Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, August 04, 1893, DAILY EDITION, Image 1

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9- VaiaarWt93MNr -mj f
85 eta. sv nouth by Mt
Prepaid 1b Adraaec,
No Papers Sent Wl
Time a Oat.
VOL. 6.
NO. 183.
& I N
We are still in it when
Shoes, Clothing, Dry Goods,
In fact all lines of General Merchandise at the
BonanzaBargains inBroken Lines Straw Hats
- J
297iCon?i,l, St.,
J ' ja. . -W GOITDLE & CO.,
'General Insurance Agency.
Representing the following well-known and reliable Cempanies:
BTATE IN8URA.NCK CO., Etna Insurance Co.,
Traders' Insurance Co., Sun Insurance Co.,
National Insuraroe Co., Westchester Klre Ins. Co.,
Lion Klre Insurance Co., Imperial Fire Insurance C,
London jt Lancashire Fire Ins. Soc, London Assurance Corporation,
Alliance Assurance Co., Norwich Union Fire Ins.Soo.
Oldest and Leading Firm In the City Devoted Exclusively to Insurance,
Recovers and repairs upholstered furniture. Long Experience In the trade
enables me to turn out first-class work. Samples of coverings. No trouble to
give estimates. State Insurance block, Chemeketa street
Ed. C.
CHURCHILL Spraying outfits,
.B j 1G3
BURROUGHS State Street.
Lamoureux's Stables,
At the Commercial street bridge near Wlllaruetto Hotel. New stock and ve
hicles being added constantly. Only the best service rendered. No shabby
rigs nor poor horsts. H. L. LAMOUREUX, Proprietor.
West Printing
do better work than ever
303 Commercial Br.,
On Improved Real Estate. In amount and
Urns to suit. .No delay In
rtrtn oi runu,
Itoom 12. Bush Bank block. 8 13d
Proprietor of the
Eopth Commercial BL, Salem.
All kind rrvtrLealtanimoked Meals
rJ-yuxM dsuyxsy, - -
it comes to low prices on
, , SALEM,
Wholesale and Retail
Dealer in Fresh, Salt and
Smoked Meats of all Kinds
OS Court and
110 State Streets.
Has iust received some
of the latest faces of job
tVDe and is prepared to
Count y orders receive prompt at-
Halem, Oregon.
i "
i i .
Leave orders atOotUe-larkhurstbIock,room
14, Balem, Oregon.
Manufacturer of Wagon, Car
riagea. etc.
Kapalrlne a Bpolelty. -1
Shop IS BUte street.
A BARGAIN lto acres with Improvement
overha'fnnd'rrulllvaHon, rest ptslareand
soma jood timber, Terms very easy. Ad
L WMaWir WbeUand,Or.
The Weary Bank President Found a Itoeky
Vale araduoto to Go Htm.
A stout gentleman, well on to GO
years, was in the throng of Saturday
afternoon visitors at tlio Produce Ex
change baths yesterday afternoon.
Ho told everybody that he'd had a
hard wee!:. He said he was a bank
president. All tho attendants scorned
to know hun. Ho know nil tho at
tendants too. They wore Tom and
Jim and Pete to him.
He wanted everybody to under
stand that lio'd had a hard weok.
Every newcomer was corralled an
impressed with tho fact. Then ho
said ho wanted some ono to take his
hand and wade through the pool
with him. Tho pool is SO feet long
and 15 feet wide, with five feet of
salt water. Ho wanted to wado in,
now Bummer suit and all. It would
rest him and inako him forget his
hard week, he 6aid, if Bomobody
would take his hand and wado in
with him.
"It'll mako mo feel like a boy
again," said tho alleged bank presi
dent. "We used to wade in clothes and
all when I was a boy," ho added
when his appeal was not heeded.
While ho was waiting for sonao ono
to take his hand and wade, in walked
a young man nlso in n new summer
suit. Tho young man wore silver
bowed spectacles. Ho is a graduate
of Yale. Hu peered over his Bpecta
les at tho old fellow, who returned
tho peer and then made his appeal to
tho young man.
