Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, September 27, 1893, DAILY EDITION, Image 1

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SScts. month by KaJI
Prepaid la Adr&aee
Wo Papers Seat WImm
Time is Out. .
Associated Press Daily News
paper Published "on the
Pacific Coasti
$.1.00 a Year.
VOL.. 6.
NO. 2215.
1, x 5sjk ktNttfBn5vBJc5'n
The New York Racket
State Insurance Block, 333 Coml St.
Will save you 10 to 25 per cent, on staple goods, such as boots
and shoes of all kinds, for ladies', gents' and children's storm
rubbers and sandals ; fur, wool and crush hats, (these are
marked very low, quality considered.) Underwear of all kinds.
White shirts, neglige and work shirts; pants, overalls, jackets,
ribbons, laces, embroideries. Linen and Turkey red damask,
Linen tablecloths, towels, table oilcloths, lace curtains, tablets,
pencils and notions of all kinds.
Because all goods are bought for cash from cash houses, and
all marked at close profits for cash without calculating for
losses from bad accounts, giving the customer all the advant
age of the per centage saved, you can plainly see why we can
sell goods of good quality at low prices.
. General Insurance Agency.
Beprescntlng the following well-knofcn and reliable Cempanies:
HTATE INSURANCE CO., iEtna Insurance Co., '
Traders' Insurance Co., Bun Insurauce Co..
National Insurance Co., Westchester Klre Ins. Co.,
Lion Fire Insurance Co., Imperial Fire Insurance Co.,
London Lancashire Fire Ins. Soc, London Assurance i orporatlon,
Alliance Assurance Co., Norwich Onion Fire Ins.Soo.
Oldest and Leading Firm In the City Devoted Exclusively to Insurance.
UVVJ I Vfll Ladiesi anj Genfemens' Clothing Cleaned, Dyed, Repaired and
Pressed. Work neatly done on short notice, at moderate prices.
State tit., 1 door below Stnitb & Stelner's drug store, Salem. I. GOLD & 00.
Ed. C.
E. Meeker & uo
Hop Exporters
OFFICE, Oberheim Block, up stairs, Salem.
W. A. TEMPLETON", Gen'l J gent.
308 UO merciai iruci, ,m.. Holt Club Take
Suits made on payment of f 1.00 per week, for Co-opcrath e Suit Club.
n membership.
TheWesl PriDfing Co.Bftttf
. . a. ..
Bpecial attention to mall orders.
203 Commercial Bt
Insurance - Agenta
246 Commercial Street.
American Flro Insurance Co., Pblla,
Home Insurance Co., New
Korwich.Unlon HCo-iP':
Palatine Insurance Co,. Manchester.
---iffljsnss1' 0"ou r
a r,.. Adlustsdand Paid M an Agency on PoUcie. Written
Marlon, Polk, Soto. ta W-W.
Abo WriU Life and AecMsnt Insurance in Best Company
Wholesale and Retail
Dealer in Fresh, Salt aud
Smoked Meats of allKinds
OS Court and
110 State Streets.
. -"" -
First-class work.
Reasonable prices.
Salem, Oregon.
Western Assurance. Toronto, Canada.
Lancashire. Manchester, Eog.
Hamburg-Madeburg. Germany.
Home Mutual, Ban Frandsco, CaJ.
Fired Into the Chicago
Wheat Pit.
Senator Mitchell Opposes
DuBois Resolution.
Portland Prizo Fighters
Given a Heavy Fine.
Board of Trado Firod Upon.
Chicago, Sept. 27. A fusillade of
bullets was fired into the wheat pit on
tbe board of trade at aoout noon.
Traders scattered In a hurry, business
came to a standstill, and tbe wildest
excitement ensued. A. N. Bennett, a
broker, received a frightful wound In
the neck; Chas. Roswell, a telegraph
operator, was shot in the leg, a woman
in the spectators' gallery Is also said to
be wounded. The shooter was a red
headed man in the gallery. He was
quickly overpowered. He is supposed
to be insane. Both the wounded men
will die. The shooter gave his name as
Cossius Belden.
New Statea Wanted.
Washington, Sept. 27. It is highly
probable that the committee on terri
tories will report a bill for the admission
Utah to statehood within a few days.
