WT -n"Tr "&j "W -- aVUIsrrNQ OaJEI1?AI, jpUBKAIi, THII2AT, ATOTJST 3, 1800. '-vt-wi, 1r jwpri ; MHSiMIP'11 ' ass. gfj a mi Ifc If f; 1. f GRK&T CH1 For30 Days. All dress goods included. Call and Get Prices. Our two fino presents will be given away September 1st. THE PALACE anddshoegcompany, 307 Commercial Street. - if - You are going to build or make any If tod of Improvement, call on the undersigned lor material. We have a complete stock, and are ready to supply any prepared contract, sewer work, grading, etc. Salem Improvement Co. LOCAL DATES. Saturday, Aug. 6. State Dairymen's convention, court bouse, 10 a. m. An Able Man. The local on The Joohnal prints the following with a great deal of pleasure: "Frank Davey, fonnorly of Salem, was elected Grand Lecturer of the Grand Lodge of A. O. U. W. at the recent session held in Portland. Mr. Davey Is a polished writer and a fine speaker, but for sov oral years past his grand Intellect was sunk in the awful abyss of intoxicating drinks. He took the Keeley cure at Forest Grove and has been the man ager thero for the past three years, be ing restored, and once more takes his place in the world of active thoughts and right endoayor a blowing to his family and an honor t his frjends, through the grand possibilities of the Keeley treatment. Ashland Tidings. Bio Estates. A. N. Moores ad ministrator of tho estate of O. Dickin son, presented his final account, and Thursday, August 31, has beon set as tho day for hearing. The total amount of tho property as per inventory is $25, 404.00. The report shows that Mrs. U. S. Dickinson and Cora L. Moores are tho boIo heirs. It also shows that the O, Dickinson Seed Co., has purchased certain of the property paylujr therefor $10,000 In the form of apromlssary note J. B. Vandalo, John Martbaiea and V. A. Manning, appraisers of the f slate of Larz Harding, deceased, have filed their inventory and appralsemeut. Tho total valuation of the real and per sonal property 1b 120,000. HURTlNd Themselves. Portlaud merchants are hurllug themselves li refusing to tako checks on Salem banks from Salem business tnou. They are eithor seeking to force our merchants to deposit In Portlaud banks or to dlsoredlt Salem banks. Neither of these plan will succeed, and several tialem mer chants have already decided to buy goods elsewhere. There may bo towus that deeervo Buoh treatment but Salem 'Is not ono of thorn. Salem Horses. Following horses have beeu shipped to California and when they have gone through the Northern California circuit will return in time for the State fair: San Gernauo, lull brother to Holmdol, llosemou, An ita, Walter, Jack tho Hipper, Caztno, Kenwood Maid, Addto It., Daisy D. Teaohkhs' Examination. Notice Is hereby given that the regular quar terly examination of teachers for Mar ion county will bo held at the couit house, Salem, Oregon, at ouu o'clock, Wednesday, Aug. 0, 1803. Applicants for state papers will bo examined at tho name time and place. Dated this 24th day of July, 1803. J. S, Graham, County Supt. of Schools. 724d-lw-wSt LiAiiLE. Under tho new law tho counties uro liable for any duuage,froin defective bridge. There is u hole in the main bridge on tho Polk county aide, and both counties would bo liable fee that. Chalrinau Kleiu culled on the county court today but nothing has beeu dono. Swift Boys. Swift as tho dart of th swallow are the Lockwood messen ger boys, m they lly oil their wheels day and night to auy part of the city ScaU' Monky. None txacted nt one place In town hero you get fresh good at fair prloeatho yearnrouud Van Eatou'a grocery, OuEnN PiiAOUfctK In fresh ui a I fttid beauty, Jurge or email quantities, I Back tmmbers of the One Cent Dai uttlia Court Btreet grocery of Clark & I ly cannot be supplied by mall. All 'XppJy, orders bf gin from day received. 