1,1. .nil nimwv., Ho'oddurgs i-lw SK Mr. J. A. TI7i eelcr " During the War I wiw taken ill with spinal Waso ami rheu matlsrn. When I came home my trouble wai still with me, and I was confined to my bed, unable to help myself, for 22 months. Alter taking seven bottles ol Hood's Sarsa paiiiulwos well, have not been troubled w Ith my old complaints. My wife was In 111 hciltli. suffering with hoadaclie, dizziness ai t dyspepsia. She took two bottles of. Hood's Sarsaparilla nprt feels like n new womnu." J. a. Wuiani.Kn. 1000 Division St.. Baltimore. Hood's Pills act easily, yet promptly and elilcientfy, on the liver and bowels. World's Fair, Chicago. calnmct Avenue nnd 23tn Street. Kiroproof ; 211 rooms near Fair Groundai baths on averr floor. .-..... American and European plana. RIMfiRnE T"tH"1ar- First-class Ismllj Beforo Going to the Wojld's Fail Enquire About The Limited Express trains of the Chi cjijjo, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway b. tweeu tit. Paul and Chicago atid Omuha uml Chicago. These trains are vestihuled, electri. lighted uud tit tutu boated, with the ilu- eat Dining and Sleeping Car Service 1l the world, The Electric reading light in eacL berth is the successful novelty of tin. progressive age, and is highly appreciat ed by all regular patrons of IbiH line We wish otheis to kpow its merits, a the Chicago Milwaukee & St. Paul Rail way Is the only line in the west eujo,) ing the exclusive use of this patent. For further information apply ti nearest coupon ticket agent, or address C. J. Eddy, General Agent, J. W. Casey, Trav. Pass. Agt, 225 SturK St., Portland, Or. tf DOWN GO THE RATES! The Uniou Pacific now leads with re duced rates to eastern points, and tbeii through car arrangements, mugnlQu ently equipped Pullman aDd Tourisi sleepers, free recliulug chair car anc fist time, make it the, best lime to trav el. Two trains leave from Portlatn dally at 8:43 a. in. uud 7:30 p. in. Tin rates are now within reach of all, ant1 r-ver.bodv should lakt ndvauiHge them to visit the world's fair and their fliends iu the ea-t. St'lid for rates am schedules of trains, and do not purchase tickets until after consulting Boise & .Marker, agents, Salem, Or. W. H. HlJRLBURT, Ass't Gen'l IUs. Agent, U. P., Portland, Or. $100 Reward, $100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that theie is at least one dreadful disease that acieuce has been able to cure In all Its stages and that is catanh. Hill's Catarrh Cure It the only positive cure now known to the imdic.il fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires u con xtilutioual treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting rlirpctl upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the dl&ease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution, and assisting nature in doing 1U work. The proprietors have eo much faith in Its curative powers, that they ofl'er One Hundred Dollats fur any cae that it fails to cure. Send for list of lettluioulalH. Address, F. J. Cheney & Co., To ledo, O. EST-Sold by druggists, 75c, Oregon State Fair. Under the management of the Stale Board of Agriculture, ou the State Fair Grounds uenr Salem, commenc ing September 11th, 189o, and con tinuing one week. MORE THAN $15,000 IN CASH Will ba paid oh premiums for Ptooir, Poultry, Kwtne Agricultural Products, Frolt. Nmive Wo tt!s, Minerals, Works ef Art ana Fancy Work, and lor trials of ped. Reduced Rates of Fares and Freights on All Transportation Linos. FAVIl.1 Nopen four evenlnss during the week, with k.xM mmlo la attendance TlikNfeW' ait.vNU HTAND uud the new Regulation Track nre concede:! to be among Iho mnt comtortab oaud the best on tho l't- ClflO Ctdlfit. H"LF.N1ID OONTKST OK HPKEP each day. 