Joseph, a member of that committee,
said that suoh a bill would be reported,
aud added that before the close of the
present session bill for the admission of
Arizona, New Mexico aud Oklahoma
would bo reported favorably from bis
committee. He Expressed great con
fidence in all four becomiug laws.
In Congress
Washington, Sept. 27. In the sen
ate the resolution offered yesterday by
Dubois, Republican of Idaho, to post
p ue legislation respecting tho federal
election laws, flnanco and tariff, until
January 16tb, because of vacancies in
the senate representation of Washing
ton, Montana and Wyoming, was taken
up. Dubois addressed the senate In
advocacy of Its adoption. Mitchell, oi
Oregon, said he would oppose the reso
lution to tbe bitter end. '
Gladstone's Oration.
Edinbobo, Sept. 27. Gladstone
met with a rousing reception at Albert
Hall tht afternoon. Ho began bis
speech by expressing a hope for Scotch
legislation before the end of tbe year.
"Irish Question," continued Gladstone,
"barred progress In that direction, and
it was only Just to say tbe lords were
responsible for the fact of this barrier
Btlll remaining."
Prize Fighters Fined.
PoitTiiAND, Sept. 27.-8even persons
including tbe principals in the recent
Evan-Mahan prize flgbt, plead guilty
to tbe charge of prize fighting. All
were sentenced to a fine of one thous
and dollars each, Tbe case will be car
ried to tbe supreme court.
Ban Francisco, Sept. 27. Wheat,
December J1.18J.
CHICAGO, Sept. 27.-Csb, 60JJ ue
cember 601.
Portlakd, Sept 27.-Wbeat valley,
t.07j; Wall Walla .87j.
. ... i.u.fMtnlfnnnll
aoa u v "
.-.. -j. ....... frta.
Book od Blood M MU "- ri,
thb swim- SPKOtFtO oo
Democratic Candidate.
Boston, Sept 27. John E: Russell
was nominated for governor by the
Darnocratio convention today.
The Charleston Arrives.
Washington, Sept. 27. The oralaer
Clmrlestju arrived at Rio Janerlo, last
French Slamoso War.
Paris .Sept. 27. A dispatch from
Chanttbun, 81am, says tho French
cruiser Alouette has captured Pakuani
fort, put a garrison Inside and proceed
ed to build rifle pits arouud the bar
racks. A Ghastly Find.
San Francisco, Sept. 27. Part of
the remains of Addle Gllmour, tbe girl
whoia supposed to have been murdered
und cut up by Dr. West, was found in
an pi J can floating in tbe bay near the
Berkley shore today.
' . Battlo in Argentine.
Buknob Ayhes, Sept. 27. An excit
ing skirmish took place yesterday in
the outer roads of this harbor between
some torpedo boats wblch had joined
revolutionists nnd vessels of the Argen
tine fleet. The loyal men-of-war cap
tured tbe rebel boats and crews.
Fighting between the two fleets was
very sharp for a timo aud many men
were killed, including several officers.
National guards,wbo have been mob
ilized, were trooping today in large
numbers to the various barracks.
Roca Is directing operations against
the rebels. Colonel Espina, who Insti
gated tbe attack, has been arrested.
He will probably be shot.
Ohlnainon Transported.
La Gbandk, Or., ESept. 27. A dele
gation of anti-Chinese agitators visited
Cove aud secured about fourteen China
men who were picking hops in the
yard of H. J. Geer. Other Chinamen
living In that section had been apprised
of the intended .raid aud succeeded In
evading the mob. The captured Chi
namen wero loaded Into wagons nnd
carried to the mountains west of L
Grande, where they were liberated and
told to leave the country.
Chinese Deported.
Los Anukles, Cal., Sept. 27. Judge
Ross yesterday afternoon ordered tbe
denortation of Ave Cbloamen, four of
them were highbinders. JudgeRoss held
that a Chinamen who held an Interest
in a merchuntlle firm was not a mer
chant within tbe meaning of the Geary
law. He must be actively engaged in
Cholera in Persia.
Tkiiehan. Kent. 27. The As'atlo
cholera, which has beeu present In the
Persian gulf the lust fortnight, has an
rvpnr..rf at Kazerun near' bhlraz. There
are many deaths dally. Villages along
tbe route to Busblre aro deserted.
