Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, July 31, 1893, DAILY EDITION, Image 4

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. ' ' "" ' ' -
what more cool and light to woar than a silk, satoen, or Swiss
UIouho WaiBtl ;
Evidontly many ladies agree with this, as our sales lately
lias hon surprising.
Pongee 811k Waists
Hurali " "
Dotted Swiss "
Plain " "
Sateen "
French Flannel "
Outlne " " . - -
To le worn with thee wafsU we ahow
niB. Our two grand gifU will be given S y Beptember 1st.
307 Cornmepcial Street.
- IF -
You re going to build or make any Und of
Improvement, call oa the undersigned lor
material. We haves complete stock, and are
reidy to supply any prepated contract, sewer
work, grading, etc
Salem Improvement Co.
Saturday, Aug. 6. Stute Dairymen's
convention, court house, 10 a. ni.
More Watbb. Tiie steamer El
wood brought up yesterday evening
thlrty-two pieces of water pipe. Wed
nesday she will bring up twenty pieces
more, having brought iu all 100 sections
of twenty-four inch pipe. As soon as
the water falls a little more the water
company will commence to put the
pipe in place. It will extend a distance
of 1,500 feet from the crib In the river
to the middle of the slough whera It
will be connected to a slxteen-inch pipe
running bactc to the water works.
This will give the company two sup
ply pipes to draw from, one a twenty
inch tube running clear from the
works to the crib; and the other one
sixteen inches in diameter from the
works to the middle of the slough
where it will be connected with a
twenty-four Inch pipe.
Tide Tobnino. Au Immense har
vest awaits the Blckle iu Marion and
Polk counties. The first rulu will be
marketed this week. The first furmer
who gets In a load of oats or wheat and
applies it paying his debts will be u
public benefactor and will do more to
stimulate confidence mid Increase cour
ago thau the many thousand who will
come after him. There is plenty of
money in the country to pay the mar
ket prlco ot anything that will be
turned oil' tho farms the next sixty
days and put millions of dollurs Into
circulation. And it Is good money.
There will be somo fluauclulstriugouoy
and romo people will be hard up for
some time, but tho worst Is over.
Tjihei: Ahhbbts. Itecordor Edes
discharged three men who weio arrest
od as tramps by tho city police. They
were found sleeping iu various parts of
the city in box cars and other places.
Ab they appeared to bo working men
the Judge decided to let them go and
glvo them a chunce, instead of putting
them in Jull five duys and compelling
the city to feed atid pay otllcluls nnd
county for detaining them. About
half tho business of tho police would be
dispensed with If this rule were followed
as none of these people pay us a rule
aud the city Is taxed to support them.
"TilB FAin." Saturday, about noon,
G. P. Dubney threw oimjii tho doors of
his new store, to be known oh "The
Fair," at No. 103 Court streot, In tho
opera house block, and the people of
Salem and vicinity are cordlully Invited
to call in and examlue all ho has to
otler. Ills lino Is "notions," with a
specialty of 5 and lOcent counlor goods.
Do not fall to visit "The Fair."
No Intehuujtion. Sttloiu building
operations are not in tho least disturbed
by tho fluanclal stringency. The OI
erhelm, Burroughs aud Holman blocks
aro going ahead us fust as men and
toamB can push them. Work at the
stato institutions Is ulso getting well
uudor way.
Aix Bikes. Kuapp, Burrell & Com
pany received a carload of Balu wagons
today all sizes, lhey cau bo seen at
their wureliou&o next door south of
Hotel Willamette, where their ngent,
Mr. Towu&eud will bo pleased to show
Wind ani IIumiiuci Wont do In
groceries nor In the grocer. Hence,
tfce steady success of Clark & Eppley,
the Court street grocers. They are
plucky aud prompt, and tholr goods
are "clear atul!."
jfOK Ten Days. Our dreta goods
fwl-e will continue, 0 to SO iter cent, re
duction. Dou't mlsa It, T, Ilolvenwii
Co. . 7-31 2t
JOMUNO. PeaobM Mil t 75 to
PlUBM, fi.00, pr,faoo,
the most complete and choicest Hue of
Howard Ashby is becoming one of
the moat popular conductors on the
Capital City Electric line.
Bed rock prices on Southern Oregon
peaches at Clark A Eppley's, Court
street grocers.
