Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, November 01, 1893, DAILY EDITION, Image 4

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I A Dtilior fnnrf
I of the Game
Tho Bituation is almost as peculiar
with us just now. Too many goods.
Bhall wo cany them over? NU i
Low prices Bhall cause our stock to
melt away liko ice under a Summev
sun. It's your opportunity.
Going oil! of Business
Everything MUst Go.
25 per cent off on al! Lamps aud Toilet Bets.
20 ii i' ' Dishes aud Glassware.
25 " Teas and Spices.
20 - " " Bottled Goods, Preserves, fec.
15 n Canned Goods and Baking Powders.
10 Package Goods, Soaps, &c. .
5 ' Coffees, Sugars, &c.
-CotHe early, as we will not slock up in any line after it is sold out.
SROAT & GlbE, Burke Block, Below Postoffice.
- IF -
Vou are going to build or make any lrtndof
Improvement, call on the undesigned tor
material. Ve hive a omplete stock, and are
redy to supply any prepared contract, sewei
work, (trading, etc.
Salem Improvement Co.
By the Sheriff. Sh-ilCf John
Knight upon order or the circuit court
has levied upon a portion of the Mo
Corkle farm on Howell prairie to satisfy
a judgment for $57.40 and costs ren
dered in the case of Jas. Alexander vs.
Josephine and E. Bayless et al One
hundred and twenty-seven and a hlf
acres, comprising the Shomaker farm
four miles south of Salem, were alBO
levied upon yesterday by thesherlfl to
satisfy a judgment in the case of Johu
Savage vs. S. A. Staver et al for fore
closure of mortgage. Tho amount In
volved in tho suit is $1,710.27 and
costs On Thursday the sawmill ol
the Green Basin Lumbering Co., sit
uated on tbe North Bantiaui, will be
sold at sberlfl's sale to satisfy a laborers'
lien of $700 held by Alien Smith.
Fob Carpenters. E. H. Turner,
who started jt m ohan oal instruction
school on tho upper floor of the old
court house, has met with some succe
in stimulating an interest In scientific
oarpontry. Mr. Knighton, th archi
tect, has written a letter approving hlf
system to the Portland archltectc
Some twenty architects have expressed
a willingness to loam. Not half of tht
carpenters know how to cut rafcen-,
and bo teaches that In hulf a day. H r
models for construction of houses an
very practical. This winter, whei
men cannot work outdoors, hlsbonchc
and tools will be busy with men wh
want to become master builders. Hi
work cannot bo commended too highly
Loss of Blkein To He awake night'
trying to help othor peoplo Is not oftei
done,but one Salem man hidule& in tin
habit. It is the business manager i
Clark & Eppley's, devlslug plans ttt
make their patrons happy.
Way Ui The stuck of surgeon'
sponges, cottons, Huts aud causes kep
at the Capital Drug Store Is uuoquale
In the city. We also have Apollouarli
Vlohy, Hunyadl and Bullulo Lytbb
waters. Lunu & Brooks.
!a word to
Our season's stock is now on our
couators froah, bright, boautiful in
rich assortment. Now is tho timo to
mako your selections, whilo you
ImYe tho best to chooso, from. Care
ful buvinor has made tho prices rierht
OUuloWJn all tints for fancy work;
celluloid frames and hkots. and a
jww Una of ladles and gents purees aud
poeket books.
.Bookseller, 903 CoBJHwrcJM St
Our stock is still unbroken,
andour styles the best, but we
do not wish to carry over any
stock, so will make sacrifices
Judge Watson, a former occupant of
the Oregon Supieme bench, is at Hotel
Wil uinette.
Captain aud Mrs. G. C. Flavel of As
torla are spending a few days in Salem
visiting friends.
E. W. Btarr of Medford returned to
bis borne last evening after a two weeks
ylslt In Salem.
Ass't State Prison Warden Jos. Cav
anaugh Is at his post again.
Capt. F. M. Plummer and family,
who have been guests of Mr. and Mrs.