Counterfeiters Balded,
Nkw Yohic, Sept. 27. An extensive
counterfeiting plant has been raided at
Livingstone and Angelo Delnoco and
bis alleged wife were arrested. The
police secured over a million dollars in
counterfeit bills. There were tour lu
tbe jrang altogether, two men and two
women. Delnoco had an arrangement
with a man named IVrrls to make
counterfeits of Argentine currency and
women to dlKee of it for good Amerl
specie and bill'. Perrls veakoued and
gave Information to the police.
Presidential Appointments.
WAHiUNOTON.Bept. 27. The general
Impression here Is that Vuu Aleii can
not be confirmed. Several members of
tbe seuate commllUe on foreign rela
tione have Intimated as much. It would
even appear that there was a strong
probability of the nomination being
pigeonholed In the committee. Sen
ator Dolph of Oregon, la a member of
the committee, and a very warm per
sonal friend of Senator Hill. Great our
prise Is expressed ou all hands that tbe
prwidenl should have sent Van Alan's
name tothe eenale, being fully In
formed an to tbe 0,000 contribution
made by Van Aleu to the Democratlo
compalgo fund.
The president has nominated It. K.
Preston director of the mint.
Hops in New York.
Nkw York, Sept. 27.-nops quiet;
operators are uncertain as to what
,rui. the marU likely to take. The
ulea sre mainly for current conumr
Best Pacifies are quoted at 21 to
1 21 cents,
What Will Bo Done At the Paclflo
Coast Exposition.
Chicago, Sept. 27. From any point
of view the success of tho California
midwinter International exposition,
which ooens In San Frauolsco on New
.Years day, Becraa assured. There Is not
tbe slightest doubt of a largo attend-
auco from foreign countries, and the
American states other than those bor
dering ou tbe Paoltlo coast. Tula is
evident from tbe large number ot visi
tors to the world's Columbian exposi
tion who call at the headquarters of the
midwinter fair, in the California state
building, to obtain Information about
tbe forthcoming exposition.
Many of those visitors, pleased with
their experience of expositions, declare
their Intention to take advantage of
the favorable rates .already pledged by
the railroads, and visit tbe midwinter
There are many people In tbe United
States of moderate clroumstanoea who
have been all their lives desirous of
paying a visit to the "Laud of Fruit
and Flowers." These have been pre
vented from accomplishing tbclr wish
by tho large amount the railroads wero,
on account of tho distance forced to
charge. Now, however, the railroads
have promised to rqako a one fare rate
for the round trip, and the passenger
fares may be cut still lower. This will
bring the cost of a trip within a sum
which even those with poorly lined
purses, may bo able to aflord; and tbe
double a' traction of a winter without
snow or Ice, and a wonderful interna
tional exposlt'on will provo irresistible.
An account of tho plan and scope of
tho midwinter exposition has been re
quested verbally and orally by so many
people that your correspondent believes
that bo cannot fall to interest bis read
ers by giving answers to some of the
questions whioh have been asked.
It must not be forgotten that while
the California fair will be essentially
International In character it will not be
as great in nleo as tbe Chicago fair. The
midwinter fair has been modelled upon
entirely different UneB. The difference
In tho character of tbo two expositions
will be quite as marked as tbo dlflor
once In size. At tho world's fair Is
shown all that human effort has ac
complished. Tho midwinter fair will
show nil that is best In art, science and
Industry of tho world. The great fault
fouud with the world's fair is that It is
too large and the multiplicity of tho
exhibits makes it impossible for auyone
to see everything. One of those men,
who have a fondness for quoer calcula
tions, has discovered that If but two
minutes were devoted to each exhibit,
It would take thirty-two years to see
tho fair. Tbe visitor who can remain
in Chicago but a few days, must waste
much of bis time seeing things of but
little Interest to him. So well is this
recognized that numerous guides en
abllng visitors to tell the wheat from
tbo chad have been prepared under
suoh titles as" What to see at the Fair,"
"Tbo best things to see and how to And
them," eto.
There will be no necessity for any
such guides at the midwinter fair.
