Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, August 01, 1893, DAILY EDITION, Image 1

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85 ct. a Montk by H"fttt
Prepaid la Advance.
No Papers Seat Wltea
Tlmo ta On.
r q t-
-55fc!M' V.ffMtjs-Ci'.
'.' ' ..
VOIi. 6.
NO. 180.
Is that the way you have been' buying your goods ? We
have tried it for a year and a half in our bupines and it has
proved a decided success.
Try this same method for yourself once. Buy from a cash
store. Save the usual per centage added for bad accounts at a
credit store, and you will be happily surprised at the result.
The New York Racket
Offers you genuine bargains in BOOTS and SHOES, HATS,
general line of notions.
Bring your cash and get full value for it.
Li 1 1 DAnliL
General Insurance Agency.
Representing tke following well-known and reliable Cempanies:
BTATE INSUKA.NOK 00 , .(Etna Insurance Co ,
Tradors Insurance Co., Sun Insurance Co..
National Insurance Co., WestcUeater Klre Ins. Co.,
Lion f Ire Insurance Co , Imperial Klre Insurance Co.,
Londou a. Lancashire Fire Ids. Soc, London Assurance t orporatlon,
Alliance Assurauce Co., Mrwloti Union Firo Ins.doc.
Oldest and Leading Firm in the City Devoted Exclusively to Insurance,
Recovers and repairs upholstered furniture. Long Experience in the trade
enables nie to turn out first-class work. Samples of coverings. No trouble to
Kive estimates. State Insurance block, Chemektta street.
Ed. C.
Lamoureux's Stables,
At the Commercial street bridge near Willamette Hotel. New stock and ve
biolea beiug added constantly. Only the beat service rendered. osnamy
rigs uor poor hoists. H. L. LAMOUREUX, Proprietor.
West Printing
First-class Work.
303 Commercial St.,
Room 12. Bush Bank block. 5 lSdw
CflflS. WOLZ,
. lprletor of Mxtr ,
South Commercial BL, BJero.
All kind rretta, oalt and Smoked MeaU
mid Baokase.
Ins. Block.
Wholesale and Rctuil
Dealer in Fresh, Salt and
Smoked Meats of all Kinds
OS Court and
110 State Streets.
Spraying outfits,
State Street.
-Reasonable Prices.
Ealem, Oregon.
Leave orden atUoltlo-lMrkhnrat
15, Baleni, Oregon.
Manufacturer of Wagons, Car.
riagea, etc.
Repairing a Specialty.
coop ouuo iirrei-
FARM for sale.
ovVSun'dulaUonTrp-tur. and
noma gooo ubiw, ""jr. ?!'
Immense Convention of Silver Men,
Populists and Greenbackers.
Chicago, Aug. 1. There will be a
declaration of war today and the signal
for hostilities will be given by the com
bined convention of populists, ftee sil
ver men and greenbackers. The foe to
be outlawed will be "the money power"
and tbis generalization la so broad that
it is designed to include capitalists of
Europe aa well as the money barons of
Wall street.
The scenes following the imposition
of the stamp and other taxes so holly
contested and indignantly denounced
by the colonial fathers of 1770 would
havo boon a fitting parallel to that fur
nished in the hotel lobbies today by the
popular arraignment of the attempt
which it is asserted is now being made
by .Great Brltiauand the monometallic
monarchs of Europe to coerce the Amer
ican continent into financial depend
ency upon fiats of the world. The
law of supply and demund and
the results of over production found no
place in their arguments, for every sug
gestion of this kind was repulsed by a
startling array of statistics and figures
tending to show that the closing of the
mints of India was the death blow to
free coinage in Europe, and that the
demand of Wall street for the repeal of
the Sherman law is but a part of the
great conspiracy against the silver re
publics of the Western hemisphere. It
is the opinion, too, of delegates now as
sembling that the conspiracy should be
firmly met and the enemy promptly
routed; and some of them grow hot
euough at times to Intimate that if leg
islation Bbali prove inefficient the re
course to arms might present a remedy.