II. J.Counor of this city for a few days,
y-sterday returned to their home at
Cape Foulweather near Yaqulua Bay.
Supt. Leo McGrew, of the Capital
City Electrie Co., is building a neat
cottage on State street, and will soon
be ready to set a meal out for a tramp.
F. L. Pound and Mr. Nott of Auras
vllle, were In the city today.
t Judge C. T. MoArtbur, of P.rtlaudt
attorney for tho Southern Pacific, is In
the city.
Deputy Sherlfl Cooper has gone to
Green Basin, to close out a sawmill to
the lowest bidder.
First heavy frost of the season at
Salem, Nov. 1. Tho spirits moved a
4 rent many gtts last night. Those
dvo-viow photo3 at the Croulse gallery
ire the most perfect in the city. All
itiiitB was observed at St. Paul's and
St. Joseph's churches. A.M. dough
s still nun" ting from a contact with
)ol-ou oak In which he got tbe worst
if It. Three Sisters came down from
'orvallls with merchandise today from
the Oregon Pacific Today was sil
ver bill day In Salem. The bill passed.
...The Elwood goes to Portland to
il r row. -..--County Supt. Graham has
' en vlslllng the little red school
houses Although County Judge
rfubbtrd is a woll-'o-do farmer, he evi
dently bulloves lu in ikluj his children
v irk. His sou has a Job packing sev
eral h u ml red cords of wood I J to the
court hums..... Vuothsr fine day for
work.. Tnlrty-ulno children areeu
roiletl at Midi Billon's kludergarten.
Irc. Knight's training class has an In-
ireasing attendance. S. E. Howard,
the house-mover, has a contract to
do some work at Aurora.
l. T. Rineman is ngaln at h!s post
titer a protracted lllueas.. Alex. La
tlemmeof BiookH,waslu tbe olty today,
is thorea meauer sight on earth thau
k bill cobector, when you haven't got
the money. The South Salem revi
val continues with lucrcasod interest.
Rev. A. S Mulllgau will proaoh agiln
this evening. Mrs. Ella Jouea re
turned to Cottage Grove today ufter
spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs,
Sampsou Jones of this city..-.C. J, Sel
oulnnd wlfeofWhltcakerarelntheclty.
. I dull Baker is at the Willamette.
Firemen's Bam Friday evening,
November 8J, tho voluuteer firemen of
Salem will give a grand ball. The asy
lum orchestra has been secured and
preparations are under way for a lino
time. Mauy Invitations havo beeu U ,
sued and firemen from the adjolulng '
towus have beeu luvited aud will be!
In atteudauee. Arrangements have
beeu made for supper at 12 o'clock at
the leudiug restaurant. The oommittee
ou arrangements are J. G. Luurmau, '
Audrew Cos, Geo, Thompson, Win. j
i'arpley, and J. Stltes. Tloketa cau be
obtained of the oommittee or at tho
i m
A RUN has beeu made in Salem the
past W days, but uot on oue of its
bunks. It has beeu ou that stock of
genuine Vermont uiup;u -syrup v r u
Troubles and Trials of Robert Waist
of Sublimity.
The cape of state vs. Robert Waist of
Sublimity, for Illicit liquor selling, was
set up for trial before Judge Batcholor
at 1 p. in. today. The history of the
matter is this: Constable Welch of
Salem went to Sublimity in quest ot
Robert Waist. Waist Is engaged In
managing a saloon and has carried on
his business aflalrs there at times more
or less in violation of law for a num
ber of years. Last Sunday his saloon
was opened and bualuesj transacted,
which resulted In 8. L. Downing
Bwearingout a warrant for his arrest
charging him with keeping a saloon
open on 8unday. The old man wus
taken before Justice Batcbelor and en
tered a plea of not guilty. Ho was
obliged to furnish bonds of (150 for bis
appearance,whlch he was unable to do.
Deputy Prosecutiug Attorney A. O.