Everything will be worthy the careful
attention of the visitor, anything else
will not be shown. Tbe best aud most
Interesting exhibits In each department
will be removed from Chicago to Ban
Francisco after the close of the world's
fulr. In addition to this many Inter
esting displays, which are entirely
original, will bo.made. An exposition
such as this Is nqyelty In America
where there are no exhibit Ion between
a state fair on the one baud, and such
a world's wonder as the Centennial or
the Columbian exposition ou the other,
Dut in Europe International exposi
tions, comparatively small In size but
extremely select lu character, are of al
most yearly occurrence. They nave
been established upon tbo single' basis
of merit and In the scores which have
been held, but very few are marked as
failures. Each bas been a profitable
Investment and all have possessed a
great Influence upon tbe Industrial life
of tbe nation within whose borders
they bave been held.
One of the most Interesting features
of the world's fair Is the Midway Plsl-
aanoe, ieopie iiae muuncujcuk hw
the tiresome work of sightseeing. At
. .- ......K.A.. B .AW
the California exposition this will be
quite a feature. Many of the best dls-
plays on the Midway naisaoce wu w
to to Han Francisco, when tue snow
be-ins to fly hf-re. There wuiaisooe
aeveral novel displays. Two acres of
pace to reproduce one of tbe famous
pleasure gardens of Vienna have been
applied for. It will ba dlHerent from
tbo Old Vienna exhibit here on tbe
Plalaanceor anything ever before seen
' In Chicago all of tu aiiracwoos art w
Highest of all in Leavening Power.
be brought from Vienna Itsolf. Ha
waiian Commissioner L. A. Thornton
wants to reproduce a Hawaiian village
at the world's fair. Leopold Bonet &,
Co; wish to ereot a tower 200 feet high
and fifty feet square at Its base. It Is
to contain four restaurants. Santa
Barbara business men have applied for
a concession to erect a building on the
midwinter fair grounds, to contain
grottos, aquariums and rookeries
whoro Boals, sea otters, sea lions and
sea tigers will sport In their uatlve
demon t Sea otters are not to bo
found in any American aquarium,
and sea tigers have never been
exhibited In captive state.
To catch theso animals they are fit
ting a, largo schooner with tanks and
cages, and aro going to tralu a gang of
mon; over fifty aulmals being needed.
An exhibitor seeks to reproduce tbe
castle of Heidelberg at Ban Francisco.
He expects to spend at least $100,000 In
fitting up the castle. C. F. Holder bus
applied for a space to exhibit village
representative of the cmttmm and life
of tribes formorly anil ut present in
habiting California.
Space has been selected and assigned
foraJapanoue tea garden. The plans
Include the beautiful oaitle gateway In
whloh tbo massive Japanese gates will
be hung, formlug an elaborate entrance
to tbe struoture whloh will bo an archi
tectural feature of considerable Impor
tance. Much Interest lu taken In the
exposition by foreign countries. Direc
tor-General DeYoung has wrlttea to
tbo rulers of tbe world thanking them
for their patrousgo of the World's Co
lumblan Exposition and asking them
to encourage their subjects In Chicago
as well as within their own confine to
participate In tho California Midwin
ter International Exposition. Foreign
countries will be well represented. Issa
Tanlmura tbo Japanese omnmUslonor
bas for instance been granted 20,000
squaro feet for the Japauoso section.
A Great Northern Buy.
Sioux City, lows, Sept. 27. News
received hero of the sale In New York
of a controlling Interest In the Sioux
City & Northorn and tbe Sioux City,
O'Nell & Western roads, which means
J. J Hill, of tbe Great Northern bas
bought all tho properties of tbo collapsed
railroad syndicate, and having com-
nlotcd bis line to the Paclflo coast, I
ready to extend It to the southwest.
Insane Han With a Rasor,
WiMiAMiNA, Or. Bopt.27. ISpccIal
Last Monday morning at about 2
o'clock, Geo. RInehsrt, a man who bas
been stopping with Mr. Burke, of this
place, entered tho room of his daughter
Mabel, and attempted to cut her throat
with a razor, but tbe screams of the
girl awakened tho household and the
man ran out of the door and Jumped
from the balcony. He rau about a
block when he cut his own throat from
ear to ear, but not deep enough o
cause death, and succeeded lu biding
under the hay In a barn, where be was
found about 12 hours after. It Is
thought he will recover. Temporary
Insanity Is said to be tho cause.