Populists, greenbackers and free sil
ver men eeem to bo united as one on
the program that the repeal of the
Sherman purchasing act must be re
sisted to the last, unless there should
be coupled with it an act for the free
coinage of sliver or for a greater volume
of currency. The greenbackers and
Ppullflt who believe the flatof the
government is as potent to make
a dollar outof a atrip of green paper as
'to make a dollar of seventy cents worth
of sliver are, of course, not particular
whether the legislation substituted for
the Sherman act shall be free coinage
or government greenbacks; but fur the
sake of showing a solid front against
the common enemy, the monometal
lists, they will unite with Hie free coin
age men in a concerted resistance to
the Cleveland policy, unless a greater
volume of currency fchall be Insured to
meet the stringency of the financial
Aggressive committees are to be ap
pointed to carry the fight to Washing
ton and state committees to work up
public sentiment in the various states
Then a campaign committee is to be
named and to tbis committee is likely
to be entrusted what is really the most
Important work of the free silver cru
sade. Maes meetings nightly for all
the weeks to come during the financial
crisis are to be held by the unemployed
and poverty stricken in every city of
the land and resolutions will be pre
sented and adopted calling upon podt
gress to pass a free coinage bill. The
proselyting of the leaders of labor or
ganisations is to follow next. It is to
be a great moral crusade, a weakening
of the masses, until tho popular det
maud becomes so strong that "the voice
of the people will be stronger than the
voice of God," as the Populists put It
The men who are at sembled here are
terribly in eat neat and their numbers
and their ..marked personality nnd In.
telligence of most of their leaders glye
great significance to the gathering. It
is thought that ex-Senator Regan of
Texas will be permanont obairinauof
the convention.
Chinatown Burned.
Denver, Aug. 1. A report from the
small mining town of Como, Col., says
the white miners last night burned the
Chinese headquarters, and six or eight
Chinamen ore tupposed to have per
i.hMi In the flames. The trouble was
caused by Chinese miners reducing
wages n thn gp'd mines pear tnai
Young Mothers!
We Offer You Jtemedy
which Insures Sttetyto
Lit of Mother snd Chua.
"Mather's Friend"
Hobs Coniineaent of its
PsJm, Horror And Bisk.
oca thatveakncM aiwrwsrd uual In ucb
jaae. AJi uu, . ,
gaMbriUdracftti. AnavTa.OA,
Big Chicago Corner in
Pork' Collapses.
Ohio Farmers Getting $1.00
a Bushel for Wheat
Cleveland lid Carlisle Sweating
Over the Message.
Creates n Much Bettor Fooling on
Wall Street.
The Silver Men.
Chicago, Ills., Aug. 1. The nation
al ooyention of the American Blinetal-
llo League, met at 10 o'clock this morn-
lug at the First Methodist church audi
torium. It Was the largest assembly
of a like character in the history of the
present financial agitation. 'Mayor
Carter H. Harrison welcomed tho dele
gates to the city.
In bis address Mayor Harrison said:
"It is said you are silver lunatics upon
whom I Ioo"k. I am rather glad to wel
come such lunatics. It is crazy men
that march the world forward and
make progress a possibility. If the ac
tion of 1878 should be blotted from the
annate of "Americana political action, I
believe that sliver would be worth 129
cents an oun.o today." Hon. Thomas
Ptterson, chairman of the Colorado
delegation, responded to the Mayor.
Chairman Warner, of the Bimetallic
league then delivered his opening ad
dress. WARNER'S SI'fKOH.
Warner eutd "that to attribute the
present widespread fear aud distress to
(be sliver urchaslng law is absurd.
The real object lesson of the situation
Mery different from that which the
gold conspirators intend. It enables
us to see the beginning of shrinking in
riches that niuut tako pluco in order to
go to a purely gold banja. Tho trouble
Is In the change In money standard.
Tho establishment of a single gold
standard Is equivalent to putting the
value of two dollars into one."
He characterized the silver act of
1873 as a crime ubd said he was willing
to let both the Sherman laws go to
gether and place the country back
upon the constitution aud tho law as it
stood before 1873.
Fork Collapses.
Chicago, Aug. 1. The big deal in
pork whlob has held the prices of that
commodity at Inordinately high figures
for months, collapaed this morning ac
companied by the anhcuncement of
the failure of three leading houses con
cerned in it. J. G. Bteever, E. W.
