tK m asss M AftT-l$CTION SERMON EBOM THE BROOKLYN PASTOR. Jlor.Pf. Talntage, Discusses Personal Char acter as Applied to Politics Good Ad vleo For All Parties A Timely Topic Treated. linooiCLYN, Oct. 20. Discussing ths approaching election, and using tho test, Jps;odns,fxI 18, "And nil tho people saw tho tljqndf rjngpjxnd tho lightnings, and tho noiso of the trumpet, and tho moun tain smoking," Rev. Dr. Talmago eaya: balho ovo ot'eleptiqnSjin the CO coun tieaoi this etalo and an all tho counties of most of tho United States, while there ore many hundreds of nominees to offlco, it is appropriate and Important that I preach this before election sermon. My text informs you that tho light nings and earthquakes unite-1 their forces to wreck a mountain of Arabia Petnca in olden time, and travelers today find heaps of porphyry and greenstone rocks, bowlder against bowlder tho remains .of tho Qrst Jaw, library,, written not on jmrcljrprmt oij papyrus, but gn shattered elabs of granitol The cornerstones of all morality, of all wisolaw, of all right eous jurisprudence, o all good govern ment are tho tvo .tablets of stone on which wpro writtpp .tho Ten, Command . ments. AlI.Rpman Jaw, all French aw,.all English' lawt all American law that is worth anything, all common law, civil law, criminal law, martial law, law of nappns were rocked in the cradle of the twentieth chapter of Exodus. And it would bo well in these times of great political agitation if tho newspapers would print tho Decalogue some day in place of tho able editorial. The fact is that somo pooplo suppose, that the law ijias p(ased put pf existence, and some ore not awaro of some of the passages of that law, and others say this or that is of tho jnprp importance, when no ono has any right to make such an assertion. These laws, are the pillars of society, and if yon remove one pillar you damage tho whole structure. I have noticed that men are particu larly vehement against sins to which they are npt particularly tempted and find no especial wrath against sins in which they themselves indulge. They take out ono gun from this battery of 10 guns, and load that, and unlimber that, and firo that. They say, "This is an Armstrong gun, and this is a Krupp gun, and this is a Nordenfeldt five bar reled gun, and this is a Gatling 10 bar reled gun, and this is a Martini 37 barreled gun." But I have to tell the,m that they are all of; the same caliber and that they shoot from eternity to eternity. Many questions are before the people in the coming elections all over this land, but I shall try to show you that the most important thing to 'bo settled about all these candidates is their per sonal, moral character. The Decalogue forhirln Mnlntrv. Jmacfl makinz. nrofan- aes ity, maltreatment of parents, Sabbath desecration, murder, theft, incontinenqo, lying and covetousness. That is tho Dec alogue by which yon and I will have to bo tried, and by the same1 Decalogue you and I must try candidates for office. Of course we shall not find Anything like perfection. If we do not voto unjil wo find an immaculate nominee, we wll nqver yoto at all. We hav(e so .many faults of our ,own,wp ought riqt to be censorious or maledictory or hypercritic al in regard to' the faults of others. The Christly rule is as appropriate for No vember as any other month in the year, "Judgo not that ye bo not judged, for with what measure ye meto it shall be measured to you again." AN UNPAIITISAN VIEW. Most certainly are we not to take the statement of redhot partisanship as tno, real character of any man. From nearly . all, the great cftiea of tfris land I receive . daily or weekly newspapers, sent to mo regularly and in compliment, so 1 6eoboth sides I seo all sides and it is most en tertaining and my regular amusement to read tho opposite statements. lPe , yon geeitovory day. Those embezzlers, one statement says the man is an nngel, thoge bank cashiers absconding as booh and tho other Bays ho is a devil, andi M th nre brought to justice, develop split the difference, and I find him half i th(J fact thot they WDr0 in au kinds of