Coudit represents the state aud Wm.
f. Kaiser for the defendant.
Mr. Waist appeared before the court
and plead RUllty, upon advice of his
counsel, receiving the lowest flue, which
lie paid aud went on his way rejoicing.
Great Growth. Even thoujgh tbe
limes are dull the Lockwood mesaeu
ger business has grown to such au ex
tent that new lines are constantly going
up. For conyenieuce call a Lockwood
No one ever tried Simmons Liver
Regulator without being satisfied witb
i is effect.
The following letters remaining in
the 8alem postoQice Nov. 1, 1893, un
called for. Those calling for them
please say "advertised"
Allen Mrs Eva Bundy W F
Beaubout Howard Beck Edward
Bland Wm
Barker Minnie
Camp Claire 3
Chase O C
Edgar Geo
Uellbrich Henry
Huntley Jun
Johnson H E
Kelloy Q
Mills A R
Robinson M L-2
Randolph O P
Shaw Tbos
Simpson O O
Thompson Frauk
Cox A C 2
Campbell A J
Gilisou Sepbrnnia
Grinstead A L
Jackson Mollie A
Kirk Jeanette
Lufore D
AIcGowan H J
Rice Mrs C A
Ruyuer C L
Sharp & Co T
Travers Miss E
Towel Mrs E D
Wallace Add
Ward M
White Mrs Allie
Celebrated Prima Donna. Miss
Amalla Bertha Rippe, the celebrated
prima donna soprano from Berliu, will
appear next Thursday evening witb
the Llberatl Concert Co. at the opera
house in some of her best solos. No
one should miss this opportunity of
hearing this celebrated singer. Reserve
seats 75 cts. on sale at Patton Bros.
A $100 Scheme. A Polk county of
flcial oilers to furnish Judne Hubbard
of this county with the names of resi
dents of that county who are owners ot
mortgage notes in Marlon county to
tbe amount of $0,000 to $30,000. The
theory fa that they have not been as
sessed here and that the sheriffs assess
ment of these loans would be mude
and considerable revenue obtained.
Assessor Coffey has completed his work
hero aud cau not re-open his lists. He
doubts if tbe amount realized would be
very large.
A Pointer
tbat would gutde. unerringly Into the
haven of health, all those that are ou
the troubled boh of impaired woman
hood! Itisnmhiug less, nor could be
nothing mo,re, thau Dr. Pierce's Favor
ite Prescript I n frail female's faultless
friend time-tried and thoroughly tried
internal Intltmmadoiis, Irregularities,
displacements, and all ill conditions pe
collar to wotaau, controlled, correcied
aud cured, without publicity, by this
Bufr, sterling specific. Purely vegetable
only good can come from Its use. The
only remedy qf the kind warranted to
give satisfaction, or money refuuued.
Boats. The Threo Sisters went to
Corvallls today with a load ofll o-ir.
Two feet abovo low water mark Is
where the river stands uow.
Tho Laales' Btziarhas secured tbe
ngonoy for tho Universal p Uterus.
Lidlea call and got sheet. State In
surance block. 11 1 2t
You don't ueed to continue do9iug
with Blmmous Liver Regulator. A
dose a day.
Salem, Nov. 1, 1603.
The Bridal Veil Lumbering Co., reap,
vs. D. S. Johnson, app.; appeal from
Multnomah county; argued aud sub
mitted. J. F. Watsou att'y for app ;
L L, MoArtbur att'y for reap.
The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Amuionia; No Alain.
Ud in Millions of Homes o Years the Standard
New Plaques
291 Commercial Street.
SPECIAL. The'entire stock and fixtures for sale.
A Subject of Russia.
"I am a subject of Russia and you
have no right to molest me."