01TD OHLEi PERSONAL AND LOOAL. Lightening jars, the best made in full stock, at Clark &, Eppley'a. Sharpe's Jersey Dairy delivers the finest milk in tho city. J. W. Smith of Bed Bluff, Cal., is the guest of his brother C. F. Smith, the Salem yard master. The golden-rod, our country's nation al floral emblem is now in bloom. The surveyors are at work on State street. Attorney Genoral Chamberlain is at bis office every day. Col. Robert Miller Mrs. P. 8. Knight is at Oregon City, and Miss Ballou aro getting out their first annual circu lar and course of study of the Salem Kindergarten training school. It will include mothers classes. Those who try the One Cent Daily a month for 25 cents almost invariably renew for two, four or twelvo months. Captain Dllley of tho Salem police force is bauk from his regular vacation at Foley Springs. He reports those bad boys Wallace and Black behaving nicely. A poor city superintendent will be worse than none. A first-class one cannot be secured for (1000 a yoar. The sohool board better saye Its $1000. The One Cent Daily is strictly in advance, No papers sent after time is out. Please renew a few days in ad' vance so you will miss no copies. B. O. Van Bokkeln sent a carload of racers to Willows this morning to enter tho California circuit. Send tho daily Mail Journal to your family at the seashore. Rev. J. S. White Is at Portland on business with tho archbishop. Charlotte M. Alton, of Cornelius, Washington county,has been placed In the asylum. She Is aged 24 years and is Insane over religion. Wells, Fargo & Co.'b express received a fine new delivery wagon yesterday from Portland. It Is a one-horse wagon for light delivery, Robert Ralph, of Toronto, Canada, was committed to the insane asylum from JackBon county yesterday. He Is 60 years of age. Capt. L, E. Pratt, ot tho probato de partment, of tho county clerks office is oil' to Oregou City, Portland and oth er points for a week's vacation. Without mentioning his name the Statesman paid A. Bush a deserved compliment when it referred to the dis asters that had overtaken Boveral busi ness centers that have lost tholr solid veteran bankers. Halem has her solid veteran banker still and Is all right His namo is Bush, The law against bawdy houses is not enforced. It Is to be said tho recorder has dono his duty iu tho matter. Tho sohool board has appointed W. L. Wade a committee to look after san itation of tho premises during vacation, Mrs, P. Card and Mrs. Cora Seely, daughters of Peter Fox, are at New port. Mr. and Mrs. Heury Rogers aud Mrs. A. E, Strang and child are at tho farm of Mrs, H. Carpenter south of Turner, where, with Mrs. Dr. 8. R, Jessup aud A. A, Jessup, they will camp. MUeea Edna and Flora Breymau, of Portland, daughters of A. II. Breymau, left for their home after a short visit with Miss Jessie Brcyman in this city, Dr. J. C. Smith is at Jefferson with his family. Mr. aud Mrs. Heury Keeler huva gone to Clatsop Beach. Mrs. R. A, Kirk aud Miss Teresa Albrlch returned yesterday from a Visit In Portlaud, Prof, Jas. T. Matthews gets tho One Cent Daily at Bay Conter, Wash., where lie Is engaged as lustruotor lu au Institution, Ho did not intend to let this bo kuowu, The principal of tho Lincoln school is a modest man. Mongolian pheasants and grouse can now bo killed for your own use. How ever, don't sell them, or else you ire 1 liable to pay a fine. Deer may also.be killed, except one-half hour before sun rise and ono hour after sunset,' Car casses must be used, preserved or sold for food. Miss Hattie L. Coburn, principal of tho Park school, returned from the world's Fair today. Fresh huckleberries at the Fruit Pal ace. There was but one death In tho city of 8alem in July. How is that for a city often thousand. The wholesale price of Italian prunes will be about 12 cents Jn Portland, French prunes 10 cents, Baled hay ia (7 a ton at Albany. Rosebnrg did not entertain the San Francisco merchants. A Salem man suggests free coinage of silver at a fixed ratio, without mak ing it a legal tender, and then let it cir culate