way between. Irin. No exception to the ruje. They all There never has been an honest or re- k t ba'a corapany; they nearly all gam apectablo man running for tho United ygj. they an went to places wherothey States presidency, or for a judgeship, or onghtnott i,y? The commission of for the mayoralty, or for the shrievalty th0 one 8in opened the gate for all tbo einco tho foundation of the American other ging gma g0 in fl0CiBi in droves government, if we may believe the old , n h yoa open tne door for one files of newspapers in the museums. Bj-ttiat invites in nj tho miserable seg What a mercy it is that they were not ratlon all 'hung before they were inaugurated! , Somo oi the cnmpaign orators this au If a man believe one-half of what he sees inmJit gorae 0f them bombarding the in the newspapers in theso times, his ca- gufferig candidates all the week, will reer will be very short outaido of Bloom- think nQ wronR j Sabbath breaking. All ingdale insane asylum, the weei hurling tho eighth command- I was absent two or three years ago ment ftt one can(n,ate, the seventh cora during ono week of a political canvass, mandment at another candidate, and the and I was dependent entirely upon what comnmndrnent at still another, I read in regard to what had occurred what are tUev a0iDg with the fourth in theso cities, and 1 read the was. a commandment "Remember the Sab propossiou in New York of 5,000 patriots, baUj day to keep it holy!" Breaking ft and aVfrmto after .1 read in anpther ,a t the fot,nb commandment as jm utieet'that there were 17.000, ondthen I -,,4 M the eighth, as the seventh, read in regard to another procession inm fcWM tk - 7 . . there were 10.000, and then J reaain an- mw MMr thfit there wero 60,000. A cnmpaign orator in the Rink or the otber years, and as I have heard it in ,, enemlM. So the pigeons mado Academy of Music received very cp.Id , t) tbeIDf bombarding the suffer- J fc anfl M tooa M be got tbe receptfon-'a very chilling Teptioa- ln candidotes all the week, yet tossing " htowiWfdi,twMpIgr. said one statement, Tbo other statement pod from their lips reck; w U() on(J of tha rfctlws was wait said the audience roso at him; bo great Iegd ty 0f profanity-what are , - iu turp t, comoitxafd, "Serjred was the enthusiasm that for a long while tb &oi jj tue third commanfl- tr Tbo malaria cf s,wsmps rises tho orator could not be heard, and it was tf not tbe third coriimandment, btbe pUln t0 tbo bdght, but moral ohly-afterliftinhlshand that the to- Thon 8haHnot take i the dweends from Jhe mountain to ciferation began to subside! One state- of tbe ra thy God I in rain, w Be careful therefore howjoQ ment will twist an interview one way, fof-thd n not bold him guilt- a anT 8tyle of authority men and another statement will twist an to- eM that taketh hjs name in vain - h rej8wyr wio Mjtagoninio. to the terview another way. You must admit u not tblrd commandment as im- , CoawwdmeBU. , it is a very difflcnlt tWng in, tinies like .ant M tbe other seven? Ob, yes. we uIal leU tb, most iropor theso to get a Wry accurate estimate of g in all deiiartroents men are hurling uWmjD0W t0 be. dope is to hare a man's character, arid I charge yoa, as thelrindlgnation against sins rrhaps to w fimm COfiu ot the BinalUo your religious teacber- charge you o fa tbey not s!Vfi D2" caution and to mercinuneM - tinfyer. . iwarn yoq also against tlw mistake ...t.1,.1. .nn.. o- mnWniimuaiffjuu .i,. r n different standard of character for those In prominent po- lllia.P u ft'bI " aitioB. from the standard they ipww qfiary pwaona. However much JSSwt iSre, howsTT 14th J?osi- tion. ho gets, he has no especial liberty given him in -.the interpretation of the Tijn, Commandments. A great sinner is no moro to be excused, than a small sin ner. Do not charge illustrious defection to eccentricity or chop off the Ten Com mandments to suit especial cases. The right is everlastingly right, and tho wrong is everlastingly wrong. If nny man nominated for any offlco in this city or statn differs from the Decalogue, do ma hi p uio Decalogue, but fix him up. Tho law must stand