Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, August 12, 1893, DAILY EDITION, Image 1

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1, - I BJgifcSIP'--yS5CSiMBiiSi
K iiuiKlllSalH I If III B
." (JAdW-
25 eta. a montk bjr Mail
Prepaid in Advance,
No Papcr nt WkM
TImo is Out.
Daily. :
NO. 100.
Is th -fc the wav you have been buying your goods ? We
have tried it for a year and a half in our bufine.'s and it has
proved a decided success.
Try this same method for yourself once. Buy from a cash
store. Save the usual per centage added for bad accounts at a
credit store, and you will be happily surprised at the result.
The New York Racket
Offers you genuine bargains in BOOTS and SHOES, HATS,
general line of notions.
Bring your cash and get full value for it.
General Insurance Agency.
Representing tka following well-known and reliable Cempanies:
BTATE INSURANCE 0., iEtna Insurance Co.,
Traders' Insurance Co., Sun Insurance Co..
National Insurance Co., Wostcboster Klre Ins. Co.,
Lion Klre Insurance Co., Imperial Fire Iosurance Co.,
Loudon je Lancashire Fire las. Soc., London ssurance torporation,
Alliance Assurance Co., ' Norwich. Union Fire Ins.Soc.
Oldest and Lending Firm in the City Devoted Exclusively to Insurance,
Recovers and repairs upholstered furniture. Long Experience in the trade
enables me to turn out first-class work. Samples of coverings. No trouble to
give estimates. State Insurance block, Cbemeketa street.
jgMUfk tee Meats.
3&2HfHaaWlvou (J
. ac 103
BURROUGHS State Street.
Lamoureux's Stables,
rigs uor poor horses. H. L. LAMOUREUX, Proprietor.
Ill J.n'A1 0 Has just received some
West Printing Cot
do better work thau ever. Country orders receive prompt at
803 Commercial St.,
Leaveorder atCotOe-VarJcburitbIock,room
15, Hatem, Oregon.
P. "J. LARSEN & CO.,
Manufacturer of Wagons, Car
riages, etc
Repairing a Specialty.
Shop 45 State street.
A BKIIQAIN loo acre wilUtmproveicenU
over hufucdT cultivation, rett peklnrciuia
mum rood Umber. Term vey "uy. Ad
Uim O. L. 'M,
6-17-lm-dw WtuatUwdJOr,
Ins. Block.
Wholesale and Retail
Dealer in Fresh, Salt and
Smoked Meats of allliinds
OS Court and
110 State Streets.
C. Cross.
Halem, Oregon.
On improved Real Estate, In amounts and
time to lulu Mo delay In considering loans.
Boom 12. Hush Bank block. 6 12d
CflflS. WOLZ,
Proprietor of the
South Coinraerelal HU, B ilem.
AH kln(U Kien,eltiuJJ Smoked Meat
and Buuage.
now Ualr Cleanses the Head.
That tho hair covering tho body of
an animal or tho head of a human
being serves tho purposes of warmth
and protection is manifest, hut one
would hardly expect to find that it
also acts as a cleansing agent. This,
however, appears to be tho fact. The
minute scales which cover tho outer
portion of the hair aro fastened at
one edge and free at the other, and
the free edges lio in tho direction
away from tho skin.
Tho surfaco of a hair, therefore,
is like that of a piece of fur or cloth
covered with nap. Rubbed fro-
root to'tip it is found to bo smoother
than when rubbed in tho opposite di
rection. This being tho case, it is evident
that particles of matter in contact
with a hair must find their direction
of easiest motion to lie toward tho
tip end of tho hair and away from its
root. So by virtuo of tho peculiar
structure of its surface the hair
serves gradually to romovo from the
skin which it covers all foreign par
ticles which may have found lodg
ment there.
Tho oily secretion emanating from
tho follicles of the hair probably as
sists this action by gathering up the
fine particles of extraneous dust and
of scales from tho skin, and thus en
abling tho hair to retain them, so to
speak, in the grasp of its curious sys
tem of brushes.
Every movement of tho hair, how
ever produced, must tend to set the
particles sticking upon it in motion,
and as wo have already seen, that
motion can be in only one direction
Youth's Companion.
For Wearers of Diamond Studs.
When the hist raco had been run
and the result announced at Latonia,
there was a big rush for the train
standing opposite tho grand stand.
In a trice the cars wero tilled ana tne
platforms crowded.