as it will. Grocery Merchant Jas. Aitken is at Newport. Mrs. A. Blosser and children are at Sodayille. Two laborers arrested as tramps were discharged by Judge Edes. Mrs. C. M. Eppley and family are at Big Creek by the ocean. There is a lone grocer in town. D. L. Matheny and family and daughter Mrs. Geo. Bradley of Port land, went to Newport today to camp. Insurance Adjuster McCarthy, who was prominent in the Dave arson case is in the city. Ed. Green and wife returned from Chicago today. Mrs. Chas. Cosper and baby, and Miss Ella Claggett went to Newport today. The 'Frisco merchants excursion bar becue at Idabna today Gid Stelner, the fish market man, re turned to bis family at Sod a vi lie today. One drunk responded to roll call before tho police court this morning and got flvo days. Miss Ella Burley has gone to Lower Soda Springs for a few weeks. Miss Kittle Harbord has gone to Me- bama. to bo the guest of Miss Casaie Jeffreys. Gus Strang joined his family at Crystal Springs farm today. Will Allen, a clerk at the JohnBon clothing house, went to 'Frisco today. Jos. Woodford and family and Miss Hope Gans went to Newport today. B. J. Sharpe is putting in a brick understory to bis cottage on 21st street. Band concert at Morningslde Friday evening. Hon. Jeff Meyers and cousin, Dr. Jeffries returned to Salem today from a trip to Mt. Jefferson. Dr. Jef fries and Miss Meyers walked to the end of the track from Independence valley, a distance of fifteen miles, said to be the first ladies ever to make the trip on foot. Albany Democrat. Judgo Bean and sons are camping at Idabna. Mrs. C. A. Scehlbrede and daughters returned to Roseburg today, after a two months' visit at the home of Hon. Geo, L. Downing. Why His Wife Is "Fidgety." I have the beat cook In the town, Whoue bread la delicious and white; liercod i Iragran andbrowu. Iter pastry a perfect delight. But ihe daily complains of the 'worry they bring , Bhe'a my own darling wife, but a fidgety thing) Your wife Is worn out. and needs Dr. Pierce's Fuvorlte Prescription, the only medicine guaranteed to euro debilitated women. How many overworked Amer ican women we seo with lack-lustre eyes aud haggard faces, growing old be fore their time, from those exhausting anraenus mat men Know nolnlngor. They can be permanently cured by this remedy, as numberless grateful women will attest. Price refunded, if it falls to give satisfaction in every case. See guarantee printed on bottle-wrapper. MAUIUUD. HYDE-BOWMAN. At the residence or the bride's parents, Toledo, Or., August 2, 1803, MIm Ida Hyde to Alvin Bowmau of Salem, Oregon, Mr, Bowman served nearly fouryears on the Journal force from press boy to foreman, and a largo circle of friends at the Capital City will join us in con gratulations. UOHN. BELLE In Salem, on August 2d, to the wife of H. S. Belle, at the reald euco ou Church street, a daughter, DIKD, liEVAR. In DHlVltnrtlllllnn tn Rnlom August 2, 1893. the infant child of Mr. and Mm. P. C. Levar. DPRICE'S (H The oaly Pure Cream of Tartar Towder. No Ammonia; No Alma. VmA ia Millions of Homes 40 Vears tk Staadari. OITT COUNCIL PEOOEUDINQS. The Salem city council met Wednes day evening. The committee on accounts and cur rent expenses reported on the payment of the following bills: Wm. Dickinson, f 12.50; Balem T. & D. Co., $28.70; R. E. Moores A Co., ?12.60;G. Stolz, $2.40; J.Knlght, $119.28; Aitken fc Palmer, 11.60; J.G.Barr, $2.60; Statesman, $11.60; street labor, $130.00; Ed, N. Edes, $32.00; Union Title Ab stract Co., $7.50. Tho report of the special committee on the estimates for tbo improvement of Oak street was read and adopted. The total cost is $078.20. Notices of the improvement of Cen ter and High streets were read and on motion the recorder was authorized to insert the same in a daily turner for benefit of tho property owners. A petition signed by John Hughes, Mrs. Rboda Edee and others, asking for the abatement of an alley sewer in