whatever clso may fall. I call your attention nlsn in tv,a . that you aro all awnre of, that the break ing or ono commandment make3 it tho moro easy to break all of them, and the philosophy is plajn. Any kind of Bin weakens the conscience, and if the con scionco is weakened that opens the door for all kinds of transgression. If, for in stance, a man go into this political cam paign wielding scurrility as his chief weapon, and ho believes everything bad about a man and believes nothing good, how long before that man himself will get over tho moral depression? Neither in timo nor eternity. If I utter a falsehood in regard to a man, I may .damage him, but I get for myself tenfold more damage. That is a gun that kicks. If, for instance, a man bo profane, under provocation ho will commit any crime. I say under provo cation. For if a man will maltreat tho Lord Almighty, would he not maltreat his fellow man? If a man be guilty of malfeasance in office, ho will, under provocation, qommit any sin. IJe who wU steal will lie, and ho who will lie will steal. If, for instance, a man bo impure, it opens the door for all other iniquity, for in that one injquity he commits theft of, tho worse kind, and covetousness of the worst kind, and falsehood pretending to be decent when he is not and mal treats his parents by disgracing their name if they wero good. Be careful, therefore, how you charge that sin against any man either in high place or low place, either in office or out of office, because when you mako that charge against a man you charge him with all villainies, with all disgusting propensi ties, with all rottennoss. A libertine is a beast lower than the vermin that crawl over a summer car casslower than the Bwine, for the swine has no intelligence to sin against. Be careful, then, how you chargo that agaipst any man. You must be so cer tain that a mathematical demonstration is doubtful as compared with it. NO TAMPERING! W1TU TJ1E LAW. And then, when you investigate a man on such subjects you must go to tho whole length of investigation and find out whether or not he has repented. He may havo been on his knees before God and implored the divine forgiveness, and hp may have implored the forgive ness of society and the forgiveness of the world. Although if a man commit that Bin at 80 or 83 years of age, thero is not ono caso out of a thousand where he ever repents. Yon must in your investigation seo if it is possible that tho ono case in vestigated may not havo been the excep tion. But do not chop off the seventh commandment to suit the case. Do not change Fairbanks' scalo to suit what you aro weighing with it. Do not cut off a yardstick to suit tho dry goods you are measuring. Let the Jaw stand and nev er tamper" with it. Above an, I charge yon do not join in the cry thaIbave heard for 15, 20years I bavo.heard It that there is no such thing as purity. If you make that charge, you are a foql mouthed scandaler of tho human racp. You are a leper. Make room for that leper! When a man, by pen or type or tonguo utters such a slander on the human race that thero is no such thing as purity, I know right away that that man himself is a walking lazaretto, a reeking ulcer, and is fit for no society better than that of devils damned. We may enlarge our charities in such a case, but in no such case lot us shave off tho Ten Commandments. Let them stand aa the everlasting .defense of society Apd ot the ch.urcu of God. The committing of one sin opens tho rtnrt rrr in c-i iiurmiiiii ui uiubi oiuvi the nlntb? HN inn IUUIUI . g of tbe80 political campaign or-1 ... .. t i,iv Keen them reported In hrungjtegainswu mv ''-" theTarenotparncuj "- tbied BT tub decaukjut. t t.