Bailey and A. C. Helmbolt,
It is Impossible yet to say how much
is Involved, butCudhuhy is a very large
dealer, and the Packing company had
a million capital. Probably the failure
Is a heavy one.
Sensible Farmers.
Kostouia. 0 Aug.. 1. A large
number of farme'a In this vicinity are
feeding wheat tn bog in preference to
Belling it at prevent low prices. With
prices of hogs ruling as at present they
can realize a dollar per bitahM for wheat
by feeding It to uogi.
A Small One.
Bt. Paul, Aug. I.Tbe Heven Cor
ners State bank with a capital of one
hundred thonaand dollars fulled this
Still la Pores.
Pa rib, Aug. 1. The Biameae mini
ter Informed the government today
that Biam U prepared to give the sup-
nipmflntarv ituarauUe renulred for
FVunce for fullfilment terms ultimatam.
Pending final settlement of questions
involved the blockade Is still in foroe.
In Slam.
BanciKok, Aug.!. The English aod
German gunboats euUred, Meuaw river
today and, wmp to anchor ot the city,
Gold Coming.
Wall Street, Aug. 1, 11 a. in.
Tho large amount of gold on tho wa.
from Europe created a better feeling
this morning.
Blow at Silver.
Ciiioaoo, Aug. 1. Wadiington
special says: Silver Is likely to receive
another blow before long, severer than
that of oloslng the Indian tnlntti to sil
vers coinage. Information from oonfl
dentlal sources says dissolution of tho
Latin Union Is threatened.
Crash at Chicago.
Chicago, Aug. 1. At 1 p. m. just
as matters had settled down on board
a aeries of thunder claps (airly shook
the building. The failures of the Amer
ican Packing and Provision Company,
and of Jack Cudaby, a daring operator
in products', and of Wright and
Haunchey, heavy receivers and dealers
In grain, were announced. It created
the utmost consternation and prices be
gan to tumble all over the floor of the
Eight Millions Coming.
New York, Aug. 1. It is estimated
the total shipment of gold from Lon
don and tho continent to this city for
tho week will reach nearly $8,000,000.
There are few defaulters of importance
In payment of Interest. Among rail
roads, Beattle, Lake Shore & Eastern,
which islnlltlgatlon.failedto pay $103,-
000 Interest, A quieter feeling prevail
ed among Baying banks, and the situa
tion showed a market Improvement.
A Man Able to Earn His Support
Has No Title to a Pension.
PiTTSBaRO, July 1. Judue Slagel, of
the county court, recently wrote Assist
ant Secretary of the Interior Reynolds
about the recent suspension of many
pensions, etc. Ho has received a
lengthy reply from Mr, Reynolds, ex
plaining the polloy of the administra
tion. Reynolds says substantially that
the suspensions to whlob the judge re
ferred were made- by an order of the
secretary, holding, in substance, that a
man who Is able to earn his support by
manual labor has no title to a pension,
undor section 2 of tho aot of June 27,
1890. The order of Com
missioner Raum, fixing rates under
this aot, Ignored the essential basis of
pensionable status, inability to perform
manual labor. Furthermore, evldonce,
when It might have shown tho disabil
ities were the result of violous habits,
was not required, the commissioner's
ruling thus superseding tho law.
Again, Raum treated disabilities not of
service orluln the samo as disabilities
which wore. The present secretary
having found erroneous orders of Raum
unrevoked and claims adjudicated
thereunder unquestioned, could not do
otherwise than revoke these ordors,
providing a now one In accordance
with the law for future praotloe, and
order a re-exam! nation of prior adjudi
cations to correct the error. Raum's
error was not exposed until January 7,
this year, after 321,130 cases had been
adjudicated In pursuance thereof. The
administration would havo been a party
to perpetuatlug a monstrous wrong to
the nation if tbeso claims remained un
examined. The Message.
Washington, Aug. 1. Becretary
Carlisle has been called to Gray Gables
to consult with the president about tho
message to congress next Monday.
A Big One.
Philadelphia, Aug. i.a receiver
has been appointed for a Philadelphia
Packing and Provision company. No
statement, but the failure Is a large
Oho era la Europe.