'Ihreia ente-ed for these contests tue best Held of Dorses tUU year that baa been on th grounds for miuy .seasons, Vulitable dhiI hand-omu Improvement bave beeu marteon tnegroundsand bulldlnss. PREMIUM LIST, lies been revised and Improved to Uie credit of Uieeiblijltors ICnirtfK for Premiums close nt3pm. the flrtdy ff 'heFalr.aud Exhibits muni beta place y 10 p m. of sail day. . HUMS UP A1MIISSIII.V. lien Brafcou Mek t . It 0 Women's Hsion Ticket . 1 DO Men' Day Ttcsei '0 Wnine i'ii Day Ticket Race Track 'Urkets, Daly - 15 vtomeo ttKieCour-e, "ree. Children under 12 yearn, Free to all. Bnd to l be Secretary at Portland for a Prem lum i tsi. j APPEKS'iN, President. J.. MlKaa.HfCKIary. SBiJkwtd Nenve Blood Tonic Builder Bend for descriptive ysnipblet. rJT.VIlLUMS' Me. KEMOKECO., Hrtti. Scheaectadj.X.Y. SMiMkM A .wjm. yE&w jdQUv mzsswkB I HELPlDfOOtTT a"'GOUPL!! 6F PAL8. A Wnmrfrln PnraTW V.rcnUn Hie Lock HinrlM TlmtiliiMl Fur It. Two gcndt'jnUji, n journalist nnd ail artist, woro auout to lmtvnn small hotel in ono of tlio uvonueu Icndinc: from tlio Arc do Trioiiitihe, where tlioy had .l)ent tho ovening. Uufor tunatoly tho condorgo could not find tho key. It was impossible for the visitors to get out or for tho tenants of tho houso who woro abroad to get Jn. It was about 11 o'clock, nnd thoro woro but few passersby. The two mon, who know a tenant on tho ground floor, got out by ono of his windows and promised to find a locksmith. All tho shops were Bhut, however, nnd never a scrgeut do villo could bo found. Failing to find an officor thoy asked whuru was tho nearest polico station. Tho ono in tho Tomes had been shut up for u couple of hours, tho ono at Batig nolles the same, and at tho third they were simply 6ent about their bus iness. Meanwhile it was 1 o'clock, and a long lino of benighted tenants was drawn up beforo tho fast cloEed door, Their woidd be deliverers were beginning to lose courage when a suspicious looking individual stum bled against them. Tho artist, who had all ills wits about him, stopped the man quietly, and taking off his hat said, "I beg yourpardon, sir, but you don't happen to have a jimmy anil n sotof false keys in your pocketi" Tho man looked at them suspiciously for a moment and then whispered, "Is it to crack n crib?" "Alas I" replied the journal ist, "wo know of no ono whom wo can rob at present: Our friends are all at tho seaside." And then the artist explained to tlio night wander er what was tho service they re quired of him. "All right, but get tho inquisitive people out of the way I don't want to give freo lessons." Thoy returned to the house, and tho two friends announced that a locksmith had been found, and begged tho benighted ones to make way for him. Thoy let him pass, nnd tho burglar opened the door in tho twinkling of an eye, amid a per fect chorus of thanks. Tlio two gen tlemen wanted to give tho burglar a couple of francs, but drawing him self up with dignity he exclaimed, "Sir, among palsl" Pall Mall Bud get A Qiif-cr I'luro Tor n Next. Four years ago a pair of robint built their homo on tho top of the farm bell of W. H. Wecmer in Don egal township, and uotwitustanding that the bell was in daily use, thoy remained and rnibed their family During tho ringing of the bell the female would remain on the nest, swinging to and fro apparently as unconcerned as though sho were hatching in some secluded spot. Whether it was tho swinging that pleased the robins or whether it was the instinct implanted in tho breast of every migratory bird to return each year to tho same