- h txxiK lor wj -- T.,, that the man who swears or WI1CU A "" " " m. .! Mm mm aa wbo break? tw '" " culMble before Goa 'TT wJtfJttO60"'71 W WJ JBYMJHI3H& OAflTAXi right have you and 1 to select which commandment we will keep and which o wui Dreaitr Hotter not try to meas nre the thunderbolts of thn Almtvtitv Baying this has less Maze, this hns less momentum. Better not hnmllA ttmemn. better not experiment much with tho di vine ammunition, Cicero said he saw tho "Iliad" written on a nutshell, and vou and I havo Rpen tho Lord's Prayer written on a 5 cent pieqe, but the whole tendency of theso umes is to write the Ten Commandments so Bmall nobody can seo them. I protest this day against the attempt to revise the Decaloguo which was given on Mount Sinai amid tho blast of trumnets. anil the cracking of the rooks, and tho par oxysm or the mountain of Arabia Petram, I bring up tho candidates for ward and township and city and state office. I bring them up, and I try them by this aecalogue. Of course they aro imper lecc. yye are ail lmperiect. Wo say things we ought not to Bay; wo do things wo ought not to do. Wo havo all been wrong; wo have all done wrpng. But I shall find out one of tho candidates who comes, in my estimation, nearest to obe dience of the Ten Commandments, and I will vote for him, and you will voto for him unless you love God less than your party then you will not. Herodotus said that Nitocris, the daughter of Nebuchadnezzar, was so fas cmated with her beautiful village of Ardericca that she had tho river above Babylon changed so it wound this way and wound that, and curved this way ana curved that, and though you sailed on it for three days every day you would be in sight of that exauisito village. Now, I do not care which way you sail in morals, or which way you sail in lifo, if you only sail within sight of this beau tiful group of divino commandments. Although they may sometimes seem to bo a little angular, I do not care which way you sail, if you Bail in sight of them, you will never run aground, and you will never be shipwrecked. Society needs toning up on all these subjects. I tell you thero is nothing worso to fight than tho 10 regiments, with bay onets and sabers of file, marching down the side of Mount Sinai. They always gain the victory, and those who fight against them go under. There are thou gauds and tens of thousands of men be ing slain by the Decalogue. What is the matter with that young man of whom I read, dying in his dissipations? In his dying delirium ho said: "Now fetch on the dice. It is mine! No, no! It is gone; all is gone! Bring on moro wine! Bring on moro wine! Oh, how they rattle their chains! Fiends, fiends, fiends! I say you cheat! The cards aro marked! Oh, death! oh, death! oh, doath! Fiends, fiends, fiends!" And he gasped his last and was gone. Tho Ten Com mandments slew him. Let not ladies and gentlemen in this nineteenth century revise tho Ten Com mandments, but let them in society and at the polls put to the front those who come the nearest to this God lifted stand ard. On the first Tuesday morning in November read the twentieth chapter of Exodus at family prayers. Tho moral or immoral character of tho officers elect ed will add 75 per cent unto or subtract 75 per cent from tho public morals. You and I cannot afford to bavo bad officials. Tho young men of this country cannot afford to have bad officials. Tho commercial, tho moral, the artistic, the agricultural, the manufacturing, tho re ligious interests of this country caonqt afford to have bad officials, and if you, on looking over tho wholo fiold, cannot find men who, in your estimation, com,o within reasonable distance of obedience of the Decaloguo, stay at homo, and do not voto at all. A OOOD OAMPAIQN DOCUMENT. I suppose when in tho city of Sodom there were four candidates put up for office, and Lot did not believe in any of them, he did not register. I suppose Jf there camo a crisis in the politics of Babylon, where DanieJ did not beliovo in any of tho candidates, he staid at homo on election day, praying with his face toward Jerusalem. But we have no such crisis, we nave no snen exi gency, thank God. But I havo to say to you today that the moral character of rulers always affects the ruled, and 1 ap peal to history. Wicked King Aianasson depressed tne moral tone of all the nation of Judab. and threw them into idolatry. Good King Josiah lifted up the whole nation by his excellent example. Why is it to day England is higher up in