the block on Liberty street upon which the Ben Strang property is situated, was read and referred to the city attor ney with instructions to have the mar shal abate the same if found advisable. The new license ordinance was read and referred to the ordinance commit tee to report on. The Oak street im provement ordinance was also read and referred. The city engineer was instructed to construct a cement walk at the alley crossing on the north Bide of Court street between Commercial and Front better known as Wm. Anderson's alley. The commlttee"on fire and water was instructed to confer with the commit tee from the hook and ladder company in regard to the matter of purchasing the apparatus. A motion that the chairman of tho committee on streets and public prop erty confer with the county Judges of Marion and Polk counties in regard to the repairing of the Willamette bridge, was passed. There will be no serious crisis in this valley. A big wheat crop even at small prices should enliyeu matters consider ably. There will be some buyers too. Ex. F. K. Lovell is at Nestucca on the coast. The treasury gold reserve is again in tact, exceeding $100,000,000. Lottie Hellenbrand is at Gearbart Park for a week. Fred Legg and wife and Miss Adams wero passengers for Mt. Adams today. Dr. MacGong Hong of Portland went to that city today. He dresses in the colors of his profession, lavender throughout. F. C. Baker is at Portland. The janitors are giving the state printing office a housecleaning. Miss Lottie Hellenbrand left this af ternoon for a visit to Portland aud As toria. Judge Straban returned from the coast today. There are unusual crowds at tho sea side, Rev.BIalr-of the Cumberland Pres byterian church returned from the mountains today. Ex-Sberlfl Ed. Crolsan returned from Newport today. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Bowman went tbiough ou the train today from Toledo, They will make their home at Gervals. Mrs. Bowman Is the daughter ofT. L, Hyde, formerly a prominent druggist at Dallas. Miss Myrtlo Compson, daughter of Brigadier-General Compson, O. N. G arrived from Chicago yesterday. It will only be a few weeks now until Oregon's bopgrowors and farmers will begin to draw money into Oregon from abroad. Than tho stringency in the money market, already much easier, will loosen its grip. Deputy District Attorney Condit went to Wood burn this afternoon. State Game Inspector McGuire was in the city to investigate the alleged violation of the game law which did not pan out as reported. A Salem bank tbat la receiving con siderable gold nowadays has shipped iu nearly two hundred thousapd dollars the past sixty days, H. O. Porter, Aumsville, D. F. Camp bell, Made ay, A.J. Harris, Crowley, Wm. Ayers, Heppner, Mrs. Dr. H. R. Holmes of Portlaud are numbered among Salem visitors, The One Cent Daily received 27 subscriptions iu this morning's mail. NEW TO-DAY. Visit the Fair, 108 Court street. Card of Thanks. Mrs. Chouncey and family wish to thank all their friends who assisted them on the occasion of Mr.Chauncey's death. Their kindness cannot be re paid in words. It Is sincerely appre ciated. Oregon Peaches. I am receiving dally Southern Oregon peaches for sale cheap by box. Also on band fresh tomatoes green corn and huckleberries, John G. Wright. Economize in Paper. Clean newspapers, tied in buudlea of 100, not cut, for sale at this office at fifteen cents a bundle. A heavy straw wrapping paper, large sheets, two centB a pound. Next door to the postoffice. Notice to Farmero. Please take notice tbat the Salem Flouring Mills Co., are prepared to fur nish sacks this season as bus been their custom in past years. Salem Flouring Mills Co. H. B. Holland, manager. 8-1 d w. A RARE OPPORTUNITY. The Trask River Toll Road, with fur nished hotel and 'farm, at its western gate, in Tillamook county, title clear anj. renting for $000 to $1000 a year can be secured now, in exchange for productive city property, or a good farm in the Willamette valley. In quire of"N. W. G. at residence of B. C. Ward, 18th street, near Court, Salem, Oregon. 