Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, September 28, 1893, DAILY EDITION, Image 1

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Associated Press Daily News
paper Published on the
Pacific Coast.
$3.00 a Year.
86cts.. ateatk fcyj ViUI
PrepaJi in iilrMwa '
We Papers Seat Wmb
Time fci Oat.
VOL. 6.
NO. JSJ-9.
s Si
Pictures, but our new all wool suits at
$6.50 draw trade like a house afire. Draw
in and feel of 'em.
General Insurance Agency.
Representing tUe following well-fcnown and reliable Cempanies:
BTATB INSURANCE CO., -Ema Insurance Co.,
Traders' Insurance Co., Bun Insurance Co.,
National Insurance Co., Westcbestec Fire Ins.Oo.,
Lion Klre Insurance Co., ' Imperial Fire Insurance Co.,
Londou LancasWro Fire Ins. Soc. London Assurance rorporatlon,
Alliance Assurance Co., Norwich Union Fire Ius.Scc.
Oldest and Leading Firm In the City Devoted Exclusively to Insurance.
BOSTON umw m M mm mm
UJJ 1 Vfll Ladies' and Gent'emens' Clothing Cleaned, Dyed, Repaired and
Pressed. Work neatly done on short notice, at moderate prices.
State tit., 1 door below Smith & Steluer's drug store, Salem. I. GOLD & 00.
Ed. C.
s3tfc .eKSE 3rfci ; it. ml 'i wmfSdd
K. Meeker & Co.,
Hop Exporters
OFFICE, Oberheirn Block, up stairs, Salem.
W. A. TEMPLETON Gcn'l Aycnt.
a memoersuip.
Bpocial attention to mall order.
303 Commercial sr..
245 Commercial Street.
American Fire Insurance Co., Pblta.
Home Insurance Co, New York.
Norwlcb-Unlon Ins. Co.. Liverpool.
Palatine Inburance Co.. Manchester.
Choice Meats.
Wholesale and Rctuil
Dealer in Fresh, Salt and
Smoked Bleats of allKinds
9o Court and
110 State Streets.
- ic - Mia
Book & Job
First - class wora. "-"- 0rer1).
( Western Assurance, Toronto, Canada.
Lancashire. Manchester," fcng.
Hamturg-Madeburg. Germany.
I Home Mutual. Ban Francisco, Cal.
with 8Ute Treasurer of Oregon for
An Attempt to Kill Pres
ident Cleveland.
And Confesses to Ills Dastardly
the Plot of Some German
Washington, D. C, Sept. 28. Po
lice Officer Heller had a violent struggle
today with an Insane man who in some
mysterious manner got into the White
House and was looking for Presldont
The appearance of the officer probably
saved the president from an assault.
The fellow met a colored cook, whom
he questioned,
"I want to see father."
"Who is father?" the cook asked
"Cleveland, of course," was the re
Just then Policeman Heller appeared
upon tbo scene, and after a struggle
took him into custody.
At the station the crank gave hla
name Jos. as Washington, butrefused to
tell where he lived. No one at the sta
tion remembers ever having seen him
When asked what he wanted at the
White House, he replied:
"I wanted that chair."
"What chair?"
"The President's cbalr." '
"Don't you think the President fills
it satisfactorily?"
"No, I don't," was the reply.
"I intend to get it by fair means or
foul. Give me a pistol and I will show
you who will get It, quick."
He will be held for examination.
Anarchists Plot
Vienna, Bepl. 28. The police has
discovered an anarchist's plot to blow
up the Reichstag.
Wool Growers.
Boise, Tdaho, Sept. 28. Idaho wool
growers formed a state association to
day with F. It. Gooding as president
and W. T. Montgomery secretary. A
resolution was adopted asking represen
tatives Id congress to oppose placing
wool and woolens on the free list.
Heavy Eaco.
New York, Sept. 28. In the match
race for a $5000 purse and a side bet of
12500 between Lamplighter and Tam
many the latter won by five lengths;
time 2:06.
The Dymaniter.
ram Fkancieco. Sept. 28- AxelBor-
enseu. the man whose name was uii the
valise containing dynamite which was
left at the wrecked lodging house last
rjaturday night, is now generally sup
posed to be the fiend who fired the fatal
bomb last night. It is stated that Bor
...,. am niwnvs talking of dynamite
BUOVU w - -
and anarchUm lu the forecastle; he la a
member of the tailors' union.
Hew Postmasters.
Washington, Sept. 28.-The follow
Intr nostmasters were appointed today;
Oregen: Grand Rapids, uiaieop
county. R. M. Gaston, ylce H. M.