Lightning fruit jars in full stock,
both sizes, at Clark &. Eppley's. They
are the only infallibly perfect glass Jar
Why pay faucy prices when you can
get best II. No. 1 butter off the ice at
Harritt & Osborne's, Court street for
20 cents.
On Thursday afternoon a very pleas
ant little folks party was given at the
residence of Mr. Jos. Klein in honor of
Ena and Mata Klein, daughters of
Tony Klein of Sa'em.- Albany Herald
Lockwood's brigade of blue coated
messengers are under orders for instant
service, every hour in the twenty-four,
The little blue box for calling them, is
always handy.
For distressing oppression and fulness
in the stomach take Simmons' Liver
Salem as a summer resort is bound to
grow in fame. Cool nights, sea-breeze
dally at 3 p. in., wide, cool, watered
streets, beautifel drives, no woodpiles
iu front of peoples homes on the main
busluess streets.
The One Cent Daily is the great
hard times feature of Balem Journalism
What surprises people most is that it
has the latest aud most news of any
paper and yet is so phenomenally
For wakefulness, weakness or lack of
energy take Simmons Liver Itegulutor,
Ayold the old and dreadful way of
cracked Jars, stove-burnt faces, and
some spoiled fruit is avoided by use of
Autifermontlne sold by Gilbert, Patter
sou & Co.
Pure for bubo or Invalid Sharpe's
Jersey duiry milk.
Salem and all Salem people will crow
If tlioy get through tho next month
without a break in any bank or busi
ness houso.
Iu houso or camp you waut the best
bicad that Hour will make. There is
uo surer way to get it thau by using
tho "Pride of Oregon" mude only by
Salem Flouring Mills.
Nervousness Is from dyspepsia. Take
Simmons Liver Regulator aud bo cured,
Miss Mable Bean returned this after
noon, from visiting frteuds at Eugene,
A. I. Mucrum, the Forest Grove
bunker, left for that city this
afternoon, lie says tho citizens mot
Saturday night mid decided to sot up
tho suspended batik thtro or organize
An Immense crowd departed for the
coast aud the mouutalns today.
a numuer ot tsuieiu pnysicmua are
prescribing seaside remedies for those
who complain to them.
Mrs. W, P. Lord returned from the
world's fair and the chief Justice and
little Lords uro not concealing their
happluess tho least bit.
Harbor Joe Fuzeo Is oil for a few
days at the coast.
Mrs. E. V. Parkhurst aud daughters
lwtunle aud Margie left for Newport
J, ltubousteln, taylor aud cutter, wlio
has been foremau for O, P. Bishop's
taylorlng department leaves for San
Francisco this oveulng to lay In u full
stock of merchant taylor goods, and on
his return will open a llrst class estab
lishment of his own In Balem,
A sherlfl from Uulon, Oregon,' todny
says tho First National of that city
has suflered a shrinkage of 150,000, but
will pull through ull right.
Jno.Tartur, sentenced to twelve yearn
In states prison for murder of bis broth
er at Eagle Valley, and Mrs. E.Starr,
of Elgin, Or., insane, were brought to
tho respective statu lustltutlous today.
John Hoefor, tho Champoeg capita
1st, arrived in the city today. He says
hop yards from his town to Aurora
preaout ft line appearance aud will yield
affair orop of good quality. Spring
grain Is short, but all else will yield big
San Francfoco Merchants To Be Be
ceired and Entertained at
Tuesday.Aag. l,le the day eet for the
arrival of the Ban Francisco wholesale
merchants excursion to Balem. It was
planned to have them come down to
the Capital City by Oregon Pacific
steamer fnm "Albany, but they will
probably arrive on the Rcraeuurg ex
press. They will be received at the depot by
a committee of the Board of Trade and
citizens. Carriages will be in waiting
to drive them around the city and out
into the fruit orchards, after which they
will return to the Hotel Willamette
and be given a banquet and meet Sa
lem business men before departing for
home on the 0:18 overland.
The committee, Messrs. Klein, Wag
ner and Gray have raised several hun
dred dollars to defray the expenses of
the occasion.
A Battle for Blood
Is what Hood'a Sarsapaiilla vigorously
Qgbts, and it is always victorious in ex
pelling all the foul taiuts and giving
the vital Uuid the quality and quantity
of perfect health. It cures scrofula,
saltriieum, bolls ana an otner trouoies
caused by impure blood.