nesting place must remain a mystoiy, but it is a fact that every year binco the sup posed same robins have returned und built their nest 6u tho same old bell. Greensburg Times. One of the Woes of the Type Thumpers. "Dear I" said tho typewriter girt. "If there is anything I dread, it is a new situation." "I don't see why," said tho girl that lives at homo with "ma." "Because I will have to get used to a lot of now words. After ono has written from tho dictation or one man for a long time sho gets so ac customed to his vocabulary that bIio could almost find tho words and let ters on tho keyboard of tho machino with her eyes shut. I have had three places so far, and in each ono I found my employer had about 200 words that bo used in tho regular course of business and had n certain way of framing his sentences. To begin with a new employer is almost liko learning a now language." Indian apolis Journal CURE Rick ITeadache and relieve all the troubles Incl dent to a bilious state of the system, such as Dizziness. Nausea, Drowsiness, Distress after eating, fain In the Bide, c While their roost remarkable succcas has been shown In curing SICK ITeadache, yet Czbtib's Lrtu Liver Pills are equally valuable in Constipation, curioic and preventing this annoyinr complaint, while they also correct all disorders of the stomach, stimulate Hiellrer aait regulate the bowels. Even if lihey only cure HEAD che they would be almAst priceless to those who suffer from this distressing; complaint but fortunately their coodnene does not end here, and thoee who once try them will find these little pills valuable In so many ways that they will not be willing to do without them, llut after all tick head ACHE Is the bane of so many Urea that here Is where we make our (Treat boast. Our plus cure It while others do not. f.rna Ijttij! Uvct Film are very mall and very easy to take One or two pills make a does. They are strictly vegetable and do not gripe or purse, but by their irtntle action please all who use them. In vials at 25 vests; ore for $1 Bold everywhere, or sent by mall. Calm UZSlrOTS CO., VrV left hdlt balS Ut'Ak jivKMiAti oAPiAj& JOtrRsravJUSrfiSiUJAif, AIjoust iy,.u3. SIX SPASMS A DAY. r. Xtltt Xttdlcal Co.f Elkhart, ImU nixrirxw. I never low' an'mfiorunilty tov ceininsaaiJr: M fids' Kestorallre Krrtn ttranr- rtn Inr XlilA. Dkt.11.. il. Mrin. rM. n pnodH!tctedwlthn(-rvourompUtnw- 9 fidr'"" tbtf assurance tlmt it will dm "" ' dt-appolnt Uirm. Wlicndnrbo; crhtMn monthg od he Vas attacked with VI Th ii o'd he ws attacked wltn violent asnoi txmeinr.es no would nave five or-sii usnwjn a single day. vfimTfi Unnr-ln"!. ns without ucnent: unuir ouramariin; -commenaeap. . i,w.,Dr. MiW orauve xser i - I- -lJrtne-w biittlo, and " could seo that iewArnfcHtTYib-VflQMTMC'rrhT 80 wd three bottles, ana I am liiu?itf WntuFtrHi'TamiTHf'FnitT nncr- We tnree botucs. ana. i. am npp7w baynw hild wis ENTIBftLY'CURtra. We'Xisedno uier rrmeay, ana nis euro 1S i euro l3cotdplete. lie u JnaTHOU3AM DS ly health?. You are at llberiy1o'bse'rnyniaen, souMiUNtTTMr pnaikjc or this wroNoknrOfr niMtBV. Rr&HZACOXr Afctnl rAilflo EapwWCeH Hustings, Nobrsika,' Aptl'6U7; 1844' MOST CXRTAIH CTtXS Hi HBASA0EE, HETJEALQU, 8ZEY0TT3 PE08- TEATI0IT, DIZZINESS, BPABMS, BLEEPLESS- UEE3, DULLTIES3, BLU8,aaa OPIUM EABI1', SOLD ON A POSITIVE GUARANTEE. TRY DR. MILES' PILLS, 50 DOSES 25 GTS. i?old'by D. J. Fry, druggist, Haleuy liabyciiod", Mother sighed, Doctor prescribed : Castorlk' Oregon Fruits. Oregon fruits are all rlgHt', tlnd the pnergetlc effort now being exjJerrded In their development and cultivation and Introduction Into the markets of the East Is