There was a fierce sharp struggle at
the platform of tbe Southern Pacific
depot soon after tbe 11:17 train got in
and a mild looking young man uttered
those wordi. He was bundled Into a
cab by three guards. Hauk Calaban
who runs the black marla to the state
prison and asylum also bad a grip on
bis collar which alone would have land
ed him in safety at either institution,
The Russian was a crazy man from
Astoria. His name is Jobn Uutalio,
and he was very violent. Deputy Sher
iff Warren called In Chaa. Barvls to as
sist in handling the man, and safely
lodged him in tbe asylum.
Garter Harrison Buried.
Chicago, Nov. 1. The remains of
Mayor Carter HarrUon were Interred
today with Imposing ceremonies,
Clearing House Square.
New York, Nov. 1. All outstand
ing certificates, amounting to $400,000.
were cancelled by the clearing house
this morning. These were Issued dur
ing the panic.
Heavy Failure.
Des Moines, Nov. 1. A sensation
was created by the assignment of C. C.
Savery, owner of tne Savery House.tbe
largest hotel In tbe state, and a heavy
stock holder In several mines In Mon
taua. Assets, nearly a million; liabili
ties unknown.
Umatilla "Agent Appointed.
Washington, D. C, Nov. 1, Tbe
nre-ident has nominated H. L. Dawes
of Massachusetts, H M. If idd of ludi-
ana and A. S. McKennon of Arkansas,
commissioners to negotiate with the
fiye civilized Indian tribes, under the
act of March 3d last. Also George
Harper, of Georcia, Indian agent at
Umatilla agency, Oregon.
Governor Boies Seriouely 111.
T)fs Moines. Nov. I. Governor
Ri1ph in confined to bis home with a
fever, and ihe chauces seem to be much
more than even that he may not be
ahlp tn tpke anv further part in the
present campaign. Reports from Wat
erloo last night regarding bis condition
are far from reassuring. He has taken
a severe cold, which Is complicated
with a bilious condition, and be Is
threatened with an attack of fever.
Coining Much Gold.
Philadelphia. Nov. 1. The coin
age of i?old at the Philadelphia mint
durinu the month was one of the lam
est lu the history of Uncle Sam's
money-making institutions. Under
orders from the seoretary of the treas
ure nfn month aco. the mint was re
quired to turn out $15,000,000 lu gold by
December 1. All the presses were put
to work aud over time had been made,
Tbe operators are working at night In
order to comply with the secretary's
Another Crank.
New York, Nov. 1. A man was ar
rested at West Cortlandt street for act
ing nuperlv. He cave the name
of Henry FranR, but refused
to tell where be resided. He
declared bo had been selected to kill
Mayor Harrison, of Chlcsgo, but hav.
ine sold his soul to General Russell, of
ew Haven, Conn., and aotlug under
the latter's orders ho had stopped at
New York to kill the Cuban consul in
order tbat the Islaud should be anuexed
to the United States. He had waited
too lomr. and Preudereast was told to
go ahead. The prisoner was poorly
dressed. He was committed for exam
(nation as to his sanity.
Dalem people are deeply wrought up
over the plunging of an electric car
loaded with passengers over the open
draw of tbe Madison street bridge.
The heavy fog and frost ou tbe rails
caused tbe car to slip over that awful
brink. The bar across tbe track was
uot strong enough to hold the car and
it went down off tbe open end of the
bridge into llihty feet of water. It
seems almost miraculous tbat so few
lost their lives.
The bridge is the property of the city
of Portland aud it will undoubtedly be
held negligent for not having a suffi
ciently heavy chain to stop tbe progress
of a car, even under full speed. The
company is liable for not requiring all
cars to stop before approaching a draw
that is liable to be open at any moment.
It Is reported today that tbe Oregon
Ian newspaper has been put into the
bands of a receiver. Astoria Budget.
The same "report" has beeu current in
this city for a week past and is an in
fernal falsehood. There is no record iu
either tbe state or federal courts of any
such procedings. It is doubtless found
ed upon pure maliciousness. Portlaud
Sunday Welcome. Tbe same rumor
had a little currency In Eugene. Very
few bellewed it, as the proprietors of
that paper, Messrs. Pittock and Scott,
are known to be among tbe wealthiest
men of tbe metropolis. Eugene Guard.