The train had just started when o
man on one of tho forward cars con
vulsively clutched at his shirt bosom,
and then tho air was rent with that
old squeal, "My studs have been
pinched 1" and a well dressed man
slid off tho train, which passed rap
idly on, leaving him standing on the
end of tho platform. His name was
not learned by tho reporter.
Dotoctives Rohan of Chicago and
Crawford and Schnucks were stand
ing on tho platform of another car
and soon heard of tho littlo episode.
They went through tho train, but
could recognize no dips and so could
do nothing.
"Well, it seems to me," 6aid Do
tectivo Rohan, "that if any one has
got a good stone, which is. tho samo
as money, ho should tako caro of it,
Thoro is no u&o in having stone
"Somo of tho late settings have
screw fastenings, so that a dip to get
them must cut tho twist, and few
dips aro going to carry pliers," said
Dotectivo Crawford.
"I'll toll you something that is bet
tor than that,' said Detectivo Rohan.
"When a man puts bis diamond stud
in his shirt front, if ho will only
screw it into a littlo wad of cotton at
tho back no clip can get it out. A
httlo cotton batton would savo many
a fine stone." Cincinnati Enquirer.
A Definition For the Art of Doctoring"-
It is tho individuality of cases, the
fact that to one patient wo mustgivo
a teaspoouful of medicine, whilo tho
next will take two, that is at the basis
of tho ultimate failure of all "cure
alls." And, oddly enough, it ia this
very individuality of cases, bringing
with it to tho physician so many
hours of anxious thought, that makes
him reach out and welcome tho now
He is so terribly anxious to roliove
his patients, to do them good, that in
tho blind mnzo of uncertainty in
which ho finds himself ho hails with
delight anything that promises hope
fully. Tho practice or medicine
might bo defined not unfairly as a
succession of conundrums presented
for solution, with death to the pa
tient as tho jwnalty for failure. Who,
then, may blaino tho physician for
welcoming that which calls Itself tho
key? It is tho fashion to blame phytd
cianB for their ready odherenco to
the now, but it is an unjust fashion
when the facts are considered. Cy
rus Edson, M. D,, in North American
Hit proren an Infallible
ticlno for all derarice
nieou peculiar to the
female ex, inch M cbroo
lo womb and ovarian dl
eatea. if taken In time It
refuUtt a n d promote
bealtlijr action of all t uno
tioo of tbe feneratlre
organ. Young ladita at
tbe are of vuUrtr. aod
older once at tbe mtno-
jiauM.wiJI ttndin It a beallac. tootbinic tonic
lligbeat recommendation from pbrtleUn
and tboee who bare tried it. Write for book
To Women," mailed free. 8oldbjdrucUu,
Ship at New York With
Many Cases.
The United Slates Treasury
Interest Declining in the Silver
Cholera Scare.
New York, Aug. 12. The health
officer'abulletln (lays At midulcht,
Francisco Mola, one of tho passengers
on the steamer Karamaula, died of
cholera at Swinburne Island. Tho re
mains wero cremated this morning.
Nine more subjected cases were remov
ed to the Island this morning. Ex
amination BUbwH that all patients sent
there yesterday were suffering with
Asiatic cholera. 'There are now 15
cholera patients in the hospital. One
is convalescing. Eight kuown to be
cholera, and rest suspected.
In a Dllemna.
Washington, Aug. 12. Speaking
of Ex-Secretary Truoy's proposition for
the Immediate coinage of silver bullion
In tho treasury. to relieve tho mouetaiy
stringency, the treasury olllcluls point
to their statement of August 5th, show
ing it would take live year for the
mints to convert tbe bullienlnto sjlver
dollars, and that certificates could only
be Issued on the profits on coinage, cer
tificates already being out on bullion
Small Crowd.
Washington, Aug. 12. Before a
B'tiall audience tho sliver debute in the
house whs continued . this morning.
Wheeler of the Alabama, continued
tho speech.
Will not Follow.
Washington, Aug. 12. Populist
will not follow Bland in acceptance of
a ratio of more than 10 to 1. They
stand for those figures so says Jerry
Two Small Failures. '
Terrk IIautk, Iud., Aug. 12. The
Prairie City private bank bus fullad.
Nashville, Tenn., Aug. 12. The
People's Bank at Lewlsbnrg fulled this
morning. .
Tragic End.