not mls-dlrected, and In dde time will bring results. That a'rhtfrlier will eventually open up to our fruit product is Illustrated in the following letter to William Hartless of Corvallls from a prominent firm of commission merchants in Minneapelis: Minneapolis, Minn., July 31, 1803. Dear Sir: There has been a large in terest manifested in this city in the interest of the Pacific coast fruit, par ticularly from the Washington and Oregon districts; a few shipments of strawberries and cherries have been received this season and have given splendid satisfaction and in every in stance have arrived In flue condition and sold for fancyi prices. This season has demonstrated to our dealers that the Washington and Oregon fruits have a better carrying quality than the Eastern or Southern fruits; Southern peaches, cherries and fruits of every Kind have" arrived in very bad condition on account 6f tho dxtremely cold spring and heavy raina. If you an In position t6 ship here in car loads we will be glad to correspond with you and make arrangements to handle ship ments In car load lots by the time the season epens: small shipments of cher ries are arriving and selling from $2.00 to $2.35 per ten pound box. FOREIGN NEWS. Panama, Aug. 11. Advices from IiarranquIIIa report that sixty more persons have been arrested for com ! pllelty In tho plot against the govern ment. It Is feared that tho exposure of the dynamite conspiracy may pre I cipltate the threatened general revolu tlon of the Colombian liberals. The government is strengthening the gar risons all over the republic. Dispatches from Bogota announce that Minister of War Campo Serrano will proceed immediately to Barron nullla and assume the governorship of that department. In Panama every thing is apparently quiet, but there Is 'much excitement in inner liberal clr- i clc. Loridon, AUg. 11. The Chinese gov ernment, replying to Russia's tecent demand for nn explanation of the mass ing of Chtnese troops on the frontlerh of the Pamir, says China intends to occupy only tho Chinese Pamir from which she will not recede an Inch. The note adds that China docs not in terfere with Russia's occupying other parts of the Pamir, but hoped Russia will confine her operations to those parts. f London, Aug. 11. Dick Vurxe lias deposited f&OO with the Snorting Eire to bind a match with Jack Dempsey The fight Is to be for 110,000 a side and the championship of the world. It will take place In the United States early In December, The match will be under Queensberry urles. , A Hundred Tears to Oome. Wouldn't you like to live until the year A. D. 2000, Jut-t to seethe people iid the world Kenerally? Wtiolinna but what you uiljjht, If you observe the laws of health, and kwp the stomach, liver and bowels in full action. The best medicine known for this U Dr. I'lerve's pjeanant Pellet, fliey are Mifall, augur coated granules, but pow erful to cure; produce no nuuwa or Krlplnp;cn.v to take, and n Mire cure for bllllnusiiYwt, coobtlpatloo.beadaebe, and dUeuHt-a produced by an Inactive liver. A convenient vest-pocket reme dy. FOR SALE. On ey'tenn and cheap. A cre rrehard on Hnuuy n:de No. pne. inileatoatti OlriiiC I'liln nn Airing. A now nnd rather embarrassing oc cupntion 1ms boon found for domes tic Rorvntltn, It Kcetns that a young woman who in engaged aaa"maid nt teftdnnt" nt a wilnry of 2 a month in HomuthncH called upon to tako her tniali ess' dog out for a walk iu tho BtreetH nt 12--15 in tho morning. Such nt least wns tho Btory told by nn tirgrioved plmntiff nt tho eity of London t'onrt. and it h hardly uur prusiug that ! .t't ' ''in tl tho duty of personally conducting, tho