in rinmini-,m,iwi'y TiijiiHiTf" r ftyrtiteitfti oApiTAii JTttrairAx, mondax, tfOvaaiBim in. lass. 2SS ttnlMtai 7Z ii I IU 1 i ' THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. VUBLIHIIED DAILY, KXOKPT SUNDAY, BY TIM Capital Journal Publishing Company V .itofflce B 03k. Ootnmerelhl Street, HOFER BROTHERS, - - - Editor. Dally, by cwrler, per montli IXilly, bv moll, per year,- Weekly. 8 pagsn, per year, .W.00 . 3C3 , 1.80 A PARTIAL AWAKENING ON NIB OBJECT. TAX Early November bm a partial awak ening of tho ptoplo of Oreou ou the subject of tux reform lu county and Btato government. Tne discussion is Bpread Into several counties where facts are cotulug to light to Drove nil that ha beeu charged In tbeao articles, to- wlt: that ofllclala are receiving exorbU tanU protlta from 'uIUcO'Moldlug, and that the manipulation of the public tixesbv certalu bunks In a lucrative feature of political upolla. The tax tiivur in robbed bv the politician, who In turn pays hl9 friends out of the pub llo treasury and speculates wltU the plblie funds for private euiilumeiit. The agitation begun lu Lane 'couutj some weeka since, as a result of an in vestlgation by the fanners into the methods of doug county business. It showed enough facts to constitute grievous charge against certain ulU cutis. The people of Lino couuty are convinced thnt under cover of law the sheriff bus bieu taking about four times the compensation for his services that the ofllce should coat, and that it could be honestly and fill :leutly con ducted for. Tax payers In other coun ties are coming to bee that they are victims of tho same abuses. The peo ple are getting uneasy these hard'tlmes and are going to domufid that their tervants tho public dlllclals bo servants a id not lords and masters, and that one or two terms as sherlfl' or some other county ofllce, do not convert a poor man Into a banker, and they re mmber that In uddltiou to paying the vast suniB involved in these fat oflices they must also pay all the saloon bills, newspaper bills, livery bills and the whole expensive round of political cor ruption that it takes to get such nu , ofllce. The old highway robber paid bis own way. Tho modern tax robber and political boss, as lu the cases of Bherifl Nolaud of Lane county and Banker Cowan of Linn county, rob lbs people in their olllclal capacity but make them pay them for doing It. Facts are just coming to light lu Mult nomah county through tho luvestica tion of a non-partisan committee of taxpayers that show nu appalling state of public corruption. Ollluials have not only uegleated their sworn duty lu accounting for public funds, but refuse to give any satisfactory Information as to their1 condition and whereabouts. Bherifl Kelloy blandly informs the committee that ho now has $310,014 12 in three banks. He says these funds re hot now available. That la IiIb only excuse. He can not check against them. Tho bauks he says have promised blm to make a mighty consol idated eflort to raise (50,000 by Dec. 1st. He does not even know that they will baable to ralsn that sum. The money waa collected by bun from tho people between March aud September. He did not even tnko the trouble to turn It over to the couuty treasurer as the law requires, but turned It oyer to tho banks. Ono of theso Portland bauks a -nt $60,000 to a bank at Ellousburg, Wish., to help a bauk there. How much more ot those couuty taxes of this year weut to help other rotten , biuka no one knows, not even Kelly, i nor Malarkoy, who bears the some- wuat mcetlouB title or couuty treas Uer, One thlug only the committee oau learn foroertalu, and that Is, tho people pnld It. Treasurer Malarkoy olaims ho has turned over $121,000 