Bt. PBTERSiiuua, Aug. 1. Ottlclal
returns Just Issued show a marked IB.
crease In the ravages of the cholera in
narts of tke empire where tue disease is
.niiUmin. From July Oto July z&
there were In the government oi x-ouou
1105 cases and 860 deaths, against 410
cases and 112 deaths during the ween
preceding. In the government, of Orel
frosa July 10 to July 20 there were 123
cases 10 deaths, against 118 oases and
62 deaths during the previous weeK.
In the government of Tool there were
17 cases and 10 deaths from July 10 to
July 2i, the preceding week only 81
cases aod 8 deaths. In Mocow from
July 10 to July 22 there were 72 cases
and 21 deaths. The epidemic exists,
though less severe, In the government
ofVlatka, Kazan, Rlazan, Oofaand
Lonqon, AK Dosplte tho dentals
made as to the pretenoe of cholera In
Naples and the information thstap
peardtoWa the denials, the Ceo
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
tral News publishes tho following fig
ures as to tho number of ca03 of disease
and deaths in. that city: From July 20
to July 28, thora were 201 cholera cases
registered in tho city, and 157 deaths.
The daily average was 37 cases aud 17
deaths. On July 22, 45 oases and 24
deaths were reported, with the number
of cases and death declining since
English Crops.
London, Aug. 1. Tho Mark Lane
Express says: "Whero tho wheat crop
is bad, it is very bad; whero It is good
it Is barely good. Tho average yiold is
not expected to exceed twenty-seven
bushels to tho aoro which wilt mako a
total of 7,097,600 quarters against 8,000,-
000 quarters in 1802. There is n reduced
demand In the market for all sorts of
feeding studs."
Electrlo Funs In 1 heater.
Tho electric fan Is rapiiVy passing
from a lnxnry to a necesRity. When n
man realizes that instead of being vir
tually put out of working condition
whilo a hot wave is passing ho can be
soothed nil day by a refreshing breeze
whilo sitting nt his desk, nnd thus se
cure full value for his time, ho is not
long in seeing that an electric fan is one
of tho best paying investments that
summer brings with it. Tho fan proves
profitable in other waysnnd tho pro
prietors of restaurants and places of
amusement find that thoygot their re
ward for providing for tho comfort of
the pubho by installing electric fans in
a largely augraonted amount of custom.
So much is this tho case that it ia safo
to Bay that tho coolest rcstanrant is tho
best patronized at this time of tho year.
Theater managers nro beginning to reo
ognizo tho vnluo of tho electric fan, nnd
one of tho Now York thentors has been
turned into n delightful summer resort
by tho placing of electric fans in differ
ent parts of tho auditorium. Tho boxes
havo each an individual outfit, and there
is a plentiful distribution of such fans
throughout tho atngo nnd dressing rooms,
The Scold.
Thoro was a littlo boy of 7 yonrs in
her family whoso bunlnoBs it to to
proparo kindling wood. Sometimes ho
forgot to preparo it. Soven years Isn't
a very great while to livo in this world,
and somotiincs people who have llvod
seven times seven forget things.
Tliis woman who scolded entertains a
memory which will abldo with her for
ever. The memory is associated with
tho words of a dying child uttered in a
deliruin: "Don't scold mo, mamma,
dear. I forgot tho kindling, but I'll got
it now and pleaso don't scold mo."
The words havo burned into lior soul.
Thoy afford no mcasuro of comfort. She
hasn't scolded anybody for years. There
la no ono to scold. "What One Woman
The Killed Table.
Every room needs an objectivo point
aa a gathering place. Tho open firo once
supplied this want. Then came the
stovo. After registers nnd then hot
water or steam pipes "camo in," tho
center table was the keynote, as it were,
in an apartment. Now tho last men
tioned is no longer seen, and tho cozy
corner tries to cover up the deficiency,
But probably most people have noticed,
if only vaguely, that the deficiency is
not covered up, and that there Is a cer
tain sort of straggling in many rooms
that is felt if not fully understood.
Philadelphia Press,
A barber in Brooklyn gives 'a f rco shi no
with every shave."
One-seventh of the land ownoni in
Groat Britain uro women.