The above reveals how many news
papers would rejoice if it were trQe. It
is no doubt a fact tbat stress of hard
times has caused tbe Oregoniau to con
tract the volume of its news service.
both foreign, domestic aud local, but it
is still tbe only great morning daily on
the northwest coast.
Considerable Activity in Land the
Past Twenty-Four Hours.
Matthew McCormick to John Burs
hue, 12 acres, $400.
A. J. Cooley to Dennis Eddy, 2 acres
at Woodburn, $1500.
Same to same, 15 acres at Woodburn,
Mary J. Mourer, to W. E. Burke, lot
in Pleasant Home add, Salem. $250.
T. W. Rutherford to Geo. W. Epler,
part Isaac MoCully claim, $1025.
Henry Keeue to Ottoman Luttich, 2
lots in Frlckey add. Salem, $350.
Martha M. Bills to T. H. De Cew.ICO
acres, $050.
Wm. J. Wacker to Dora De Cew, 100
acres, $1000.
W. H. Hobson and S. A. Hobson to
Luke McGinuls, 60 acres, $1746 50.
E. W. Beeman to Conrad Myer, blk
0, Mill City, $100.
R M. Wade to Jos. La Follette, 204
acres, $5500.
Marion and C. M. Beak to E. B.
McFarlaud 1600 acres, $31,890.
The Rugged Child
is largely an ,
Fresh air
and exercise
usually pro
duce sound
appetite and
sound sleep.
Sickly chil
dren obtain
great benefit from
Scott's Emulsion
of cod-liver oil with Hypo-
pnospnues, a lat-iooa rapia
of assimilation and almost
as palatable as milk.
PrmrrttWtot A rUwn N Y All ilmrrttti.
The New York Racket hasjuot re
ceived a large lot of all kinds of eboea, f
for men, women and children, all better
grades warranted. A fine ladles' don
gola, fully warrented. tipped, I u opera
and square toe. at $2 10 And a full
line or uiue Ulhhon rcbnol shoes, the.
nlmikn t a
oei in tne world, oil eraln hnnia for
meu ana Doys, also kip and calf shoes, I
bii a I. bijt iuht )rilV,
Call ailfi PaVft
15 to 25 ner eenti Prl ll lf
goods always low. I
Avl J
U?A. U 3;-
They Have tbe Largest Assortment id
Teachers' Examination.
Notice Is hereby given tbat for tbe
purpose of making an examination of
all persons who may offer themselves
as candidates for teachers of tbe schools
of this couuty, the county school super
intendent thereof will bold an exami
nation at Salem, Oregon, at one o'clock
Wednesday, November 8th, 1893,
Applicants for state papers will be ex
amined at the same time and place.
Ddtea tnis 23d day or uctober, 18U3.
J. 8. Graham.
w2t-dlw Co. Supt.
Bids Wanted.
For painting on reform school work,
up to Nov. 10th, 1893, at the office of
W. C. Knighton, architect, where plans
aud specifications can be seen.
10-30-2w A. J. Hazbll, contractor.
Buy your bread at Strong's.
Catarrh in the Head
Is undoubtedly a disease of tbe blood,
and as such only a reliable blood purifl
er can effect a perfect and permanent
cure. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the best
blood purifier, aud It has cured many
very severe cases of catarrab. Catarrah
oftentimes leads tn consumption, Take
Hood's Sarsaparilla before it is too late.
Hood.s Pills do not purge, pain or
gripe, but act promptly, easily efilcl
ently. 25c.
Get on the Inside wo will tell you a se-M
tbe "buy marta of tmde," Manufacturers
T6i imnsHnaTflDeenon a t.iAnnnii.1 ini
jwucu uiuuey uumy we Doui(ai eziens
lvelv In ordi-r to el.ennr enstnmero thnS
oenem inerciore we are ollerlDe a Darealn
Box Stationery.