"Well, old man," said ho of tho
silver bowed spectacles, "I was out
pretty lato myself last night. I'll go
Solemnly the old man and tho
younger man clasped hands and
walked to tho edge of the pool. They
zigzagged a little, but they stood upon
the brink of tho pool steady enough,
and banging their hats down upon
their heads, they stepped off. The
water was nearly up to their shoul
ders. But band in hand they waded
tho length of tho pool, tho bank pres
ident smiling and contented and. tho
younger rnan peering over his silver
bowed spectacles as if ina.contemphv
tive mood. Not a word did they say
to each other. Tho old man's face
wore the expansive smile of childish
delight. Tho younger man was sol
emnly content. They clambered out
of the pool hand in hand, soaked
from shoulders to heels. Tho old man
shook the hand of his younger com
rade and said:
"I thank you, sir. You have af
forded me much pleasure"
"All right, old man," said the Yalo
graduate. "Any timo you want to
wade send for me."
Ho gavo the old man his card, and
as the old man jabbed tho limp paste
board into tho puddlo in his waist
coat pocket ho remembered his
watch. Ho pulled out a massive gold
timepiece. Tho salt water had
stopped it and probably ruined it.
As ho came to this conclusion tho
old man said:
"Well, nover mind, wo had fun,
didn't wo?"
Then tho two men wero tacked off
to tho steamroom and BtrippM, and
for two hours they nodded, sleepily
at each other while their clothes and
shoes woradrying. Now York Sun.
. zr-u r
Just Ilefore s'u Earthquake.
An earthquake is likely to bo at
tended with great atmospherio dis
turbance, such as explosions, thun
der, lightning, etc. At Millittollo.
there was an explosion in the fog
which overhung the city for several
days before tho great earthquake,
many houses having their roofs and
upper stories completely ruined as
the result hours before tho shock
which completed the awful work of
destruction. In otlior instances queer
looking clouds, in some cases not
larger than a good sized balloon, will
hang over a spot threatened by an
earthquake for soveral days prior to
the beginning of the terrestrial dis
turbances. This was the case at Lon
don in tho year 1140, at Minister in
1012, at Lisbon and at Riobanda,
South America. At Dunstal, Eng
land, all tho water in the lake "stood
up like a pyramid to the height of
100 feet," and in several cases all tho
water was thrown out of tho wells,
fit Louis RflrrohUfi
Wblch nature U ccnsttnUr jivine in the shape
of bolls, pimples, eruptions, ulcers, etc. These
snow that the blood is eonumlnaud, and some
assistance must be firtn to relieve the trouble.
msjsh Is the remedy to force oat these pol-
ssssssj sons, ana ensbia jou u
-I have bad for years a bomor In my blood,
which wade me dread to shave, as small loll or
tana me areaa to snsve, as smaii wu m
would be cut, thus causlne the shaviar to
it annoyance. After taking three bottles
M ray face is all clear and smooth as it
pimple w
be arrest
should be appetite splendid, sleep
well, and feci like runnlos a (out
an front u use 0u.h.b. .
Ch as. Ms-atom, 71 Laortl st . Phils.
TrwtiM on blood and skin diseases mailed free
iwurx itcmo co, AsUau, g.
Outline of Speaker
Crisp's Action
There May Be a Split With
the President.
Depends Upon the Tone of the
President's Message.
For Action or Inaction of Congress
Upon tho President,
Speaker Crisp's Course.
New York, Aug. 4. Bpenker Urlsp
authorizes the statement Unit there is
no basis whatever for auy one of the
many reports circulated re.ardlng the
appointment of chairman of commit
tees. He does not expent to announce
committees until 8 or 10 days after the
organization Monday, He may
mane an exception or tuo com
mittee on coinage. All depends on the
tone of the president's message. If
Cleveland sba) confine his recommen
dation strictly to repeal, with no hint
of subsequent legislation in direction
of bl-nietallism, It might be considered
wi83 to put Cockran at tho head. If,
ou the other bond, tho president ehould
deem a more pacific policy advisable, It
might be cousldered wise to permit
Bland to retain his position, if be should
care to do bo, despite tho opposing ma
jority In hia committee.
No Kuns in St Paul.