pet nt -tlch u:i hour. Thereupon alio waa diin. hiu ged, but her mistress said that tho reupoii of hor dismissal was her "tixcosalvo inholence." Tlio learned commissioner in tho result held that tho servant could claim u tnonth'H wages, but tho deli onto question of dog law which had been raised in tho course of tlio ease was unfortunately not decided. It therefore still reuinimi n moot point whether it ia "poruiissiblo to nsk Mary Jano to tako Fido for a walk beforo bedtiino, and, if so, whether what is reasonable at 10 or 11 o'clock becomes unreasonable a couple of hours Inter. Perhqps tho best olu tion -weuld boto let Fido tako a walk byhirnself arid defy the dog Btealors. London'Trilegraph. Married and Proud of It. It was on a train going through Indiana. Among tho passengers wero a newly married couple, who made themselves known to such an extent that tlio occupants of tho car com menced passing sarcastic remarks about them. Tlio bride and groom stood tboTomnrks forsomo time, but finally tho latter, who was a man of tremendous size, broke ' out in tho following language' at his torment ors "Yes, we're married just mar ried. Wo are going 1C0 miles far ther on this, train) and I am going to spoon' all tlio way. If you don't liko it, you can get out and walk. She's my violet, and I'm her shelter ing oak. During the remainder of their journey they were loft in peace. Philadelphia Ledger. Ono on Himself. When Herbert Ward, the African explbrer,. was last in New York, ho. told -a good story, tho point of which wasrathor ngainst himself. Ho had been chaffing somo of tho natives, declaring that they wero direct do ecendante from moukoys, alleging their dark color as ono of tho evi dences. "Ono old fellow went quiot ly over to a captive ape," said ho, "and turned back his fur. Then ho looked quizzically at mo. Tho ape's kin 'wus white. " Now York Sun. Strcot Cnr Utiles. Never tell tho conductor you wish to got Off. Ho is supposed to know. If you have three or four bundles, lay them ou tho sent beside you, es psdally If tho car is crowded. You will not bo so crowded yourself. Always try to stop tho car on tho near side of tlio crossing. You will havo to walk to tho other side, and this makes n good excuse for jawing tho conductor. Mako u practice of whistling in tho cars. Your traveling companions will bo obliged to hoar it, and they may possibly delight in listening. Cross you legs so that thoy wQl oc cupy tlio full width of tho islo. This will afford additional oxorciso to tho conductor, who is badly in need of it. Texas Sittings. Iletter a Toucan, Mrs. Botono Why do you call my milliner a snipe? B6tono On nccountcf tho length of her-bill. Truth. The Heal Reason. "Then why did you bocomo en- gaged to him? "If I didn't, somebody else would." Detroit Tribune. "She Looketh Well to the ways of her .household." Yes, Solomon is right;that's what the good housekeeper everywhere does, But her ways are not always eld ways. In fact she has dis carded many unsatisfactory old ways. ' For instance, to-day she is using the New Shortening, instead o! lard. And this is in itself a rea son why "she looketh well" in another sense, for she eats no lard to cause poor digestion and a worse complexion. CottolBNB is much better than lard for all cooking pur- f loses, as every one who has tried t declares. Have you tried it? For sale everywhere. RCrUSC ALL BUMTITUTtS, GuiM sasde ealy by N.'K. FAIRBANKS CO., ST. LOUIS and CHICAGO, WIW YORK, BOCTON. WM WWWWWVVrVW.rtfVWWV 1BALD i nt What Is tho condition of yours? Is your liatr dry, harsh, brittle,? Docs It split at tho ends? Has it a lifeless appearance? Does it fall