Hood's Pills cure all liver ills 25c
Bent by mall on receipt of price by C
I. Hood & uo., Apotnecaries, iioweii,
Before Going to the World's
Enquire About
The Limited Express trains of the Chi
cago, Milwaukee fe St. Paul Railway
between St. Paul and Chicago and
Omaha and Chicago.
These trains are vestibuled, electric
lighted and steam heated, with the fin
est Diuing and Sleeping Car Service In
the world,
The Electric reading light in each
berth is the successful novelty of this
progressive age, and is highly appreciat
ed by all regular patrons of this line.
We wish others to know its merits, as
the Chicago Milwaukee & St. Paul Rail
way Is the only line in the west enjoy
ing tho exclusive use of this patent.
For farther Information apply to
nearest coupon ticket agent, or address
C. J. Eddy, General Agent,
J. W. Casey, Trav. Pass. Agt.
225 Stark St., Portland, Or. tf
Solid SAiiEir. It is well known that
a number of Portland people interested
in weak banks came to Salem Sunday
for help to enable them to stem the tide
and meet their depositors. What suc
cess they had is not known but it is a
compliment to the solidity of Salem
that this should be the uiecca of the
metropolis when any of its people get
real bard up. Salem can always hold
up her head.
SALEjr is All Riairr. And so is J.
A. Van Eaton, the popular grocer.
Nothing succeeds like having a heavy
and well satisfied patronage, and a big,
fresh stock of goods.
Mid-Summer Dress goods sale now
In progress' at T. Holverson fc Co's.
For ten days goods will be 20 to 30 per
cent, cheaper than eyer. . 7-31 2t
Borne Strango Misnomers.
Much of the Russia leather comes
from Conneticut, Bordeaux wine from
California, Italian marble from Ken
tucky, French lace from New York,
and Spanish mackerel from New Jersey
coast. Dr, Pierce's Golden Medical Dis
covery cornea from Buffalo, N. Y., but
there is nothing in its name to criticise
for It is truly col den in value, as thous
kuds gladly testify. Consumption is
averted by its use, and it has wrought
many positive cures. It corrects torpid
liver and kidneys, purifies tho blood,
banishes dyiipepsla and scrofula, re
news the lease of life, and tones up the
system as nothing else will do. what
Is more, it la guaranteed to dp all this
or the price is reruuueu.
HALES In Salem, on Church street,
July 20, 1693, to Mr. aud Mrs. A. N.
Hales, aeon.
ROBINSON. At the. home near Ale,
Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Robinson, a
daughter, weight 115 pounds.
MAGNESS. At Wheatland, Or., on
Saturday mominc. JulyEO, 1893, J.
R, Maguess, aged 72 years.
The remains of Mr. Maguess wero
burled at Fairfield Sunday at 10 o'clock.
it , I
.Baby crhxlf
Motlier sighed.
Doctor prescribed t Castorla
Tho oaly Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No AmmooU; No Aiwa.
TJjtod iu Ittllioju of Homes 40 Years tlw ftaaiuil
SaIjEM, July 31, '93.
Goodale & Wheeler, resp. vs. Coffee,
Gragfn & Stubbing, app : appeal from
Marlon county; Judgdment of the
lower court afllrmcd. Opinion by
Moore J.
F. Westenfelder, et al., app. ys. Flora
E. Green, resp.; appeal from Multno
mah county; Judgment of the lower
court affirmed. Opinion by Bean, J.
W. E. Fashier, resp. vs. John Narver
app. Appeal from Yamhill county.
Judgment of the lower court affirmed.
Opinion by Lord C. J.
B. F. Dowell et al, app. vs. C. W.
Applegate et al, resp. Appeal from
Douglas county. , Judgment of the
lower court affirmed. Opinion per
curian. E. B. Jenning, app vs, Addle C. Jen
nings. Appeal from Clatsop county.
Judgment of the lower court affirmed
opinion per curiam.
Lee Hoffman, app., vs. W. T. Branch
auditor and clerk of city of Portland,
reap., appeal from Multnomah county
judgment affirmed. Opinion per cur
T. JL. Charman to L. W. Gulss, land
In R. S. Morris' place, $410.
J. B Leigh to J. N. Jones; 1 1, 2, 3, 4,
6, 7 and 8 bk 8, Holllster's ad. to Stay
ton $550.
G. A. Van Derbeck to B. M. Moore;
10 acres in Woodburn Fruit farms,$S00.
J. F. Libby to B. M. Moore; 6:81
acres in same, $440.