7-7-dw lm Stockholders' Meeting. Notice is hereby given that the an- nual meeting of the stockholders of the Capital Consolidated Gold and Silver Mining Company, of the city of Salem, Oregon, will be held in the office of the company, on the second Thursday, the 10th day of August, 1893, at 8 o'clock p. m., for the election of directors and such other business of may come before the meeting. J. H. Haas, Seo'y. Salem, July 20, 1893. 7:19-d-2w Contractors and Builders. Sealed proposals will be received at the governor's office until 2 p. na. Mon day, August 7, 1893, and opened imme diately thereafter, for erection and com pletion of two cottages and a congre gated dining ball, which are to be erected at the O. 8. 1. A. cottage farm. Plans and specification can be seen at the office of Chas. Burggraf, architect. A certified check of $100 must accom pany each bid as a guarantee to furnish satisfactory bonds. The right is re served to reject any or all bids. Sylvester Pennoyer, Geo. W. MoBride, Phil Metsoh an, 7-25-tf Board of Trustees. MILITARY. Armory Co. "B"3d Reqt. Inft. SALEM'Or., July 29th, 1893. Order No. 4. I. In compliance with peneral order No. 2, C 8. Brigade headquarters, Company "B" will parade at the ar mory on Monday, August 7th, 1893, for inspection by the brigade commander. Assembly at 8 o'clock p. m. II. Members absent without leave will subject themselves to tho penal ties of Par. 105 regulations, O. N. G. III. All state and government prop-' erty must bo In tbe armory for exam ination by inspecting officer. Z. N. Berry. 2d Lieut. Comdg, Company. Aug. 3-6-7 $100 Reward, $100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreadful disease tbat science bos been able to cure in all its stages and tbat is catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is tbe ouly positlvo cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a-constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is takeu internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of me Bystem, tnereoy destroying tne foundation of tbe disease, and giving tbe patient slreoctb by building up tbe constitution, and assisting nature in doing Its work. Tbe proprietors have so muoh faith in its curative powers, that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case tbat It falls to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address, F. J. Cheney & Co., To ledo, O. BSrSold by druggists, 76c, POWER HOUSE Meat Market, Fresh and Bait meat of the boat quality JPoaltry and stock. Fiee delivery. FRED WAYMIRE. W. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE nW Urn DoywMtrtham? When t la used try a pair. est In tha wsrM. ir wa .. mm sun -w.i.m..i...' 3.SlHbaaU2Jtt2.il SCSI 'MUNS' 9 JkJrOR B9YS ilM!6totyttftt33-50'008r an( 75c Ladies Jackets at Wholesale Coat for Cash. HSset. Tkiyft Mail to csttonBtJeud look tod -.- , . , UtUUuKJSMtSiS WILLIS BROTHERS & CO. k..ffi'a.M,H!iI'S,lfefeMj OPERA HOU8K CORNER, - - - - HALEM. OREGO.. .X-aoirlTSstJlSCTb- A wmpletestock crimen', aod bov. clotblo, furnishing goods and bU KRACBasBRoa . i &2L-Wt W? wcUlly luvli. attenUon to oar elefmnt assortment o JCWH-, (MWoiiw, LUio.ms hX KtiBs, t lowsH prtit ft. A SHIP IvOAD OF THIN COATS AND VESTS, All Sizes, Large and Small, AT COST. Get One and Keep Cool AT THE VtOOUEfl flttiU STORE SALEM, OREGON. DOWN (JO THE RATES! Tbe Union Pacific now leads witli re duced rates to eastern points, and their through oar arrangements, magnific ently equipped Pullman and Tourist sleepers, freo reclining chair car and fast time, make it the best time to trav el. Two tralnB leave from Portland daily at 8:46 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. The rates are now within reach of all, and everybody should take advantage of them to visit tbe world's fair and their friends in the east Bend for rates and schedules of trains, and do not purchase tickets until after consulting Boise & Barker, agents, Salem, Or. W. H. Horldurt, Ass't Gen'l Rass. Agent, TJ. P., Portland, Or. BURTON BROTHERS Manufacture Standard Pressed Brick. Molded Brick In all Patterns for front, and supply the brick lor the New Salem City Hall, and nearly all the fine bulldlnea erected lmheCt-pltalUty. Yards near Penitentiary, Salem, Or. 8-S dw ST. PADL'S ACADEMY, St. Paul, Marlon County, Oregon. Couducted by the Platers of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary. 