of state taxes but for which be produces uo receipt. The worst feature of all this jugglery with the taxes wrung from the people theso bard times Is, that while it Is uot "available" for the uses for which It Is lutendod by law, tke poople nro obliged to pay Interest at the rate of 8 per cent, aud have war rauta Issued for this stolen money, and tkeie warrauts discounted from ten to twenty per cont. Ou the Multnomah county school fund alone $300 a mouth Interest must bo paid for n year. The taterettou tho outstanding eouuty war rauts Is over twenty thousand dollars a ytar interest. Money enough has beeu W to caucel all these warrauts, yet Mm peoplb have to pay this luterest. 8o b government la uot only a fraud ami a robbery but an Insult to the com mom imm aud business Intelligence of Hm peojvle. Wt nro carefully preserving the facts wan (MM tHfiHumu 01 me tux question, W bljve (be time Is ripe for n reform in ttM plats aud county government that will AV0 the people hundreds of thnwewmta of dollar In the uovt live am. It h ixmltm to talk of reform ing our county aud state governments nd kriNMiK the burdens of taxation, ! the paop! can be arouced to the awta Bowlty of taking hold of the Mtseet iu other than the u.uul political HHMrE km UliilEI iliail bUV VISUM, IIUIIIIU.I a l .., .. A II ,..P , WBTII1 BJ tU WUUIiU'Crj ftnimniwi f MtiX all eUKliavtM ptoiutfe economy lu I V - public affairs. It Is the commonest lie and the most universal deception that is perpetrated. Economy and honesty all pretond. Tbero can be no Issue on that which all profess. The political boss, grown gray In Iniquity and the new-lledged reform party in Kansas all stand pledged to greater economy and in both cases tho result is greater cot ruptlon. The political boss and ofllce seeker are the greatest foe the taxpayer has to contend with. Does anyone lm nRlue, that lu (securing a Ditnocralio clerk, Marion couuty secured any re form lu tho Immense expense of that office? A mere change of party means nothing in the way of relief. Men are uot In politics for tbelr health as long as the taxpayer will Btaud It to be bled und pay the doctor for bleeding him. Last year Pum Kelley, In Portland, as sheriff received $24,158.31, ostensibly as salary. His Income Is probably nearer four times that much. The district attorney gets $15,313.60, and ud dltlonal fees In aums of $100 to $2000. The county clerk receives ten thousand und feels be is an abused Individual. What are the people going to do to relieve themselves of these burdens which are out of all proportion to their Incomes? Relief cannot be secured lu legislation because the tax eaters con trol the law making body, aud verj largely constitute it. Relief canuot be had iu the courts because the men who live by fees and salaries predominate there uud 'he mau on the bench ex pects uuy day to have to practice before some of the lawyers who now practice tiefore him und get his fees In turn. Everything will be declared according to law so long us the people will pay the taxes. They pay tho fiddler, but are not allowed to dunce. The timv wus when a writer who agitated tax reform uud reduction of expenses of goyerumeut was culled a crunk. That time Is past. The people are golug to tlud some way to get out, from under the terrible load, and are not going to ask permission either. " " PERSONAL GOSSIP. Mr. Glatlstono is older than the great est ago at which any man has hitherto taken active part in the government of his country. Queen Victoria leads a quieter and less milled lifo than the sovereign of any other country In Europo. All the other sovcf oigus havo a hard time of it. Tho oldest soldier in tho British army is Field Marshal Sir