Spencer resigned; Von Byckle, Uma
tilla County, Mrs P.K. Ktliain, v.w
Edwin Mo Neal, resigned.
ssnin's JTtitHw
If uimxI by Wives
lout toeziwritnce
the painful orueai
ttenclBHt upon
ClilU-blrth. r'
le for, aim
' tt Unur w "'
T,llinmt. JMWUIBK
' to toUi motter nd
UUlfU -
t .(WW.. t.-
ll Uf MM..
M I i..!Pm
I MUDrtcLD ntauuTOw oa, TtT, a.
Binding Twine Highbinders.
Nkw York, Bept, 28. Tho Cordago
Trade Mutual Protective Association
held a meeting In tho ofliccsof the
John Good Compauy today ,and adopt
ed a plan of organization. It provides
for an agreement between tbe cordage
men, liuving for its primary object tbe
ubsolute nud exclusive control of the
purchase of elsal and other raw
material, with the Incidental
purpose of regulating the prloe of man
ufactured product. John A. Good
said be will cheerfully, and upon satis
factory terms.glvo the exclusive benefit
of his inventions to all present mem
bers of the organizations and all who
will como into the same with the hon
est purpose of placing the cordage in
dustry upon a permanent and profit
able basis. A committee on perma
nent organization was appointed aud
the meeting adjourned.
Bio Banks to Close.
London, Sept. 28. A private tele
gram received here by an Important
bank from Bio Janeiro says the bom
bardment of that city Is so Benous that
banks of Rio, after consulting together,
decided they will probably close to
gether until the fateofiho capital of
Brazil shall be settled one way or the
other. '1 he bombardment yesterday Is
said to have ceased only whon tho for
eign wnr vessels threatened to turn
their guns on the rebels If the city wiib
not spared. Negotiations have been re
sumed between the government and
rebels at intervals with apparently no
better chance of u peaceful termination
of the struggle than some weeks ago.
To Prosecute the Smugglers.
Washington D C. Sept 28 -Ex-Rep-reseutatlve
Geo. H. Duiand, of Mich
igan, has been selected by tho Attorney
General to assist in the prosecution of
federal officials and others Implicated
iu the charges of opium and Chinese
smuggling on Pugttt Bouud and vicinity-
Bombardment Resumed.
London, Sept. 28. Private cable.
The rebel fleet resumed tbe bombard
ment of Rio de Janeiro this morning.
The American bred trotting stallion
Extra, by Contractor, has been sold in
Australia to go to India. There is no
limit to tho wanderings of tho Yankeo
The five niilo trotting record of 13:00,
made by Lady Mao in 1874, was broken
recently at Fleetwood by tho black gold,
ing Pascal, by Pasearel, who mado tho
distance in 13:15.
George A. Slngorly Is having a tread
mill constructed for training purposes,
tTa nhanrvml that horses used on tread
mills developed musclo and will apply
tho system to his trottors.
Nebraska shows a map of Platte county
made with wheat, ryo, oats and grass
One of the many railway exhibits in
tho Transportation building comes from
England. A complete train as run on
the London anil Northwestern railway
is in place.
The mineral cottage in tho South Da
kota building is constructed entirely of
minerals. Tho roof 1h of mica, the walls
aroof gold, silver, copper, tin, lead, zinc
and nickel ores.
Washington has a model farm 80 feet
square, with a farmhouso no larger than
a bird cage, a red barn B feet high, and
flowing wella which spout into troughs
that hold about a pint.
The Smithsonian institute- has a natu
ral history exhibit, showing all tho prin
cipal sihjcIos of each family of mammals
in the two Americas. Thero is also an
exhibit of the families of beasts and
birds which aro fast being-exterminated.
In the watch exhibit are the timepieces
carried by King James I, Oliver Crom
well, John Milton, Sir Isaac Newton.
King George III. Robert Burns, William
of Orange, Queen Elizabeth, John Cal
vin, John Bunyan and Lady Jano Groy.
In the piano department of the Rus
sian section U the invention of Baron
Pillard von Pilt-hau, a most ingenious
contrivance by which a comjioser may
it down to his instrument and impro
vise without any thought of memorizing
his work, for the attachment writes out
tbe music as rapidly as he plays it.
Hamltiom block gowns are the rage
for small Aiwur partiw at hoine and
Leghorn hats trimmed with rich au
tumn leave, Wrds and plumage and
fall blowiomji will be worn until very
lato in th wau.
All the changes powiWo tuivo been
rung on lace bimi uowcr in uuiwiery,
and now the latt garniture of hats
and bonnet are fanjlcal little gay colored
The new bodice raffs are strictly Eliz
abethan in width and volume, but art
light and subtle and do not, as tbe hi
torio ruffs did, make the wearer look and
Muit pUlorted for a mledwasMor,
Florence Bathe Gets $25,000 for
Her Betrayal.
Hundreds of Now Cholera Cases iu
$25,000 for Breach of Promise.