mprals than at any point in her national history? It is because sho has the best ruler in all Europe all the attempts to scandalize her name a failure, Tho political power of Talleyrand brooded all the political tricksters of the last 00 years. The dis honest vice presidency of Aaron Burr blasted this nation until important let ters were written in cipher, because tho people could not trust the United States mail. And let the court circles of Louis XV and Henry VIH march out, followed by the debauched nations. The hhjher up you put a bad man the worse is his power for evil. The great fabulist sayB that the jiigoons were in fright at a kite flying In tho air, and so these pigeons novereu pear io umcvuu Why are you um OTIR 11 - j wfa do T0Ur llfo ta " "" , ,ri,. . w ,nA mi deitmr BUI ODtJ UJ VMS n - , out the Jn w 'i - ...iifjini .. , expepdrs beat. HllUildi W ' " " andria. IS " 7 tt -- Batwitboo when theAtexaoowij ," Sored, and the book, wen .taken .to fh fftr ins cnacam vi vt- 0TDTRKjyC,AtOanAT, eand baths of moral purification for the American people. I say ffe want a ton!? a mighty tonio, a corrective, an all powerful correct iveand Moses in the text, with steady hand, notwithstanding the jarring moun tains and tho full orchestra of tho tem pest, and tho blaziugof tho air, pours out the 10 drops no more, no less which our people need to take for their moral .convalescence THE QOSEEL IN POLITICS. But I shall not 1 avo you under tho discouragement of tuo Ten Command ments, becauso wo have all offended. Thero is nnothcr mountain in sight, and whilo, ono mountain thunders tho other apswow in thunder, and whilo Mount Sinai, with lightning, writes doom tho other mountain, wita lightning, writes morcy. xne oniy way yon will over spike tho guns of the Decaloguo is by the, spikes of the cross. Tho only rock that will over stpp tho Sinaitic upheavals is, the llock or Ages. Mount Calvary is higher than Mount binal. The English survey expedition, I know. say that one Sinaitic peak is 7,000 feet high and nnother 8,000 and another 0,000 feet high, and travelers tell us that Mount Calvary is only a bluff outside of tho wall of Jerusalem. But Calvary in moral significance overtops and over- shadqws all tho, mountains of tho hemi spheres, and Mount Washington and Mont Blqnc and tho Himalayas are hil locks compared with it. You know that sometimes ono fortress will silence an othor fortress. Moultrie silenced Sumter, and against tho mountain of the law I put tho mountain of tho cross. "Tho soul that slnneth, it shall die," booms one until tho earth jars under tho cannonade. "Savo them from going down to the pit, Lhavo found a ransom," pleads the other until earth and heaven and hell tromblo un der the reverberation. And Moses, who commands the ono, surrenders to Christ, who commands, tho other. Onpe by the law our hopes wero slain. Bat now In Christ wo Iho again. Aristotle says that Mount Etna erupt ed ono day and poured torrents of scoria upon tho villages nt the base, but that the mountain divided its flame and made a lano of safety for all thoso who camo to rescuo their aged parents. And this volcanic Sinai divides its fury for all thoso whom Christ has come to rescuo from tho red ruin on both sides. Stand ing as I do today, half way between the two mountains tho mountain of tho Exodus and tho mountain of tho nine teenth of John all my terror comes in to supernatural calm, for the uproar of the ono mountain subsides into quiet and comes down into bo deep a silence that I can hear tho other mountain epoak ay, I can hear it whisper, "The bloodtlio,bloqdi the blood that clcanseth from all sin." Tho survey expedition Bays that the Sinaitic mountains have wadys or water courses Alleyat and Ajelah emptying Into Feirau. But those streams aro not navigable. No boat put into- thoso rocky streams could sail. But I havo to tell you this day that the boat of gospel res cue comps right up amid the water courses of Sinaitic gloom and threat ready to tako us off from under tho ohad ows into tho calm sunlight of God's par don and into tho land or peace. Ob, if you