Patrick Grant. He is 89 vears old and ioined the annv in 1 the very year tho Duke' of Cambridgo Was born. Sir Henry James is ono of the best sportsmen in the house of commons and a most excellent shot. Ho is, therofore, often chosen to accompany the Princo of Wales when he goes out with his gun. Edison's father, Samuel Edison, is now 00 years old nnd hopes to hvo many years longer. His fathor lived to tho ripe old ago of 103 years, nnd two of his nuuts were each 09 at the time of their death. Mr. George W. Childs Droxel, the new pnblishor of tho Philadelphia Public Lodger, is hut 25 years of ago. He is a son of tho luto A. J. Drexel, who was long Mr. Child's associate iu tho owner ship of tho paper. Tho Gilliam family of Bolton, Mo., consists of ono fathor, threo mothers, threo mothers-in-law, two daughters-in-law, n son-in-law, two widows, four or phan children, two grandmothors, three grunddaughtors and two great-great-grnudmothors. Princo Luitpold, regent of Bavaria, has probably tho most complete nnd ex tensivo collection of beetles and is also a skilled entomologist, deeply versed in the habits of ants, bees, moths, flies, ear wigs, wasps and everything that flies, crawls or wiggles. Up to Date Ybunceter. Mamma (raising tho slipper) Wil lie, my son Willio (ncroes tho maternal kueo) Spank nwny, momma, but don't givo mo thnt old chestnut about itshurtin you worbo'n it hurts mo. Chicago Tribune Skewered and Cured. "First I wus skewered and then 1 was eucd," said Jones, nnd be laughs heartily over his little Joke. Well, 1 t hi in laugh. Let laugh who wins, lit was skewered through aud through by dyspepsia uud lis attendant tran ofills. lie was onrrU by Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. D,you feel dull, languid, low-spirited; experience 1. sense of fullness or bloating after eat ing tiugue coated, bitter or bad laste lu the mouth, Irregular appetite, diz ziness, frequent headaches, nervous priMtratlou or exhaustiou. hot HushM alternating with chilly sensations, sharp, biting transient pains here aud there, cold feet, drowsiness after meals, wakefulness, or disturbed aud unfrt-Hh. lug sleep, uoiiftant uud Indescribable leeiing ot urvuil.or or Impending culatu Hi? rneae are sytuptnuH of Billions Dys 1' epia, or Torpid Liver associated with DvsiH'psla. or ludlgestlou, Dr. Piercw's Golden Medical Discovery will subdue iue cause, 11 taneu acoorillng In di rections, for n reasonable length of lime or inollHV lutld for It Will be eheerfiillv refuudetl. SMITH BROS., CONTRACTORS A PLASTERERS. LtaveorJertOotUe-l'arkhurtblockjtxra 5. Haliu,Orrtn. II M lC ?TCiriNO PIUmI knooa by moutttM MinwL iTspreioa,oaaaiaaaeitci ,, "7 vlinnm, This forto. and Hia, pereplraUoa. oaoa lawaae IKtlu n wuil a-hla hm and ULIMir ruu 2MJKnwu r raOTBUDUiO fltV3 YIKLn ATOXrRTO (jCJ vhlcljjaeu diraoily nuu aflcld r n r,n . DR. BO-SAN-KO-S PILE REiKOY. Pll h. V 'Iwmaa.'Mw rrl7wUiS mm - .wwimwwiiM.iii . hb. w.iwun.wfcw.l, 1M!M.,M l(KUC4 JTlltUlt.t4a.l, mu.uu 1 11 w ww whWMti.iMWHirtu, Bold by litmLett k. Van Blype. I .rfHtHKuQflVFr!9HfiH Mr EHz&bclh Mcescr Baltimore, Md. Rescued from Death All Said Sho Could Month Not Llvo a Now Alive and Well Thanks to Hood's Saraaparllla, " 1 praise Hood's Safinparllla, for It Is Won derful medicine. I suffered 10 years with Neuralgia and Dyspepsia nnd fainting npelln. Sometimes I would bo almost stilt with cold perspiration. I spent much moneyior medical attendance, but I did not get an; ucnenc qnui my daughter told me about Hood's Baraanarllla, nnd I began to take it. I wolcheu less than xuu 103. ana was A Picture of Mlsory Every ono who saw me thought I could not lire a month. But I Improved at once, after beginning; with