out when combed or ' brushed? Is Iti full of dandruff? Does your scalo Itch ? ! Is It dry or in a icatort condition ? If theso aro nom,o of jruuryuij.uiii:vu wurueuiii iiuio ory ou will DCCOmCDaiu. SkookumRoot Hair Grower Iswhstyeuneed. Its prodnotlon is cot an accident, bet the result of scteotlflo C research. Knowledge of the diseases ot the hair and scalp led to the dlscov. T Is not a Ore, but a delightfully cooling and, refreshing Tonlo. Py stimulating the follicles, t ttopt falling hair, cures dnmJrvJT ani grovt hair on iKtli , ktadM. rwiKecn the. scalp n and rfitry the hair, ' , If Tout druggist cannot tupclr yoa send dlreet to ns, and we win forward , prepaid, on reoelpt ot price. 0 rower, $1.W per bot vie t lor JJ.oa Boap.tOo. I per Jr i s for jaw THR SKOOTain iiSutlrrt? O7 Mon,h iVwwwwvwwwwwwww T. .1. KitKSS. HODHE PAINTING, PAPER HANGING, Natural Wood Finishing, Cor, 20th and Ohemcketa BtreeU Geo. Fendrich, t CASH MARKET Best meat and free delivery, 136 btate Street. I Leave provement PKOFE83IONAL AMD BUSINESS CARDS. P. It. D'AUOY. GEO. O. UUIOUJtU. D'AUOY & lUNGHAM, Attorneya at Law, Rooms 1. 2 and 3, D'Arcy Bulldlnsr. HI dtato street, Bpeotal attention given to bust- tn tho supremo and clteult courts of 'he. law. it l UOIdE Attornty ai t lnw. Halem. Ure- LV. K iron. OI11 co 274 Commercial street. mlLMON FORD, Attorney at 'law,- Balem, X Oregon, Ufllce up stairs In 1'atton block EL J. BiarjKR, Attorney at law,Halem, Ore gon. Oflleo over Bush's bank. T J.BUAW.M.W.UUNT. HHAW&HUNT f J . Attorneys nt law. Ofllro over Capital NntloniU bank, Bolem, Oregun. JOHN A. OAR-JON, Attorney Btlaw.rooms 8 and 4, Bush bunk building, Halem, Or, II. f. DONHAM. W, II, HOLM EH BON HAM & HOLM 113. Attorneys at law Ofllce In Bush block, between State nun Court, on Commercial street. MK. lOGUK, Htenogrnpher nud Tjpe . wrltest Best cquljiped tyiewrltlng of but one In Oregon. Over Bush's bank, Halem, Oieiton. g XUIjLA HHKUMAN. Typewrlllmt nnd ook. Klrstelaxa work. Rates reasonable. Dlt. A. UAVId, Late i'nat Graduate or New York, gives special attention to the dls cases of woinuii and children, nose, throat, lung, kidneys, skin diseased and surgery, onice at residence, lot Ntato street. Consulta tion from B to 'l a. m. and 2 to 5 p. m. 7l-0ni , AlOTT. I'll YSH1IAN AND HUROKON. Oflleo ntofommeri'lal strcot.ln Uldridge block. ltmmence no commoicini street. BROWNE, M. D., I'liysiclan and Hur- ccon. uraco. nurnuy dieji: resiaence. J5. ommrclal street. DR.T C HMITH, DentlKt, 02 Btate street Balem, Oregon, Klnlshed dontal opera, lions or every description, Fnjnless opera tions a specialty. TH CLARA At. DAVIDBON. arjilnute ol U W oman's Medlel Otilltge, of Ftnnsyl- tifllco, llusn lireynnu llircic, fixwm J" U.UIUKKTI!, Dh.NTlar. BALUM, ORh. . (on. Office hours from Hn m ton p. in. All work guaranteed. Oflleo "ver J. J L;l rymple's store, corner Court and Commercial streets. WI). l'UUIl, Architect, plans, speclflca , tlons and superlntendepre for ah elasses nt buildings, Oflleo 290 Commercial ntreet, up stairs. PlW)rKOT10N1.01aKNO. 2 A.O. U. W. Meetsln their hall In male Insurance building, every Wednesday evening. A. W. DENNl in, j. w. J, A bkl WOOD, Recorder. The LINE That LEADS: ALL OTHERS FOLLOW, 2 THROUGH DAILY TRAINS UAVINQ PORTLAND 3 1 DAYS to 2 CHICAGO 0)BtheOuldMoasChicago.and Boors 0,,lcker '?a80mc mi Kan' Pullman and Tourlit Slerperi, Free Reclln Ing Chair Can, Dining Cars, tor rate and general Information call 00 or address, W. II. IIURLBimT, Asst. O. V. A. JM Washington HI., POHVr.AMIH OSSISW. BLOOD DISORDERS A Now Remedy A true Specific poJtl sad pmnuurt ltmlnsjlpn of sll poi f'o tU lod- "J foriion U Uslihy riztx n lit iuhus is tftlJ o tuffncri fc lU UiU lisis in nmviy Ub Us U uuianomt tU imlHwt umii iiia.cnii f 1) il iIum y. II hss.not T . .1 1 ' J 1. .tl ..J .ft .aufia'sTs-SIl raili, uX ii will nuM.umU True BlMMsine U SiliJfk 1 !ic ixuoa wal sli Woo) auessct. W) imw IUtsIi t tSil for lull psiticuUt snd prooJ-fus. 11 II ri kUh flics' I" Y"" Mftury wa vum ih itsMdr kill am yoa w w M . wuhuul lU. Wm Kuante is euro ur refuiul the munay. IMS Wa Addicts S'lR'l ' ll'l f I Jpft MOFFAT CHEMICAL CO., 170 Vint Street 1'OKTCANP, O. -,-.