could bco that boat of gos pel rescuo coming this day, you would fepl as John Gilmoro in his book, "Tho Storm Warriors," says that a ship's prow felt on the Kentish Knock sands, off tho coast of England, when they wero being beaten to pieces, and they all folt thoy must die. They had given up all hope, and every moment washed off onothor plank from tho wreck, and they said, "We must die; wo must die!" But after awhilo they saw a Itamsgato lifeboat coming through tho breakers for them, and the man standing highest upon tho wreck said: "Can It be? Can It be? Itis, it is, it is, it is! Thank God! It is the Bamsgato lifeboat! It is, it is, itis, it is!" And tho old Jack Tar, describing that lifeboat to bis comrades after ho got ashore, said, "Ob, my lads, what a beau ty it did seem coming through tho break ers that awful day!" May God, through tho mercy in Jesus Christ, take us all off tho miserable wreck of our sin into tho beautiful lifeboat of tho gospel. Mr. X. L. Salter A well known photocrphtr of Hre!, CL testlflesi "My face and body wero cot ttti with red blatlici which disCsurel w snd eauttd u h sufl.'itn;. ODer wo.11 duel tolled, huUiter UUlns four hohlet J Hood's SarssparlHn I m enUri'- In Jrwn Uoich.J ru . s t feetlwell" 1?2!5CJ': ""rTcod's P '" 1 ; "i DR.GUNH'S rxraorss LIVER PILLS A MILD PHYSIO ONE PILL FOR A DOSC. 4 Mnuil t tk Urn U uk Sty, 1 Htwur ii bMli. ThM pill vpi4r wfcM ; il Iim w4 Utr tfc CMflutn UlUf ifcB ZZmHU. tr mtUir. mtULn trip mat Sums ulUn lAUtt. Torl . ttknr gold by Baikett 4 Vao Slype, I L3 fj mW OCTOBER 80, 16S, 23i BALD What Is tho condition A yor? Is yor hatridry, 5 harsh, brittle? Does It jpllt at tho ends? Has It a 5 lifeless appearance? Docs it fall out 'when combed or", brushed? Is It full of dandruff ? Does your scalp Itch?,? Is it dry or in a heated condition.? If theso are some of your symptoms bo warned ta time or y o wIM become MU. K! SkookumRoot Hair Grower s ltwbatroaned. IUpfodoollonlinoaocl(!ent,botthrenHef eclenlltlo i rMrch. Knowlcdn ot Uie dlnuu ot tb hair nd aealp ltd to tha dlacor. i cry ot bow to treat them. Skookum"conulcineltlierniloeUnorolla. It i it not a ujre. out a aeugntroiiy tbe folllclee, U flop atling heads. .. Of Seep tho icalp clean, healthr, and free from trrttatlns ernrtlont, hy ' the oa ot .stoofcvm Sarin Eoafi. Itdestroi jxirosalo (, KMMfttdon' I ana dtitroy (he hair. i It your drnrclit cunot latmly too Bend direct tana, and na will forward . prepaid, on receipt ot prise, THE SKOOKUn TRADE MAIIK 07 South jt'Vifrcru. T. J. KRESS. JHOUSE PAINTING, PAPER HANGING, Natural Wood Finishing, Cor, 20th and Chemeieta Blreet. J. Geo. Fondrich, CASH MARKET Boat meat and free delivery. 136 Mate Street. To Nlj n Felon Tn the Hud. If you havo tho appoaranco of a. folon coming, put boiuo linnl tvood1 ashes in on old tin cup, pour over thorn warm water, immerse tho end of tho soro finger in tho nahes, sot tile dish on somo livo corns or on top of tho stovo, keeping tho linger in oa long os you can, and soak it several tinies a day. It taken in timo, it gen erally cures a folon. Lobelia tinc ture sometimes prevents a folon from coming if tho finger is wet with it often. Housokoepor. U0iuuUU0ou,O OUOU jOOU jO J UUUoO Hair Death. lnatantlv removeaand forever destroys ob- jeotlonable hnlr, wheihor upon tbe bands. uice anna or dock, wiiuoui aiaouiurutiuu r injury to me mom aenouonaiu. tv was lor dfty yea tho aocret 'ormulaol Krasmus Wilson, ackuowledaed by ptiysl lima as tho hlxboal aulhonty and tho moHi omlnmit drtiiatoltat and hair ape claltst that ever lived. During hla private pinctloool alirunie amone tne noouuy tnd arlstoeraoy of Europe he prescribed bis recipe. 