Portland, Or., Sept. 28.- It was a
most Interesting case. Florenoe Bathe,
tbo plaintiff, is a prepossessing young
woman. With her in tbe courtroom
were her father and mother, and her
7-year-old eon, whose father was tbe
defendant, Thomas Welch, and whose
birth, as alleged, was the result of se
duction under tbe promlso of marriage
This was a case that readily excited
the sympathy of tbo Jury. The defend
ant did not even try to oxouso his
course, and with his attorney withdrew
from tho trial altogether. This loft as
witnesses the young woman and her
father and mother. The story they
told was straightforward and conclu
sive, and could not fall to impress all
who hoard it.
It was to tbe effect that young
Welch, who was a druggist ou tho East
Hide, bad paid assiduous attention to
Miss Bathe. He proposed, telling her
he loved her most dearly, kissed her
and caressed her with great showing of
afleotton. She accepted. They were
then together much of the time. Final
ly, under the promise of marriage, and
claiming that they would soon be uni
ted, he succeeded In seducing her. In
tlmo she found she was in trouble.
Welch refused to marry her and left
the country. That was ia 1885. Miss
Bathe has not seon bltn since until In
tho courtroom today. In tho mean
time, however, she has endeavored to
reach him, had written letters, and
placed detectives on bis track, but all
without avail. Bluco the birth of her
child, she has lived closely at homo
with her parents. This great sbamo
and wrong has hung heavily upon her,
but she has borne It as cheerfully as
posseble and brought up the boy as well
us she could.
The little fellow Is a haudsomo lad,
and as he stood up for tho Jury to seo
blm thoyhad additional reasou for tho
verdict they gavo later. On the witness
stand she told her experiocoo In a
modest way, and apparently showed to
the Jury beyond a doubt that she had
been woefully wronged and that her
life had been Immeasurably blighted.
Hon. J. F. Caplcs addressed the Jury
In her bobalf oloquontly, and Judgo
Bhattuck delivered a brief charge In
the girl's favor.
The twelve men woro out only 10
minutes. Tbey returned a verdict for
tho full amount of $25,000 damages.
The defendant fa said to hayo some
property, and at one tlmo had an ox
tremo drug business. Tho father of tbe
plaintiff la a well-to-do farmer near
Train Bobber Confesses.
Marquette, Mloh., Bept. 28. Goo.
LaLlberty ruado a full confession of
the Mineral Itange train robbery at
Houghton on preliminary examination.
He said King. Butler and himself
stopped tho train and he ran the engine
while King and Butler robbed tbo ex
press car. King, Itutler, LaLlberty
and the two Hogans were held for trial
iu 820.000 bonds each. LaLlberty de
nied knowing what had become of the
money, Who robbed the robbers Is
still a mystery.
More Cholera.
Bt. Petkiujhuko, Bept. 28. Blxty
new canes of cholera and twenty-three
deaths from the disease were reported
Iu this city yesterday.
Internal Revenue.
Washington, Bept. 28 The com
mtttee on ways and means has begun
consideration of tbe new tariff bill.
There Is Intimation that the secretary
of the treasury favors an Increase In the
Internal reveuuo fax ou whisky, beer
and tobacco as the best means of rais
ing additional revenue necessary to
meet the Increasing deficits or me gov
ernment, Killed by a Wlrs.
Okkoom ClTV, Sept. 28,-Carl Per-
ham, a bridge repairer at work on the
bridge of the Kast Bide Hallway com-
nany across tbe Clackamas river was
killed yesterday by getting lu contact
with live electrlo wires.
The Austro-CIUDgsry ambissadorto
Franoe will start for Pari ouOctobsr
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
Heavy M&RHfactarcrs Oppose the
Repeal Bill.
Honolulu Happy Over Prospects
of American Protection.
Demands of Manufacturers.
Philadelphia, Bept. 28. A hun
dred and fifty leading manufacturers of
of this city, led by Wharton, a banker
and well known flnanclor. have drawn
up and signed a proposition, ottering
the silver senators aid In their fight
against tbe repeal of tbo silver purchase,
provided the latter will combine to pre
vent any tariff legislation.
As over half of the manufacturers
who signed the paper are Republicans
and this community has favored repeal,
this now movement has created a sen
sation In business circles.
The circular contains these three
propositions to the silver senaters:
That the United atates shall admit
sliver bullion from Amerloan mines to
coinage In IU mints upon payment by
the owner of selgnorage absorbing three
fourths of the difference ..between, the
market (London) price of bullion and
its valuo when coined.
Second That foreign silver Mmll be
admitted only for coinage purpose! 1 1
selgnorage absorbing all of the dif
ferences between market (London price
aud lis valuo when coined.
Third That the United Statoj shall
Invite at once a conference of those na
tions of the world whloti have not
committed themselves to gold uioiiotuN
In Congress.