Pendleton, Aug. 12. Last night
Ed. Dolsan, a gambler, while twirling
a pistol on his finger, dropped it. Tbe
weapon exploded shooting Jessie Wal
ton, a sporting woman, in the mouth,
death resulting a few minutes after
ward, MUs Walton's real nuiuu 1b said
to be Tlllle B. Wallls.
The coroner's Jury charges Dulseu
with manslaughter.
Awaiting the Heir.
Buzzards Bay, Mass., Aug. 12.
President Clevelund arrived this morn
lug, at 2:30, accompanied by Dr. Bryant.
Ho went at once to Gray. Gables. He
apeared somewhat tired, uud will re
main till about September 1st, or until
Mrc. Clevelaud Is ready to return to
Yellow Jack Quiet
Wabiiinoton, Aug. 12. The surgeon
general has received a telegram from
tbe vurgeon of the Marine Hospital, of
Pensacola, Fla., saying there are no
new caesof yellow fever. Extra pre
cautions are lelng taken and there la
no need of undue alarm.
Tho Hop Situation.
New Youk, Aug. 12. Hops con
tinue very quiet and moderate, Inquiry
Is confined to old crop. Hurfaco ap
pearances are that cheap lots are about
all cleaned up. Quotations are un
changed, German cables report a alight
Improvement lu crop advice, but
nevertheless a heavy shortage Is Indi
cated, The English crop, according to
all account, U certain to be more or
le abort.
No Hawaiian News.
Ban Francisco, Aug. 12. Hawaiian
correspondence under dato of August
3d sayp everything remains virtually
as at the last writing. All parties are
awaiting action of the United S'iitee.
One in Now York.
Brooklyn, Aug. 12. The Coinmer
dal bank, a state Institution, has sus
pended. Crisis in Cotton.
New York, Aug. 1& Brads treats
says; Owing to inability of banking
institutions of the south to advance
money to move tho cotfon crop, a crisis
in the cotton region Is Imminent.
A Big Four Fire.
CuiCAao, Aug. 12. Tho large beef
packing and fertilizer establishment
of Nelson Morris, one of the "Big Four"
puckers at tho stock yards wbb burned
this morning. Loss three hvudred
thousand dollars.
A Sheriff's Battle.
Birmingham, Ala.. Aug, 12. The
sheriff of Clark county had a pitched
battle with tho notorious Meachlm
gaug, near Thomasville, in wbloh thir
teen of the Mouchltns wore killed, and
several of tho sheriffs posse wero bo
badly wounded that they cannot re
Prices Current by Tolegraph Local
and Portland Quotations.
Salem, August 12, 4 p. ra. Office
Daily Capital Journal. Quota
tions for day and up to hour of going to
press wero as follews:
Peas and beans-8 to 10 cents a gallon.
Raspberries black 4.
BluokberrlOT wild 60cts. a gallon;
tamo 0 cts. u box.
Peaches 70 to 80 eta. a basket.
Veals dressed 4 J cts.
Hogs dressed 0J to 0J.
Live cattle 2 to 'Z.
Sheep allvo $1.50 to $2.00.
Spring lambs $1.60 to $2.00.
Salem Milling Co. quetes: Flour
In wholesale lots $3.20. Retail $3.00.
Bran $17 bulk, $18 Backed. 8horU $10
and $20. Chop feed $10 and $20,
52 cents.
Oats-old, 38 to 40c, new 30c.
Hay Buled. now $8 to $12; old $10 to
$14. Wild in bulk, $0 to $8.
Barley No demaud except for feed.
50 cents.
Apples 76o to $1.00 a bushel.
Wool Best. lOo.
Hops Small sale, 15 to 17o.
Eggs Cush, 18 cents.
Butter Beat duiry, 25; fancy
creamery, 80,
Cheese 12 to 15 cts.
Farm smoked meats Bacon 12;
hams, 13; shoulders, 10.
Potatoes now. 50o. to COo,
Oulous 1 to 2 cents.
Beeswax 34c. Caraway peed, 18c.
Aulso seed, 20o. Ginseng, $1.40.
Green, 2 cts; dry, 4 cts; shoep pelts,
75 cts to $1.25. N.o quotations on furg.
Chickens 7 to 10 cts; broilers 10tol2;
ducks, 12; turkeys, alow sale, choice,
10 cts; geese slow.
Grain, Feed, etc
Flour-Standard, $3.40; Walla Walla.
$3.40; graham, $3.00; superfine, $2.60
per barrel.
Oats Whlte,45cj)er bushel, grey, 42o;
rolled. In bags, $0.2500.60; barrels,
$O.600.76; casoH. $3.75.