St. Paul, Aug. 4. Closing of the
doors of the German American Nation
al bank this morning, as arranged for
last night, caused some withdrawal of
fundi fmm other banks, but no purlieu
lar excitement or ruus.
Will Investigate.
Chicago, Aug. 4. Tho council of
administration of tho world's fair bus
directed the Dlrestor General to inves
tigate the dances of the Orientals In tbo
Midway Plalsanoe, and if found im
moral to stop them at once.
Stoamor Sinks.
Aluany, N. Y., Aug. 4. The steam
er Rachel Sherman, with an excursion
party of twenty-nine people, loft 14
Mlle Island, Lake George, for Pearl
Point this morning. At Pearl Point
landing tho steamer sank and twelve
were lost.
Insurance Failure.
Denvek, Aug, 4. A receiver has
been appointed for tbo Equitable Acci
dent Insurance Company. Outstand
Ing risks of (0,000,000 are reinsured
with the Union Casualty Co. Trouble
among the stockholders caused tho fail
ure. Sensible Indians.
Guthkih, O. T., Aug. 4. Tho Os
age Indians refute to treat with the
government for the sale of their reser
vation of nearly two millions acre of
land, They are well to do nnd don't
want to be crowded by whiles.
Struck South America.
San Jose, Do Costa Rica, Aug. 4.
Financial panic throughout (he repub
lic caused by the condition of the silver
market. Failures have been numerous
and more expected.
War In Samoa Ended.
San Fkancisco, Aug. 4. Advices
are received lo the tfk:t that the long
predicted war In Samoa had been com
rnenoed end finished, Intervention of
(be three powers putting a decisive end
to the trouble. Mataaa and bis chiefs
have surrendered.
Bad Fire.
St. Paul, Aug. 4, DUpatch snrc'al
from Print etna, Minn,, av; A fire at
that place early this morning destroyed
tbe Flrat National baik building, ho
tel, and klx house, causing a log of
50,000. Insurance partial.
Nervousnn-s la from dyspepsia. Take
Blmmona Liver ReuUtrand be cured.
Pleasure Soekors Killed. A Score
Reston, Aug. 4. A distressing acci
dent that has resulted In the death of
three people and injuries to probably
fifteen or twenty others occurred this
evening at tbo boathouseof the Chelsea
Yucbt club. It was Illumination night
at tho olub house and In cousequeuce
there was a largo crowd In attendance.
The band was playing on the pier in
front of the olub bouse and many peo
plo had filled tho balcony directly over
the muslcans' hoads.
Suddenly tho balcony gave way and
its occupants wero thrown upon the
pier and many of them into tho water.
An alarm of fire was sounded and the
firemen did grand work rescuing the
people. Tho following is the list of the
dead as far as knewn:
J. B. Warren.
A. L. Pembcrton.
Mrs. Augusta P. Sbumann.
Tbo large number or injured wero
tukon to the hospitals or otherwise
cared for.
In tho Gopher State.
St. Paul, Aug. 4. Tho People's
Savings bank closed its doors this morn
Another St. Paul.
St. Paul, Aug. 4. The West Side
bank, with a capital of one hundred
thousand, closed Its doors at 1 o'olook.
No statement Is made.
More Qold.
London, Aug. 4. One million ono
hundred and ten thousand dollars In
gold was taken from the bank of Eng
land today for America.
Blockade Over.
Paris, Aug. 4, Rear Admiral Hu
mann, command ng the French fleet
In Slameso waters, announces the block
ado of Slam was raised yesterday after
noon. President and Party.
Buzzards Bay, Moms., Aug. 4.
Socretary Laraont arrived at Gray
Gables this noon. Tbo president's
team mot him at tho station. Every'
tblng Is In readiness for a start to Wash
tngton this aft rnoon. Besides tr
president, Secretary Lamont, Carlisle
and Oiney will be la tbo party.
Dry Goods Failure.
CniOAao, Aug. 4. James H. Walker
& Co', dealors in Dry Goods, one of the
largest firms in the city confessed judg
ment today on a noto for (5.405. A re
ceiver has been asked for. Tbeamouut
Involved Is two million dollars.