1'rlce, (1 by mlf, sorurely jacked. Correspondenro confidential. Bole vgenta tor America. Auurosa THE SK00KUM ROOT HAIR GROWER U 'ept. U. 67Houth Kllth Avenue.New YorRj J )(vnnnonn(nnno qqi 'ono onoofno I Economlzo in Paper. Clean newspapers, tied in bundles of 100, uot cut, (or solo at this offlco at fifteen cents a bundle. A heavy straw wrapping paper, large sheets, two cents a pouuu. JNexi uoor to me poswuutw, VISOR F MEN Easily. Quickly, Permanently Rttlorad. WEAKNESS, NERVOUSNESS, DEBILITY, and all the train of arils I roni early rroia or later exoenwi. tbe remits ot overwork, aloknaas, worrv, .to rullilreuttti, deTtlopmeot and tone Blren to ev.rr organ and portion of the bod. Hlmplr.natoralmeUious. IinmedlaUtlmtiruvement n. Vallurelmpostltjle. ifut rererencrs. Book, explanstlen and proofs mailed (sealed) free. ERIE MEDICAL CO. BUFFALO. N. V. WtOFKSSlONALi AND UUBINESflOAKUS. r. it, d'akoy. ofx). a. vivauAU. D 'Alloy fc J1INOHAM. Attorneya at Law, Itonraa l, 2 and , D'Arey Huildinr. lit Slain street. Special attention given to busi ness tn the supreme and circuit courts of the state. 1 miLiMON FOliO, Attorney at law, Salem, X Oregon. Offloo upstairs In l'atton bloclc H, J. lliauKIt, Attorney at lawalem, Ore gon, onice over HusU's bank. T J.B1IAW.M.W.I1UNT. H1IAW4IIUMT e I . Attorneya at law. Offlee over Capital National bank, Haleui, Oregon. JOHN A. UAlliON, Attorney at law, rooms 8 and 4, lluih bank building, Halem.Or. H.r.ligNHAM. W. JI. HOUAW. nONHAM 4 HOI.MKH, Attorneya at law. O Offlco In llusn block, between Htateand oourt.on Commercial street, J OHN 11AYNK, ATTOKNKY.AT-LAW". iil!il(insiiudaai.d iirninntly remitted. umphy block, cor. HtaU and CotumeroUl streets, rlalem, Oregon. 8-tf. WO.KNIUJITON-Arehltct and superln itnnnnt. (itrlea. rooms 3 and 8 Hush Ureyman block. -Htt tr B. loaUK, HUmographer and Tjpe VI. wrltesl llest equipped typewriting of I, out one In Orron. Over Hush's hank. nalera, Oregon. Oil A.UAVX.LaUl'TalOraduaUof New York, ulvea snectnl attention to the die MsMof woman and onlldrao, com, throat, longs, kidneys, sktn diseases and surgery. Offlue at residence, lot eute street. Consul U- tlou from v io yt a. in. ana u 3 p " !- . flltOWNK, U D.. fhysicUnandrtar. , geon. Office, Murphy blojki reatdtnoe, ommtrcUi street. DIUT.O HMJTH, DentlsL WUU etrest lUlsm, Oregon. KluUhfcd dental opera, 1 kids of every description, 1'alnleM opera tions a specially, I). l'UUII. Architect, plans, specinoo- turns ana aUDenniennence ivr u cimahm 01 Dunaings. cUuual OMcm TOO Cominerclal street, up stairs. SONH OK VKTKIIANH -HampUr Camp o. , hons ol Veurans. V, rt A wreia Tbur. nail VUlting brother ar cordially Invited loatteud JJH, M. O. IliUiWX, CapU rlf IThViriON l)IHJK NO, J AO.U. W I 1 tela lu their ball In hute Insurance Jultdlnever,,.v.n.n&. J. A 8KI.WOOD,fUwordr, -,ii ANNlMTif(lItNTiM. nonaarvatorr n ot Wuslo, IJreaden. Oerniany. Vncal aI Instrumental rousla. Jns'iuotorof JTreneh ana ucnsu "'.. .ri. "- , ,WVVW VAfVirVWWJW.VWWVNf mm . - ..,,. HEADS! cooiwr ana rerreemnf tcuio. jjy eumuuueir , hair, mtrta dandruff and grmn hair oh bald Orower, SU per bottle 1 4 t or $J.0a Sop,roo.. , ROOT HAIR GROWER CO., mtth Avenae, Mow Tork, N. Y. E. MUBBHT. Freshb News-Paoers- Frurts- J. L. BRNNETT Si SON. P. O. BlooVc. KORTII BALKM. Take It! EVENING JOURNAL, Only a cents n day delivered at your door. HOWARD, The House Mover. 451 MRrion Street. Uas the beat facllitlea for moving and rais ing houses, tieave outers at Uruy Uros., or address Balem, Oregon. From TwminaJ or Interior 1'oints' tie I. Is tbe line to take To all Points East ami Ml It la the dining car rente. It rune through' vestibule trains; every day. In ST. PAUL AND I(No ohnnge of cars.) Composed of dining can unsurpaseed, JPnUmaa drawing room aieepem Of latest equipment TOURIST Sleeping Cars. Best that can he constructed and tn which aooommodatUna are both tree and fnr nlshed for holders of Drat and eeoond-clasf tloketa,and ELEGAMT DAY COACHES. Aoontlnnote line oonnegtlng with all Unas, affording direct and uninterrupted aorvloe. iullman sliepa' wrTtlonacnn be 19. cured In advtnco tj -CiKlt nny agent of the road. Through tickets to and from all points In America, England and Europe can be purchased at any tloket omce o( this wru. pany. Full Information onncerninx ralos, time oftralns.roateaandotherdetaUsfurnlfhn'l on cnpllcatlon to any agent or A. D. OHAJtLTON, Assistant General r&aserjL'er Are nt, Mo, 131 Klrnt street, cor. WrwdlngUini l'ort I and, Oregon BlTAW & Dovvninq, Agools. Hotel