Pay Promptly. AH Salem people
should be prepared to meet their
monthly bills August 1st promptly
Get your check book or money all
ready tomorrow morning and if every
body will take pains to meet all their
small bills on the spot it will make
everybody feel happy. No man should
hold back or defer paying what Is justly
due at such a time.
A Fine Resort. People vvho can
not go to the coast, and want to get
cool should take a luuch at the Hotel
Willamette, the finest hotel in the state,
except tho Portland.
The state treasury received consider
able money today and pays all war
rants. Governor Pennoyer thinks scarcity
of money will prevent building at the
reform school.
County warrants are not cashed at
present, but remain at par.
A license to wed was issued to Lottie
Keuniston and Nicholas L. MofQtt.
The heated term is upon us. The
mercury for two days has ranged from
80 to 90 In the shade. Nights continue
cool. There is a general beglra to the
coast and mountains among those who
can afford IU
Au order was issued to T. W. Daven
port today to sell property of the Ken
worthy estate.
Dr. J. W. Meredith and family left
for the ice caves of McAdams today.
G. Steiner is home from Sodavllle.
Napoleon Davis is at Portland.
TUternturu Venus Athletics.
Fifty odd years ago tho general at
mosphere of undergraduate life at
Harvard .collego was literary very
much more so than it is now, when
athletics is more talked of among tho
young follows than any other ono
In my dny literature and matters
connected with belles lettres wero de
cidedly aheud of all other things that
engaged na In lectures, in societies,
in discussions, literary subjects took
a very large plaeo.
Wo wero enthusiasts about Byron.
Moore's "Life of Byron" was a fa
miliar book to everybody. Tho poems
of Coloridgo, Shelley and Keats had
just been republished hero in ono
great volumo, nnd wo wero quite fa-,
miliar with them.
While we wero in college, Air. Em
erson returned from Europe with tho
first volumo of Tennyson. Wo recog
nized tho king at onco. Wo passed
that volumo, which Lowell had bor
rowed from him, from hind to hand,
and because wo could not have the
book wo copied it and had tho verses
in manuscript
It was a vory fino instance, itseems
to mo, of the prompt prescionce of
young people in knowing whoro tho
light was to break forth.
By tho saino token, I always like
to say that wo knew just as well that
James Lowell was to bo ono of the
living poota of his time as wo know
now that ho has. been one. Dr. Ed-
ward Everett Halo.
Mrs. J. II. Baugham visited her
daughter in Woodburn last week.
Several from North Howell attended
theBoclalat Brooks on the evening of
the 2flth.
The carpenters have B. Wiesner's
new residence well under headway and
the same begins to assume a neat ap
pearance, E. B. Flether starts for a visit to tho
world's fair and eastern points this
The quarterly meeting to be held on
the 1st Saturday and Sunday in August
promises to be well attended. Prof.
Hawley's lecture will be un interesting
A largo number of the men and la
dles of this place attended the log roll
ing and carpet sewing at Fred Beers'
on Thursday of last week and enjoyed
the work as well as the bounteous din
ner and supper. The only thing to
mar the day's success was t hut of an
axe flying ofl the handle and cutting a
serious gash on one of Mr. Beers' knees
which we hope will soon heal and cause
him no serious trouble,
A good choice house to sell on easy
terms. Will take carpenter work in
part payment. G. M. Beeler. tf.
Teachers' Examination. Notice
is hereby giveu that the regular quar
terly examination of teachers for Mar
ion county will be held at the court
house, Salem. Oregon, at one o'clock,
Wednesday, Aug. 9, 1893. Applicants
for state papers will be examined at the
same time and place. Dated tins 4tn
day of July, 1893. J. S. Graham,
County Supu of ticboolB. 7-24d-lw-w2t
Oregon Peaches.
I am receiving daily Southern Oregon
peaches for sale cheap by box. Also on
band fresh tomatoes green, corn and
huckleberries, John G. Wright.
Economize in Paper.
Clean newspapers, tied in buudles of
100, not cut, for sale at this ofileo at
luteen cents a bundle. A heavy straw
wrapping paper, large sheets, two cents
a pound, next door to tne postomce,
Stockholders' Meeting.
Notice is hereby civen that the an
nual meeting of the stockholders of the
Capital Consolidated Gold and Silver
Miuing Company, of the city of Salem,
Oregon, will be held in the office of the
eompany. on the second Thursday, the
10th day of August, 1893, at 3 o'clock p.
m., for tho election ot directors and
such other business of may come before
tne meeting. J. H. Haas, Sec'y.