Chicago, Aug. 4. Felson Vun Kirk
a board of trado operator, suicided to
day. He was 75 years old, a member
of tbo firm of Van Kirk & Austin which
was forced to tho wall today.
Attempted Train Wrecking.
St. Louis, Aug. 4. Nows is received
here of au almost successfnl attempt at
wrecking and robblug the Wabash
train this morning, near Atlanta, Mr.
A rail was taken from tho track by the
robbers, but tbo fact was discovered by
a son of tbo section agent, who flagged
tbe train, preventing tbo wreck audit
tended robbory.
Silver In the Commons,
London, Aug, 4. In the commons
81rElll8 Ash mead Bartlett, conserva
tive, asked tbe government whether,
sinco tho stoppngo of tbo free minting
of silver in India there had been, as
stated, a depreciation in tbe value of
securities held in England to tho
amount of 180,000,000; whether tbe
supply of gold was not insufficient to
the monetary requirements of trade and
what measures the government pro
posed to take to avert a financial crisis,
Prlmo Minister Gladstone replied bo
did not know how to ascertain tbe truth
of tbe assertion that a decline to tbe
amount rotttted to bad taken place in
the value of securities held in England,
lie did not believe the supply of gold
was Insufficient for trade requirements
and could not announce measures to
avert a crisis that he did uot believe
would occur.
If you are melancholy or down with
the blues you need Blmmooa Liver Reg
ulator. THE MARCBTS.
Han Fkancisco, Aug 4, Wheat
weaker, December $1.23!, seller .03;
cash number, one shipping, $1.10.
Chicago, Aug. 4. Cash, 681; Bep
tmberG0. Poktland, Aug. 4. Wheat valley,
1.00, Walla Walla 87J.00.
A mirrlsge lloeuae was it sued today
to Mlsi Annie Btafl cr and John Mlhs.
These parties live near Aurora.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
Olympia, Aug. 4. Albert Deuce, a
young Englishman, was worklngatthe
bottom of a well ubout sixty feet doop.
Ho felt gas suffocating him and called
to bis partner to pull him up. During
tbe ascent be fell to tbo bottom and
was instantly killed.
Marshfield, Or., Aug. 4. A. H.
Hluoh, who was in Jail in Empire City
awaiting trial for killing Andrew Wlk-
man in August of lost year, died of
hemorrhage of tho lungs. Hlnch gave
himsolf up aftor he had killed Wlkman
and was put In jail, but he broke
Jail just before the convontng
of court nnd was lu hiding In
tho woods for a number of mouths but
was Anally captured. Hluoh was an
early settler, eomtng boro In 1852, and
was a conspicuous figure In tho Indian
wars. He discovered tbe Randolph
Blank sand mines out or wbloh ho
realized quite a fortune.
Eugene, Or,, Aug. 4. A Couple of
ohlldren came here aloue on tho local
train, a girl about 7 years of age and a
boy so mewhat you nger. Tbo girl gave
her name as Corapton. They told by
standers that their father was to meet
them, but ho did not put In au appear
ance and tbo marshal took tbcm In
charge. They stated that their mothor
lives In Halley, Idaho.
Olympia, Aug. 4. J. 8. McCabe, a
rancher living about eighteen miles
from here, was shot by u neighbor,
Geo. W. Manvllle, and died a few' min
utes later. Both men wero prominent
In the country and have extensive
ranches. The tragedy has created in
tfuuo exettemout and is supposed to bo
tbo outoomo of au old foud increased
byManvllle's recent suit against the
Northern Paclflo, In which MoCubeap.
pcared as a witness against him. Some
tlmo ago they had a personal alterca
tion and Manvllle was sued for assault.
San Fbanoibco, Aug. 4. A telegram
from Chicago announces that out of the
505 Chinese landed on world's fair cer
tificates, as they are called, but 80 are
In the world's fair at Chicago today,
and there Is no tolling when the 80 Chi
neso left will scatter out of that city
and locate where thoy please. Six
months ago Chun Puk Kwal, a Bun
Francisco Chinaman, and Chou Ball,
his partner In China, arranged to bring
tboChlncso to this port. Thoy brought
them over and customs ofllcors now
say that uo less than $300 each or tho
sum of $150,000 was paid by tho people
landtd to Kwal.