Call and look atour snecliil brand. Nnlh.
lug iiko 11 ever teen oeiore.
Patton Bros.,
Leave orders atCottle-Farlckurstblock,room
15, Hal em. Oregon.
Andlbaveitarteda "CUSTOM HOUSE" ot
my own, on State street. ner Commercial,
wuere 1 win i pieascu to inerv ray oiu cusio
mnra, and plenty o iewnn-In vrani of
ISontw or hhoes. uood flu, good material and
cood boneov work.
, it 810 Commercial Street, Salem.
Only the Best Stock BouRbt. -ifjs?- Ouly tbe Best Meats Sold.
-Good service. Prompt delivery.
Si I i ntti! I ; TAILOR.
compels us to wear warm clothing,
coats and mackintoshes. p
Me' 's Biack Mackintoshes from $7.00 Up.
men's hne Overcoats from $6.00 Up.
These are fine valuer.
Come and pee
Come and see our Hue at $3.00 and $3.60 a pair. They will give you aallsfaeUoO'
TTNTVRHWRati nvpnonrnivi niau Aunnma wr.ATsrn-RTM AND
nnnni nnnnn -.-. nir-nm
"-. nwunn ,i UMWjta, -
BSLOur Dress Goods and Jackets are
Thursday Evening, November 2
Under tbe ansplces of tbe Pecond fcgtmtnt
bind, Including tbe greatest living comet
virtuoso iifslsted by tbe celebrated primi
donna saprano from,
Miss A'malia Bertha Rippe,
Among other celebrities of this grand ornl
zaUon Is tbe celebrated plan'iV
Prom tbe Boston Conserva'ory of Hnile. Oil
ofthe moat Interesting features of ihlimnl
musical event will be tbe- 2d Regiment Bui
accompaniment of Big Llberatl In one of hli
Reserved seats 75e
General admlsulon Wo.
For Salk.Two extra flue Plymouth
Rock cocbrels. $2.00 eacb. E. Hofer,
Journal office, Salem.
-CHEAP READING. Order th !
OneCknt Daily by mail, 25 ceotsi
month. No papers Bent after time Is
The Cheapest. Have tbe Dailt
Journal ft at vnurnfuce or resi
dence. Only 50 cts' a moutb. By mall
25 cts a month.
At Ualem, Is engaged in selling fruit lands
In the vicinity of eaiom. Oregjn, where more
fruit Is now growing than In any rwrt of tn
10-13-lm Managers.
The Rustler Wood Saw
And he doesn't burn up half your wood, la
fuel, when he saws It. Make your contract
with him personally orleavo orders at Veatcbl
cigar store Dearborn's book store.488 Bummer
street, or address me by mull. 6-H-u
tt RfcNT. A. sarm of 70 aens
a mile
from I no city, partly In bops. Ju
, Fleming. Over Bush'4 bank.
WANTKD. noverness In private family.
Must be able tn teach mualo and book,
keeping.. Apply to Mr. Jnbn Kltrpatrfck,
care Hotel Monterey. Postofflce, Newport. Q'.
WANTED Pahlng canvwser of good ad
dress. Liberal salary and expeuees paia
weekly. Permanent pnstitnn HHOWfi
UROd. Co., Nurseryman, Portland, Or'pnn.
3-1HIB PAPER Is kept on nie at E. O. Daks
. Advertising a genoy, and 65 Merchants
xehange". San Francis' o, California, wbers
contraou for advertising can be made for it.
of all
kinds on sale at 826 Liberty street.
Chatwin House.
.1 ut routh of the Mathodlst Church, in Balern,
Everything new and rlean. Tables "7M
witb the best of everything In the rni:r
Hpeclal attention to commercial travJiJ
Meals 35 cu, Beard and lodging lrom HW
week np. Free tue of piano.
have just tbe thing yju want In ovtr
n...r nn-pnnM.
still leaders, Long cloak at any pries.
The Oregon Lai Co.,