Hay Best, $16017 per ton; common.
Wool valley, 10 to 12c.
Mlllstufra-Brati, $17.00; shorts, $21;
ground hurley, $20024; chop feed, $16
per ton; whole feed, barley, 80086 per
ceutul; middling, $28028 perten: brew
ing barley, 0006o per cental: chicken
wheat, $1.220I,24 per cental.
Hops 10 to IBo.
Butter Oregon fancy creamery,22
25c; fancy dairy, 171020c; fair to good,
i, 12jo
er roll.
l6(Sluo: common
per pound; Call-
fornlti. 86faU4a ner
t'neeee uregou, t iii; eastern
twlus, 10o; Young American, 16o per
per pound; California flats, 14o.
jsgga ureaou, too er uozea.
0 00:
turkey, live, 12)c; dressed, 16c, per tt.
Woel: Oregon Eastern choice, 120
16c; do Inferior, 0011c; do valley, 140
Pi.UtiKH "New Etrly Rose, 60c80;
600000 perennial,
bunks, $. 0001 00 percental.
Onions 7685o per cental for red,
and Jl.OOMl.'JO for llveraklna.
Barley.. Feed 6O0911082o'percental
for good quality wild S3o for choice;
brewing, uimi.iv per oeniui,
OatH-Mlllhig, $1.4501 62; fancy feed
Sl.46rai.62l: itood to oholoe.f 1.8401.45:
common to fulr. I1.1O01.K5; gray 11.80
3M4i black, f U0l.Jj0 per oouUL
Poultry uiiickcuh,oiu,io.uu uronera,
, $2.OO03.Ou; ducks, old, $4,600
vounir. $2 60(2)4 00: iteew. $8.00
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
A number of white girls employed
pastlug labels on salmon cans In Astoria
at very moderato wages were recently
discharged and Chinamen til rod to do
tho work at half price Oregnulan.
The abovo paragraph shows the rea
boo why whlto laboring people can not
do tho work In these caunrles tliut
the Chinamen do. It will lu- remem
bored that a Bhort time ago the Oregon
Ian upheld these Chlnamuii uud claimed
that If tho Geary law wua enforced It
would bo a detriment to this country.
The Oregonian may be right to a cer
tain extent In claiming this, but that
extent only extends to those who em
ploy tho Chinamen, aud to tho white
working people it Is a cureo to have
these heathons come In and take the
broad and butter that la rightfully
theirs, No doubt, the Oregoulau was
and Is still with tho Cblnumen as it is
uow with the financial question of this
government, for the side which pays
the most for Its services. Tillamook
San Francisco, Aug 12. Wheat,
December, $1.22, Seller 03; now
Chicago, Aug. 12. Cash, 02; Sep
tember 03,
Portland, Aug. 12. Wheat valley,
U)2, Walla Walla 02; Dec. $1.21?.
The I'rlmovul Atnnilier-.
All nrtiold by Dr. Phipson in Tho
Chomical News contains n bold sug
gostion thatnt romoto periods tho nt
mosphoro contniuod n vory largo
amount of carbonic acid, mid, in fact,
consisted principally of that gas, ni
trogen and vapor of wn tor ThocniBt
of tho earth may thus havo possibly
cooled nud solidified in an utmosphoro
containing a largo proportion of car
bonic acid. In volcanic regions enor
mous quantities of this gas aro still
given off, and tho hypothesis is largo
ly supported by tho important part
which carbonic acid is known to play
in tho formation of many crystals.
Uxtraiuo Courlcoy In u Studio.
"Dear mo, I havo rubbed somo of
tho color off your picture onto my
wrap I I don't know whether to feel
woreoforyou or myself," Bald Miss
Harkaway to Bmeore.
"How much did tho wrap cost?"
asked tho artist.
"A hundred and fifty dollarH,"iid
Miss Harkaway.
"Then fool sorry for yourself ,
This is a $75 picture," said Smeoro.
Harpor'n Bazar.
The Mother' I'uiltloo.
"Doesn't your mothor liko mo?"
asked young Mr. Gilloy in an olYort
to ascertain why Miss Kecdick had
refused him.
"Oh, yes, Bho likes you," waa tho
reply of tho maiden, "but eho is al
ready married to papa." Harper's
No IMilluiithnipUt.
Jinks Why don't you givoWaito
a pieco of your mind?