How's This!
Wo offer One Hundred Dollars re.
ward for any case of Catarrh that can
not be cured bv Hall's Catarrh Cure.
We, the undersigned, have knowu K.
J, Cheney for the last 16 years, and bv
lleve blm perfestly honorable In all
business ttansaottoiM and financially
able to carry out any obligations made
by tbelr firm.
Wiurr ft Ikuax. Wholesale Drug-
Slst. Toledo. O. Wamuno, Kinnan
; Makvin, Wholesale Druggists, Tole-
ao, u.
Hall's Catarrh Cure U taken Intern.
ally, acting directly upon the blood
anu mucous surfaces or me ysuriii.
Testimonials sent free. Price 76o per
bottle. Bold by all Druggists. '
Baby cried,
Hoiker sighed,
Doctor prescribed i Castorfa
Latest U. S. Gov't Report.
BOARD WANTED.-A bny IS yei- old
wants to vrotk tat til board anil goto
ohool Isqulreat Win. BaFgeni't.
Mrs. FrcdorlpkVanderblltaevor takes
oft her gloves except to sign a check.
A mint proof in gold of tho first cop
per ceut iBsned by tho United States is
in tho possosjlon of W. L. Boyd of Bal
timore. Mr. nnd Mrs. Bayard aro trying, Eng
lish country houso life, haying taken for
tho autumn a placo near Englcfiold
Green, Staines.
Mr. Yo, tho Corean minister to the
United States, and ids wlfo aro tnoin
bors of tho Presbyterian clinroh. They
wear Corean costumes on stato occasions
John Combs, a voteni.. typesetter, has
just gtvon up work at tho ago of 81
years. Ha has sot typo in tho office of
tho Romncy (W. Va,) Intelligencer for
69 years.
Lloiitonant General Rowlands, O. B
V 0.( tho now Uouteniiuj of the Tower
of Lourtari7,ig a distinguished Crjmean
offlcor and served both in India ond in
South Africa. '
Ida nowitt runs a locomotlvo on the
Cairo short line in West Virginia, which
Is a narrow gauge connection of tho Bal
timore and Ohio. Sho is 21 years old
and is 'said to bo very prepossessing in
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Samuels of Page
county Va., aro a remarkablo couple.
Mr. Samuels is 01 years old, and his wife
83. Both aro in perfect hoalth and claim
to have never hod use for a doctor. They
live on thet farm upon which Mr. Sn
nels was born.
At an ovenlng reception Mmo. doStaol
observed that Talleyrand was very at
tentive to Mmo. Recamior. Sho went to
him and askod, "If both of us Mmo.
Recamior and I fell into tho sea, which
ouo would you think worthier to be
saved first?" "I am snro, madarao," ho
replied, "that you swim liko an angel."
Fif ty-onp scorings beforo a. heat is on
trotting record held by California.
George Wilkes sired Brlgnoll Wilkes.
2(15, just four days before his death.
Ryland T, fliUJ, wiU bo driven the
balanco of tho season by George Starr.
Tho now racing association at Saa
Matoo, Cal., bars bookmakers as mem
bers. Atlas, 2-.281, is a very largo pacer,
standing 17 hands and weighing 1,800
pounds in racing order,
Tho 4-ycar-old record is 2:07, Meld by
Directum. The trotting stallion, record
is 2.07, also hold by Directum.
The bones of Wasterlode.whd died at
Bangor, Mich., about a' your ago, hay
boon exhumed and will bo articulated.
Know a
Good Tiling:
when they sec it That'svvhy
Bright Housekeepers imc
the New Skortemng, in place
of lard. That's -why Phy
th Healthful Shortening, in
place of lard. That's why
cooking Experts Endorsk
the use of
OtutVegeUiNf Shortening
stead of lard, and that's "why
Competitors Imitate
Instead of selling lard,
Watch the nane, Get
Cottolene. Acctpt no
'sora-'th! else.1'
N. K. rMMtAWK A. OOk
HlfiA, Y44SK,