Hood's SarsapArllla, and have gradually gained until I am now prr frctly cured. I cat well, sleep well, and am in p rfect hcnlth. I owe all to Hood's Sarsaparilla Initenri of being dead, I nm allvo and weigh I'i'J lb.' Mits. Elizabeth Messeu.Io lUU Barney Street, Baltimore, Md. HOOD'S PlLL8 cure Nausea, Sick Head' ache, Indigestion. Biliousness, rrlce25(.enta. DR.GUNN'b IMPEOVED UVEft PILLS yr fimiLUfttraiu ONE PILL FOR A P05E. & movement or the bowela eaoh day.l'anecesaary .or health. Theae pills supply what the system lacks to makelt recular. Cure Headache, brighten the Eyes and clear the Complexion better than loaraetloa. They act mildly, neither crlpe nor iloken as other pills do. To oonvlnce you of their aertts we mrll samples free, or full box 2So. Seld ivery-where. Sosanko Mcd.lV, Philadelphia, Pa. Sold by fWkett & ViwiHlyiie. TODAY'S MARKETS. Prices Ourrent by Telegraph Local and Portland Quotations. Salem, Novemlerl3, 4 p.m. Offlc Daily Capital Journal. Quota tious for day and up to hour of going t press were oh follews: BALEM PRODUCE MARKET. FBUIT. Apples 30o to 60c. a bushel. BUTCHKR STOCK. Veals dressed 4 cts. Hogs dressed 0 to 7. Live cuttle lr to 2. 8beep alive $1.50 to $2.00. Bpring lambs $1.50 to $2.00. 21 ILL PRICES. Salem Milling Co. quetes: Flour In wholesale lots $3.00. Retail $3.40. Bran $15 bulk, $10 sacked. Shorts $17 $18. Chop feed $17 and $18. WHEAT. Old wheat on storage 44 cents. New wheat 40 cents. HAY AND QRAIK. Oats old, 38 to 40c, new 25 to 30c Hay Baled, new $8 to $12; old $10 to $14. Wild in bulk, $0 to $8. Barley Brewing, at Salem, No. 1. 95 to $1.00 per cwt. No. 2, 70 to 85 cts, FARM PRODUCTS. Wool Best, 10c. Hops Small sale, 17 to 18c EurgB Cash, 25 cents. Butter Best dairy, 20; fanc creamery, 25. Cheese 12 to 15 cts. Farm smoked meats Bacon 12j; hams, 13; shoulders, 10. Potatoes 80o. to 40c. Oulons 1 to 1 cents. Beeswax -34c. Carawav seed, 18c. Aulso seed, 20o. Ginseng, $1.40. LIVE POULTRY. Chickens 8 cts; broilers 8; clunks, 80; turkeys, slow sale, choice, JOe; geese 7c PORTLAND QUOTATIONS. Grain, K.cil, etc Flour Standard, $2,00; Walla Walla. $2.1)0; gruhum, $2.75; superfine, $2.65 per barrel. Oats Old whlte.SSo perbu , grey, 35c; rolled, in baits. $.25ffi0 50: barrels. $6 767.00; case $3 75. Hay Best, $10 12 per Ion. Wool vallev, price nominal. MlllstutTs Bran. $16 00; shorts. $18: ground barley, $2223; chop fed, $1S per ton; whole f?tT, barley, 8085 per ceutal; middling, $2328 per ton; brew Ing barley, GO95o per cental: chicken wheat, $1 10T.25 per cental. Hops-Old, 10 to 10c, nnw 15 to 7. DAIRY PRODUCE, Butter Oregon fanov creamery, SO 32; fancy dairy, 2527e; fair to gtxd. I720o; common, 15 to 10c per lb; Call forula, S032o per roll. Cheese Oregon, 12; Eastern twins, IGo; Young Amerlctn, 15o per per pound; California Hats, 14c Kitgs Oregon. 30o per dnzen. Poultry Chlckens,old,$3.60; broiler. Urge, $lo03,0u: ducks, old. St.OOcol 6 00,' young, $2o04.00; geese, $8.00 turKey?, live no. 1 SAN FRANCISCO MARKET. Woel: Oregon Eastern oholce, 10 13o; do Inferior, 80c; do valley, 12 15c Hops 16 to lOo. Potato Erly Rose, 3040. Bur banks, ,3035er Oata-MTlllug,$l.S0l S5 Economize in Paper. Clean newBitapere, tied In bundled of 100, uot cut, tor nale at tbla cflleo at fifteen cents a bundle. A henVv straw wrappinir ttaner. larve fbeets. twnevnta pound. Next door to the postofllc. ' d JSSJnv TJ UPS r Ls 1 1 "AJ THE REDEMPTIONER3. Miseries of tlie UnfortunntesWlioGot Into Debt In Olden Timet. In Daniol "Defoo's timo debtors swero -frequently compelled in seek ing menus to oxtricato themselves from their embarrassments to con sent to anything, if thoy thereby could avoid the horrors of tho debt ors' prison. In many