Washington, Bept. 28. The He
passed at tho opening session of the
houso this morning between Morse, of
Mass., and Flthlan, of Illinois. Morse
charged Flthlan with being solely re
sponsible for the refusal of tho house to
permit him to print In tho Record
newspaper extracts attacking Pension
Commissioner Lochran, Flthlan reply
ing, said that Morse bad endeavored to
Induce him to withdraw his objectloa
to prlutlng, by Intimating that be,
Morse, would, as a member of the com
mittee ou bulldlngB and grounds be p
Flthlan get through any public build
ing bill lu which he might be later-
"That Is absolutely fade" shouted
Morse, striding menaolugly toward
"If tho gentleman deulei my tale
munt" yelled FltbUn, tbak'ng bis fist
angrily at the Mascaohusetts man," be
Is willfully lying himself." The house
was then In an uproar. Tbe rpeiker
pounded vigorously for order, declaring
both out of order. This closed the In
cident. Tbe resolution ottered yesterday by
Mr. Teller, asking for Information as to
tbe anticipation of interest on govern
ment bonds, since '80, was taken up
and adopted. The repeal bill was tak
en up. Hoar addressed the senate.
The debate continued for more than
aa hour, when Pfttler addreaatd the
senate. He read tbo president's letter
to Governor Northern, of G., and said
H did not dissipate tbe confusion la the
public ralud, as to tbe presidents real
opluloofcou tbe monetary qtMfllon.
He might be a uionotnetallUt or ho
might be a bl-metalllat, hut there la
nothing to show lu tbe litter what kind
of a metalltst he was.
Tbo debate on tbe bill to repeal the
federal eleotbn laws, was resumed.
Geueral 'John C. Black,, of Illinois,
commissioner of pensions, spoke in
support of tbe bill.
Hawailans Enthusiastic.
Honolulu, Bept. CL Reports wbtch
arrived by tbe last steamer, to tho effect
that the United States would establish
a protectorate over Hawaila and that
an eleotlon would be held, baa created
great excitement here. The Amerloan
colony announced that they would sot
be coerced Into a farce of an election
wblob would give the native element
control over foreigners.
Tbe public here is pleasad with tbe
appomtmeut of Minister Willis, but
annexationists criticize the appoint
ment of Ellis Mills, as consul-general
of tbe provisional government. He is
objected to ou account of the preference
for the royalist cause he displayed
while here as Mr. Blount's secretary.
How's Thl8l
We oiler Oue Hundred Dollars re
ward for any case of Catarrh that can
not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. Cheney & Co., ;Toledo, O.
We. the undersigned, have known F.
J. Cheney for tbe last 15 years, and be
lieve mm perruotiy nonoranw in an
business transactions and financially,
able to carry out any obligations mad
by their firm.
West A Iruax, Wholesale Drw
Klsts, Toledo, O. Waldino, Kinkah
& Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Tola
do, O.
Hall's Catarrh -nuro is taken Intern
ally, actlnc directly upon the blood
and raucous surfaces of the system,
restlnwnluls sent fre. Prloe76o per
bottle. Sold by all Druggists.
No Mere Eight-hoar Lav.
Wichita, Kun., Sept. 28. Judge
Reed yesterday declared tbe eight-hour
law contrary to both state and federal
consltiullnns and restraint on liberty
of action.
BAN FBAN0I8C0, Sept. 28, Wheat,
Doccmber S1.12L
Chicago, Bept. 28. Cosh, COJ; De
cember 001,
Poktlaud, Sept. 28. Wheat valley,
$.07J; Walla Walla .87.
Quit Making Bssr.
Moscow, Idaho,8ept. 28. Tbo Idaho
Brewing Company has been closed by
the sheriff, on an attachment of John
Jackson and otbors. The oompany
owned and conducted tho largest brew
ery In North Idaho - and tbe largest loe
plant In tbo state. Its liabilities are es
timated at $17,000 tnd IU aaseta at
Tou Know
that you can secure al
most immediftto relief
from Indigestion, and
that uncomfortable full
noss after meals, by elm- j
ply taking a doao of Sim- I
mona Livor Regulator?
Somo pooplo think that
bocauflo it ia called Liver
Regulator it has nothing
to do with Indigestion,
and tho like. It is
inaction of tho Liver tha
causes Indigestion, vcA
thai fullness; al o Cm- n
stipation, and those Bil
ious Headache. HilUotw
have been made to under-
stand this and have bee
cured from these trcmbkii
by Simmons Liver Regu
lator a medicine -
ing and purely vege-VM
"It f fas ylniiaw tan
woar m mm Tiiw ;ir
wUk H. m uuttm i
VeT0M ! I
Vtt tLlff aJ
MW su.
ipy ttqtfmnum