- -v.. - ,-v. HEADS clean. Healthy, and free from irritating ernntlons. by t ROOT HA1D flDOWPO CO., vlnH Avenue, New York, N. V. Screen Doors AND jonniNa. Xorloy & iViiistnnloy. Shop 216 Illgti street. J. E, 51U.IIP11Y. -Brick aid' Tile- NOHTH BALKM. J. L.ASHBY. Take It EVENING JOURNAL, Only 2 ccnU a day delivered at your door. Meat Market, SOa.CommcrolBl htrcct. Good meats, Prompt delivery. David MeKillop, JOHN C, MARTRJ, Horseshoeing. BLAOKSMITHipiG. State Street, - - Balora orders nt Rnlem Im Co., 95 State street J. H. HAAS, TELE WATCHMAKER, 2I5X CfmmsrcUl $ - lm, prtgoti, (Next door to Klein's.)'' ' Specialty ot Spectacles, and rpalr!n; Clocks, Watnliwi and JewAlrv Smith Premier Typewriter- Sold on easy payments. For Rent. W. I. STALEY, Agent, Salem. H.N.UURl'KK,aeul Agent, lOlfjThlid BU ItirtUnd. Hend forlcnlulosiue. W. L. DOUGLAS S3. SHOE NoTVrr. Do you wear then7 When next In need try a pair. Best In the world. -J5M J3.Q0 44.00, .42.50 3.50 142.00 ftwuoirs' 42.50 2.25 42.00 4I.7S ron boys 1.75 12.00 m I r you want 1 One DRESS SHOE, made In the latest ttWei, don't pay St) to $o, try my $3, $3.50, 51.0U or $5 Shoe. They fit equal to custom made and look ana; weir at well, If you with to economize In your ftptwesr, do to by purchulnff W, L Dotiglat Shoes, Nim and pries sUmped on tne bottom, look for It when you buy W. L. DOUOLAS. Brockton, Mass Sold by Kraobsk Bros. .. . .. -. . a.. a.-.... HOWARD, The House Mover, 451 Marlon Htrcct. Has the best facilities lor moving and rais ins; houses. lxavo orders at Uruy llros., or address Halem, Oregon, From Terminal or Interior Points tho P. "no : 1 KhWCX ron .Alts JBteurfc. a flflW7"v4sD' wmjuM acific Railroad Is the line to.tuke To all Points East and South, It Is tliedluinif car route, l(runs thro ugh vestibule trains, every day In the year to ST. PAUL AND CDICAGO (No ohang of curs.) Composed of dlnlut cars unsurpassed, imilrnan drawliiK room sleepers '.Ot latest eyufpment TOURIST Sleeping Cars. Ileot that can be constructed and In wulob aeooinioodrttUns are both tree and fur. nlshed for holders of Orst and second-eliui tlcketa,andi ELEGANT DAY COAOIIEfc. Acontlnnota Mn pounejtlnt; wttti all lines, attordlnv dtwet apn ualnterrnple- service. l'ullmsn sli - ' ' lorts rim lif -cured In advi. " any atent n; the rood. Thrutich tickets to an 1 frtm all iiin's In Atnerlnt,ns;laiid and Kumue nn tf puroluudnt any ticket ofllvee: this tot'i panr. Kail Information eoncrnmc rates, tlms of train routes andotberdaUllsfuraurnM) on aripUiMlloa tn nay rn or A. I). OHAJILTON. Assistant OsaertU rakr As;snL U; 121 r-lnt street, cor, Wa.ihtfmA'orV' Uvad, Oregon -' - '-' -- i Ele,cjric Lights On Meter Siistcm. TO rONSUMEItS: j TboHulem Light unit rower rompnny at R10.1t -xienn iiave equipped their Klcetno I.tglit ptmit with the ii i modern nppsrntas Kintii iB'f'-bTe oonr Iho public b better I IlKht thrt. Any nr-'em nnu nt a rule lower man liny ti(j on ineteisv. ire ixmX IiicaiKlcscciit Light iujr. llcctric 3Iotrs lorIl purposes where power is, re quired. Ito I en'escn'i In tiirvl for n tnnny llgbU m dtslre-t n"d tlio oiniiruer puy for orly nob Uuhti n no-l. Tits b- Iiik re8'"terta by hn KVbtrlo Mfter. Oflleo 179 Commercial St. FWohr Newsr-Papers-Fruits- nnd Candies. J. L. BENNETT h SON. P. O. Bloolc. T. W. THORNBURG, The Upholsterer, RemodelM, re-oovers andrenalrw upholstered furniture. Flretf) olaaa work, rhemafc-eta streoti' State Inaurnnoe block. v Deutscher Advocat. P0SJ0FFICE BLOCK, - - SALEM, OR. Admitted to praatlce In all the courts. 