'The location affords all that can be desired for Ihealtbful outdoor exercise. Kt. Paul can be easily reached by boats on the Willamette. The building Is new and supplied with all the modern Improvements. The course of study Is complete. Stenography and Typewriting Taught. Terms moderate, t For further particulars apply to Ulster Bnpe: lor. r- 6-wmai' Aw MAKE NO MORE MISTAKE8 CHARLES A. SMITH RUNS The Rustler Wood Saw And he doesn't burn up half your wood, in fuel, when he saws It. Make your contracts with him personally or leave orders at Veatcbs cigar store Dearborn's book store,433 Summer street, or address me by mall. 6-14-U The LINE That LEADS: ALL OTHERS FOLLOW. 2 THROUGH DAILY TRAINS LEAVING PORTLAND';". 3 1 DAYS to 2 CHICAGO QoiirS e u'cest to Chicago and 1(16 CESt- IffiHW Quicker to Omaha and Kan- UUU1 sas City. Pullman and Tourist Sleepers, Free Reclin ing Chair Cars, Dining Cars, l1 or rates and general Information call oa or addro&a, W H.HURLBUKT,Aut,G.P.A. Iw vruaingion uu, Portland, oxuno. wmmf Hardware, Wagons, Carts, Road Machinery AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. Latest Improved Goods and Lowest Prices. N. W. Cor. State and Liberty Sis. SALEM, OREGON. Pricbs Drop- and EVERYBODY IS HAPPY. WE ARE SELLING All Wool Challiea for 45o a yd worth 65o. jauieH jaatoncrcan ana uauze vests lor 25c. worm ou x Hv V v fe? KELP COOL t--i Kee cool and don't get excited. Take our time if you are about to buy a novel don't do so until you have bad time to; examine, tho new lot of novels on ourl shelves. We spare no pains In entlDg tbe; very laicsi. uur aseonmem 01 muairaieu periodicals Is unsurpassed. Can around land see our display. Patton Bros., Boolcaellorct and Stationers 08 STATE BTREET. In E. M. WAITE PRINTING CO., BOOK AND JOB PRINTERS -AND Zegal Blank Publishers. Bush's New Brlck.over the bank, Com'l sttttl. A GOOD CHANCE! All goods at W. M. Sargeanl's will be sold at tbe-regular price for tne next 80 days at 10 percent, discount for cash. FOR SALE. On easy term and cheap. A 20 acre orchard on Sunny Side No. one. 3 miles south of Saiem. Wt-dw JOHN HART. NKTT AXJVEKTI8KMKNT8. Tt'EHSONAL. E. K. Hall, cacer haneer. baa J returned from the east and Is ready for dusi jualness. 8-1 rpOB RENT ''n Democratic Boom Terms, a C newhouae with 8 rooms, hard flnlah; on Division street between Front and Commer cial Inquire on lot. &6 f OUT. Wednesday, In Balem, a package of Jj lace and fringes wiapped In newapaptr. Leave at thla office. 7-SO T OST COW-trayed from tbe pntlaghtti JU near the Fair Ground!, a apottfd cow with the tips of ber horns rawed off. Anions returning her to my residence will be aa ttfte torily rewaided. Leo. Willis. July 27, Ifc93 78 mills PArEIt la kepton Ue at B. O. Date's JL Advertising Agency, 61 and 65 Merchant Exchange, Ban Francisco, California, where oontraou for advertising can be made for It. CHRISTIAN BCIENOE-Llterature of all kinds on sale at 836 Liberty street. 4-5-17 xrKNTiUN. cash mene: ley paid for rse XX. .bottles, old iron and all kinds of meu also hides, at old Court House, Balem. 1-M-ly l'tOU'OLAR. ADVENTIST. t Regular Seventh Day Adventist services at old Unitarian J tall opposite opera house, Ba lem. Haturiays. Babeath school at los. m followed by Bible reading and other services. Prayer meeting Wednesday 7.30 n. m. -" ' 4 ') j JlitaiusaL .aa. -