Tho Berlin Imporlal bank shows a
decroaso of $1,008,505.
In tho London yacht contest tbe
race was won by the Batauita, which
beat tho Valkyrie eight minutes. A
breakage of tho Jaws of the gait was
the causo of the Navahoo's mainsail
A cable from a member of tho marine
hospital service stationed at Naplts
says tho cholera is growing worse tnero.
A grenado exploded on the Germain
Ironclad Baden at Kiel, Lieutenants
Olsnor and Zombaoh nnd seven soamou
wero killed and 17 wounded.
The question of Turkish outrages up
on Armenian Christians was attain
brought up yestorday In the house of
commons, sir Edward Grey Bald what
little Information the forolgu office had
on the subject was very painful, Fifty
six persons had been arrested, seventeen
condemned to death, and many others
sentenced to long terms of lmnrlsou.
moot. Subsequently tho sultan com
muted the death sentences of. all but
Ave. These hayo boen executed within
tbe past two or three days.
Tho directors of tbo bauk of England
have decided to advance the rate of dis
count to a per cent. The advance was
unexpected and Is attributed to the fur
ther large withdrawal of gold today for
tbe United States and tbe probability
of fresh shipments on Friday or Batut-
dty. Two and one-half millions lu
gold were taken Thursday.
A Rome correspondent says: "The
official reports have greatly uuderatated
I the (acts. Reliable advice declares that
tnero was flfmtwo new cases and
twenty-eight deaths that day, and for
ty-nlne new cases and twenty-seven
deaths Monday. Cholera has been epi
demic lu Marseilles for the last threat
months. There have boen 001 deaths
from cholera lu Marseilles stnee the
middle of May, Th'ero have been 6866 1
ueatbB from cholera in Mecca and 21SS-!
In Jedda .since tbe presont epldemlo
broke out.
Old hops aro soiling In Watervllle, N.
Y., at 20 and 21 conts.
Tho London cable to thoJounNAt.
August 3d showed a firmer market.
This Is two months In advauce of tbd
crop going to market.
Tho spider Is doing much harm lu
England. Clear hot weather for Ore
gon diminishes tbe hop louse evil to
the lowest point possible. If hop grow
ers manage their business careful lyM
they havo a good future for their pro-
In the noxt 00 days $50,000 will be
spent on public work in Salem. Work
Ingraon with families to support and
ohlldren to educato should be given a
Young men who waste their earnings
In saloons and fast living, or transients
who havo no Interests here, are well
enough ofT plotting up a living as best
thoy can. Money for public works
should go to support families located
here first.
These families aro held together by
tho fathers and big boys, Give them a
ehanco to exist.
There are throe very good reasons
why tho ' board of education should
leavo tho ouico of superintendent of
schools vacant:
A good superintendent cannot be em
ployed for $1000 a year. There are
plenty who will take tho office, draw
tho salary and pretend to fill the place.
Tho dlstrlst has no money to throw
uway, and each school will be a better
school If the principal who is there all
tho tlmo huH somo authority aud Is held
responsible fur the work of tbe school.
If necessary to have the honor con
ferred on sumo one, lot the teachers
elect a bead principal, or tho boatd de
signate a eenlor principal.
Tho people aro well satisfied with
tho Jouhnal's bulletins and telegraph
ic report.
Salem wanta more ilrat-olass princi
pals, and no second-class city superin
tendent. Tho police should not go bo fast lu
ouforelng the law against tne bawdy
One of the greatest causes of bauk
failures Is wltldrawal of funds by peo
ple who need their sayings to live
Out of work, they aro eating up what
with ordinarily sood times would re
main lu tho banks. Laok of employ
ment Is the greatest causa of financial
ifiiM-i - -
Whether quaffed
from a vessel of
tin, glass o gold;
cood for thu young
or th,c old -na
,Jj.R.oot Beer
A delicious, health
giving, tliirststtlis
fyitig beverage, A
temperance drink for
temperance people,
A 'C pscVtg naltt (slloat.
Sell Mi Eteye4 Everywhere.
lirVraw I
jkLt t-stifa&M JAW tit. lA-ffi-