd lewd character. No specific
reference was made to smuggling. .The
state grand Jury today Indicted the
sheriff, treasurer and olerk of Multno
mah county for neglect to publish semi
annual statements of tho county's fi
nancial condition as required by the
mm.. Vnn a Ktmeor
ZS.Zr'RaXu Sitoty.U
"Meihtr's Friend
pots Contmement ofiU
Ptia. Horror
re !M.e"r " ;id roadway. The
motTveTsTravlVaYon! sled. Iale4 with
S descending tbe utountalu.
Orange Election.
Syracuse, N. Y., Nov. 21-The
... 1 ..rna elected J. II. Urlgbam,
nuuu-b -- . .... ..- nt
of Obio, master, anu h-
v..nnnt. was electtd lecturer.
Charged With Incest.
. Vnv. 21. John Savage.
.fwmer.WAs'.rr-lgned in circuit court
this morning on cbreoflnce.t.
American Competition.
London, Nov. 21,-Tho Pall Mall
Gazette says negotiations are proceed
ing, backed by tbo Russian govern
ment, with a yiew of ending tbe com
netltlou between Russian and Ameri
can petroleum aud forming a great In
tnmntlnnal trust. A conference at
which tho formation of this trust was
discussed has been held at St. Peters
burg. It remains to bo seen whethor
tbe American exporters, who have tbe
largest share of tho trade, will agreo
with the views of Russia.
Alexander's Funeral.
London. Nov. 21. Services In mem
ory of the late Prince Alexander of
Battenberg, were held In the prlv te
chapel at Windsor castle. Tho queen
and family attended.
Match Race.
New York, Nov. 21. In the match
race between Directum and Allxat
Fleetwood park today Directum won
tbe first beat 2:16J, by two lengths,
also second heat by three lengths; lime,
Directum won the third heat and the
race In 2:08. almost distancing Allx,
who was not in the race at all during
tbe three beats.
Oulin's Rescuing Party.
MfasouxA, Mont., 2i.-The search
for the Carlln party consisting of a son
of Gep. Carlln and friends, Is aban
.n.nu4 i.v tha military authorities. It
Is now feared tbe rescuing party will
be unable to return at once, as tbe Lole
river, which must be crossed over thirty
tlm, J ImpaWe' General Csrlln
express! the belief that bis son and
hU companion will perWi In the
mountains, though he has ofltred a
large reward to any one who will ven
ture there to rescue them.
Im 8KaaioN.-.The state board of ag
riculture U In swslon at the state house
with a full attendance. They are an
earnest body of men, settling up tbe
year's butlneM at tbe state fair,
Squatting on Olty Property.
Si'okank, Nov. 21. Two hundred
and fifty boomers are settled on lots In
tho tract known as "Shautytown" aud
owned by tbo Northern Pacific railroad
aud situated near tbo busln sa part of
this city. The tract has been in dis
pute and soveral years ago It was
Jumped by squatters, but tbreo years
ago tbo interior department decided
agalbst them anil thoy wen ousted.
Recent decisions by tbe secretary of
the Interior adverse to tbe railroad re
specting lisn lands selections, started
tbe rumor that this tract bad been re-
vertod to the goverumout and this led
to the stampede for ots. Before 0
o'olook this morning at least 700 m n
bad located on lots. Hundreds of
cabins wero -tarted during the d y and
"Sbantytown" was a so no of great
activity. Tonight many bonfi es dot
the site. It s believed that.tuj boomers
will certainly be ousted.
TITI.K o. K.
Bi'okanb, Nov.21. The Sbantytown
excitement subsided as sudden as It
arose. I has been mad to appear that
tbe title to clear and that th Ind Is
not lieu. All but tw nty.fiejumpers
have left tbe tract.
Engineers' Strike.
Galesiiuro, III., Nov. 21. Twenty
Burlington and Q'lluoy engineers left
hero last nlht to take places of strikers
on tho Lehigh Valloy road, Fee'log
against the men Is very bitter In labor
olro es.
Ravisher Hanged.
Ottumwa, Nov. 21. This ufterujcu
a mob lynched a man uamed Johnson
who assaulted u child six yearn old.
Tbo man was hanged iu the principal
Thn warrant's, for tho collec
tion of tho assessments fo tho
improvement of North .Com
mercial, F rry, State, Court
nnd Cont r streets, havo boon
1B8U d, a d will bo plncod in
tho hands of tho marshal for
oxecation Wodnosda morning.
Costswill then com 1 one to run.
Parties desiring to savo addi
tional oxponso, must pay on
Priaters Strike.
Tacoma, Wash., Nov. 21. A strike
or union printers la the Ledger oflloe
last night, because of the Itaportatloa
of non-union men from Loa Angele',
resulted this morning In tho appearance
of tbe Ledger as a four column band
bill s ze.
Tbe Seattle Post-IntelligeHcer's Ta
coma edition also was stolen.
ii i r-
Nov. SI, -Wheat
Slate of Ohio, City of Toledo as
Lucas County,
Frank J. Cheney makes oat i that he
to tbe senior partner of tbe fir n of F. J .
Cheney St Co., doing busln s in the
city of Toledo, couuty and s te afore
said, and that said tlrm w pay tbe
sum or one uunureu uoua ior eacu
and every case or catarrh tuai cannot
be cured by tbe use of Hall's Catarrh
Cure. Frank j. chknky.
Sworn to before me and subscribed
Id my presence, this Cth day of Decern
J-- A. W. Omsabon
Notary Public
Bkal I
nail's Catarrh Cure is taken hit rnally
and acta directly on tbe b ood and mu
cous surfaces to the system. Bend for
testimonials, free. . . , ,
' V. J.CiiKNBY&Ca,To'edo,Ohlo.
S-Bold by druggists, 75 cts.
Ban Francisco,
Dee. 1.C0.
Chicago, Nov, 21,-Caeh, 60 ; De
cember CO.
Portland, Nov. 21,-Wbesi fall,
f.W; Walla Walla 1.85.
On Darkby Lint Hev. GrfnnU
will lecture Wednesday HlAt at th
Metbodlet hurch hW nUbJ belR
Funny Thldgs In fclxte a. Been by ft,
Preacher." The roveftaa' jjLttyuil
had seven years experience la tlesbuUi
and hi Incidents wore gathefM ffow
aniODg the rural whites 1st tbtQjtlQ
of tbe United States. He will iriake the
lecture a most Interesting noea&dwlH
endeavor to tell sotaethlu new about
darkey life. Tickets on sate at Dear
born's book store, Altken A Palaaer'e
grocery, and Legg's drug store or they
can be secured at the door, 60 au -as
liWrht0.,liiHHilMk. Ut"