Monterey. Newport, Oregon Located on the Beach,two miles nor tl of Newport on Cavo Cove, a beautifully boltercd spot, wonderful itceiiury, mi( bathlnir. flne drives to Capo Koul weath er llhtbouM. House new, rooms largo and airy. Finest resort for families or Invalid". Open all winter. Terms moderate by day or week. Intending Visitors can drop a postal card to Now port and bo met by hack. John IfiTiPATntmr d-2-m Proprietor. TO SALT LAKE, DENVER, OMAHA, KANSAS CITY, CHICAGO, ST. LOUIS AKDAU. EASTERN CITIES 3 1 DAYS to 2 CHICAGO HWrS tl" Q''i st to Ch!ca5Q M flflliN Quicker to Omaha and Karn im rs sag city, Through Pullman and Tourist Sppers, fiat Kwllnlnjf Calr Cars, Dining Cart. Cor rate and eenpral lufvrmatl ch)' -n or address, w. h. HunuiORT, ami. or. VA SVwhlnatrtn t . VurM Vittrrt H). IdiM THE PACIFIC ttirrvmvti ivu ra i rrrnvn nruiPin aruibviliu 1MB. vwuuuutiiivi uunini A(,KM, m Oroaton 1 r, WYItfwer". Q, S, U(M HT, UftWfWr, fiiiiM WW TICKETS - - ... ... - - ' Electric Lights uu" 'OvTl&ctcr System.'Jggt TO CONSUMERS S Thot&lern IJglit and rower Corapaiijr at crent vxperjxe have equipped their Eleotno LlghVplRut with the modern upparatwi &ndutnn)wh!e to oiler the public a hotter light than ftnjr extern nna nt a rata lower thou nuy city on luo cast. Ate aud iBtaHtlcScemt Light; iug, ilcctrlc Motwrs-ter H purposes where iewe s re qHireel. Relionre can b wired fOrnamitny llffcts oa desired and the oonaumora luy tor only uch HKhta nri; ued. This belue regltteied byftnltloctrloMeWr. Offlf 179 Commercial St. MEATS. HUKT.itieMS.UiiBatflter, Bija ho lite not so'd oat hat. imply moved hiaVbop ta tho old aland si Liberty atreK brldgo. DhvIiI MeKill? S w tanve orders nt Pnlem Im provement Co., 1)5 Btato atreeu OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD CO E..W.HADLEY, Receiver. SHORT LINE to CALIFORNIA OCEAN STEAMER SAILINGS. P. B. WILLAMETTE VALLEY. leaves fan Pianclsco, Nov. 6th, Mil) and !8r Le ve Vaqulna. Nov. 0th, 1UU), nnfliBth, KATES ALWAYB BAT 18FACTIORT, Fort freight at d pa'sesger ro Us apply to nay ageutorpurserof this company. R. K. WULOAttY.'aen'lBsftt O, T, WAHULAW, T K. ft P. A. O. M. 1'OWliiW, Agent, 8e,lem'letrv WISCONSIN CENTRAL' LINES (Northern PcHc RR.Co,, LKa.) LATEST TIME CARD. ' Two Through Trains Dally 0 25pm I?:l6pui 1 Mlfin al 8:0atn H.OOaia U.IOam 8.061U b,eetn lAtpm 10-.S0ttm l.45prn 1 hi ran 1 a 1, Dn!ntha I . Asliland. a n..Chlongn..l tuapm 7.06pm 7.16ani10Jim Tickets sold and haggage cheeked through to all polnta In tbe United Htates and Canada, Close connection made tn Chicago with all trains going East and (tenth. Kor lull Information apply to your nearest ticket agent or JAM. O. POM. (inn. 1'iim, and Tkt, Agt.,GMco,, JJI East and South via, THE SHASTA B0UTE of thr Southern Pacific. Company. cAuroHHiA sxritcaa tiui bvj daiit bk TWXKK rOHTLAHP AWD B. V. &oulh. North. 0.I6 p. ni. 9X0 p. m. 10-18 a.m. Lv. i'tirtland Ar. Lv. Halorn Lit, at. nan rran. uv .1 J-M p. aa Above trains aton at all stations from Portland to Albany Inclusive; alsoatTanaeat Hbedd, Unlscy, llarrlsburg, Junction City, to Ashland Inclusive, miHKIIUIIU MAIL DAILY. H.aO a. ui. 11:17 a. m m p. m. M. 1'ortiahd Lv. Hnlera Ar. Itoseburg Ar. I M p, m, LV. I l!40p.M. MliilHg Cars oa OgdcH Kute FDLLMAN BDFFET SLHIW AND Second Class Slumping Cars- Attached to all through train. rVesiSfde Wsmt Mmt. loii (MHs: PAII.Y- (KXCCn BDirOAT). PiHUwi a. hi. nPorOanoT Oorvallls 'TirTrotaeprin; Lv. I l.-tQp.M, lltlft p. in. At Albany and Oorvallla connect wltn trains of Oregon 1'astlSo Itallroad. HXfHKMlTHAIN (DAILY fcKfrlftlAY 4:Tii. ui.l Lv, i'oriland 7flrp.n. Ar. McMlnnvllle r7 Lv. "k-mHTm IW0a.w TNKdUCiH TICKETS To all polnu in tbe Vtr Mates, Cana4a ana Kuropa ran ue oDiainea at lowest ism Irom. W. W. DKIMMKK, Agent, Halesn. j&r.tuMiKiui. Asst. o. r. Ml ytm. A M. KOKIILKK. Maoaaaf W. La DOUGLAS S3 SHOE wtfttfi.. i ml ymm)iiirih. HsathWfM .WLa-NJlM 4.1 mi f Zli W 1 112,08 25 m mL wae mm mm bbslbbbssssssw rvn "ip rfM)MaiMl HW ttM. aMi. WfcU kbai Vwwi7K6jo,- . 7Wrffctjrtas,iajsfcijiiM rMW. ifveiwltitt .ty wefsj. Jsyt. fcay SCaS'TM,,T,7Ma?W aUCIMBr, A.Qppn 4.sebm U