8peoal attention given to Gorman speak Ing peO' ie reonie ana nusu Is and business at tho countv and, state oflces. m. iiuujiii, iNotary iruouc The Yaquina Route. 0RBG0N- PAGHC 11 ft And Oregon Development company's steam, ship line. 225 miles shorter, 20 hours less tlrin than by any other route, First class through passenger und trelsht line from Cortland and all toluts tn tho Willamette vnllov to and froral'un Francisco. TIME BOI1KDTJL.K, (Except Sunday.) hr Albnny.i:00 p m Lv Corvallls...l:40 p m ArYflaulun W n in l.v Ynnntnli fl:4Sain LvOorvalll.l0.iia am Ar AltuDy.U:10nm O. & O. trains connect nt Albany and Cor vallls. The above trains connect at Vaqulna with tke Oregon Development Co.'s line of steam ers between Yaquina and Man Franolsea N. U. l"asBotn:t!r fioru L'orttand and all Willamette valley points can make close con nection with the trains of the Yaquina Routa nt Albany or Corvallls and if destined tn Bast Francisco should arrange to arrive ut Yaquina the evenlne bororn date of snlllntr. l'noeuger nnd i'lrlcbt Rates alnays tho lowest For Information apply to Messrs. UULMANACo., Freight and 'Xloket Ageute XX aiid 203 Front street, I'ortlnud, Or,, or 0 0. ilOOUIC, Ao'tUeu'l Ft a I'aes. Agt Or. Piiolllo R. R Co . tirvallls.Or. C. 1MIA8WKLI., Jr., Ocn't Frelaht anU Pass Agt. Oio Development Co.. mi MiiutKomery Bt East and outh -VIA- THE SHASTA ROUTE the Southern Pacific Company. cALironwA exi'uxaa tuaik bun daily iik- TWKKN l'OHT14D AND 8. V, BouOj 1m! p. m. :1H p. jn. 10 1ft ii. in. I North. rvr Lv. Ar. 1'orliJind Balem Han Fran. Ar. Lv. Lv, 7:36 a. m o:2tJa.m 7K)Qp.w Above trulua stop ouly at foTlowIng slsltons north of Roseuurg, EauH'ortland Oregon City, Woodbtirn, Huloin, Albany Tangent, Bhedds, llalsey, llarrlshurg, JuuctlonClty, Irving and Kngene. kohkiiuuomaTi. daily," 8.1M a. m. I Lv. 11:17 a. m 1 Ly. V&0 p. m. I Ar, Portland Halem Ar. I -Mi D7mt Lv, I 1:40 p. m. Roseburg Lv. 7;00 a. m Albany locTi Ually Kacept HuuUajr. yCtJpTmT 7UVJ p.m. 0.00 p. m. E7T Lv: Ar. 1'ortland aiilem Albany Ar, Lv. 5l ichaja.ni. 75Wa.m, Lv, o.w a. iu. IHnlng Cars ou Ugdcn Koutc PULLMAN BDMT SLBEFEBS AKD - SQQQnd Class Sleeping Cars Attached to oil through tralus, iVest Side Divisioo, Between l'orllifiil and Cervallls: DAILY- lBJrT bUMDAY). TJa.iii, J7v. lvJ pwii. 1 Ar. l'urtlund OorvallU Ar. I 6rf5p, b:tl p. in. in. At Albany and Corvallls connect trains nfOrnann llirlfle Railroad. with KSI-UKXHTHAIN (DAILY KKCKITHUKOAV :40 p. iu, 7r25 p. in. Lv. Ar. 1'orffaudf" MoMlnuvllls 8.-VS a, nt 5:f 0a.su THKUGU TICKETS To all points tn the Kastt ra fitatM, Canada and Europe can be obtained at lowest rates Irutn W. W. UKINNKK. ileal. XaVwn, K.P. KOOBKH. Akst.O.KSAs'ftaa.As't K. KOKHl.KK. Hsnaaer "wiscosf cWral unes. (Noithsra Faclfle R. R, Ci lems.) LATEST TIME CARD, Two Through Train DMy. It'plll lii'mui 0.23pm Tll&pitl ... Mtnu. a KiWaw K.WSVM ll.Maw (MNetM Htl-iiul a ..l)ulutti-a . Ashlauii. a lasoain ipin 7.05pm lO.taui I upm T.ltem a..l'Hlogo..,l to all points In thllulte4MtSM4UMaV Clos connection tnada 1st Uhleaao wttia au train goiuKat and Houtk. For lull iBlortofttlOB afial to your wiarest ticket swit or 4 AH. , rmrp. OM, Fsl, an4 Tkt, Aft., t)klam IU I or tsaiem, WMt-dw .. unciciUe,0aU JOHXf HART.