Salem, July 20, 1893. 7:19-d-2w
The Traak River Toll Road, with fur
nished hotel and farm, at its western
gate, In Tillamook county, title cleat
and renting for ?600 to ?1000 a year
can be secured now, in exchange for
productive city property, or a good
farm in the Willamette valley. In
quire of N. W. G. at residence of B. C.
Ward, 18th street, near Court, Salem,
Oregon. 7-7-dw lm
Contractors and Builders.
Sealed proposals will be received at
the governor's office until 2 p. m. Mon
day, August 7, 1893, and opened imme
diately thereafter, for erection and com
pletion of two cottages aud a congre
gated diuing hall, which are to be
erected at the O. 8. 1. A. cottacre farm
Plans aud specification can be seen at
tue onice ot Unas. Uurggrar, architect.
A certified check of 100 must accom
pany each bid as a guarantee to furnish
Batisiaoiory nonos. Tue rignt is re
served to reject any or all bids.
Sylvester Pennoyer,
Geo. W. McBride,
7-25-tf Board of Trustees.
The Union Pacific now leads with re
duced rates to eastern points, and their
through car arraugements, magnific
ently equipped 'Pullman and Tourist
sleepers, free reclining chair car and
fast time, make it the best time to trav
el. Two trains leave from Portland
daily at 8:45 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. The
rates are uow within reach of all, aud
everybody should take advantage of
mem to visit tne world's lair and their
friends iu the east Send for rates and
schedules of trains, and do not purchase
iicaets until alter consulting iiolse s
liarker, agents, Salem. Or.
W. H. Horlburt,
Ass't-Gen'lRass. Agent, U. P.,
Portland, Or.
Armory Co. "B"3d Reqt. Inft.
Balem, Or., July 29th, 1893.
Order No. 4.
I. Iu compliance with general order
ino. s, u. H. iirigade headquarters,
Company B" will parade at tho ar
mory on Monday, August 7th, 1893, for
inspection by the brigade commander,
Assembly at 8 o'clock p. m.
II. Members absent without leave
will sulijeot themselves to the penal
ties of Par. 165 regulations, O. N. G.
III. AU state and government prop
erty must be In the armory for exam
ination by Inspecting ofticef.
Z N. Berry.
2d Lieut. Comdg. Company.
Aug. 85-7
Women with pale, colorleas faces, who feel
'aanddUcoiraged.wlU receive botk men-
iland bodily vigor by using Carter's Iron
Ills, which are made for the blood, nerves
frnTJT Mta
with theother imredlenu used in thn tuut n.
. - w,HV. uitvuivuM uci4 au uia uoxa
rufpft,t'.rt- niu Carter's B.W.4&Mck.
?Pltr' Carter's B. W. & B. Back. i
Dyspepsia In Its worst lorms will yield to
J5 o of Carter's Little Nerve Hlls, aided by
v w uiim utvtr nus. Tny aot only re.
"'RfMjwt dlsireM but ttwnjthea the
- r"f v t-ff""
and wh'le we are
Pushing a Head
we will push a lot of Bargains
to the front in the way of ALL
There is more catarrh in this section
of the country than all other diseases
put together, and until the last few
years was supposed to bo incurable.
For a great many years doctors pro
nounced It a local disease, and pre
scribed local remedies, and by constant
ly failing to cure with local treatment,
pronounced It incurable. Science has
proven catarrh to be a constitutional
disease, and therefore requires consti
tutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh
Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney
& Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only consti
tutional cure on the market. It is
taken internally in doses from 10 drops
to a teaspoonful. It acts directly on
the blood and mucous surfaces of the
system. They offer one hundred dol
lars for any case it falls to cure. Send
for circulars and testimonials. Ad
dress, F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O.
JCSy-dold by druggists, 75c.
On easy terms and cheap. A 0 acre orchard
onannny Hide No. one. 3 miles south
of Saietn.