cases thoy took advantage of a custom thnt in ono form or another had a sanction of an tiquity, mid beinfr generally nblobod iedincn thy placed themselves in tho hands of some merchant or agent, who having- effected an arrangement with -the creditors took possession of tho unfortunate debtors, and hurry ing them to tho nearest seaport shipped them abroad, generally to 'Virginia or Maryland, as so much merchandise. Sometimes tho dealer accompanied his cargo in order, if possible, to obtain a better price at the end of tho voyage. Arrived at their destination the captives to give them their real namp were sold to any planter whoso offer would recoup the agent for tho sum he had expended in pur chase and transit and also allow him a handsome profit. By tho terms of this sale the captive was bound to servo his new master for several years, his liberty being nominally secured at the end of that period, and from the hope of redemption and deliverance thus held out to him tho term "redemptioner" came to be applied to these unfortunates. But any hopes .that the redemp tioner might cherish of his ultimate liberation soon proved fallacious, and ho found himself plunged into fresh embarrassments long before his period of servitude had expired. Charges were made upon bun for clothing, for tobacco, oven for the necessaries of lifo charges which he had-no means of meeting, however good his inclination, and too late he found that he had, in fact, become a slave, without money, without rights and without hope. Such friends as he had wore in England and prob ably had forgotten him aXogether. Perhaps if even they remembered him they wore without tho means of assisting him, and the chance of money reaching tho individual for whom it was intended wus "in those days very small. Pacific railways and "ocean greyhounds" were un known in tho "good old times" and communication was slow and mse cure. Some of these redemptioners were of course moro fortunate than others and had friends and connectiens: more powerful and moro kindly dis posed and such often ultimately at tained their freedom. But these were tho exceptions, and generally speaking the unhappy victim labored on from year to year, his "redemp tion" receding further and further into tho distance, till at last death put on end to his sufferings. Chambers' Journal. Fine Lecture In the university course bv Rev. W. C. Kantner of Corvallls, Wednesday evening, November I5tb, at the chapel, suuject "Move On." Tickets 25 cents for sale at the bookstores. 11 11 td ; MIC VUCdUUUf is a simple one easily Wt decided by reason and mt t common sense. jtfi GOTTOLENE the new scientifically prepared shortening is iff made from pure beef suet, : and highly refined vegeta Jijt. ble oil. Lard is made, in the majority of cases, in m m $ m m the packing-house, and not as of old, from the pure leaf of the hog. Which is likely to be the most healthful? Decide for yourself. It must be GOTTOLENE itk Send three cenu In tump to N. S K. Falrbanlc & Co.. Chicago, for 3E hantbonvi Cottokne Cook Hook, Jf containing lx hundred recipes. prepared by nine eminent audio- ffff jab titiet on cooUnc. Coitoleoe It told by all croccr. "W ReftuaalltubsUluttt. iMt Hade only by fN. K. FAIRBANK & CO., 2 ST LOUIS nnd W liF CHICAGO, NEW YORK. W' BOSTON. WnH rr l ffW F Hotel Meitterey. Newport, - Oregon. located on tbeBeacb, two nillenoiib of Newnnrt on Cave Cove. a beautifully sbeltered spot, wonderful scenery, sea batblntr. flue drives to Carta Roulwrath. er llcbtboura House new. room larg and airv. Finest rewwt for families or invalids. Oru all winter. TYrra moderate by day or week. Intending visitors can drop a itrwtal card to New port aud be met by