Filkiiis I'm not around capitaliz
ing idiota. Life.
A word or a nod from tho good has
moro weight than tho eloquent speeches
of others. Plutarch.
A Roman camp, a Baxon temple and
threo cathedrals have in turn occupied
tho site of 8t. Paul's, London.
A pruyer book was among the articles
found in the stomach of an ostrich which
was lately dissected in London.
I would rather see those flowers (dan
delions) in tho world beyond than the
golden streets wo aro told of. -Whlttler.
The Oregon Improvement company ex
hibit at their ofllco at Colfax six turnips
which aggregate 103 pounds' weight, tho
largest weighing 20 pounds 2 ounces.
When tho Infant daughter of the Duko
and Duchess of Fife was baptized recent
ly by the archbishop of Canterbury, the
irate Infant cried so lustily that it wua
finally necessary to remove it from thu ,
church. I
- ' wmm" m
They say tnut wUen two people truly .
Jove wtch other they can live on wliut it I
formerly coat to keep the man. Bat they
y a great many thing that are not
true, I
Ij it not au unmlstakabta tendency
of our republican government that
tho creatures of the peop'e are
growiug greater than the power that
created them? Huve we not many In
stances whoro supreme courts invade
tho rights of tho people, pttasldo their
expressed will, anil declare the law lu
place of construing possible conllleta of
law? Have we not limny ltialancea
where congress uud legllutures impose
taxes without huving any suuctlon or
Instruction to do so from the people,
but are a law unto themselves, cd oa
tbe other bund fall to do whuttborejpl;)
have clearly demanded, or even that
which, to get the people's tuflragea,
these representatives clearly pledged
thomselves to do. Suoli instances are
What is tho referendom or people's
veto? It Is a system by which all im
portant propositions must be submitted
back to a popular vote. For Instance,
if the Oregon legislature should appro
priate or fall to appropriate money to
opeu the WHIametto looks, or the coun
ty should attempt to force a new road
system on the people of Marion county,
before it would go lato eflect it would
havo to bo submitted to a vote of the
In Iowa and other eastern states su
premo courtB havo upon some technic
ality or defect of a clorloal character
even declared void amendments to the
constitution adopted by overwhelming
majorities, In Oregon the last legisla
ture appropriated $120,000 for state mil
itia which was never contemplated or
authorized by the taxpayers. No other
veto than tho people's veto could per
vent their appropriating half a million
for suou purpose. Thoro Is some necess
ity for the referendum.
With tbe referendum in voguoaman
would not have to swallow a party
platform, Including propositions which
ho was opposed to In order lo get a few
things ho was in favor of. It would
place each proposition before the citizen
upon 1U merits.
Tho referendum would place more
power lu the hands of tho unofficial
and unrepresented class. It would refer
matters of Importance in legislation
and government back to tho voice of
tho peoplo. It would give them the
only veto power.
Wo shall havo a series of articles up
on tho initiative and referendum as ,
practiced In Switzerland, and do cot
promise what shall bo tho outcome of
our study of tho question. We shall
try to arrive at a conclusion whether
tbe system would be worth trying In
our country.
J. C. Eceuwnod, whoso homo Is In
Walluco, SnohomUh county, Washing
ton, has beeu committed to the lusauo
asylum from Hlllsboro, His lnsuulty
waa caused by excessive use of liquor.
This man properly belongs to a Keely
cure or home for Inebriates lu his own
Tho law for committing ieopIo to
the asylum ia very much abused in
Oregon. All aorta ot Inebriates are sent
here by tho counties wishing to get rid
of them. Every day old men aud wo
men, liel plena and without friends,
with weak aud tottering Intellect, are
unloaded upon theatate asylum as In
sane. They are not Insane. It la a
grave evil and a great injustice to those
who are really Insane,
A temperance drink.
A homc-mndo drink,
A health-giving drink.
A tlilrtwinpnrlitncf drink.
A drink that ia popular everywhere, i
iwiicious, sparging, tmrmctau
A it ttnl cieklr mikii nUott of tWtf
I illklii btf . Don'l b ilvcmtd If a tUikr . I
f fur lb Ml f Wu r profit, UlU you kw wbr '
kind It ''Jul u soo4 ' 'lUfaliw. NulwttMtMii
U evd m Ut gcouiiM Hut'. I
jk Any
63 Time
II vfc-mi - I fie right tlmo
I NSsi- for everybody to
S drink
i Atoaia-'VMhiAl i iT"l i til it.