A Chicago man haa constructed a
checlter board in which there nro 20,070
teparato piecos of wood, glned together
with tho fluent nrt. It is valued at
In Paris thoro are several women who
aro empowered by pollco ennitu to wear
masculine clothing. Theuo iuuludo c
famous artist nnd several whoio pro
fessional duties nro arduous,
A Japauebo native newspajmr com
plains that jmiuy ladles belonging to
good families in Tokio live ulouo In
lodgings, walk unattended in tho streets
after dark, and play cards together at
the tea bouses.
An order has been given that all the
portraits takon in her majesty's prisons,
as records of crimes und criminals, shall
for the future bo printed only on plati
num paper, the object being to secure
their permauenoy.
South American Newe.
Vammhais An r 1. President
Penas hml a meeting today to discuss
theslluatiou und drcb!o whether the
federal government shall Interfere with
the revolutionists ngalust the provincial
government. Tho cabinet will also ask
congress to send nn intervener to set-
tlo tho troublo lu Ban Luis. Tho revolt
there was caused by tho radical party,
who opposed the governor of the prov
ince and nnmed a temporary governor
of their own. He organized a provis
ional government aud is attempting to
exercise the functions of a regularly ap
pointed executive.
Checks for Wheat. x
St. Paul, Aug. 1, The grain men
havo long been considering how the
wheat crop Is to bo moved in view cf
tho fact that their borrowing power la
exceedingly limited, owing to the
financial stringency. Country banks
will make no loans. A plan whereby
tho effects of the stringency may ba ob
viated as much ns possible Is being
adopted In somo parts of bouthern Min
nesota and will probably bo generally
adopted, ns It meets with much favor
lu business clrlo3. It is proposed that
i he grain men Issuo checks for grain
purchased of tho farmers, payable in
fifteen days, allowing for the collection
of drafts against tho consignments. At
somo points tho banks will not advance
money on such drafts, but will only en
ter them for collection, With this ar
rangement the wheat crop must move
slowly, and farmers who are obliged to
sell may find themselves muoh Incon
venienced. Tho aboyo plnu was suo
ceesfully put in practice In tho north
ern part of tho state several years ago'
Euounk, Aug. 1. Tho Commercial
bank of Cottago Grove decided to sus
pend business on account of the finan
cial condition of tho country, but does
not do so under force as thoy were bus
ily engaged lu paying off all their de
positors and will wind up their busi
ness as soon as possible.
Ban Fiianoisco, Aug. I.. A three
uundrcd thousand dollar firo occurred
tn this city this evening, tho prlnoipal
insure beiug Buyer, Reich & Co., whole
sale fancy goods dealers, and Bucking
him & Hecht, boots and shoes.
Gkuvaih, Aug. 1. Chas. Galloway,
a young man 21 years of ago, was
drowned whilo bathing in Pudding
river about tbreo miles east of Gervals.
Ho leaves a young wife and Infant
ohild, and his widowed mother resides
at Tacoma,
OLYiiriA, Aug. 1, Francis Hoff
man died from an operation performed
forherula aud disease of tbo postate.
tils last request woa that his body
hould bo thoroughly dissected for the
benefit of humanity. Ho carried two
revolvers for ten years In order to kill
himself In caso of a lingering sickness.
He left all his property, valued nt about
J200,000, to his wife.
Ban FHANCJ9CO, Aug. 1. The Chi
nese minister to Washington Is ex
pected to arrive on the steamer Rio d
Janerlo today. He Is accompanied by
Igbty-two officials or high degree,
who, It Is understood, will be divided
among Ban Pranclsoo, New York,
Havana, Panama and Washington,
Preparations aro being made in the
Olilnese quarter and at the consulate
fjr receiving tho distinguished visitors.
is the right time
for everybody to
1-13.' Root
I All r Beer
A temperance driuk.
A iiome-mudo drink.
A health-giving drink.
A tliiraUiucncuTnir drink.
A drink that Is popular everywhere.
Delicious, Sparkling, EJfcmsc.
A ctnt rkr tutu l tlon of lUkl
re nu
I r itn M c
n W of linior imfil, ull you uni
It lull good'' 'lUfalu. No I
oeu lb gtaulae Hlw ,
cttitr i
uroBraw "