back. - l' - m JOIIN 1TTZPATRICK, Proprietor, i An Ancient Stcnin Man. Thero aro h host of authorities on hydraulics nnd mechanics that could be quoted to support tho assertion that tho steam engine is uot a mod ern invention. Carpiui, in the ac count of his travels (A. D. 1280), do BCribeaa species of toophilo or steam engine, made in tho form of a man. This contrivance was filled with "in flammable liquid" (probably petro leum) and made to do terrible work In the battles between the Mongols nnd tho troops of Prester John. St. Louis Republic. Aliccnlinlmlril. The worst case of absence of mind wo over read of was that described tho other day when a man hurry ing for a train thought ho had for gotten his watch at homo and took it out to see if he had time to go back for it. London Tit-Bits. Hie Human Electrical Forces 1 How They Control the Organs of the Body. Tho electrical force of tho human body, as tho nerro fluid may bo termed, lj an espe cially attract! vo department of science, as It exorta so marked an lnflucnco on tho health of tho organs of the body. horo forco 1 produced oy tho brain and conveyed by moans of the nerves to tho various orpiuis ol tho body, thus supplying tho latter with the vitality necessary 10 in sure their health. Tbo pnoUmogastrle norve, as shown here, may bo said to bo tho most Important of tho entire- nervo sys tem, as It supplies the heart luns, stomach, bowels, etc., with tho nervo force necessary to 'ceon them active and toalthy. As will bo seen jy tho cut tho Ion? nervo lescendlnR fro-u tho mo ot tho brain and ermlnatlnzln tho bow- ;!s Is tho pneumoastrlc, vbile the numerous lit Ao branches supply the ieart, lungs and stom ich with necessary illty. When tho brain 'becomes In tfny way dis ordered by irritability oroxhaustlon, tho. nervo t'orco which it supplies lslossoned, and tho or gans receiving tbo di minished supply uro con scnuontlv weakened. Physicians gonerally fall to recognize tho importance of this tuct, but trout tin. organ itself instead of tho causo of tho troubk rho noted specialist, Tranklln Miles. M. D., LI.. B., has given tho greater part of his life to the study of this subject, and the prin ip i discoveries concerning it are due tohU e.tort-. Dr Miles' Kestoratlvo Nerlno, ih unri valed brain and nervo food, Jspreparedonthe Srlnclple that all norvems and many other llllcultles originate from disorders of the nerveconters. Its wonderful success inc iring theso disorders is testified to by thousands in o very part of the land. Restorative Nervine cures sleeplessness, nonous prostration, dizziness, hysteria, tex ual doblllty, St. Vitus dance, eplfopsy, etc. It is free from opiates or dangerous drugs. It Is sold on a posltlvo guaranteo by all drug gists, or sent direct by tho Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind on receipt of price, SI por bottle, six bottles, for $5, express prepaid. fiold by D. J. Prv. riiugidst, SalemJ DR. GUNNS .ONION SYRUP FOR COUGHS COLDS AND CROUP. GRANDMOTHER'S ADVICE In rolling family of nln children, ay only remedy for Couchi, Cold and Croup waa onion yrup. It la jual aa effeottve tc-day aa it waa forty Seara 'atro. Now my grandchildren talc Sr. ann'a Onion Syrup, which la already prepared and mora pleasant to the tan. Sold erorywher. Larce botUt 60 oenta. Take no aubaUtnta for lu Bold by Baskett & VanSlype. Rheumatism, , i Lumbago, Selfttloftf Kidney Complaints, tame uacKi .o DR. SANDEN'S ELECTRIC 1ELT With Electro-Magnetlo SUSPENSORY Latett I'attaU! lieat iBprarementa I inn rare without medicine all Wtalaan reaulUnir from overtaxation of brain nerve forces i eicesseiliFlndU. ereUon. aa nerrouTdeblllty. aleepleaneaa, languor, r0""' klduey, liTer and bladder cemplalntl: U J2LS". ",w, '- electrto Belt contalnj tl!?rSr,.,!!P't""u "' " other. Current la iJff.'lKvwtiXrorJw9 rortc S,0.00, and wta cure all of the abora diaeaaea or no pay. Thou. SS.n!! " 5rd.bT mawe'ona nrenUon after all other irmedlea failed, and e frtro Lundredj cf teaUmonlal In tola and every other at te. uuaure,u Our r.wrfJ laprtHj MJICTIUC SrbrMSOBT. the EEf b?!Hl StT VernX weak men, KIE vukal OaarV Bend for IlloaVt Pamphlet, malled.acaled.trea SANOEN ELEOTRIO CO., Vo. ITSflrat Street. l'OUTJAXli OKI. W. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE koTVtp. Do yoa wear them? When next In need try a pair, est In the world. 00 2.50 v2.ll 12.00 Fen BOYS i-7 lfyoowttJnBSSSKOC, mde InthsUleti gr'ftffs anoe. Ibey Bt equal to cvtum madautdkakud ...-.n u.j.Li ,.. . . di u by ptirctalng W. L. Docrin Shew. Nan tad prica ttaapd a tbt bcttsn, lock for It it btJi ym boy W. Xm IHMJGLAS. Biocktoa, Mail. Soil t Kkauesk Bkus. THEY FORKED TAB RASCALS OUT." AndtbaTontartrda CUSTOM ilOUHK" ol wEen. I will b plwd to wert,y 3H VSuZ jn. and p'ntj 01 'ewon-n vran' oi K&; flu KKfAlUtNU NEATLY DONR WT WM.AMSTaONO. wLWMmt Wy ?e& -Jjjr fc17 fi3ckill BmBBStaiS1Hllw A.0fmSJ3 MM9M 3.5BilW- .,,l 42.25 Ml 2.0oiyPm POR iO JiKLaJl l.Tt ill Itl fl f" "- -" -- HEALTHY Give a three months old baby io to 12 .. i, .. i. ii . ., ii'ii 'i i qrDa4brt. . THE PEOPLE'S Q O Only ,0ne Gent Daily .Newspaper on the Pacific toast. mm mm 1 Receiving all the Associated Press, c DAILY BY MAILrPER MEET u ' ' D These low hard times rates enable every fanner to tare his daily paper an'd'know the state of nthe .market and all the news of the world. Editorial comment is fearless and dependent. Edited by its publishers to secure good government for the people,. able to deal justly and fairly . . n Complete Telegraphic, State, Gapital, For- - eign, Market No r'apeissent aftentime of THISORDER is -out. -B BLANK ORDER -SHEET FOR THE ONE GENT D'fflLY Mfl'IL clOOKMflL. HOFER BROTHERS, .Please snd to addresa below one copy of Daily bALEH, Ohego.v. Capital Journal by mall. (Erase lines uot wanted.) For one month And enclosed 25 eta. Fur two months " J 60 cts.' For four months " UI"I$1.00 For one year " .-'..-CllS'S-. ,30) NAME. POSTOFFICE. OUT THIS OUT, All In n&ma and flOUSE Painting .Decorating, 11 Hard Wood Fhshnr. s.aArimrrs denceon -aim Mrmr ltn-.i v.. o-Trr. 1 v.-.r.Tir'r.r- """?? Le e order at Stelner k Uloawra. 1 l-ed THE WILLAMETTE, SALEM, ORJBQOJf. Rates, 20 to 5.00 ecDy The beat botal between Portland aad Ban FraneUoo. Flnt-eUaa In all tU aypolstme&U. IU tablet are aerrea wttb tna Choicest JFrnits Urown In the WlUaaaetta Vailey. A. I. WAGNER, Prep. m turn Hl . CHILDREN Arc aigrcat blessing. 'All children will be perfectly ruggecPand healthy if raised on the MIL BORDEN EAGLE BRAND Condensed Milk, for it is the most nourishing, rich and natural food for infants that can' be found. Re member the Eagle brand. Your Grocer and Druggist sell it. parts water to one of Eagle' condensed milk. - r m ' i i 'i' a1,! '.i fr.-.a 1. , ., ii - YEAR, a with all. s o and Crop News. enelosa pootal note or draft. Stamp not Uken WISCONSIN CENTRAL LINES (Horttam facc R. R. Co., Uisaa.) utesttSe card. Tw Tkrufh Train Daily. lijm tXprn 7:15pm ICAeao I Minn a I Btlaul a lDulntii ffcMam; &tSpn fcOWpm VSbpax CKpna isnpin t&aaua leSpm 7.15am &e8nB 7 i . Aiaiaao. a .naao &SpBl ivxan aCfcleau.l !LHm Ticket! cold and t"mrr becked tbronzb to aU Bolsie in tk Unite IttaU aad. Canada. Cloaa etmBeettoai awh ba ctiieaco -wltb all tralna goiag Eaet aad Hrratku tMni. .i - - ta jtaar nrare ticket aeat or JAS. O. FOMt,, ueurya.aciTin. tun .bib". DAILY! IB Dispatches ' $3.00 n r U u li Uli IN " Isp.d p 6F Lull