606t-dw JOHN HAKT.
ggg. The LINE That
sn llaue:
1 DAYS to
HOUFS e Qu'ckest Chicago and
RfllirS Qu'cker Omaha and Kan
Pullman and Tourist Sleepers, Free Reclin
ing Chair Cars, Dining Cars,
For rates and general Information call on
or address,
l'H Washington SU,
Skin Food.
ladies who tntter
from Cutting Winds
and Scorching Hun
will find
Mrs. Harrison's
Lola Montez Creme
The Skin Food,
The best remedy for
keeping the face cool
and free frnm Irrita
tion, as it sooths and
comforts theskln and
liWAui KlaAL-r. JCTJuTj sunbu . It is not a
i Tufc. Va-JI tf beauilflerbut a sKln
1 IWM. fnUf 1 restorative and pre
servative. It a little Montez O eme is rubbed
in the sKin and thoroughly wiped on again,
Jut before applying powder, the complexion
will be soner, and the powder will remain
longer, desldes preventing the powder from
clogging the pores or the sKln trice 75 cents.
For sale by FUED LEGO, Druggist, Patton
niock, Balem, Ore.
For uny special or complicated blemish of
face or form, write
26 Geary Bt., Ban Francisco, Cal
Superfluous Hair Permanently Removed.
Hardware, Wagons, Carts, Road Machinery
Latest Improved Gooda and Lowest Prices.
N. W. Cor. State and Liberty Sts. SALEM, OREGON.
."" ". " '
All WwO ni.lK r- J K
tv wuuiubo jui m jru wuitu UJf,
- Ladies Balbriffgan nnd Gauze Vesta for 25c, worth 50c
nnri JHn T.nrlmo .Tnnlrafa of WflinlaoJa Onnl r Pnoli
w ituuiwaw vvou lut ""
A complete stock of men's and boy dothiog, furnlsblug gooda and bat.
iwsjsusBssu, napectiiy laviie iuibuou 10 our eiegBl Iaorimeuv.
(Cups, OUqIoUm, lft0)fsM MU XnttlBf-, at 0WMt Mtwktt price
f v W
"We want facts." observed Dickens well (8
znovn cnaracter, Air. Thomas uradgnnd
ind It Is well enouzb to confine to our-'
Shelves as a eeneral thine to such statements1
anicss wear8a,iaci. jusi now let us directs
your attention to the (act that we nre bay-J
im-aniKsaieonuuitrArEll BOOK8. I
New books arrive dallv. Call around
each day and see them, wehavejust what!
you warn 10 re-aa at i no seasiae. jsvery
body says we nave a fine assortment. No
trouble to show you the line. Come In and
maae youreeit at name.
Patton Bros.,
Booksellers anc Stationers
S3 SHOE hoTOp.
Do yon wear them 7 When next In neid try a pair,
Beat in the world.
If you want a fine DRESS SHOE made In the latot
style, don't pay $6 to $8, try my $3, $3.50, $4.00 or
$5 Shoe. They fit equal to custom made and look and
wmt as well, Ifyoa with to economic In your footwear,
do to by purchasing W. L. Douglas Shoes. Name and
price stamped on the bottom, look for It when you buy
W.L. DOUGLAS. Brockton, Mai. Sold by
Kkausse Bkos.
PEhtSOlt AU K. K. Hall, paper hanger, has
returned from the east and Is ready for
business. 8-3
T ne
RENT 'n Democratic Boom Terms,
new house with 8 rooms, hard flnfab: on
vision atrset between Front and Commer
cial Inquire on lot. 85
LOaT. Wednesday, In Halem, a ravage of
lace and (rlnges wiopped In newspaper.
Leave at this office. 7-30
LOST COW. Strayed Irom the grnilngnerd
near the Fair Grounds, a spotted cow
uh the tips of her horns tawed off. Anyone
returning her to my resldenc- will be sn fsfac
tonly rewaided. i.eo. Willis. Julj-27, IW3 UO
31UI3 PATER, Is kepton file at E. C. Pake's
. Advertising sgency, 61 and 65 Mir bants
xchauge, 8au Francis 'O, California, where
contract for advertising can be made for !.
klDds on sale at 320 Liberty street. 4-5-ly
ATTENTION.-Cali money paid for rajs,
bottles, old iron and all kinds of metals,
auo hide, at old Court Houte, Balem.
i-3My l'tolpolab.
IteeularHeventh riuv Arivnnti.t services at
old Unitarian Hall opposite opera house, Sa
ibiu. suiur.jajH. uaooaia scnooi bi ia". "i
followed by Bible leading and other services.
i'rayer meeting Wednesday 7.83 n. m.
,.,1 il. c
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IsssssHOiri; li.!l9
ipir K-mi. .HLrun
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